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Asset Liability Management

Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFC) are exposed to credit and market risks in
view of the asset-liability transformation. With liberalisation in Indian financial markets
over the last few years and growing integration of domestic markets with external
markets and entry of multinational companies for meeting the credit needs of not only
the corporate but also the retail segments, the risks associated with NBFCs' operations
have become complex and large, requiring strategic management.

NBFCs are now operating in a fairly deregulated environment and are required to
determine on their own, interest rates on deposits, subject to the ceiling of maximum
rate of interest on deposits they can offer on deposits prescribed by the Bank; and
advances on a dynamic basis. The interest rates on investments of NBFCs in
government and other securities are also market related. Intense competition for
business involving both the assets and liabilities has brought pressure on the
management of NBFCs to maintain a good balance among spreads, profitability and
long term viability. Imprudent liquidity management can put NBFCs' earnings and
reputation at great risk and these pressures call for structured and comprehensive

The managements of NBFCs have to base their business decisions on a dynamic and
integrated risk management system and process, driven by corporate strategy. NBFCs
are exposed to three major risks in the course of their business - credit risk, market risk
and operational risk. It is, therefore, important that NBFCs introduce effective risk
management systems that address the issues relating to market risks primarily interest
rate and liquidity risks.

NBFCs need to address these risks in a structured manner by upgrading their risk
management and adopting more comprehensive Asset-Liability Management (ALM)
practices. ALM provides a comprehensive and dynamic framework for measuring,
monitoring and managing liquidity and interest rate risks of the NBFCs that needs to be
closely integrated with the business strategy. It involves assessment of various types of
risks and altering the asset-liability portfolio in a dynamic way in order to manage risks.

The ALM process rests on three pillars:

1. ALM Management - Information Systems, its availability, accuracy,

adequacy and expediency

ALM should be supported by a management philosophy which clearly specifies

the risk policies and tolerance limits. This framework needs to be built on sound
methodology with necessary information system as back up. The central element
for the entire ALM exercise is the availability of adequate and accurate
information with expedience. Collecting accurate data in a timely and speedy
manner is the major requirement. This needs computerization and the data
should be networked.
2. ALM Organisation –Its structure, responsibilities and top level involvement

The risk management process would require strong commitment on the part of
the senior management in the NBFC, to integrate basic operations and strategic
decision making with risk management. The Board should have overall
responsibility for management of risks and should decide the risk management
policy of the NBFC and set limits for liquidity and interest rate risks. There should
be an executive level Committee styled as Asset Liability Committee (ALCO) at
the top. For a Deposit Taking NBFC (NBFC-D) with asset size of Rs. 100 crores
and above or holding public deposits of Rs. 20 crores and above, there is also a
need to additionally constitute a Board level Risk Management Committee as per
Corporate Governance Guidelines issued by RBI.

The ALCO consisting of the NBFC's senior management including Chief

Executive Officer (CEO) should be responsible for ensuring adherence to the
limits set by the Board as well as for deciding the business strategy of the NBFC
(on the assets and liabilities sides) in line with the NBFC's budget and decided
risk management objectives. The committee will be chaired by
CEO/CMD/President or the Director and the Chiefs of Investment, Credit,
Resources Management or Planning, Funds Management / Treasury,
International Business and Economic Research can be members of the
Committee. In addition, the Head of the Technology Division should also be an
invitee for building up of MIS and related computerisation.

The ALM Support Groups consisting of operating staff should be responsible for
analysing, monitoring and reporting the risk profiles to the ALCO. The staff
should also prepare forecasts (simulations) showing the effects of various
possible changes in market conditions related to the balance sheet and
recommend the action needed to adhere to NBFC's internal limits.

The responsibilities of ALCO, which is a decision making unit, is balance sheet

planning from risk return perspective including the strategic management of
interest rate and liquidity risks. Each NBFC will have to decide on the role of its
ALCO, its responsibility as also the decisions to be taken by it. The business and
risk management strategy of the NBFC should ensure that the NBFC operates
within the limits / parameters set by the Board. The business issues that an
ALCO would consider, inter alia, will include product pricing for both deposits and
advances, desired maturity profile and mix of the incremental assets and
liabilities, prevailing interest rates offered by other peer NBFCs for the similar
services/product, etc. In addition to monitoring the risk levels of the NBFC, the
ALCO should review the results of and progress in implementation of the
decisions made in the previous meetings. The ALCO would also articulate the
current interest rate view of the NBFC and base its decisions for future business
strategy on this view. In respect of the funding policy, for instance, its
responsibility would be to decide on source and mix of liabilities or sale of assets.
Towards this end, it will have to develop a view on future direction of interest rate
movements and decide on funding mixes between fixed vs floating rate funds,
wholesale vs retail deposits, money market vs capital market funding, domestic
vs foreign currency funding, etc. Individual NBFCs will have to decide the
frequency of holding their ALCO meetings.

3. ALM Process - Parameters, identification, measurement, Risk management,

policies and tolerance levels

The ALM process involves management of market risks - liquidity risk

management, interest rate risk management, funding and capital planning, profit
planning and growth projection, forecasting, analysing 'What if scenario' and
preparation of contingency plans.

Liquidity Risk Management

Measuring and managing liquidity needs are vital for effective operation of
NBFCs. By ensuring an NBFC's ability to meet its liabilities as they become due,
liquidity management can reduce the probability of an adverse situation
developing. The importance of liquidity transcends individual institutions, as
liquidity shortfall in one institution can have repercussions on the entire system.
NBFCs management should measure not only the liquidity positions of NBFCs
on an ongoing basis but also examine how liquidity requirements are likely to
evolve under different assumptions. Experience shows that assets commonly
considered as liquid, like Government securities and other money market
instruments, could also become illiquid when the market and players are
unidirectional. Therefore, liquidity has to be tracked through maturity or cash flow
mismatches. For measuring and managing net funding requirements, the use of
a maturity ladder and calculation of cumulative surplus or deficit of funds at
selected maturity dates is adopted as a standard tool.

The Maturity Profile should be used for measuring the future cash flows of
NBFCs in different time buckets. The time buckets, may be distributed as 1 day
to 30/31 days (One month), over one month and up to 2 months, over two
months and up to 3 months, over 3 months and up to 6 months, over 6 months
and up to 1 year, over 1 year and up to 3 years, over 3 years and up to 5 years
and over 5 years.

NBFCs holding public deposits (NBFC-D) are required to invest up to a

prescribed percentage (15% as on date) of their public deposits in approved
securities in terms of liquid asset requirement of Section 45-IB of the RBI Act,
1934. Thus various NBFCs would be holding in their investment portfolio
securities which could be broadly classifiable as 'mandatory securities' (under
obligation of law) and other 'non-mandatory securities'.
In case of NBFCs not holding public deposits (NBFC-ND), all the investment
securities and in case of NBFCs holding public deposits (NBFC-D), the surplus
securities (held over and above the requirement) would fall in the category of
'non-mandatory securities'. The NBFCs holding public deposits (NBFC-D) is
given the freedom to place the mandatory securities in any time buckets as
suitable for them. The listed non-mandatory securities may be placed in any of
the "1 day to 30/31 days (One month)", Over one month and upto 2 months" and
"Over two months and Up to 3 months" buckets depending upon the defeasance
period (time taken to liquidate the position on the basis of liquidity in the market)
proposed by NBFCs. The unlisted non-mandatory securities (eg; equity shares,
securities without a fixed term of maturity etc.) should be placed in the "Over 5
years" buckets, whereas unlisted non-mandatory securities having a fixed term of
maturity may be placed in the relevant time bucket as per residual maturity. The
mandatory securities and listed securities may be marked to market for the
purpose of the ALM system. Unlisted securities should be valued as per
Prudential Norms Directions.

Alternatively, the NBFCs can also follow the concept of Trading Book wherein the
composition and volume are clearly defined, maximum maturity/duration of the
portfolio is restricted, the holding period not to exceed 90 days, cut-loss limit
prescribed and defeasance periods (product-wise) are prescribed.

NBFCs which maintain such ‘Trading Books’ and are complying with the above
standards should show the trading securities under "1 day to 30/31 days (One
month)", Over one month and up to 2 months" and "Over two months and up to 3
months" buckets on the basis of the defeasance periods. The Board/ALCO of the
NBFCs should approve the volume, composition, holding/defeasance period, cut
loss, etc. of the ‘Trading Book'. The remaining investments should also be
classified as short term and long term investments as required under Prudential

Within each time bucket, there could be mismatches depending on cash inflows
and outflows. While the mismatches up to one year would be relevant since
these provide early warning signals of impending liquidity problems, the main
focus should be on the short-term mismatches viz., 1-30/31 days. NBFCs,
however, are expected to monitor their cumulative mismatches across all time
buckets by establishing internal prudential limits with the approval of the Board /
Management Committee.

The mismatches (negative gap) during 1-30/31 days in normal course may
not exceed 15% of the cash outflows in this time bucket.

The Statement of Structural Liquidity may be prepared by placing all cash

inflows and outflows in the maturity ladder according to the expected timing of
cash flows. A maturing liability will be a cash outflow while a maturing asset will
be a cash inflow.
While determining the likely cash inflows / outflows, NBFCs have to make a
number of assumptions according to their asset - liability profiles. While
determining the tolerance levels, the NBFCs may take into account all relevant
factors based on their asset-liability base, nature of business, future strategy, etc.

The NBFCs monitor their short-term liquidity on a dynamic basis over a time
horizon spanning from 1 day to 6 months by estimating their short-term liquidity
profiles on the basis of business projections and other commitments for planning

Interest Rate Risk Management

Interest rate risk is the risk where changes in market interest rates might
adversely affect an NBFC's financial condition. The immediate impact of changes
in interest rates is on NBFC's earnings (i.e. reported profits) by changing its Net
Interest Income (NII). A long-term impact of changing interest rates is on NBFC's
Market Value of Equity (MVE) or Net Worth as the economic value of NBFC's
assets, liabilities and off-balance sheet positions get affected due to variation in
market interest rates. The interest rate risk when viewed from these two
perspectives is known as ‘earnings perspective’ and ‘economic value
perspective', respectively. The risk from the earnings perspective can be
measured as changes in the Net Interest Income (NII) or Net Interest Margin

The traditional Gap analysis is considered as a suitable method to measure the

Interest Rate Risk. After acquiring sufficient expertise and sophistication in
handling MIS, NBFCs can move to modern techniques of Interest Rate Risk
measurement like Duration Gap Analysis, Simulation and Value at Risk.

The Gap or Mismatch risk can be measured by calculating Gaps over different
time intervals as at a given date. Gap analysis measures mismatches between
rate sensitive liabilities and rate sensitive assets (including off-balance sheet
positions). An asset or liability is normally classified as rate sensitive if:

 within the time interval under consideration, there is a cash flow;

 the interest rate resets/reprices contractually during the interval;
 dependent on RBI changes in the interest rates/Bank Rate;
 it is contractually pre-payable or withdrawal before the stated maturities.

The Gap Report should be generated by grouping rate sensitive liabilities, assets
and off-balance sheet positions into time buckets according to residual maturity
or next repricing period, whichever is earlier. All investments, advances,
deposits, borrowings, purchased funds, etc. that mature/reprice within a specified
timeframe are interest rate sensitive. Similarly, any principal repayment of loan is
also rate sensitive if the NBFC expects to receive it within the time horizon. This
includes final principal payment and interim instalments. Certain assets and
liabilities, having a linkage to reference rate, receive/pay rates. These assets and
liabilities are repriced at pre-determined intervals and are rate sensitive at the
time of repricing.

The Gaps may be identified and slotted into various time buckets. The time
buckets, may be distributed as 1 day to 30/31 days (One month), over one month
and up to 2 months, over two months and up to 3 months, over 3 months and up
to 6 months, over 6 months and up to 1 year, over 1 year and up to 3 years, over
3 years and up to 5 years, over 5 years and non-sensitive.

The Gap is the difference between Rate Sensitive Assets (RSA) and Rate
Sensitive Liabilities (RSL) for each time bucket. The positive Gap indicates that it
has more RSAs than RSLs whereas the negative Gap indicates that it has more
RSLs than RLAs. The Gap reports indicate whether the institution is in a position
to benefit from rising interest rates by having a positive Gap (RSA > RSL) or
whether it is in a position to benefit from declining interest rates by a negative
Gap (RSL > RSA). The Gap can, therefore, be used as a measure of interest rate

Each NBFC should set prudential limits on individual Gaps with the approval of
the Board/Management Committee. The prudential limits should have a
relationship with the Total Assets, Earning Assets or Equity. The NBFCs may
work out Earnings at Risk (EaR) or Net Interest Margin (NIM) based on their
views on interest rate movements and fix a prudent level with the approval of the
Board/Management Committee.

Filing of Returns:

The ALM guidelines introduced on 27 July 2001 was applicable only to

Systemically Important Deposit taking NBFCs (NBFC-D) with asset size of
Rs.100 crores and above or with public deposits of Rs. 20 crores and above.
Such NBFC-Ds were required to make the ALM guidelines operational from 31
March 2002 and submit one consolidated half yearly ALM return to Reserve
Bank of India (Comprising of three parts - (i) Statement of structural liquidity in
format ALM (ii) Statement of short term dynamic liquidity in format ALM and (iii)
Statement of Interest Rate Sensitivity). This reporting continues till date and there
has been no amendment made to the applicability of ALM returns filing to NBFC-
D despite all NBFC-Ds irrespective of their asset size having been declared as
Systemically Important by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) vide Notification No.
DNBR (PD) CC.No. 002/03.10.001/2014-15 dated 10 November 2014.

The ALM guidelines were made applicable to Systemically Important Non

Deposit taking NBFC (NBFC-ND-SI) with asset size of Rs.100 crores and above
vide Notification No. DNBS (PD). CC. No. 125/03.05.002 / 2008-2009 dated 1
August 2008. Three separate returns were introduced for submission to RBI
from 1 January 2009 - (i) Monthly Statement of short term dynamic liquidity
[NBS-ALM1] (ii) Half yearly Statement of structural liquidity [NBS-ALM2] (iii) Half
yearly Statement of Interest Rate Sensitivity [NBS-ALM3]. Also an annual
disclosure was required in the Balance Sheet with respect to ''ALM-Maturity
pattern of certain items of Assets and Liabilities''. This reporting continues till date
despite the reclassification of NBFC-ND-SI as those with asset size of Rs.500
crores and above by RBI vide Notification No. DNBR (PD) CC.No.
002/03.10.001/2014-15 dated 10 November 2014 there was no change in ALM
reporting. The definition of Systemic Importance for NBFC-NDs for the purpose
of submission of all the above mentioned three ALM returns and annual ALM
dislosure in the Balance sheet continues to be in force for NBFC-NDs with asset
size of Rs. 100 crores and above only.

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