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Sl. No. Topics Page No.

1. Acknowledgement 3
2. Background 4-5
1.1 Apprenticeship Training under Apprentice Act 1961
1.2 Changes in Industrial Scenario
1.3 Reformation

3. Rationale 6
4. Job roles: reference NCO 7
5. General Information 8
6. Course structure 9-10
Syllabus 11-31
7.1 Basic Training
7.1.1 Detail syllabus of Core Skill
A. Block-I (Engg. drawing & W/ Cal. & Sc.)
B. Block-II (Engg. drawing & W/ Cal. & Sc.)
7.1.2 Detail syllabus of Professional Skill & Professional
A. Block – I
B. Block – II
7.1.3 Employability Skill Syllabus of Employability skill
A. Block – I
B. Block – II
7.2 Practical Training (On-Job Training)
7.2.1 Broad Skill Component to be covered during on-job
A. Block – I
B. Block – II
Assessment Standard 32-34
8.1 Assessment Guideline
8.2 Final assessment-All India trade Test (Summative
9. Further Learning Pathways 35
10. Annexure-I – Tools & Equipment for Basic Training 36-42
11. Annexure-II – Infrastructure for On-Job Training 43
12. Annexure-III - Guidelines for Instructors & Paper setter 44

The DGT sincerely express appreciation for the contribution of the Industry, State Directorate,
Trade Experts and all others who contributed in revising the curriculum. Special acknowledgement to
the following industries/organizations who have contributed valuable inputs in revising the curricula
through their expert members:

1. Volkswagan Academy, Pune

2. OCL Ltd. (Dalmia Group), Odisha
3. TATA Motors, Pune
4. JBM Group, Chennai
5. Godrej & Boyce Ltd., Mumbai

Special acknowledgement is extended by DGT to the following expert members who had
contributed immensely in this curriculum.

Co-ordinator for the course: Sh. Nirmalya Nath., ADT

Sl. Name & Designation Organization Remarks

No. Sh./Mr./Ms.
1. N. Nath, ADT CSTARI, Kolkata Expert
2. R. N. Manna, T.O. CSTARI, Kolkata Expert
3. N.M. Kajale, Principal, Govt. ITI Velhe, Distt: Pune. Expert
4. S. Bandypadhyay, T.O. ATI, Kolkata Expert


2. 1. Apprenticeship Training Scheme under Apprentice Act 1961

The Apprentices Act, 1961 was enacted with the objective of regulating the programme of
training of apprentices in the industry by utilizing the facilities available therein for
imparting on-the-job training. The Act makes it obligatory for employers in specified
industries to engage apprentices in designated trades to impart Apprenticeship Training on
the job in industry to school leavers and person having National Trade Certificate(ITI pass-
outs) issued by National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) to develop skilled
manpower for the industry. There are four categories of apprentices namely; trade
apprentice, graduate, technician and technician (vocational) apprentices.
Qualifications and period of apprenticeship training of trade apprentices vary from trade to
trade. The apprenticeship training for trade apprentices consists of basic training followed
by practical training. At the end of the training, the apprentices are required to appear in a
trade test conducted by NCVT and those successful in the trade tests are awarded the
National Apprenticeship Certificate.

The period of apprenticeship training for graduate (engineers), technician (diploma holders
and technician (vocational) apprentices is one year. Certificates are awarded on completion
of training by the Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development.

2. 2. Changes in Industrial Scenario

Recently we have seen huge changes in the Indian industry. The Indian Industry registered
an impressive growth during the last decade and half. The number of industries in India have
increased manifold in the last fifteen years especially in services and manufacturing sectors.
It has been realized that India would become a prosperous and a modern state by raising
skill levels, including by engaging a larger proportion of apprentices, will be critical to
success; as will stronger collaboration between industry and the trainees to ensure the supply
of skilled workforce and drive development through employment. Various initiatives to
build up an adequate infrastructure for rapid industrialization and improve the industrial
scenario in India have been taken.

2. 3. Reformation
The Apprentices Act, 1961 has been amended and brought into effect from 22nd December,
2014 to make it more responsive to industry and youth. Key amendments are as given

 Prescription of number of apprentices to be engaged at establishment level instead of


 Establishment can also engage apprentices in optional trades which are not designated,
with the discretion of entry level qualification and syllabus.

 Scope has been extended also to non-engineering occupations.

 Establishments have been permitted to outsource basic training in an institute of their


 The burden of compliance on industry has been reduced significantly.

(Need for Apprenticeship in Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance trade)

1. It will help the trainees to be innovative and know about common things like
performing routine maintenance and determining when and what kind of
maintenance is needed as per the situation.
2. The training will develop the capability of installation like installing equipment,
machines or programs to meet specifications.
3. The training will develop the listening skills such as listening to what other people
are saying and asking questions as appropriate.
4. It will enhance the ability to work on dismantle and assemble of various valves,
test the accuracy of machine tools.
5. It will enhance the performance of repair on machinery, dovetail slides, and
assemble with location dowel pins. Stud and bolts.
6. The training will develop the testing of machine tools: Factors affecting
performance of machine tools, machine tool-work piece-Fixture systems, reasons
for errors in machining.
7. The training will develop to understand the various types of Foundations of
machine tools, Erection and Leveling, Grouting.


Brief description of Job roles:

Installs, erects and changes layout of machines and equipments in mills, factories,
workshops etc. according to instructions or specifications. Studies drawings and lay out
sketches of machines or equipment to be erected. Calculates available floor area in
relation to dimension of machines, working space required etc. and marks areas on floor
for foundations of machines. Guides‟ construction of foundations and setting of
foundation bolts and fixtures according to type of machines to be installed and allows
foundations to dry up and settle for required number of days. Places base or holding
device of machines through foundation bolts or on fixture one by one, using lifting
equipment and aligns and levels them with spirit level. Fastens or secures machines
tightly to foundation bolts or fixtures and rechecks alignment and leveling to ensure
correctness. Makes adjustment if necessary and gets grouting of foundations done.
Allows grouting to dry up and adjust position of different parts of machine for efficient
operation. Gives necessary power supply to machine or connects machine to line shaft.
May run machine and observe performance. May assemble, repair and overhaul
machines. May specialize in erecting particular type of machine or equipment such as
printing machine, lathe, pneumatic hammer, grinder, pumps, etc.

Plan and organize assigned work and detect & resolve issues during execution.
Demonstrate possible solutions and agree tasks within the team. Communicate with
required clarity and understand technical English. Sensitive to environment, self-learning
and productivity.

Perform TPM (Total Production Management), TQM (Total Quality Management) and
record keeping system.

Reference NCO & NOS:

i) NCO-2004 : 8281.55
ii) NCO-2004: 8281.10


1. Name of the Trade : MACHANIC MACHINE TOOL

2. N.C.O. Code No. : NCO-2004: 8281.55, 8281.10

3. Duration of Apprenticeship Training (Basic Training + Practical Training):2years

3.1 For Freshers: - Duration of Basic Training: -
a) Block –I : 3 months
b) Block – II : 3 months
Total duration of Basic Training: 6 months
Duration of Practical Training (On -job Training): -
a) Block–I: 9 months
b) Block–II : 9 months
Total duration of Practical Training: 18 months

3.2 For ITI Passed: - Duration of Basic Training: - NIL

Duration of Practical Training (On -job Training): 12 months

4. Entry Qualification : Passed class 10th Exam Under 10+2 system of Education or
its Equivalent.
5. Selection of Apprentices: The apprentices will be selected as per Apprentices Act
amended time to time.
6. Rebate for ITI passed trainees : i) One year in the trade of MMTM

Note: Industry may impart training as per above time schedule for different block,
however this is not fixed. The industry may adjust the duration of training considering the
fact that all the components under the syllabus must be covered. However the flexibility
should be given keeping in view that no safety aspects is compromised .


Training duration details: -

Time 1-3 4-12 13-15 16-24

(in months)
Basic Training Block– I ----- Block – II ------
Practical Training ---- Block – I ------ Block – II
(On - job training)

Duration of Training in Months
Components of Training
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
Basic Training Block - I
Practical Training Block - I
Basic Training Block - II
Practical Training Block - II

(BLOCK – I & II)


1) Name of the Trade : MACHANIC MACHINE TOOL

2) Hours of Instruction : 1000 Hrs. (500 hrs. in each block)
3) Batch size : 20
4) Power Norms : 17 KW for Workshop
5) Space Norms : 192 Sq. m.

6) Examination : The internal assessment will be held on

completion of each Block.
7) Instructor Qualification :

i) Degree/Diploma in Mechanical Engg. from recognized university/Board

with one/two year post qualification experience respectively in the relevant

ii) NTC/NAC in the trade of Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance with

three year post qualification experience in the relevant field.
Preference will be given to a candidate with Craft Instructor Certificate (CIC)

8) Tools, Equipments & Machinery required : - As per Annexure – I


A. Block– I
Basic Training

Topic a) Engineering Drawing Duration b) Workshop Science & Duration

No. (in hours) Calculation (in hours)

1. Engineering Drawing: 30 Units & Measurements- FPS, 20

Introduction and its importance CGS, MKS/SI unit, unit of
Different types of standards used length, Mass and time.
in engineering drawing. Fundamentals and derived units
Drawing Instruments: their uses Conversion of units and applied
Drawing board, T-Square, Drafter problems.
(Drafting M/c), Set Squares,
Protractor, Drawing Instrument
Box (Compass, Dividers, Scale,
Scales etc.), Pencils of different
Grades, Drawing pins / Clips.
2. Lines : Material Science : properties -
types and applications in Drawing Physical & Mechanical, Types -
as per BIS SP:46-2003 Ferrous & Non-Ferrous,
Drawing geometrical object using difference between Ferrous and
all types of lines. Non-Ferrous metals
Drawing of Geometrical
Figures: Angle, Triangle, Square,
Rectangle and Circle.
Letters: - Lettering styles, Single
stroke letters and numbers as per
IS standard. Lettering practice
3. Dimensioning- Types of Mass .Weight and Density :
dimension, elements of Mass, Unit of Mass, Weight,
dimensions, Methods of difference between mass and
indicating Values, Arrangement, weight, Density, unit of density,
Alignment and indication of
Scales:-Types use and
construction. Representative
factor of scale.
4. Method of presentation of Speed and Velocity: Rest and
Engineering Drawing motion, speed, velocity,
- Pictorial View difference between speed and
- Orthogonal View velocity, acceleration,
- Isometric view retardation.
Average Velocity, Acceleration
& Retardation. Related
Circular Motion: Relation
between circular motion and

Linear motion, Centrifugal
force, Centripetal force

5. Constructions: - Draw Ratio & Proportion :

proportionate free hand sketches Simple calculation on related
of plane figures. Sketch problems.
horizontal, vertical and inclined Percentage: Introduction,
line by free hand, Draw circles by Simple calculation.
free hand using square and radial
line method, Draw arcs and
ellipse by free hand
6. Projections: Work, Power and Energy:
Concept of axes plane and work, unit of work, power, unit
quadrant. of power, Horse power of
Orthographic projections engines, mechanical efficiency,
Method of first angle and third energy, use of energy, potential
angle projections (definition and and kinetic energy, examples of
difference) potential energy and kinetic
Symbol of 1st angle and 3rd angle energy.
projection as per IS specification. Meaning of H.P., I.H.P.,
Free hand Drawing of B.H.P., and F.H.P. and CC
Orthographic projection from and Torque.
isometric/3D view of geometrical

B. Block- II
Basic Training

Topic a) Engineering Drawing Duration b) Workshop Science & Duration

No. (in hours) Calculation (in hours)

1. Screw :- 30 Algebra: 20
Its Types and Sizes, Screw thread, Addition, Subtraction,
their standard forms as per BIS, Multiplication, Division,
external and internal thread. Algebraic formula, Linear
equations (with two variables).
2. Rivets and Joints:- Heat & Temperature:
Prepare a drawing sheet on rivets Heat and temperature, their
nomenclature and Joints. units, difference between heat
and temperature, boiling point,
melting point, scale of
temperature, relation between
different scale of temperature,
Thermometer, pyrometer,
transmission of heat,
conduction, convection,
3. Free hand Sketches for simple Mensuration: Area and
pipe line with general fittings. perimeter of square, rectangle,
parallelogram, triangle, circle,
semi circle, Volume of solids -
cube, cuboid, cylinder and
Surface area of solids -cube,
cuboid, cylinder and Sphere.
Volume of cut-out solids:
hollow cylinders, frustum of
cone, block section. Volume
of simple solid blocks.
4. Reading of drawing. Simple Basic Electricity: Introduction,
exercises related to missing lines, use of electricity, how
dimensions. How to make queries. electricity is produced, Types
of current_ AC, DC, their
comparison, voltage, resistance,
their units. Conductor,
insulator, Types of connections
- series, parallel, electric power,
Horse power, energy, unit of
electrical energy. Concept of
5. Simple exercises related to trade Simple machines
related symbols. Transmission of power: -
Basic electrical and electronic Transmission of power by belt,
symbols pulleys & gear drive.
Heat treatment process: -
Heat treatment and advantages.

Annealing, Normalizing,
Hardening, Tempering.

6. Free hand sketch of trade related Trigonometry:

components / parts /cutting tool Trigonometrical ratios,
indicating angles. measurement of angles.
Trigonometric tables.
Finding the value of unknown
sides and angles of a triangle by
Trigonometrical method.
Finding height and distance by
Application of trigonometry in
shop problems. (viz. taper angle
Calculate the area of triangle by
using trigonometry and
application of Pythagoras
7. Concept of pressure -
Definition:-Force, Pressure,
and their units, atmospheric
pressure, gauges used for
measuring pressure, problems.
Introduction to pneumatics &
hydraulics systems.
Simple exercises related to trade related Test Papers. Solution of NCVT test papers.

A. Block –I
Basic Training

Week Professional Skills Professional Knowledge

1. Safety: - its importance, classification, personal, Importance of safety and general precautions
general, workshop and job safety. observed in the in the industry/shop floor. All
Occupational health and safety. necessary guidance to be provided to the new
Basic injury prevention, Basic first aid, Hazard comers to become familiar with the working of
identification and avoidance, safety signs for Institute system including stores procedures.
Danger, Warning, caution & personal safety
message. Introduction of First aid. Safety attitude
Preventive measures for electrical accidents & development of the trainee by educating him to
steps to be taken in such accidents. use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Response to emergencies eg; power failure, fire,
Importance of housekeeping & good shop floor and system failure.
practices. Accidents- Definition types and causes.
Disposal procedure of waste materials like cotton First-Aid, nature and causes of injury and
waste, metal chips/burrs etc. utilization of first-aid.
Fire& safety: Use of Fire extinguishers.
Introduction to 5S concept & its application.
Fire: - Types, causes and prevention methods.
Fire Extinguisher, its types.
Define environment, environment Pollution,
Pollutants, type of Pollution (Air pollution,
water pollution, soil pollution noise pollution,
thermal pollution, radiation.
Global warming its causes and remedies.
Industrial Waste its types, sources and waste
2. Identification of tools & equipments as per desired Hand tools and its importance, steel rule, Try
specifications for marking & sawing( Hand tools , square, chisel, surface gauge and care &
Fitting tools & Measuring tools) maintenance, Hacksaw frame, blades.
Selection of material as per application Visual Classification and types of chisels, files & uses,
inspection of raw material for rusting, scaling, vices - its constructions and uses. Hammers and
corrosion etc. its types. Related safety.
Uses of marking tools, Punch, Try square & basic Marking block, Steel rule, and calipers-different
measuring tools, caliper, steel rule. Marking out types and uses. Combination set-its components
lines, gripping suitably in vice jaws, hacksawing to and uses.
given dimensions, sawing different types of metals Hacksaw blade, Hacksaw frame and its types.
of different sections. Drill bits- parts, Types & uses.

Filing Flat surfaces, Tee shape job, flat type Introduction to Hand Taps & Dies and their
polygon, checking with steel rule and Try square. types, applications, care and maintenance.
Marking and Drilling holes on flat pieces. Tapping Familiar with tap and drill size, Thread
as per simple drawing. Terminology.
Use of vernier caliper and its parts,
construction, principle & reading, use & care.
3. Understand and usage of different measuring Linear measurements & its units.
instruments e.g. bore gauge, dial indicator, edge Classification, construction, materials and
finder. functional detail of following basic measuring
Checking and setting of Vernier calipers, vernier and marking tools : -
height gauge &vernier bevel protractor.  Steel Rule
Filing flat, square, steps and contour surfaces to an  Calipers(Inside & outside),
accuracy of 0.4 mm  Divider, Trammel
 Try Square
 Marking Punch
Measuring Instruments viz., Vernier calipers,
vernier height gauge &vernier bevel protractor.
4 Chipping practice on flat surface, slots & oil Precision Measuring Instruments:
grooves, and chamfer at different angle on MS Concept of precision & accuracy
plate. Micrometer (outside, inside and depth) –
Scraping practice on curved surfaces. Preparation working principle, construction, use & care,
of flat surfaces and scraping practice on flat calculation of least count Classification,
surface taking impression on face high spots using construction and functional detail of following
prussian blue sharpening by diamond dresser & marking devices-
wheel and lapping stone. Surface plate, angle plate, marking block and V-
Scrapers: Introduction, its types, material and
5 Demo & practice of different operation of lathe Identification of different parts, accessories,
machine, mounting and dismantling of different attachments‟, operations and tools used in
turning tools on machines. Different practical drilling machines. Types of drilling machines
exercises with different accuracy levels. like bench, pillar & radial drilling machines and
Identification of various parts of Drilling their constructional details.
machines. Types of drilling operations, calculation of
Use of drilling machine for drilling through & cutting speed, feed & drilling time.
blind holes, counter boring and counter sinking on
mild steel (MS) flat. Drilling on cylindrical Introduction to lathe, identification of different
surface. parts, accessories, attachments‟, operations and
Reaming of drilled hole. tools used in lathe machines.
Making internal & external thread by Taps & Dies. Basic mechanism of metal cutting and process
parameters, their effect on product quality.
6. Demo & practice of different operation on milling Introduction to milling machine identification of
machine, mounting and dismantling of different different parts, accessories, attachments‟,
milling cutters on milling machines. Different operations and tools used in milling machines.

practical exercises with different accuracy levels. Fasteners:
Grinding practice of Drill. Introduction to fasteners, screw threads, related
terminology and specification.
Keys- types & use, (parallel, sunk, tangential,
gib head, woodruff, key ways.)
Types of nuts, bolts, studs, locking devices for
nut, wrench and spanner, pliers, screw drivers,
Circlip, split pin, washers, spring washer.
Concept of torque & torque wrench.
Different types of rivets and their applications.

7. Filing & fitting mating components by filing Surface finish - importance, symbol, measuring
within an accuracy of ± 0.10 mm & angular 1 techniques.
Lapping & honing process.
Gauges: Classification and uses of Sine bar,
Slip gauge, Limit gauge, Feeler gauge, thread
gauge, screw pitch gauge, taper gauge.
Tolerances & interchangeability -Definition
and its necessity, basic size, actual size, limits,
deviation, Tolerance, allowance, clearance,
interference, Fits- definition, types, description
with sketches. Method of expressing Tolerance
as per BIS, Hole and Shaft basis (BIS standard).
Related calculation on Limit, Fit and Tolerance.
8-9. Demo & practice of different operation on Introduction surface and cylindrical grinding
grinding machines, mounting and dismantling of machine, identification of different parts,
grinding wheels on grinding machines. Different accessories, attachments‟, operations and tools
practical exercises with different accuracy levels. used in grinding machines. Selection of
Demo & practice of different operation on Shaper grinding wheels, balancing and mounting of
machine, mounting and dismantling of tools & grinding wheels.
jobs on Shaper machine. Different practical Taps & Dies: Classification, construction,
exercises with different accuracy levels. material and functional detail of Taps & Dies.
Pedestal grinder – Introduction, care & use.
Procedure of wheel mounting & wheel dressing.
Related hazards, risk and precautions.

10. Demo and practical‟s on different welding Definition and application of welding. Different
techniques. types of basic welding and explain the basic
welding techniques and execute different

11. Identify different basic electrical & electronic Basic Electricals: Safety in electrical shop.
components and test their functioning. Measurement of current, voltage, resistance and
power. Use of multimeters.
Basic principles of DC generators and motors,

Alternators and AC motors and transformers.
Various types of switches, circuit breakers,
fuses, lamps, proximity switches, relays and
contactor in electrical circuits.
Introduction to electronics and its industrial
Different electronic components viz., resistor,
capacitors & inductor and their function.
12. Installing drive belts, Measuring and adjusting the Belts-
belt tension. Belt types (Flat and V) and specifications.
Related hazards, risk and precautions while Pulleys used for belt drive.
working. Installation, Alignment of belts.
Problems related to belts(Creep and slip)
Belt maintenance.
Sheave alignment, Chain drive- Roller chain,
Silent chain, alignment of sprockets, and
maintenance of chain drive.
13. Revision & Internal Assessment

B. Block –II
Basic Training

Week Professional Skills Professional Knowledge

1. Identification and study of various components of Maintenance Practice and Mechanical
mechanical power transmission assembly System. Assembly
Dismantling & assembly of Shafts, couplings, Introduction to various maintenance practices
keys, gears, bearings, belts, chain pulley, rope such as preventive maintenance, predictive
pulley. maintenance, breakdown maintenance &
Related hazards, risk and precautions while reconditioning.
working. Transmission of Power
Elements of mechanical power transmission,
type of spindles and shafts (Universal spindle,
Plain shaft, Hollow shaft, crank shaft, cam shaft).
Positive and Non-positive drive, Friction drive,
Gear drive, Belt drive, Chain drive and Rope
2 Identification of various types of clutches, clutch Clutches
arrangements in power transmission system Function of Clutches, its types and use in power
(machine tools), maintenance of clutch transmission system. Function of mechanical &
mechanism in machine tool. electromagnetic system in clutch mechanism.
Dismantling & assembly of mechanical & Couplings:
electromagnetic assembly. Concept of coupling and its type
Measuring shaft and coupling bore for finding out viz. Rigid coupling- Muff coupling, Flange
taper & ovality to determine the type of fit. coupling, Flexible coupling, Pin-bush coupling,
Identification of different types of Brakes & Chain coupling, Gear coupling, Spider coupling,
Functioning of Braking mechanism in machine Tyre coupling, Grid coupling, Oldham-coupling,
tools. Inspection of components of Brakes & Fluid coupling, Universal coupling and their
braking mechanism. specific applications.
Brakes& Braking Mechanism: Types &
Functions. Inspection of brakes for safe &
effective working.

Hydraulic & pneumatic circuit reading practice Basic principle of Hydraulic& pneumatic system.
3. & constructing hydraulic circuits for single & Advantages & limitation.
double acting cylinders, meter in, meter out Constructional & functional details of Hydraulic
circuit, pressure control circuits & regenerating & pneumatic cylinder, mo tor, control valves and
circuit. FRL unit.

4. Identification of various types of Gears & Gear Bearing:

boxes. Description and function of bearing, its types -
Inspection of various aspects of Gears & Gear Solid Bush, Split Bush, Collar, Pivot and

boxes such as PCD checking by Cylindrical Pin, Plummer Block Bearing.
Checking of gear tooth thickness, clearance, Mounting of bearings, measurement and
concentricity & wear etc. adjustment of clearances in bearings.
Gear meshing: Checking of backlash and root Types of bearing fitting on shaft and hubs.
clearances with Feeler Gauge, Dial Test Indicator Type of Roller contact bearings- Ball bearings-
and Lead Wire. Repair of gear tooth. single row & double row, Deep groove ball
Shaft alignment, Pre-check: coupling fit, bearing, Angular contact, Self aligning and
eccentricity, perpendicularity, with feeler, dial Thrust bearing.
gauge and corrections methods. Roller bearing- Cylindrical, Needle roller, Taper
Checking misalignment with the help of Taper roller, Spherical roller, self aligning and
gauge, Feeler gauge and Dial test indicator Spherical roller thrust bearing.
Geometrical Alignment and accuracy of Machine Use of ISO bearing designation code to generate
as per the test chart of machine tool builder. market survey and purchase.
Checking and adjustment of bearing clearance.
Methods of Mounting and dismounting of roller
contact bearing, taper roller bearing and angular
contact ball bearing. (Back-to-back, Face-to-
face, tandem)
Mounting-dismounting and adjustment of
Taper bore bearings with adopter and withdrawal
Handling and storage of bearings.
Related hazards, risk and precautions.
5-6. Practice on oil removing & filling from gear box. Gear:
Inspection of the drained oil for contaminants & Type, description and function of gears-
wear debris with focus on visual inspection. Spur, Helical, Spiral, Bevel, Straight and Spiral
Overhauling procedure of gear box (Pre cleaning, bevel, Worm gears, Rack and pinion.
dismantling, cleaning, inspection, repair/ Gear Terminology.
replacement, assembly) of lathe & milling m/c Gear train- simple, compound, reverted and
Preparation of coolants. epicyclic.
Identification of various parts of cooling systems. Types of Gear box
Preventive & breakdown maintenance of coolant Gear meshing: Checking of backlash and root
systems. clearances with Feeler Gauge, Dial Test
Indicator and lead wire.
Impression testing of gear mesh with Prussian
Running maintenance.
Related hazards, risk and precautions
Lubrication and its importance, lubricating
Types and properties of Oil and Grease.
Methods of oil lubrication-
Once through and centralized lubrication system.
Methods of grease lubrication system- grease
guns, centralized lubrication system.

Warning & protective devices used in centralized
lubrication system (Pressure switch, temperature
gauge, level indicator and relief valve.)
Lubrication fittings. Storage and handling,
Contamination control. Leakage prevention-
Shaft seals, sealing devices and “O” rings.
7. Perform repairs of worn out parts of machine MACHINE FOUNDATION
tools. Practice soldering. Disassembling & Methods employed for installation & erection of
assembling of bearing. precision & heavy duty machines.
Location & excavation for foundation. Different
types of foundations – foundation bolts,
structural, reinforced, wooden, isolated
foundations. Breakdown Maintenance,
Preventive Maintenance, Predictive Maintenance
& Concepts of TPM, OEE.(without calculations)
Difference between breakdown and preventive
maintenance – Its importance in productivity,
8. Dismantling & Assembly of various parts &sub Leveling
assemblies of milling machine such as head Definition and importance of leveling.
stock, gear box, lead screw, table, etc Types of levels- Spirit level, Water level, Dumpy
level, Method of leveling.
Preparation of packing and shim.
Definition and importance of alignment, Types
of misalignment, Planes of misalignment, Shaft
vs. coupling alignment, Actions to be taken
before alignment, Concept of axial float, Concept
of Indicator sag, Dial Test Indicator, Methods of
alignment - Rim and Face readings on Stationary
Machine, Rim and Face reading on machine to
be seamed.
Geometrical Alignment of Machine.
Understanding importance of balancing and
reasons of unbalance.
Type of unbalance.
Method of static balancing and its correction
-Adding and removing mass
-Mass centering.
9. Identification of various types of fans, Blowers, Fan & Blowers: Types and working principle
their parts. Dismantling, cleaning and assembly Constructional detail of Fans & Blowers.
of parts. Identification of various types of Starting and stopping of Fans and Blowers
compressors, their parts. Starting and stopping of Different parts of Fans & Blowers Concept of
compressors Cleaning and changing of filters surge. Preventive & scheduled maintenance.

Preventive & schedule maintenance of Blower & Compressors: Compression theory, Types of
Compressor compressors Constructional detail of
compressors, working mechanism Different parts
and their function. Loading unloading system
Concept of air dryer. Preventive & schedule
10. Identification of various types of centrifugal Centrifugal Pump, Fan, Blower and Compressor:
pumps, their parts. Overhauling of pump. - Function of pump. Types and working principle
Priming of pump, Fitting gland packing. Starting of centrifugal pump. Constructional detail of
and stopping of pumps. Trouble shooting in pump Starting and stopping Pump performance
pump operation. Preventive and schedule and characteristics. Capitation & aeration.
maintenance of pumps. Preventive & schedule maintenance of pumps.
Gland packing changing procedure. Concept of
Mechanical seal Trouble shooting in pump.
11-12. Revision of Dismantle, inspect and do minor Introduction to CNC lathe and machining center,
repairs and assemble machine tools such as drill, constructional details, Mechanical, electrical and
shaper, lathe and power saw machines. Electronic elements of CNC machine, CNC Part
Practice of dismantling & assembly of feed units program. Study of hydraulic diagram, hydraulics
of milling, grinding etc. valves etc.
Programmable logic controller (PLC) – General
concept of working, Relay Logic Control vs.
PLC, Block diagram, applications.
13. Revision & Internal Assessment


1) Name of the subject : EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS

2) Applicability : ATS- Mandatory for fresher only

3) Hours of Instruction : 110 Hrs. (55 hrs. in each block)

4) Examination : The examination will be held at the end of

two years Training by NCVT.

5) Instructor Qualification :

i) MBA/BBA with two years experience or graduate in sociology/social

welfare/Economics with two years experience and trained in Employability skill from
DGET Institute.
Must have studied in English/Communication Skill and Basic Computer at 12th
/diploma level
ii) Existing Social Study Instructor duly trained in Employability Skill from DGET

A. Block – I
Basic Training

Topic Topic Duration

No. (in hours)

English Literacy 15
1 Pronunciation :
Accentuation (mode of pronunciation) on simple words, Diction (use of word and
2 Functional Grammar
Transformation of sentences, Voice change, Change of tense, Spellings.

3 Reading
Reading and understanding simple sentences about self, work and environment

4 Writing
Construction of simple sentences Writing simple English

5 Speaking / Spoken English

Speaking with preparation on self, on family, on friends/ classmates, on know, picture
reading gain confidence through role-playing and discussions on current happening
job description, asking about someone's job habitual actions. Cardinal (fundamental)
numbers ordinal numbers. Taking messages, passing messages on and filling in
message forms Greeting and introductions office hospitality, Resumes or curriculum
vita essential parts, letters of application reference to previous communication.
I.T. Literacy 15

1 Basics of Computer
Introduction, Computer and its applications, Hardware and peripherals,
Switching on-Starting and shutting down of computer.
2 Computer Operating System
Basics of Operating System, WINDOWS, The user interface of Windows OS, Create,
Copy, Move and delete Files and Folders, Use of External memory like pen drive,
CD, DVD etc, Use of Common applications.
3 Word processing and Worksheet
Basic operating of Word Processing, Creating, opening and closing Documents, use
of shortcuts, Creating and Editing of Text, Formatting the Text, Insertion & creation
of Tables. Printing document.
Basics of Excel worksheet, understanding basic commands, creating simple
worksheets, understanding sample worksheets, use of simple formulas and functions,
Printing of simple excel sheets
4. Computer Networking and INTERNET
Basic of computer Networks (using real life examples), Definitions of Local Area
Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Internet, Concept of Internet (Network
of Networks),
Meaning of World Wide Web (WWW), Web Browser, Web Site, Web page and
Search Engines. Accessing the Internet using Web Browser, Downloading and
Printing Web Pages, Opening an email account and use of email. Social media sites
and its implication.
Information Security and antivirus tools, Do's and Don'ts in

Information Security, Awareness of IT - ACT, types of cyber crimes.

Communication Skill 25

1 Introduction to Communication Skills

Communication and its importance
Principles of Effective communication
Types of communication - verbal, non verbal, written, email, talking on phone.
Non verbal communication -characteristics, components-Para-language
Body - language
Barriers to communication and dealing with barriers.
Handling nervousness/ discomfort.
Case study/Exercise
2 Listening Skills
Listening-hearing and listening, effective listening, barriers to effective listening
guidelines for effective listening.
Triple- A Listening - Attitude, Attention & Adjustment.
Active Listening Skills.
3 Motivational Training
Characteristics Essential to Achieving Success
The Power of Positive Attitude
Self awareness
Importance of Commitment
Ethics and Values
Ways to Motivate Oneself
Personal Goal setting and Employability Planning.
Case study/Exercise
4 Facing Interviews
Manners, Etiquettes, Dress code for an interview
Do's & Don'ts for an interview
5 Behavioral Skills
Organizational Behavior
Problem Solving
Confidence Building
Decision making
Case study/Exercise

B. Block– II
Basic Training

Topic Topic Duration

No. (in hours)

Entrepreneurship skill 15

1 Concept of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship- Entrepreneurship - Enterprises:-Conceptual issue
Entrepreneurship vs. Management, Entrepreneurial motivation. Performance &
Record, Role & Function of entrepreneurs in relation to the enterprise & relation to
the economy, Source of business ideas, Entrepreneurial opportunities, The process of
setting up a business.
2 Project Preparation & Marketing analysis
Qualities of a good Entrepreneur, SWOT and Risk Analysis. Concept & application
of Product Life Cycle (PLC), Sales & distribution Management. Different Between
Small Scale & Large Scale Business, Market Survey, Method of marketing, Publicity
and advertisement, Marketing Mix.
3 Institutions Support
Preparation of Project. Role of Various Schemes and Institutes for self-employment
i.e. DIC, SIDA, SISI, NSIC, SIDO, Idea for financing/ non financing support
agencies to familiarizes with the Policies /Programmes & procedure & the available
4 Investment Procurement
Project formation, Feasibility, Legal formalities i.e., Shop Act, Estimation & Costing,
Investment procedure - Loan procurement - Banking Processes.
Productivity 10

1 Productivity
Definition, Necessity, Meaning of GDP.

2 Affecting Factors
Skills, Working Aids, Automation, Environment, Motivation
How improves or slows down.
3 Comparison with developed countries
Comparative productivity in developed countries (viz. Germany, Japan and Australia)
in selected industries e.g. Manufacturing, Steel, Mining, Construction etc. Living
standards of those countries, wages.
4 Personal Finance Management
Banking processes, Handling ATM, KYC registration, safe cash handling, Personal
risk and Insurance.
Occupational Safety, Health & Environment Education 15
1 Safety & Health
Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health importance of safety and health at

2 Occupational Hazards
Basic Hazards, Chemical Hazards, Vibro-acoustic Hazards, Mechanical Hazards, Electrical
Hazards, Thermal Hazards. Occupational health, Occupational hygienic, Occupational
Diseases/ Disorders & its prevention.
3 Accident & safety
Basic principles for protective equipment.
Accident Prevention techniques - control of accidents and safety measures.
4 First Aid
Care of injured & Sick at the workplaces, First-Aid & Transportation of sick person
5 Basic Provisions
Idea of basic provision of safety, health, welfare under legislation of India.

6 Ecosystem
Introduction to Environment. Relationship between Society and Environment,
Ecosystem and Factors causing imbalance.
7 Pollution
Pollution and pollutants including liquid, gaseous, solid and hazardous waste.
8 Energy Conservation
Conservation of Energy, re-use and recycle.
9 Global warming
Global warming, climate change and Ozone layer depletion.
10 Ground Water
Hydrological cycle, ground and surface water, Conservation and Harvesting of water
11 Environment
Right attitude towards environment, Maintenance of in -house environment
Labour Welfare Legislation 5

1 Welfare Acts
Benefits guaranteed under various acts- Factories Act, Apprenticeship Act, Employees State
Insurance Act (ESI), Payment Wages Act, Employees Provident Fund Act, The Workmen's
compensation Act.
Quality Tools 10

1 Quality Consciousness :
Meaning of quality, Quality Characteristic
2 Quality Circles :
Definition, Advantage of small group activity, objectives of quality Circle, Roles and
function of Quality Circles in Organization, Operation of Quality circle. Approaches to
starting Quality Circles, Steps for continuation Quality Circles.
3 Quality Management System :
Idea of ISO 9000 and BIS systems and its importance in maintaining qualities.
4 House Keeping :
Purpose of Housekeeping, Practice of good Housekeeping.
5 Quality Tools
Basic quality tools with a few examples

(BLOCK – I & II)
DURATION: 18 MONTHS (9 months in each block)


1) Name of the Trade : MECHANIC MACHINE TOOL

2) Batch size : a) Apprentice selection as per Apprenticeship
b) Maximum 20 candidates in a group.
3) Examination : i) The internal assessment will be held on
completion of each block
ii) NCVT exam will be conducted at the end of
2nd year.
4) Instructor Qualification :

i) Degree/Diploma in Mechanical Engg. from recognized university/Board

With one/two year post qualification experience in the relevant field.

ii) NTC/NAC in the trade of Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance with three
year post qualification experience in the relevant field.

Preference will be given to a candidate with Craft Instructor Certificate (CIC)

5) Infrastructure for On-Job Training : - As per Annexure – II


A. BLOCK – I (09 months)

1. Safety and best practices/Basic Industrial Culture (5S, KAIZEN, etc.)

2. Prepare different types of documentation as per industrial need by different methods of
recording information.
3. Perform marking out the components for filing, drilling, fitting and allied operations.
4. Align the grinding wheel of Pedestal grinding machine.
5. Application of hand tools and their applications, specifications e.g. power tools, torques wrench
6. Understanding and practice of ISO tolerance system.
7. Carry out chipping operation on flat surfaces. Develop flat surface by scraping and check
surface finish.
8. Dismantle, Repair and Assemble of mechanical power transmission elements in machine tools
and check for functionality. Joining of flat belt in belt drive. Checking and setting of belt tension
and replacing the defected one.
9. Mounting and demounting of bearings.
10. Interpretation of lubrication chart of a machine tool.
11. Set up different work and tool holding device on lathe, Shaper required to accomplish tasks on
these machines with required alignment.
12. Conduct preventive & break down maintenance of lathe, drilling and shaper and ensure
functionality of the machine.
13. Make / Produce different joints by setting up of gas and arc welding machines and carry out the
14. Make pipe/tube fittings and valve connections for lubricants and coolants, test for leakages,
15. Conduct the preventive maintenance, Trouble shoots & overhaul of milling and surface grinding
16. Identify and test basic electronic components of viz., resistor, capacitors & inductor using
multimeter and assemble simple battery eliminator circuit, measure its Input & Output voltages.
Basic understanding of sensors and their adjustments.
17. Trouble shoot & Overhaul of pumps, fans, blowers & compressors and perform preventive

B. BLOCK – II (09 months)

1. Prepare machine foundation for erection, install of heavy duty machines and carry out
geometrical tests.
2. Practice on insulation of machine against vibrations, Use of anti- vibration counting.
3. Installation of machines like power hammer, compressors furnaces and other related machines.
4. Conduct the preventive maintenance, reconditioning of general purpose machines- Air
compressors, power hammer, pumps and other related machines.

5. Conduct the preventive maintenance, overhaul and check the functionality of the Hydraulic &
Pneumatic systems of machine tools. Perform fault finding and attend break downs of different
hydraulic and pneumatic machineries / equipment‟s viz., hydraulic press, Power hammer in the
shop floor.
6. Referring the machine maintenance manual and retrieve the spare part details (for ordering
7. Specification systems for standard mechanical elements e.g. bearings, seals, V Belts, gear,
fasteners and locking fasteners, springs, keys and pins.
8. Interpretation and preparation of dismantling and assembly plan and sequence for different
machine elements.
9. Drawing and drafting of machine part as per requirement (in case of worn out/ modification)
10. Understanding of Statistical Process Control (SPC) and machine capability indices.
11. Perform repairs of worn out parts of machine tools and check their function ability.
12. Perform Inspection & Condition Monitoring of different types of machine tools used in shop
13. Perform applications of resistor, capacitor conductor components Testing & measurement of
their values and solddering and desoldering of component on printed circuit boards (PCB)
precautions to be taken while soldering on PCB.
14. Trouble shooting of mechanical elements in PLC with case studies.
15. Perform overhauling, trouble shooting of various types of pumps, their parts.
16. Perform Practical Demo on CNC lathe and CNC machining centre operation, its essential parts.
Functioning of each part.
17. Diagnose and fault finding on CNC lathe and CNC machining centre and perform mechanical
maintenance work in CNC machines.
18. Conducting overhaul of compressors Cleaning and changing of filters Preventive & schedule
maintenance of Blower & Compressor.
19. Perform TPM (Total Productive Maintenance), TQM (Total Quality Management) and record
keeping system.

8.1 Assessment Guideline:
Appropriate arrangements should be made to ensure that there will be no artificial
barriers to assessment. The nature of special needs should be taken into account while
undertaking assessment. Due consideration to be given while assessing for team work,
avoidance/reduction of scrape/wastage and disposal of scarp/wastage as per procedure,
behavioral attitude and regularity in training.

The following marking pattern to be adopted while assessing:

a) Weightage in the range of 60-75% to be allotted during assessment under following

performance level:

For this grade, the candidate with occasional guidance and showing due regard for safety
procedures and practices, has produced work which demonstrates attainment of an
acceptable standard of craftsmanship.

In this work there is evidence of:

 good skill levels in the use of hand tools, machine tools and workshop equipment
 many tolerances while undertaking different work are in line with those demanded
by the component/job.
 a fairly good level of neatness and consistency in the finish
 occasional support in completing the project/job.

b) Weightage in the range of above75%- 90% to be allotted during assessment under

following performance level:

For this grade, the candidate, with little guidance and showing due regard for safety
procedures and practices, has produced work which demonstrates attainment of a
reasonable standard of craftsmanship.

In this work there is evidence of:

 good skill levels in the use of hand tools, machine tools and workshop equipment
 the majority of tolerances while undertaking different work are in line with those
demanded by the component/job.
 a good level of neatness and consistency in the finish
 little support in completing the project/job

c) Weightage in the range of above 90% to be allotted during assessment under
following performance level:

For performance in this grade, the candidate, with minimal or no support in organization
and execution and with due regard for safety procedures and practices, has produced
work which demonstrates attainment of a high standard of craftsmanship.

In this work there is evidence of:

 high skill levels in the use of hand tools, machine tools and workshop equipment
 tolerances while undertaking different work being substantially in line with those
demanded by the component/job.
 a high level of neatness and consistency in the finish.
 minimal or no support in completing the project

SUBJECTS Marks Sessional Full Pass Marks Duration of
Marks Marks Exam.

Practical 300 100 400 240 08 hrs.

Trade Theory 100 20 120 48 3 hrs.
Workshop Cal. & Sc. 50 10 60 24 3 hrs.
Engineering Drawing 50 20 70 28 4 hrs.
Employability Skill 50 50 17 2 hrs.
Grand Total 550 150 700 -

Note: - The candidate pass in each subject conducted under all India trade test.


 On successful completion of the course trainees can opt for Diploma course
(Lateral entry). [Applicable for candidates only who undergone ATS after CTS]
 On successful completion of the course trainees can opt for CITS course.

Employment opportunities:

On successful completion of this course, the candidates may be gainfully

employed in the following industries:

1. Production & Manufacturing industries.

2. Structural Fabrication like bridges, Roof structures, Building & construction.
3. Automobile and allied industries
4. Service industries like road transportation and Railways.
5. Ship building and repair
6. Infrastructure and defence organisations
7. In public sector industries (Central and State) and private industries in India &
8. Self employment








Sl. Quantity
Name of tools and equipments
Steel Rule 15 cm both side Graduated in Metric & English. 20 nos.
2. Center punch 100 mm 20 nos.

3. File flat 2nd cut 250 mm 20 nos.

4. File flat bastard 350 mm 20 nos.

5. File flat smooth 200 mm 20 nos.


Sl. Quantity
Name of tools and equipments
1. Hermaphrodite Caliper 150 mm 4 nos.
2. Try Square 150 mm 4 nos.
3. Hack Saw frame adjustable 250-300 mm with blades. 4 nos.
4. Hammer ball peen 400 gm with handle. 4 nos.
5. Cold Chisel 20 x200 mm 4 nos.
6. Cross Chisel 10x150 mm 4 nos.
7. Half Round Chisel 10x150 mm 4 nos.
8. Diamond point Chisel 10x150 mm 4 nos.
9. File Half round 2nd cut 250 mm 4 nos.
10. File triangular smooth 200 mm 4 nos.
11. File round smooth 200 mm 4 nos.
12. File square smooth 200 mm 4 nos.
13. Round nose pliers 200 mm 4 nos.
14. Combination pliers 200 mm 4 nos.
15. Scraper A 250 mm (Bearing) 4 nos.
16. Scraper B 250 mm (Triangular) 4 nos.
17. Scraper D 250 mm (Half Round) 4 nos.
18. Spindle blade screw driver 100 mm 4 nos.
19. Allen keys 2 to 16 mm (Hexagonal) 4 nos.

20. Card file 4 nos.


Sl. Quantity
Name of tools and equipments
1 Tap and die set M6, M8, M10, M12, M16, M20& M25 with necessary tap 1 each
wrench and die holder.
2 Spanner socket set of 25 pieces (10 to 25, 27, 30, 32, mm = 18 pcs and 1no.
assorted = 7 nos.)
3 Hammer soft (faced 30 mm dia.) plastic tipped. As required
4 Pipe wrench 450 As required
5 Chain pipe wrench 650 As required
6 Telescopic gauges 13 mm to 300 mm. As required
7 Tap Extractor 1 no.
8 Linear Actuator (Differential and non-differential) 1 each
9 Cut section model of Pneumatic vales 1 no.
10 Vibrometer As required
11 Flow Detector 1 no.
12 Magnetic crack detector 1 no.
13 Engineers Stethoscope As required
14 Stud Extractor 1 no.
15 Tool picker collate type As required
16 Tool picker magnetic type As required
17 Magnifying Glass 75 mm 1 no.
18 Pin spanner set 1set
19 Hand keyway breacher As required
20 C.I. Surface plate 400 x 400 mm with stand and cover As required
21 Head lamp 1 no.
22 Bearing and gear tester As required
23 Master test bars (Different sizes) 1 no.
24 Spirit Level 150 mm, accuracy 0.02 mm / 1000 mm 2 nos.
25 3 Cells Torch 2 nos.
26 Gasket Hollow punches 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 19, 25 mm dia. 1 each
27 Bar type Torque Wrench 1 no
28 Cam lock type Screw Driver 1 no
29 Flaring tools 2 no
30 Tube Expander up to 62 mm 2 set
31 Circlip Pliers (inside, outside and straight) 1 each
32 Sledge hammer 5 Kgs. 1 no
33 Viscometer 1 no.
34 Vernier height gauge 300 mm 1 no.
35 Maintenance tool kit trolley of 1200 x 800 x1200 mm (L x W x H) As required
36 Steel lockers for 20 trainees 2 nos.
37 Steel cupboard 180 cm x 60 cm x 45 cm 6 nos.
38 Workbench 240 cm x 120 cm x 75 cm (Each bench fitted with 4 vices) 5 nos.

39 Bench Vice with 100 mm jaw 20 nos.
40 Letter punch 5 mm set 1 set
41 Number punch 5mm set 1 set
42 Deep cutting hacksaw frame 300 mm 1 no.
43 Bearing puller 1 no


Sl. Quantity
Name of tools and equipments
1 Vernier Bevel protractor with 150 mm blade 1 no.
2 Vernier caliper 200 mm with Inside and depth measurements 2 nos.
3 Dial vernier caliper 200 mm, with 0.02 mm least count 1 no.
4 Optical Bevel protractor 1 no.
5 Outside micrometer 0 to 25mm 1 no.
6 Outside micrometer 25 to 50 mm 1 no.
7 Outside micrometer 50 to 75 mm 1 no.
8 Combination set with 300 mm blade centre head, square head and protector 1 no.
9 Sine bar 200 mm 1 no.
10 Slip Gauge Box (workshop grade) - 87 pieces per set 1 no.
11 Inside micrometer 50 mm to 200mm, 0.01 mm least count with six 1 no.
extension rod.
12 Gear tooth Micrometer ( metric ) 1 no.
13 Bevel gauge 200 1 no.
14 Dial test indicator – Plunger type-Range 0-10 mm , Graduation 0.01 mm & 1 set
0.001mm Reading 0-10 with revolution counter ( complete with clamping
devices and magnetic stand )
15 Dial test indicator – Puppitast type-Range 0-10 mm , Graduation 0.01 mm 1 set
& 0.001 mm. Reading 0-10 with revolution counter ( complete with
clamping devices and magnetic stand )
16 Feeler gauge 1 no.
17 Radius gauge 1 to 25 mm radius 1 no.
18 Screw pitch gauge for metric, standard & fine pitches. BSP & BSW pitches 1 no.
( 0.25 to 6 mm )
19 Center gauge 55º x 47½º 1 no.
20 Center gauge 60º 1 no.
21 Plug gaugeMorse taper No.1, 2, 3, 4, 1 set
22 Ring gauge Morse taper No.1, 2, 3, 4, 1 set
23 Ring gauge Ø20mm (Go and No Go ) 1 no.
24 Limit plug gauges Ø20mm 1 no.
25 Wire gauges 1 no.
26 Bore gauge with dial indicator (1 mm range, 0-0.01 mm graduation)-Range 1 no.
of bore gauge 18-150 mm)
27 Straight edge 485 mm to 1445 mm 1 set
28 Bearing fitting tool 1 set
29 Multimeter 2 Nos.
30 Tong tester 1 No.
31 Megger 1 No.

32 Wire stripper cum cutter 1 No.
33 Crimping Tool 1 No.


Sl. Quantity
Name of tools
1 Reduction sleeve and extension socket. As required
2 Centre drills 3, 4 and 5 mm (Consumable) 2 nos. each
3 Revolving centre with arbor As required
4 Knurling tool with holder (straight, cross, diamond ) 1 each
5 Dog carrier As required
6 Oil can pressure feed As required
7 Tool holder (straight) to suit 6 & 8 mm sq. bit size As required
8 H.S.S. tool bits 6 mm, 8 mm sq. x100 mm length (consumable) As required


Sl. Quantity
Name of tools
1 Cylindrical milling cutter Ø 63 x 70 x Ø 27 mm 1 no.
2 Side and face cutter Ø 80 x 10 X Ø 27 mm 1 no
3 Slitting Saw cutter Ø 100 x 6 X Ø 27 mm 1 no.
4 Slitting Saw cutter Ø 75 x 3 X Ø 27 mm 1 no.
5 „T‟ slot cutter with parallel shank- Ø 17.5 x 8 mm width x dia. of shank 8 mm 1 no.
6 Woodruff key seating cutters A 13.5x3, A16x4 1 each
7 Parallel shank end mill Ø 5 mm, Ø 6 mm, Ø 8mm, Ø 10 mm and Ø 12 mm 1 each
8 Disc type form milling cutter (involutes form -1.5 & 2 module, 20° pressure As required
9 Scribing block universal 300mm As required
10 V-Block-Approx 65x65x80 mm with clamping capacity of 50 mm with clamps 1 set each

11 D.E spanners 3-4 , 6-8, 10-12, 13-14, 15-16, 18-19, 20-22, 24-26 ( 8 spanners) 1 set
12 Angle plate-adjustable 250x250x300 mm 1 no.
13 Twist Drill Parallel Shank Ø 4 mm to Ø 12 mm in steps of 0.5 mm 1 each
14 Grinding wheel dresser (diamond dresser) with holder 1.5 carat diamond 2 nos.
15 C – clamp- 50 mm & 75 mm 1 each
16 Hand reamer 6 to 16 mm in steps of 1 mm 1 each
17 Machine reamer 6 to 16 in steps of 1 mm 1 each


Sl. Quantity
Name of tools and equipments

1. Lathe all gear head type, with Centre height of 150 mm, Gap bed, between 2 nos
centers 1000 mm (with 3 jaw and 4 jaw chuck, coolant equipments).

2. Universal Milling machine 1no

3. Surface grinding machine wheel dia 180 mm (or near) reciprocating table, 1no
longitudinal table traverse 200mm (or near) full motorized supplied with
magnetic chuck 250 X120mm and necessary accessories.
4. Drilling machine pillar type 20mm capacity. 1no
5. Double ended Pedestal Grinder with 178 mm wheels(one fine and one rough)- 1no
motorized with twist drill grinding attachment
6. Flexible Hand Grinder 100 mm dia – light duty 1no
7. Portable Drilling machine 6 mm capacity. 1no
8. Shaping Machine 450 mm stroke (motorized) with all attachments 1no
9. Pipe bending machine 1no
10 Hydraulic trainer with necessary elements for different machine circuit with all 1 set
types of transparent valves and pressure gauge, reservoir etc.
11 Pneumatic trainer with necessary elements for demonstration different machine 1 set
circuit with all types of valves, pressure gauge and compressor etc.


Sl. No. Name of tools and equipments Quantity

1. Old Centre lathe 1no
2. Old Milling Machine (Universal) 1no
3. Old Grinding Machine (Universal) 1no
4. Old Shaping Machine 1no
5. Old Gear Box (any type) 1no
6. Revolving Centre 1no
7 Old hydraulic power pack with hydraulic cylinder 1 no
8 Old hydraulic power press 1 no
9 Old Gear pump 1 no.
10 Old Vane pump fixed and variable delivery 1each
11 Old Piston pump ( Radial & Axial) 1each

(If welding trade is available in the institute may be used-otherwise to be provided as per list
given below)
Sl. No. Name of tools and equipments Quantity
1. Oxy-acetylene welding Cylinder Trolley 1 no.
2. Welding hose P.V.C. flexible internal dia. 6 mm (Blue and red) 5m
3. Hose coupling Nipples 2 nos.
4. Hose Protractor 2 nos.
5. Double stage Pressure regulator for Oxygen and Acetylene 1no. each
6. High Pressure blow pipe with tips 1 no.
7. Gas cutting torch with cutting tips 1 no
8. Welding gloves pair (Leather) 1 pair
9. Goggles (4A) for Gas. Welding 4 nos.
10. Spark lighter 2 nos.
11. Spindle key 1 no.

12. Gas Welding table with fire bricks. 1 no.

(If welding trade is available in the institute may be used-otherwise to be provided as per list
given below)

Sl. Quantity
Name of tools and equipments
Welding Machine DC or AC, (Single phase / 3 phase), 150 – 300 Amps
1. 1 no.
capacity with all accessories


Sl. Quantity
Name of tools and equipments
1. Foundation bolts (different types) 1each.
2. Plumb bob 1 no.
3. Square Box Wrenches 1 no
4. Square T Wrenches 1 no
5. Engineers square 700 mm 1 no
6. Threaded Fastener B Type 1 no
7. Threaded Fastener C Type 1 no
8. Threaded Fastener F Type 1 no
9. Hoisting Equipment: chain pulley, steel slings, rope, belt, tackles 1 set




1) Space Norms : 45 Sq. m.(For Engineering Drawing)

2) Infrastructure:

Sl. Quantity
Name of the items
No. (indicative)
1. Draughtsman drawing instrument box 20 Nos.
2. Set square celluloid 45⁰ (250 X 1.5 mm) 20 Nos.
3. Set square celluloid 30⁰-60⁰ (250 X 1.5 mm) 20 Nos.
4. Mini drafter 20 Nos.
5. Drawing board (700mm x500 mm) IS: 1444 20 Nos.

Sl. Quantity
Name of the items
No. (indicative)
1 Drawing Board 20 Nos.
2 Models : Solid & cut section as required
3 Drawing Table for trainees as required
4 Stool for trainees as required
5 Cupboard (big) 01
6 White Board (size: 8ft. x 4ft.) 01
7 Trainer‟s Table 01
8 Trainer‟s Chair 01




For Batch of 20 APPRENTICES

Actual training will depend on the existing facilities available in the

establishments. However, the industry should ensure that the broad skills defined against
On-Job Training part (i.e. 9 months + 9 months) are imparted. In case of any short fall
the concern industry may impart the training in cluster mode/ any other industry/ at ITI.



1. Due care to be taken for proper & inclusive delivery among the batch. Some of the
following some method of delivery may be adopted:


2. Maximum utilization of latest form of training viz., audio visual aids, integration of
IT, etc. may be adopted.

3. The total hours to be devoted against each topic may be decided with due diligence to
safety & with prioritizing transfer of required skills.


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