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The Future of

Virginia Street
Placemaking Study
3 How to Read this Document 75 Project Vision & Goals
Contents 4 Executive Summary 76 Vision Statement
5 Project Context 77 Project Goals
6 Project Premise 81 Recommendations & Concept Alternatives
7 Project Process 82 Strategic Moves Overview
8 Project Site 83 Strategic Moves and Placemaking Actions
9 Site History
120 Implementation Plan
10 What is Placemaking?
121 Roadmap to Success
12 Why Now?
122 Placemaking Pillars
18 Local and National Placemaking Trends
124 February 2023 Engagement Outcomes
23 Change Process
125 Placemaking Funding Initiatives
25 What We Heard & What We Saw 126 Prioritization and Phasing
30 Virginia Street Today 133 Roles And Responsibilities
70 Aspirations for a Future Virginia Street 134 Cost Examples
73 November 2022 Engagement Outcomes 139 Placemaking Targets and Evaluation

This project was developed by Gehl Studio Inc.

for the City of Reno July 2022 - March 2023

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 2
This document begins with setting the Project Context and overviews the
How to read this process of this work.

document Then, we present the What We Heard, What We Saw Insights documenting
learnings about people and their experiences and aspirations for a future
Virginia Street

Next, we share the Project Vision and Goals, based on the Insights in the
previous section and further input from Renoites, organized around four
emergent themes.

Next, we present Recommendations and Concept design, represented

through five strategic moves with associated action items, for both short
term and longer term improvements of physical and programmatic nature

Last, an Implementation Plan outlines a roadmap for implementation,

including proposed phasing, prioritization of resources, and ways to
measure the impact of implemented placemaking efforts.

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 3
Why take a people-first approach to
Downtown Virginia Street placemaking?

Vibrant public spaces are inviting and

Executive exciting because of the diversity and
richness of public life that happens within
summary them. By successfully cultivating public
life through placemaking, public spaces
are better equipped to promote civic
The Placemaking Study is a result of a One of the greatest challenges of Additionally, the placemaking study agency, foster health and sustainability,
10 month process investigating Virginia Street today is the outlines a series of actions to build social capital, and better connect
placemaking opportunities that reflect overwhelming presence – measured activate adjacent open spaces with people to their communities and to each
the local identity and history of at 70% – of inactive edges. This is furnishings and programming,
Downtown Reno and Virginia Street being addressed with placemaking further inviting more people to A people-first approach to Virginia Street
and the needs and desires of Renoites actions that support transformation Virginia Street and therefore more will also make certain that improvements
for the future of Virginia Street. of these edges through the public life to downtown Reno. build on the strategic plans and priorities
implementation of micro-retail and set forth by the City of Reno, RTC, and
The process revealed strong desires With cross-agency collaboration;
facade improvements. This, other public, private, and non-profit
for a thriving Downtown that invites support and buy in from Renoites,
alongside elevating the baseline of agencies; ensuring that the future Virginia
locals and visitors alike, and is a property and business owners, local
the street right of way with Street prioritize the connected, vibrant,
neighborhood in its own respect, entrepreneurs, and organisations;
designated lanes for active mobility, livable, prosperous, and safe growth of
serving events and everyday life. and funding resources allocated for
intersection upgrades, signal timing Reno’s communities. Exemplary
the implementation process, the
Alongside public space activation, changes to lower traffic speeds, and people-first placemaking design and
future of Virginia Street is well on its
safety and access for people of all public seating will, among other programming will set the precedent for
way, and its success will represent
ages, modes, and abilities are critical placemaking actions, provide continued public space improvements for
Reno’s spirit of ingenuity and
components of the future of Virginia symbiotic change towards a vibrant people of all modes, ages, and abilities in
Street. and thriving Virginia Street. Downtown and the Greater Reno area.

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 4
Project Context
Setting the Stage For Placemaking on
Virginia Street

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 5
Project Context

Change is coming to Downtown Reno. With an influx of housing, jobs, students, and
neighborhood amenities, Downtown is at a critical moment to set a vision for the

Project premise future. Virginia Street is the spine of the city–it has tremendous opportunity to support
authentic growth in Downtown Reno and improve quality of life for Renoites and
Putting people at the visitors alike. Today, there is a need to strengthen offering, diversify the public life
profile and public space quality along Virginia Street. This placemaking study for
center of change Virginia Street can have greater impact across the city than solely within the physical
boundaries of the project. As one of the main corridors in the city, there is much to be
done to increase invitations to walk and spend time here, and to overall identify how
Virginia Street becomes a place to stay, not just move through. While there is
opportunity for change, there is also a lot to build on.

The Placemaking Study is a unique opportunity for Virginia Street to become a better
version of itself. The groundwork has been laid with the City of Reno Master Plan;
Placemaking is the process of creating quality
places that people want to live, work, play, and Reimagine Reno. Now is the time to prepare for growth and embrace change, and
learn in, through participatory processes. bring this vision to life on Virginia Street. Virginia Street holds the potential to become
Understanding how people experience their a truly great street that cater to both special events and the everyday life of Downtown
environment is fundamental to creating good
Reno. The process of this project led to a vision, goals and concept designs for the
public spaces.
future of Virginia Street and placemaking actions that support the kind of public life
that Renoites want to see downtown. Change will be an incremental process. This
placemaking initiative is the start of a new era for Virginia Street!

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 6
Project Context

What is Placemaking?

Placemaking is a people-centered approach to the

planning, design and management of public spaces, that
involves looking at, listening to, and asking questions of
the people who live, work and play in a particular space, to
discover needs and aspirations. This information is then
used to create a common vision.

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 7
Project Context

Project process

Summer 2022 Fall 2022 Winter 2022/23

Develop a response with

a succinct Vision Develop Street Design
Identify Challenges & Co-Create a Roadmap
Statement and clear and Programming
Potentials for Implementation
measurable Goals Concepts

Identify Virginia Street’s current Draft a succinct vision statement Draft design and programming Client and consultant co-create a
challenges via site visits, and clear measurable goals with responses to the Vision and Roadmap for Implementation,
surveys, and interviews metrics, based on phase 1 input, Goals, and solicit input from including mapping out potential
and solicit input from Renoites Renoites ranking the concepts project phases, comparable cost
Output: What We Heard What before moving into the next phase before moving into the next estimates, roles and
We Saw presentation of the project. phase of the project responsibilities

Output: Shared Vision with Output: Design and Output: Implementation Roadmap
Measurable Goals and Metrics + Programming Concepts
Design Ideas

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 8
Project Context

15 min walk or 5
minute bike ride

Project site
UNR + Student
While the project focus is Virginia Street from
Liberty to UNR, the Placemaking Study
speaks to downtown changes overall.

To 4th St Station
As the central spine of Downtown, Virginia
Street connects various context and with To Neon Line

that poses opportunities for placemaking Entertainment and

To Locomotion
growing population
interventions that are tailored to Plaza
and Dog Park
context-specific needs and desires while
To Greater
providing a varied experience and amenity Nevada Field
offerings along its length.

While the placemaking concept design To Riverwalk

Civic & Cultural with
recommendations in this project focus on River access
Virginia Street, it also recognizes that
changes cannot happen in isolation. Virginia
Street is at the core of a larger public space
network, and it all needs to work together. Project Site

Areas of Influence
To Midtown 0’ 250’ 500’ 1000’

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 9
Project Context

Virginia Street is an iconic

street in Reno. Over time, it
has shifted yet maintained and
important thoroughfare and
A brief history of destination that represents
Renos history.
Virginia Street

1861 1868 1926 1931 1974 2009 2000’s

Charles Fuller builds The Central Pacific The Reno Arch is built Nevada legalizes I-80 construction The RTC Rapid bus Reno’s gaming market
the first bridge across Railroad arrives, to celebrate the gambling and finishes, linking Reno line opens along starts to contract, and
the Truckee. “Fullers laying out a street completion of the liberalized divorce to San Francisco but Virginia Street, following the
Crossing” lays the grid as Reno Lincoln and Victory laws. Downtown Reno isolating UNR from making it the city’s recession the
foundation for Reno consolidates around Highways. Reno’s becomes a Downtown Reno. primary multi-modal economic vitality of
and Virginia Street. the new train station. slogan is added three destination for hotels transit corridor. Virginia Street
Photo: Neal Cobb via Reno
years later. and casinos. declines.
Historical Photo: Nevada Historical
Society Photo: UNR Libraries Photo: Reno Gazette-Journal
Photo: Philip Galbraith

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Placemaking Study 10

Project Context

PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Reno knows this well. The

90 minutes of physical activity built into your
routine can be achieved through urban design Reimagine Reno Plan calls for
alone clear action to make Downtown
Benefits of investing – ”Physical activity in relation to urban
environments in 14 cities worldwide: a
cross-sectional study.” James F Sallis, Jens Troelsen, et al.
streets better for people.

in placemaking on MENTAL HEALTH & WELLBEING

Guiding Principle 3: A Thriving Downtown
and University District

Virginia Street Removing an hour from your commute

produces the equivalent happiness of a
40% pay increase
➔ Cultivate a vibrant and livable
downtown environment that
– “The Stress That Doesn’t Pay: The Commuting Paradox”, balances the needs of residents
Stutzer and Frey.
and visitors
Virginia Street holds the potential to become
ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY ➔ Enhance public safety and create
a great street. Investing in streetscape Biking is nearly 10X more carbon
inviting streets and public spaces
improvements can generate a series of efficient than driving
for people
– “What’s the carbon footprint of ... cycling a mile?”
benefits, from economic impact, to social, The Guardian ➔ Promote the continued
health and environmental impact. revitalization of the downtown
Neighbourhoods with stronger walkability economy and built environment
More than ‘nice to have’, great streets indices are associated with decreased ➔ Strengthen multi-modal connection
property crime, murders, and violent crime
produce a ripple effect of tangible individual, to and within Downtown Reno
– ”Does walkability matter? An examination of walkability’s
neighborhood and citywide benefits. Places impact on housing values, foreclosures and crime” Gilderbloom, The findings and recommendations of this
J. et al.
that encourage people to walk, bike and report build upon Reimagine Reno and the
Downtown Action Plan.
spend time on the streets have residents that Shoppers arriving on foot visit
businesses more regularly spending
are happier, healthier, and more connected. more per month
– “Consumer Behavior and Travel Choices: A focus on
Cyclist and Pedestrians” NACTO

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 11
Project Context

Why this Placemaking Study and why now?

The pandemic has impacted how we live, work and play.

Streets are considered a valuable public asset and
throughout the country and the world downtown main street
are leading the change, towards walkable, diverse and
resilient communities

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 12
Project Context

Downtown Reno is
changing from an
event-based 40%
destination to an 1,342 6,707 sq.ft. +4500 more increase in
Residential Commercial
everyday units under space under
students at
construction at Reno
neighborhood Adding up to 3000 new
Adding to today’s +20K Airport
Adding to today’s 576 students
residents to today’s Adding to today’s 3.7
Downtown businesses
+4500 Downtown million annual Reno
and +12K workers
population visitors

Sources: Reno-Sparks Convention & Visitors Authority Visitor Profile

Survey, University of Nevada Reno 2024 Campus Master Plan, and
Downtown Reno Partnership Downtown Reno Development Map,
Airport Technology, and

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 13
Project Context

More residents
Downtown means
that the public realm
will need to work
harder to support
everyday life and

Image source: Soft City by David Sim // Gehl People

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 14
Project Context
“With rapid urbanization and dwindling
resources, we have to use existing
infrastructure more efficiently, make better
use of what we have – specifically the space
Placemaking on we have – and make what we build work

Virginia Street and harder for us”(Sim).

nearby can guide

this change


Image source: Soft City by David Sim // Gehl People

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 15
Project Context

The time is now

Lean into the
change and
what makes
Reno unique

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 16
Project Context


Cultural producers
The time is now
To unite all Students


Property owners

around a Makers

shared vision Regional agencies


for the Future City agencies

Business owners

of Virginia
Street Decision makers

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 17
Project Context

With the Virginia Street Placemaking

Project, Reno joins cities around
North America and abroad in creating
a people first approach to a
thriving Downtown.

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 18
Project Context

Consensus for capital improvement for

Balancing transportation and place a Future 16th Street in Denver CO that
better balances transit and public life

Increase in people
spending time on the

Increase in commercial

Gehl — Making‘all about
Cities moving
for People people through’ Placemaking pilot ‘increasing stickiness’ Vision for capital improvements
Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 19
Project Context

Leaning into the local spirit of

ingenuity has led to many placemaking
Ground floor activation initiatives in San José. MOMENT is a
sustaining successful product of that

Active edge = active

street 10 New businesses
over 3 years

Gehl — Making Cities for People Inactive ground floor of parking garage Replacement of 12 parking stalls with 4 Street
Virginia micro-retail units Study
Urban Placemaking 20
Project Context

Economic recovery response in

Downtown Mountain View led to an
Incremental change & resilience active street during lockdown and to
support for permanent closure

35% 98%
Of businesses reported Of survey respondents
increase in sales and business owners
between 2019 and 2021 approve

Only 12 vacancies
out of 110 ground
floor units

Gehl — Making=Cities
Peoplewith limited outdoor serving Pilot = outdoor serving and public seating attracting locals Incremental change before permanent
Virginia redesign
Street Urban Placemaking Study 21
Project Context

In West Palm Beach a developer led

redesign of a public street and a
Holistic urban development privately owned public space, through
CityPlace Community Development
District, a special taxing district
created to fund public infrastructure

People walking and Businesses reported
spending times increased increased
demand for outdoor

Gehl — Making=Cities
just for
like any
People other street in the city Investment in flush pavers, a lush tree canopy and quality seating = supporting the existing use whileStreet
Virginia increasing public life
Urban Placemaking Study 22
Project Context

Set goals & project

Virginia Street will REFINE

Study what’s working &

not change overnight what’s not working to

continuous learn & improve
Continue to measure public

Change is an life & public space

conditions with more
specific goals/questions

iterative process and Change is an

iterative process!
to succeed it is
important to align
around a shared and
co-created vision TEST
Pilot some recommendations to try things out,
ask people to ‘vote with their feet’, & make the
case for permanent change

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 23
Project Context

Change will not

happen in isolation We are

A successful
process requires
shared ownership
based on a shared
understanding of
challenges and
Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 24
What We Heard
& What We Saw
Defining Success Criteria for Virginia
Street by aligning around challenges
and opportunities

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 25
Virginia Street has a rich
history, but does not reflect
the culture of creativity
cherished by Renoites and
visitors alike

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 26
Project Context

Mobility Models +

To understand the Trends (Replica)

Past reports

opportunities on
Virginia Street we Amenity
Open source &
applied a Work session &
Census data
research approach
Site Online survey

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 27
Project Context

“There is not enough

activity for people to feel
“It has all of the quintessential “Virginia street is a lot of fun safe, because it feels
nostalgic elements of Reno’s during events, like Blues desolate.” “More places designed to
history. I see potential there for it Brews BBQ etc. It's great when sit and stay awhile; let my
to be fully revived.” teens socialize here on
people are out and about.”
their own”

I love/like…
“Cruising under the
Reno arch.”
We heard from “ It would be good to have
cafes and restaurants where
you can sit outside. It would

“I wish downtown had trees,

+2700 Renoites!!! feel more crowded and safe.”

places to sit outside, an

occasional food truck…”

“Walk without worrying

“Ride a bicycle safely. about traffic or sweating to “Be able to drive down the
Needs more protected death in the concrete jungle” street both ways without all
bicycle infrastructure.” the obstructions.”

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 28
What We Heard, What We Saw

90% of online survey respondents

agree that Virginia Street is important

Cross departmental city staff and

Good news! leadership agree

There is consensus that

Virginia Street is a central
part of Downtown Reno…

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 29
What We Heard, What We Saw

75% of online survey respondents finds

that Virginia Street lacks reasons for
them to visit

Cross departmental city staff and

There is also consensus leadership agree

that Virginia Street lacks

invitations for locals…

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 30
What We Heard, What We Saw

Today, Virginia
01 02 03 04
draws locals and visitors has a rich history, but physically connects is home to businesses
alike for events, but is does not reflect the well-visited downtown that are an important part
not a place that culture of creativity destinations, but few of the Downtown DNA,
Renoites gravitate cherished by Renoites Renoites choose to walk but lacks amenities and
towards everyday and visitors alike between them businesses with a local

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Placemaking Study 31

Virginia Street draw locals
and visitors alike for events,
but is not a place that
Renoites gravitate towards

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 32
Public Life Health Check

“As an older person, it

“I liked the benches that used to be along
would be nice to have
the road so that you could sit and watch the
benches or shady places to
Renoites come to cars go by and the events etc. Now there
isn’t anywhere to stop and take a break to
sit and rest. “
watch anything unless you want to stand up
Virginia Street for all the time….”
“More places designed to
events… sit and stay awhile; let my
“Virginia street is a lot of fun teens socialize here on
during events, like Blues their own”
Brews BBQ etc. It's great when
…but express a need people are out and about.”

for programming,
more public life, and
“eyes on the street” “There is not enough
activity for people to feel
…Because of the casinos, there can
safe, because it feels be entire blocks where the whole
for them to visit on desolate.” building is just a fake wall, it makes
it feel eerie and scary at night.
an everyday basis
→ Source: The Future of Virginia Street online survey.
Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 33
What We Heard, What We Saw

Virginia Street is
famous for events
that bring 4-5X the
number of visitors to
Virginia Street than
on non-event days…
64% of survey respondents state they
primarily use Virginia Street to pass
through, not to linger

→ Sources: The Future of Virginia Street online survey. Sources:

Reno-Sparks Convention & Visitors Authority Visitor Profile Survey.

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 34
What We Heard, What We Saw

Bus stops

When no events,
there are few
invitations to linger
on Virginia Street

The bus stops offer

the only public Park benches (off the street)

benches on the
Commercial outdoor seating

0’ 250’ 500’ 1000’

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 35
What We Heard, What We Saw

For example: There is

+16K sq. ft. of open
space in front of the
Yet, there are loads Pioneer Center

of sq.ft. that could

be further activated
and programmed
and invite Renoites Sidewalks and street plazas Areas in front of cultural destinations

to spend time…

Adjacent public plazas Parking lots

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 36
What We Heard, What We Saw

50% of survey respondents do not feel

Due to lack of public safe on Virginia Street. This feeling can
make even short walks feel long.

life “eyes on the

street”, Virginia
Street has a safety
perception challenge Boarded up

Inactive facades

No people

→ Source: The Future of Virginia Street online survey.

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 37
What We Heard, What We Saw

Under Construction: College

of Business

In fact, 70% of
Virginia Street is That is a
Under Construction:
fronted by inactive Compass Point

facades, parking
garages and empty Under Construction:

lots… Reno City Center

All of which can

make even the
Parking Lots
shortest walk feel Parking Garage

uncomfortable 0’ 250’
Inactive Facade
500’ 1000’

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 38
What We Heard, What We Saw

Placemaking Convert underused sidewalk

and plaza space into inviting
places for people, with
seating, small scale repeat
programming, and building
edge activation
Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 39
What We Heard, What We Saw

Tree canopy

Active Edges

Human Scale

Vehicle access
Bike Access
Event space
Seating Local Businesses


Ample room for walking

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 40
What We Heard, What We Saw


Public seating
Active Edges
Outdoor serving

Sun / Shade
Loading zones
Vehicle access

Ample room for walking

Bike Access
Distinct character

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 41
What We Heard, What We Saw

“It has all of the quintessential

“It is Reno's history on display.
nostalgic elements of Reno’s
I would love to see it upgraded
history. I see potential there for it
Renoites love the to its former glory.”
to be fully revived.”

history of Virginia
Street, the Arch, and
the art… I love/like…
“Cruising under the
Reno arch.”
“Love the history and the beautiful historic
but also state that buildings… the Downtown Post Office,
“The Reno Arch sign
Piazzo Building (St. Francis Hotel), Reno
there is a disconnect National Bank and Washoe Savings Bank,
and art additions are
and the Reno Arch”
between the street
today and its glory
→ Source: The Future of Virginia Street online survey.
Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 42
What We Heard, What We Saw

3.7 million visitors came to

The iconic Arch is Reno/Sparks on 2021, and 3 out of 4
are repeat visitors

appreciated by
locals and visitors,
and it is a perfect
Instagram moment…

…but needs a
platform for No space for

appreciation for
non-drivers too
Source: Reno-Sparks Convention & Visitors Authority Visitor
Profile Survey.

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 43
What We Heard, What We Saw

Like the Arch,

beloved historic
buildings are fronted
by unceremonious
public space…
Nowhere to sit No trees
and rest

… and while parking

is important, a better!!!

Limited sidewalk
balance can be Large asphalt
surface adding to
heat island effect
Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 44
What We Heard, What We Saw

Historic alleys are The sign is the only sign

back of house with

important service

…but could serve as

shortcuts for people
Human scale
walking and as
programmable, Entrances from the back

human scale space All about service - not place

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 45
What We Heard, What We Saw

56% of tourist come to experience the

Murals soften art community and the creative culture
of Reno

surfaces and bring


… but given the Mural by bus stop

culture of creativity Mural fronting empty lot

in Reno, arts
programming could But nowhere to sit and wait

do more to activate
→ Source: Reno-Sparks Convention & Visitors Authority Visitor
Profile Survey

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 46
What We Heard, What We Saw

Placemaking Provide quality public space

opportunities for appreciation of iconic
signage and historical
buildings, and include the
alleyways in the Downtown
public space network with art
& programming
Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 47
What We Heard, What We Saw

Edge activation

Historical signage (art)

Historical details

Edge activation
Eyes on the street

Ample room for walking

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 48
What We Heard, What We Saw

All year attraction

Iconic, without
visual clutter

Plaza space with

Up close appreciation seating and shade

Gehl — Making Cities for People Viewing platform Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 49
Virginia Street physically
connects well-visited
downtown destinations, but
few Renoites choose active
mobility to get around

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 50
What We Heard, What We Saw

“I cannot drive and typically “Walk without worrying

avoid walking on Virginia about traffic or sweating to
Street due to traffic.” death in the concrete jungle”
Renoites want
Virginia Street to be
safe and “Too many lights. Not “Ride a bicycle safely.
Needs more protected
enough safe riding lanes to
comfortable for get there. Way too much bicycle infrastructure.”
traffic confusion on Virginia
people walking and [Street] to feel safe on bike “Move between
or welcome on foot.” casinos and
wheeling… restaurants without
dodging traffic”

…but appreciate [it is] “Difficult to find parking. [I]

Often have to park on side streets
being able to drive nearby and walk to [my] destination,
which would be okay if it was safer
“Be able to drive down the
street both ways without all
the obstructions.”
two-ways for pedestrians...”

→ Source: The Future of Virginia Street online survey.

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 51
What We Heard, What We Saw

Today, most Renoites 80% drive to visit Virginia Street, only

12% walk and even fewer wheel

drive to Virginia
Street. But! After
parking, drivers
becomes pedestrians Virginia Street carries an annual
too! average of 12,670 vehicles daily across
2-4 lanes. Sierra and Central support
<7,000. At these low levels, the space
devoted to cars is mismatched
Yet, streets with In comparison, Vesterbrogade in Copenhagen carries
18,000 vehicles daily across 2 lanes

ample space for cars

pose challenges to
all other users.
→ Source: The Future of Virginia Street online survey.
Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 52
What We Heard, What We Saw

Unsafe but critical connections

across I-80 to UNR

Missing links
Parallel Streets for cars only Missing links between event centers,
between North South 4th St Station, Riverwalk, + brewery

destinations for
people walking and Critical E-W bike corridor
between river and interstate
wheeling, make
traveling without a
Missing links between To Riverwalk +
car less desirable plazas + Riverwalk Pyramid Lake Trail

Project Area
Missing Links:
Existing Strong Connection downtown connectivity
To Riverwalk + Missing links between Civic
highest-lowest priority
Missing Links: Lake Tahoe Trail Buildings, Cultural Attractions, and
immediate context Midtown.
Existing Bike Link Connections to existing
highest-lowest priority
N-S bike corridors 0’ 250’ 500’ 1000’

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 53
What We Heard, What We Saw

When Renoites DO
walk and wheel, they
brave low quality
sidewalk conditions,
limited bike Wide streets and exposure to traffic Narrow, exposed sidewalks

infrastructure, and
are exposed to
traffic and the

Bike lane protected parking Summer or Winter, exposure is a challenge

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 54
What We Heard, What We Saw

Out of a total of 213 crashes along the

corridor, more than 50% were in the
Large intersections intersections between 6th and 9th
Street near the freeway
with limited time to
cross, wide turning Speeding traffic

radii, and fast and Long distances to cross Freeway ramps

heavy traffic further

discourage people The primary intersection with crashes
involving pedestrians was 4th Street,
from walking and which generally see a higher
concentration of people walking
wheeling plus
increase the risk of
A lot of asphalt adding
crashes to heat island effect Wide turning radii

→ Source: NDOT crash data 2015-17

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 55
What We Heard, What We Saw

UNR Connection
conds 1:09
43 se
45 sec The average
Intersection signaling 1:10 m
inutes wait time at

is rarely in favor of along Virginia

co nds
non-drivers, 45 se
1:30 m
increasing the risk of utes
Brewery District Connection
people crossing cond
35 se
outside of designated
crossing time Intersection
wait times add

minutes tes
when walking 1:30
from Liberty to Midtown
9th St Connection
tes 30-60 second wait

! 1+ minute wait
250’ 500’ 1000’
Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 56
What We Heard, What We Saw

For an entertainment street the

Out of 11.300 daily trips pedestrian numbers are strikingly low.
The numbers reflect 1 in 6 is walking In comparison, Lower Broadway in
Nashville sees an average of
few people walking 4,482/hour!

and biking on
Virginia Street… 15% +80%
Less than 5% biking and taking transit

…and a demographic Kids and teens are not

represented on Virginia Street

split that is not with less than 3% of trip takers

under the age of 17

representative of the 3%

Reno population 80% 17% Trip taker age split on Virginia Street

21% 64% 15% Trip taker age split across Reno

→ Source: Replica trip data by mode and by age groups

Ages 0- 17 Ages 18-64 Ages +65
Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 57
What We Heard, What We Saw

Placemaking Elevate the baseline for

active mobility users of all
ages and abilities, with
comfortable [and shaded]
sidewalks, quality bike lanes,
and safe crossings

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 58
What We Heard, What We Saw

Shade for people Lighting

walking and rolling

Ample room for


Parking protected Travel lanes

cycle tracks

refuge islands

Elevated crosswalks

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 59
What We Heard, What We Saw

Even more shade!

Ample room for walking

Dedicated loading zones


Travel lanes
Buffered bike lanes

Short crossing distances

ADA ramps

Corner bulb outs

Bike marking

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 60
Virginia Street is home to
businesses that are an
important part of the
Downtown DNA, but lacks
amenities and a local draw

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 61
What We Heard, What We Saw

“Have more shopping “I don't normally visit the

and recreation. Outdoor Dining. A safe, casinos but I feel like

Renoites see the clean, healthy and vibrant Virginia

Street that wasn't just catered to the
they're a key part of Reno.”

casinos as an casinos, but felt even family friendly

with shade and places to walk.”

important part of
Reno’s DNA… “I would love to see more restaurants,
gift shops, clothing stores, and
businesses that bring in the right crowd.
“I think more shops, entertainment, and Less convenience stores, pawn shops,
restaurants (fun stuff) on Virginia street
…but want to see would be awesome. There are many
and things of that nature.”

closed places and boarded old casinos,

more local shops and I'd love to see those closed places
become something…”
and eateries mixed
“ It would be good to have
in “I wish downtown had trees, cafes and restaurants where
places to sit outside, an you can sit outside. It would
occasional food truck…” feel more crowded and safe.”

→ Source: The Future of Virginia Street online survey.

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 62
What We Heard, What We Saw

Large singular
businesses turn
their backs to the
street with no or few Entrances?


… limiting access to
existing businesses
Looks like entrances, but it is not

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 63
What We Heard, What We Saw

62% of food and beverage places along

Virginia Street are inside the casinos
Existing food and
beverage places are
off the street, and
few have direct
access from Virginia
Street… Planned grocery
store at Harrahs

… this adds to an Food & Beverages


empty street Services



Green Spaces

Arts & Culture


Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 64
What We Heard, What We Saw

Facade rhythm with

Local attracts! multiple entrances

Warm materials

Trees for shade

Renoites love Human scale buildings

Midtown, with Local businesses

walkability, Active street frontages

quirkiness, and its

local businesses. Outdoor seating

Green buffer

More of THIS!
Flush pavers

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 65
What We Heard, What We Saw

And THIS!!! Nature in the city

Human scale lighting

Public seating Well-connected


Local businesses

Outdoor seating

Access to Truckee River

Room to walk and bike

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 66
What We Heard, What We Saw

Placemaking Bring Reno entrepreneurs

opportunities and Virginia Street property
owners together to convert
inactive ground floors to
thriving businesses and
amenities with local and
visitor draw
Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 67
What We Heard, What We Saw

Ground floor activation

Interaction between building
function and street Local business


Small scale

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 68
What We Heard, What We Saw

Interaction between building Ground floor activation

function and street Local business



Ample space for walking


Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 69
What we heard, what we saw

From a street locals avoid… To a place that invites Renoites and

visitors alike to linger…

Aspirations for a From a special once per year event

To a venue for recurring and
regular happenings

Future Virginia Street From a street with little public life and To a vibrant and lively street with
low sense of safety high sense of safety

Insights are informed by: From an Instagram only art An ever-evolving canvas for
● Workshops with City staff experience… arts and creativity
● Conversations with Council members
● Responses to an online survey open to all From a place with history… To a place that celebrates the
Renoites through an online survey history and looks to the future
● Site surveys
● Observational studies From a drive to destination place… To a connected network to safely
and comfortably walk and wheel
These guide the project vision and goals on the
following, that will set the stage for concept design
From a “grey” street exposed to the To a “green” street with shade,
elements shelter and ample tree canopy

From a retail, food and beverage To a street with a rich diversity of

on-street desert… culinary experiences

From large scale monofunctional and To vibrant edges where local

inactive street edges small-scale businesses thrive
Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 70
What we heard, what we saw

Change to become
more like we are

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 71
What we heard, what we saw

Change to
become different
Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 72
What we heard, what we saw

Summary Online and In-Person Survey
From November 2 to November 17,
November 2022 481 Renoites responded to the Second
Stakeholder Conversations “Future of Virginia Street Survey. An
In November 2022, the project team conducted in-person
With Local Businesses and Property additional 25 responded to an
and online engagement focused on understanding the
Owners, Downtown Residents and identical physical survey at the open
common challenges with Virginia Street today, and the
UNR Students, the DRP Board, local house.
desired qualities that Renoites would like to see on Virginia
Street in the future. and regional transportation authorities,
the ROW, and the RSCVA
The purpose with the engagement was to develop a
consensus-based vision and series of goals for a future of Open House Presentation and Mixer
Virginia Street, to serve as the guiding north star for On November 2, the “What We Hear and What
conceptual programming and design recommendations. We Saw” chapter of the placemaking study
was presented at the McKinley Arts & Culture
Center. The presentation was open to the
public, live streamed online, and the recording
of the presentation was posted to the project
website. Approximately 60 Renoites attended
the event live and 45 attended virtually.

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 73
What we heard, what we saw

Of the four major findings in “What

We Heard, What We Saw,” that For The Future of Virginia Street Renoites
“Virginia Street draws locals and want to see:
Engagement visitors alike for events, but is not a ● Ample seating for a variety of
place that Renoites gravitate towards configurations, uses, and group sizes
Summary everyday” was selected by over 50%
of respondents as the most resonant.
● Comfortable, shaded environments
November 2022 ● Places active across all times of day
and seasons of the year
The predominant themes from the engagement highlights When asked what role they could
a desire to better balance Virginia Street as a place for play in the transformation of Virginia ● Shade trees and lush shrub plantings
events with everyday activities. Renoites want to see Street, the majority of respondents
● Spaces organized around a
changes to the street itself and further activation of the said “visiting more.” About a fifth of
built edge and the adjacent public spaces.
pedestrian scale
respondents also responded with
“Actively participating in ● Smaller-scale gatherings
programming.” ● A diverse age range, specifically
inclusive of children and elders
When asked what additional ● Activations of liminal spaces
information should be taken into
● Active ground floor facades with
consideration for the Future of
businesses that spill into the street
Virginia Street, perceptions of
security and concerns around ● Commercial offerings for everyday
Note: For a detailed summary of the survey results and the compiled needs (eg. groceries, cafes)
balancing circulation modes were the
response data supplement, please refer to the Engagement Round 2: Survey
Data Appendix. most common responses

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 74
Project Vision
& Goals

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 75
Project Vision & Goals

The future of Virginia Street is the

Virginia Street backbone of the downtown
Vision Statement & Placemaking
Goals neighborhood. It connects the
City's assets, is a platform for
creativity, and is a safe and
inviting place to walk or

18/7 Activation & Programming

Platform for Creativity & Innovation

spend time for Renoites and
C Enhanced Connectivity & Climate visitors alike.
D Local Economic Development

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 76
Project Vision & Goals

Playful, family friendly Flexible Seating Iconic Seating and

A 18/7 Activation & Programming

events Comfortable People Watching

Strengthen the
invitations for
everyday life with… Winter programming Evening programming Mood lighting

➔ Invitations to sit, rest, and linger, for shorter

and longer periods of time

➔ High quality inclusive, intergenerational public

space that offer a variety of amenities

➔ 18/7 activation and programming with

adjacencies that invite diverse groups of Playful installations Social ground floor 18/24 Hour Active edges
people to spend time and interact amenities
➔ A programming cadence that invites people
to spend time everyday, all year, and outside
of special events

➔ Reinforced perception of safety through a

more diverse public life profile, active edges,
and eyes on the street

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 77
Project Vision & Goals

Immersive rotating Viewing platform Small-scale events

B Platform for Creativity & Innovation


Bring Reno’s culture

of creativity and
innovation to the Alley activation Rentable game kiosk Public, outdoor night
time activation

street through…
➔ Incentives for local makers to create installations
and deliver engaging activation and programming
➔ Leveraging the iconic signage and facades with
stronger viewing platforms that spark curiosity
Games for all ages Playful, interactive Maker fairs
and social connection sculptures
➔ Celebrating the historic alleyways with activation
turning them from backsides into complementary
public spaces and shortcuts for people on foot
and wheels

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 78
Project Vision & Goals

Ample room for walking Dedicated bike access Integrated multimodality

C Enhanced Connectivity & Climate

Support connectivity
and climate with…
Epic tree canopy Accented tree plantings More green!
➔ A well-defined identity that invites visitors from
adjacent districts and provide a sense of
belonging for downtown residents

➔ A walking experience with convenient and direct

connections, and opportunities for leisurely strolls
and discoveries

➔ Clearly defined access for all modes, that

improves real and perceived safety and
encourages people of all ages and abilities to use Local habitat Local stormwater Shade - Shade - Shade
active mobility

➔ Lush planting that represents Reno’s natural

beauty and connects from the Truckee River to
the University

➔ A comfortable microclimate and protection from

the elements all year round

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 79
Project Vision & Goals

Semi-sheltered alfresco Small-scale commercial Everyday grocery stands

D Local Economic Development

dining units

Focus economic
growth on local
entrepreneurship Local food and beverage Repurpose design pop up Small scale shared
workspace and business

and daily needs

➔ Bringing neighborhood amenities on to, and
adjacent to, Virginia Street making it possible to Casual commercial Local food market Mix of commercial and
meet daily needs within a 15 minute walk sidewalks dining offerings

➔ Lowering the barrier for entry for local

entrepreneurs, with small-scale affordable
commercial spaces, curated to offer a diverse
range of commerce, and food and beverage at
varied price points

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 80
& Concept

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 81
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

Strategic moves

01 02 03 04 05
Celebrate the Elevate the Connect the dots Activate the Activate the
character areas baseline underutilized edges

Placemaking Profiles Placemaking design, activation, + programming concepts

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 82
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

UNR Students and

Upper Area

Young Professionals
Strategic move

Celebrate the Health Workers

Brewery Tourers

character areas Middle Area

Event Goers
Deliver context responsive street design and programming Downtown Reno Residents
Local Entrepreneurs
that caters to the needs and desires of the unique user
groups within each of Downtown Virginia Street’s
Sports Fans
sub-areas, creating a varied experience along its length.
Empty Nesters
Why it’s important

● Today’s Virginia Street doesn’t respond to the unique

contexts of its North, Central, and South sections, Local Employees
Visitors / Tourists
resulting static offerings and limited public life
● While there is limited street and edge activity along Civic and Cultural Workers
Virginia Street today, placemaking actions should Rafters and Fishers
build on who is already in and adjacent to the street Lower Area
to secure a more thriving future Families and Kids
Performing and
Note: The following 3 pages provides a baseline Placemaking Profile for Visual Artists
each of the character areas. Specific design, activation, and programming
concepts are further detailed in the following 4 Strategic Moves
People Biking, 0’ 250’ 500’ 1000’
Scooting, and Rolling
Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 83
Placemaking Profile
Who is here Measures of success

Upper area ● UNR Students & Employees ● Students, young

● Young Adults professionals, and local
Virginia Street ● Young Professionals residents feel safe and
● Downtown Reno Residents choose to walk and bike to
● Local Businesses & Employees accessible and affordable
Student life meets a local ● Health Employees (St. Mary’s) local amenities and food and
beverage offerings
workforce, existing and novel ● Existing Reno businesses
The Draw
businesses, and new and improved are provided with brick and
mortar opportunities,
small scale public space. These ● Local small-scale businesses plus
increasing the presence of
affordable food and beverage offerings
offerings provide a platform for ● Amenities that cater to local residents,
local businesses that
drawing locals and visitors
everyday life with places to from daycare to a grocery store
while celebrating Reno’s
● An active streetscape with places to sit,
comfortably sit, meet, enjoy a quiet entrepreneurial spirit
socialize, wait for transit, and grab a drink
● Visitors and tourist cite local
moment of respite, and socialize or a bite
draws as common interests,
with friends, neighbors, and expand their sphere of
Downtown experiences, and
colleagues choose to stay longer in
Downtown Reno

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 84
Placemaking Profile
Who is here Measures of success

Middle area ● Visitors / Tourists ● Downtown Reno’s

● Event-goers relationship with the City’s
Virginia Street ● Young Professionals culture of creativity,
● Empty Nesters entrepreneurship, and the
● Local Businesses & Employees arts increases
Downtown Reno’s history, present, ● Downtown Reno Residents ● Tourist and event-goers stay
● Non-downtown Reno Residents longer and report increased
and future meet as weekly, monthly, satisfaction with their time in
and annual events draw locals and Reno and Downtown’s
The Draw offerings
visitors alike. Iconic gateways and ● Local businesses diversify,
● Memorable gateways with viewing
public art supports an active and orient to the street, and see
platforms that double as meeting places an increase in patrons
engaging public realm where active ● Engaging public art ● Reported increase in safety
● Lunch spots, dining, and nightlife and satisfaction, with
building edges offer both to-go,
● Weekly/monthly repeat markets, combined amenity offerings for
quick-bite, and dining patios with a with additional programming at residents, employees, and
Locomotion Plaza visitors resulting in an
side of people watching. ● Continued, larger scale annual events with increase in walking in
full street closures Downtown

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 85
Placemaking Profile
Who is here Measures of success

Lower area ● Families and Kids ● Reno’s entrepreneurial and

● Teens / Young Adults innovative spirit is
Virginia Street ● Local entrepreneurs experienced in the public
● Civic and Cultural Workers realm and at eye-level
● Local Businesses & Employees through high quality front
Reno’s civic and cultural life meets ● Downtown Reno Residents porches to existing and new
● Non-downtown Reno Residents businesses
the Riverwalk, where local ● Visitors / Tourists ● Employees and patrons of
residents, workers, and visitors cultural and civic offerings
The Draw choose to walk between
intersect with local entrepreneurs their destinations and local
● Cultural programming in key public spaces
and creatives to enjoy active businesses and eateries
like Pioneer Center Plaza and Believe Plaza ● Downtown’s relationship to
recreation and play for all ages in a ● Local businesses and eateries the incredible natural
● Natural setting with increased access and backdrop of the Sierra
balanced natural and urban setting
connectivity to the Truckee River and the Nevadas is strengthened
Riverwalk through improved access to
● Improved connectivity to Midtown Truckee River, increased
● Play and active recreation for all ages nature in the City, and more
people participating in active

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 86
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives
UNR Buildings and
Student Housing
Upper Area

Strategic move Parking garages and
apartment housing

Elevate the baseline

Make Virginia Street the downtown connector through a
continuous street treatment, roadway redesign, and
Middle Area
amplified placemaking. Transform Virginia street into a
Casino-hotels, pawnshops,
place where people linger for short and long everyday and convenience stores
experiences by designing for all modes and providing a safe, “B”
comfortable, and enjoyable journey. ns
Why it’s important Outdoor event spaces
and casino-hotels
● Todays’ Virginia Street promotes speed by design
and is dominated by vehicular traffic
● There is limited protection from traffic and the Plaza and riverwalk
elements and limited options to sit and meet along
the way or enjoy outdoor serving at a local “A”
establishment Plan
● Virginia, Sierra, and Center Streets are overbuilt for Sec tion+
today’s vehicular volumes. There is an opportunity to
Lower Area
allocate through-traffic capacity off Virginia St.
Civic Buildings and
Note: The following pages outlines a series of actions, focused predominantly on Parking lots and banks Cultural Institutions
physical improvements to the Virginia Street streetscape and conceptual designs for
how to manifest the actions in a physical response. 0’ 250’ 500’ 1000’

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 87
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

Secure continuous, Integrate event
Invest in furnishing zone
generous, and infrastructure into the plan
improvements, with public
unobstructed sidewalks, for the redesigned
seating of varying types
Placemaking actions that invites for shorter and
building on today's ample streetscape, with electrical
sidewalks access and operational
longer stays
Elevate the baseline Implement continuous
plans for pre and post
event staging
protected bike lanes for
The placemaking actions in Strategic Move 2 focus on Integrate shade and people biking and
improvements to the existing conditions that can be protection from the wheeling, complementing Pilot a public seating
achieved within the public right of way for better access elements, such as tree the ongoing program that invites local
canopy, awnings, and downtown-wide plan for a artist and entrepreneurs to
people of all modes, ages and abilities, alongside
free-standing shade connected micro-mobility submit ideas for a ‘Reno
small-scale placemaking improvements to invite people to network
structures in targeted Bench’ through an artist
stop and stay. locations within the call for submissions
furnishing zone. Identify
Include short term pick up
where tree planting is not
drop off (PUDO) and
a viable solution due to Invest in a Downtown Reno
loading zones in select
underground utilities or branding and identity
locations on each block
structures and consider strategy that showcase the
shade structures diversity of experiences
Design for slow speeds, that Downtown has to offer
with two-way access for
vehicles, while limiting
Integrate native planting through traffic with signal Consider how new street
zones within the timing that promotes slow furniture can complement
furnishings zone for speeds and encourages and enhance the character
improved stormwater through traffic to take of the street with its
management and heat other North / South historic facades and iconic
island effect mitigation parallels routes signage

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 88
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

2 Placemaking actions

Elevate the baseline

Principles for Virginia Street cross sections
Maintain existing curbs Add protected bike lanes Increase on-street parking
to prioritize ample sidewalk to prioritize active mobility to improve business access
This page provides an overview of the key right of way
space and minimize and calm traffic
components represented in the further detailed conceptual
construction cost
designs on the following pages.

The proposed upgrades to the street do not include a

continuous modification of the existing curb, rather
changes to number of vehicle travel lanes to allow space
for protected bike lanes and on street parking. Curb
modification only apply to special condition areas such as
in relation to integration of on-street parking and where bike
lanes meet parking and bus stops. Preserving the existing
curb is cost efficient, as it will not require regrading the
street and making changes to drainage. Expand the furnishing zone Go to one lane, two-way vehicle lane configuration
Note: The proposed concept designs do not include an exploration of a to include seating, shade, bike with parallel couplet streets providing an alternative route for
street plaza concept for the central part of Virginia Street, as this is not a racks and micro-mobility swift through traffic, to further improve safety for all modes
feasible solution for Virginia Street of the near future. Rather, a plaza concept
parking, and increased street
is something to be explored in a future scenario were successful
placemaking have increased the public life activity of Virginia Street. greening and wayfinding
Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 89
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

Sections “A” Existing Sections “A” Proposed

2 Placemaking actions

Elevate the baseline

Existing vs. proposed road sections

Sections “B” Existing Sections “B” Proposed

This page provides and overview of the proposed
representative conceptual changes to the right of
way, corresponding with the 3 primary street
typology conditions along Downtown Virginia Street.

The proposed is further detailed on the following


Sections “C” Existing Sections “C” Proposed


Bike + Wheel Lane Travel Lane

Bike + Wheel Buffer Parking / Loading

Furnishing Zone Bus Lane

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 90
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

2 Placemaking actions

Elevate the baseline

Lower area - Pioneer Center section

This section applies between Liberty Street and the Truckee

River. It expands on the new parking protected bike
facilities between State and Liberty Street by providing 77.5’ outer edge of sidewalk to outer edge of sidewalk.
Sidewalk width may vary slightly based on built form
additional parking for visitors to the Pioneer Center.

Additional Considerations
● Provide bike lanes through the intersection of
Virginia and Liberty Streets to prioritize people
biking and wheeling as they transition from a
protected lane to a sharrow lane.
● Explore expanding tree coverage in front of historic
buildings such as the Reno Court House.
Through Zone

Bike + Wheel Lane Travel Lane

Bike + Wheel Buffer Parking / Loading

Furnishing Zone Bus Lane

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 91
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

2 Placemaking actions

Elevate the baseline

Middle area - typical section

This section grouping applies between 1st and 4th Streets,

expanding on the existing parking pullouts and integrating
them with protected bike facilities on each side of the road. 76’ building to building. Sidewalk width may vary slightly based on built form

Additional Considerations

● Given that the constrained right of way and existing

basements preclude adding trees in much of the
Middle Area, consider incentivising awnings to
provide a continuous shaded through zone for
people walking.

Through Zone

Bike + Wheel Lane Travel Lane

Bike + Wheel Buffer Parking / Loading

Furnishing Zone Bus Lane

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 92
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

2 Placemaking actions

Elevate the baseline

Middle area - special condition

This section grouping applies between 1st and 4th Streets,

expanding on the existing parking pullouts and integrating
them with protected bike facilities on each side of the road. 76’ building to building. Sidewalk width may vary slightly based on built form

Additional Considerations

● Consider installing plantings in the liminal spaces

created by parking pullouts for stormwater
management, traffic buffering, and beautification.

Through Zone

Bike + Wheel Lane Travel Lane

Bike + Wheel Buffer Parking / Loading

Furnishing Zone Bus Lane

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 93
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

2 Placemaking actions

Elevate the baseline

Middle area - parking strategies

While most Renoites currently access Virginia Street via Move loading of goods Improve enforcement of Add designated pickup/dropoff
private vehicles, the demand for on-street parking needs to off of Virginia Street and into loading zones and times to pre-existing loading spaces
be weighed against the project vision of a more inviting and alleys/side streets on Virginia Street
vibrant Virginia Street for walking and spending time.

This page outlines five strategies that can be deployed to

more effectively utilize the existing Virginia Street roadbed
for private vehicle access.

Given the existing public and private parking stock available

in garages neighboring Virginia Street, adding additional
parking spaces should only be considered after the
potential existing parking stock has been fully utilized.
Experiment with short term parking Explore adding pickup/dropoff
in select locations on Virginia Street spots to high demand areas

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 94
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

2 Placemaking actions Parking pullouts are offset and alternated so

one side of the street is always shaded with
Elevate the baseline
Middle area - special condition Bike lane shifts behind parked cars to provide
additional protection to people biking
Between 1st and 4th streets along Virginia St, expand the
existing loading pullouts to create more short term parking,
pick-up and drop-off, and loading zones on each block.

Additional Considerations

● Parking should alternate between the East and West

Between 4th and I-80, consider using the
side of the Street and be offset so one side of expanded roadbed to provide continuous rows
Virginia Street is always shaded by trees. of parallel parking
● Bike lanes should shift behind parked vehicles to
provide additional protection for active mobility. Explore incentive programs to encourage
● Formalizing pick up, drop off, and loading locations property owners to provide awnings along the
is a key element of reducing potential conflicts with streetscape
expanded active mobility lanes.
Note: Between 4th Street and I-80, the expanded roadbed can be used to
create continuous rows of parallel parking. Along corridors with over
designed roadways, converting travel lanes into parking is an efficient way Trash and recycling bins consistently placed
to calm traffic and protect bike lanes while supporting local businesses. within the furnishing zone

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 95
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

2 Placemaking actions

Elevate the baseline

Upper Area - existing improved

This section applies to Virginia Street between 8th and 9th

122’ outer edge of sidewalk to sidewalk
Additional Considerations

● Bike lanes will only be raised to sidewalk level at the

transit stops to provide a level surface for people
boarding busses.
● Alternatively, consider rerouting the Virginia bike
lanes to University Way in order to cross the

Through Zone Planted Buffer

Bike + Wheel Lane Travel Lane

Bike + Wheel Buffer Parking / Loading

Furnishing Zone Bus Lane

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 96
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

2 Placemaking actions

Elevate the baseline

Upper Area - proposed reconstruction

This section applies to Virginia Street between 8th and 9th

Streets and assumes a redesign of the central median to
compensate for the lack of a Southbound bike lane. 122’ outer edge of sidewalk to sidewalk

Additional Considerations

● Bike lanes will only be raised to sidewalk level at the

transit stops to provide a level surface for people
boarding busses.
● Any reconstruction of the blocks between the
Interstand and 9th also need to be considered in
conjunction with the northern street context as it
stretches into UNR, ideally creating a protected bike
and dedicated bus network throughout.
Through Zone Furnishing Zone Parking /Loading

Bike + Wheel Lane Planted Buffer Bus Lane

Bike + Wheel Buffer Travel Lane Existing Curb

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 97
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

Clear adjacent
Bike lane, buffers, and portions

of vehicular travel lanes used
for event setup

Placemaking actions
Existing rolled
curbs maintained
Elevate the baseline
Events along Virginia Street

Street closures for annual events is an integral part of

public life on Virginia Street, and the proposed streetscape
configurations allows for a continuation of the established
event layout.

● The proposed streetscape generally maintains the

existing rolled curbs along Virginia Street.
● This diagram depicts an events set up along the
narrower portion of Virginia Street from 2nd -4th
Streets. From 4th-6th Streets, a wider roadbed along
Virginia Street allows for a wider through zone or
expanded event tents.
Note: Vertical delineators in the bike buffer may prove expensive to re-install
and remove for events. Instead, deploy the other traffic calming actions to Minimum 15-20’ center
Spillover seating in adjacent
create a safe and comfortable biking experience. through lane maintained for
furniture zone
event goers and fire access

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 98
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

U Upper Area

3 Strategic move

Connect the dots N

Improve Downtown’s connectivity for people walking and

N Middle Area
wheeling. Start with the intersections along Virginia Street
and by strengthening key East-West connections to
surrounding districts and destinations, complementing L
improvements to Virginia Street itself.

Why it’s important

● Today, intersections along Virginia Street do not

cater to people walking and wheeling N
● Links to downtownwide assets and destinations are
poor, uncomfortable, and discourage people from
getting out of their car and seeking other modes of
● Virginia Street is part of a network and cannot
succeed in isolation
Lower Area
● Providing strong contractions for people to walk and
wheel in between existing assets comes with
positive environmental, social, and economic U U Unique Condition Intersections, pg. 101-102
impacts N Neck-down Improved Intersection, pg. 103

0’ L 250’
Improved 1000’
Intersection, pg. 104-105
Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

Upgrade all intersections Develop a wayfinding Tie intersection redesigns
along Virginia Street with strategy that leverages to the downtown-wide
tightened corner radii and the Reno culture of micro-mobility network
Placemaking actions upgraded crosswalk and creativity with wayfinding planning, and double
bike markings solutions beyond down on additional safety
traditional signage.
Connect the dots Consider a wayfinding
pilot program through an
measures at
intersections, such as
Change the downtown bollards, staggered signal
The placemaking actions in Strategic Move 3 focus on signal timing to slow traffic artist call for creative timing, and vehicle
improvements to the existing conditions that can be speeds and better cater to wayfinding turning restrictions
achieved within the public right of way of Virginia Street people walking, biking, and
itself and the intersect with all cross streets. wheeling
Pilot a shuttle bus Include the alleyways in
program that connects planning for improved
Consider how further across downtown – East connectivity between
upgrades to special to West and North to destinations for people
condition intersections South – linking together walking
along Virginia Street, like districts and destinations
the northern freeway for non-drivers and
access intersections and promoting less driving. Consider lowering the
the southern intersection Consider how the traffic speed limit across
at Liberty Street, can be program can be tied to Downtown. Further
implemented to further reoccuring programming explore this limit as part
improve conditions for and activation in long term network
people walking, biking, Downtown, from larger planning. Consider
and wheeling. annual events to weekly convert of one-way
programming like a streets in Downtown to
Note: Changes to the complex
intersections around the freeway will farmers’ market, to better two-way streets to further
require further studies and engineering link Reno residents to promote traffic safety and
detailing to determine feasibility and
design solutions Downtown offerings access for all modes

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 100
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

3 Placemaking actions

Connect the dots

Intersection principles
Corner radii + crossings Bike crossing + boxes Refuge islands
Tighter corner radii reduce Prioritize cyclist safety by Break long crossings into two
This and the following page provide an overview of key
turning speeds and pedestrian providing indicated travel, parts for pedestrian ease and
design interventions to consider at intersections to improve
crossing distances, which queuing, and turning routes. safety.
the overall mobility experience for all modes to move safely
should be clearly marked.
and comfortably along and across Virginia Street. Deployed
together, these principles calm traffic and create safe and
pleasant walking and biking experiences, and limits
accidents risks.

As the City takes a closer look at improving intersections, a

detailed design project, these principles should guide the
physical design layout, especially for the “Unique Condition
Intersections” outlined on page 99.

Pages 103-105 explore how these principles could be Neckdowns Signal timing + prioritization
arranged, with conceptual layouts for intersections at the Reduce crossing distances for Prioritizes active modes of
core of Downtown Virginia Street. pedestrians, calm traffic, and transportation, calm traffic, and
create opportunities for bus reduce conflicts. Consider
stops and parking. removing right-on-red.
Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 101
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

3 Placemaking actions

Connect the dots

Intersection principles continued
Removing slip turns Encourage through traffic to Controlled turn intersections
Reduces dangerous use parallel roads Eliminate left turns and
See descriptive text on previous page. vehicular-pedestrian conflicts Encourages people to linger, right-on-red turns to prioritize
and prioritizes safety over not pass through, Virginia St. pedestrian safety and reduce
speed. Sierra St and Center St are traffic delays.
operating under capacity, and
the micro-mobility pilot showed
that through traffic will
redistribute off Virginia St.

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 102
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

Bike boxes for left turns
Parking protected active
mobility lanes
Intersection Concepts
Excess vehicular capacity
becomes on-street parking
Connect the dots
Upgraded neckdown intersections

Applicable at intersections with existing neckdowns and

bulbouts, such as 2nd, 5th’s western side, 6th, and 7th.

Additional Improvements

● Adjust signal cycles and timing to provide a leading

pedestrian and cyclist interval. This improves safety
by giving people walking and rolling more time to
cross the intersections and makes them more
visible to turning vehicles.
● Consider making major crossing along Downtown
Virginia Street “No Right on Red” intersections.
● Consider lowering traffic speeds across Downtown. Tightened corner radii reduce
waking distance and calm
Bike lane marking continue
through intersection

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 103
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

3 Intersection Concepts
Bike marking continue through
intersection with bike boxes for turning.
Requires no “right-on-red.”

Connect the dots

Upgraded linear intersections

Applicable at intersections without neckdowns/bulbouts,

such as 4th. If traffic levels allow, consider converting one
lane of traffic in each direction to on street parking,
effectively creating a neckdown.

Additional Improvements

● Adjust signal cycles and timing to provide a leading

pedestrian and cyclist interval. This improves safety
by giving people walking and rolling more time to
cross the intersections and makes them more
visible to turning vehicles.
● Consider making major crossing along Downtown
Virginia Street “No Right on Red” intersections. Tightened corner radii reduce
waking distance and calm
● Consider lowering traffic speeds across Downtown. traffic

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 104
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

3 Intersection Concepts
Bike marking continue through
intersection with bike boxes for turning.
Requires no “right-on-red.”
Tightened corner radii to
reduce waking distance and
calm traffic

Connect the dots

Upgraded linear intersections - Cross street road diet

Applicable at intersections without neckdowns/bulbouts,

such as 4th. If traffic levels allow, consider converting one
lane of traffic in each direction to on street parking,
effectively creating a neckdown.

Additional Improvements

● Adjust signal cycles and timing to provide a leading

pedestrian and cyclist interval. This improves safety
by giving people walking and rolling more time to
cross the intersections and makes them more
visible to turning vehicles.
● Consider making major crossing along Downtown If capacity allows, convert one
traffic through lane into
Virginia Street “No Right on Red” intersections. parking to calm traffic, protect
● Consider lowering traffic speeds across Downtown. bikers, and provide a dedicated
bus stop.

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 105
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

Upper Area

4 Strategic move Walgreens Sidewalk Edge

Activate the
underutilized Middle Area
Casino Plazas

Deliver placemaking improvements to setbacks, unbuilt

Partnership Plaza
lots, and larger adjacent public spaces along Virginia Street
to offer a variety of everyday invitations to recreate and Locomotion Plaza +
socialize that cater to a diverse audience. Biggest Little Dog Park
City Center Plaza

Why it’s important

Lincoln Alley
● While there are multiple public spaces along Virginia Douglas and
Street, everyday activity is limited due to a lack of Fulton Alley
Believe Plaza
baseline components like protection from the
elements, seating, and variation in activation and
The Basement Parking Lot
Pioneer Center Plaza
● Asides from the Riverwalk, the adjacent public
spaces along Virginia Street do not significantly vary Lower Area
in typology and scale, which limits who uses them Starbucks Mini-Plaza
and when they do
Key Activation Location

0’ 250’
Future Activation Site

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 106
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

Develop an incentive or Break down the scale of Establish a
partnership program for Believe Plaza with comprehensive
privately-owned, publicly sub-areas that invite downtown public space
Placemaking actions accessible open spaces different uses, such as plan that promotes
and setbacks along skateboarding, seating in streets as public spaces.

Activate the Virginia Street in

collaboration with
a shaded and green
environment for quiet
Plan for how public
spaces across Downtown
businesses, institutions, respite, and play. of varying typology and
underutilized and property owners.
Consider incentivizing:
Consider adding more
natural plantings and a
scale can cater to diverse
audiences. Include
seating, shade, greening, more defined riverfront property owners and
The placemaking actions in Strategic Move 4 focus on art, and shared path with water access activation partners in the
placemaking opportunities within open spaces directly public-private operations planning process
abutting Virginia Street.
Expand on Believe Plaza
Develop a programming Include the alleyways in
plan for open spaces the comprehensive
opportunities by
along and adjacent to downtown public space
integrating the adjacent
Virginia Street that plan, not only as spaces
parking area as a location
includes recurring weekly for movement and
for markets and other
and monthly activities. services, but as locations
types of events, and pilot
Start with Believe Plaza for targeted activation,
a concession stand on
and Locomotion Plaza in programming, and
Believe Plaza that
parallel with the DRP led additional integration of
doubles as a tourist
initiatives for Partnership art that reflects Renos
information outpost.
Plaza. Develop a plan for culture of creativity.
Believe Plaza is well
needed infrastructure and Elevate the storied history
suited for more varied
furnishings to support of the alleyways and their
programming, activation,
programming and connection to Reno’s
and smaller scale events
enhance everyday use development

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 107
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives
Shade covering and additional Weekly / Monthly recurring Public seating
lighting advertised event
Locomotion Plaza 2.0

Activation of parking
garage frontages

Street closures for complimentary Supporting furnishings Clear connections between

Gehl — Making Cities for People that the plaza cannot support e.g. bike racks plaza and street activations 108
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

Locomotion Plaza 2.0

The location of Locomotion Plaza – situated between

draws for visitors and locals such as the iconic Reno Arch,
hotels, casinos, the Biggest Little Dog Park, and student
housing – makes it a well-suited location for recurring Physical Project partner roles
events and enhanced everyday activation. and responsibilities
To support events and everyday activation there is a need
❏ The City of Reno, to secure funding
for physical improvements, like seating, shade and lighting, ❏ On site storage facilities for
and install physical improvements
coupled with support infrastructure to supply storage, movable furniture and
power, and, water for programmed events. programming elements ❏ Downtown Reno Partnership, to
steward the space, organize
While Locomotion Plaza holds great opportunities, this ❏ Event infrastructure, such as
programming, seek out
does not come without challenges. The plaza is a deck that electrical hookups and water
programming partners, and serve
cannot support heavier elements. But by leveraging the tap access
as link to local organizers, event
adjacent side streets for special events, complimentary ❏ Shade structures communication
amenities like food trucks can be included.
❏ Improved lighting ❏ Reno Organizations, to bring their
DRP will serve as the programming partner, and events like
❏ Movable public seating events and programs to
DJ nights, roller discos, farmers markets, and more are
Locomotion Plaza 2.0
being considered. The City of Reno will be responsible for ❏ Support amenities, such as bike
physical improvements to support events and everyday racks and waste bins
activation. It is recommended that recurring monthly events
are included to establish a cadence that people can work
into their routines.

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 109
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

Temporary seating (moveable by forklift to

clear placita when needed for events)
The ROW Placita

Space for pedicab pickup to better Wayfinding to neighboring Integrated greenery in

connect to and from other districts districts and attractions seating installations

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 110
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

The ROW Placita

The ROW Placita has the opportunity to be a lively

destination nexus on Virginia Street. It is centered between
multiple districts, including the Brewery District, and key
entertainment destinations such as the the Reno Ballroom, Physical Project partner roles
Events Center, National Bowling Stadium, and the ROW
improvements and responsibilities
❏ The ROW, to open access to the
Today, however, the Placita is an empty lot that is only ❏ Public seating, with integrated
Placita and coordinate when the
converted into a spirited hub of activity during large events. greenery and sculptural forms.
seating installation need to be
Transforming the lot into the ROW Placita is an opportunity The seating should be movable
relocated for events
to fill in gaps in activation by furnishing a comfortable by forklift for events
space for people to linger while they wait for friends and ❏ The City of Reno, to secure
❏ Wayfinding to nearby
connect between downtown attractions. funding to design and install the
public seating and wayfinding,
Setting the stage for activation will require investments in ❏ Designated spaces for pedicab including maintenance and
wayfinding to elevate the site’s role as a connecting space, pickup, farthing accenting the operations related to relocation
as well as inclusion of public seating, ideally with integrated Plaza’s role as an interchange for events
greenery to enhance comfort. Designing the furniture so it is
between destinations
movable by forklift will preserve the Placita’s current role as ❏ Downtown Reno Partnership, to
an event staging ground. steward the space

Creating the ROW Placita will require cooperation between

the ROW, City, and DRP to coordinate and fund the
improvements, operations, and stewardship of the Plaza.

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 111
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

Concession stand to provide 18/7 Playful installation Bleacher seating for people watching,
draw, lunch, snacks, and beverages for (splashpad) for family draw located near pickup/dropoff zone
BELIEVE Plaza 3.0 all seasons, hot or cold

Activations in parking lots

Additional greening adjacent to both sides of the River Additional greening
tree canopy ground plantings

Tourist information outpost integrated

with concession stand provides visitors Movable shade and seating to
with easily accessible guidance enjoy a moment of respite
Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 112
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

BELIEVE Plaza 3.0

Between Locomotion Plaza, Partnership Plaza, temporary

Virginia Street street closures and more, Downtown hosts
ample space for large and medium sized events, while it
lacks public space for everyday life. Believe Plaza is Physical Project partner roles
well-situated to deliver a space for the local community and
improvements and responsibilities
visitors to come together around outdoor activities,
small-scale events, and new amenities. With more diverse ❏ The City of Reno, to secure
❏ Concession stand and tourist
activation, the plaza can draw a broader audience, and in funding, guide design, and
information outpost
return, deliver increased sense of safety. manage physical improvements
❏ A play feature, e.g.splash-pad
Installing a concession stand and tourist information ❏ The RSCVA, to staff and curate
outpost will invite local workers and visitors throughout the ❏ Expanded tree canopy the tourist information outpost
day and across the week, and ample movable seating and ❏ Additional ground plantings / ❏ A local food and beverage
shade to support lunchtime and other activity on the plaza permeable surfacing business, to staff and manage the
should be provided. A play amenity can bring families to the
❏ Movable seating and shade concession stand*
Plaza and a more extensive tree canopy and permeable
surfacing can support a pleasant micro-climate. As part of
transforming Believe Plaza it is critical to recognize and ❏ Benches and/or bleachers
include the current skateboarding activity and community along key entrances of the plaza
as part of the life on the plaza.

The adjacent City parking lot can be included in the

transformation, and in interim conditions serve as space for
*This can be sourced through the outreach for other efforts led by the
events that require tents and vehicle access, such as City such as the activation of the Circus Circus parking garage
Farmers/ Markets
Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 113
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

5 Strategic move Circus Circus

Parking Garage
College of Business

Activate the edges Compass Point

Circus Circus Murals

Improve the Virginia Street experience as a place for both
locals and visitors, with improved access to existing Silver Legacy
businesses, activation of underutilized building edges, Starbucks Entrance
affordable food and beverage venues, local retail, and other
El Dorado Frontage
● Today, there are multiple establishments and
Whitney Peak Parking Storefront
businesses along Virginia Street that are not visible El Dorado Starbucks
nor easily accessible from the street. Locals, much
less visitors, may not know what’s behind the walls = Whitney Peak Patios
missed opportunity! City Center Construction Fence
● Local draws and amenities are missing within the
Douglas + Fulton Alleys
Downtown Virginia Street corridor. Both locals and
tourists are drawn to other parts of Reno, like City Hall Ground Floor Lincoln Alley

Midtown, where these can be found

County Parking Lot

Potential Edge Activation

Future Development Opportunity +
0’ 250’ Temporary
500’ Edge Beautification

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 114
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

5 Develop a ground floor Continue the dialogue Investigate the feasibility

activation and facade with the property owners of piloting a micro-unit
– such as the Circus edge along the County
Placemaking actions improvement incentive
Circus parking garage, owned parking lot (Court
program that promotes
well-kept, active, and the ground floor of the and Liberty). Consider

Activate the edges vibrant building edges

while limiting vacancies.
Whitney parking garage,
and other Virginia Street
space for and in dialogue
with local artists and
makers. Use this as a
Consider vacancy fees on fronting garages and
The placemaking actions in Strategic Move 5 focus on empty commercial empty commercial pilot to inform the ground
properties to further limit ground floors – about the floor incentive program to
placemaking opportunities within the existing and future
vacancies along Virginia creation of spaces and expand to active
built edges directly abutting Virginia Street. construction fencing
Street and across tenancy directed towards
Downtown. Incoming local and anchor along vacant lots and lots
funds can be redirected businesses that can fill under construction
to the ground floor amenity gaps in the
activation and facade Downtown, including Work with property owners
improvement program affordable healthy food and the historical society
offerings. Consider a on plaques, guided tours
program run by the City or and preservation measures
the DRP, similar to to elevate notable
Develop ground floor programs in other cities
guidelines for new buildings and signage
developments to ensure along the street
activation to benefit both
property owners and Review and update Develop a startup program
create a more thriving impeding bylaws and that matches local
downtown main street. zoning ordinances to allow entrepreneurs and
Consider how this can for a broader ground floor creatives with vacant
inform a downtown-wide activation along Virginia storefronts for shorter
effort Street term rentals and pop ups

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 115
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

Parking stalls transformed into

micro-retail units. Mix of local retail, Existing iconic siding
Circus Circus Garage Micro Retail quick-mart, and beverage businesses incorporated into gates for
new businesses

Benches and bike racks

integrated into tree line

Seating nooks with space for movable tables

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 116
and chairs connected to businesses
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

Circus Circus Garage Micro Retail

As the University Gateway projects, Canyon Flat

Apartments, and University Crossing bring more
development to the upper area of Virginia Street, the Circus
Circus parking garage is well located to be another link in Physical Project partner roles
the chain connecting UNR to Virginia Street through an
improvements and responsibilities
active streetscape. Though the garage is currently a block
long inactive facade, it is one of the most pleasant ❏ The ROW, to open access to the
❏ Adaptive reuse of sidewalk
pedestrian experiences along Virginia Street thanks to its Circus Circus Garage and
facing parking stalls into micro
wide sidewalk and double row of trees. coordinate stewardship and
retail units, with electric
maintenance of the retail space
Transforming the sidewalk facing parking bays, which are hookups and, if not cost
with the City
currently storage, into micro retail units can serve as a prohibitive, water
springboard for local businesses to find an affordable start ❏ The City of Reno, to secure
❏ Preservation of existing
in the Reno market, with the adjacent students as a clientele funding to design and build the
comfortable characteristics,
base. Upgrades to the sidewalk with benches and bike micro retail units and to seek out
such as double tree line and
racks are important supporting features, and the garage and manage small local
decorative garage siding
facade decorations can be integrated in the building edge to businesses
create a visual identity tied to Downtown Reno history. ❏ Support amenities, like bike
❏ Small local businesses, to staff
racks and benches
Further coordination between the ROW and the City to and activate the micro retail units
determine project resources is needed. However, this builds
on efforts undertaken by the City’s Revitalization Manager
and provides an opportunity to support local businesses
and encourage minority and women led businesses to
become a larger part of Downtown.
Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 117
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives
Pop up workshop spaces for Parking lot maintained Pop up gallery spaces for local
local makers and artists behind micro shops makers and artists

Maker Row @Court Street

Community services Micro plaza with seating and

space for art exhibition
Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 118
Recommendations & Concept Alternatives

Maker Row @Court Street

Despite their proximity, a long stretch of inactive facades

and underutilized lots exaggerates the distance between
Midtown, the River Walk, and Downtown Reno. The Maker
Row @Court Street offer an opportunity to activate the Physical Project partner roles
sidewalk edge of the Washoe County parking lot, provide a
improvements and responsibilities
more engaging walking experience, and simultaneously
provide a venue for Reno’s creative community while ❏ Washoe County, to open access
❏ Workshop and gallery spaces
building on the success of adjacent venues like Basement. to the parking lot and coordinate
with electric hookups and, if not
stewardship and maintenance of
Reno has a robust, diverse creative scene and providing a cost prohibitive, water
the with the City
physical space for local makers and artists can anchor this ❏ Fixed and movable seating
culture in the Downtown core for both Renoites and visitors ❏ The City of Reno, to secure
along the length of the Maker
to experience. Freestanding workshop and gallery spaces funding to design and build the
installed parallel to the sidewalk, with space in between for workshop and gallery spaces and
access, seating, and art installations, can provide a place for to seek out local artists and
interaction between patrons and proprietors. makers
The project focus on the sidewalk facing edge of the ❏ Local artists and makers, to
parking lot, and the majority of the lot remains parking. activate the Maker Row, curate
Following this model, as more development comes to installations
Downtown, similar projects can be integrated into
construction sites to provide interim activation and serve as
construction mitigation. Creating the Maker Row requires
coordination with Washoe County, with the City taking the
lead on improvements and the search for local makers.
Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 119

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 120
Implementation Plan

Successful public spaces support local businesses, build social capital, foster health
and sustainability, and connect people to their communities with vibrant public life. As
A roadmap to the backbone of a changing Downtown Reno, Virginia Street is well-positioned to

success become a thriving main street and key public space in the City serving locals and
visitors alike.
The future of Virginia Street A successful transformation process requires intention, constant assessment and
adaptability, and is contingent upon more than physical roadway improvements.
Placemaking is never finished. It requires continuous project stewardship, dialogue,
and documentation of the impacts of implemented actions, whether physical or

The implementation plan for the future of Virginia Street is a guide and a starting
point. It serves as a roadmap to success and builds on ongoing efforts, such as the
City’s allocation of $2 million in American Recuse Plan Act [ARPA] funding for
placemaking. It outlines an implementation process to continuously be assessed and
adapted as placemaking efforts are carried out and lessons are learned.

Through this effort, the stage is set for a future of Virginia Street that puts people and
place at the center of the decision making process and reinvests in Virginia Street as
Downtown Reno’s main street.

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 121
Implementation Plan

Placemaking pillars
The future of Virginia Street

Success = Economic Development + Mobility &
Public Space Design + Operation & Stewardship

For maximum impact of investment on Virginia

Street, all three placemaking pillars needs to
work in unison and be considered across the
recommended placemaking efforts. Placemaking
The success of the future of Virginia Street is &
contingent upon securing a strong framework Public Life
for placemaking and public life, mobility and
public space design, operation and Operation &
Mobility & Public
stewardship, and economic development. Stewardship
Space Design

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 122
Implementation Plan

Economic Development Mobility & Public Space Design Operation & Stewardship
Long-lasting and sudden crises bring accelerated When reinvesting in Virginia Street as a key public A strong framework for operation and stewardship is
needs for economic change. The pandemic spurred space in Downtown Reno, the goal is to create a essential to coordinate hard and soft investments, from
an increased focus on the need to invest in stronger balance between movement and place while branding, wayfinding and identity, to streetscape
mixed-use areas that are walkable and host key expanding on the invitations for people to stop and improvements and ground floor activation, to programming
amenities to secure local resilience. This will be stay by implementing creative and experiential and events.
critical to the future Virginia Street and Downtown placemaking solutions.
Reno, as the number of local residents increase Throughout the Placemaking Study, Renoites voiced that
and the need and desire for an environment that An iterative approach is recommended to redesign the safety is a major concern. This is addressed through the
caters to living local continues to grow alongside street, starting with the actions outlined in this increased collaboration between the City of Reno and DRP
continued private sector investments in housing, document. It will be critical to continuously assess the with the Ambassador Program and planned placemaking
tourism, and entertainment. success of the implemented changes and consider efforts. The collaboration between the City of Reno and
next steps throughout the process. As the impacts of DRP, with the City being responsible for capital
As part of and alongside the Placemaking Study, the multi-pronged placemaking actions brings more improvements and DRP investing in events and ongoing
the City of Reno is rethinking its urban and people to Downtown Virginia Street, steps towards operation and maintenance, mirror successful models from
economic development endeavors as a unified greater change to the street can be taken. It is other North American downtowns, such as Brooklyn,
strategy. The implementation of planned programs recommended that placemaking actions related to Denver, Santa Monica, and Calgary AB. Continued cross
for facade improvement and investments in the changes to the street right of way are implemented as sector collaboration will be critical to the placemaking
built edges along Virginia Street and its adjacent capital improvements, and the data supports these efforts’ success. The City of Reno cross departmental
open spaces will be key to the success of the changes. The proposed concept designs are cost agencies, DRP, RTC, private sector, local creatives, and
placemaking efforts. efficient, and the baseline safety and comfort for entrepreneurs can all play a role in the successful future
people of all modes, ages, and abilities should not be Virginia Street and Downtown Reno.
Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 123
Implementation Plan

Over 50% of respondents felt that the

The placemaking actions that are most
vision statement resonated or
important to Renoites are:
strongly resonated with them.
Engagement ● Maintaining ample sidewalk space
Of the four placemaking goals, over ● Enhancing the furnishing zone
summary ⅔ of respondents ranked “Enhance ● Upgrading intersections for increased
Connectivity & Climate” and “Local pedestrian and cyclist priority and safety
February 2023 Economic Development” as their top
priorities. ● An incentive program to invite public life
To inform prioritization of the proposed placemaking to privately-owned, publicly accessible
actions, the project team conducted in person and online open spaces
engagement in February 2023. Respondents overwhelmingly agreed
● Improved and varied seating, shade, and
that each of the five strategic moves
Through the engagement we learned that delivering a activation on Locomotion Plaza and
safe-feeling, high quality pedestrian experience is key to
were critical for successful
Believe Plaza
Renoites. Respondents prioritized basic amenities like placemaking.
seating, shade, and crossings alongside programs to ● A ground floor activation and facade
activate ground floors along Virginia Street with small Mirroring prior engagement results, improvement incentive program
businesses. when asked about additional ● Vacancy fees on empty commercial
improvements they would like to see properties to further limit vacancies
respondents expressed concern
● A startup program that matches local
around safety, improving multimodal
entrepreneurs and creatives with vacant
infrastructure, preserving vehicular
storefronts for shorter term rentals and
Note: For a detailed summary of the survey results and the compiled through lanes, and a desire to see
response data supplement, please refer to the Engagement Round 3: Survey
pop ups
more diverse businesses downtown.
Data Appendix.

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 124
Implementation Plan

$2 million in funding approved for

Recurring, on-site walking meeting
Placemaking on Virginia Street!
between Virginia Street service
providers. These standing meetings help
Laying the Hiring of an Activation Coordinator Position, assure nimble coordination between
to coordinate and develop events and agencies, a speedy response time to
groundwork connect community organizations to safety issues, and a more efficient
$350,000 in special event sponsorship. allocation of resources.
Placemaking funding initiatives
$550,000 in funding for a Facade
This implementation plan builds off of the ongoing efforts Improvement Program, improving the visual DRP is expanding the Ambassador
of the City of Reno and Downtown Reno Partnership to appeal of buildings Downtown. Program to provide night-shift services,
create a more successful Downtown Virginia Street and improving the sense of safety and
Downtown Reno. Downtown hospitality.
$500,000 Tenant Improvement/Lease
Notably, the City has already kickstarted the placemaking Support Program for Small Businesses,
process by allocating federal dollars from the American fostering more local businesses.
Rescue Plan Act [ARPA] for physical, programmatic, and $45,000 for a Clean and Safe Truck and
capacity building improvements that will benefit the entire $100,000 for a RISE-DRP Van,
Downtown. The City has also designated funding for $500,000 in ADA improvements so City Hall
facilitating the connection between
implementing placemaking on and adjacent to Virginia can host an accessible cafe and activate
social services and Downtown Reno.
Street, removing a critical barrier to success. their street frontage.
Allocated funding secures that the recommended
placemaking improvements and the Future of Virginia Street $3 million for a River Path Plan and $300,000 in improvements for
can commence. The following pages outlines a proposed Improvements, enhancing Downtown’s Downtown Waste Disposal, cultivating a
phasing plan that takes funding, resources and buy-in into connection to nature and the Truckee River. cleaner Downtown.
Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 125
Implementation Plan

A step by step
approach to change
Placemaking actions prioritization
and phasing
Alongside the engagement input, other factors for The following 3 pages outlines a proposed buildings, and signage is celebrated throughout
prioritization of the approved placemaking actions needs to prioritization of the proposed placemaking actions future transformation of downtown Reno. It is also
be considered. This includes the following factors: as a 3 step process. This is intended to serve as recommended that the City of Reno develops
guidance and to be further developed and detailed ground floor guidelines for new developments.
● Resources, implementation, maintenance, and
as part of the continued Virginia Street Placemaking
operations costs A part of, or alongside the placemaking effort, it is
● Application for funding from federal, state, and recommended that the City of Reno, in collaboration
other sources As a central part of the placemaking effort on and with other entities such as DRP and Visit Reno,
● Project readiness, i.e. how far along is the along Virginia Street, it is recommend that a consider investing in a branding and identity strategy
coordination with impacted property owners and comprehensive downtown public space plan is that showcase and daylight the diversity of
other project partners (identified and to be developed, targeting open space transformations experiences downtown Reno has to offer. For a
identified) and programming efforts to deliver a variation of successful placemaking effort, it is furthermore
● Timing, construction obstruction and mitigation, experiences across downtown. It is recommended important to review and consider updates to
and coordination with other ongoing and planned that the alleyways are included in the public space impeding bylaw or zoning to achieving the
projects plan and that the history of the alleyways, historic placemaking vision for the Future Virginia Street.

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 126
Implementation Plan

Placemaking actions Linking it all together: Consider piloting an

Consider piloting a shuttle bus program that
prioritization, phase 1 accessible shuttle bus program that connects
connects across downtown as part of phase 1
across downtown as part of phase 1

Streetscape furnishing Facade improvement & Locomotion Plaza 2.0 The ROW Placita
zone improvements activation
❏ Site and implement event ❏ Source and implement seating
❏ Implement public seating on ❏ Develop program and source infrastructure and storage elements, movable by forklift,
every block of Virginia Street funding for facade facilities and include wayfinding with
improvement program to ❏ Source and implement walking distances to districts
❏ Pilot wayfinding signage with
manage vacancies and and destinations
walking distances to districts movable chairs and tables,
support groundfloor activation including lounge style chairs ❏ Coordinate operations and
and destinations
❏ Assess opportunities for ❏ Pilot ground floor activation, ❏ Pilot a shade structure maintenance agreement with
starting with micro-retail for the ROW and DRP, consider
integration of shade: trees ❏ Develop and communicate a
local businesses in the edge using this as a pilot for a
where not in conflict with plan for recurring events
of the Circus Circus parking partnership program for
underground, other shade
garage activation of privately owned
❏ Assess need for upgrades to public space
event infrastructure

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 127
Implementation Plan

Placemaking actions
prioritization, phase 2

Streetscape improvements Streetscape improvements Streetscape improvements Believe Plaza 3.0 initiation
across the site lower area middle area
❏ Pilot a concession stand and
❏ Implement signal timing for ❏ Implement continuous on ❏ Implement two-lane tourist information outpost.
slower speed in preparation street parking and bollard and bi-directional vehicle lanes and Consider implementation of a
for physical improvements to buffered protected bike lanes - continuous buffered bike permanent structure in
the right of way elimination of turn lane lanes - including elimination relation to further planned
of turn lanes and center improvements to the plaza
❏ Assess need and feasibility of ❏ Implement bike markings
loading ❏ Implement movable seating
implementation of PUDO’s in across intersections
middle and upper area - will ❏ Implement intersection and shade
❏ Assess how the Liberty
require curb adjustments improvements; tightened ❏ Implement bleacher seating
intersection can be upgraded
corner radii, bike marking, and
❏ Assess impact of proposed to better serve people walking and pilot a play feature
planned changes to cross
intersection upgrades to the and wheeling, including
wider bike and vehicular removal of slip lane streets within the block

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 128
Implementation Plan

Placemaking actions
prioritization, phase 3

Streetscape improvements Maker Row @Court Believe Plaza 3.0 capital

upper area improvements
❏ Pilot edge activation of the
❏ Implement continuous bollard county parking lot with ❏ Develop a comprehensive plan
and buffered protected bike micro-units for local makers for transformation of the plaza
lanes through redesign of the and artists. Use lessons
❏ Include additional greening
central median. Include raised learned from implementation
and trees
bike lanes at the bus stops for of the Circus Circus parking
bus access garage ❏ Include permanent play and
urban sports and games
❏ Implement clear bus lane
features. E.G. splash-pad,
ping-pong, chess, dedicated
❏ Assess how the freeway area for skateboarders
intersections can be upgraded
to better serve people walking
and wheeling

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 129
Implementation Plan

Proposed phasing overview

1 2 3

Circus Circus Upper Area streetscape

Streetscape 3
Garage Micro improvements
furnishing zone

1 1 1

1 1 1

1 ROW Placita 1 1
Locomotion Streetscape and signal
Plaza 2.0 timing improvements
1 1 1

1 Believe Plaza 3.0 Believe Plaza 3.0 2

Facade improvements
+ activations initiation 2 capital improvements 3

Maker Row @
Court Street

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 130
Implementation Plan

Implementation process
Phase 3:
Planning and preparation Implementation, Adaptations, Continued Operations,
Adaptation, continued
and Preparation for Permanent
for implementation operation, and implementation,
13 evaluation operation, and evaluation

Develop a Virginia Street Placemaking Program unit,

Develop and implement a Placemaking Implement, operate, maintain, and continue dialogue
define roles and responsibilities in detail and
communication plan and platform with interested parties and activators
consider need for program manager

Develop detailed implementation plans for

Implement, operate, maintain, and continue dialogue Collect data to measure impact of implementation
prioritized phase I placemaking projects, including
with interested parties and activators placemaking actions, physical and programmatic
budget requests and potential funding sources

Collect baseline data in correspondence with Collect data to measure impact of implementation Conduct Phase I+II Placemaking adaptations based
prioritized placemaking actions placemaking actions, physical and programmatic on impact evaluation

Continue dialogue with interested parties to further Develop detailed implementation plans for
Conduct Phase I Placemaking adaptations based on
define roles and responsibilities through direct prioritized phase III placemaking projects, including
impact evaluation
dialogue budget requests and potential funding sources

Develop design briefs and calls for artists and Develop detailed implementation plans for Develop detailed implementation plans for
potential activators in correspondence with prioritized phase II placemaking projects, including prioritized phase III placemaking projects, including
prioritized placemaking actions budget requests and potential funding sources budget requests and potential funding sources

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 131
Implementation Plan

Roles and
City of Reno RTC DRP
Will be responsible for Will be responsible for Will support Placemaking
Property Business overseeing the Placemaking implementing roadway initiatives through continued
owners owners initiatives and coordinating improvements, in Ambassador support and
between involved parties. collaboration with the City of event programming
They will plan and source Reno
funding for physical
improvements and city led
Local Org’s Visitors and programs

Note: More specific roles and responsibilities

to be further detailed by the City of Reno

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 132
Implementation Plan

Review in Spreadsheet

Cost examples
The following pages provides cost examples based on
comparable placemaking and streetscape improvement

Cost estimates include examples of:

➔ Complete projects, including programming and

physical improvements for both pilot projects and
capital improvements
➔ Edge activation projects
➔ Specific furnishings and streetscape improvement
components as line items / linear ft costs

These cost examples are non-exhaustive and are not

prescriptive. Rather, they are intended to be used as a
starting point for creating preliminary placemaking
intervention budgets.

This information is included here for reference and mirrored

in a supplemental spreadsheet for budgeting purposes.
* All projects included in the cost estimates were completed between 2018 and 2020. Price estimates for furnishings
were compiled between 2022-2023 and do not take market rate increase and current market volatility into account.

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 133
Implementation Plan * All projects completed by Gehl between 2018 and 2020.
Price estimates do not take market rate increase and current volatility into account.

Programming & activation cost examples

Project Name Location Area Size Cost Estimate Details of Activation Example Photo

33 parking spaces
(30,000 sq ft) Custom designed furniture including design and fabrication
The Porch at 30th Philadelphia,
transformed into $320,000 - $375,000 along with a yearly art and activation budget.The price does
Street Station Pennsylvania
pedestrian-friendly not include operations and maintenance.
public space

1 month of activation and programming, including design,

fabrication and materials + monitoring impact. The price
Promenade 3.0 Santa Monica, 3 blocks of
$185,000 - $240,000 does not include operations and maintenance. Design
Experiment California pedestrian mall
utilized in stock city and BID furniture. See spreadsheet for
further cost breakdown.

6 consecutive weekends in the summer of activation and

1 mile transit mall
programming, including design, fabrication and materials +
Meet in the Streets Denver, Colorado corridor, including $100,000 - $150,000 134
monitoring paid for with BID funds + supporting grants from
cross street blocks
local businesses.

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 134
Implementation Plan * All projects completed in 2018.
Price estimates do not take market rate increase and current volatility into account.

Capital improvement cost examples

Project Name Location Area Size Cost Estimate Details of Project Example Photo

Four Micro retail

$730,000 in initial costs, including construction and
San Jose, units. Unit size
Moment $780,000 construction of adjacent parklets. $50,000 in additional
California ranges from 275-347
funding to support programing and staffing.
sq ft

Two adjacent
Helen Diller Civic San Francisco, Playgrounds include large custom built climbing structures.
playgrounds. 28,000 $10 million
Center Playgrounds California Cost estimate includes implementation.
sf ft total project site

640 sq ft commercial
Cafe Kiosk at Civic San Francisco, Kiosk has awnings that fold down into walls at night to
kitchen and $2.4 million 135
Center California prevent vandalism. Cost estimate includes implementation.

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 135
*Price estimates do not take market rate increase and current volatility into account.
Implementation Plan
Estimates taken between 2022-2023

Furnishing cost examples

Cost Estimate
Furnishing Type Furnishing Unit Measure (Exclusive of installation cost.
Assume ≥150% markup for install.)

Cafe chairs and table set Table and four chairs $375

Standard Chairs And Tables Adirondack chair One chair $230

Picnic table Table with integrated seating $1,100

Presidio loveseat One extra-large chair, fabricated to order $680

Magis spun chair One spinning top chair $955

Philadelphia Porch Swing One swing $32,000

1 bleacher
Stephen Ave Bleacher Seating and
Climbing Structure $35,000
Custom Deck Chairs
5 deck Chairs

Metal Ping Pong Table One table $5,500

Chess Table Table and two stools $5,500

Game and Play Installations Musical Bench One integrated bench and xylophone $19,500

Foosball One foosball table $4,750

Seesaw One seesaw $4,500

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 136
*Price estimates to be further refined by City transportation engineering consultants.
Implementation Plan

Streetscape improvement cost examples

Improvement Type Improvement Unit Measure Unit Count Notes Cost Estimate

Standard public bench Bench Design dependent $

Wayfinding - temporary Sq ft Design dependent Vinyl or foil street sticker $50 sq ft

Wayfinding - permanent Unit Design dependent Pole placard or building signage $

Furniture Zone
Street tree tree Design dependent $

Bike racks 1 rack Design dependent $

See recent example at Canyon Flats

Planter Bed Dq ft Design dependent $

Bike lanes 5545 lin. ft. 2 Measure includes paint through intersection $

Bollards 1 bollard Design dependent $

Bus lane 360 ft 2 Paint treatment for dedicated bus lane $

Right of Way
Consider additional parking bays after
Parking bay 3 car bay Design dependent other, adjacent parking resources have $
been exhausted
Linear measure of corridor through
Street restriping 5545 lin. ft. 1 $

Intersection improvements Intersection 9 $

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 137
Implementation Plan

Set goals & project

Placemaking targets REFINE

Study what’s working &
and continued what’s not working to
continuous learn & improve
Continue to measure public
evaluation life & public space
conditions with more
As part of a successful transformation and placemaking specific goals/questions
effort, documenting the impact of implemented actions can
serve as a tool for informed decision making. Change is an
The following pages outline a series of placemaking targets iterative process!
tied to the project goals (see pages 75 to 80) revealed
through the Placemaking Study. These goals are then tied
to desired outcomes and evaluation methods.

It is recommended that baseline data is collected prior to

implementation to properly document the impact of
placemaking investments on and around Virginia Street.

Pilot some recommendations to try things out,
ask people to ‘vote with their feet’, & make the
case for permanent change

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 138
Implementation Plan

Tying project goals

to desired outcomes
Placemaking Targets

Goal A: Strengthen invitations for everyday life with. . . Desired outcome Evaluation method

Invitations to sit, rest, and linger for shorter and longer ● Increase in # of people spending time ● Stationary Activity Mappings
periods of time ● Increase in public seating ● Public Seating Tally

High quality inclusive, intergenerational public space that ● Increase in age and gender diversity ● Age and Perceived Gender Counts
offer a variety of amenities ● Higher reported satisfaction with Downtown offerings ● Questionnaire-based Survey

18/7 activation and programming with adjacencies that ● Increase in public life AM and PM ● Stationary Activity Mappings
invite diverse groups of people to spend time and interact ● Increase in reported positive social interactions ● Questionnaire-based Survey

A programming cadence that invites people to spend time ● Increase in public life throughout the seasons ● Stationary Activity Mappings
everyday, all year, and outside of special events ● Increase in small-scale repeat events ● Event and Event Attendance Tally

Reinforced perception of safety through a more diverse ● Decrease in Ambassador and first responder calls ● Activity Reportings
public life profile, active edges, and eyes on the street ● Higher reported sense of safety ● Questionnaire-based Survey

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 139
Implementation Plan

Tying project goals

to desired outcomes
Placemaking Targets
Goal B: Bring Reno’s culture of creativity and innovation to
Desired outcome Evaluation method
the street through . . .

Incentives for local makers to create installations and ● Access to diverse public art experiences ● Public Art Tally/ Questionnaire-based Survey
deliver engaging activation and programming ● Increase in local makers work on public display ● # of Makers Engaged
● Increase in art related tourism ● Tourism Survey
● Increase in # of people spending time ● Stationary Activity Mappings

Leveraging the iconic signage and facades with stronger ● Increase in social media posts ● Social Media tags
viewing platforms that spark curiosity and social
● Higher reported satisfaction with Downtown offerings ● Questionnaire-based Survey/ Tourism Survey

Celebrating the historic alleyways with activation, turning ● Increased movement activity ● Movement by Mode Counts
them from backsides into complementary public spaces ● Higher reported sense of safety ● Questionnaire-based Survey
and shortcuts for people on foot and wheels
● Reno history coming to life for people to enjoy ● Stationary Activity Counts

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 140
Implementation Plan

Tying project goals

to desired outcomes
Placemaking Targets

Goal C: Support connectivity and climate with. . . Desired outcome Evaluation method

A well-defined street identity that invites visitors from adjacent ● Increase in Reno residents visiting ● Response-based Survey/ Movement by Mode Counts
districts and provides a sense of belonging for downtown ● Higher reported social connection among residents ● Response-based Survey

A walking experience with convenient, direct connections and ● Increase in # of people walking ● Movement by Mode Counts
opportunities for leisurely strolls and discoveries ● Increase in Downtown leisure trips ● Response-based Survey

Clearly defined access for all modes that improves real and ● Increase in # of people biking and wheeling ● Movement by Mode Counts
perceived safety and encourages people of all ages and abilities ● Decrease in traffic accidents ● Accidents Reportings
to use active mobility

● Increase in street trees and greening ● Tree Canopy and non-paved sqft Tally
Lush planting that represents Reno’s natural beauty and
connects the Truckee River to the University ● Increase in biodiversity ● Species Richness Index

● Decrease in heat island effect ● Local Temperature Monitoring

A comfortable microclimate and protection from the elements all
year round ● Improved air quality ● Local Air Quality Monitoring
● Increase in people spending time all year ● Stationary Activity Mapping
Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 141
Implementation Plan

Tying project goals

to desired outcomes
Placemaking Targets
Goal D: Focus economic growth on local entrepreneurship
Desired outcome Evaluation method
and daily needs through. . .

Bringing neighborhood amenities on to, and adjacent to, ● Increase in everyday neighborhood amenities ● Amenity Mapping
Virginia Street, making it possible to meet daily needs within ● Increase in local sales ● Sales Stubs Reportings and Tax Revenue
a 15 minute walk ● Higher reported satisfaction in access to affordable ● Response-based Survey/ Product Sales Reporting
and healthy food ● Movement by Mode Counts/ Response-based Survey
● Increase in # people walking, biking, and wheeling

Lowering the entry barriers for local entrepreneurs with

small-scale affordable commercial spaces that are curated ● Decrease in inactive facades ● Facade Mapping
to offer a diverse range of commerce, food, and beverage at ● Increase in # of businesses ● Amenity Mapping
varied price points ● Increase in # of local entrepreneurs with Downtown ● Business Survey
brick and mortar locations/pop ups ● Event Tally/ Attendance Tally
● Increase in food-forward community events, from
Farmer’s Markets to Food Truck Nights

Gehl — Making Cities for People Virginia Street Urban Placemaking Study 142

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