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Taking derivative by convolution

Partial derivatives with convolution

For 2D function f(x,y), the partial derivative is:
¶f ( x, y ) f ( x + e , y ) - f ( x, y )
= lim
¶x e ®0 e
For discrete data, we can approximate using finite
¶f ( x, y ) f ( x + 1, y ) - f ( x, y )
¶x 1
To implement above as convolution, what would be the
associated filter?

Source: K. Grauman
Partial derivatives of an image

¶f ( x, y ) ¶f ( x, y )
¶x ¶y

-1 1
-1 1 or
1 -1
Which shows changes with respect to x?
Finite difference filters
Other approximations of derivative filters exist:

Source: K. Grauman
Image gradient

The gradient of an image:

The gradient points in the direction of most rapid increase

in intensity
• How does this direction relate to the direction of the edge?

The gradient direction is given by

The edge strength is given by the gradient magnitude

Source: Steve Seitz

Image Gradient

¶f ( x, y ) ¶f ( x, y )
¶x ¶y
Effects of noise
Consider a single row or column of the image
• Plotting intensity as a function of position gives a signal

Where is the edge?

Source: S. Seitz
Solution: smooth first


( f * g)

• To find edges, look for peaks in ( f * g)
dx Source: S. Seitz
Derivative theorem of convolution

This saves us one operation:

Derivative of Gaussian filter

* [1 -1] =
Derivative of Gaussian filter

x-direction y-direction

Which one finds horizontal/vertical edges?


input image (“Lena”)

Compute Gradients (DoG)

X-Derivative of Y-Derivative of Gradient Magnitude

Gaussian Gaussian
Get Orientation at Each Pixel
Threshold at minimum level
Get orientation

theta = atan2(-gy, gx)


im = im2double(imread(filemane));
g = fspecial('gaussian',15,2);
gim = conv2(im,g,'same');
imagesc(conv2(im,[-1 1],'same'));
imagesc(conv2(gim,[-1 1],'same'));
dx = conv2(g,[-1 1],'same');
Practical matters
What is the size of the output?
MATLAB: filter2(g, f, shape) or conv2(g,f,shape)
• shape = ‘full’: output size is sum of sizes of f and g
• shape = ‘same’: output size is same as f
• shape = ‘valid’: output size is difference of sizes of f and g

full same valid

g g
g g
g g

f f f

g g
g g
g g

Source: S. Lazebnik
Practical matters
What about near the edge?
• the filter window falls off the edge of the image
• need to extrapolate
• methods:
– clip filter (black)
– wrap around
– copy edge
– reflect across edge

Source: S. Marschner
Practical matters

• methods (MATLAB):
– clip filter (black): imfilter(f, g, 0)
– wrap around: imfilter(f, g, ‘circular’)
– copy edge: imfilter(f, g, ‘replicate’)
– reflect across edge: imfilter(f, g, ‘symmetric’)

Source: S. Marschner
Review: Smoothing vs. derivative filters
Smoothing filters
• Gaussian: remove “high-frequency” components;
“low-pass” filter
• Can the values of a smoothing filter be negative?
• What should the values sum to?
– One: constant regions are not affected by the filter

Derivative filters
• Derivatives of Gaussian
• Can the values of a derivative filter be negative?
• What should the values sum to?
– Zero: no response in constant regions
• High absolute value at points of high contrast
Template matching
Goal: find in image

Main challenge: What is a

good similarity or
distance measure
between two patches?
• Correlation
• Zero-mean correlation
• Sum Square Difference
• Normalized Cross Correlation

Side by Derek Hoiem

Matching with filters
Goal: find in image
Method 0: filter the image with eye patch
h[ m, n] = å g[ k , l ] f [ m + k , n + l ]
k ,l
f = image
g = filter

What went wrong?

Input Filtered Image Side by Derek Hoiem

Matching with filters
Goal: find in image
Method 1: filter the image with zero-mean eye
h[ m, n] = å ( f [ k , l ] - f ) ( g[ m + k , n + l ] )
k ,l mean of f

True detections


Input Filtered Image (scaled) Thresholded Image

Matching with filters
Goal: find in image
Method 2: SSD
h[ m, n] = å ( g[ k , l ] - f [ m + k , n + l ] )2
k ,l

True detections

Input 1- sqrt(SSD) Thresholded Image

Matching with filters

Can SSD be implemented with linear filters?

h[ m, n] = å ( g[ k , l ] - f [ m + k , n + l ] )2
k ,l

Side by Derek Hoiem

Matching with filters
What’s the potential
Goal: find in image downside of SSD?

Method 2: SSD
h[ m, n] = å ( g[ k , l ] - f [ m + k , n + l ] )2
k ,l

Input 1- sqrt(SSD) Side by Derek Hoiem

Matching with filters
Goal: find in image
Method 3: Normalized cross-correlation
mean template mean image patch

å ( g[k , l ] - g )( f [m + k , n + l ] - f
k ,l
m ,n )
h[ m, n] = 0.5
æ 2ö
çç å ( g[ k , l ] - g ) å ( f [ m + k , n + l ] - f m,n ) ÷÷

è k ,l k ,l ø

Side by Derek Hoiem

Matching with filters
Goal: find in image
Method 3: Normalized cross-correlation

True detections

Input Normalized X-Correlation Thresholded Image

Matching with filters
Goal: find in image
Method 3: Normalized cross-correlation

True detections

Input Normalized X-Correlation Thresholded Image

Q: What is the best method to use?

A: Depends
Zero-mean filter: fastest but not a great
SSD: next fastest, sensitive to overall
Normalized cross-correlation: slowest,
invariant to local average intensity and

Side by Derek Hoiem

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