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ir. t
Ref, No,

(F'irst date of publicatio:o: 2tJ79112122)

The lnstitute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal (ICAN), established uncler a
Scparate Act, Thc Ncpal Chaltered Accountallts Act, 1997 to cnhancc social
recognition and farth ofpeople at large in the accounting profession by raising
public awareness to-,vards the importance ol accounting profession as well as tor.vards
economic and social responsibilitv o{'the ac,countants. and to contributc torvards
ccononric dcrrelclpnrcnt of'thc colrnlrv. Thc hrstitutc is an autonornous body and is
tirlly ar:tholizcd by the Act to regulatc ilccolultaltcy prot'cssion in Nepal, having its
Head Otilce at ICAN Nlarg. Satclobttto. Lalitpur Nepal.
The lrlstitute seeks proposal {l'onr Interested and Qualiiied Cousultauts (Individual
or Firm) on contractual basis to obtain the expert service of an IT consultant to
supervise, mouitor and facilitate the routine and srnooth operation of ICAN's
System/Soffrn are Applications Nehl otk, Sctver. Hardrvare and use ar.rd functioniug
of'all othcr IT rcsourccs .

Interested anci Qualified Consultants (lndividual or Filrn) are requirecl to snbn.rit

proposaI to anita.bhandari(rr) b1, 2080i01i06. 'I'he detailed "i'erur of
Reference (TOR) cart be i'rvailed at u,tvu,

lCAN fi,4arg, Satdobato Lalilpur

Post Bo.r No. : 5289, Ph : 5530730. 5530832
'rn/eb: htlp:,t,'w,,,,np, Email:,np

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ICAN Marq, Satdobato, Lalitpur, Nepal, Tel: 09771-5550832, 5530750, Fax: 09771-5550774
Pcst Box No.: 5289, E-mail: [email protected]. np, Website:
Branch 0ffices:
Biratnagar: Tel: 977-02,l-474395, E-mail: [email protected] I Butwal : Tel: 977-071-533629, E-mail: [email protected]
Birgunj:Tel:977-051-522660, E-rnail:[email protected] lPokhara:Tel:-977-061-587679, E-mail:[email protected]
Nepalgunj: Tel:977-081-530050, E-mail: [email protected] I Dhangadhi :977-091-521493, Email: [email protected]


1. About ICAN

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal (ICAN). established under a separate Act. The Nepal
Chartered Accollntants Act, I 991 to enhance social recognition anci faith of people at large in the
accounting profbssion by raising public awareness towards the irnporlance of accor-rnting profession as
well as towards econotnic and social responsibility of the accoLlntants, and to contribute towards
economic development of the country. TI-re lnstitr-rte is an autonornor-rs bod1,'and is fi-rlly authorized by the
Act to regulate accotmtancy prof-ession in Nepal. having its Head OfTlce at ICAN Marg. Satdobato,
Lalitpur Nepal. For more infbrmati on, vi s it https ://en. ican. org. np/en/.

2. Background of the Assignment

The system software used in ICAN are generalll' customized and vendor based rvhereby, the physical
server is kept at office location. Currently, multiple web-based application is in use along r.vith online
payment integration. ICAN is always focused on complete digitalizatiorr of its ',vork fbr facilitating its
members, students and stakeholders. . Therefore, to cater the uninterrupted IT relatecl services the Institute
seeks to obtain the consultancy service of an expert IT Consultant. "l'he consultant may be either an
individual or IT Consultancy firm. [n case of IT Consr-rltancy firrn, one qLralified individr-ral shall be
deployed at ICAN Head Office for firll time sr-rppo11.

Presently there are two core IT staffs in the Information Technology Division who rvill be available to
assist in the work of the consultant. Details of the IT resources and all relevant inlbrrnation ol the
sollware and hardware shall be provided to the consultant.

3. Objective of Assignment

The Objective of this assignment is to obtain the expert service of a IT consultant to supervise. rnonitor
and facilitate the routine and smooth working of ICAN's S;rsterr/Soft,uvare. Network/Server/l]ardware of
the Inibrmation Technology Division of the ICAN.

4. Scope of Assignment

The consultant will work in accordance with the ICAN's organizational policies and procedures. The
consultant is expected to:

I Review, analyze and understar-rd overall IT errvironment of the ICAr.r-.

a Actas a technical expeft and co-ordinate lvith the venclor for tirnely ancl smooth development
of ERp
Advise senior management of ICAN on cost control and reduction of IT SLrb-division, automation
various processes and improvement of existing Software/Applications being used by ICAN.
I Manage the WebNetwork and Server of the ICAN.
I Oversee general issues in the Software/Applications.

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' Coordinate with Accounts and Finance, Members, Prolessional Development. RegLrlation &
Supervision and E,dLrcation Divisiorr for nranagemcnt of respective division's IT works.
' Effectively utilize and timely update of r'vebsite and social networking sites of the Institute in orderto
enhance the visibility and promote/popr-rlarize the program arrd activities of the Institr-rte in fiont of
general public and related stakeholders.
. Effectively communicate and coordinate r.vithin the IT Division.
' Ensure smooth operation of the entire IT System of ICAN ivith tLrlltime support.

5. Deliverables and Output of the consultant

The consultant will be directly supervised by the Technical Directorate. Following are the key
deliverables of consultant:

' Daily supervisittg, monitoring and facilitating the uninterrupted operation of ICAN
System/Software,Networks/Server and Flardrvare.
I Report and analysis on IT Systeln Status of ICAN.
' Submit Monthly Report of Work Perfonned.
' Immediate report to the supervisor ir-r case of any serious problerns identifled.
' Atthe end of contract provide suggestion and fbedbacks on the IT Environment of ICAN.
6. Qualification

The consultant (Key sta10 is required to meet tbllorving rninimum criteria:

r Master's Degree ir-r Information Technology or equivalent and,

' At least five years post qualification r.vork experience in the relevant flelcl.

7. Contact Duration
The contract will be eflbctive for a period of 6 months frorn the date of signing and sr-rbject to extension
on need basis.

8. Proposal Instructions

Interested and Qualified Consultants (lndividLral or Firm) are invited to subn-rit their proposal comprising
the following:
. Registration and other relevant statlltor), documents.
. Detailed Curriculum vitae of the consultant.
. Proposed lee lbr the assignmenr.

9. Submission Details

Proposal for the consultancy service should be submittecl (including the documents on proposal
instructions) by lgth April .2023, addressed to: il!.lll1hanstariirlica:r.t'rr-r..rrp rvith the email subject:
Terms of Reference - IT System Consultant.

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