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Revision History Sheet

Rev. Date Description

00 27-Apr-2013 For Approval
01 23-May-2013 For Approval
02 10-June-2013 For Approval

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No Description Page
1.1 General 4
1.2 Reference 4
2.1 General Description 4
6.1 Work Methodology 8
6.1.1 Tank Installation 8
6.1.2 Preparation Before Erection 9
6.1.3 Dimension Inspection of Foundation 10
6.1.4 Bottom Annular Plate Erection 10
6.1.5 Bottom Plate Erection 11
6.1.6 Shell Plate Erection 14
6.1.7 Installation of Roof structure 23
6.1.8 Removal of temporary centre column 23
6.1.9 Assembling of Roof Plates 24
6.1.10 Roof Plates Welding 24
6.1.11 Installation of Nozzles, Ladders and manhole 24
6.1.12 Welding 26
6.1.13 Inspection 28
6.1.14 Painting 28

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1.1 General
This method statement covers the construction works for the MICCO ANP
Project 200,000 MTPY and deals with the tank erection. The method statement was
prepared in accordance with the Contract Documents, Specification and Drawings as
well as the relevant standard and codes.
The method statement describes the necessary procedure to follow in order to
ensure that the tank erection are executed safely and in accordance with the Contract
requirements, and that all quality assurance / control activities are conducted in a
systematic manner, with inspections and conformance verified and documented.
1.2 References
The following are applicable to this method statement:
 UN9257: Protective coating against corrosion (Krupp Uhde Standeard).
 ISO 11124-1/2/3/4: Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints
and related products – Specification for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives.
 ISO 8501-01: Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and
related products – Vissual assessment of surface cleaning.
 EN ISO 12944-1 to 8: Paints and varnishes – Corrosion protection of steel
structures by protective paint system.
 ISO 4624: Paint and Varnishes – Pull off test adhesion.
 Project Specification, Standard. API 650.
2.1 General Description
This document covers the minimum requirements for tank installation procedure for
“MICCO ANP Project 200,000 MTPY”.
The description of work is item below;
a) Material Unloading & Storage at Site
b) Transportation from Site Storage Area to Erection Area
c) General Assembly and Installation of Tanks inclusive Welding & Painting Works
This Method Statement shall be applied to the tanks bellow;
a) 89T004 - Treated Water Tank.
b) 52T001 - NA Storage Tank.
c) 90T002 - Demineralised Water Tank.

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List major plant and equipment to be used such as generators, cranes, excavators etc.
No Equipment Name Unit Qty’
1 Crane LIEBHERR 50 ton Psc 01
2 Truck Psc 01
3 Truck-Crane 10 ton Psc 01
4 Electrical Welding Machine Psc 02
5 Chain Block 5 ton Psc 5
6 Hydraulic jack 10 ton Psc 1
7 Portable Grinder 100-180 Psc 20
8 Welding Electrode Heater Psc 02
9 Tool Box Psc 02
10 Wrench Set Set 2
11 Shackle 3.2-10 Psc 20
12 Steel Hammer 5 kg Psc 10
13 Portable Hammer Psc 20
14 Cable Roller 40m Roller 10
15 Scaffold pipe, type 6m M 7000
16 Scafold clam Psc 6000
17 Electrical welding cable M 1000
18 Gas – oxygen meter Psc 5
19 Dryer Psc 1
20 Sling 13 (8m/psc) Psc 16
21 Web sling 5 ton Set 2
22 Life line 10 M 500
23 Safety belt Psc 50

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The manpower, machineries, equipments and tools are properly arranged to the
construction requirement, conforming to the work quantities, nature and construction
progress. To carry out construction alternately in order to ensure the work progress
schedule. To complete the installation for tank, we need about 45 workers and staff.
 01 Captain.
 01 Supervisor.
 01 Foreman.
 08 Welder.
 20 Workers.
 04 Rigger.
 06 Scaffolders.
 04 Other worker.


(View attachments organization chart).

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a) Prior to commencement of work, permits shall be obtained, visible at site for
verification purposes.
b) The equipment tools and consumables required shall be planned and arranged at
the site before executing the work.
c) Coordination with other contractors should be done by the site management team,
as necessary.
d) Planning to prepare materials for the construction work at the site.
e) Mark the area, where truck and crane are to be used.
f) Site safety and personal safety equipment shall be planned and arranged in
g) The documentation and methods of construction shall be maintained and
submitted during construction.

3D model.
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6.1 Work Methodology
6.1.1 Tank Installation Procedure
Fuel storage tank will be installed according to the following flow after Dimension
inspection of Tank foundation.

Check of foundation

Arrangement of Annular Arrangement of Bottom

plate plate

Welding of Annular plate Welding bottom plate

1st course Shell erection

& welding vertical joint

2nd course Shell erection

& welding vertical joint

Welding of 1st girth joint

(horizontal joint) For Dome roof
Welding of Shell to Arrangement of
Annular plate temporary support

Welding of Bottom to Arrangement & welding

Annular plate of Roof plate & rafter
3rd to top course Shell
erection & welding
Reference from Vendor supplier
Assembly Roof Dome For Geodesic Installation of Geodesic
Installation of wind girder Dome
tank Dome

Installation of Shell Installation of Roof

appurtenances appurtenances
For Dome roof only
Reference from Vendor supplier
Hydrostatic testing Installation of IFR

Tank Cleaning by Acid

For Geodesic Dome only

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6.1.2 Preparation Before Erection
a) Inform to relevant parties or all activities within vicinity before lifting proceed.
b) All lifting gears shall be checked and confirmed and informed to the supervisor or
related person to ensure that it is safety prior to perform lifting.
c) Rigging calculation & choose size of lifting components.

04 Cable

Wood plate Clamp


Figure 1: Method of Material Transportation

Wood plate Shell Plate


Map I
Wood plate

Map II
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Figure 2: Method of Material Placing
6.1.3 Dimension Inspection of Foundation
The foundation shall be checked carefully to examine shape, height and level. The
foundation shall be checked, not only at the commencement of installation, but also at
the various stages of tank installation.
a) Centre of the foundation
b) Location of the foundation
c) Location of the foundation shall be checked with a tape measure from the tank
d) Level of the foundation
e) Making of the centre point and orientation marks
f) The centre point shall be determined based on the four (4) points marked at 0°,
90°, 180°, and 270° (X-X and Y-Y axis).
6.1.4 Bottom Annular Plate Erection
a) After the foundation surface has been checked and accepted, annular plates are
installed by crawler crane.
b) Bottom gauge is made. It is datum lines for arrangement of the annular plates and
Bottom plates on the foundation.
c) Before erection annular plate should be fit the backing plate for weld.
d) Welding a portion of annular plates.
e) Weld of the annular plates together within 200mm from outside edge and vacuum
f) To fit up bevel ends, jig shall be used.

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Bottom Annular Plate Erection
6.1.5 Bottom Plate Erection
a) Erection
 At the same time of annular plate erection, the bottom plates are also installed by
mobile crane / truck crane and roller.
 Bottom plates shall be laid out carefully so that the tank foundation is not
 The bottom plates shall be arranged from the centre toward the outside.
 In arrangement the bottom plates, use fit-up jigs as following: (See figure 7)
 Three-plate laps in tank bottom shall not be closer than 300mm from each other
and also from the tank shell.
 Three-plate laps shall be prepared and welded as followings: (See figure 6)

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Figure 6: Three Plate lap

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b) Welding
 After completion of laying out the bottom plates, tack-weld shall be performed
from centre to circumference.
 The skip welding method with a pitch of approx. 300mm will be adopted on 1st
pass, and continuous welding will be adopted on the subsequent passes.
 To prevent welding distortion, reinforcing beam shall be installed in parallel with
the long side welding line.
 The fitting-up of shrink line shall be performed during warm part of a day, so that
the bottom plate can be welded under the spread condition.
 Check again all dimension of tank bottom before performing full-weld.
 The bottom welds shall be examined visually for any potential defects and leaks.
 The bottom welds shall be tested by a vacuum-box test of magnetic particle test.

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6.1.6 Shell Plate Erection
a) Erection
Preparation for Assembly of the Shell Plates
 Prior for assembly of the shell plate, the shell circular line shall be marked on the
bottom plate for installation.
 After marking, locate each shell plate joints on the shell circular line. At the same
time, reference line (guideline) shall be marked approximately 100mm inside the
shell circular for later shell plate roundness check as shown in Fig.8.
 Assembly of Shell Plates
 Shell Plates shall be hung up and set the position by crane, etc. after flush-setting
appliances are attached on the ground.
 In parallel with the plate positioning, the plate shall be flush and temporarily
assembles using strong back key plate. (Refer to Fig. 10,11)
 Position/align the 1st course of the shells by using wedges, strong back, key plates
and spacers as shown in Fig.10.
 Installation of 1st Course Shell Plates to Bottom Plates as shown bellow Figure.

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Fig.9 Dimension of the first course

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 Overall Jigs & Fixtures for 1st Course Shell Plates as shown in Fig. 11.
 For level check, locate a punch on outside of 1st course shell plate as shown in
 For the Plumbness check of the 1st Course Shell Plate, set a scale and a wire with
counter weight as shown in Fig. 12.
 Arrangement of the shell plate vertical weld seams shall be considered so as not to
coincide with bottom plates weld seams. No tack welding shall be applied to the
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wedge. Check the curvature of the shell plate with respect to the marked circle on
the bottom plates. Adjustment shall be done by wedge and wedge guides. Check
vertical of the shell plates. Adjust by stay or wire rope and turn buckle.
 After the 1st course shell installation, if the shell plate appears to be lapped, gap
correction shall be made for all plates.
 After the installation, but not welding, 1st course shell plate’s roundness, level and
plumb shall be checked and adjusted to within tolerance shown below.
Accordance TT-EQ-G00-DZ-10002-009:
 The following horizontal tolerances are permissible for the distance between
equipment centerlines and the reference axes, measured at base level:
±5mm for a distance of ≤6m
±10mm for a distance of ≤15m
±15mm for a distance of ≥15m.
 The deviation in elevation, which is crucial to the erection of the equipment (e.g at
the support bracket or pump inlet nozzle), from the specified level may be ±5mm.
 The angular deviation of the nozzle, which is crucial for the erection of round
equipment (D in mm), from the specified angle may be ±1/2(approx ±0.0044D).
 For horizontal static equipment (e.g heat exchangers, vessels), the deviation from
the horizontal of a specified inclination may be 0.5mm/m.
 For vertical equipment of a height of 5m, the deviation from the vertical may be
5mm/m. For tall and slim equipment (e.g towers) of a height of >5m, the deviation
from the vertical may be 1mm/m, but shall not exceed 20mm. when measuring,
the influences of temperature and wind shall be taken into consideration.
 Horizontal deviation for trays installed in towers shall not exceed 1mm/m. The
deviation from the distance between the lower edge of nozzles and below placed
packing may be±0.0015D (D=diameter of the equipment in mm).
 Machinery centerline shall be set within 1mm/m horizontally. For vertical
machines (e.g submerged pumps), the deviation from the vertical shall be within
 The 5th course installation shall start after the 4th course horizontal and vertical
welding finish of . the 6th course and 7th course shell shall be installed as such the
5th course.
 That installation shall be produced to keep plumb that need to measure to the top
shell relative to the bottom of the shell.
 After the 1st shell plate fit-up complete, the scaffolding shall be erected.
Note: scaffolding will be installed gradually in accordance with the height of the

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Subsequent shell installation up to the top course shall be done after completion on
weld on the proceeding shell course. Jigs and Fixtures for shell plate’s installation are
shown in Fig. 14.
At changes of plates thickness ,the tank exterior surfaces shall remain even.
Tack welds used during the assembly of vertical joints of shells shall be removed
and shall not remain in the finished joints.
In order to protect the shell from a damage by strong wind, and keep shell plate
roundness, the temporary reinforcing ring will be installed on the upper part of shell
course above 4th shell course up to the top course as shown in Fig14.
If it is strong wind (wind velocity is more than 20m/S),Wire and turnbuckle shall

Fig. 13: Jigs & Fixtures of Shell Plates Assembly

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Fig.14 The temporary reinforcement ring for shell course
b) Scaffolding
 The internal and external position around shell plate shall be erected the tubular
scaffolds for the work of fitting / welding and painting for the shell plates
 All the tubular scaffolds , prefabricated independent scaffolds and binding fixtures
shall satisfy the requirement of JIS A 8951
 Base plates and brace shall be used to prevent scaffold from collapse and sinkage.
 Wall tie(horizontal/vertical) shall be fitted and welded to the shell plates by less
than 5m .That wall tie will be removed simultaneous with painting.
 Scaffolding shall be provided with suitable access, guard rails and toe-boards.
 Arrangement for scaffolding refer to Fig 15.

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Fig.15: Installation of scaffolding method

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Fig.16: Installation of scaffolding method

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Fig.17: Installation of scaffolding method

c) Welding
Regular Welding of Shell Plates
Manual welding will be applied for the shell plates. First pass of all the vertical
manual welding shall be done by up-hill weld. All stage shall be cleaned by using
wire brush before depositing next successive bead.
After completion of second pass for the vertical welding, the first pass of the weld
metal may be back-gouging or grinding perform from the opposite side. All the
vertical butt joint, where square, single-vee or double-vee shall have complete weld
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penetration through the parent plate.
Welding Sequence of Shell Plates:
 Welding of vertical seam of the 1st shell course, 2nd shell and then 3rd course.
 Welding horizontal seam of 1st course shell plate upper edge to 2nd course shell
plate lower edge.
 Welding horizontal seam of 2nd course shell plate upper edge to 3rd course shell
plate lower edge.
 Welding of vertical seams 4th course shell plate.
 Welding horizontal seam of 3rd course shell plate upper edge to 4th course shell
plate lower edge.
 The same welding sequences shall be applied to subsequent course shell plate.
 Welding of 1st course shell plates to the bottom plates after the erection of all shell
plates and roof.
 Manhole shall be installed after welding of the first course shell plates for access
going to inside of the tank. Top angle shall be welded on the top of the last course
shell plate.
 Welding Sequence of Tank Course Shell Plates shown in Fig. 18

Fig18: Welding Sequence of Tank Course Shell Plates

6.1.7 Installation of Roof structure
The roof structure prefabricated on the ground shall be set symmetry and
alternately using for 50t crane, and bolt the rafters on the bracket plates welded on
the shell. Full weld the rafters to the bracket plates after tightening the bolts .
6.1.8 Removal of temporary centre column
The temporary centre column shall be removed from the tank after welding all of
the rafters and visual inspection .
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6.1.9 Assembling of Roof Plates
Before installation of roof plates, safety net shall be fitted roof open area perfectly.
Roof plates shall be installed on the shell top-angle and rafter using a crane.
Mark the lapping joint of the roof plates, and arranges the roof plates on the rafters
as per drawing.
6.1.10 Roof Plates Welding.
The lap joints of roof plate shall be Tack welds in length 3cm per 30cm
including to the top angles in hot day prior full weld.
The roof plate shorter side weld each 30cm pitch.
Full weld of the plates longer side shall be starting each 30cm pitch from centre
to top-angle outward .
Welder shall be distributed evenly on the roof plates.
In order to prevent distortion due to welding, proper jigs as used for bottom plates
shall be applied.

Fig19: Assemble Roof plates

6.1.11 Installation of Nozzles, Ladders and manhole.
a) Nozzles
 After installation of the shell and/or roof plate, the nozzle and manholes shall be

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 Making center lines for nozzle/manhole: Theodolite machine shall be used to
locate of nozzle/manhole centre according co-ordinate of them.
 Check again nozzle/manhole location as dimension on design drawing.
 Make hole of nozzle/manhole on roof/shell plate by drilling and cutting machine.
 To erect pipe of nozzle/manhole to correct possition.
 To prevent welding distortion, temporary reinforcement shall be installed for
nozzles or manholes over 6 inches normal diameter as follows.
 Check again elevation, plumbness, horizontal and center line of nozzle/manhole.
 Full welding and welding inspection to be performed.
 Weld the reinforcing plates as shown in Fig 20.

Fig 20. Reinforcement for Nozzle and manhole

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b) Ladders and handrail
 Mark the location and orientation of the ladder and handrail as per drawing.
 Weld the bracket plates or support.
 Install/weld the ladders and platforms.
 After welding, slug and spatter shall be removed by a grinder.
c) Water drencher and Fire extinguishing device
 Mark the location and orientation of the ladder and handrail as per drawing.
 Weld the bracket plates or support.
 Install/weld the piping
 Joint pipe to support by bolt nut stability
 After visual check, leak test shall be done .
6.1.12 Welding.
a. Identification of welding consumables.
 Covered electrodes
Electrode shall have identification of AWS Classification on the covering.
 Filler wire
Solid wire: Each spool of wire shall have description label indicating
the manufacturer, product name and AWS classification number.
Fluxed Cored wire: Each spool of wire shall have description label
indicating the manufacturer, product name and AWS classification number.
 Filler Rod
A manufacturer product reference code is stamped on the filler rod.
 Fluxes
The manufacturer product reference code description label indicating the
product name and AWS classification number.
b. Baking and holding of covered electrodes.
The baking and temperature holding ovens shall be calibrated at least
once every six months.
The covered electrodes supplied in hermetically sealed (vacuum packed)
containers are either immediately issued for use or placed in storage area.

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The electrode supplied in other than hermetically sealed shall be baked and with a
holding temperature before issuance. The baking temperature, duration for baking and
holding shall be as described in the following paragraphs.
When the manufacturer’s recommended baking temperature and duration is
different from the ranges specified, the welding engineer shall inform the welding
material storekeeper.
A panel shall be attached to each baking oven indicating Specification,
classification, Trade name, Lot number and Size of the electrode.
The temperature holding oven should contain only electrodes of the
same as the baking oven. After the electrodes been baked it is then transferred and
kept in the temperature holding oven.
Each welder shall be issued a portable electrode quiver for containing
electrodes and at holding temperature.
Covered electrode that has become damp, rusty and contaminated by extraneous
material shall be discarded.
The welding material storekeeper shall maintain the baking and holding oven and
contain electrodes as shown on the display panel attached to the oven
c. Re-baking of covered electrodes
The covered electrodes shall be re-baked to the 100 C in the following case:-
 Loss of holding temperature by any reasons such as power supply interruption
 Atmospheric exposure exceeds 4 hours for Low Hydrogen electrodes and Stainless
Steel electrodes.
d. Holding of covered electrodes
The welding material storekeeper shall bet the thermostat of the
holding oven at the maximum allowable temperature before he leaves for day
On the working day morning hours the welding material storekeeper shall check
for any power supply interruption during the night hours.
e. Return of unused welding consumables
At the end of each shift or when welding work has completed,
unused welding consumables shall be returned to the welding material storekeeper.
Electrode butts, damaged electrode and cut off stick out filler wires
shall be returned to the store for proper disposal.
Upon receiving the unused welding consumables, the welding material storekeeper
shall arrange and store these materials with identification of returned materials.
Returned of Low Hydrogen and stainless steel covered electrodes shall be marked
with a cross and return into the baking oven.
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The returned welding consumables issue slip shall be filed by the welding material
Returned welding fluxes shall be reconditioned prior to reissue for
use in accordance with this method of statement.
The QC inspector shall carry out random monitoring of the welding consumables
issuance and return activity.
The welding machine and accessories will not be returned to the store prior to the
next shift that will continue at the same area.
f. Welding works
 Welding Procedure Specifications and Procedure Qualification
Records prepared in accordance to ASME section IX .
 Welders employed for the project shall be carrying out Welder
Performance Test as per approved Welding Procedure Specification.

 Refer to “WPS and PQR for Steel structure and Tank”.

g. Welding Repair Procedure
 All weld repairs shall be executed by qualified welder and according to the
approved WPS. All requirement of this procedure shall be met.
 The remove of weld metal may be done by grinding or carbon arc
gouging (carbon arc gouging shall not be use for Stainless steel parts).
Unacceptable portions of the weld metal shall be removed without substantial
removal of the base metal.
 The gouged surface and adjacent to the repair shall be thoroughly cleaned before
 A visual inspection or Dye penetration Test may be required to ensure the total
removal of the weld discontinuities.
 All welding repair shall be done according to the correct weld
material and approved Welding Procedure Specification.
 Localized welding repair shall be inspected 100%. (Visual and Ultrasonic
Examination or Radiography Examination).
6.1.13 Inspection
Tank fabrication steps shall be carried out as per the approved ITP (Refer to ITP
for Tank Fabrication)
6.1.14 Painting (accordance ITP)..

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Along with personnel matters, the safety equipment is also an important factor
contributing to ensure safety of the project. The safety equipment we use in the
project are international standards and have beeninspected by the authorities
Safety equipment includes:
 Full body harness, two hook
 Personal protective equipment, for example: protection clothes, safety helmet,
protection shoes, protective goggle, ear plug (with work generated loud noise),
gloves, mask…etc
 Safety face shield, Hiderok lift front welding helmet, twin filter respirator, dust
 Wire rope cargo net, safety net, iron cable…etc
 Safety vest, safety tape…
 Signage instruction types…
 Pole stretcher, medication…etc
 …
Safety work not by an individual or for a certain individual, the right and safety is
the responsibility of all staff member working in project. Therefore the safety work
must be carried out in parallet with the daily work of production, it is always ahead of
the construction and erection, anticipated to ensure the execution of an effective and
To do that since the workers started to work in project are training, safety training
through 3 level: company level, project level and team level.
Everyday, the first working day of the production team were reminded, guide the
safety measures for the work will take place during the day. And, during execution,
the supervisor of safety will regularly check safety. If that position does not guarantee
safety of production will be forced to stop execution for regulating safety meansures
then continue to work.
Understand the importance of work safety and diversity of behaviors, actions can
become unsafe. We spent about 30 minutes late each day of review the safety of all
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departments, to access the quality and effectivenss of safety work in each departments
and provide meansures overcome in time and efficiency. Furthermore, every week,
every month, every quarter we have similar meeting.
In addition, every week we are participating in briefings with general contractor
and all subcontractors to put together another review of the safety around the site, and
make timely recommendations to advanced work on a safety project. This is an
opportunity to exchange experience in learning management and implementation of
safety meansures to ensure the highest level of safety for the construction and
The workers must have job speciality and to be safety trained in accordance with
the working steps regulated by the Company. Required to give name and sign on the
safety trainee list.
The workers must be sufficiently provided with labour safety protections, such as
working clothes, safety shoes, gloves, helmet, safety belt,… They are required to wear
safety protections always, it is required to use the safety helmet with chin strap, the
working clothes must be tidy, required to wear safety belt when working at heights.
The workers should be checked for health conditions, their health must be good
enough for normal working, if working at heights their health must be good, without
heart diseases,… before start working.
Do not use dopes and stimulants before and during working duration, such as:
beer, alcohol, drugs, addictives and other stimulants.
Required to work at their assigned locations/places, do not travel freely on the
working site.
When working at height from 1.5m upwards above the working platform, it is
required to wear and to hook firmly safety belt, the protection clothes must be closed
with buttons for trousers cuffs, to be tied with leggings if required in order to avoid
engaging with equipments, materials causing unbalance, lost safety. The safety
protections must be tidy before start working.
Do not throw away any construction tools, materials from top downwards.
Required to provide firm and good ladders, scaffolds for climbing up.
When lifting up the equipments, materials, it is required to use proper cable which
has been calculated correctly for permissible loading. Required to make lining for
sharp edges to prevent cutting cable, the cable must be firmly tied and hooked before
allowing to lift up.
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The crane operator and signal man must be trained with speciality course, the
signals must be clear and agreed between these two workers.
The lifting crane is a specially important equipment, requiring to provide
registration certificate allowing to be used within the permissible term, the crane must
be load tested to ensure meeting technical requirements before use.
When carrying out lift up, it is strictly forbidden to stay under the lifted goods,
required to warn >1,5 m of crane operation radius.
The gas welding machine must be taken care and used by the gas welder, when
welding/cutting at heights it is required to safely cover, in case there is inflammable
things locating under the welded thing it is required to provide ash receiving tray.
The electrical welding machine must have wiring and to be installed at proper
locations, the welder must regularly check. The welder must pass qualification test
and provided with welding certificate. The earthing wire must be properly installed at
the welded thing, not creating fire during welding process.
When cutting, welding at locations where available the inflammable/explosive
equipments, materials, it is required to provide fire fighting extinguishers and fire
The lighting equipments must be sufficient with safety conditions, with explosion
prevention lamp, breaking prevention net and at least 02 insulation layers for
electrical wires.
When working in confined space/tank, deep cellar, it is required to provide power
supply 36V and ventilation system ensuring sufficient fresh air for workers, required
to arrange the warning man outside when somebody is working inside.
When welding for lift-up hooking, scaffolds, it is required to use carbon steel
welding electrodes and the welder must have welding certificate, the welding seam
should not be pocked and slagged, required to check safety before using.
To cut off the high voltage power and the earthing, to cut off power for all
equipments relating to the construction location.
Required to provide anti-shock auto-breaker for construction electrical system in
order to avoid troubles if short circuit, power problems happened, causing danger to
the workers.
Required to provide warning band, warning board to prohibit people from
crossing, and required to provide signal and warning man surrounding the working
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After every working shift, it is required to clean, remove wastes to the properly
arranged location, ensuring cleaned and good environment.
All the staff, workers participating in construction must be safety trained, to sign for
confirmation, to strictly conform to the working method and safety method. In case
violation, causing unsafe troubles happened, such staff/worker must be fully
responsible to the Company Director and existing law and regulations, and to
compensate for all damages caused by him

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