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A Solo Dungeon-Delving Campaign for Dragonbane

egend tells of a wicked wound in the world struck next or want to leave it to the whims of fate, use the included
by the demon lord Sathmog’s spear: Deepfall tools and tables to provide the answer.
Breach. The perilous depths of the Breach plummet
leagues into the foundations of the Misty Vale, comprising
roughhewn passages, echoing caverns, and ancient ruins. COOPERATIVE PLAY
Only a fool would venture alone into this realm of
chaos and shadow – and yet here you stand.
This adventure is also suitable for a small group
This is a solo adventure for Dragonbane, designed for play
of players without a GM. Work together to
with a single player character – no Gamemaster required.
describe scenes and challenges. When you’re
Undertake missions in Deepfall Breach, imagining the details
unsure about a detail or the outcome of your
of each scene and the actions of NPCs and monsters. When
actions, turn to the tools herein.
you must overcome danger, decide your approach and make
a skill roll to see how you fare. If you’re unsure what happens

Alone, you will traverse the depths of the twisting caverns HEROIC ABILITY: ARMY OF ONE
and crumbling ruins of Deepfall Breach. Choose your kin, ✦ Requirement: —
profession, attributes, and skills with this in mind. Also ✦ Willpower Points: —
consider your motivation for coming to this dreadful place. When fighting alone, draw two initiative cards and keep
As an independent hero, you gain one additional heroic both. You have two turns each round.
ability of your choice at the start of play. Thus, non-mage
characters begin with two heroic abilities, and mages start
with one. Avoid any heroic abilities reliant on other player HEROIC ABILITY: SOLE SURVIVOR
characters, focusing instead on ones that make your solo ✦ Requirement: —
character more self-sufficient. If you are bringing an exist- ✦ Willpower Points: 3
ing character into this adventure, swap any party-depen- When adventuring alone, you may push a roll without
dent heroic abilities for new heroic abilities, one-for-one. suffering a condition.
Two new heroic abilities for solo characters are
included to the right. These may be selected during charac-
ter creation or when earning a heroic ability through play.

© Fria Ligan AB.

S O L O A D V E N T U R E – A lone i n D ee p fall B reac h
All rights reserved.
What cruel twists or unexpected boons await you in the Use the inspiration table on the next page to reveal details
Breach? When you have a question about the nature of a when asking an open-ended question about a location or
situation—one you would normally ask a GM—use the situation. Roll on a single column for an answer or roll on
fortune chart below to divine your answer. multiple columns to build a phrase. The resulting prompt
First consider the framing of the question. The chart might be taken literally or interpreted to fit the context. If it is
includes several categories. tough to decipher, roll again or pick an answer.

✦ Yes/No(“Is the passage guarded?”) QUESTION RESULT INTERPRETATION

✦ Number(“How large is the band of orcs?”) “What do I Sacred An altar stands in the
✦ Scale(“How wide is the pit?”) see in the (attribute) center of the room.
✦ Power(“How potent is the spell?”) chamber?”
✦ Quality(“What is the value of the gem?”)
✦ Reaction(“What is the goblin’s demeanor?”) “What Moving Barrier With a groan of
danger do I (attribute, grinding stone, the
Ask your question, roll a D6, and check the result using an face in this thing) cavern walls start
appropriate column of the chart. Interpret the response passage?” closing in. It’s a trap!
and imagine what it reveals.
“What Deliver Dan- To gain the orc’s
does the gerous Leader trust, you must
Tilting the Scales: The default fortune roll assumes all
orc leader (action, attri- capture a powerful
results are equally possible, but you can put your thumb
want?” bute, thing) cultist.
on the scales of fate to better reflect the current situation.

✦ If a no, negative, or low impact result is likely, roll 2d6

and take the lowest result. DRAGON AND DEMON EFFECTS
✦ a yes, positive, or high impact result is likely, roll 2d6
If Rolling a dragon or demon should add to your success or
and take the highest result. failure. Outside of combat, use the tables on the next page
to inspire the effect. While in combat, use the dragon and
Keep it Simple: To answer questions without consulting demon effects as described in the Rulebook.
the table, interpret a roll of 1–3 as no, negative, or lower Another option for resolving the impact of a dragon
scope, and 4–6 as yes, positive, or greater scope. A 1 or 6 or demon is to apply a boon or bane to a related follow-
indicates an extreme result or interesting twist. ing action.

Keep it Moving: Roll on the chart only when you wish to

put the answer in the hands of fate. If an answer is almost MANAGING NPCS AND MONSTERS
certain, or you prefer a result because it is interesting or When you aren’t sure of the intent or actions of other char-
dramatic, don’t roll – just decide and move on with your acters, ask a question using the fortune chart. For an open
adventure. ended question relating to a character’s goal or nature, use
the inspiration table.


1 Extreme no None / one Small Weak Flawed Hostile

2–3 No Few Moderate Minor Mundane Wary
4–5 Yes Several Large Formidable Fine Open
6 Extreme yes Numerous Immense Incredible Precious Friendly

S O L O A D V E N T U R E – A lone i n D ee p fall B reac h



1 Avenge Ancient Barrier 11 Protect Forgotten Leader

2 Control Arcane Captivity 12 Rescue Secret Message
3 Craft Blocked Conflict 13 Restore Lost Path
4 Deliver Corrupted Creature 14 Scavenge Mighty Person
5 Destroy Cursed Death 15 Search Moving Power
6 Escape Damaged Defense 16 Seize Peaceful Refuge
7 Find Dangerous Device 17 Stop Protected Resource
8 Guard Decaying Group 18 Strengthen Sacred Trap
9 Hunt Destroyed History 19 Summon Transformed Treasure
10 Infiltrate Flooded Knowledge 20 Weaken Violent Weapon



1 You uncover a helpful item or resource An important item is lost or broken

2 The action is performed faster than usual You suffer a dangerous delay
3 You impress others or create a distraction You draw unwanted attention
4 You reveal a new opportunity or clue You stumble into a new danger
5 You trigger an unexpected beneficial effect You trigger an unexpected reaction or trap
6 The action yields greater results than usual You cause collateral damage or injure yourself

When an NPC makes a skill roll or attribute roll, you SIMPLE NPC TEMPLATES
roll for them. Limit these rolls to those affecting your
character directly.
To set NPC stats, use an entry from the Rulebook or
the Adventures book. You can also use the simple NPC Attributes: 10   Movement: 10
templates to the right. Simple NPCs do not use heroic
HP: 12   Armor: —   Damage: 2D6
abilities or Willpower Points.
Skills: relevant skills 12, other 6
NPCs & Monsters in Combat: Draw initiative for your
character and NPCs as normal. When fighting a monster, BOSS
roll on the monster attack tables. For notable NPCs, decide Attributes: 14   Movement: 12
their actions or use the NPC attack table on page 4. To
decide if an NPC uses an action to dodge or parry your HP: 20   Armor: 4   Damage: 2D8
attack, ask the fortune chart, or do what is most sensible. Skills: relevant skills 15, other 8
Mundane NPCs can simply make an attack on their turn,
seldom using actions for defense.
NPCs and monsters may flee or surrender if a fight
turns against them – ask the fortune chart when you feel
this is a possibility.

S O L O A D V E N T U R E – A lone i n D ee p fall B reac h


Choose an NPC’s role – melee attacker, ranged attacker, them a standard character with WP, magic schools,
sneaky attacker, or magic attacker – and use this table and spells.
to decide what they do on their turn. Unlike the monster You can also use the simple NPC templates and the
attack tables, these attacks do not automatically suc- NPC attack table to ad lib a creature. Decide if they are a
ceed (unless noted). If a skill roll is required, make the minion or boss and choose an attacker role. For example,
roll for that NPC. a monstrous insect that attacks by spitting corrosive
The magic attacker role abstracts spells and ignores slime is a minion ranged attacker. For a more varied foe,
WP. For a more complex magic-wielding NPC, make give them two roles and pick from those on their turn.

1–3 Deal a Blow! The NPC Take a Shot! The NPC Cunning Strike! The NPC Magic Bolt! The NPC
makes a melee attack. makes a ranged attack. attacks with their current casts an attack spell
weapon. which inflicts 2D6
damage against a single
4 Defensive Stance! If you Hold! The NPC uses their On the Move! The NPC Magic Blast! The NPC
have not acted this round, action to move to a better uses their action to casts an attack spell
the NPC swaps initiative position or ready a shot. change their approach which inflicts 3D6
cards with you, and They attack on their next or weapon, from melee damage against any tar-
parries or dodges with a turn with an automatic to ranged or vice-versa. gets within 10 meters.
boon. If you do not attack, hit (unless you success- They attack on their next
or have already attacked, fully dodge or parry). turn with a boon.
they use their action to
attack with a bane.
5 Wild Attack! The NPC Volley! The NPC attacks Devious Feint! The NPC Arcane Shield! The NPC
attacks with a boon. A twice this turn. Both sets up their attack with automatically summons
successful attack inflicts attacks are with a bane. a misdirection. You must a shield which decreases
an extra D6 damage and make an INT roll as a free incoming damage by 2D6.
you are knocked down. If action. If successful, you To maintain the shield,
you attack them before may dodge or parry the they make a skill roll as
their next turn, you also attack with a boon. If the a free action every sub-
attack with a boon. INT roll is unsuccessful, sequent round. Further
the NPC automatically uses of this action add
hits (cannot be dodged or D6 to the protection of an
parried) with an extra D6 existing shield.
6 Intimidating Rage! The Deadly Shot! The NPC Sneak Attack! The NPC Mystic Mysteries! The
NPC roars or rampages. attacks with a bane, uses their action to hide. NPC casts a spell of
Roll against WIL to resist inflicting an extra 2D6 You may make an AWARE- unknowable origin. Roll
fear. damage on a hit. NESS roll as a free action. for Action and Thing on
If unsuccessful, the NPC the inspiration table,
automatically hits on and interpret the spell’s
TREASURE DECK their next turn (cannot be effect.
Use treasure cards to reveal the nature of valuables you dodged or parried) with
discover. Some tables in this adventure instruct you to an extra 2D6 damage.
draw one or more treasure cards. You may also draw a
treasure anytime you would reasonably gain something
of value in your story. Note the details of drawn cards and
shuffle them back into the deck.

S O L O A D V E N T U R E – A lone i n D ee p fall B reac h

RESOLVING FAILURES forced into a fight, use special attacks and heroic abilities
In solo play, you decide the consequences of failure. to your advantage. If you gain the upper hand through
Consider the situation and introduce an outcome which tactics or terrain, award your character a boon.
creates new complications or hardships but does not block If all else fails, and the fight turns against you – flee.
the way forward. For example:

✦ You make a PERSUASION roll to gain the cooperation SUFFERING DAMAGE

of the leader of an orc clan and fail. The orc does not If you suffer harm in your adventure and aren’t sure of the
flatly refuse – rather, they insist you must first face severity, choose or roll on the table below.
them in a duel to prove your mettle.
✦ You make a SLEIGHT OF HAND roll to pick the lock D6 CATEGORY DAMAGE
on a door that blocks your way and fail. The door is
1–2 Slight  D6
unlocked, but you trigger a trap.
✦ You make an ACROBATICS roll to leap across the gap 3–5 Moderate 2D6
in a broken bridge and fail. You do not fall to your
6 Severe   2D10
death – instead, you drop your prized sword into the

If you’re unsure, think of two possible outcomes and roll a HEALING

D6 to decide which occurs: 1–3 for the first option, 4–6 for As a stalwart solo adventurer, you may:
the second.
Combat is a notable exception. Some attacks simply ✦ Make a HEALING roll to tend your own wounds
miss – this failure is momentary and the fight continues! during a stretch rest. On a success, heal 2D6 HP.
✦ Attempt to rally yourself while at zero HP without
a bane to the PERSUASION roll (page 50 in the
Combat is tough for a solo adventurer. Avoid combat ✦ Attempt to save your own life with a HEALING roll
through negotiation, guile, or subterfuge if possible. When while at zero HP (page 50 in the Rulebook).


The nameless chapel stands at the edge of Deepfall Breach. shadows. Silver streaks the coal-black fur of a wolfkin
The mortared stones of the structure have stood fast draped in ratty robes. He leans on a wicked-looking two-
against time, wind, and calamity, but its stained-glass win- handed mace topped with a clenched, steel fist. Numerous
dows lie scattered in shards, and the heavy oaken doors scars mark the wolfkin’s lupine visage, with a stone sphere
hang loose and creaking on ancient hinges. replacing his left eye.
You are caught amid a torrential rain, so you slip inside, “The Breach,” he continues, nodding toward the desk
eager to escape both the downpour and the baleful red littered with labyrinthine maps. “Impossible to map with
glow emanating from the depths of the Breach. any accuracy.”
Inside, the chapel casts a shadow of itself – rotting He introduces himself as Stone-Gaze, though he also
pews, piles of refuse, tattered tapestries depicting battles supplies his true name: Ingolfr. The name is not unknown
long forgotten. Candles lend their meager glow in flick- to you, but the Ingolfr of whom you’ve heard tell is a
ering clusters, while fragrant smoke curls from incense fearsome warrior and famed hunter of demons, not an old
burners. Maze-like etchings litter a large desk occupying hermit priest.
the far wall. “Have ye come to delve the Breach?” he asks. “There’s
“Maddening, aren’t they?” The gruff, weathered voice good to be done, justice to be dealt, and riches to be uncov-
precedes a hunched form dislodging itself from the ered – if ye’ve the mettle for it.”

S O L O A D V E N T U R E – A lone i n D ee p fall B reac h


Stone-Gaze has not always stood vigil over

Movement: 12   Damage Bonus: STR +D4
Deepfall Breach. Once, he was Ingolfr, a tenacious
hunter of demonkind, whose great mace – Fiend- Armor: —   HP: 16   WP: 14
breaker – felled scores of lesser demons. Ingolfr’s
Skills: Awareness 14, Healing 10, Myths
unending crusade brought him to the Misty Vale,
& ­Legends 14
where he resides within a nameless, abandoned
chapel and keeps watch over Deepfall Breach with Abilities: Eagle Eye, Veteran
his enchanted eye.
Weapons: Fiendbreaker (skill level 16, damage
2D8, +D6 damage to demons)

A mission encompasses the unique goal, threats, and envi- detail a single notable space or passageway or describe a
rons of each journey into the Breach. larger section of the Breach.
Stone-Gaze supplies your missions. His enchanted sight For each mission, progress through the waypoints in
pierces the stone of the rift, allowing him to discern its diz- the order described in the mission summary. Imagine your
zying depths. His scrawled maps and notes guide through approach, the details of the area, the dangers you face, and
waypoints and warn of potential dangers, but much of the the opportunities you uncover. Resolve any questions or
route will be shrouded to even his uncanny vision. challenges at a waypoint before proceeding to the next. If
a waypoint is unknown, or you want additional detail, use
the fortune chart (page 2), inspiration table (page 3),
INTO THE BREACH or exploration tables (page 8) to reveal what you find.
You descend a crumbling staircase into the chasm, braving The places and passages between waypoints offer nothing
the dizzying heights. A twisting corridor leads from the of note, and can be ignored or summarized.
cliff face into the heart of the Breach, emerging into what Since your expeditions into the Breach are abstracted,
Ingolfr called the “Vault of Many Paths.” Here lies a great, you don’t need a map. However, a simple outline or flow
confounding hub of passages branching from an ancient chart of waypoints – marking down important events or
spherical chamber, its walls embossed with primordial bat- findings – will prove helpful.
tlefields depicting dragons and demons clashing eternally If you flee a fight or are forced onto a new path, intro-
in stark relief. Innumerable tunnels run from the vault like duce an extra waypoint to represent the unexpected diver-
veins through the stone flesh of the earth. sion. Thus, your journey through the Breach is made more
You steel yourself against the perils to come, take a dangerous and complex. Resolve this waypoint before
moment to study the notes and maps provided by Ingolfr, returning to the mission’s path.
and step forward. The final waypoint is your objective – this is where the
Beyond lies your path for this mission. fate of the mission is decided.


Play out missions within the Breach by focusing on key A threat represents a looming danger, such as an environ-
locations, dangers, or encounters. These points-of-interest mental hazard, pursuing foe, or time limit. Each mission
are your waypoints. Some waypoints are described by summary includes a description of a threat, and you can
Ingolfr in his rundown of a mission, while others remain introduce a new threat in the midst of an expedition if you
a mystery until you investigate them. A waypoint might learn of an imminent peril.

S O L O A D V E N T U R E – A lone i n D ee p fall B reac h

To track a threat, use a D6 as a counter, starting at GAINING EXPERIENCE
one. If you suffer a significant delay or create an opening As detailed in the Rulebook, each time you roll a dragon or
for the threat through inaction or failure, rotate the die demon when using a skill, tick the check box next to that
to advance the threat by one. In dire situations, such as skill. In addition, gain five advancement marks for skills
when rolling a demon on a time-sensitive task, advance of your choice when returning from a successful mission.
the threat by two. This alternate reward replaces the standard system of
Since the dangers of the Breach do not wait, you should advancement at the end of a session in group play.
also advance the threat if you divert from your mission Make your advancement rolls between missions, roll-
for activities such as searching an area or resting (taking a ing a D20 for each mark. If the result exceeds your current
stretch or more). skill level, it is increased by one, up to a maximum of 18.
When the threat advances to six, the event comes to When you’re done, erase the marks and start over in your
pass. You must face this danger or complication head-on. next mission.
If the threat is inherent to the mission or the nature of As is standard, when you increase a skill level to 18, you
the region you are exploring, it should reset to one. If not, gain a heroic ability of your choice. In addition, within the
remove it from play. Alone in Deepfall Breach campaign, you may – no more
To keep the pressure on, maintain an active threat than twice – reward your character a bonus heroic ability
whenever delving into the Breach. If you want inspiration for a valiant sacrifice or astounding success on a mission.
for a random threat, roll or choose from the table below.


If you want to resupply, upgrade your gear, or socialize
1 A dreadful creature has your scent. When the
with someone other than Ingolfr, the village of Outskirt is
threat triggers, it attacks!
a short journey from the chapel.
2 This region is prone to tremors and cave-ins.
When the threat triggers, you face a catastrophic
This adventure includes summaries for key missions, but
3 A known enemy seeks you out. When the threat
those are not your only forays into the Breach. Craft your
triggers, they catch up to you!
own missions using this procedure:
4 A vile corruption pervades this place. When the
threat triggers, you are exposed! 1. Set your objective: For an objective assigned by
Ingolfr, roll action, attribute, and thing on the inspi-
5 Traps riddle your path. When the threat triggers,
ration table (page 3). Consider and expand on the
a trap is sprung!
prompt as necessary. Your character’s motivations – or
6 Ghostly whispers haunt your steps. When a complication or opportunity encountered in a previ-
the threat triggers, you face a harrowing ous mission – can also provide the objective for a new
manifestation! mission.
2. Create details for Ingolfr’s foreseen waypoints:
Use the location tables or inspiration table, or just
LEAVING THE BREACH come up with your own ideas. Start with the first way-
If the path back to the chapel is clear, you may retreat from point – your entry into the mission. Then create a few
the Breach without incident. If the way is fraught with others, making note of features and dangers, imagin-
dangers, roll AWARENESS or SNEAKING to see how you ing Ingolfr briefing you on each location. Finish with
fare. If you fail, you must first overcome a danger such as the final waypoint that holds your objective.
an ambush or environmental peril at one of your previous 3. Add unknown waypoints: Insert a few more way-
waypoints. If you’re not sure what you encounter, roll on a points and mark them as unknown. Ingolfr’s arcane
table for inspiration. vision cannot penetrate these places.
If making a direct return trip is impossible or foolhardy, 4. Set a threat: Considering the nature of your objective
find a different route among the Breach’s many paths. Roll and waypoints, activate a threat. If you’re stuck, roll for
D4+2 to set the number of waypoints you must traverse to a prompt on the inspiration table or threat table.
reach the surface and generate those locations using the
procedures described on page 8. Keep your mission outline inspirational but vague. Ingolfr’s
vision is far from precise!

S O L O A D V E N T U R E – A lone i n D ee p fall B reac h

Use the location tables to help reveal the nature of way- Various factions, people, and creatures dwell within
points within the Breach. If some aspects of a waypoint are or wander the depths of the Breach. Choose or roll on
known to you, these tables can help fill any gaps. If a way- the table below to add details to a mission, learn the
point is unknown, you can generate a location randomly nature of an inhabited waypoint, or reveal a surprise
through this procedure: encounter.
This list represents common inhabitants of the Misty
1. Roll a D20 on the area table below to learn the type Vale and the Breach. Introduce other foes – and potential
of zone, chamber, or passage you are entering or allies – in whatever way best fits your story.
2. Roll a D4, then roll a D4 that many times on the loca-
tion details table below to choose which subtables will INHABITANTS
flesh out the area.
3. As directed by the location detail table, roll a D20 on D20 CREATURE OR PEOPLE
one or more of the subtables on the next page – for 1 Dragons
contents, environment, oddity, or danger – to add fea-
tures and perils to the waypoint. 2–6 Orcs

7 Adventurers
These tables may lead to more questions. Use other tables
to help find the answers, or just decide what is most 8 Ghosts
interesting. 9 Giant spiders

10 Goblins

D4 DETAIL 12 Skeletons

1 Contents 13 Trolls

2 Environment 14 Vampiric bats

3 Oddity 15–19 Cultists

4 Danger 20 Demons



1 Abandoned outpost 8 Expansive hall 15 Plunging shaft

2 Ancient tomb 9 Forgotten library 16 Precarious ladderway
3 Burrowed tunnel 10 Idle workshop 17 Subterranean river
4 Claustrophobic crawlspace 11 Inhabited outpost 18 Twisting passage
5 Confounding maze 12 Lofty bridge 19 Vile temple
6 Cramped chamber 13 Narrow staircase 20 Yawning chasm
7 Excavated mine 14 Natural cave

S O L O A D V E N T U R E – A lone i n D ee p fall B reac h


1 Abandoned supplies Bubbling pool Arcane symbols Acid pools

2 Bloody trail Chilling cold Confounding puzzle Ambushing foe

3 Breached doorway Clinging webs Enigmatic mechanisms Approaching foe

4 Cracked terrain Concealing mist Esoteric architecture Arcane trickery

5 Decrepit shrine Corroded surfaces Fleshy terrain Broken path

6 Deep well Creeping vines Flourishing tree Crumbling terrain

7 Dusty tomes Dripping water Ghostly apparition Dreadful altar

8 Flaming braziers Dusty air Gigantic corpse Fiery surroundings

9 Foul nest Flourishing fungus Hovering sphere Flooded space

10 Fresh corpses Glassy surfaces Humming obelisk Flowing magma

11 Makeshift barricade Glowing crystals Magic mirror Hidden trap

12 Moldering tapestries Luminescent spores Mystical light Icy surfaces

13 Mummified corpses Mechanical whirring Reversed gravity Imminent collapse

14 Ornate sarcophagi Oppressive heat Sentient door Imperiled adventurer

15 Remote encampment Ragged scratches Shifting architecture Inhabited Lair

16 Scattered bones Rotting stench Singing skulls Ominous wardrums

17 Sealed antechamber Skittering sounds Swirling portal Scalding steam

18 Toppled Pillars Slimy surfaces Talking statue Scrawled warning

19 Towering statues Smoke-filled air Unnatural darkness Sealed doorway

20 Wandering adventurer Stagnant pool Unsettling laughter Toxic fumes

When you ransack a cache of abandoned supplies, dig
through the nest of a slain creature, examine the gear of a D10 SCAVENGE
fallen enemy, or otherwise scrounge for loot, the scavenge 1 Unexpected danger. Roll D4. 1: creature,
table to the right can reveal what you find. Use this table 2: cursed item, 3: noxious spores, 4: trap.
for rummaging through something specific – if you are
broadly searching an area, use the search table on page 2–4 Nothing of note.
10 instead. 5 Supplies. Roll D6. 1: bandages, 2: field ration,
Scavenging does not usually require a skill roll and 3: fine clothes, 4: lockpicks, 5: quiver of arrows,
should only take a minute or two unless some factor com- 6: torch.
plicates things. If it takes longer, or if you scavenge more
than once in an area, it requires a Stretch, and any active 6 Interesting item. Roll D4. 1: key, 2: map,
threats advance. 3: strange device, 4: written message.
7–9 One treasure card.
10 One treasure card, and roll again.

S O L O A D V E N T U R E – A lone i n D ee p fall B reac h

When you carefully inspect an area for hidden doors, con-
cealed mechanisms, or other secrets, roll SPOT HIDDEN. D10 SEARCH (WITH A SUCCESSFUL SPOT HIDDEN)
Taking the time to search is risky – it requires a stretch and 1 Concealed foe – you are forewarned and have
any active threats advance. a boon on your first action against it.
Resolve the SPOT HIDDEN roll as follows:
2 Trap – to disarm, roll SLEIGHT OF HAND with
✦ Dragon: Roll twice on the table to the right and a boon, then roll on this table again, ignoring
choose one result. this result.
✦ Success: Roll on the table to the right. 3 Secret path – diverts to D4 new waypoints.
✦ Failure: You waste time and find nothing of interest.
✦ Demon: You find nothing and are beset by a new 4–5 Hidden antechamber – roll for location details.
danger, such as an ambushing foe or sprung trap.
6–8 Hidden treasure – one treasure card.

If you know the specific location of a hidden item, you 9–10 Hidden vault – two treasure cards, and roll again.
don’t need to SPOT HIDDEN. If you know its nature, don’t
roll on the table.
As both the GM and player of your adventure, you may
occasionally have knowledge of a peril that your character
TRAPS does not. If the trap is not yet sprung, use SPOT HIDDEN
The Breach is riddled with deadly traps engineered by both to stay out of trouble. If you activate the trap and can
the current denizens and the long-dead architects of this respond, make a roll such as EVADE to avoid its effects.
place. If you encounter a trap, either as the outcome of a If a trap causes you harm, check the damage table (page
failed skill roll or as prompted by a random result, you can 5) to decide how much harm it inflicts. Or just make it
use the table below to reveal its nature. moderate (2D6).



1 Acid spray 7 Flaming spout 14 Shooting arrow

2 Arcane blast 8 Flooding chamber 15 Spinning blades
3 Collapsing trapdoor 9 Piercing spikes 16 Teleporting sigil
(new waypoint) (new waypoint)
10 Poison dart
4 Collapsing trapdoor (pit) 17 Unleashed foe
11 Poisonous gas
5 Crushing walls 18+ Roll twice, ignoring this
12 Ringing alarm
6 Entangling snare
13 Rolling boulder



1. THE CAPTIVE ORC Threat: “A trio of goblin scouts plunder the Breach,
“The leader of a sect of demon cultists holds the World- looting ancient crypts and robbing any who wander
breaker Shard, the tip of the abyssal spear that split this across their path.” When the threat triggers, they spring
land and created the Breach. This power cannot stay in their an ambush!
grasp. Foul magics cloud their location from my sight, so
ye must locate the shard through other means. Seek below 1. Plunging Path: “A sloping corridor carries you into
a band of cultists transporting a prisoner – an orc named the oppressive depths of the Breach. Tread softly, lest ye
Gorum. Gorum knows the location of the cultist’s outpost wake the creatures of fang and wing nesting within the
and may serve as a valuable ally in the days to come.” cracks and hollows of this ancient passage.”

S O L O A D V E N T U R E – A lone i n D ee p fall B reac h

2. Charred Tomb: “Fire long ago ravaged this once grand 7. Ritual Chamber: “A wide pit occupies the center of
mausoleum. It holds five remaining sarcophagi amid this room, surrounded by scrawled, fiendish symbols.
piles of ash. Find ye a path through a door hidden Steam rises through the pit from the magma below,
within one of these coffins but disturb not the scorched clouding the space in sulfurous fog. Arioch and a pair of
dead nor the hidden trap.” cultist priests lair here, in the midst of some vile ritual.
3. Unknown. Seize the shard and make haste to return.”
4. Unknown.
5. Fiendish Altar: “The cultists take refuge here with
their prisoner. My sight cannot glean their aims, but the 3. THE MAGE’S REFUGE
bloodstained altar at the center of this chamber has seen “A wizard of repute once dwelt within the Breach, studying
countless deaths at the hands of those seeking parley the fiendish origins of the rift. Decades have come and
with demonic forces. But I sense fear, hesitation in these gone since the mage’s demise, and their tower lies aban-
cultists—they’ll not die needlessly for their cause, I sus- doned. Venture there and retrieve an artifact more than
pect. Free Gorum from their clutches.” useful to ye: a pair of calling stones, to bind yer soul to the
surface should you have the need.”

2. THE CULTIST’S WARREN Threat: “A troll once called this mage friend and has
“My gaze is fixed upon the cultist’s subterranean outpost. protected the tower for centuries. With the conjurer’s death,
There find ye Arioch, the devotee of demons who wears the the guardian wanders the Breach and hunts those who seek
Worldbreaker Shard as a medallion. Wrest it from them so its long-dead companion’s wealth and wisdom.” When the
we may remake its power for good.” threat activates, a lumbering troll finds you!

Threat: “The chasm is restless. Magma churns below. Be 1. Moon Door: “To access the tower from the vault, step
quick, lest the Breach unleash its fury in your path.” When ye not into a passage, but through the illusionary wall
the threat activates, flowing magma bursts into the scene, marked with a crescent moon.”
causing chaos! 2. Petrified Arboretum: “Trees of brittle stone stand
in maddening formation in the tower’s arboretum.
1. Stone Maw: “This great earthen visage is twisted Find a path through and heed not the whispers of the
and warped by time and the chisels of cultists, evoking trees—the dryads who once dwelt within have long since
a fanged monstrosity whose gaping maw presents become something… else.”
your entry point. I see blood dripping from those 3. Unknown.
wicked fangs, but I cannot say if this vision is real or 4. Peering Walls: “Not often does the Breach gaze back
prophetic.” at me, but I see eyes beyond counting peering out from
2. Unknown. stone flesh. Look not into their fiendish glare, or risk
3. Unknown. your mind.”
4. Fool’s Crossing: “This crumbling bridge spans the 5. Unknown.
breadth of the rift. Below, a river of magma belches 6. Maddening Orrery: “Once, the mage used this
smoke and fire. A small band of orcs encamp on the confounding device to chart the flux of the heavens
near side of the bridge – a barricade manned by cultists themselves. Now, its mechanical whirring and grinding
lies on the other. The orcs siege the bulwark but take gears represent nothing more than an obstacle – traverse
no ground. There must be magic at work to repel these the machinery or disable its movements.”
skilled warriors so handily.” 7. Endless Stair: “A spiraling ascent leads ye to the top
5. Shadowed Courtyard: “Beyond a ruined gate lies of the mage’s tower. Arcane trickery be at play here,
a courtyard fronting an ancient stronghold. Scores of trapping the unwary in an infinite climb. Keep yer wits
cultists dwell within that fortress, but ye’ve no need to about ye, and avoid the still-shambling remains of less
take a direct route. Instead, descend the well into the fortunate adventurers…”
tunnels below.” 8. Mage’s Study: “The laboratory and library of the
6. Ratways: “These stifling tunnels afford little room for mage lie shrouded in darkness. The mage’s corpse lies
mistakes. Heed not the voice calling ye to refuge, for it within, the last vestiges of their magic still warding off
speaks only lies. Follow the silent darkness, and into the intruders. Take only what ye’ve come for: the calling
cult’s black heart ye will emerge.” stones which will be your salvation.”


These two stones are inexorably linked. Ingolfr asks the Chapel. After teleporting, roll a D6. On a 1, the
to keep one in the nameless chapel, while the other calling stone cracks, and its power falters – it will
remains in your possession. When you speak the only function one more time before crumbling
activation word, your stone instantly returns you to to dust.
“The rains are unrelenting, and we are awash. Follow ye the “We must reforge the Worldbreaker anew – into a weapon
floodwater’s path into the Breach – to the very boundary of of light. It shall be cast in the fires of the Breach and
life and death. There grows the Soul Tree. We’ve need of its quenched in the blood of the Soul Tree. Orcs of Maladûk
enchanted sap.” have an outpost in the molten wastes. There dwells
Gorum, who serves his clan as a talented weaponsmith.
Threat: “Tortured spirits follow the same path into the Seek his aid, and ye shall wield a mighty weapon against
underworld. I sense one familiar to you. Whether it seeks demonkind.”
absolution or revenge, I can’t say.” When the threat activates,
a ghostly menace appears! Threat: “Demon cultists hunger to recover the Shard, wield-
ing magic and cunning to hunt you down.” When the threat
1. Streaming Stairs: “Mind the perils of this spiraling activates, cultists attack!
stairway – muddy runoff rushes down the slick stone in
a torrent.” 1. Iron Ladders: “Great iron rungs – plunged into the
2. Flooding Chamber: “The water here waits for no one. stone of the Breach – serve ye as a descent into the
Your only escape is through a trapdoor, operated by depths. I see the chittering shadow of many limbs and
hidden mechanisms. Be wary of what lies below.” eyes hungering for prey – climb quickly to avoid the
3. Unknown. spider’s hunt.”
4. Unknown. 2. Unknown.
5. Maze of Lost Souls: “Rivulets of floodwater course 3. Sulfurous Tunnels: “Beware the blasts of superheated
through this labyrinth. I see a minotaur of great strength steam from molten pits below. I know not what dwells in
and stubborn pride, lost and enraged, searching for the scalding fog, but ye shan’t be alone.”
something eluding him. Living skeletons dwell here too, 4. Goblin in the Pit: “A bloody skirmish between orc and
wayward souls refused passage by the ferryman and cultist leaves a goblin the sole survivor. They lie injured
doomed to wander the maze.” at the bottom of a great pit. Find them, earn their trust,
6. Wailing Shore: “Floodwater gathers and forms a river, and ask about the treasure hidden ahead.”
emptying into a mist-covered lake within a boundless 5. Unknown.
cavern. The Ferryman, a being of many names, will 6. Unknown.
guide ye onward – for a price.” 7. Molten Wastes: “Veins of magma gather, pooling in
7. Acheron Isle: “Upon this lone isle stands mounds of pits and undermining your path. It is here that orcs and
bones and a lone, luminous tree. Gather blood-red sap goblins guard their outpost, striking out in search of
from the heart of that tree, then use the calling stone some artifact for Maladûk. The orc smith Gorum dwells
to return to the chapel. Beware the Raven Sisters – two here, and by his hand shall the Worldbreaker be remade
undead harpies with moldering wings and corrupted – though I expect he’ll not do it for free.”
hearts. They abide no living trespasser on their isle.”


Remade as a weapon of your choosing, Worldbreaker demon. The bearer may make a WIL roll as a free reac-
inflicts 2D8 damage, or 3D10 if wielded against a tion to nullify any demon attack made against them.


When your missions are done, you can use these guide- “Ye’ve done well,” Ingolfr says, a rare smile creasing his
lines and tools as a foundation for a new solo campaign lupine features. “Just as I foresaw.” The old wolfkin taps his
– within the Breach or in other realms. You’ll find an array stone eye with a clawed finger. “The eye never lies. Mostly.”
of random tables, locations, and NPCs elsewhere in this “But I’ve dire visions of troubles elsewhere,” he continues,
booklet and future Dragonbane supplements, many of “and ye bear a mighty weapon against the demon menace.
which can be repurposed for solo adventures. What say ye? Up for a journey?”

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