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At the end of 45 minutes discussion, 80% of the pupils are expected to:
a. identify the addends and the sum of addition
b. add the given numbers and objects
c. solve world problems including addition


Topic: Addition of Whole Numbers
Reference: K-12 Curriculum Guide in Mathematics I p. 11, Lesson Guide in Elem.
Math Grade 1 p. 123
Materials: Pictures, charts, multimedia presentation, song
Skills: Adding numbers, counting
Value Integration: Cooperation, cleanliness, responsibility


Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities

a. Prayer
Before we start our class discussion, (Buranis leads the prayer)
Buranis, please lead the prayer. Amen.

b. Greetings
Good morning, class! Good morning, teacher. Good morning classmates,
Good morning!
Before you sit down, please pick up
pieces of paper under your chair and
arrange your chair.
You may now take your seats. Thank you teacher!

c. Attendance
Class, is there anybody absent today? None so far, teacher.

Very good! Keep up the good work.

Always attend your class.

d. Classroom Rules
During my class discussion, what are the Always keep quiet.
things that we need to remember

What else? Observe cleanliness.

Very Good! Lastly, if you want to say

something just raise your right hand and
(The Teacher will be showing a picture of a (The students will look at the picture and observe)
little boy in the backyard with his mini

Children, look at the picture, what do you There’s a little boy holding his tools.

Very good! How about the place? Where do At the garden, teacher.
you think he is? There is also a lot of root vegetables.

How many root vegetables did you see? There are 8 root vegetables, Teacher.

Excellent! How about the tools that the little There are 2!
boy is holding? How many are there?

Very good! Are there any bird on the picture? Yes, teacher!
How many birds are there? There are 3 birds, flying.

There’s only 1 sun, 1 cloud and 1 butterfly.

How about the sun, cloud and butterfly?
Yes, Teacher!
Now, were you able to get the total of each
object on the picture, correctly?
Yes, Teacher! By counting and adding!
Do you already know now, how we get the
total number of the objects?

I will group you into 3 groups, but before we
proceed, I will give you first an example with .
regards to the group activity. (Shows a chart
on the board)

and is

3 candies + 3 candies = 6 candies

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
How many candies are there?
There are 6 candies
Now, let’s proceed to the activity. what are
the standards when having a group activity? Keep quiet and cooperate to your group.

Very good! Now, I will give each group a pen

and bond paper where you can write all of
your answers later on.
I will be showing you objects here in front
and write your answers on the given bond

The first group to raise their answer and

paste it on the board, will be receiving points.

Did you understand? Yes, Teacher!

Are you ready?





6 + 4 = 10



12 + 15 = 27


Yes, teacher!
Excellent! Did you enjoy the activity class?
It is all about Addition.
What do you think the activity is all about?
Very good!

ADDITION is the process of putting 2 or more
numbers or things together. The
corresponding sign of addition is (+), it is like
a cross sign.

Eyes on the board, children. As you can see

on our previous activity, when you see this
sign (+) what is the meaning? Addition, teacher!

Very good!

If there’s a word sentence, there’s also a

number or addition sentence. Just like this
example on the activity (4 + 2 ) = 6

In this addition sentence, the 4 and 2 are

called ADDENDS while the 6 is the SUM or
total of 2 addends.

Addends are the numbers that are being

added while the sum is the result in addition.

As you can see, we have here 2 addition

sentences that has the same sum or total.
( 4 + 2 = 6 ) ( 2 + 4 = 6)

This is what you call the Commutative

Property of Addition (CPA). If you change the
order of the addends, it will still give you the
same sum. The order of the addends doesn’t
affect the sum. ( 4 + 2 = 6 ) ( 2 + 4 = 6)

Another property of addition is what you call

the Identify Property of Addition (IPA).
It states that the sum of a number and zero is
the same number.
Back to the activity again, in here you can see
the example ( 5 + 0 = 5 ) and ( 0 + 9 = 9 )

Any number that will be added to zero will

still be the same number because we cannot
add with zero, zero has no quantity.

Do you understand, children?

We all understand, teacher!
Okay, very good!

I have here a scenario, you listen children.

 I bought 6 black pens in the market, and

1 blue pen.

Again, How many black ball pens do I have? 6 black pens!

Very good!

How many blue pen I have? 1 blue pen!

Very good!

Now, who can tell me how many ball pen do I 7 ball pens, teacher
have now, together with the black and blue?

Who can right the equation on the board? 6+1=7

 Stella wants to buy 4 candies and 2 lollipops
but she noticed that only candies are
available on that store.

Now, how many candies are there? 4 candies

How about the lollipops? Are there any There are no lollipops available in the store.

Very good!

Who wants to write the equation on the 4 + 0 = 4 or 0 + 4 = 4


What do you observe with the sum? When the number is addends to zero, the sum is the
number itself.

Is there any questions regarding to our None so far, teacher!

Now, get you notebooks and answer the

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct

1. 7 + 6 = _______
2. 2 + 0 = _______
3. 4 + 5 = _______
4. 0 + 10 =_______
5. 6 + 7 = _______

B. Supply the missing number on the space.

6. 1 + =1
7. +6=9
8. 0 + 4 =
9. 5 + 2 =
10. + 8 = 8


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