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Duties of an advocate to the community.

1. Legislative responsibilty. Attorneys should be at the forefront in ensuring the development and
maintenance of a responsible legislature that seeks to promote rights and liberties of the peole. They
should ensure that the laws passed are not oppressive or discriminative against the society.

2. To eradicate inequality. Advocates are expected to offer free services to the disadvantegad
population as a way of promoting human rights ie. this is done through probono services given by

3. National objective XXIX (29) of the Constitution of Uganda provides that every citizen of Uganda has a
duty to inter alia;

a) To be patriotic and loyal to Uganda and to promote it's well being. This can be done by upholding the
1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda which is the supreme law of the land by promoting the
rights of the citizens as spelt under chapter 4.

b) To engage in gainful work for the good of that citizen, the family and the common good and to
contribute to national development . Gainful work may include educating people about their rights their
duties and also about the legal profession.

C) To contribute to the well being of the community where that citizen lives .

d) To promote democracy and the rule of law. Democracy can be promoted through exercising ones
right to vote.

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