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Smoke Detector

Salwico NID-38
Fire Alarm System C300

The NID-38 is a smoke detector of ionization type with Fire alarm is optically indicated on the detector by a LED.
double chambers for use with the Salwico C300 fire alarm The indication remains on until the alarm is reset on the
system. The outer chamber is open to air and measures central panel.
the particle concentration in the air, while the inner
chamber is sealed and compensates for changes in air The NID-38 has been specially designed for use in harsh
pressure and temperature in the atmosphere. When environments such as engine rooms on bord ships etc.
smoke enters the outer chamber, the normal electrical The high sensitivity and fast reaction of the detector in
balance between the two chambers is upset and an alarm combination with its high resistance against dust and filth,
signal is transmitted to the central unit. makes it very suitable for use in spaces, where a fast
reaction of the alarm system is essential.

Dimensions (mm)



Nominal voltage 24 VDC Cable glands 10-15 mm

Working voltage 18-30 VDC Colour White
Working current max 0.05 mA Weight 650 g
Alarm current max 90 mA Ext.light box,
Function Closing max load One LB-1/LB-1K
Radioactive material Americium 241 Protection class IP55
75 kBq (2x1 µCi) Article no 2190
Sensitivity range V=3.5 - 5.5
Ambient temperature -30°C — +70°C

Consilium GmbH Consilium Marine Consilium Selesmar S.r.I.
Phone:+49 - 40 43 97 021 Korean Branch Office Phone:+39 - 571 - 67 07 91
Fax: +49 - 40 43 01 126 Phone:+82 - 51 74 05 871/2 Fax: +39 - 571 - 67 07 98
Fax: +82 - 51 74 05 870
Consilium Marine
Consilium US, Inc.
P.O.Box 8763 Phone: +45 - 35 - 26 02 99 Phone: +1 - 978 - 486 9800
SE - 402 76 GÖTEBORG Fax: +45 - 35 - 26 02 01 Fax: +1 - 978 - 486 0170
Phone: +46 - 31 710 77 00 China Sweden Marine Consilium Shanghai Consilium Marine
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Fax: +86 - 21 5885 84 22 Fax: +86 - 21 6486 5411 Fax: +44 - 181 50 81 703
Specifications may be subject to change for improvement without prior notice. Data sheet no: S991003/E

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