Canopy: 32 - Nikitha Dileep

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32_Nikitha Dileep
What are canopy used for ?
A canopy is an overhead roof structure that has open sides. Canopies are typically intended to provide shelter from the rain or sun, but may also be used for decorative
purposes, or to give emphasis to a route or part of a building.



● Frameless glass canopies create a modern

● Glass Canopy System, Suspended glass ● Cantilevered glass canopies feature a variety of addition to the external face of properties.
from the structure with glass canopy customized aluminum support systems including ● Utilizing glass in building design, especially
fittings. point-supported fittings attached to a glass canopies, adds a contemporary twist
● Glass structure below and glass fittings are cantilevered metal frame, brackets, and tubular to the façade while enhancing the
hanged from the top. support systems. surrounding architectural design.
● Glass is suspended below using special ● Cantilevered Glass Canopy Systems can be ● They can be used for a variety of external
stainless installed on almost any wall or building. additions including balconies and to create
steel fittings. ● cantilever horizontal glazing system requires no a contemporary front porch.
● Can be given with 1 to 3 inch slope from The supporting rods or glass cut outs and will resist ● Glass canopies can also be designed to
wall behind. Which reduces water when extreme conditions of snow and wind, offer a shelter over seating areas next to
rains. ● It is Made up of a load-bearing slim aluminum buildings, such as a bench placed against
● Glass edges visible with polished flat profile, seals and terminal finishing caps without the external face of the building.
surface, increase the beauty of the exterior. any visible screws to create a stunning minimalist ● The minimalistic design of the structural
● Glass thickness can be 10mm to 12mm profile. glass canopy creates an elegant design, its
● Glass Type - Toughened Glass. invisibility allows for the surrounding
building aesthetic
Advantages ● Structural glass canopies can be created by
● It has adjustable pitch extending glass from an existing glass roof,
● lightweight decking glass link, glass box extension or as a new
structural glass element cantilevered to the
● A canopy is an overhead roof or else a structure over which a fabric or metal covering is attached, able to provide shade or shelter from weather conditions such as sun,
hail, snow and rain.
● A canopy can also be a tent, generally without a floor. Architectural canopies include projections giving protection from the weather, or merely decoration.
● Such canopies are supported by the building to which they are attached and often also by a ground mounting provided by not less than two stanchions, or upright
support posts.

Different types of material used in canopy

● Vinyl awnings come in two ● Acrylic awnings are durable, repel water
different types: laminated and coated. and come in a variety of colors and
● Laminated is the more popular patterns.
material for medium to large ● They are suitable in high humidity areas
patio areas. Laminated vinyl (perfect for those hot, sweaty days), as well
awnings are durable and as protecting you from the rain on cold,
waterproof. miserable winter days.
● Coated vinyl awnings are higher quality ● The downside to acrylic awnings is they do
and are more costly tend to expand in summer due to the
compared to laminated vinyl awnings humidity and shrink in winter from the cold.

● Fiberglass awnings are translucent or ● Glass Canopies create a contemporary
opaque. finish to properties while providing a
● These awnings let some light in, beautifully designed shelter that is
reducing the risk of practical but doesn’t block out daylight or
blocking out the sun and creating a obstruct the surrounding architecture.
dark, gloomy space ● These structural glass canopies can be used
● They let heat in too, so if you want a for shelter in various locations around
summer retreat then fiberglass may properties including; glass porches,
not be the best material to use. sheltered walkways and sheltered outdoor
dining areas


● Aluminum awnings have remained as ● we are engaged in providing an assorted
one of the most popular choices in range of Tensile Fabric.
awnings. ● This fabric is fabricated in accordance with
● These awnings create a slick finish, are the latest market trends from high grade
generally low maintenance,. fibers and yarns.
● And are highly durable and can be ● The offered fabric is available in various
easily painted to match the rest of your patterns, colors and sizes to fulfill the
home or outdoor area. varied needs of the clients.

● Location: Belapur CBD

● Material Used: ASS Steel( water Ripple stainless steel Panels
● Status: Under Construction

ASS Steel

Live Case Study

Live Case Study


● Location: Belapur CBD

● Material Used: ASS Steel( water Ripple stainless steel Panels
● Status:Completed
● Typology: Office
Literature Case Study


● Manufacturer- MASA Architectural Canopies

● Polycarbonate canopies

● polycarbonate is a favourable choice for protection from extreme

weather, flying debris, or vandalism.
● Polycarbonate (PC) plastics are a naturally transparent amorphous
Literature Case Study


Architect: Hiten Sethi Associates MUMBAI
Civil contractor: Ashwini Infra

Status: Completed

The recently completed office building for NMMC is an iconic

building that stands apart from other structures in
aesthetics, functionality and the structural design
competencies associated with it.

Primarily, the structure intends to be the main office building

for the NMMC (Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation)
and it stands at sector 15A at CBD, Belapur.
Literature Case Study

Manufacturer : MASA Architectural Canopies

Fiberglass awnings are translucent or opaque.

Status: Completed

These awnings let some light in, reducing the risk of blocking out
the sun and creating a dark, gloomy space

They let heat in too, so if you want a summer retreat then

fiberglass may not be the best material to use.

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