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Number of hours: 600 (300 hours per semester) – Warsaw

Number of hours: 500 (250 hours per semester) – Poznań

Grammar A2
The verb “to be” Grammar B1
Conjugation of Tenses: Grammar B2
verbs consolidation Conditionals Grammar C1
Cases Question forms Cardinal and Question forms Grammar
Pronouns: Time markers ordinal Narrative tenses Linking words
subject/ object/ with past tenses numerals in Definite/ Phrasal verbs
possessive Perfective and dates. indefinite articles
Prepositions of non-perfective Contrasting tenses in
Past tense: Adverbs and
place and time verbs. context: present and
perfective and adverbial
Present tense Verb: to wish… past
non-perfective phrases
Adverbs of Tenses- Word formation:
aspect Different ways of
frequency summary adjectives, verbs,
(revision) comparing things
Ordinal numerals Relative clauses nouns
Present and (as…as etc).
1-24 (time) Can I/ please More modal verbs
Past tenses in Order of
Articles …perfective for deducing
context adjectives
Past tense verbs, Inversion
Different ways More gerunds
Irregular verbs Adverbial Verbs with objects
of expressing and infinitives
Countable/ expressions with and gerunds/
future Impersonal
uncountable different cases infinitives
Gerund, expression
nouns Comparatives Consolidation
impersonal Declinations of
Quantifiers and and superlatives More reporting
forms of names and
modifiers Modal verbs verbs
a verb in surnames
Verbs: to know, Used to for past Declination of
present and Vocative
to be able habits numerals
past Diminutives
Future tense Pronouns: Transformations
tense Participles
every, Acronyms
Superlative Prefix verbs
everybody/all adverbs
Modal verbs for
speculation and
Passive Voice
statements and
Vocabulary, Vocabulary, Vocabulary, Vocabulary, Vocabulary,
functions and functions and functions and functions and functions and skills
skills skills skills skills
Days of the week Common verb Talking about Working out Idiomatic
Numbers phrases eating habits meaning in expressions
Dates Describing Discussing context Commenting
Family people: plans Health and Debating
Classroom appearance and Complaining illnesses Persuading
language personality Money and Fashion industry Writing a film/ book
Colours At the airport charities Crime and review
Adjectives Housework Psychology punishment Talking about cuisine
On the phone Shopping Asking for help Verbs often Preparing recipes
Weather Describing Transport confused Holidays and holiday
Talking about towns Travelling Sleep and destinations
abilities Giving Writing sleeping habits Recommending
House and instructions informal emails Media places
buildings Health and body Lies and Science Banking problems
Food/ in the Word building: cheating Business University life
restaurant nouns Looking for a Advertising Critical thinking
On the internet Confusing words job Essay writing- Problem-solution
Writing a CV for/ against essays
and a cover Opinion essay
letter rules

At the end of the semester, the participants have the final exam to assess whether their Polish
competency meets the proficiency level required to enter a university program at SWPS University.
It is a two-part exam, including:
- A written grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening, and writing skills test
- An oral exam to assess speaking proficiency, where participants must be able to talk about a selected
topic or issue.

The examination panel for the oral exam consists of teachers other than those teaching the course.
The program closes with an official Graduation Ceremony.

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