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Element Description
1. Character(s): Who are the characters in Fyokla- a little beggar girl of 6

the story? Danilka- brother of Fyokla who stuck his hand on a tree

Terenty- the town cobbler who helped the

orphaned siblings Silanty Silitch- sacristan

2. Setting: Where and when does the story In a village between eight and nine o'clock in

takes place? the morning

3. Conflict: What is the main problem in the There was a threatening storm luring at the village

story? urging the villagers to evacuate and take a safer refuge.

In the middle of the storm was a busy Fyokla. She was running,

looking for her Uncle Terenty. She needed the town's cobbler's

help to rescue her brother Danilka who happened to have his

hand trapped in the hole while playing.

4. Plot: What is happening in the story? Exposition: A day in the country is a story

What is the story about? about two orphans, Fyokla and Danilka and it

happens in a village between eight and nine o'clock in the

morning. Rising Action: A threatening storm is appearing

forcing the residents to take refuge. Danilka managed to have

his hand trapped needing assistance.

Climax: Fyokla called the town cobbler, Terenty to help his brother pull his hand
out of the tree and when they found Danilka, they successfully released the hand
of Danilka from the tree.
Falling Action: The storm passed and the rest of the afternoon, the three enjoys
the splendours of the country and two orphans ask question to their uncle.
Resolution: The children fall asleep at night with Danilka still awed by nature and
its beauty.
Personal pronouns are used for a specific object or person and they change their forms to
indicate the different genders, numbers, case and persons speaking.
The Personal Pronouns can be based on:

(GENDER) • He went to the market.

He is used for the male gender. Other examples are - His, Him, He, etc.
She is doing the laundry.
•She is used for the female gender. Other examples are - Her, Hers, etc.
Personal Pronouns
Subject Object
First Person Singular I me
Second Person Singular you you
Third Person Singular he him
she her
it it
First Person Plural we us
Second Person Plural you you
Third Person Plural they them


Singular Pronouns Plural Pronouns

Where the pronoun is only referring to one specific noun. Where the pronoun is used to refer to a number of nouns.
• That book belongs to me. That is their book, not yours.
Me refers to one singular person only. Their shows a number of people, hence it's a plural personal
pronoun. Whereas the 'yours' in this sentence
is another example of singular personal pronoun.

Subjective Case Objective Case Possessive

• She is at work. • He will meet us later. •That is our clubhouse.

'She' is the main subject of the 'Us' is the objective personal noun 'Our' shows the possession of the
sentence, hence in this sentence, as it the object of the verb meet. object 'clubhouse'. Possessive
'she' is the subjective personal 'He' is the subject as he is the pronouns can also be used to show
pronoun. person who will be doing the action possession
of meeting.
Written in capital letters and bolded

Price Date

Grabs the attention; hints at the article

Sub-heading: Like the headline, but gives a bit more detail.


-answer the SW's
-short Caption: Describes
- grabs the reader's who is in the picture,
attention and what they're
- directly related to doing.
- general information

-expand on the SW's
-explains the "why" -summarizes the story
and "how" -hints at what will happen
- provides quotations next
witnesses, victim,
- directly related to
the headline -NO
Elements Description
1.Character(s): Keesh- the son of Bok in the story Bok-Keesh 's father in the story

Ikeega- Keesh 's mother and Bok's wife in the story

Klosh Kwan -the village chief in the story Ugh Gluk-an elderly man in the

Massuk,- another elderly man in the story Mawn & Bim- the spies in the story

Common villagers -citizens of the tale

2. Setting: That is the story of Keesh, who lived long ago on the edge of the polar sea.

Because he used head-craft, instead of witchcraft, he rose from the poorest

igloo to be the chief in the village. And for all the years that followed,

his people were happy. No one cried at night with pains of hunger.

3. Conflict: Internal Vs External Conflict is Man Vs Man, Man Vs Man Nature, Man Vs

Society, and Man Vs Himself. The ones the Jack London choose are man

Vs nature and man Vs society. The Man Vs Nature is when

a you Vs a animal or a creative.

4. Plot: EXPOSITION: Keesh reminds his elders and the hunters of the tribe about what

great hunter his father Bok was, how he provided meat for everyone during a

of great hunger and that he always fairly divided up whatever he killed among

the villagers, with everyone, from the poorest on up, getting their fair share.

Climax: keesh showing everyone his strategy to hunt. He used headcrast, not
witchcraft. What is the rising action? keesh goes to the council, hunts alone, and
has the council send spies out.
Falling Action - Sending of spies to discover Keesh's hunting strategy
Resolution - The people's acceptance of Keesh as a true hunter and not as hunter
using witchcraft

Elements Description
1.Character(s): a miner, a dog, an old man, and nature. The
protagonist, or main character, is an unnamed
miner new to the area. He only travels with a
dog,although he has been advised by an old
man from Sulphur Creek not to travel alone
in the extreme cold.

2. Setting: The story is set in the wilderness of the frozen Yukon

during the harsh winter months when “there was
no sun nor hint of sun” in the sky (118).

3. Conflict: The man's lack of judgement and overconfidence

conflict with his genuine fear for his own safety.

4. Plot: EXPOSITION:The short story begins with a very long exposition in

which the main character is introduced and the
natural setting of the Yukon trail area is depicted in
meticulous detail: “Day had broken cold and gray,
exceedingly cold and gray, when the man turned aside
from the main Yukon trail and climbed the high earth-bank,

CILMAX: the man's fire fails. He has decided to build his fire under a tree to make pulling
branches off the tree to burn easy. But his decision has backfired, because all that pulling on the
branches dislodges a pile of snow. It comes cascading down, and puts out his fire.
Falling Action: the man makes a wild attempt to capture and butcher his dog with the intention of
crawling inside its carcass and warming himself up.

Resolution: the point at which the central conflict is ended, or resolved. The man comes to
the realization that he will not be able to make it to the camp. The man dies with a sense of
peace, like falling into sleep. He comes to terms with himself and accepts loneliness the warmth
of the cold.
Demonstrative pronouns replace specific nouns and include this, that, these, and
those. This and that are used for singular nouns. These and those are used for
plural nouns.
It is all about the environment and the tragedies that happens to our
nature. it means that we should be objective in our surroundings, and we
should take care of it…the environment in the past is so clean and fresh,
while in our present times it is now dirty because of the neglect of the
filipinos…so we should make this our inspiration of our life to start a
clean and healthy surroundings.
The speaker must be a concerned citizen who cares a lot about Mother
Nature. The speaker of the song talked about environmental concerns
and societal issues brought about abusive human activities. The song
title was ironically described in the song. Literally, Paraiso means
paradise, but in the song, it was described as a degrading environment
filled with trash and and mounts of garbage. A paraiso which is very
1. "a dying river" - it means that the body of water on that
place is polluted and dirty
2. "The grass that's never there"- this phrase symbolizes a
dull place with no touch of nature
3. "Matching rags for my clothes"- thisphrase means poverty
and having no access with any material things
4. "And if empty cans were all I have"- this phrase means
hunger and thirst
5. "And if I could see a single bird"- the bird symbolizes
freedom away from that difficult state; it also symbolizes new
-Kaingin System -Oil Spill
- Dynamite fishing
- Deforestation
-Illegal Mining
-Solid Waste

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