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International Journal of

Environmental Research
and Public Health

Analysis of Recipes Shared as ‘Healthy’ in a Popular Brazilian
Website: A Cross-Sectional Study
Anice Milbratz de Camargo , Alyne Michelle Botelho, Gabriella Beatriz Irmão
and Giovanna Medeiros Rataichesck Fiates *

Nutrition in Foodservice Research Centre, Graduate Program in Nutrition, Universidade Federal de

Santa Catarina, Campus Universitário João David Ferreira Lima—Trindade,
Florianópolis 88040-900, Santa Catarina, Brazil
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: Cooking is crucial to the achievement of healthy eating habits, and the internet, as host of
culinary recipes websites, is a medium for the dissemination of cooking-related content. Research
has revealed that most recipes available on internet sites do not have healthy characteristics when
compared to recommendations for healthy eating, even the ones promoted as ‘healthy’. This study
investigated culinary recipes available on the ‘healthy eating’ section of a popular Brazilian recipe-
sharing website. Recipes (n = 814) were analyzed with a validated framework based on national
dietary guidelines. Ingredients (n = 5887) were classified according to the extension and purpose of
their industrial processing. The recipes’ titles were content analyzed to identify the health-related
words and phrases used. Recipes contained ultra-processed foods and not enough unprocessed
or minimally processed foods, such as legumes (4.7%, n = 380), nuts and seeds (18.4%, n = 150),
and fruits (n = 32.7%, n = 263). The recipes’ titles mentioned 564 health-related terms, appealing to
physical characteristics, including weight loss, and fads, such as gluten-free, dukan, low-carb, detox,
fitness, ripped body, and belly burner. Therefore, the ‘healthy’ recipes available on the Brazilian
Citation: Camargo, A.M.d.; Botelho,
recipe-sharing website presented many aspects not in accordance with national dietary guidelines.
A.M.; Irmão, G.B.; Fiates, G.M.R.
Analysis of Recipes Shared as
Keywords: internet recipes; food processing; culinary recipes; website; qualitative framework
‘Healthy’ in a Popular Brazilian
Website: A Cross-Sectional Study. Int.
J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19,
ijerph192113914 1. Introduction
Food is one of the basic requirements for the promotion and protection of health,
Academic Editor: Dimitris Zavras
acting as a determining factor in the prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases [1].
Received: 20 September 2022 The first edition of the Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population brought recom-
Accepted: 21 October 2022 mendations for healthy eating based on the classification of food into different groups:
Published: 26 October 2022 cereals, tubers, and roots; fruits and vegetables; legumes; milk and dairy products, meat
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral and eggs; fats, sugars, and salt. It also provided guidelines on the importance of the quality
with regard to jurisdictional claims in of food ingested in each food group, in addition to orienting the greater consumption
published maps and institutional affil- of some foods considered protective (fruits and vegetables) and the restriction of others
iations. that are rich in trans-fats, sugar, and salt [2]. In the most recent edition, the Guidelines’
recommendations are based on the extension and degree of processing to which foods
are subjected before their acquisition, preparation, and consumption. The classification
provides four food categories: unprocessed and minimally processed foods; processed
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. culinary ingredients; processed foods; and ultra-processed foods. The consumption of
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. ultra-processed (UP) foods should be avoided, as they consist of formulations of ingredients
This article is an open access article which are usually nutritionally unbalanced, as well as rich in fats, sugars, and substances
distributed under the terms and
of exclusive industrial use, while being poor in fiber and micronutrients [1,3].
conditions of the Creative Commons
Conversely, a healthy diet is one based on unprocessed or minimally processed foods
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
and on the culinary preparations they are made with, seasoned and cooked in moderation
with the addition of processed culinary ingredients, such as salt, sugar, and fats [1,3]. There

Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 13914.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 13914 2 of 13

is a body of literature to support this recommendation, showing that cooking more at home
with unprocessed or minimally processed foods is related to a better-quality diet [4–9]. In
fact, the Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population was the first to explicitly promote
cooking as a strategy to improve healthy eating, encouraging individuals to appreciate
and value it as a social and cultural practice [1]. Nevertheless, for this to happen, some
knowledge on cooking is required, which is why the guidelines of Brazil and many other
countries’ for healthy eating encourage individuals to learn and share cooking skills with
other people [1,10–13].
Specifically, the Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population recommend looking
up recipes on the internet as one way to develop cooking skills [1]. Culinary recipes
are instruments by which how to cook dishes can be learned and transmitted amongst
people [14], and the internet is an important contemporary medium for their dissemination,
such as through recipes websites [15,16]. The internet is accessed daily by 83% of the
Brazilian population [17], who spend an average of ten hours connected, while the world
average is seven hours a day [18].
Some of the biggest recipe websites on the World Wide Web contain not only recipes
posted by the website designers, but also personal recipes uploaded by subscribed users [19].
Research has shown that individuals use the World Wide Web to learn how to cook, to
find recipes [20–23], and to find ideas to plan meals [24,25]. In fact, the digital convenience
of being ‘at hand’ has made the internet favored by people when compared to printed
sources [22].
The use of the internet by different population groups to obtain information on health,
food, and nutrition has increased in recent decades [26–29]. This medium is actively used
to search for information related to food and diet, healthy eating [30], and the relationship
between food and health [31]. It has been reported that both the access to recipes and
learning about cooking are embedded in sources of information on health, food, and
nutrition on the internet [27,32].
If individuals are to obtain knowledge about cooking that enhances health promotion
through healthy eating, arguably the content made available must meet guidelines for
healthy eating. The concept of healthy eating, however, is not always clear to individuals
and is not understood and interpreted in the same way by all [33]. This can lead to different
practices in the name of healthy eating [34], as people interpret the concept of healthy eating
in complex and diversified ways, reflecting their personal, social, and cultural experiences,
as well as the environment in which they live [35].
One of the main challenges in health promotion actions and programs is the devel-
opment of individuals’ skills to translate dietary information received from a variety of
sources into practical information on food selection to achieve healthy eating habits [36].
This is why the World Health Organization has been stressing, since 1992, the importance
of understanding the attitudes and beliefs of the population regarding food, nutrition, and
health as enablers to the formulation and effective implementation of nutritional guidelines
for the promotion of healthy eating [37]. The situation turns out to be even more important
in a context where ‘healthiness’ is commonly used as a food-related marketing strategy [38].
The use of nutrient or health claims, such as ‘gluten free’ and ‘lactose free’ on products’
‘front-of-pack’ labels is rather common in UP foods [39], which can give them a false healthy
stereotype [40,41].
As part of the food environment, the internet is increasingly identified as an important
influencer of food choices. Health problems related to unbalanced diets can be tackled
with initiatives that involve the food environment of individuals, but effective and feasible
strategies to facilitate the decision making of individuals must come after identifying the
contents conveyed in the food environment, whether physical or digital [42].
Studies on the quality of recipes shared on the internet are scarce (albeit recent) and
show that most recipes do not have healthy characteristics when compared to recom-
mendations for healthy eating [19,43], including those that use a ‘healthy’ appeal in their
descriptions [19,44,45]. The only two Brazilian studies identified on this topic evaluated
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 13914 3 of 13

recipes from websites and blogs, either aimed at a very specific audience (pre-schoolers) [45],
or at social media (YouTube® , San Bruno, CA, USA) [43]. Considering the vast sources of
culinary recipes online, there is still a gap in the literature which prevents us from knowing
whether they are, in fact, contributing to the promotion of healthy eating as recommended
by national dietary guidelines.
To our knowledge, this is the first paper that aims to analyze the healthiness of culinary
recipes available on the ‘healthy eating’ section of a popular Brazilian recipe-sharing website.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Website Selection
For this cross-sectional study, one website specializing in recipe sharing was purposely
selected in October 2019, after a systematic search conducted on the Google® platform.
Google® was identified as the most accessed search engine in Brazil, according to Amazon®
ranking [46]. Navigating in an anonymous window and using the advanced search option,
the term ‘recipes’ (in Portuguese, ‘receitas’) was inserted in the search page.
Search filters included language (Portuguese), country (Brazil), and relevance (most rele-
vant). In the literature, we could not find a specific recommendation for how many search
results should be ideally assessed for eligibility. A previous study on the same topic as ours
analyzed the first 20 results [45], but experimental studies about online searches indicate
that in less than 2% of cases, individuals look past the first results page [47]. We conducted
a pilot search and observed that after the 50 first links (5 pages), results became irrelevant to
our study. Therefore, in this study, without applying a date limit, the first 50 results (links)
were accessed by the research team. The eligibility criteria established for the website
were: existence of at least one section of recipes named with health-related words and
expressions (‘healthy eating’, ‘healthy’, ‘health’, ‘well-being’, or similar) (n = 13 excluded);
being characterized as collaborative, i.e., user-created content (posted recipes), based on
their own personal experiences (n = 6 excluded); being solely devoted to sharing recipes and
no other type of content (n = 3 excluded); not being sponsored by the food industry (n = 19
excluded); and not being advertised at the top of the search results (n = 8 excluded).
Only one website met the eligibility criteria. TudoGostoso ( was
launched in 2005 and, at the time of the manuscript write-up, claimed to be the largest
recipe website in Brazil. The page was created as a collaborative website, a kind of “shared
recipe notebook that brought together traditional family recipes and new discoveries in the kitchen”.
There are more than 196 thousand recipes available, which are accessed by 30 million
individuals monthly and by more than 1 million Brazilians daily [48].

2.2. Recipes Selection

The third author accessed and downloaded all recipes available on the ‘healthy eating’
section of the website until March 2020 as PDF files. Data collection took place from
October 2019 to March 2020. A database in Microsoft Excel 2016 was created to register
the following information for each recipe: title, link, ingredients, preparation instructions,
and preparation time. Only one recipe was excluded from analysis because it was a
homemade cough syrup, i.e., not a culinary recipe. Ingredients were gathered from the
recipes’ ingredients list and preparation instructions. The final database was composed of
814 recipes.

2.3. Data Analysis

The variables used to characterize the recipes were the recipes’ titles, ingredients, and
preparation time. The variables used to assess the recipes’ healthiness were ingredients
and preparation instructions.

2.3.1. Recipes’ Characteristics

The recipes’ titles and ingredients were submitted to content analysis for the catego-
rization of the type of culinary preparation (e.g., salad, pudding, etc.) (first author). Words
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 13914 4 of 13

and phrases were coded according to similarity, and then categorized into groups. Weak
and general categories were regrouped until strong or terminal categories resulted [49].
Analysis was carried out both deductively and inductively, starting with pre-defined cate-
gories: appetizers; breads; cakes and baked goods; homemade ingredients; meat or egg
main dishes; non-alcoholic beverages; preserves; puddings; sauces; savory cakes and pies;
salads; savory spreads and pâtés; side dishes; snacks and homemade fast foods; soups and
creams; and sweet spreads [43].
The recipes’ titles were also content analyzed [49] to identify health-related words
and phrases (first and second authors). Expressions such as ‘gluten free’ and ‘lactose
free’ were categorized as diet trends because the titles did not mention celiac disease or
lactose intolerance as clinical conditions which demand specialized diets. A word cloud
was generated to illustrate codes. Bigger font sizes of words or expressions indicated a
higher frequency of appearance in the recipes’ titles. Microsoft Office 2016, QDA Miner
Lite version 2.0.8., and were used in the analyses.

2.3.2. Recipes’ Healthiness

The recipes’ ingredients were classified according to the extension and purpose of
industrial processing into one of four groups: unprocessed/minimally processed (U/MP);
processed culinary ingredient (PCI); processed (P); or ultra-processed foods (UP) [1,3,50]
(first and second authors).
U/MP foods included fresh, dry, or frozen fruits or vegetables, grains, legumes, meat,
fish, and milk. PCI included table sugar, oils, fats, salt, and other substances extracted
from foods or from nature for use in culinary preparations. P foods (manufactured by
adding salt, sugar, or other substances to U/MP foods) were canned foods, breads, and
cheese. Foods formulated with the addition of substances not usually present in culinary
preparations, such as flavoring agents, dyes, sweeteners, emulsifiers, and other additives,
were classified as UP [1,3,50].
Ingredients that did not have their preparation described in the recipe (e.g., sweetened
condensed milk, mayonnaise sauce) but were available for purchase in industrialized
versions were classified as P or UP, according to the predominant characteristics of products
available in Brazilian retail outlets. In case of no agreement between the first two researchers
who conducted the analysis about the extension and purpose of industrial processing, the
ingredient was classified in the group of lower processing [51].
The recipes’ ingredients and preparation instructions were assessed with the Qualita-
tive Framework for the Assessment of Culinary Recipes’ Healthiness [52] (first and second
authors). The framework is a validated tool based on national recommendations for healthy
eating from both editions of the Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population [1,2]. This
tool does not exhaustively evaluate healthy eating recommendations, but it focuses on
aspects that are likely to impact the recipes’ overall healthiness. Each recipe was fully read
and assessed in a spreadsheet according to the ingredients (presence/absence/types of
certain foods and food groups) and cooking methods employed. The spreadsheet was
organized according to the framework into nine overarching assessment categories with a
total of eleven components: whole cereals, breads, and pasta; fruits; vegetables; legumes;
nuts and seeds; meats and eggs; added fat; sauces; seasonings; foods with high sugar
concentration; and cooking method. Each component was evaluated as either positive or
negative, i.e., recommended or not recommended for healthy recipes. A negative criterion
was not given with the aim of condemning a certain characteristic of the recipe, but rather
to raise awareness about critical aspects regarding the promotion of healthier eating habits.
The categories of fruits, vegetables, and legumes; nuts and seeds; and foods with high
sugar concentration were assessed in every type of recipe, and the remaining categories
were assessed whenever they were present in the recipe [52].
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 13914 5 of 13

2.4. Data Treatment

Ingredients used twice in the same recipe were counted as one (e.g., sugar used in a
cakes’ batter and icing). Ingredients not mentioned in the ingredients’ list but cited in the
preparation instructions section were included in the analysis. When more than one option
of ingredient was mentioned, only the first was considered for analysis (e.g., butter or
margarine = butter). Ingredients cited as ‘optional’ were not assessed. Alcoholic beverages
mentioned as ingredients of recipes were excluded from the analysis.
Two researchers experienced in the adopted methods were involved in all steps of the
analyses. For each analysis, 10% of the recipes from the dataset were randomly selected
( (accessed on 18 August 2021)) to be independently checked for agreement
(first and second authors). The weighted kappa test of agreement between researchers
on the assessment of the ingredients’ extension and purpose of industrial processing was
0.96. On the application of the Qualitative Framework for the Assessment of Culinary
Recipes’ Healthiness, agreement ranged between 0.90 and 1.0 (kappa and weighted kappa)
between researchers, indicating an almost perfect agreement [53]. Divergences were firstly
discussed between the first two authors and in case of no agreement, they were resolved
with the participation of the last author.

2.5. Statistical Analysis

Qualitative dichotomous and polytomous variables are presented in absolute and
relative frequencies. Quantitative variables are presented as median and interquartile
range (IQR), as they were not normally distributed when assessed by the Shapiro–Wilk
test (considering an alpha of 0.05 as the significance level). Stata SE version 13.0 (College
Station, TX, USA) was used for the analysis.

3. Results
3.1. Recipes’ Characteristics
The recipes’ preparation time ranged from 1 to 180 min (IQR = 10; 40, n = 814). The
most frequent category of recipes was ‘cakes and baked goods’ (Table 1).

Table 1. Categories of 814 culinary recipes available on the ‘healthy eating’ section of a popular
Brazilian recipe-sharing website, October 2019–March 2020.

Recipes’ Categories % n
Cakes and baked goods 22.4 182
Side dishes 11.2 91
Snacks and homemade fast foods 10.4 85
Meat or egg main dishes 9.8 80
Puddings 9.0 73
Breads 6.5 53
Non-alcoholic beverages 5.4 44
Vegetarian and vegan dishes 5.2 42
Savory cakes and pies 4.9 40
Salads 4.4 36
Homemade ingredients 4.2 34
Appetizers 2.0 16
Savory spreads and pâtés 1.7 14
Sauces 1.1 9
Sweet spreads 0.7 6
Soups and creams 0.7 6
Preserves 0.4 3
Total 100 814

Regarding the recipes’ titles, 564 terms referring to health were coded (Figure 1) and
organized into nine categories: diet trends (n = 155 codes, e.g., gluten-free, dukan, low-carb,
detox); appeal to body image and physical exercise (n = 136 codes, e.g., fitness, ripped body,
belly burner); appeal to the absence or reduction in ingredients or nutrients (n = 69 codes,
Preserves 0.4 3
Total 100 814

Regarding the recipes’ titles, 564 terms referring to health were coded (Figure 1) and
organized into nine categories: diet trends (n = 155 codes, e.g., gluten-free, dukan, low-
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 13914 6 of 13
carb, detox); appeal to body image and physical exercise (n = 136 codes, e.g., fitness, ripped
body, belly burner); appeal to the absence or reduction in ingredients or nutrients (n = 69
codes, e.g., diet, sugar-free); production practices and cooking methods (n = 54 codes, e.g.,
e.g., diet, sugar-free);
organic, productionand
not fried); vegetarian practices
veganand(n =cooking methods
51 codes); whole (n = 54(n
grain codes, e.g., organic,
= 42 codes); health
notandfried); vegetarian
nutrition (n = 32and vegan
codes, e.g.,(nvitaminized,
= 51 codes);nutritious);
whole grainappeal
(n = 42
tocodes); health or
the presence andin-
crease in(ningredients
= 32 codes,ore.g., vitaminized,
nutrients (n = 25,nutritious); appeal to
e.g., high protein, the presence
whey protein); or
= 4 codes).or nutrients (n = 25, e.g., high protein, whey protein); and natural (n = 4 codes).

Figure Wordcloud
recipes available on the ‘healthy eating’ section of a popular Brazilian recipe-sharing website, Octo-
recipes available on the ‘healthy eating’ section of a popular Brazilian recipe-sharing website, October
ber 2019–March 2020. The bigger the font-size of each word or expression, the more frequently it
2019–March 2020. The bigger the font-size of each word or expression, the more frequently it appeared
appeared in recipes’ titles.
in recipes’ titles.
3.2. Recipes’Healthiness
From the total5887
From the total 5887ingredients
and PCI(23.2%,
(23.2%, nn ==1364).
Ingredients classified as Pas(6.1%,
classified n = 357)
P (6.1%, n =and
357)UP (8.4%,
and UP n(8.4%,
= 493)
were less frequent. The ten most frequent U/MP ingredients in the
n = 493) were less frequent. The ten most frequent U/MP ingredients in the sample sample were, in de-
creasing order of appearance: egg, onion, water, oat, garlic, banana, pepper,
were, in decreasing order of appearance: egg, onion, water, oat, garlic, banana, pepper, tomato, car-
rot, andcarrot,
tomato, cinnamon. The ten most
and cinnamon. Thefrequent
ten mostUP ingredients
frequent in the sample
UP ingredients were,
in the in decreas-
sample were,
ing order of appearance: artificial sweetener, UHT cream, margarine,
in decreasing order of appearance: artificial sweetener, UHT cream, margarine, bottled bottled coconut
coconut milk, cheese spread, whey protein, industrialized tomato sauce, textured soy
protein, shoyu sauce, and vanilla essence.
Positive aspects regarding the recipes’ healthiness include a high frequency of whole
cereals, breads and/or pasta (72.0%, n = 280), and the use of either lean cuts of meat or
eggs (86.6%, n = 129). The exclusive use of industrialized seasonings (3.1%, n = 11) and
of frying as a cooking method (3.1%, n = 22), as well as the presence of foods with a high
sugar concentration (23.6%, n = 192), were not frequent. Negative aspects to be highlighted
are the low presence of fruits (32.7%, n = 263), legumes (4.7%, n = 380), nuts and seeds
(18.4%, n = 150), and the presence of margarine (8.3%, n = 34) in the recipes. The categories
that presented the most evenly distributed positive and negative criteria were the presence
of vegetables and different types of sauces (Table 2).
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 13914 7 of 13

Table 2. Healthiness of 814 culinary recipes available on the ‘healthy eating’ section of a popular
Brazilian recipe-sharing website according to the Qualitative Framework for the Assessment of
Culinary Recipes’ Healthiness, October 2019–March 2020.

Category Description of Components Criteria % n

Foods with high Exclusive presence of whole cereals, breads, and/or pasta + 57.6 224
starch content Mixed presence of whole and refined cereals, breads, and/or pasta + 14.4 56
(n = 389) Exclusive presence of refined cereals, breads, and/or pasta − 28.0 109
Presence of vegetables + 42.9 349
Absence of vegetables − 57.1 465
Fruits, vegetables, Presence of legumes + 4.7 38
and legumes Absence of legumes − 95.3 776
Presence of fresh, frozen, or dried fruits + 32.7 263
Absence of fresh, frozen, or dried fruits − 67.3 542
Presence of nuts and seeds + 18.4 150
Nuts and seeds
Absence of nuts and seeds − 81.6 664
Exclusive presence of lean cuts of meat, poultry cuts without skin,
+ 75.2 112
fish, seafood, and/or eggs
Mixed presence of lean cuts of meat, poultry cuts without skin, fish,
Meats and eggs
seafood and/or eggs and non-lean cuts of meat, poultry cuts with + 11.4 17
(n = 149)
skin and/or processed meats
Exclusive presence of non-lean cuts of meat, poultry cuts with skin,
− 13.4 20
and/or processed meats
Exclusive use of vegetable oils, butter and/or lard in place
Fats + 91.7 374
of margarine
(n = 408)
Presence of margarine − 8.3 34
Exclusive presence of tomato sauce with herbs + 48.7 38
Sauces Mixed presence of tomato sauce with herbs and white sauce, with
+ 7.7 6
(n = 78) mayonnaise or cheese
Exclusive presence of white sauce, with mayonnaise or cheese − 43.6 34
Exclusive presence of olive oil, lemon, and/or fresh or dried herbs + 74.0 258
Seasonings Mixed presence of olive oil, lemon, and/or fresh or dried herbs, and
+ 22.9 80
(n = 349) industrialized spices, sauces, and/or broths
Exclusive presence of industrialized spices, sauces and/or broths − 3.1 11
Presence of foods with high sugar concentration − 23.6 192
Absence of foods with high sugar concentration + 76.4 621
Use of steam, cooking in water without or with little fat, stewing,
+ 96.9 684
Cooking method roasting, broiling, sautéing
(n = 706) Use of steam, cooking in water without or with little fat, stewing,
− 3.1 22
roasting, broiling, sautéing?and/or frying
Fruits, vegetables, and legumes; nuts and seeds; and sugars categories are mandatorily assessed in all recipes.
The remaining categories are assessed only when applicable. Criteria: + and − indicate recommended and not
recommended components for healthy recipes, respectively [52].

4. Discussion
This study analyzed the healthiness of recipes available on the ‘healthy eating’ section of
a popular Brazilian recipe-sharing website, using national dietary guidelines as references.
UP foods represented 8.4% of all ingredients in the ‘healthy’ recipes. As the Brazilian
Guidelines for Healthy Eating determine that UP food consumption should be altogether
avoided [1], people looking for healthy recipes on the internet might end up being misled
in their effort to follow the national guidelines. A high consumption of UP foods has been
associated with chronic non-communicable diseases and all-cause mortality [54,55], but it
constitutes a substantial portion of Brazilians’ diets (18.4% of daily calories) [56]. Research
has shown that, although some people notice the presence of some food additives and
hydrogenated fats as indicators of UP food unhealthiness, they do not spend much time
reading ingredients lists, and tend to rely on simple cues when choosing, such as package
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 13914 8 of 13

design and brand [40]. In fact, some UP foods are stereotypically perceived as healthy,
being seen as foods that do not lead to weight gain or have a small weight-loss effect [41].
Artificial sweeteners were one of the most frequent UP ingredients in the sample,
as several recipes used them to replace sugar (a PCI) in the main recipe category shared
(cakes and baked goods). This explains the low presence of foods with a high sugar
concentration observed in the analysis with the framework, which, in theory, should
be a positive result. Artificial sweeteners were developed by the food industry in the
context of a dramatic increase in the incidence of obesity to reduce calorie and, specifically,
added sugars intake [57,58]. However, evidence on the negative health effects of artificial
sweeteners’ intake is accumulating, such as the association with cardiovascular disease
and mortality [59], and with increased cancer risk [60]. Unfortunately, many in the general
public still adopt the use of sweeteners as a short-term strategy to reduce dietary sugar and
for weight management [61].
The framework analysis identified the presence of margarine in some recipes. It was
also one of the most frequent UP ingredients in the sample. Margarine was developed
by the food industry in the 19th century as a cheap substitute for butter, but it was later
marketed as an option to lower saturated fat intake because of its vegetable origin [57]. As
an UP food mainly composed of hydrogenated vegetable fat or interesterified oils [1], it
should not be used in culinary preparations if the national guidelines are to be followed.
Trans fatty acids have many negative impacts on health [62] and are related to all-cause
mortality, and cardiovascular disease [63].
The common use of artificial sweeteners and margarine by users of the investigated
website may indicate that reductionist conceptions—‘butter and sugar are unhealthy’—are
still leading to the substitution of processed culinary ingredients by UP foods. If used
in moderation and in recipes based on U/MP foods, PCI can indeed be part of a healthy
diet [1,3,64]. Awareness of the concept of healthy eating, especially as proposed by the latest
edition of the Brazilian dietary guidelines, which is based on food processing, may still
find some barriers. Even health professionals struggle to correctly classify foods according
to their processing characteristics [65]. Adding to this is individuals’ inability to judge the
veracity of marketing strategies employed by the food industry [31].
Many recipes’ titles alluded to health by using words or expressions from diet trends
(gluten-free, dukan, low-carb, detox), or appealing to body image and physical exercise
(fitness, belly burner). Whey protein was one of the most frequent UP foods present in the
sample. This suggests that the individuals posting recipes on the website may associate
healthiness to weight loss and physical appearance, which does not resonate with the
perspective of national dietary guidelines [1]. Beliefs and attitudes towards healthy eating
are linked to psychological self-perception and personal ways of thinking. For some,
the belief of improving one’s physical appearance and attractiveness facilitates healthy
eating [66].
It is in this scenario that restrictive diet trends, which have no proven long-term
benefits or sustainability [67–69], continue to emerge, grow, and sustain themselves. Like
in a vicious cycle, the expectation of rapid weight loss, and body and beauty perceptions
of society are reasons that individuals give for being on a popular diet [70]. The growing
offer of products from health, wellness, and sports food sectors [39,67,71] may be, in turn,
also feeding individuals’ flawed perception of healthy eating. Whey protein, for example,
is on the rise as a food component following fitness trends because of the association of
high-protein foods with satiety and lean body mass gain or maintenance [67]. The Brazilian
dietary guidelines alert that there is much information about food, diet, nutrition, and
health on all sorts of media; however, most of their usefulness is questionable as they
confuse healthy eating with weight-loss dieting regimes, and some informative notices are
actually a veiled form of advertising UP foods [1].
Lastly, although U/MP ingredients were highly frequent in the sample analyzed,
the application of the framework evidenced that fruits, legumes, nuts, and seeds were
rather absent in the recipes. Therefore, some key food groups for healthy eating are not
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 13914 9 of 13

being as valued as other aspects, such as favoring whole cereals and lean cuts of meat.
This result mirrors the results of epidemiological studies of Brazilians’ diets, which is
reportedly low in fruits, legumes, nuts, and seeds [72], and may indicate individuals’
difficulty to incorporate those foods in culinary recipes, even though they are frequently
associated with healthiness [73]. Individual, social, and environmental barriers besides
knowledge about healthy eating [74] may be behind the low frequency of those U/MP
foods in so-called ‘healthy’ recipes. One of them refers to the formation of eating habits
during childhood through a lack of exposure to foods, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes,
nuts, and seeds. Another barrier frequently linked to the ingestion of U/MP foods is the
need for preplanning, which is further linked to time constraints and exacerbated by an
overall lack of cooking skills [66]. A high consumption of fruits, vegetables, and legumes is
an integral part of healthy eating patterns [75] and a basic dietary priority to reduce chronic
disease risk [76]. A higher consumption of fruits, vegetables and legumes is associated
with the prevention of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases and the mortality
rates related to them [77,78]. The ingestion of nuts is also associated with a reduced risk of
cardiovascular disease and diabetes [79,80].
Comparisons with previous research on the healthiness of recipes shared on websites
devoted to this are complex, because this is a relatively new field of research with only
a few studies published. Additionally, such studies addressed nutrient content to assess
recipes’ healthiness [19], while our study did a qualitative-based assessment. Studies on
the subject also focused on different data sources, such as ‘clean eating’ blogs [44] or recipes
for pre-schoolers [45]. Nevertheless, our study agrees with previous research, where most
recipes online were found to be unhealthy according to the World Health Organization and
the United Kingdom Food Standards Agency’s recommendations [19], including those that
use a ‘healthy’ appeal in their descriptions [19,44,45]. Previous research in the Brazilian
context, conducted on YouTube® and not focused on ‘healthy recipes’, also identified the
presence of UP foods as ingredients and a scarcity of fruits, legumes, nuts, and seeds [43].
Our results help to fill a gap in the literature, revealing not only that the recipes shared as
‘healthy’ deviate from dietary guidelines, but also appeal to diet trends, body image, and
physical exercise.
In a nutshell, interventions and health education activities are needed to tackle specific
points when encouraging individuals to cook and use the internet as a source of information.
Firstly, people need to be alerted that even recipes branded as ‘healthy’ are not necessarily
following dietary guidelines for healthy eating. Secondly, it is important to promote cooking
in a healthy way, without the addition of UP foods as ingredients to (artificially) enhance
flavor or as shortcuts to shorten preparation time. It is also relevant to demonstrate how
it is possible to incorporate more fruits, legumes, nuts, and seeds in recipes to improve
their quality. As stated earlier, a negative criterion was given with the aim of raising
awareness about the critical characteristics of recipes, and therefore promote healthier eating
habits. Each negative criterion is considered a point of possible improvement through the
substitution, addition, or exclusion of ingredients, and/or the alteration of the cooking
method. We highlight that to make an original recipe healthier, not all the negatively
assessed components should be changed. Finally, as proposed by Marsola et al., it is
necessary not only to disseminate information about the composition, degree of processing,
and origin of foods, but to take into consideration beliefs and values individuals are
giving to healthy eating [41]. In the future, partnerships between website developers and
researchers can be established to develop algorithms based on national dietary guidelines
to guide users towards healthy recipes.
One of the study’s limitations is the adoption of a conservative criterion to classify
ingredients by the extension and purpose of industrial processing. This criterion was
used because ingredients were identified from recipes, and not from information on la-
bels. Although minimally employed, this strategy may have led to an underestimation
of the number of UP ingredients [51]. Data were retrieved from only one website, which
compromises extrapolation to other websites and contexts. Nevertheless, the website was
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 13914 10 of 13

claimed to be the largest in Brazil, and the sample size was robust, quality control was
rigorous, and a validated framework was employed in the analyses. Finally, recipes were
analyzed as a whole; therefore, we were not able to provide an assessment of each recipe
category’s healthiness.

5. Conclusions
The recipes’ titles appealed to diet trends, body image, and physical exercise. Recipes
employed UP foods as ingredients, but the use of fruits, legumes, nuts, and seeds was
not encouraged. Therefore, the ‘healthy’ recipes available on the Brazilian recipe-sharing
website presented many aspects not in accordance with national dietary guidelines. Find-
ings are relevant to inform health professionals and policymakers to act towards educating
individuals on how to choose proper healthy recipes to effectively promote cooking as a
healthy eating strategy.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.M.d.C.; methodology, A.M.d.C. and G.M.R.F.; valida-

tion, A.M.d.C. and A.M.B.; formal analysis, A.M.d.C. and A.M.B.; investigation, G.B.I.; data curation,
A.M.d.C.; writing—original draft preparation, A.M.d.C.; writing—review and editing, A.M.d.C.,
A.M.B. and G.M.R.F.; supervision, G.M.R.F. All authors have read and agreed to the published version
of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported in the form of scholarships by Coordination for the Improvement
of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) [Finance code 001] [A.M.C. and A.M.B.] and by the National
Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) [G.B.I.].
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or
in the decision to publish the results.

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