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Daily Practice Problems

Q1. The ‘Law of triads’ was enunciated by:
(A) Mendeleeff (B) Newland (C) Lother Meyer (D*) D
Q2. The group number of element in periodic table indicates:
(A) valency w.r.t. hydrogen (B) the atomicity
(C*) the number of electrons in the outermost shell
(D) none of the above
Q3. Which of the following pairs has both members from the same group of periodic table?
(A*) Mg, Ba (B) Mg, Na (C) Mg, Cu (D) Mg, Cl
Q4. Diagonal relationship is not shown by:
(A) Li and Mg (B*) C and P (C) B and Si (D) Be and Al
Q5. Without looking at the periodic table, select the elements of III A group of the periodic table (Atomic
numbers are given):
(A) 3, 11, 19, 37 (B) 5, 13, 21, 39 (C) 7, 15, 31, 49 (D*) 5, 13, 31, 49
Q6. The transition elements have a characteristic electronic configuration which can be represented as:
(A) (n – 2) s2p6d1–10 (n – 1)s2p6ns2 (B) (n – 2) s2p6d1–10 (n – 1)s2p6d1 or 2ns1
(C) (n – 1) s2p6d10 ns2np6nd1–10 (D*) (n – 1) s2p6d1–10 ns1 or 2
Q7. The attempt for classifying elements by plotting the atomic masses of elements against the volumes was
made by:
(A) Dobereiner (B) Newland (C*) Lother Meyer (D) Mendeleeff
Q8. Who presented the law of octave?
(A) D
obereiner (B*) Newland (C) Lother Meyer (D) Mendeleeff
Q9. How many elements were known when Mendeleeff presented the periodic table?
(A*) 63 (B) 80 (C) 92 (D) 102
Q10. The basis of periodic law presented by Mendeleeff was :
(A) valency (B*) atomic mass (C) atomic number (D) atomic volume
Q11. The modern Mendeleeff’s periodic table consists of .......... groups:
(A) seven (B) eight (C*) nine (D) ten
Q12. The elements which occupy their positions in periodic table just after the members of zero group are:
(A) metals (B) gases (C) radioactive (D*) alkali metals
Q13. An element having electronic configuration [Ar] 3d2, 4s2 belongs to :
(A*) d-block (B) f - block (C) s-block (D) p-block
Q14. The number of elements in fifth period of periodic table is
(A) 8 (B) 32 (C*) 18 (D) 19
Q15. An element which belongs to third period and fifth group has electronic configuration
(A*) 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p3 (B) 1s2, 2s2, 2p3
(C) 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p4 (D) none of these
Q16. d-block elements in long form of periodic table are placed.
(A) on the extreme left (B) on the extreme right
(C) at the bottom (D*) none of these
Q17. Ce(58) is a member of:
(A) s–block (B) p–block (C) d–block (D*) f-block
Q18. Variable valency is a general feature of
(A) s-block elements (B) p-block elements (C*) d-block elements (D) none of these
Q19. The statement that is not true for the long form of the periodic table is:
(A) It reflects the sequence of filling the electrons in the order of the subenergy shells s, p, d, and f
(B*) It helps to predict the stable valency states of the elements.
(C) It reflects trends in physical and chemical properties of the elements
(D) It helps to predict the relative ionicity of the bond between any two elements.
Q20. The electronic configuration of an element C is 1s2, 2s2, 2p6. The formula of substance containing only C
will be:
(A) C8 (B) C4 (C) C2 (D*) C
Q21. The electronic configuration of an element A is 1s2, 2s2, 2p5. The formula of substance containing only A
will be:
(A) A (B*) A2 (C) A5 (D) A7
Q22. The electronic configuration of an element A is 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2 while of the element B is 1s2, 2s2, 2p5.
The formula of substance containing A and B will be:
(A) AB (B) A2B (C*) AB2 (D) A2B6
Q23. The valency shell of element A contains 3 electrons while the valency shell of element B contains 6
electrons. If A combines with B, the probable formula of the compound formed will be
(A) AB2 (B) A2B (C*) A2B3 (D) A3B2
Q24. The most non-metallic element among the following is
(A) 1s2, 2s2, 2p6 (B*) 1s2, 2s2, 2p5 (C) 1s2, 2s2, 2p4 (D) 1s2, 2s2, 2p3
Q25. The electronic configuration of the element which is just above the element with atomic number 43 in the
same periodic group is:
(A*) 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 3d5, 4s2 (B) 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 3d10, 4s2, 4p5
2 2 6 2 6 6 1
(C) 1s , 2s , 2p , 3s , 3p , 3d , 4s (D) 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 3d10, 4s1, 4p6
Q26. The statement that is not correct for the periodic classification of element is
(A) The properties of elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers
(B) Non metallic elements are lesser in number than metallic elements
(C) Electronegativity of the elements along the period from left to right increases in a regular manner.
(D*) For transition elements the d-subshells are filled with the electrons monotonically with increase in
atomic number.
Q27. If the atomic number of an element is 33, it will be placed in the periodic table in the
(A) first group (B) third group (C*) fifth group (D) seventh group
Q28. Modern periodic table is based on the atomic number of the elements. The experiment which proved the
significance of the atomic number was:
(A) Mulliken’s oil drop experiment (B*) Moseley’s work on x-ray spectra
(C) Bragg’s work on x-ray diffraction (D) Discovery of x-rays by Rontgen
Q29. An element of atomic number 29 belongs to
(A) s-block (B) p-block (C*) d-block (D) f-block
Q30. Element X belongs to 4th period. It contains 18 and 1 electron in the penultimate and ultimate orbit. The
X should be
(A) normal element (B*) transition element (C) inert gas (D) inner transition element
Daily Practice Problems
Q1. Among the elements with atomic no. 9, 12, 36. Identify by atomic number of an element which is 
(a) highly electronegative
(b) an inert gas
(c) highly electropositive

Q2. Two element A and B have atomic no. 16 and 19 respectively

(i) Which of the element is powerful reducing agent.
(ii) Write down the formula of the compound formed between A and B.

Q3. Element A & B have atomic numbers respectively 18, 26. What are the possible valencies of the above

Q4. The first I.E. of carbon atom is greater than that of Boron atom, whereas reverse is true for the second
ionisation energy. Explain.

Q5. Why radii of Ar is very high in comparison to the radii of nearest element Cl?

Q6. Arrange the following atoms in order of increasing radii

Na+, Cl–, O2–, Ne

Q7. What is the effective nuclear charge on Li if its radius is 1.23 Å.

Q8. Arrange the following in increasing atomic radii

(i) 24Cr, 25Mn, 26Fe (ii) Ge32, As33, Se34 (iii) Ti22, Zr40, Hf72

Q9. Arrange the following in increasing radii

(i) Li+, Na+, K+ (ii) K+, Ca2+, Ar
(iii) Mg, Mg+, Mg2+ (iv) O2–, N3–, F–
(v) O, O–, O2– (vi) Mg2+, Ca2+
(vii) Na+, Ne (viii) P3–, N3–

Q10. The atomic radii of F is 72 PM and that of F_ is 136 PM. Calculate the % increase in volume that occurs
when F(g) is converted to F–(g).

Q11. Which element in each pair has larger IE?

(a) K or Br (b) S or Te (c) Ga or Se (d) Ne or Sr

Q12. Which has smaller value of second IE. Na or Mg?

Daily Practice Problems
Q1. Identify the element of third period whose successive I.E.s are given below
Element IE1 IE2 IE3
X 513 4562 6920
Y 738 1451 7733
Z 1521 2666 3931

Q2. Which has large (IE)3 Be or N?

[Ans:4Be  1s22s2 2 2 3
7N  1s 2s 2p Be2+  1s2 N2+  1s22s22p1]

Q3. Which has large 4th IE. Ga or Ge ?

[Ans: Ga  ns2np1 Ge  ns2np2 Ga3+  ns0np0 Ge3+  ns1np0]

Q4. Which has large IE in each pair

(a) N or O+ (b) Be+ or B+ (c) Be or B (d) Na+ or Ne

Q5. Match the electronic configuration with the values of (IE) of the elements in the nth period (n  1)
EC IE/KJ/mol
ns2 (I) 4000
ns2np1 (II) 1500
ns np3 (III) 1200
ns np6 (IV) 1400

Q6. Arrange the following isoelectronic species in order of increasing IE.

(O2–, F–, Na+, Mg2+)

Q7. The sum of first and second ionisation energies and these of third and fourth IE (in MJ/mol ) of Nickel
and Platnum are
(I1 + I2) (I3 + I4)
Ni 2.49 8.80
Pt 2.66 6.70
based on the is information, write 
(a) the most common oxidation states of Ni and Pt.
(b) name of the metal (Ni or Pt) which can more easily form compounds in its +4 oxidation state.

Q8. Which element has maximum (IE)2 in the periodic table.

Q9. Arrange the following in the increasing value of (IE)1

Sr, Cs, S, F, As

Q10. The first four ionisation energies of an element in kJ/mol are approx. 738, 1450, 7.7 × 103 & 1.1 × 104
so which period group does the element belong?
Daily Practice Problems
2 2 5 1
Q1. The configuration 1s 2s 2p 3s is valid for
(A) ground state of fluorine (B) excited state of fluorine
(C*) excited state of neon (D) excited state of O2– ion
Q2. Calculate the number of angular & radial nodes in each of the following orbitals
(a) 5d (b) 4f (c) 4p [Ans: (2, 2), (3, 0), (1, 2)]
Q3. Consider the ground state of Cr (Z = 24). The number of electrons with the azimuthal quantum
numbers l = 1 and 2 respectively are
Q4. The radii of two of the first four Bohr orbitals of the hydrogen atom are in the ratio 1 : 4. The energy
difference between them may be:
(A) either 12.09 eV or 3.4 eV (B*) either 2.55 eV or 10.2 eV
(C) either 13.6 eV or 3.4 eV (D) either 3.4 eV or 0.85 eV
Q5. Atomic number of an element is 27.
(a) How many electrons are there in its 3d subshell?
(b) Number of unpaired electrons in its dipositive and tripositive ion respectively are?[A: (a) 7, (b) 3 & 4]
Q6. Write the order of 2nd IE. of the elements from helium to sodium.

Q7. Arrange the following elements by (E.C.) in the increasing order of metallic charac. 
(a) [Ar]3d104s2 (b) [Ar]4s2 (c) [Ar]3d104s24p65s2 (d) [Ar]3d104s24p5 (e)[Ar]3d104s24p65s1
Q8. Indicate which of the atoms Bi, S, Ba, As and Ca.
(a) is most metallic (b) is most non-metallic
(c) has the intermediate value when the five are arranged in the order of increasing (IE)1.
Q9. Arrange the following in the increasing order of metallic charac (Sc, Fe, Rb, Br, O, Ca, F, Te)
Q10. The effective atomic number of aluminium is
(A) 13 (B) 3.5 (C) 3.9 (D) 2.5
Q11. Which of the following has highest metallic character
Element I.P. Element I.P.
(A) A 16.2 eV (B) B 1.5 eV
(C) C 12.2 eV (D) D 10.5
Q12. Which element in each of the following sets has the smallest first I.E. and which has largest?
(a) Li, Ba, K (b) B, Be, Cl (c) Ca, C, Cl
Q13. The (IE)1 and the (IE)2 in KJ/ mol of a few elements is as shown below 
Element (IE)1 (IE)2 Element (IE)1 (IE)2
I 2372 5251 II 520 7300
III 900 1760 IV 1680 3380
Which of the above element is likely to be 
(a) reactive metal (b) reactive non-metal
(c) Noble gas (d) Metal that forms a stable bi valent halide of formula AX2
Q14. The element X, Y, Z and T have the indicated electronic configuration starting with the innermost shell
which is the most metallic element
(A) X =2, 8, 4 (B) Y = 2, 8, 8 (C) Z = 2, 8, 8, 1 (D) T = 2, 8, 8, 7

Q15. Account for the following:

The ionisation energy of transition elements is reasonably constant in comparison to P-block elements.
Daily Practice Problems
Q1. Specify 
(a) which metal is liquid at room temp. (b) which non-metal is a solid with an extermely high M.Pt.
(c) which non-metal is liquid at room-temp.
(d) which two elements would you expect to combine in the most violent fashion.

Q2. An element X reacts with H2 gas at 200oC to form compound Y. When Y is heated to a higher temp., it
decomposes to the element X and H2 gas in the ratio of 559 mL of H2 (measured at NTP) for 1.0 gm of
X reacted. X also combines with Cl2 to form a Compound Z, which contains 63.89% by mass of
chloride. Identify X, Y and Z.Consider the following balanced reactions.X + H2  Y heat
 X + H2

Q3. Match list

(a) Tl 1. an alkaline earth metal
(b) Z = 70 2. element in the fifth period and Grp. 15 (VA)
(c) Ni 3. Largest atomic radii of all the elements
(d) [Ar]4s2 4. an element in the fourth period & Grp. 16 (VI A)
(e) a metalloid 5. 3d8
(f) a non-metal 6. One p-electron in the shell of highest n
7. d-block element
8. f-block element

Q4. Which of the following has the largest (numerically) electron affinity ?
(A) Cl (B) Ba (C) Na (D) I

Q5. (a) The first ionisation energies of potassium and calcium are 100 kcal mol–1 and 141 kcal mol–1 while
their second ionisation energies are 729 kcal mol–1 and 274 kcal mole–1 respectively. Rationalise these
observations suitably.
(b) Account for the following
(i) The size of the ions N3-, F- and O2- decreases in the order N3- > O2- > F– .
(ii) The ionisation energy of transition elements is reasonably constant in comparison to p-block elements.

Q6. A comparison of the covalent radius and the van der Waal’s radius for sulphur and bromine shows that
(A) covalent radius of sulphur is greater than that of bromine
(B) van der Waal’s radius of sulphur is less than that of bromine
(C) van der Waal’s radius of sulphur is less than the covalent radius of bromine
(D) covalent radii of sulphur and bromine are almost equal

Q7. The minimum EN difference will be shown by the pair

(A) F, N (B) Na, Cs (C) P, H (D) C, H

Q8. Match List

(a) A dark red liquid I : Ca
(b)A colourless gas that burns in oxygen gas II : Au
(c) A reactive metal that attacks water III : H2
(d) A totally inert gas IV : Ar
(e) A shiny metal that is used in jewellery V : Br2
Q9. A student is given samples of three elements X, Y and Z, which could be an alkali metal, a member of
IV A group, and a member of V A group. She makes the following observations
Element X has a metallic lusture and conducts electricity. It reacts slowly with aq. HCl to produce H2
gas. Element Y is a light yellow solid and does not conduct electricity. Element Z has a metallic lusture
and conducts electricity when exposed to air, it slowly forms a white powder aq. solution of which is

Q10. Element X, Y and Z have atomic nos. 19, 37 and 55 respectively which of the following statement is true
(a) their ionisation potential would increase with the increasing
(b) Y would have an ionisation potential in between those of X and Z
(c) Z would have the highest I.P.
(d) Y would have the highest I.P.

Q11. For a 3s orbital, how many total nodes are possible calculate the position (radial distance) & shape of
these nodes in a hydrogen atom if
3/ 2
1  1 2r
3s =   (6 – 6 + 2) e–/2 where  = 3a
9 3  a0  0

Q12. Draw radial probability distribution curves for 2p & for 2s, highlighting the following points in the graph.
(a) Parameters which are plotted in the graph.
(b) Compare distances of maximum radial probability density in the two graphs
(c) Explain with the help of graph why ‘energy’ of 2s orbital is less than that of 2p orbital.
Daily Practice Problems
Q.1 What are the blocks groups and period for the following E.C. in periodic table:
(a) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 sp3 3d2 (b) 1s2 2s1 2p1 (c) 1s0 2s1 2p1
2 2 6 2
(d) 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d 4s 6 10 2 2 2 2 6
(e) 1s 2s 3s 3p 3d 4s 5 1 (f) [Xe] 6s2 5d1
(g) Actinium: [Rn] 6d1 7s2 (h) Thorium: [Rn] 6d2 7s2
[Ans. (a) p, 6A, III ; (b) s, IIA, II ; (c) p, o, I; (d) IIB, 4th period ;
(e) d, VIB, 4 ; (f) d, IIIB, 6th ; (g) d, IIIB, 7th ;(h) f, IIIB, 7th ]

Q.2 E.C. of A = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2

B = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5
C = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6
D = 1s2 2s2
Arrange in the increasing order of size with justification. [Ans. D < B < A < C]

Q.3 For the element X, student Surbhi measured its radius as 102 nm, Mr.Gupta as 113 nm and Mr. Agarwal
as 100 nm using same apparatus. Their teacher explained that measurements were correct by saying that
recorded values by three students were
(A*) Crystal, vander Waal and covalent radii (B) Covalent, crystal and vander Waal radii
(C) Vander Waal, ionic and covalent (D) None is correct

Q.4 Match List-I (atomic number of elements) with List-II (position of element in periodic table) and select
the correct answer using the codes given below the list
List-I List-II
a. 19 1. p-block
b. 22 2. f-block
c. 32 3. d-block
d. 64 4. s-block
a b c d a b c d
(A) 1 2 3 4 (B*) 4 3 1 2
(C) 4 1 3 2 (D) 2 1 3 4

Q.5 Which set of the element have nearly the same atomic radii
(A) F, Cl, Br, I (B) Na, K, Rb, Cs (C) Li, Be, B, C (D*) Fe, Co, Ni

For Q.6 to Q.8, mention the asked order with justification.

Q.6 Increasing size B, Be, Li, Na [Ans. Na > Li > Be > B]
Q.7 Increasing size (measured on a uniform scale) Cl, S2, Ca2+, Ar [Ans. S2–>Cl–>Ar > Ca+2]
Q.8 Increasing Mg2+ , Al+3, Na+, Ne, O2–, F– [Ans. Ne > O2– > F– > Na+ > Mg2+ > Al3+]

Q.9 The IE values of Al(g)  Al+ + e is 577.5 kJ/mol and H for Al(g)  Al3+(g) + 3e is 5140 kJ/mol.
If second and third IE values are in the ratio 2 : 3. Calculate IE2 & IE3.

Q.10 The first ionization enthalpy for Li is 520 kJ/mol. This value corresponds to complete removal of the
electron from the atom and is achieved when n = . From this value, calculate the effective charge felt be
the 2s electron of Li. Why is this less than the actual charge of +3?
Q.11 You are given Avogadro’s no. atoms of X. If half od the atoms of X transfer one electron to the other half
of X-atoms, 409 kJ must be added. If these X– ions are subsequently converted to X+ , an additional
733 kJ energy must be added. Calculate IE and EA of X in eV.

r / a 0
Q.12 The wave function of an electron in the lowest energy state of a hydrogen atom is proportional to e
where a0 is constant and r is distance from nucleus.
1 2 r / a 0
(I) Probability density at any point is proportional to 2 e
(II) The ratio of probability density of finding electron at the nucleus and at a distance a0 from the
nucleus is 7.1 : 1
(III) Probability at any point is proportional to probability density at point of interest multiplied by
volume of interest.
Which of the sequences given below correctly represents whether the options above are true (T) or false
(F) ?
(A) TFT (B) FFT (C) TTT (D*) FTT
Daily Practice Problems
Q1. Which of the following have max. difference in the value of IInd and IIIrd I.P.
(A)1s22s22p63s23p1 (B) 1s22s22p63s2 (C) 1s22s22p63s1 (D) 1s22s22p63s23p2

Q2. Which of the following has highest metallic character

(A) 16.2 ev (IP) (B) 1.5 ev (IP) (C) 12.2 ev (IP) (D) 10.2 ev (IP)

Q3. Which of the following element has the highest value of electron affinity
(A) C (B) O (C) F (D) Ne

Q4. Which of the following element has highest value of IP

(A) Ti (B) Zr (C) Hf (D) none of these

Q5. Pick up from the elements Na, Cl, Sr & Ar

(a) elements with highest I.E. (energy) (b) elements with highest electrical conductivity
(c) elements with highest electron affinity (d) elements having smallest size

Q6. Elements of which of the following atomic number has lowest E.N.
(A) 37 (B) 55 (C) 87 (D) 105

Q7. Which is not the correct order of EN?

(A) Cl > S > P > Si (B) F > Cl > Br > I (C) Si > Al > Mg > Na (D) none of these

Q8. Which of the following property is nearly same for two families
Family 1  Be, Mg, Ca, Sr Family 2  Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe
(A) EN (B) IP (C) EA (D) none

Q9. Variable valency is shown by

(A) s-block elements (B) d-block elements (C) p-block elements (D) none

Q10. Which of the following pairs belong to the same group

(A) Elements with Z = 13 & 53 (B) Elements with Z = 3 & 37
(C) Elements with Z = 13 & 81 (B) Elements with Z = 29 & 47

Q11. From the trends observed in alkali metal groups Francium should be
(A) more electro +ve than Cs (B) The heaviest of these elements
(C) the largest in size (D) Most ionisable

Q12. Which of the following statements are correct

(A) F is the most electro –ve & Cs is the most electron +ve element.
(B) Electronegativity of halogens decreases from F to I
(C) EA is Cl is higher than that of F while their EN values are in the reverse order
(D) EA of noble gases is low.
Daily Practice Problems
For Q.1 to Q.10, mention the asked order with justification.
Q.1 Increasing ionization energy Cl, K+, Ca2+, Ar [Ans. Ca++ > K+ > Ar > Cl–]
Q.2 Increasing electron affinity O2, O, O, O+ [Ans. O+ > O > O– > O2–]
Q.3 Increasing electron affinity F, Cl, Br, I [Ans. Cl > F > Br > I]
Q.4 Increasing first ionization energy N, O, F [Ans. F > N > O]
Q.5 Increasing atomic size S, O, Se, F [Ans. Se > S > O > F]
Q.6 Decreasing ionic size Mg2+, O2-, Na+, F– [Ans. Mg2+ < Na+ < F– < O2– ]
Q.7 Increasing ionization energy Cl–, K+, S–2, Ca2+ [Ans. S–2 < Cl– < K+ < Ca+2]
Q.8 Increasing ionization energy Li+, Be+, B+, C+, N+, O+, F+
[Ans. Be+ < C+ < B+ < N+ < F+ < O+ < Li+]
Q.9 Increasing ionization energy Fe, Fe+2, Fe+3 [Ans. Fe < Fe+2 < Fe+3]
Q.10 Increasing electron affinity O, S, F, Cl [Ans. ]

Q.11 State True or False with explanation for the following questions
(a) E.A. of M+(g) ion and I.E. of M(g) atom are equal.

(b) EA1 of sulphur is more than EA1 of oxygen.

(c) I.E. of Pb is more than Sn even though Pb is larger atom than Sn.
[Ans. (a) True, (b) True, ]

Q.12 (a) Which has greater IE1 ? Na+ or Ne. Explain

(b) Which has greater IE2 ? O or N. Explain
(c) Which has greater IE2? Li or Be. Explain [Ans. (a) Na+, (b) O, (c) Li]
Daily Practice Problems
Q1. The 1st IE of the elements frm Li to Ne increases in the order
(A) Li Be B C N O F Ne
(B) Li B C O N F Be Ne
(C) Li C F B Be O N Ne
(D) Li B Be CO N F Ne
Q2. A certain element has for its highest energy electron, the quantum no.
n = 3, l = 1, m = 0, s = + 1/2, this element could be
(A) a halogen (B) an alkaline earth metal
(C) an alkali metal (D) a transition metal
Q3. The ground state configuration of In (Z = 49) is
(A) [Kr] 5s24d105p1 (B) [Kr]5s24d10 (C) [Kr] 5s14d10 (D) [Kr]5s24d95p1

Q4. The ions Ni2+ & Pd2+ have an outermost electronic configuration
(A) ns2(n – 1)d6 (B) nd8 (C) ns1(n – 1)d–1 (D) nd10

Q5. Which one of the following species is isoelectric with P3–

(A) Kr (B) Ca2+ (C) Na+ (D) F–

Q6. Which salt is composed of an isoelectronic cation & anion?

(A) KF (B) NaCl (C) SrCl2 (D) MgF2

Q7. Which transition metals +2 & +3 ions have five d electrons.

(A) Mn2+ & Fe3+ (B) Co3+ & Ni2+ (C) Co2+ & Fe3+ (D) Mn3+ & Fe2+

Q8. Which one of the following elements is the add one out
(A) Ni (B) Co (C) Rb (D) Pd

Q9. Of the following elements have the tendency to form a cation is highest.
(A) Ne (B) Mg (C) Li (D) Sr

Q10. Atomic size of Rd, Sr, Nb & Ta is in the order

(A) Rb > Sr > Nb > Ta (B) Rb > Sr > (Nb = Ta)
(C) Rb > Sr < (Nb = Ta) (D) Sr > Rb > Nb > Ta

Q.11 Three atoms have the following E.C.

(i) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p1 (ii) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5 (iii) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1
(a) which of the three has largest IE1
(b) Which has smallest IE4
(c) which of these would have a tendency of Ionic bond formation
(d) Stability of A+3, B+2, C+3. [Ans. (a) ii, (b) ii, (c) iii, (d) A+3 > B+2 > C+3]

Q.12 First, second and third I.P. values are 100 eV, 150 eV and 1500 eV. Element can be
(A*) Be (B) B (C) F (D) Na
Daily Practice Problems
Q1. If the covalent radius of Ge is 122 pm & I.E. is 762 kJ/mol. Compare the respective parameters of Al,
In & Se with Ge.
Q2. Indicate the element with the property as specific
(a) the largest atom H, Ar, Ag, Ba, Te, Au
(b) the most –ve E.A. Na, I, Ba, Se, F, Cl
(c) The largest no. of unpaired electrons N S2– Mg2+, Sc3+, Ti3+
Q3. Which transition involves maximum amount of energy (M is a metal)
(A) M— (g)  M (g) + e (B) M— (g)  M+ (g) + 2e
+ +2
(C) M (g)  M (g) + e (D*) M+2 (g)  M+3 (g) + e
Q4. Electron affinity of P is greater than N. Explain.
Q5. Elements (I.E)1 (I.E.)2
I 403 2640
II 549 1060
III 1142 2080
Identify the element which is likely to be
(a) non metal (b) alkali metal (c) an alkaline earth metal
Q6. How many unpaired electrons are there in the ground state fo chromium.
Q7. Account for the large decrease in EA between Li & Be despite the increase in Z* .
Q8. The IE1, IE2 & IE3 of Al are 578, 1817 & 2745 kJ/mol respectively. Calculate the energy required to
convert all the atoms of Al to Al3+ present in 270 mg of Al vapours.
Q9. Compare
(i) the size of Cu+ & K+ (ii) 1st I.E. of Cu & K (iii) 2nd I.E. of Cu & K
Comment on the conclusion.
Q10. Using the concept of Z* . Explain the following
(i) In K atom last electron enters the 4s orbital instead of 3d orbital.
(ii) In obtaining the electronic configuration of V+ from that of V, an electron is removed from 4s.

Q11. On a Lother Maeyor’s curve element A to K are plotted. Mention

(a) At size order of (B, F, K), (B, C, D), (C, E, J)
(b) IE of (B, F, K, G)
(c) Order of max. KE of photoelectron if a sheet of [B, D, F, G] are
subjected to a same frequency light. [Given that A to K are all metals]
[Ans: (a) B < F < K; B > C > D, C < E < J; (b) G< K< F < B, (c) G > F > B > D]

Q12. Assuming covalent radii to be additive property ; calculate the iodine-iodine distance in o-, m-,
p-di-iodobenzene. The benzene ring is regular hexagon and each C–I bond lies on a line passing through
the centre of hexagon. The C–C bond length in C6H6 are 1.40 Å and a covalent radius of iodine and
carbon atom are 1.33 Å and 0.77 Å. Also neglect different overlapping effect.

[Ans.o  3.5Å, m  6.06Å, p  7 Å]

Daily Practice Problems
1. Second most electronegative element–Oxygen
2. Hydrogen is the lightest element and Lithium is lightest metal.
3. Helium has the highest value of I.P.
4. Fr has minimum value of electronegativity and ionisation potential.
5. In periodic table metalloids are only in p-block.
6. The maximum isotopy in metals is shown by Tin, its total no. of isotope is ‘10’.
7. Total gaseous elements are 11 (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn, H2, N2, O2, Cl2, F2)
8. Liquid metal is – Hg.
9. Diamond is hardest natural substance.
10. Francium has the highest atomic volume.
11. Halogens have highest electron affinity and in that to Cl has the highest amongst them.
12. The largest cation of the periodic table = Cs+.
13. The smallest cation of the periodic table = H+.
14. The largest anion of the periodic table = I–.
15. The smallest anion of the periodic table = H–.
16. The biggest element of periodic table = Fr.
17. The smallest element of periodic table = H.
18. Br liquid non-metal.
19. Osmium heaviest element known.
20. Flourine is the most electronegative element.

Q1. Which is more electronegative in each pair?

(A) F– or Na+ (B) Ne or F– (C) F or Cl (D) H – or He

Q2. The Zeff for : 3d electron of Cr

4s electron of Cr
3d electron of Cr3+
3s electron of Cr3+ are in the order respectively.
(A) 4.6, 2.95, 4.95, 8.05 (B) 4.95, 2.95, 4.6, 8.05
(C) 4.6, 2.95, 5.2, 12.75 (D) none of these

Q3. Which of the following statements regarding collisions in a gas is(are) true:
(A) There will be effects on mean free path by rising temperature of a closed container.
(B) Collision frequency varies with temperature as a function of
(C) both (A) & (B) (D) none

Q4. For O2 molecules Vrms at T1, Vavg at T2 and Vmps at T3 are all equal to 1.5 km/sec. The true statement
(A) 3T1 = 2T3 (B) 2T1 = 3T3 (C) 3T1 = T2 (D) 8T1 = T
 2

Q5. The magnetic moment of an ion Mn+ is 4.89 M than value of n is (at. no. of M is 27)
(A) 4 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 1
Q6. The vander waal’s parameters for gases W, X, Y are :
Gas a (lt2–atm mol–2) b(lt-mol–1)
W 4.0 0.027
X 8.0 0.03
Y 12.0 0.027
Which one of these gases has the highest Boyle’s temperature?
(A) W (B) X (C) Y (D) cannot be determined

Q7. 93.5 gm sample of oleum is added to 1 litre of 1.6 M NaOH solution density (1gm/ml). If concentration
of H+ ions in remaining solution is 0.4 M, percentage labelling of oleum is
(A) 118.2% (B) 105.6% (C) 114.5% (D) 104.8%

Q8. 500 ml of a sample of H2O2 marked 33.6 volumes is used as a source of oxygen. This sample partly
reacted with certain reactive impurities causing wastage of half the amount of H2O2 present. Volume of
O2 available at 570 mm Hg at 270C is
(A) 12.3 lt (B) 24.6 lt (C) 16.8 lt (D) none of these

Z eff
Q9. If a graph between XM (Electronegativity on Millinken’ s scale) vs (where r is in nm) is to be
plotted then approximate slope and y intercept of the graph will be respectively
(A) 0.359 × 2.8, 0.744 × 2.8 (B) 0.359 × 100 × 2.8, ×100×2.8
0.359 0.744 0.359
(C) × 2.8, × 2.8 (D) × 2.8, 0.744 × 2.8
100 100 100

Q10. Calculate the EN value of lead with the help of given values.  = Pb = 76.70, Z of Pb = 82, covalent
radius of Pb = 1.53 Å.

Q11. The bond distances C-F in CF4 and Si–F in SiF4 are respectively 1.32 Å & 1.54 Å. The C–Si bond
distance is 1.87 Å. Calculate the covalent radius of fluorine atom. If the measured value is 0.64 Å, how
will you explain the discrepancy?

Q12. 1.6 gm sample of He+ ions are excited to emit radiations. Spectral study of sample indicates that highest
excited state is 2nd and the total no. of ions in 1st & 2nd excited states is one third number of ions in
ground state. Total energy evolved on de-excitation of sample is 429.5 kJ. Calculate the % of He+ ions
in 2nd excited state in original sample
Daily Practice Problems
CLASS : XI(PQRS) TIME :45 Min. DPP. NO.-12
Q.1 Increasing Increasing bond strength HCl, HBr, HF, HI [Ans.HI < HBr < HCl < HF]

Q.2 Increasing basic nature of hydroxides LiOH, NaOH, KOH, RbOH, CsOH
[Ans.LiOH < NaOH < KOH < RbOH < CsOH]

Q.3 Increasing first ionization potential Mg, Al, Si, Na [Ans. Na<Al<Mg<Si]

Q.4 Which of the following relation is correct

(A) 2 I.P. – E.A. – E.N. = 0 (B) 2 I.P. – E.N. + E.A. = 0
(C*) 2 E.N. – I.P. – E.A. = 0 (D) E.N. – I.P. – E.A. = 0

Q.5 The correct order of electron affinity for the different families is
(A) Halogen > carbon > nitrogen > oxygen (B) Halogen > oxygen > nitrogen > carbon
(c) Halogen > nitrogen > carbon > oxygen (D*) Halogen > oxygen > carbon > nitrogen

Q.6 A0/2 atoms of X (g) are converted into X+ (g) by energy E1. A0/2 atoms of X (g) are converted into
X—(g) by energy E2. Hence ionisation potential and electron affinity of X (g) are
2E1 2(E1  E 2 ) 2E1 , 2E 2 (E1  E 2 ) 2E 2
(A) A . A0 (B*) A 0 A0 (C) A0
A0 (D) None

Q.7 Match List -I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below
List-I List-II
Ion Radius (in Pm)
a. Li+ 1. 216
b. Na+ 2. 195
c. Br — 3. 60
d. I— 4. 95
Codes :
a b c d a b c d
(A) 1 2 4 3 (B) 2 3 1 4
(C*) 3 4 2 1 (D) 4 3 2 1

Q.8 Out of the following ions/atom.

Ar, Ca+2, Sc+1, Sc+3, Cr+1, Cr+6
(i) Select isoelectronic species. Compare their sizes (on uniform scale)
(ii) Select paramagnetic species. Calculate their magnetic moment.

Q.9 Solutions of equal strength of XOH & QOH are prepared. If the E.N. of X & Q are respectively 0.9 &
3.2 then comment on their acidic / basic nature of then solution. Why.

Q.10 In a Bohr’s model for a non-stationary nucleus, calculate ionisation energy of deuterium atom. Compare
it with hydrogen atom. From the data, comment which is easier to from H+ or D+.
Q.11 In BI3 molecules the iodine to iodine distance is 3.54 Å. The covalent radius of iodine is 1.33 Å.
Assuming electronegativities boron & iodine are equal. Calculate the covalent radius of Boron.

Q.12 Bond length of F2 is shorter than that of Cl2 but F–F bond is weaker than Cl–Cl bond. Why?

Q.13 A section of periodic tables is given below with element A, B and X, Y in the groups. Which of the ionic
compound will have least polar bonds?

(A) AX (B*) AY (C) BX (D) BY

Q.14 Given that I.E1, & I.E2 of a metal A are 7.6 eV per atom & 15 eV per atom respectively. Calculate % of
A+ & A+2 if 0.01 mole of A is supplied with (a) 7 kJ, (b) 22 kJ, (c) 20 kJ. Also plot a graph between (a)
nmgvs x, (b) n mg  vs x, (c) n mg 2  vs x, where n represents moles of that particular species & x is
amount of energy given in kJ & 0 < x < 25 kJ. (Assuming second e– removes only after the removal of
1st e– from all the atoms presents)
[Ans.(a) A+1 = 9.56×10–3, A+2 = 0, A = 4.4×10–4, (b) A+2 = 0.01, (c) A = 0, A+2 = 8.76 ×10–3,
A+1= 1.23 × 10–3]

Q15. Predict on the basis of EN differences, which of the following would form from the elements by a
strongly exothermic reaction: NF3, NCl3, NBr3 & NI3. The EN values of N, F, Cl, Br & I are 3, 4, 3,
2.8 & 2.5 respectively. Use Pauling’s relation,
Heat of formation (in kcal/mol) Q = 23 (XA – XB)2 – 55nN
where nN is the number of nitrogen atoms in a molecules & X represents the electronegativity of element.
Daily Practice Problems
Q.1 The basicity of the oxides As2O5, MgO & BeO decreases in the order
(A) BeO > As2O5 > MgO (B) MgO > BeO > As2O5
(C) BeO > MgO > As2O5 (D) As2O5 > BeO > MgO
Q.2 Hydrides formed by transition metals are largely
(A) ionic (B) covalent (C) interstitial (D) polymeric
Q.3 Which of the following acid is stongest
(A) HF (B) HCl (C) HBr (D) HI
Q.4 Which of the following is the weakest basic oxides
(A) Fe2O3 (B) FeO (C) BaO (D) Na2O
Q.5 Which of the following order is correct for acidic property?
(A) SiH4 > PH3 > H2S (B) SiH4 = PH3 = H2S
(C) SiH4 < PH3 > H2S (D) SiH4 < PH3 < H2S
Q.6 Electronegativity of bromine in H–O–Br is its capacity to
(A) Attract the lone pair of oxygen
(B) Attract the shared pair of H–O bond
(C) Attract the shared pair of O–Br bond
(D) none of the above
Q.7 Consider M(OH)3 formed by all the group 13 elements. The correct sequence of acidic strength of
hydroxides [M(OH)3] is
(A) B(OH)3 < Al(OH)3 > Ga(OH)3 > In(OH)3 > Tl(OH)3
(B) B(OH)3 > Tl(OH)3 > Al(OH)3 > In(OH)3 > Ga(OH)3
(C) Al(OH)3 > Ga(OH)3 > B(OH)3 > In(OH)3 > Tl(OH)3
(D) B(OH)3 > Al(OH)3 > Ga(OH)3 > In(OH)3 > Tl(OH)3
Q.8 Arrange the following hydrides in their increasing acid strength CH4, H2S, PH3, SiH4
(A) H2S < PH3 < SiH4 < CH4 (B) CH4 < SiH4 < PH3 < H2S
(C) SiH4 < CH4 < PH3 < H2S (D) CH4 < H2S < PH3 < SiH4
Q.9 Which of the following element has maximum oxidising nature
(A) F (B) Cl (C) Br (D) I
Q.10 Which of the following element has lowest reducing character
(A) Na (B) S (C) Al (D) Si
Q.11 Which of the following element is weakest oxidant
(A) Na+ (B) Mg2+ (C) Al3+ (D) K+
Q.12 Tendency to lose electrons shows reducing property of the element. Arrange the following in the order of
reducing property
(A) Na, K, Rb (B) Na, Mg, Al (C) F–, Cl–, Br–, I– (D) Mg, Ca, Sr
Daily Practice Problems
Q.1 When two atoms combine to form a molecule
(A) energy is released (B) energy is absorbed
(C) energy is neither released nor absorbed (D) energy may either released or absorbed

Q.2 Valency expresses

(A) total electrons in an atom (B) atomicity of an element
(C) oxidation number of an element (D) combining capacity of an element

Q.3 The combination of atoms occur becuase they want

(A) to decrease number of electrons in the outermost orbit
(B) to increase number of electrons in the outermost orbit.
(C) to attain an inert gas configuration
(D) to attain 18 electrons in the outermost orbit

Q.4 Ions are formed from neutral atoms by

(A) loss of neutrons (B) gain of electrons
(C) sharing of electrons (D) loss and gain of electrons

Q.5 Which of the following statements is wrong regarding ionic compounds

(A) These are generally in solid state at room temperature
(B) The force of attraction between ions is non-directional
(C) Ionic compounds are soluble in all solvents
(D) The conduct electricity in moleten and solution state

Q.6 Out of the following which has maximum value of lattice energy
(A) NaF (B) NaCl (C) NaBr (D) NaI

Q.7 Lattice energy of BeCO3(I), MgCO3(II) and CaCO3(III) are in the order
(A) I > II > III (B) I < II < III (C) I < III < II (D) II < I < III

Q.8 Specify the nature of following oxides

(A) CO (B) SiO2 (C) SnO2 (D) ZnO

Q.9 Predict the member of each of the following pairs will

(a) conduct electricity : Ca or S
(b) form a negative ion : Co or Cl
(c) form a solution of an acid in water : N2O3 or CaO

Q.10 Compare the lattice energies of the following with justification Mg3N2, MgO, MgF2

Q.11 Increasing acidity of oxide Al2O3, MgO, SiO2, P4O10

Q.12 In halogens which of the following increases from iodine to fluorine

(A) Bond length (B) EN (C) First IE of the element (D) oxidising power
Daily Practice Problems
Q.1 From the following sequence, calculate the lattice energy of AB (s)
A(s)  A+(g) + e, H = 610 kJ/mol
½ B2(g) + e  B–(g) , H = –260 kJ/mol
A(s) + ½B2(g)  AB(s), H = –569 kJ/mol
(A) –219 kJ/mol (B) –919 kJ/mol (C) +1539 kJ/mol (D) +301 kJ/mol

For Problems 2 & 3

Q 2 & 3 are data sufficiency problem in which it is to be decided on the basis of given statements
whether the given question can be answered or not. (No matter whether the answer is yes or no)
Q.2 Is the behaviour of gas ideal?
Statement 1: ‘b’ is negligible but ‘a’ is substantial.
Statement 2 : The temperature of the gas is Boyle’s temperature.
(A) Statement (1) alone is sufficient but statement (2) is not sufficient.
(B) Statement (2) alone is sufficient but statement (1) is not sufficient.
(C) Both statements together are sufficient but neither statement alone is sufficient
(D) Either statement is sufficient

Q.3 Is the process isochoric for an ideal gas?

Statement 1: The graph of P(atm) vs T(K) is a straight line.
Statement 2 : The graph of P(atm) vs T(k) does not pass through the origin.
(A) Statement (1) alone is sufficient but statement (2) is not sufficient.
(B) Statement (2) alone is sufficient but statement (1) is not sufficient.
(C) Both statements together are sufficient but neither statement alone is sufficient
(D) Statement (1) and (2) together are not sufficient

Q.4 In a mass spectrograph experiment, He+ ion was found to strike at distance of x cm. Calculate distance
where H2O+2 ion would strike if
(a) Potential difference 'V' and magnetic field 'B' are kept constant.
(b) Velocity of ions & magnetic field are constant

Q5. Predict which member of each of the following pairs will

(i) conduct electricity : Ca or S (ii) form a –ve ion : Co or Cl
(iii) form an ionic compound with fluorine : Al or P (iv) form a covalent compound with O : K or N
(v) have a higher EN : Ba or Br (vi) an oxidising agent : S or Na
(vii) More easily reduced : Ca or O (viii) greater (IE)1 : Be or B
(ix) Greater (EA)1 : F or Cl (x) greater (EA)1 : F or O
(xi) greater (IE)2 : N or O (xii) Max. (IE)1 : Na+, Ne+, F+ or O+
(xiii) Zero(EN) : Ne or Na (xiv) Liquid element : Hg or Zn
(xv) Harder element : carbon (diamond) or lead
(xvi) form a solution of an acid in water : N2O3 or CaO
(xvii) form a solution of base in water : CO2 or BaO
(xviii) a base : CsOH or BrOH (xix) an acid : In(OH)3 or B(OH)3
(xx) an ionic compound : RbCl or BrCl (xxi) reacts as a base : P(OH)3 or Al(OH)3
(xxii) contain ions : KNO2 or ClNO2 (xxiii) amphoteric oxide : B2O3 or Al2O3
(xxiv) acidic oxide : B2O3 or Al2O3 (xxv) basic oxide : N2O5 or In2O3
Daily Practice Problems
Q.1 Arrange the following in increasing order of
(a) ionic radii in water  Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+
(b) thermal stability  LiOH, NaOH, KOH, PbOH, CsOH
(c) basic character  NH3, AsH3, SbH3, PH3
(d) thermal stablity  BeCO3, MgCO3, CaCO3, BaCO3
(e) acidic property  ZnO, Na2O3, P2O5, MgO
(f) bond strength  F2, N2, Cl2, O2
(g) bond strength  HCl, HBr, HF, HI
(h) reactivity with H2O  Cs, K, Na, Li
(i) oxidising property  O, S, Se, Te
(j) oxidising property  F2, Cl2, Br2, I2
(k) acidic character  Al2O3, MgO, SiO2, P4O10
(l) thermal stability  MgCO3, BaCO3, CaCO3, BeCO3
Q.2 A bulb of constant volume is attached to a manometer tube open at other end as
shown in figure. The manometer is filled with a liquid of density
(1/3)rd that of mercury. Initially h was 228 cm. Through a small hole in the bulb
gas leaked causing pressure decrease as = – kP. If value of h is
114 cm after 7 minutes. Calculate value of k in units of hour–1.
[Use: ln (4/3) = 0.28 & density of Hg = 13.6 g/ml] [Ans. 2.4 hr–1]
For a gaseous reaction,
2A(g)  3B(g) + C(g)
Whose extent of dissociation depends on temperature is performed in a closed container, it is
known that extent of dissociation of A is different in different temperature range. With in a
temperature range it is constant. (Temperature range T0 – T1, T1 – T2, T2 – T). A plot of P v/
s T is drawn under the given condition.
Q.3(a)If  Ti  Ti 1 is the degree of dissociation ofA then in the temperature range
Ti  Ti + 1
(A)  T is lowest (B)  T is highest
0  T1 0  T1

(C)  T2 T = 1 (D)  T2 T = 0

(b) If initially 1 mole of A is taken in a 1 l container then [R = 0.0821 atm lit / k]

1 1 1 1
(A)  T =  (B)  T = 
0  T1 2 3R 2 0  T1 2 3R 2
1 1
(C)  T1 T2  1 (D)  T1 T2  1
Q.4 Which of the following halides is(are) less stable and has doubtful existence
(A) CI4 (B) GeI4 (C) SnI4 (D) PbI4
Q.5 Fluorine is a better oxidising agent than iodine.
(A) Fluorine has smaller atomic radii than iodine (B) Fluorine is more reactive than iodine
(C) Fluorine is less stable than iodine
(D) F– ions have greater electron attracting power than I– ions.
Daily Practice Problems

Q.1 Draw the Lewis structures of the following compounds

1. Fluorine F2

2. Dioxygen O2

3. Dinitrogen N2

4. Water H2 O

5. Hydrogen peroxide H2O2

6. Hydronium ion H3O+

7. Sulphur dioxide SO2

8. Sulphur trioxide SO3

9. Sulphurous acid H2SO3

10. Sulphuric acid H2SO4

11. Hypochlorous acid HClO

12. Chlorous acid HClO2

13. Chloric acid HClO3

14. Perchloric acid HClO4

15. Nitrous acid HNO2

16. Nitric acid HNO3

17. Chlorine heptaoxide Cl2O7

18. Hypophosphorous acid H3PO2

19. Phosphorus acid H3PO3

20. Pyrophosphorus acid H4P2O5

or disphosphorus acid

21. Metaphosphoric acid HPO2

22. Hypophosphoric acid H4P2O6

23. Orthophosphoric acid H3PO4

24. Phosphorus P4

25. Sulphur S8

26. Potassium cyanide KCN

27. Sodium nitrate NaNO3

28. Calcium carbide CaC2

29. Copper Sulphate CuSO4

30. Barium Carbonate BaCO3

Daily Practice Problems

Q.1 Draw the Lewis structures of the following compounds

1. Potassium permanganate KMnO4

2. Hyposulphurous acid H2SO4

3. Thiosulphuric acid H2S2O3

4. Pyrosulphuric acid H2S2O7

5. Peroxy monosulphuric acid (caro’s acid) H2SO5

6. Peroxydisulphuric acid (Marshall’s acid) H2S2O8

7. Dithionic acid H2S2O6

8. Trithionic acid H2S3O6

9. Tetrathionic acid H2S4O6

10. Pentathionic acid H2S5O6

11. Pyrophosphoric acid or diphosphoric acid H4P2O7

12. Triphosphoric acid H5 P3 O10

13. Tetraphosphoric acid H6 P4 O13

14. Peroxy monophosphoric acid H3PO5

15. Peroxy diphosphoric acid H4P2O8

16. Chlorine monoxide Cl2 O

17. Chlorine dioxide ClO2

18. Chlorine trioxide ClO3

19. Chlorate ion ClO3 –

20. Carbon sesqueoxide C3 O 2

21. Nitrosyl chloride NOCl

22. Perchlorate ion ClO4 –

23. Iodate ion IO3 –

24. Azide ion N3 –

25. Iodine pentaoxide I2 O 5

26. Cynogen gas (CN)2

27. Xenon trioxide XeO3

28. Xenon tetraoxide XeO4

29. Xenon oxy difluoride XeOF2

30. Xenon oxy tetrafluoride XeOF4

Daily Practice Problems
CLASS : XI DATE : 10/11/2006 DPP. NO.-19
Q1. Arrange in the increasing order of covalent character (a) LiCl, LiBr, LiI (b) NaCl, MgCl2, AlCl3

Q2. On the basis of Fajan’s Rule, arrange the following molecules in increasing order of covalent character.
(a) CuCl, NaCl (b) NaF, Na2O, Na3N
(c) NaCl, MgCl2, AlCl3, SiCl4, PCl5 (d) NaF, NaCl, NaBr, NaI

Q3. Draw the Lewis structures of

(a) C34– (b) PF6– (c) ICl4– (d) PCl6– (e) [Fe(H2O)6]2+

Q4. Why does ammonia forms Co-ordination complexes, whereas the isoelectronic species CH4 does not?

Q5. Aqueous solution of a mixture contains LiCl, NaCl and KCl. How is LiCl separated?

Q6. Compound with maximum ionic character is formed from

(A) Na and Cl (B) Cs & F (C) Cs & I (D) Na & F

Q7. Compound having highest Melting point is

(A) BeCl2 (B) MgCl2 (C) CaCl2 (D) SrCl2

Q8. Which of the following statements is correct for CsBr3

(A) It is a covalent compounds (B) It contains Cs+3 and Br– ions
(C) It contains Cs+ and Br3– ions (D) It contains Cs+, Br– and Lattice Br2 molecule

Q9. The no. of (S–S) bonds in sulphur tri oxide trimer (S3O9) is
(A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) zero

Q10. Sulphide of phosphorus P4S3 is a well known Chemical used in match industry. Phosphorus lies in
Trivalent and sulphur in divalent state. Draw the shape of the sulphide.

Q11. It is found that SnCl2 is soluble in water whereas SnCl4 is a liquid itself and is insoluble in water. Explain.

Q12. Normally certain metal sulphides are found to be precipitate in aqueous medium. Whereas their oxide
may be soluble. Explain.

Q13. Explain the following

(a) PCl5 is a stable molecule, but NCl5 is not.
(b) SF4 and SF6 are known, but OF4 and OF6 are not.

Q14. Apply your knowledge of the kinetic theory of gases to the following situations. (a) Two flasks of volumes
V1 and V2 (V2 > V1) contain the same number of helium atoms at the same temperature. (i) Compare the
energies of the helium (He) atoms in the flasks. (ii) Compare the frequency and the force with which the
He atoms collide with the walls of their containers. (b) Equal numbers of He atoms are placed in two
flasks of the same volume at temperatures T1 and T2 (T2 > T1). (i) Compare the rms speeds of the atoms
in the two flasks. (ii) Compare the frequency and the force with which the He atoms collide with the walls
of their containers. (c) Equal numbers of He and Ne atoms are placed in two flasks of the same volume,
and the temperature of both gases is 740C. Comment on the validity of the following statements: (i) The
rms speed of He is equal to that of Ne. (ii) The average kinetic energies of the two gases are equal. (iii)
The rms speed of each He atom is 1.47 × 103 m/s.
Q.15 In a mass spectrometry experiment, various ions H+, Li+, O2+ & N 3 were projected with a same
velocity into a same magnetic field zone (alligned perpendicular to the direction of velocity). The sheet on
which they are striking is pierced at certain points (marked as H1, H2 etc.) as shown in the diagram. It is
known that H+ comes back to zone-I from H2 when projected from H1. Mark out the correct

(A) Out of all remaining ions when projected from H1, only N 3 will come back to zone-I.
(B) When all the remaining ions were projected from H2, only O2+ will come back in zone-I.
(C) When all the remaining ions were projected from H3, none of the them will come back to zone-I.
(D) When all the remaining ions were projected from H4, none of the them will come back to zone-I.
Daily Practice Problems
Q.1 Which of the following compounds of elements in group IV is expected to be most ionic ?
(A) PbCl 2 (B) PbCl 4 (C) CCl 4 (D) SiCl 4
Q.2 Which has the lowest anion to cation size ratio :
(A) LiF (B) NaF (C) CsI (D) CsF
Q.3 Which of the following compounds contain/s both ionic and covalent bonds?
(A) NH4Cl (B) KCN (C) CuSO4·5H2O (D) NaOH
Q.4 Which of the following compound is/are predominantly ionic?
(A) KCl (B) Na2S (C) H2 (D) CaO
Q.5 On heating to 400-500º C, relatively unstable hydrides and carbonates decompose. Which of the following
may decompose when heated to 400-500ºC ?
(A) LiH (B) NaH (C) Li2CO3 (D) Na2 CO3
Q.6 Whether the following reactions are possible or not :
(a) Tl+ + Al3+  Al+ + Tl3+ (b) Sn2+ + Pb4+  Sn4+ + Pb2+
Q.7 PCl 5 exists but NCl 5 does not because :
(A) Nitrogen has no vacant 2d-orbitals (B) NCl 5 is unstable
(C) Nitrogen atom is much smaller than P (D) Nitrogen is highly inert

Q.8 AgNO3 gives a white precipitate with NaCl but not with CCl 4 . Why ?

Q.9 Which of the following Lewis diagrams is(are) incorrect ?

Cl  H 
 |  H H
   | |
 Cl C Cl
(A) Na  O  C l  (B) (C)  H  N  H  [ S]2- (D) H  N  N  H
    |   
Cl H
 
Q.10 The total number of valence electrons in 4.2g of N 3 ion are :
(A) 2.2 NA (B) 4.2 NA (C) 1.6 NA (D) 3.2 NA
Q.11 Pick out among the following species isoelectronic with CO2 :
(A) N 3 (B) (CNO)  (C) (NCN ) 2 (D) NO2
Q.12 Which of the following oxyacids of sulphur contain S  S bonds ?
(A) H 2 S 2 O8 (B) H 2 S 2O6 (C) H 2 S 2 O4 (D) H 2 S 2 O5
Q.13 When magnesium metal is burnt in air, it forms two product A & B.
A reacts with water to form a basic solution. B reacts with water to form a similar solution as that of A
with a gas with a pungent odour. Identify A and B and write equations for the reaction.
Q.14 From the following data calculate the bond energy of the F2– ion
F2 (g)  2F(g) H0 = 157 kJ/mol
F– (g)  F(g) + e H0 = 333 kJ/mol

F2 (g)  F2(g) + e H0 = 290 kJ/mol
Explain the difference between the bond energies of F2 and F2–.
Q.15 Draw Lewis structures for the following organic molecules:
(a) C2F4 (b) C3H8 (c) butadiene (C4H6) (d) Propyne (C3H4) (e) CH2O (f) C2H4O2
Daily Practice Problems
CLASS : XI DATE : 21/11/2006 DPP. NO.-21
Q.1 Draw the Lewis structures of the following compounds
1. Hydrazine 2. Hyponi trous acid (H2N2O2) 3. Hydroxyl amine (NH2OH)
4. Dithionate ion (S2O6 ) 5. Trithionate ion (S3O62–) 6. Tetra thionate ion (S4O62–)
7. Pentathionate ion 8. Thionyl chloride (SOCl2) 9. Sulphuryl chloride (SO2Cl2)
10. Peroxy mononitric acid (HNO4) 11. Calcium phosphite
12. Disodium hydrogen phosphate 13. Sodium dihydrogen phosphate
14. POCl3 15. S2F10 16. O2F2 17. N2O5 18. S2O72–
19. Inorganic Benzene 20. Inorganic graphite

Q.2 Out of the following which one has the highest covalent character
(A) ZnCl2 (B) CaCl2 (C) CdCl2 (D) CuCl

Q.3 Which one of the following is an acetylide

(A) Al4C3 (B) BeC2 (C) CaC2 (D) Mg2C3

Q.4 If an atom has empty d-orbitals available, then it may be able to use them to accomodate more than eight
electrons and hence to expand its octet to 10, 12 or even more electrons. That capacity may
(A) not allow the central atom to form additional multiple bonds to the atom attached to it.
(B) allow the central atom to form additional multiple bonds to the atoms attached to it.
(C) not allow to form additional single bonds to more atoms.
(D) allow to form additional single bonds to more atoms.

Q.5 The hydration of ionic compounds involves:

(A) Evolution of heat (B) Dissociation of ions
(C) Weakening of attractive forces between the ions of original compounds
(D) All of these

Q.6 Which of the following statement is (are) true for BaO and MgO?
(A) BaO is more ionic than MgO (B) MgO is more ionic than BaO
(C) BaO has a higher melting point than MgO (D) MgO has a higher melting point than BaO

Q.7 Rotation around the bond (between the underlined atoms) is restricted in
(A) C2H4 (B) H2O2 (C) Al2Cl6 (D) I2Cl6

Q.8 To which of the following species octet rule is not applicable:

(A) BrF5 (B) SF6 (C) IF7 (D) CO

Q.9 Which of the following species are hyper valent?

(1) ClO4– (2) BF3 (3) SO42– (4) CO32–
(A) 1, 2, 3 (B) 1, 3 (C) 3, 4 (D) 1, 2

Q.10 Formation of which of the following anion is not possible

(A) [AlF6]3– (B) [SiF6]2– (C) [BF6]3– (D) [BF4]–
Daily Practice Problems
CLASS : XI(PQRS) DATE : 21/11/2006 DPP. NO.-22
Q.1 The formation of ionic solids from the elements is an exothermic process. This is primarily due to
(A) The low values for vaporisation of the metals (B) The electron affinity term
(C) The large values of the Lattice energy of these solids.(D) The low values for I.E. of the metals

Q.2 Given the electronegativities of three elements

x = 1.0 y = 2.5 z = 3.0
Type of bonding formed between xz and yz respectively would be:
(a) Covalent, ionic (b) Ionic, covalent
(c) Polar covalent, covalent (d) None of the above

Q.3 CO2 is isosteric with:

(1) HgCl2 (2) SnCl2 (3) C2H2 (4) NO2
The correct answer is :
(a) 1, 2 (b) 2, 3 (c) 1, 3 (d) 2, 4

Q.4 Which of the following is not applicable-

(A) CO2 irregular geometry (B) BF3 regular geometry
(C) NH3 irregular geometry (D) SO2 irregular geometry

Q.5 C-C bond in C2H6 undergoes heterolytic fission, the hybridisation of Carbon is/are 
(A) SP2 (B) SP3 (C) SP2, SP3 (D) SP, SP2
Q.6 The halogen form compounds among thenselves with formula XX’, X X '3 , X X '5 , X X '7 where X is
the heavier halogen. Which of the following pairs representing their structures and being polar and
non-polar are correct-
(A) XX’  Linear  Polar (B) X X '3  T-shaped  Polar
(C) X X '5  Square Pyramidal  Polar (D) X X '7  PBP  Non Polar

Q.7 The value of H0 for the reactions Cu+(g) + I–(g)  CuI(g) is –446 KI. If the I.E. of Cu(g) is 745 kJ/mol
and the E.A. of I (g) is –295 kJ/mol, then the value of H0 for the formation of one mole of CuI (g) ion–
pairs from Cu(g) and I(g) is
(A) –446 kH (B) 450 KI (C) 594 kJ (D) 4 kJ
Q.8 Which of the following reactions are not possible/possible?
(a) Sn2+ + 2Hg2+  Hg22+ + Sn+4 (b) Ge2+ + Pb4+  Pb2+ + Ge+4 (c) Tl+1 + Ga3+  Ga+ + Tl3+

Q.9 Predict the shapes of (a) TeCl4 (b)ClO3 (c) Cl O 3

Q.10 Cl F2 is linear but the ion Cl F2 is bent explain.
Q.11 A compound of chlorine and fluorine ClFn reacts at about 75oC with vranium metal to produce UF6
and ClF(g). A quantity of vranium produced 3.53 gm. UF6 and 343 ml ClF at 75oC and 2.5atm.
What is the formula of the Compound Determine its shape.

Q.12 The common forms of N and P are N2 and P4 respectively.

:N  N 946 ; PP 481; N-N 160; P-P 215
Using these data explain why the stable forms are N2 and N4; P4 and not P2.
Daily Practice Problems
Q.1 Discuss the hybridization and shapes of the following species–
(a) (NH3)2+ (b) CH3+ (c) NO2– (d) NO2+ (e) H2O2+ (f) ICl4–
(g) OSF2 (h) O2SF2 (i) OSF4 (j) TeCl4 (k) ClO3+

Q.2 Why?

Q.3 Which one of each of the following pairs is expected to have the larger bond angle?
(a) H2O & NH3 (B) SF2 & BeF2 (C) BF3 & BF4– (D) NH3 & NF3

Q.4 Polarisation may be called as the distortion of the shape of an anion by an adjacently placed cation.
Which of the following statement(s) is (are) not correct?
(A*) Minimum polarisation is brought about by a cation of low radius.
(B*) A large cation is likely to bring about a large degree of polarisation.
(C) Maximum polarisation is brought about by a cation of high charge
(D)*) A small anion is likely to undergo a large degree of polarisation

Q.5 Compare polarizing power of the following ions Li+, Be2+, B3+ & Na+

Q.6 Which charge the following atoms would bear in the following of an ionic bond. Justify.
(a) Cs+, Cs2+ (b) Ba+, Ba2+, Ba3+ (c) Al+, Al3+ (d) O2–, O4+, O6+ (e) Pb2+, Pb4+

Q.7 At 1 atm pressure and 300 K, density of HF molecules is 3.25 gm/lt. Number of HF molecules associated
in a cluster is
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C*) 4 (D) 6

Q.8 What is uncertainity in location of a proton of wavelength 5000Å if wavelength is known to an accuracy
of 1 pm?
(A) 8 × 10–14 m (B) 0.02 m (C) 3.9 × 10–8 m (D) none

Q.9 (a) Increasing covalent character TiCl2, TiCl3, TiCl4

(b) Increasing ionic character VCl2, VCl3, VCl4

Q.10 A measurement establishes position of a proton with an accuracy of 10–10m. Find the minimum uncertainity
in proton’s position 1 second later.
Daily Practice Problems
CLASS : XI DATE : 24/11/2006 DPP. NO.-24
For Questions 1 to 3 :
When hybridisation involving ‘d’ orbitals are considered then all the ‘5d’ orbitals are not ‘degenerate’
rather d x 2  y2 , d z 2 & dxy, dyz & dxz form two different sets and the orbital of ‘appropriate’ set is involved
in the hybridisation. On this information answer the question.
Q.1 In sp3d2 hybridization which orbitals are involved?
(A) d x 2  y 2 & d z 2 (B) d z 2 & d xy (C) dxy & dyz (D) d x 2  y2 & d xy

Q.2 In sp3d3 hybridisation which orbitals are involved?

(A) d x 2  y2 / d z 2 /dxy (B) dxy/dxz/dyz (C) d x 2  y2 /dxy/dxz (D) d z 2 /dxz/dyz

Q.3 Also if it is known that in case lesser electrons are present in d x 2  y2 & d z 2 then ‘d’ orbital involved in
sp3d hybridisation
(A) dxy (B) dxz (C) dyz (D) d z 2

Q.4 Explain why I–I–I bond angle is higher in I3– as compared to I3+.
Q.5 Each of the following pairs of chemical species undergoes chemical combination through a coordinate
(A) Ca+ ½ O2 (B) Ag+ + 2NH3 (C) H2 + ½O2 (D) Cl(g) + Na(g)
Q.6 F–As–F bond angle in AsF3Cl2 can be
(A) 900 & 1800 only (B) 1200 only (C) 900 & 1200 only (D) 900only
Q.7 Which of the following orbitals cannot undergo hybridization amongst themselves according to valence
bond theory
(i) 2px, 2py & 2pz (ii) 3d & 4d (iii) 3d, 4s & 4p (iv) 3s, 3p & 4s
(A) only (ii) (B) (ii) & (iii) (C) (i), (ii) & (iv) (D) (ii) & (iv)
Q.8 In the following reaction
C2H2  H2 C2H4  H2 C2H6
the state of hybridisation of carbon changes from
(A) sp  sp2  sp3 (B) sp3  sp2  sp
(C) sp2  sp3  sp (D) sp3  sp  sp2
Q.9 The bond present in [Cu(NH3)4]SO4 are
(A) Ionic (B) Coordinate (C) Covalent (D) All
Q.10 400 ml of 0.2 × 10–3 M Ca(NO3)2 solution is mixed with 400 ml of 10–4 M NaHCO3 solution. If density
of resulting solution is 1 gm/ml. Calculate
(a) ppm of Ca(HCO3)2 in final solution (b) molalilty of Na+ in solution
(c) molarity of Ca in solution
Q.11 Match List I with List II and select the correct answer:
List I List II
(‘l’ and ‘m’ are respectively the azimuthal and magnetic quantum numbers)
a. Number of values of (l) for an energy level (1) 0, 1, 2, .................(n–1)
b. Actual values of (l) for an energy level (2) +l, ........+2, +1, 0, –1, –2, .............–l
c. Number of ‘m’ values for a particular
type of orbital (3) (2l + 1)
d. Actual values of ‘m’ for a particular
type of orbital (4) n
a b c d a b c d
(A) 4 1 2 3 (B*) 4 1 3 2
(C) 1 4 2 3 (D) 1 4 3 2

Q.12 A mixture 1,2–Dipropene and hydrogen gas was placed in a rigid steel container at a constant temperature
of 18°C. Initial pressure of mixture was 10 atm. Sparking the mixture caused hydrogenation reaction
C3H4 (g) + 2H2(g) C3H8 (g)
causing pressure to decrease by 6 atm. Excess O2 was then added and on sparking the pressure further
decreased by 11 atm. Calculate decrease in pressure by treating final mixture with aqueous KOH solution.
[Ans. 12 atm]
Daily Practice Problems
Q.1 Lithium among alkali metals exhibits chemical properties different from the rest of the alkali metals.
Which of the following statements illustrates this fact?
(A) Li alone among the alkali metals displaces hydrogen from C6H5–CCH
(B) LiOH is a stronger alkali than the other alkali metal hydrogen.
(C) LiH is thermally less stable than NaH
(D) LiCl is soluble in organic solvents
Q.2 An element is oxidised by fluorine and not by chlorine. Could the element be sodium? Aluminium?
Sulphur? Oxygen? Explain your answer.
Q.3 Which of the following reaction would not proceed to R.H.S.
(a) F2 + Cl–  (b) Cl2 + Br–  (c) Br2 + I–  (d) I2 + Cl– 
Q.4 A gaseous reaction, A2(g)  B(g) + ½ C(g) shows increase in pressure from 100 mm to 120 mm in
5 minutes. The rate of disappearance of A2 is
(A) 4 mm min–1 (B) 8 mm min–1 (C) 16 mm min–1 (D) 2 mm min–1
Q.5 Which is wrong statement?
(A) The decreasing order of bond angle is H2O > H2S > H2Se > H2Te
(B) The decreasing order of bond angle is NH3 > PH3 > AsH3 > SbH3
(C) The decreasing order of bond angle is F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2
(D) The decreasing order of bond angle is CH4 > NH3> H2O
Q.6 Structure of Na2[B4O5(OH)4]·8H2O contains
(A) Two triangular and two tetrahedral units
(B) Three triangular and one tetrahedral units
(C) All tetrahedral units
(D) All traingular units
Q.7 A: Tetracyanomethane B: Carbon dioxide C: Benzene D: 1, 3–buta–di–ene
Ratio of  and  bonds is in order:
(A) A = B < C < D (B) A = B < D < C (C) A = B = C = D (D) C < D < A < A
Q.8 Number of P–H, P–O–P, P–O–H & P = O bonds in sodium dihydrogen pyro phosphate respectively
(A) 1, 1, 1, 2 (B) 0, 1, 2, 2 (C) 0, 1, 1, 3 (D) 2, 0, 0, 2
Q.9 Amongst NO3–, AsO33–, CO32–, ClO3–, SO32– and BO33– the non-planar species are
(A) CO32–, SO32–, BO33– (B) AsO33–, ClO3–, SO32–
– 2– 3–
(C) NO3 , CO3 , BO3 (D) SO32–, NO3–, BO33–
Q.10 The compound MX4 is tetrahedral. The number of XMX angles in the compound is
(A) three (B) four (C) five (D) six
Q.11 The nodal plane in the –bond of ethene is located in
(A) the molecular plane
(B) a plane parallel to the molecular plane
(C) a plane perpendicular to the molecular plane which bisects the carbon–carbon  bond at right angle.
(D) a plane perpendicualr to the molecular plane which contains the carbon carbon bond

Q.12 Azobenzene (C6H5)2N2 : . Predict the hybridization for the atoms

marked with (*) and indicate the value of the bond angles labelled  and .
Daily Practice Problems
Q.1 Which molaruclar geometry is least likely to result from a trigonal bipyramidal electron geometry?
(A) trigonal planar (B) see saw (C) linear (D) T-shaped
Q.2 Which of the following ions contains S–S linkage?
(A) pyrosulphite ion (B) peroxydisulphate ion
(C) pyrosulphate ion (D) peroxymonosulphate ion
Q.3 Which has maximum dipole moment?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.4 Which is not correctly matched?

(A) XeO3 : Trigonal bipyramidal (B) ClF3 : bent T–shape
(C) XeOF4 : square pyramidal (D) XeF2 : Linear Shape
Q.5 Match list I with list II and select the correct answer:
List I List II
(i) NO 2 1. 1800
(ii) NO 2 2. 1320
(iii) NO 2 – 3. 1200
(iv) NO 2 – 4. 1150
5. 1090
(A) (i)  5; (ii)  4; (iii)  3; (iv)  2 (B) (i)  5; (ii)  2; (iii)  4; (iv)  3
(C) (i)  1; (ii)  2; (iii)  4; (iv)  3 (D) (i)  1; (ii)  4; (iii)  3; (iv)  2

Q.6 In a compound

the number of sigma and pi bonds respectively are

(A) 19, 11 (B) 19, 5 (C) 13, 11 (D) 7, 3
Q.7 In P4, P2O3 and P2O5 have how many  bonds?
(A) 12, 6, 16 (B) 16, 6, 12 (C) 6, 12, 16 (D) 16, 16, 12

Q.8 Structure of S2Cl2 is analogues to

(A) SOCl2 (B) CO2 (C) H2S (D) H2O2

Q.9 In which of the following compound B–F bond length is shortest?

(A) BF4– (B) H3N–BF3 (C) BF3 (D) (CH3)3N  BF3
Q.10 The correct sequence of polarity of the following molecule
1. Benzene 2. Inorganic benzene 3. PCl3F2 4. PCl2F3
(P stands for polar and NP stands for non-polar)
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Q.11 The shapes of XeF4, XeF5– and SnCl2 are
(A) octahedral, trigonal bipyramidal and bent
(B) square pyramidal, pentagonal and bent
(C) square planar, pentagonal planar and linear
(D) see saw, T-shaped and linear

Q.12 The C–C single bond distance is 1.54 Å. What is the distance between the terminal carbons in propane
(C3H8)? Assume that the four bonds of any carbon atoms are pointed towards the corners of a regular
tetrahedron. [sin (54044) = 0.758]
Daily Practice Problems
CLASS : XI(PQRS) DATE : 05/12/2006 DPP. NO.-27
Q1. The HF2– ion exists in the solid state and also in liquid HF solution, but not in dilute aqueous solution.
Q2. Ortho chloro phenol is less polar than ortho fluoro phenol.
Q3. The forces of attraction in liquid helium are
(A) Ionic (B) Metallic (C) Vander Waals (D) covalent
Q4. The nature of Intermolecular forces among benzene (C6H6) molecules is
(A) Dipole - dipole attraction (B) dispersion forces
(C) ion-dipole attraction (D) H–bonding
Q5. Identify the correct statements from the given alternatives
(A) Intramolecular H–bonding is not found to occur in 2–hydroxy benzaldehyde
(B) The B.Pt. of HI is more than HF
(C) The dipole moment of CH3Cl is not equal to zero
(D) CH3F has a smaller dipole moment than CH3Cl
Q6. There is a large difference between B.Pt. of Butanol and Butanal, although they have almost the same
solubility in water. Explain.
Q7. The H–bonding in HF is stronger than in H2O, but the B.Pt. of water is higher than that of HF.
Q8. The two molecules indicated below are capable of intramolecular H–bonding. Which is likely to form
more stable H–bonds?

Q9. Explain why (maleate) is more stable than (Fumerate ion)

Q10. Consider the following list of molecules

(a) HNO3 (b) H2SO4 (c) HClO4 (d) CH3F (e) HF (f) HgCl2
(g) CCl2F2 (h) CH3OH (i) CH3-O-CH3 (j) CH3-CO-CH3(k) CH3CHO (l) HCOOH
(m) CH3NH2 (n) C6H5NO2 (o) CH3COOCH3 (p) OF2 (q) PCl3 (r) XeF4
(s) CH3CONH2 (t) dichlobenzene (u) dichloropropane (v) C6H5COOH
(w) Acetic Anhydride (x) 2,3-dichloro-2-butene (y) C2H6O
(i) Which of these are polar? (ii) Which of these exhibit H–bonding?
Q11. Arrange the following in the increasing order of
(a) C2H5OH, CH3CHO, CH3COOH (B.Pt.) (b) Pentane, Pentene, pentyne (B.Pt.)
(c) HF, HCl, HBr, HI (d) H2O, H2S, H2Se (B.Pt.) (e) He, Ne, Ar, Kr (B.Pt.)
(f) F , O, N, F (H-bonding strength) (g) F-, S2-, Cl–, P3-
Q12. Account for the following
(a) Benzene is almost insoluble in water, but pyridine is soluble.
(b) There is cantraction in valume as ice melts and the density of water is maxiumum at 4oC.
(c) H2O is less basic then NH3, even though oxygen has a greater number of love pair of e-s than nitrogen
(d) The tendency for catenation decreases down the group in the carbon family.
Daily Practice Problems
Q1. Select the species which is best decribed by the statement in the brackett.
(a) CO2, NH3, CO( zero dipole moment) (b) CH4, NH3, HF(max. B.Pt.)
(c) Cl2, Br2, I2 (min. B.Pt.) (d) HOI, HOBr, HOCl (Weakest Acid)
Q2. Which three molecules would you expect to be polar & which non-polar:
(Cl2, ICl, BF3, NO, SO2, XeF4, CH2Cl2, OCS)

Q3. Which has dipole moment

(A) [Ni(CN)4]2– (B) CHCl3 (C) CO2 (D)

Q4. Dipole moment is shown by

(A) 1, 4–dicholorobenzene (B) Cis–1–2, dichloroethene
(C) Trans–1, 2–Dichloroethene (D) Trans–2, 3–Dichloro–2–Pentene

Q5. Which of the following has dipole moment

(A) Nitrobenzene (B) P–chloronitrobenzene
(C) m–di–chlorobenzene (D) O–di–chloro–benzene

Q6. The dipole moment of CH2Cl2 is greater than that of CHCl3. Why?

Q7. Which isomer of the molecule PBr2Cl3 is expected to have maximum dipole moment value?

Q8. NH3  BF3 adduct can be easily separated into its component:
(a) Usually the coordinate compounds are unstable.
(b) BF3 and NH3 have their independent existence.
(c) Difference in the number of electrons between N and B is 2.
(d) BF3 and NH3 possess no resultant dipole moment.

Q9. Type of bonding exists in HCl (gaseous state):

(a) Pure covalent (b) Polar covalent (c) Pure ionic (d) Dative

Q10. Species containing no peroxide ion would be:

(a) PbO (b) H2O2 (c) SrO2 (d) BaO2

Q11. Conside the following energies

I : Covalent single bond energy
II : Average translational kinetic energy of gases at room temperature
III: Rotational barrier energy in ethane between eclipsed and staggered forms.
IV : Ionisation energy of hydrogen atom
The order of magnitude of these energies is
(A) I > II > III > IV (B) IV > III > II > I (C) IV > I > III > II (D) IV > II > I > III

Q12. The dipole moments of the given molecules are such that
(A) BF3 > NF3 > NH3 (B) NF3 > BF3 > NH3
(C) NH3 > NF3 > BF3 (D) NH3 > BF3 > NF3
Daily Practice Problems
Q.1 Which bond angle,  would result in the maximum dipole moment for the triatomic molecule XY2 shown
(A)  = 900 (B)  = 1200 (C)  = 1500 (D)  = 1800
Q.2 The correct increasing bond angle among BF3, PF3 and ClF3 follows the order
(A) BF3 < PF3 < ClF3 (B) PF3 <BF3 < ClF3 (C) ClF3 < PF3 < BF3 (D) BF3 = PF3 = ClF3
Q.3 Which one of the following compounds has bond angle close to 90°?
(A) NH3 (B) H2S (C) H2O (D) CH4
Q.4 Which is the correct Lewis arrangement of S22 ion?

(A) [ = ]2– (B) [ – ]2– (C) [S S]2– (D) none of these

Q.5 Which one of the following is the correct structure of XeOF4?

(A) (B)

Square pyramid with Xe = O in the square plane Trigonal bipyramid with equatorial Xe = O

(C) (D)

Trigonal bipyramid with axial Xe = O Square pyramid with axial Xe = O

Q.6 The pressure in a container of some volume at some temperature is found to be P atm when it contained 1
mole of NH3 gas. What would be final pressure if 2 mole of H2, 2 moles of HCl gas & 1 mole of O2 is
introduced into the containers under same condition.
(A) 6 P (B) 3 P (C) 4 P (D) P
Q.7 Which of the following options are written with correct order of polar nature of bonds.
(i) NH3 > PH3 > SbH3 > AsH3 (ii) NH3 > AsH3 > SbH3 > PH3 (iii) NH3 > SbH3 > AsH3 > PH3
(iv) H2O > H2S > H2Se > H2Te (v) H2O > H2Te > H2Se > H2S
(A) (i) & (iv) (B) (iii) & (iv) (C) (iii) & (v) (D) (ii) & (iv)
Q.8 Two element X and Y combined together to form a molecule in which X is a central atom. In the surrounding
of nucleus X the % of p character is found to be 80% then the hybridised state in molecule is :
(A) sp2 (B) sp3 (C) sp4 (D) sp5
Q.9 A perfect gas of a given mass is heated first in a small vessel and then in a large vessel, such that their
volume remains unchanged. The P–T curves are
(A) parabolic with same curvature (B) parabolic with different curvature
(C) linear with same slope (D) linear with different slope
Q.10 100 ml of phosphine when decomposed produces phorsphorus and H2. The change in volume is
(A) 50 ml increase (B) 500 ml decrease (C) 900 ml decrease (D) none of these
Q.11 Which of the following solid(s) consists of molecules held together by vander Waals’ forces
(A) Calcium carbonate (B) Calcium dioxide (C) Sugar (D) Iodine
Q.12 Calculate the percentage ionic character of C-Cl bond in CCl4, if the electronegativities of C & Cl are 3.5
& 3.0 respectively.Using Hanny & smith equation [16 (XA – XB) + 3.5 (XA – XB)2]. If this % ionic
character can be equated to one calculated using dipole moment than calculate the bond length of C–Cl
bond if bond dipole of C–Cl is 1.5 D. Also calculate total charge on C & Cl atoms.
Daily Practice Problems
Q.1 Which of the following molecules are expected to exhibit intermolecular H – bonding.
I : Acetic acid II : o-nitrophenol III : m-nitrophenol IV : o-boric acid
Select correct alternate?
(A) I, II, III (B) I, II, IV (C*) I, III, IV (D) II, III, IV
Q.2 What is not true about ice?
(A) It has open cage like structure. (B) It has less density than water
(C) Each O atom is surrounded by 4 H atoms (D*) Each O atom has 4–H bonds around it
Q.3 Assuming the bond direction to be z-axis, which of the overlapping of atomic orbitals of two atom (A)
and (B) will result in bonding?
(I) s-orbital of A and px orbital of B (II) s-orbital of A and pz orbital of B
(III) py-orbital of A and pz orbital of B (IV) s-orbitals of both (A) and (B)
(A) I and IV (B) I and II (C) III and IV (D*) II and IV
Q.4 Give the correct order of initials T or F for following statements. Use T if statement is true and F if it is false.
(i) The order of repulsion between different pair of electrons is lp – lp > lp – bp > bp – bp
(ii) In general, as the number of lone pair of electrons on central atom increases, value of bond angle from
normal bond angle also increases.
(iii) The number of lone pair on O in H2O is 2 while on N in NH3 is 1.
(iv) The structures of Xenon-fluorides and Xenon-oxyfluorides could not be explained on the basis of
VSEPR theory.
Q.5 The bond length of the S–O bond is maximum in which of the given compound :SOBr2,SOCl2, SOF2
(A) SOCl2 (B*) SOBr2 (C) SOF2 (D) All have same length
Q.6 The diagram below shows part of the skeleton of the Periodic Table in which elements are indicated by
letters which are not their usual symbols

Which one of the following statements is correct?
(A) The greatest ionic character of compounds formed by reaction of pairs of the listed elements would
be exhibited by the compound with the formula, M2Q
(B*) The J2+ ion is coloured in aqueous solution
(C) The carbonate of element H is insoluble in water
(D) Element R is a gas at room temperature
Q.7 The ground state electronic configurations of the elements, U, V, W, X and Y (these symbols do not
have any chemical significance) are as follows
U 1s22s22p3 V 1s22s22p63s1 W 1s22s22p63s23p2
X 1s22s22p63s23p63d54s2 Y 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s24p6
Determine which sequence of elements satisfy the following statements
(i) element-forms a carbonate which is not decomposed by heating
(ii) element-is most likely to form coloured ionic compounds
(iii) element-has largest atomic radius
(iv) element-forms only acidic oxide
(A) V W Y U (B*) V X Y W (C) V W Y X (D) V X W U
Q.8 Give the correct order of initials T or F for following statements. Use T if statement is true and F if it is
(I) Br–P–Br bond angle in PCl3Br2 is 180°.
(II) NO 2 , NO2 & NO 2 species have O–N–O bond angle order,, NO2 < NO2 < NO 2 .
(III) Oxy acid is not produced, when NCl3 undergoes hydrolysis.
(IV) In complete combustion of methane, change in hybridisation of carbon atom undergoes sp3 to sp.

Q.9 Which of the following compounds have the same number of lone pairs with their central atom
(I) XeF5– (II) BrF3 (III) XeF2 (IV) H3S+ (V) Triplet methylene
(A) IV & V (B) I & III (C) I & II (D) II, IV & V

Q.10 When ice melts to form liquid water at 00C, there is a contraction in volume. This is due to
(A) the molecule contracting in size
(B) a partial disruption of the hydrogen bonded network of ice on melting
(C) the absorption of heat during the melting process
(D) the dissolving of air into the water during the melting process

Q.11 Which isomer of hydroxy acetophenone steam distills?

(A) O–isomer (B) m–isomer (C) p–isomer (D) all

Q.12 Which statement is correct?

(A*) Boiling point of H2, NH3, HF are maximum in their respective group due to intermolecular
(B) Boiling point of CH4 out of CH4, SiH4, GeH4 and SnH4 is least due to intermolecular force of
(C) Formic acid forms dimer by H–bonding
(D) All are correct

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