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Basics of Accounting-Introduction

What Is Accounting?
Accounting is the process of recording financial transactions pertaining to a business. The accounting process
includes summarizing, analyzing, and reporting these transactions to oversight agencies, regulators, and tax
collection entities.
Types of Accounting
To track a business’s income, a business can follow three types of accounting that are managerial accounting,
financial accounting, and cost accounting.
 Financial Accounting
Financial accounting refers to the processes used to generate interim and annual financial statements. The
results of all financial transactions that occur during an accounting period are summarized into the balance
sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement.
 Managerial Accounting
In managerial accounting, an accountant generates monthly or quarterly reports that a business's management
team can use to make decisions about how the business operates. Managerial accounting also encompasses
many other facets of accounting, including budgeting, forecasting, and various financial analysis tools.
 Cost Accounting
Just as managerial accounting helps businesses make decisions about management, cost accounting helps
businesses make decisions about costing. Essentially, cost accounting considers all of the costs related to
producing a product.
Users of accounting (accounting information system)
Users of accounting information generally include:

 Investors (Shareholders)
 Creditors (Lenders)
 Government
 Consumer Groups
 External Auditors
 Customers
 Employees
 Owners (shareholders)

Basic Elements of Accounting

What is an Account?
In accounting, an account is a descriptive storage unit used to collect and store information of similar nature.
There are five different types of accounts: asset, liability, equity (capital), revenue, and expense.
 Assets
Assets refer to resources owned and controlled by the entity as a result of past transactions and events, from
which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity. In simple terms, assets are properties or
rights owned by the business. They may be classified as current or non-current, temporary & permanent, short
term & long term, fixed & non-fixed, tangible & intangible.

Basics of Accounting-Introduction

 Current assets – Assets are considered current if they are held for the purpose of being traded, expected
to be realized or consumed within twelve months after the end of the period or its normal operating cycle.
Examples of current asset accounts are:
Cash and Cash Equivalents – bills, coins, funds for current purposes, checks, cash in bank, etc.
Receivables – Accounts Receivable (receivable from customers), Notes Receivable (receivables supported by
promissory notes), Rent Receivable, Interest Receivable, Due from Employees (or Advances to Employees),
and other claims.
 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts – This is a valuation account which shows the estimate
uncollectible amount of accounts receivable. It is a contra-asset account and is presented as a
deduction to the related asset – accounts receivable.
Inventories – assets held for sale in the ordinary course of business
Prepaid expenses – expenses paid in advance, such as, Prepaid Rent, Prepaid Insurance, Prepaid
Advertising, and Office Supplies
 Non-current assets – Assets that do not meet the criteria to be classified as current. Hence, they are long-
term in nature – useful for a period longer that 12 months or the company's normal operating cycle.
Examplesof non-current asset accounts include:
Long-term investments – investments for long-term purposes such as investment in stocks, bonds, and
properties; and funds set up for long-term purposes
Land – land area owned for business operations (not for sale)
Building – such as office building, factory, warehouse, or store
Equipment – Machinery, Furniture and Fixtures (shelves, tables, chairs, etc.), Office Equipment, Computer
Equipment, Delivery Equipment, and others
 Accumulated Depreciation – This is a valuation account which represents the decrease in value of a
fixed asset due to continued use, wear & tear, passage of time, and obsolescence. It is a contra-asset
account and is presented as a deduction to the related fixed asset.
Intangibles – long-term assets with no physical substance, such as goodwill, patent, copyright, trademark, etc.
Other long-term assets
 Liabilities
Liabilities are economic obligations or payables of the business. These are amounts owed to creditors
(vendors & lenders). Liabilities represent claims by other parties aside from the owners against the assets of a
company.Like assets, liabilities may be classified as either current or non-current.
Current liabilities – A liability is considered current if it is due within 12 months after the end of the
balance sheet date. In other words, they are expected to be paid in the next year.
If the company's normal operating cycle is longer than 12 months, a liability is considered current if it is due
within the operating cycle. Current liabilities include:
Trade and other payables – such as Accounts Payable, Notes Payable, Interest Payable, Rent Payable, Current
tax liabilities – taxes for the period and are currently payable

Basics of Accounting-Introduction

Non-current liabilities – Liabilities are considered non-current if they are not currently payable, i.e. they are
not due within the next 12 months after the end of the accounting period or the company's normal operating
cycle, whichever is shorter.
Long-term notes, bonds, and mortgage payables; deferred tax liabilities; and other long-term obligations
 Capital
Also known as net assets or equity, capital refers to what is left to the owners after all liabilities are settled.
Simply stated, capital is equal to total assets minus total liabilities. Capital is affected by the following: Initial
and additional contributions of owner/s (investments), Withdrawals made by owner/s (dividends for corporations),
Income, and Expenses. Owner contributions and income increase capital. Withdrawals and expenses decrease
In addition to the three elements mentioned above, there are two items that are also considered as key
elements in accounting. They are income and expense. Nonetheless, these items are ultimately included as
part of capital.

Basics of Accounting-Introduction

Income refers to an increase in economic benefit during the accounting period in the form of an increase in
asset or a decrease in liability that results in increase in equity, other than contribution from owners.
Income encompasses revenues and gains.
 Revenues
These refer to the amounts earned from the company’s ordinary course of business such as professional fees
or service revenue for service companies and sales for merchandising and manufacturing concerns.
Gains come from other activities, such as gain on sale of equipment, gain on sale of short-term investments,
and other gains.
Income is measured every period and is ultimately included in the capital account. Examples of income
accounts are: Service Revenue, Professional Fees, Rent Income, Commission Income, Interest Income,
Royalty Income, and Sales.
 Expense
Expenses are decreases in economic benefit during the accounting period in the form of a decrease in asset or
an increase in liability that result in decrease in equity, other than distribution to owners.
Expenses include ordinary expenses such as Cost of Sales, Advertising Expense, Rent Expense, Salaries
Expense, Income Tax, Repairs Expense, etc.; and losses such as Loss from Fire, and Loss from Theft. Like
income, expenses are also measured every period and then closed as part of capital. Net income refers to all
income minus all expenses.
Drawings refer to the act of withdrawing cash or assets from the company by the owner(s) for personal use. Any type of
drawings (eg. Assets) reduces the capital or owner’s equity of a business.

Accounting Equation

Basics of Accounting-Introduction

Assets = Liabilities + Owners Equity … (1)Owners’ Equity = Assets- Liabilities … (2)

The above relationship is known as the ‘Accounting Equation’.
The expanded accounting equation is written as: Assets = Liabilities + Contributed Capital + Beginning
Retained Earnings + Revenue - Expenses - Dividends
A business enterprise generally prepares the following two basic financial statements:
(1) Profit and Loss Statement to ascertain the profit earned or loss incurred during an accounting period. This
account sometimes called statement of financial performance.
(2) Balance Sheet Statement to ascertain the financial position of the business as on a particular (specific)
date. Generally, a business enterprise has numerous transactions every day during an accounting period.
Unless the transactions are recorded and analyzed, it is not possible to determine the impact of each
transaction inthe above two basic statements.
Accounting Cycle Steps
Accounting process involves the following steps or stages:
1. Transactions are analyzed and recorded in the journal.
2. Transactions are posted to the ledger
3. An unadjusted trial balance is prepared.
4. Adjustment data are assembled and analyzed and Adjusting entries are journalized and posted to the
5. An adjusted trial balance is prepared
6. Financial statements are prepared
7. Closing entries are journalized and posted to ledger
8. A post-closing trial balance is prepared
9. Reversing entry is prepared

Basics of Accounting-Introduction

The Rules of Debit & Credit & Double Entry Accounting System

Basics of Accounting-Introduction

Basics of Accounting-Introduction

Basics of Accounting-Introduction


Basics of Accounting-Introduction

Objective of Preparing Trial Balance

Checking of the arithmetical accuracy of the accounting entries

Basics of Accounting-Introduction

Basics of Accounting-Introduction

Basics of Accounting-Introduction

Basics of Accounting-Introduction

Basics of Accounting-Introduction

Basics of Accounting-Introduction


Define accounting. What purpose is served by accounting?

Discuss the role and activities of an accountant.
What are the various interested parties which use accounting? Information? How is such information used?
Explain the different types of accounting.
Differentiate Financial Accounting and Management Accounting in detail.


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