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Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning

Element 2.1 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Models and Models fair and respectful Reinforces positive, Develops shared Facilitates student
communicates behavior. Demonstrates responsible, and respectful responsibility with self-reflection and
expectations for fair and commitment to fairness student interactions. students for resolving ongoing improvement of
respectful behavior to and respect in Assists students to resolve conflict and creating and the caring community
support social communications with conflicts. Incorporates maintaining a caring based on respect, fairness,
development. students about language cultural awareness to classroom community.   and the value of all
and behavior. develop a positive Supports students in members. (4/3/2023)
Seeks to understand classroom climate. taking leadership in
Promoting social cultural perceptions of a (5/4/2022) developing a caring
Development and caring community. community that is
responsibility within (9/20/21) Students demonstrate responsive to the diverse Students take leadership
a caring community Some students share in efforts to be positive, cultural norms of in resolving conflict and
where each student the responsibility for the Students participate in accepting, and respectful identities of all students creating a fair and
is treated fairly and classroom community. occasional of differences. (9/20/21) (10/17/2022). respectful classroom
respectfully community-building I feel I am still here in community where
activities, designed to regard to my students. Students take student’s home culture is
promote caring, fairness, (5/4/2022) responsibility resolving included and valued.
and respect. conflicts and maintaining Students communicate
a caring classroom with empathy and
community. Students understanding in
promote respect and interactions with one
appreciation for another.
differences (10/27/2022).
I feel my students are still
at this level (4/3/3023).
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
I work hard to make it I teach 11th graders, and I take an active role in I am continuing to build
clear from day one that my many students have creating a shared space fundamental and working
students understand attended the school for the with my students. Because relationships with my
academic discourse is first two years of High live lessons are optional, English and Homeroom
welcome and supported in School. They know the students actively want to students. I am continuing
my classroom. I verbally school expectations and be in attendance and celebrations and norms
praise and reinforce actively engage with the participate in the lessons. during lessons, and I have
student comments and creation of specific I develop norms with included more times for
ideas that promote classroom norms and students and reinforce/ self-reflection on writing
fairness and respect in the expectations. The remind students of the skills and learning during
classroom. I teach and overwhelming majority of co-created norms during lessons. I actively teach
model asking questions for my students who attend live lessons. Students and model self-reflection
clarification and open live instruction want to be come to participate and and goal-setting with and
discussion. I address there in class and want to learn, and I work for my students. In
disagreements and talk to each other. Since diligently to increase building and maintaining
encourage students to take students have the option positivity and celebration relationships with my
risks and expand their to watch lesson recording in the classroom. Students students, I use my
understanding. I am (due to schedules and are encouraged to share understanding of their
working to incorporate learning preferences), the information and self-identified goals and
more culturally relevant students who attend live celebrations with their areas of desired growth,
and informed perceptions come to interact with the peers when they feel current skills and areas of
of a caring community. content, teacher, and comfortable and share needed development, and
(9/20/21) classmates. (9/20/21) with the teacher when backgrounds/contexts to
they want to share but not invite and support
I feel I am fully at this level with the entire class students in learning and
this semester. In coming to (10/17/2022) growth in a positive,
know my students and professional, respectful,
student population more I feel my students are still and fair manner
this semester, I include at this level (4/3/3023). (4/3/2023)
specific reinforcements,
reminders, celebrations,
and language that
embraces and celebrates
the specific and unique
community in my
classroom. Students see
and respond with respect,
consideration, and
acceptance of all beliefs,
ideas, contexts, and
identities in discussions
and work. (5/4/2022)

Element 2.2 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Is aware of the Experiments with and/or Develops physical Maintains physical Adapts physical and/or
importance of the virtual learning environments that reflect environments that reflect environments flexibly to
physical and/or virtual environments that student diversity and student diversity and facilitate access to a wide
learning environments support student learning provide a range of resources provides a broad range of range of resources that
that support student (9/21/21). for learning. (5/4/2022) resources, displays, and engage students in
learning. artifacts that are current learning. Ensures that
Utilizes a variety of and integral to instruction environments enhance
Is aware that structured Structures for interaction structures for interaction (4/3/3023). learning and reflect
interaction between are taught in single during learning activities diversity within and
Creating physical or
students can support lessons or sequence of that ensures a focus on and Integrates a variety of beyond the classroom.
virtual learning
learning. lessons to support completion of learning tasks. structures for interaction
environments that
student learning. (5/4/2022) that engage students Selects from a repertoire
promote student
(9/21/21) constructively and of structures for
learning, reflect
I feel I am still at this level productively in learning interaction to ensure
diversity, and
this semester (10/17/2022). (4/3/3023). accelerated learning for
Students use resources the full range of students.
constructive and
Some students use provided in learning Students use a variety of Students routinely use a
available resources in environments and resources in learning range of resources in Students participate in
interactions among
learning environments interact with each other environments and interact in learning environments monitoring and changing
during instruction. to understand and ways that deepen their that relate to and enhance the design of learning
complete learning tasks in understanding of the instruction and reflect environments and
single lessons or sequence content and develop their diversity. structures for
of lessons. (9/21/21) constructive social and Students share in interactions.
academic interactions. monitoring and
(5/4/2022) assessment of interactions
to improve effectiveness
I feel my students are still at and develop a positive
this level this semester culture for learning.
(10/17/2022). (4/3/2023).
I am currently working on This semester, I utilize I work diligently to create
incorporating varied and NearPod, Zoom, Kahoot, relationships with my
different activities to Quizlet, Flocabulary, and students to set a safe and
promote learning. While many more resources to brave space in the
discussions, microphone support student learning. My classroom. I leverage my
time, and virtual reactions students respond well to understanding of my
are used frequently, I am Flocabulary! They enjoy the students and their unique
Evidence actively experimenting music and deep perspective and voice to
with alternate online understanding of the literary make meaningful
resources and platform devices and academic connections and
integration into my language is demonstrated in structures in the
lessons so students can assessments relating to the classroom that support all
interact with material and learning supported by this to success and learning
classmates in numerous resource. I also have mastery. Students know
manners. Since my additional English teacher where to find resources
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
lessons are delivered on videos that break up the and routinely use the
Zoom, I am investigating direct instruction and supports and resources I
and adapting some support learning in a fun and provide. I also am adding
lessons to include new way. I work to include the resources into more
annotations and NearPod both familiar and new locations this year to
to see how engagement structures and tools in the reach and support all
and interaction change. classroom to increase students in my live and
Students understand that student interaction and deep virtual classrooms.
the Message Boards learning. (5/4/2022) Students work together in
contain teacher-created live lessons and in
additional resources and I am continuing to invest discussions to monitor
activities that support time and research into and support each other’s
content understanding finding diverse tools and learning (4/3/2023).
and reinforce curriculum resources into the
learning goals. I classroom. I am also actively
frequently remind and working to include diverse
guide students to the images and supports in my
Message Board during lessons. While a seemingly
lessons and calls. small detail, I am
(9/21/20) intentionally considering
and reflecting upon the
image, examples, and
activities used in lessons to
increase my culturally
responsive practices. I have
seen students respond
positively to Flocabulary
throughout my journey -
these videos use diverse
music types and images to
support students
understanding of academic
language and content
learning. (10/17/2022)
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 2.3 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Adheres to policies and Recognizes and addresses Anticipates and reduces risks Integrates support for Shares responsibility with
laws regarding safety safety issues regarding to physical, intellectual, and students to take risks and the students for the
that are required by materials, student interactions, emotional safety using offer respectful opinions establishment and
the site, district, and and the organization of the multiple strategies that about divergent viewpoints. maintenance of a safe
state. learning environments. include examining biases in I feel I am still at this level physical, intellectual, and
Responds to behaviors (9/21/21) the learning environment and (4/3/3023). emotional environment
that impact student curriculum. (5/4/2022) focused on high quality and
safety as they arise. Engages in reflection on their rigorous learning.
Explores strategies to establish Models and provides own language and behavior
intellectual and emotional instruction on skills that that contributes to
safety in the classroom. develop resiliency and intellectual and emotional Students demonstrate
that are
(9/21/21) support intellectual and safety in the classroom resiliency in perseverance
emotional safety. (5/4/2022) (10/17/2022). for academic achievement.
Students are aware of Students follow teacher I feel I am still at this level Students maintain
required safety guidance regarding potential Students take risks, offer (4/3/3023). intellectual and emotional
procedures and the safety issues for self or others. opinions, and share safety for themselves and
school and classroom (9/21/21) alternative perspectives Students develop and others in the classroom.
rational for (5/4/2022) practice resiliency skills and
maintaining safety. I feel my students are still at strategies to strive for
this level (10/17/2022). academic achievement, and
establish intellectual and
emotional safety in the
classroom (4/3/2023).
I engage students in I include and create space for I work hard to reflect on the
discussions of safety and students to feel safe and language and behavior I use
comfortability with materials secure in my classroom. I in the classroom. As I am
and in interactions. In being an model critical consideration human, should I say or do
English teacher, I openly and interaction with content something that sounds
acknowledge relevance and and welcome students to insensitive, I take
connections to materials we critically and respectfully responsibility and
engage with in class. One consider and challenge apologize to my students. I
specific way I deepen students’ interaction and content, too. encourage them to bring
Evidence understanding and critical When issues arise, I respond their concerns to me both
thought is clear discussions of quickly and with a wide array about the content of our class
intended audience. Students of discussion points, and my presentation.
are encouraged to make evidence, and consideration. I actively demonstrate
personal connections to respect towards each
texts/materials and see texts Students are exposed to a student - using students'
through the perspective of the variety of skills and supports preferred names and
intended audience. Students to deepen their intellectual pronouns, including my
are encouraged to safely and and emotional safety, pronouns in my Zoom name,
respectfully explore their recognition, and regulation. addressing concerns in
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
opinions and reactions while Students participate in private with the student,
always returning with evidence collaborative discussions and positively reinforcing
and support from the content. are taught how to critically engagement and appropriate
Students see models of respect and thoughtfully respond. For honesty in the classroom, etc.
and safety in the classroom and example, a discussion I am actively attending
generally respond positively to occurred of the phrase “Agree professional development to
teacher guidance. (9/21/21) to disagree”. Students increase my awareness of
identified what this phrase culturally inclusive
means, how to use it behavior (10/17/2022).
appropriately, and how to
identify when it is being used I feel that I am still at this
to stop an authentic level and that I am bolstering
discussion. (5/4/2022) my students to this level as
well. In addition to the above,
my students are more
comfortable and
understanding of the
supports, structures, and
resources available. I also
accepted a role teaching
credit recovery this year. This
has expanded my tools to
support students at all levels
to reflect on learning and
identify areas where they can
grow / I can support their
continued development and
success (4/3/3023).

Element 2.4 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Focuses the rigor of the Strives for a rigorous learning Develops a rigorous learning Integrates rigor throughout Facilitates a rigorous
Creating a
learning environment on environment that includes environment that includes the learning environment learning environment in
accuracy of answers and accuracy, understanding, and accuracy, analysis, that values accuracy, which students take
completion of learning the importance of meeting problem-solving, and analysis, and critical reading, leadership in learning.
tasks. targeted learning goals. appropriate levels of writing and thinking. Fosters extended studies,
with high
Is aware of the Works to maintain high challenge. Integrates strategic scaffolds research, analysis and
importance of expectations for students Holds high expectations for and technologies throughout purposeful use of learning.
maintaining high while becoming aware of students. Has an instruction that support the Supports students to utilize
expectations for achievement patterns for understanding of full range of learners in an extensive repertoire of
support for all
students. (9/21/21) individuals and groups of achievement patterns, and meeting high expectations differentiated strategies to
students. (5/4/2022) uses scaffolds to address for achievement (4/3/3023). meet high expectations.
achievement gaps
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
(10/19/2022). Students actively use Students take responsibility
Some students ask for Some individuals and groups supports and challenges to to fully utilize teacher and
teacher support to of students work with the Students engage in a variety complete critical reading, peer support, to achieve
understand or complete teacher to support accuracy of differentiated supports writing, higher order consistently high levels of
learning tasks. and comprehension in their and challenges in ways that thinking, and problem factual and analytical
(9/21/21) learning (5/4/2022) promote their accuracy, solving across subject matter learning.
analysis, and problem (4/3/3023).
solving in learning
Some students will Students are supported and I provide my students with I provide all students a “Tips
schedule calls with me expected to meet outlines and templates for all for Student Success”
for specific and guided school-provided learning written responses in my document in both English 11
support. I am actively goals. As I become more class. During lessons, I and Credit Recovery.
working to make all familiar with my curriculum discuss and break down both Included in my documents
students feel comfortable and student population, I work the prompts and outlines to are outlines, short videos,
in doing this, but there to create, set, and support students to meet the and additional supports for
are students who I reach communicate additional and rigor and requirements in students to meet standards
out to when I see them achievable learning goals English 11. I also created a and the high-level of
struggling on an specific to English 11 and “Tips for Student Success” learning. I provide detailed
assignment or common core state standards. document with additional feedback and connect
opportunities for growth. As I become more aware of support and clarification of feedback to both students’
My homeroom students 11th grade student patterns all assignments. For each identified areas they would
will actively reach out for and my specific population, I portfolio, I include additional like to grow and the
support in my English work to mitigate resources and instruction on standards addressed in the
Evidence class; some ELA students misunderstanding and provide MLA format, evidence assessment. I continue to
reach out. More students the support needed for all integration, and citations. break down rubrics and
reach out after students to be successful both outlines duirng lessons for
completion of the first in English 11 and prepare Students are actively students and I have added
major assignment in them for English 12. reviewing and applying more sentence outlines and
English. I am working to (5/4/2022) feedback in their work. I support videos for students
encourage and reinforce have seen increased this semester. Students
student-driven questions attendance in my lessons actively review feedback
and requests for support. this year. Students are provided on their work, and I
(9/21/21) engaged and participating in provide positive
learning, reaching out with reinforcement and updated
questions, and purposefully feedback when a student
reviewing and applying actively applies and
feedback to grow their skills demonstrates growth
and demonstration in their between drafts of their work
work (10/19/2022). (4/3/3023).

Element 2.5 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Establishes Develops expectations with some Uses multiple strategies Integrates equitable Facilitates a positive
expectations, rules, student involvement. including culturally expectations, positive environment using
and consequences for Communicates, models and responsive instruction to supports, and consequences systems that ensure
individual and group explains expectations for develop and maintain high for individual and group students take an active
behavior. individual and group behavior. standards for individual and behavior within and across role in monitoring and
(9/21/21) group behavior learning activities maintaining high
I feel I am still at this level this (10/19/2022). standards for individual
Developing, semester. (5/4/2022) Utilizes routine references and group behaviors
communicating to standards for behavior Guides and supports (4/3/3023).
, and Refers to standards for Reviews standards for behavior prior and during individual students to self-assess,
maintaining behavior and applies with students in single lessons or and group work. monitor, and set goals for
high standards consequences as sequence of lessons in anticipation individual and group Students demonstrate
for individual needed. of need for reinforcement. behavior and participation positive behavior,
and group (9/21/21) Students follow behavior (10/19/2022). consistent participation
behavior I feel I am still here this semester. expectations, accept and are valued for their
(5/4/2022) consequences and increase Students respond to unique identities.
positive behaviors individual and group
Students are aware of Students know expectations for (10/18/2022). behaviors and encourage
classroom rules and behavior and consequences and and support each other to
consequences. respond to guidance in following make improvements
them. (9/21/21) (4/3/3023).
I feel my students are still at this
level this semester. 5/4/2022)
Students engaged in a classroom With the increase of I am focused and increasing I am clear about the norms
norms activity on the first day of attendance in lessons this my positive reinforcement and safe space that we
instruction. While overarching year, students are actively and celebration of positive create in the classroom. I
expectations for behavior were monitoring both their own behavior in lessons this year. provide reminders and
provided by the teacher, students and each other's behavior in Students are provided the supports to meet the high
jumped into the Padlet and started lessons and expectations in numerous standards for individual
adding norms such as “ask understand/accept presentations: written, and group behavior. I will
questions”, “be respectful to all consequences when verbal, and visual, and make on-the-spot
students and the teacher”, “pay routines, and expectations places: Tips for Student adjustments when changes
attention while in the lesson”, “take are not met. Most Success document, Lesson are needed or disruptions
Evidence a break if you need to, but do not consequences and Introduction notes, live occur to coach and support
disrupt the class”. We do a review interactions to correct lessons, and outlines/rubrics student success in
of expectations and norms at the behavior and meeting to be aware and behavior and learning
beginning of each lesson. Students standards in done in understanding of the growth. I include positive
are still learning the expectations individual calls and expectations. I am also reinforcement to those
and norms of our classroom; most communication increasing my use of student showing positive behavior
respond positively to whole-class (10/19/2022). self-assessment and and taking more active
and one-on-one (via direct reflection in each unit this roles in the classroom, I
message) reminders. There are year. Last year, this was will provide whole class
times where a student needs to be included in some units and reminders of behavior
removed to the waiting room for a lessons, but this year, expectations, and i will
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
more in-depth review of student self-assessments speak with students
expectations. The majority of these (both formal and informal) individually when they
occurrences end with the student are included in live lessons need additional and
acknowledging the expectation and summative assessments specific reviews of the
and understanding the progress of in various manners and expectations and behavior
consequences for continued styles (10/19/2022). standards (4/3/3023).
inappropriate or misbehavior.
(9/21/21) Students co-create the
I address potential areas where norms and expectations in
students may need reminders of the classroom. Students will
norms at the beginning of each actively monitor their peers
lesson (based on content and and reach out when
student need). As some texts can disruptions are added to the
evoke strong emotions in students, space. I cannot require live
I remind students of expectations attendance, so the students
and academic ways to address who elect to attend live are
disagreements. (9/21/21) there to be engaged and have
direct teacher-support. They
In reflecting on my growth this actively work together with
semester, I feel that I am still at me to maintain a safe and
this level. I continue to implement open space to learn, grow,
routines and procedures that and find success.
support students to success in (4/3/3023).
behavior and involvement in my
classroom. Students review and
know the expectations for
behaviors and engagment in the
classroom and understand the
consequences for not following the
expectations and rules.

Element 2.6 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Employing Establishes procedures, Develops routines, Maintains regular use of Engages students in Facilitates student
classroom routines or norms for procedures, and norms in routines and procedures that monitoring and reflecting on participating in developing,
routines, single lessons to support single lessons or sequence of are culturally responsive and routines, procedures, and monitoring, and adjusting
procedures, student learning. lessons with some student engage students in the norms in ways that are routines and procedures
norms, and involvement. (9/21/21) development and monitoring culturally responsive. focuses on maximizing
supports for of norms (10/20/2022). Maintains a quality learning learning.
positive climate that builds on Classroom climate
behavior to Provides positive behavior student strengths integrates school standards
ensure a climate Seeks to promote positive supports. (4/3/3023). and culturally relevant
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
in which all behaviors and responds to Responds appropriately to norms.
students can Responds to disruptive disruptive behavior. behaviors in ways that Promotes positive behaviors
learn behavior. (9/21/21) lessen disruptions to the and consistently prevents or Promotes positive behaviors
learning climate. refocuses behaviors and establishes preventions
Students participate in disruptive to the learning and a positive classroom
routines, procedures, and climate (4/3/3023). climate that eliminate most
norms and receive disruptive behavior.
Students receive correction reinforcement for positive Students are involved in
for behavior that interferes behaviors (5/4/2022) assessment and monitoring Students share
with learning, and positive I feel I am still at this level of routines, procedures, and responsibility with teacher
Students are aware of reinforcement in following this semester. (10/20/2022). norms in ways that improve for managing and
procedures, routines, and routines, procedures, and the learning climate maintaining a positive
classroom norms. norms. (9/21/21) Students receive timely and (4/3/3023). classroom climate that
effective feedback and promotes learning.
consequences for behaviors
that interfere with learning
I feel my students are still at
this level this semester.
Students become familiar with As the year goes on, my I invite students to co-create
their cohort (many share behaviors, models and and collaborate on norms
teachers and classes) so some feedback develop to meet the and expectations in the
will monitor each others’ needs and supports of my classroom. I clearly detail
behavior and help the teacher students. Because I cannot and provide expectations
address inappropriate or require live lesson and directions on behvaior
off-topic behavior with attendances, students who and work submissions.
comments of “stay on topic”, do attend want to be there. During lessons, I review the
“no inappropriate language” When interfering or shard norms and
or similar comments voicing disruptive behavior occurs, I expectations and review the
their concerns. Students are quickly provide supportive assessment expectations. In
positively reinforced for reminders and feedback that reviewing the norms and
Evidence participation and positive support all students to expectations, students are
behaviors with verbal praise understanding and success actively engaged in
or direct messages from the (5/4/2022). reviewing the directions and
teacher. I also will call or email norms to ask questions and
students with praise for Routines and procedures co-create understanding of
positive behaviors. support student awareness mastery and skills
We review our class norms at and understanding of demonstration. Students are
the beginning of each lesson expectations. In addition to asked to restate and review
and the class Padlet is posted the co-created Padlet, a the expectations and norms
(additions must be quick review of the during lessons to support
teacher-approved after the expectations and procedure each other and meet
first lesson) on the Message is done at the beginning of high-levels of success
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Board. I work to create a safe every class. Students also (4/3/3023).
space where students are held partake in weekly check-ins
accountable for their actions. to self-monitor behavior,
Due to the online nature of my emotions, expectations, and
lessons, there are times where successes. In class - this is
an off-topic or disruptive done through Celebrations.
comment will go unseen by For students who do not
myself. I review all of my attend lessons, this is done
lesson recordings and take in phone calls and over
note of students that I need to email. (5/4/2022)
reach out to one-on-one to
review expectations and I am continuing this practice
norms. (9/21/20) this semester. I am also
incorporating the EXCEL
model: Engage, Xplore,
Communicate, Empower, and
Launch in my lessons and
phone calls this semester.
Students are responding
positively and effectively
adjusting to this routine in
both lessons and calls

Element 2.7 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Paces instruction based Paces instruction with some Paces instruction with Paces instruction to include Paces, adjusts, and fluidly
on curriculum guidelines. consideration of lesson type, students to provide ongoing assessment of facilitates instruction and
Develops awareness of adjustments for sufficient adequate time for student learning. Supports daily activities.
how transitions and student work time and instruction, checking for students in the monitoring of
classroom management transitions to optimize understanding, completion instructional time
Using impact pacing and learning. (5/4/2022) of learning activities and (4/3/3023).
instructional lessons. (9/20/21) closure (10/20/2022)..
time to optimize Students use their
learning Some students complete Students complete learning Students participate in and instructional time to engage Students monitor their own
learning activities in time activities and, as needed, may complete a variety of in and complete learning time, are engaged in
allotted. receive some adjustments of learning activities in the activities and are prepared accomplishing learning
time allotted for tasks or time allotted with options for the next sequence of goals, and participate in
expectations for completion. for extension and review instruction (4/3/3023). reflection, self-assessment,
(9/20/21) (10/20/2022). and goal setting.
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Teacher: This is an area Students: Because I tend to Due to the online nature of I use backward designing to
where I know I am still favor allotting more time for my environment, students create supports and
developing. Because I activities where students are are offered a lot of flexibility resources for students to
meet with my students actively engaged and building in completing lessons and build learning and
as a whole class once a a greater understanding of assignments. I do not deduct breakdown tasks throughout
week (and some students content and connections, points if work is submitted the learning sequence.
never attend a live students do complete the late. Students are able to Students enrolled in an
lesson), I try to include activities and receive revise and apply feedback to online program and are
as much information into adjustments for time as all written work in my class. supported to take
my live instruction as needed. Also, students review For instruction, I worked accountability and control of
possible to give students and complete asynchronous hard last year to plan and their learning. Students
clarification and support. lessons daily. I favor activities pace my instruction and complete many assignments
That being noted, I will that get students talking and provide additional space and independently. I incorporate
make pacing adjustments collaborating, and I will make time for student resources and directions into
if students are deeply pacing adjustments so participation and activity lesson introduction apges
engaged in discussions students have the needed time completion. I am actively and my teacher website to
or activities where they to complete synchronous editing and revising my support success while giving
Evidence are supporting each activities. (9/20/21) lessons to check for students space to explore
other and their own understanding throughout and learn within a sequence
understanding and the lesson, activity of lessons and build
connection-building. This ​I am still working to pace and completion, and closer exit authentic success in the
has caused pacing issues anticipate the timing for my tickets (10/20/2022). formative and summative
in the past. (9/20/21) lessons. This is an area where I assessments. (4/3/3023).
feel I am developing, but need Students are attending
additional support and lessons and actively
growth. Being online, there is reaching out to schedule
some built-in flexibility. appointments, ask
Students have the flexibility to questions, and receive
submit and complete work, additional, specific feedback
and I have some flexibility in and support on their work
what content to focus on in (10/20/2022).
live lessons that best support
student understanding of
content. (5/4/2022)

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