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ArcView GIS Version 3.1

Article  in  Bulletin of the Medical Library Association · October 1999

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1 author:

Charles J Greenberg
Rowan University


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ArcView GIS Version 3.1. 1998. (ESRI) first commercial GIS prod- and other software developers.
Environmental Systems Research uct, ARC/INFO, launched in 1981. ESRI's ArcView Web site is the
Institute, Inc. (ESRI), 380 New York The Windows 95 version of Arc- most convenient place to determine
Street, Redlands, CA 92373-8100; View 3.1 allows ESRI to market its whether an extension that might
800/447-9778; 909/307-3025; info@ products widely to both profes- aid a project is available.; http:/ / sional and nonspecialist academic ArcView is designed to work
software/ arcview/. Price: $1,195 communities. Low-fee multiple-sta- with either feature-oriented data or
(upgrade and academic multi-user tion licensing is available for aca- image data. ArcView feature data
pricing available). System require- demic and school computer labs. files are referred to as "themes."
ments: Industry-standard Windows For health sciences libraries that Each theme consists of many fea-
PC with at least a Pentium or high- serve a public health curriculum or tures, each with a common set of
er Intel-based microprocessor, CD- government agency audience, attributes (e.g., population, location,
ROM, and a hard disk; minimum ArcView 3.1 can provide an ad- gross national product) compiled
24 MB RAM (32 MB recommend- vanced level of productivity for cre- either by ESRI for its ARC/INFO
ed); for sharing of user files, a high ating geographical "stories" that products or in another geographic
capacity storage device such as a include features such as rivers, format, such as computer-assisted
Zip drive is recommended. Win- highways, ambulatory clinics, or design (CAD) drawings. When a
dows 95/98 or Windows NT 4.0; any addressable location. thematic map is displayed, clicking
UNIX version available. Note: The The main file unit created with on a feature will display all of its
UNIX releases do not provide the ArcView is called a "project." A thematic attributes. Image data
same functionality as the Windows project file organizes five other sources, such as photographs or
95 and NT releases. principal components that the au- scanned images, have visible attri-
thor can import, create, or manip- butes and are used to enhance the
Geographic information system ulate: "views," "tables," " charts," visual presentation of project
(GIS) software provides researchers "layouts," and "scripts." A view themes. With data files, either attri-
and students with personal com- displays geographic maps with vi- butes or features can be searched
puter (PC) desktop tools and tech- sual "themes"; a table of contents and selected from a project or
niques for display and manage- will also accompany the view. A ta- theme file; such manipulation is
ment of data sets in useful visual ble displays spreadsheet-like tabu- usually accomplished through a ta-
formats that expand or reveal lar data for each feature and its at- ble display of data attributes. In the
meaning when viewed in geo- tributes in a thematic view. A chart view mode, data in the form of
graphic relationships. With a GIS takes the table data and displays shapes or icons, such as symbols
system, spreadsheet or database fi- them graphically, such as in a bar for health clinics mapped onto the
les can be manipulated and dis- graph or a pie chart. A layout in- geographic street map, can be eas-
played as themes, elements, and tegrates tables, charts, and other ily restyled with color, line, and
graphical relationships between graphical elements for screen dis- shape palettes.
features. Data output (tables, play, printing, and exporting as an ArcView 3.1 is shipped on a CD-
charts, or maps) can be copied or image. Scripts are program macro ROM and installs in a smooth,
exported for use in research, pre- files that are written in Avenue`5, straightforward manner; both stan-
sentations, and strategic planning. ArcView's programming language. dard and customized installations
For instance, a database containing A script file can be authored and are available. ESRI Data & Maps
records of reported Lyme disease distributed by experienced pro- data sets are available in various
cases could be processed to display grammers so that less savvy users compilations on CD-ROM and are
a feature icon for each occurrence can customize the interface and designed to work in conjunction
mapped to a street or zip code functionality of ArcView. Sharing with the application. The Windows
map, together with overlay maps of and downloading of scripts is en- interface for ArcView 3.1 is de-
other factors or phenomena in the couraged and an ESRI Web page signed in a logical manner that pre-
same region. The resulting GIS (http: / / arcscripts / sents sidebar windows displaying
map would portray disease pat- scripts.cfm) is dedicated to script current themes, context sensitive
terns and the relationships between exchange. In addition, ArcView is toolbars, and pull-down menu op-
features such as population density compatible with a number of "ex- tions. The toolbars use symbolic
and Lyme disease in the area. tensions," software products that icons that may be initially confus-
ArcView GIS Version 3.1 is the operate in conjunction with Arc- ing, but icon "mouse-over" infor-
latest PC-based version of Environ- View to enhance its use. Extensions mation clearly defines each button's
mental Systems Research Institute's are distributed both by ArcView function. Multiple windows, or

Bull Med Libr Assoc 87(4) October 1999 499

Software reviews
views, can be opened at the same Microsoft's MapPointI' (http: / / seems like a "to do" list item of its
time. An open view is accompanied own. Paper calendars are the low-
by a theme table of contents where MapPoint 2000&, scheduled to de- tech solution and may work well
alternative layering of feature maps but with the Office 2000 suite of for personal appointment keeping,
can be easily performed. A clearly programs in June 1999, is a pro- but they do not allow for organi-
visible checkbox allows users to gram that can visualize business zation-wide calendar sharing.
toggle particular feature maps on information by integrating demo- Computer-based calendar pro-
and off. Instructors who wish to do graphic data and data in Excels grams allow users to keep track of
live demonstrations with ArcView format and by creating maps. events electronically but, unless
will certainly appreciate the ability The decision whether to use a so- they are installed on a handheld
to display various combinations of phisticated software data manage- device, are not necessarily portable.
geographic factors with this simple ment and analysis tool such as Web-based calendars allow access
but effective interface. All data sets ArcView requires a well thought- to one's personal calendar from any
will have predefined symbol (leg- out assessment of the scope of the computer with Web access. Some
end) files so that the selection of a project and the amount of training Web calendars even allow for inter-
theme produces an immediate vi- that will be needed. Users should action with handheld devices and
sual representation without delay. expect to devote a significant calendar sharing (i.e., allowing
The symbol legend can subse- amount of time for practice and people to view a public version of
quently be modified in a user's pro- learning. ESRI provides well-orga- a calendar).
ject. nized distance education at its "vir- Yahoo! Calendar (http: //calen-
Standard geographic map and tual campus" ( is a full-featured
data files are available from ESRI com / campus/ home/ home.cfm) Web calendar. Unlike non-Web-
and other third-party providers for and supports independent learning based calendars, Yahoo! Calendar
every location in the world, though with both free and fee-based self- does not require network server
the type and detail of coverage paced courses. The reasonably software; it runs entirely off the
(e.g., highways, demographics, priced online courses can provide Web. Furthermore, there are no
subnational boundaries) vary for the incentive to use self-study to user license fees: access is free to
different geographic areas. An develop an adequate skill level with all. However, because the software
ESRI data extension application the program. This reviewer feels does not run locally, integration
called StreetMapl', available on a ESRI's distance learning and script across calendars of other individu-
separate CD-ROM, allows street- resource sharing support tip the als at an institution may not be as
level geocoding and display for the balance in favor of ArcView GIS 3.1 complete as with a locally installed
entire United States. This reviewer as a useful and robust productivity calendar program.
would recommend that anyone tool for geographical data map- Yahoo! Calendar's basic function
considering the creation of U.S. ep- ping. is the ability to keep track of up-
idemiological geographic projects coming events, meetings, and other
or reports purchase the StreetMap Charles J. Greenberg, M.L.S., M.Ed. activities by blocking out time on a
application. Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney calendar. One-time events are
At least two other PC-based GIS Medical Library scheduled easily by selecting the
commercial applications are avail- Yale University day, time, and duration of the
able to the nonspecialist. Map- New Haven, Connecticut event. Altematively, Yahoo! Calen-
Info Professional 5.0 (http: /www. dar allows users to schedule events is the flagship prod- that repeat on a regular basis (daily,
uct of MapInfo Corporation, found- weekly, biweekly, etc.). When
ed in 1986. MapInfo is also found Yahoo! Calendar. Yahoo! Inc., 3420 scheduling an event, users can pro-
in some academic computing labs; Central Expressway, 2nd Floor, gram Yahoo! Calendar to send a re-
it provides geographic information Santa Clara, CA 95051; 408/731- minder prior to the event. The re-
analysis and mapping capabilities 3300; http: / / minder can be sent via e-mail, cell
in direct competition with Arc- Price: free (requlires registration). phone, pager, or Yahoo! Pager any-
View. At this point, MapInfo's Web Requires Web browser with tables where from five minutes to four-
site does not include as much learn- capability. teen days before the event.
ing support as ESRI's nor does The "invitation" feature allows
MapInfo have as extensive a variety Meeting-reference desk shift- users to send information about
of geographic files as ArcInfo. An- seminar-meeting-deadline- scheduled events to other Yahoo!
other competing product with meeting-meeting: keeping track Calendar users as an e-mail mes-
L of events and tasks sometimes L sage. The message is sent with an i
more general consumer potential is

500 Bull Med Libr Assoc 87(4) October 1999

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