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Department of Education

Goa National High School


S/Y 2022-2023

A research paper presented to the faculty of Senior High School

In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
Senior High School


Subject Teacher

SEPTEMBER 29, 2022



Online shopping is a form of e-commerce which permits consumers to directly purchase

goods or services from a seller by using the Internet. Other names are: e-shop, e-store, Internet
shop, web-store, virtual store and online store, an online shop arouses the physical similarity of
buying products as well as services from internet shop and this process of shopping is called
business-to-consumer online shopping. Online shopping is the practice in which consumers
decided to buy the products through internet. (Aizawl 2014)

The internet has evolved into a brand-new method of product distribution. Using the
internet to do online shopping has replaced product research and learning more about items as
the main reasons people use the internet. As a result, the internet has created a market that is
extremely competitive and where there is severe competition for consumers.

Understanding the psychology behind online consumer behavior is the key to completing
in today’s markets which are characterized by ever-increasing competition and globalization. In
an online context, consumer responses are no longer dependent on the physical environment
while at the same time entirely new factors come into play such as the device through which
consumers interact, and the way products and services are sold and presented online which often
differs significantly from traditional offline marketing strategies. It is for this reason that research
into online consumer behavior has increasingly started looking to other disciplines, including
psychological approaches and concepts. (Moser et al.,2019)


The aim of this study is to determine the impacts of online shopping grade 12 customers’
Academic Performances in Senior High School Students. Specifically, this will seek to answer
the following question;
1. What are the demographic profiles of the respondents in terms of:
a. Age
b. Gender
c. Strand
2. What are the impacts of online shopping on academic performance customer behavior in
grade 12 students of Goa National High School in terms of:

a. Grades
b. Mental Health Issue
c. Pressure on Academic Performance
d. Time and Effort
e. Save Money
3. What are common reasons why customers prefer to buy through online?

4. What are the common problems encountered by online shoppers?

5. What are the solutions to the problems encountered by the online shoppers?

1. What are the respondents' racial and ethnic compositions in relation to:

a. Age

b. Gender

c. Strand

2. What effects do online purchases have on grade 12 Goa National High School students'
behavior as consumers in terms of:

a. Grades

b. Issue with Mental Health

c. Pressure to Perform Academically

d. Work and time

e. Save cash

3. What are some typical justifications for why clients choose to shop online?

4. What issues do internet shoppers typically run into?

5. What are the issues that online shoppers are facing resolved?

1. What are the respondents' demographic profiles in terms of:

a. Age

b. Gender

c. Strand

2. What effects do online purchases have on grade 12 students at Goa National High School in
terms of their behavior as consumers and their academic achievement

a. Grades

b. Mental Health Problems

c. Academic Performance Under Pressure

d. Time and energy

e. Reduce costs

3. What are some prevalent motives for internet shopping by consumers?

4. What are the typical issues faced by online shoppers?

5. What are the solutions to the issues that online shoppers face?


The study’s main focus is on how online purchasing affects customers at Goa National
High School Grade 12Students.

However, the aim of the study is the following:

1. To investigate online customer behavior in terms of:

(1.1) Shipping problem
(1.2) Delay
(1.3) Spending too much time online and
(1.4) Damage product

2.To evaluate the product in terms of:

(1.1) Better Price

(1.2) Delivery time and
(1.3) Quality

3.To determine the acceptability of the product in terms of:

(1.1) Packaging and

(1.2) Security

The research was conducted in order to learn and share information. In addition, this
study finds its significance and relevance in the following:

Students. This study will benefit the students to be more aware on which stores offer
goods and products of high quality. The study’s findings might assist the student in learning
other’s behavior.

Customers. This would serve as a guide in order for them to understand the diverse
behaviors that people exhibit while making purchases online. The study allows the participants to
reflect on how they behave when making purchases online.

Future Researchers. This study will be used as a guide for future research as a starting
point for a similar research article. This research will assist them in developing a new study in
accordance with the paper’s suggestions.


The study will concentrate on consumer behavior while purchasing goods and services
online at Goa National High School. 5% of the overall student population in grade 12 at Goa
National High School, who will serve as the population's representative, will be the subjects of
the data-gathering exercises. This study will examine additional experiences people have when
shopping online that are not often associated with online shoppers. The study will be conducted
through a survey that will be given to the said participants. The researcher’s approach will enable
them to understand how pupil academic performances while making an online purchase for
grade 12 students of Goa National High School.


The study is conducted at Taytay, Goa National High School, Goa Camarines Sur. It was chosen
by the researcher as the locale of the study since it is one of the best schools not just in
Camarines Sur but in the Philippines. The researchers hoped that this study will help them to be
more productive and practical as a customer.

The following are the terms that will be used in this study defined operationally and

Grade 12 Learners. A senior high school student in their final year. This year, they make an
effort to complete the criteria for graduation.

Teenage Online Shopping. Teenagers are outspending their parents when it comes to online
buying. In actuality, consumers between the ages of 13 and 18.

Teenage. Period of life’s development.

Behavior. Is the process by which consumers search for, select, purchase, use, and dispose of
goods and services, over the internet?

Academic behavior performances. Both directly and indirectly, factors like active engagement
in class, completion of assigned homework, and attendance have an impact on academic

Performance. The manner of reacting to stimuli behavior.


The relevant research and key ideas from the literature that were deemed to be helpful in
conceptualizing the current study are presented in this chapter. This study’s project on consumer
behavior when making online purchases was enhanced and evaluated by relevant studies and


According to the study by (Gupta 2021), A marketer has to look for different approaches
to sell their products and in the current scenario, e-commerce has become the popular way of
selling goods. Whether it is durable or non-durable, everything is available from A to Z on
websites. Some websites are specifically designed for specific product categories only, and some
are selling everything.

Based on the study of (Mofokeng 2021) Businesses seek advanced models of the online
shopping dimensions that are appropriate for tailoring services to customers. The data collected
included customers’ perceived information quality, privacy concerns, perceived security, product
variety, and product delivery as antecedents of customer satisfaction, while information quality
and satisfaction were specified as key determinants of customer loyalty. Online shopping
managers need to understand how consumers evaluate their experience of online shopping. This
should be underpinned by a clear direction and implementation of various online shopping
attributes that are specifically tailored to meet the needs and expectations of the targeted markets.

According to (Sakhbieva et al.,2021) the analysis of web traffic amid the coronavirus
pandemic showed a jump in visits to online supermarkets. This finding indicated the
commitment of online shoppers to daily shopping. The pandemic thus stimulated online
shoppers to show a constancy of buying behavior. The correlation analysis revealed an
increasingly strong association between online shopping activity and factors of a reflexive
consumer. The relationship between the investigated factors also showed a tendency to grow

Initially, online purchasing behavior was influenced by Consumer Awareness and

Experience and Introversion, and other factors had little impact. The situations changed,
however, as the COVID-19 pandemic continued to spread. Consumer Awareness and Experience
increased its influence, as did the Promptness in Decision Making. Introversion, on the other
hand, lost its impact.
A weak relationship was observed between Introversion and the following two factors:
Promptness in Decision Making and Constancy of Online Purchasing Behaviors. The connection
between these factors weakened because consumers became less e-commerce-avoidant and more
uneasy when making decisions. Online consumers also became more experienced. This study
highlighted a shift in factors influencing the purchasing behavior of online consumers during the
COVID-19 period. Overall, Promptness in Decision Making appeared to play an increasingly
important role in online buying.

The scientific contribution of this study is the proposed methodological toolkit for assessing
the purchasing performance of online consumers, which includes an improved Cattell’s approach
and correlation analysis. It allows identifying the most influential factors that impact the
purchasing performance of online consumers. These are the constancy of online purchasing
behavior, introversion, addictiveness, consumer awareness and experience, and promptness in
decision making. The proposed approach enables the assessment of online purchasing behavior
in dynamics so that investigators can identify the key trends at global, regional, and country
levels. In the context of a pandemic, it will provide companies in the e-commerce sector with an
opportunity to adjust their policies and strategies to increase sales.

It is important to remember that the amount of time spent by consumers in the digital
environment increases significantly in self-isolation mode, and this leads to a decrease in the cost
of attracting customers, so innovative entrepreneurs need to take advantage of this and improve
their own websites, update their social network accounts, actively maintain their profiles, and
reasonably spend their marketing budget on this. This study indicated that businesses using
quarantine time to build online relationships with users and increase the personalization of
electronic marketing tools, thereby creating a loyal customer base and sustained reputational
capital, will win in the long term.



Retail sales in South Africa surpassed the R1 trillions milestone in 2017, up from 1.8% in
2016 and 1.2% in 2016. This expansion resulted in a rise of R8 billion in value, or a 22% yearly
increase from 2016. The entire retail expenditure on internet buying has increased in developed
economies (for example, Britain is 19%, Australia is 7.2%, the United States is 10%, France is
14%, and Germany is 17%). In comparison to these numbers, the South African internet retail
sector is underperforming, and there are numerous prospects for development in this market.
South African retail sales were anticipated to expand in e-commerce channel share of total retail
sales from 0.26% in 2011 to 1.93% in 2020. The African e-commerce business was forecast to
be worth US$50 billion by 2018. Thorough study is required to comprehend the online
purchasing behavior responses of South Africans towards e-commerce in order to accelerate the
expansion of the e-commerce sector. (Mofokeng 2021)


This part focuses on the input, process, and output of the study that study’s that will guide
the researchers accomplish their investigation.
The factors Impacts of online shopping on customer academic performances, which will be
study’s focus, are included in the input.

The process outlines the steps necessary to perform the study, including creating the survey
questionnaire, validating it, and conducting the study by disseminating the questionnaire and
retrieving, analyzing, and interpreting the data gathered.

The results show how students in Grade 12 performance when shopping online.
Input Construction of Survey
Questionnaire Consumer purchasing
IMPACTS OF academic performance
ONLINE SHOPPING Validating of Survey Questionnaire with regard to online
Conduction of the Study shopping was illuminated
CUSTOMERS by online decision-
Dissemination of the Survey making. Additionally, e-
Questionnaire and Retrieval commerce companies'
Analyzation marketing plans have an
impact on consumers'
Interpretation online purchase habits.


Teenage customers who bought essentials for their mobile phones online in their early
teens were the subject of our study, which we will extend to other buyers who grew up using
mobile phones to an extraordinary degree. The internet shopper has received the theory.
Customers who have had concerns with their online shopping tend to form different opinions
about it, which frequently results in their purchasing from an online shop.

One implication of the hypothesis is that customers will always make purchases online,
where there are numerous advantages, particularly the ability to make a quick purchase using a

This chapter contains the research methodology that the researcher used in this study.
Specifically, this includes the following; the research design, the respondents of the study,
instruments of the study, validity and reliability, statistical tool, and treatment.


The descriptive reader content for the design process is chosen in this study. The
researchers must give the respondents a questionnaire in order to collect data on how internet
shopping affects consumer behavior and academic performance in teens.


Students that shop online during the academic year will be the subject of this
investigation. 204 responders who are Grade 12 students at Goa National High School will be
chosen by the researchers.


This study will make use of survey questions created by the researcher, and the validity
of the results will be checked by teachers of applied research. The respondents will be given this
to complete.


The study will be conducted at Taytay, Goa National High School, Goa Camarines Sur. It
was chosen by the researcher as the locale of the study


A letter of request to conduct the study will be prepared. The researcher will construct a
questionnaire, to be validated by the teacher of the subject then the questionnaire will be
distributed. The researcher will conduct the research in Goa National High School, Goa
Camarines Sur through a survey, because of the advantages of the survey method. The researcher
will explain to the respondents the importance of their response to the study. The researcher will
clarify some terms to the respondents so that the respondents can answer the questionnaire with
full knowledge of their responsibility as the subject of the study.


The statistical analysis that will be employed as a tool will be applied to this
investigation. In order to ascertain the effects and causes of internet shopping on consumer
behavior among students, the percentage technique will be employed in this study.

H/a: Online shopping on customer academic performances in Grade 12 at Goa National High

Illustrated below is the formula of the percentage technique.


n= sample size

N= total population

e^2= margin of error preferred


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