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IPOCC Demo Setup


• Software installation
• Initial configuration, client installation
Software installation
Where to find the IPOCC R9.0.3 software

• Software can be downloaded from
Step 1: Deploy the OVA in VMware Player

• Open the OVA in VMware Player

• Edit Virtual Machine settings to match your PC‘s
• Defaults are 8 GB RAM and 4 CPUs
• Minimum 4 GB of RAM is required for the demo
Step 2: Start virtual machine, perform initial
Windows 2012 setup
• Define country, language and keyboard settings
• Windows product key can be skipped, Windows 2012
can run without license for several months
• Set the Administrator password
• Suggest to use Avaya123 for the demo
Step 3: Setup IP connectivity

• Click on the „Network and Sharing Center“ icon in the System

Tray to set Ethernet properties
• Disable IPv6, set fixed IPv4 address
Step 4: Set computer name

• From Control Panel, System settings, define the

computer name you want to use
• For the workshop, we can leave it at „IPOCCSERVER“
• If you change the name, a reboot is required
Step 5: Apply IP/name changes to IPOCC

• From „services“, stop the IPOCC Watchdog

• Doublick „AdjustHostname.exe“ to apply changes

• Set the Database password:

• Login: sa
• Password: Administrator
• Reboot the server
Step 6: Check IPOCC status

• After restarting the server, the Watchdog will start all

required IPOCC services. Click on „TT Display“ and
verify that all services come up green
Step 7: Backup the clean IPOCC database

• There is a .BAT file in C:\IPOCC\Utilities to backup the

database files.
• Usage: backup <password> <target directory>
Step 8: Install license file

• Use the browser on the IPOCC server to

connect to the WebLM service using the URL:
• https://<hostname>:8443/WebLM
• Login: username: admin
password: weblmadmin

• After the first login you need to change the password

suggestion: use Avaya123 as the new password
Step 8: Install license file, continued
• Browse to the license file to install the licenses

• Check installed licenses

Initial configuration & client
Initial configuration worksheet

• An Excel worksheet with macros is used for the initial configuration of

IPOCC. The worksheet will also provide a .csv file for import into the IP
Office configuration
• The worksheet can only be used once, on a clean IPOCC database
• Copy the worksheet from the IPOCC server to your PC, to a directory
without spaces in the name. Open the file and save it as an Excel workbook
with macros (.xlsm)
• Server location:
Initial configuration worksheet – Base Data

• On the Base Data tab, we will change the IPOCC host

name field
• If you did not change the name of the server, it will be
Initial configuration worksheet – Chap Server

• The Comman Hardware Abstraction Platform (CHAP)

server is the interface to the IP Office system
• Fill out the fields marked in red on the spreadsheet.

IP address of IP address of IP
IPOCC server Office
Initial Configuration Worksheet – other tabs

• The other tabs are used to predefine agents, supervisors,

groups, topics etc.
• For the workshop, we will use the defaults, providing:
• 3 agent groups: Group 1,Group 2, Group 3
• One Supervisor, ext 801, member of all groups
• Agent1, ext 802, member of Group 1
• Agent2, ext 803, member of Group 2
• Agent3, ext 804, member of Group 3
• Login password for Supervisor/Agents: cc123456
• Ext login code for Supervisor/Agents: 123456
• 3 Topics: Topic1 (ext 701), Topic2 (ext 702), Topic3 (ext 703)
• SIP extension 699 to integrate IP Office with IPOCC
Initial Configuration Worksheet – Data Import

• Click on Data Import, this will create 2 files:

• DataImport.exe, to be used on the IPOCC server
• Configuration.csv, to be imported to the IP Office configuration
Import initial configuration data to IPOCC

• Copy the DataImport.exe file to the IPOCC server and execute it

• The program will ask for the DB login password:
• Wait for successful completion of the import
Import initial configuration data to IP Office

• Import the configuration.csv file in IP Office using Manager

Further configuration of IP Office

• On the System/LAN1/VoIP tab, set the SIP domain as

defined in the IPOCC worksheet, and activate TLS

• Save the changes and reboot the IP Office

Activate IPOCC default TaskFlow

• A default Task Flow is provided, which will provide the most

important functionality out of the box
• To activate, open the IPOCC User Interface application on the
• Login using: login: Administrator
password: Administrator
Activate IPOCC default Task Flow, continued

• From the „Go to“ Menu, select: Task Flow Editor

• From Task Flow Set, select „Open“, then select Import TF-Set
• Leave password blank

• Activate the Task flow set

Install IPOCC Client on local PC

• The installation package for the IPOCC client is located on the

server, in the C:\IPOCC\Client directory

• Copy the client to the local PC for installation

Install IPOCC Client on local PC, continued

• Choose „complete“ setup option

• Use the HOSTNAME of the server, not the IP address. If you
use the IP address certain features will not work
HOSTS file

• To resolve the hostname correctly, DNS is used. For our demo

setup we can also use the Windows HOSTS file and create an
entry there
• The HOSTS file is located in:
• C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
• To change it, copy it to the desktop, make the changes, and
copy the file back to the directory

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