Guidelines For CEZA Enterprise Registration

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Guidelines for CEZA Enterprise Registration

CEZA Administrative Order No. 002 Series of 1999

Requirements for Enterprise Registration

 Application fee of US $200 or its Philippine Peso equivalent at current exchange rate;
 Completely filled CEZA Application Form;
 Project Feasibility Study;
 Copies of relevant documentation of legal status of business enterprise (articles of
incorporation and by-laws/partnership agreement/SEC license to do business);
 Name and address of legal agent if not a corporation or the business organization
established in the Philippines;
If there is foreign ownership, proof of inward remittance and/or investment or other proof
of financial capacity acceptable to CEZA;
 Evidence of intended physical location of enterprise within the Cagayan Special
Economic Zone and Freeport (CSEZFP)(i.e., Certificate of Title, etc);
 If part of a larger business enterprise doing business outside the CSEZFP, evidence or
restructuring which excludes from the operations of the CSEZFP enterprise all business
operations taking outside the CSEZFP;
 List of assets and other properties comprising the investment to be made;
 Application Forms for Work Permits for any expatriate personnel;
 List of references that may be contacted to verify the information included in the
application, including a commercial bank and/ or financial institutions and independent
 Notarized Certificate under oath that the CSEZFP Enterprise applicant will comply with
the Masterplan as maybe adopted and amended from time to time;
 Notarized Undertaking that applicant shall not at all times conduct any unlawful
 Notarized Statement of Confirmation of Intent.

Note that certificate of registration is renewable for a maximum period of 10 years.

Requirements for Renewal of Enterprise Registration

 Renewal Fee of US$200 or its Philippine peso equivalent at current exchange rate;
 Letter of Intent to renew CEZA Certificate
 Endorsement Letter from FCLRC (for interactive gaming support services/service
 Development updates of the company, which includes the (a) Projected Financial
Statement and (b) Employees’ Status Report
 Annual Audited Financial Statement and Income Tax Return
 Tax clearance from the office of the revenue collection officer at CEZA Sta. Ana,

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