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COVERED Fricion , Cause of friction , Factors affecting friction ,

 To develop the skill of critical thinking.

GENERAL  To develop scientific temperament among the students

SPECIFIC  The student learns about force of friction , its definition with
OBJECTIVE daily life examples
 To learn about the cause of friction
 To relate and apply their knowledge about friction in real life

CREATIVE Sports integrated pedagogy /


ACTIVITIES 1. Pushing /pulling a chair or table - To define Force./ muscular

INVOLVED force (a type of force)
2. Bat and ball interaction during cricket match – To show that
force occurs when two objects interact/ Friction (a type of contact
3. Throwing ball – To show force changes state of motion / changes
direction / changes speed / friction( a type of contact force)/
Gravitation ( a type of non- contact force)
4. Streching rubber band – To show force may change the shape of
an object.
5. Repulsion and attraction between magnets – To show magnetic
force (A type of non- contact force).
6. Attraction between Charged Pen /Scale and small bits of paper –
To show electrostatic force ( A type of non- contact force)

MATERIALS Chair/table, Bat, Ball, Rubber band, Magnets, paper, Pen/Scale.


TIME REQUIRED 35 minutes

INTRODUTION Different action related to force were shown by students asked then to
define force on their own and write few examples of it which they
experiences in their everyday life.

METHODOLOGY - Introducing term force by few activities / images shown in ppt .

ADOPTED - Discussion of effects of force through activity of throwing ball.
Such as :
a. Force occurs due to interaction of two objects .
b. Force may change the speed of an object.

c. Force may change the direction of an object .

d. Force may change the shape of an object. ( by activity of

stretching of rubber band )

- Contact force Such as a.muscular force is explained through

activity related to pushing, pulling or lifting.

B. Friction force by activity of sliding ball or book.

- Non contact force Such as

a. Magnetic force is explained through activity showing attraction
or repulsion between a pair of magnets .
b. Electrostatic force is explained through an activity showing
attraction between charged pen / scale and bits of paper.
c. Gravitational force by activity of dropping any objects like
pen/ball to the ground.
Recapitulation :
- Definition of force
- Effects of force
- Types of force – contact and non – contact force

Students will be able to :

LEARNING - Define force
OUTCOMES - State the effects of force
FOLLOW UP Competency based question related to topic above .

Ncert textbook , diksha

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