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NIELIT Extension Centre Chuchuyimlang


Course: Diploma in Computer Application & Networking (DCAN)

Duration: 6 months

Objective of the Scheme

The objective of the Scheme is to generate qualified manpower in the area of Information
Technology (IT) which will enable such person to work seamlessly at any Offices, whether Govt.
or Private or for future entrepreneurs in the field of IT.

Course Evaluation:

Class participation - 20%

Class assignments - 30%

Final Examination - 50%

Students having less than 95% of class participation/attendance of a month will be considered
as discontinued & No leave certificates will be entertained. Attendance will be reviewed every

Certificate will be issued only after appearing the final examination which will be held after
completion of the Course.

Numerical Scale Letter Grade

Percentage Grade Remarks

All requirements completed to a high level. Significant
85 - 100% S individual initiative demonstrated in activity selection and
75 – 84 % A All requirements completed to a high level.
Satisfactory, successful and respectable completion of
65 – 74 % B
55 – 64 % C Average completion of requirements
50 – 54 % D Low level, below average completion requirements.
Below 50 % F Failure to meet objectives and complete requirements.

Eligibility: 10 + 2 & above

Course Fee: 20,000/-

Mode of Admission: Through Entrance test & Interview

Duration: 6 Months (360 Hrs)

Course Outlines
Introduction to Computer System 12 Hrs
Basic Computer Concept
Computer Organisation
Windows OS: Windows XP Vs Windows 7

Microsoft Office 2007 60 Hrs

MS Word
MS Excel
MS PowerPoint

Internet & its usage 12 Hrs

Multimedia 144 Hrs

Adobe Premiere
Adobe InDesign

PC Assembly & Maintenance 102 Hrs

Basic networking Concept 45 Hrs

Detailed Syllabus
1 Basic Computer Concept.
1.1 Computer Appreciation - Characteristics of Computers, Input, Output, Storage units,
CPU, Computer System.
1.2 Computer Organization
Central Processing Unit - Processor Speed, Cache, Memory, RAM, ROM, Booting,
Memory- Secondary Storage Devices: Floppy and Hard Disks, Optical Disks CD-ROM, DVD,
Mass Storage Devices: USB thumb drive. Managing disk Partitions, File System Input
Devices - Keyboard, Mouse, joystick, Scanner, web cam, Output Devices- Monitors,
Printers – Dot matrix, inkjet, laser, Multimedia- What is Multimedia, Text, Graphics,
Animation, Audio, Images, Video; Multimedia Application in Education, Entertainment,
Marketing. Names of common multimedia file formats, Computer Software- Relationship
between Hardware and Software; System Software, Application Software, Compiler, names
of some high level languages, free domain software.
Tutorial: The student is allowed to enumerate in what ways he can use the computer for his
own purpose/business.
Practical: The student needs to be exposed/shown various components and supposed how to
switch on a computer.

2. Introduction to Windows
2.1What is an operating system and basics of Windows
2.2 The User Interface
1. Using Mouse and Moving Icons on the screen
2. The My Computer Icon
3. The Recycle Bin
4. Status Bar, Start and Menu & Menu-selection
5. Running an Application
6. Windows Explorer Viewing of File, Folders and Directories
7. Creating and Renaming of files and folders
8. Opening and closing of different Windows
2.3 Windows Setting
1. Control Panels
2. Wall paper and Screen Savers
3. Setting the date and Sound
4. Concept of menu Using Help
2.4 Advanced Windows
1. Using right Button of the Mouse
2. Creating Short cuts
3. Basics of Window Setup
4. Notepad
5. Window Accessories
Practical: More stress is on practical. Allow the student to freely use the computer to
experience each command rather than explaining in a theory class

3. 0ffice 2007
3.1 Word Processing
Word processing concepts: saving, closing, Opening an existing document, Selecting
text, Editing text, Finding and replacing text, printing documents, Creating and Printing
Merged Documents, Character and Paragraph Formatting, Page Design and Layout. Editing
and Profiling Tools: Checking and correcting spellings. Handling Graphics, Creating Tables
and Charts, Document Templates and Wizards.

Lab-Assignment/ Test
3.2 Spreadsheet Package
Spreadsheet Concepts, Creating, Saving and Editing a Workbook, Inserting, Deleting
Work Sheets, entering data in a cell / formula Copying and Moving from selected cells,
handling operators in Formulae, Functions: Mathematical, Logical, statistical, text, financial,
Date and
Time functions, Using Function Wizard. Formatting a Worksheet: Formatting Cells –
changing data alignment, changing date, number, character or currency format, changing
font, adding borders and colors, Printing worksheets, Charts and Graphs – Creating,
Previewing, Modifying Charts. Integrating word processor, spread sheets, web pages.

Lab-Assignment/ Test

3.3 Presentation Package

Creating, Opening and Saving Presentations, Creating the Look of Your Presentation,
Working in Different Views, Working with Slides, Adding and Formatting Text, Formatting
Paragraphs, Checking Spelling and Correcting Typing Mistakes, Making Notes Pages and
Handouts, Drawing and Working with Objects, Adding Clip Art and other pictures, Designing
Slide Shows, Running and Controlling a Slide Show, Printing Presentations.

Lab-Assignment/ Test

4. Internet usage.
WWW and Web Browsers: Web Browsing software, Surfing the Internet, Chatting on Internet,
Basic of electronic mail, Using Emails, Document handling, Network definition, Common
terminologies: LAN, WAN, Node, Host, Workstation, bandwidth, Network Components: Severs,
Clients, Communication Media.

Lab-Assignment/ Test

5. Multimedia:

5.1 Photoshop

i. Introduction
Photoshop Interface, Raster graphics & Vector graphics, Image formats, Operations on
ii. Manipulation of Image
The Marquee tool, the Lasso tool, Magic Wand tool, Inverting Selection, Layers, Brush
tool, Eraser tool, Fill tool, Blur tool, Smudge tool, Sharpen tool, Dodge tool, Sponge tool,
Darken tool
iii. Transformation & Retouching
Free transform, scaling, rotation, skew, perspective, wrap, distort, crop, image size,
canvas size, clone stamp tool, healing brush tool, patch tool, red eye tool, history brush

iv. Colour Correction
Colour swatch, image modes, colour adjudgements, colour selection
v. Text
The Text tool, editing text, formatting, line & spacing, wrap text, text effects
vi. Effects
Blending modes, styles, filters, liquefy, vanishing point
vii. Drawing
The pen tool, drawing shapes, managing paths, converting path to selection.

Lab-Assignment/ Test

5.2 Adobe Premiere

i. Introduction
Basics of Adobe Premiere, Creating a new project, video formats, aspect ratio, the
Interface, Project window, Monitor, Timeline, supported file formats
ii. Manipulation of files
Importing files, capturing video, trimming clips, working with clips in a sequence,
rearranging clips, previewing sequence, opacity
iii. Effects & transitions
Working with effects, applying & adjusting effects, duration & speed, colour correction
effets, keying effects, transition effects.
iv. Animation
Animating effects & clips, adding navigating and setting keyframes, moving & copying
v. Titles
Creating titles, adding text, adding shapes & images, text styles, creating rolling &
crawling text
vi. Exporting
Basics of exporting, Adobe Media Encoder, exporting editable movie & audio files.

Lab-Assignment/ Test

5.3 Adobe InDesign

i. Looking at the Work Area: Using the tools, Using palettes, Workspaces, Using context
menus, Opening and closing documents, Changing the view, Selecting objects, Saving a
document, Recovering a document after a failure, Undoing mistakes, Working with
preferences and defaults
ii. Setting Up Pages: Setting up basic layout options, Using rulers, grids, and guides,
Working with pages and spreads, Numbering pages, Changing Numbering and Section
Options, Using master pages, Laying out pages with frames, Adjusting layout objects
automatically, Working with layers
iii. Working with Text: About text frames, About threading text frames, Adding text to
frames, Setting text frame properties, Editing text, Finding and changing text, Finding
and changing fonts, Combining text and graphics, Creating path type

iv. Setting Type: Formatting characters, Formatting paragraphs, Working with tabs,
Copying type attributes with the eyedropper tool, Working with the type composition
engines, Controlling hyphenation and justification, Paragraph and character style
sheets, Creating nested styles, OpenType, Glyphs palette
v. Arranging and Combining Objects: Modifying objects using graphics frames, Grouping
and ungrouping objects, Stacking objects, Aligning and distributing objects, Locking
object position, Moving objects, Changing size, proportions, or orientation, Duplicating
vi. Applying Color: About spot and process color types, Working with swatches and
unnamed colors, Applying color, Using the Swatches palette, Mixed inks, Mixed ink
groups, Using swatch libraries, Using the Color palette, Applying colors by dragging and
dropping, Creating gradients
vii. Creating Tables: Creating and editing tables, Importing spreadsheets from Word or
Excel, Advanced table techniques, Placing graphics into tables
viii. Adobe Product Integration: Working with Acrobat, Photoshop, and Illustrator files,
Using Photoshop layer masks instead of clipping paths, Using Photoshop’s file browser,
Copy and Paste from Illustrator to InDesign CS
ix. PDF, Print, Preflight, and Package: PDF styles, Export options, PDF in detail, Other
export formats (ID Interchange), Preflighting your files, Using the Package command,
Printing and transparency, Flattener settings, The Separations palette

Lab-Assignment/ Test

6. PC Assembly and Maintenance.

i. Introduction to PC Hardware:
Study of basic I/O systems, Types of Memories- Static RAM and Dynamic RAM, ROM,
PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, CPU (Central Processing Unit)- ALU and control unit.
ii. Motherboard and Processor:
Study of different types of Motherboards, Motherboard Configuration, Identifying
Internal and External connectors, Types of data cables, Types of Processor- Intel Pentium
IV, Dual core, Core 2 Duo, Quad processor etc,.
iii. BIOS Configuration:
Study of BIOS Set-up- Advance set-up, Boot configuration, Boot Menu.

iv. Installation of OS (Operating Software)

Windows XP, installation of different types of Service Packs, Vista and Windows-7 etc.
v. Hard Disk:
Formatting of Hard disk, Partitioning of Hard disk in different logical drives, Disk
defragmentation, Disk clean up, Scan disk etc,.
vi. Installation of Device Drivers:
Different types of Motherboard drivers, LAN, Audio, and Video.
vii. Configuration of External devices:
Physical set-up of Printers- Performing test print out, Printing of document etc,
Scanner set-up, Webcam, Bluetooth device, Memory card reader etc.
viii. Diagnostic and troubleshooting of PC:
POST (Power on Self Test), Identifying problems by Beep codes errors, Checking power
supply using Multi-meter, Replacement of components etc.
ix. Maintenance of PC

x. Utilities
Compression Utilities: WinZip, PKZIP, Concept of compression, Defragmenting Hard,
disk using defrag, Scan Disk for checking disk space, lost files and recovery, Formatting
Hard disk, Floppy Disk, Setting System Date and Time, Antivirus Package CD Writing
Software – Nero etc.

Lab-Assignment/ Test

7. Basic networking Concept

i. What is Networking, Local Area Networking (LANs), Metropolitan Area Network , MAN),
Wide Area Network (WAN),
ii. Networking Topologies
iii. Transmission media & method of communication
iv. Cabling: straight through and cross over
v. Study of components like switches, bridges, routers, Wi-Fi router etc.
vi. TCP/IP, IP addressing, MAC address, Subnet
vii. To create a Crossover cable using standard color-coding (RJ-45, UTP, Crimping tools).
viii. To create a straight cable using standard color-coding. (RJ-45, UTP, Crimping tools)
ix. To create a simple LAN with two PCs using a single crossover cable to connect the
x. To create a simple LAN with two PCs using an Ethernet hub and two straight thru cables
to connect the workstations.
xi. To setup a LAN with a number of PCs using 8/16 port HUB.
xii. To set up a WLAN (Wi-Fi) router.
xiii. To use the ICMP Ping command (with switches) to verify the TCP/IP connection
between the two workstations.
xiv. To share and access a file/folders over a network.

Lab-Assignment/ Test

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