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Wind energy conversion system based on dual stator induction

generator controlled by nonlinear backstepping and pi controllers
Meryem Benakcha1 • Leila Benalia1 • Abdelkrim Ammar2 • Amor Bourek2

Received: 18 May 2017 / Revised: 6 December 2017

Ó The Society for Reliability Engineering, Quality and Operations Management (SREQOM), India and The Division of Operation and
Maintenance, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden 2018

Abstract To capture wind energy and to produce electrical 1 Introduction

power, many conversion systems have been proposed. This
work treats also the modeling and the control of dual stator In the last few decades, the intense industrialization and the
induction generator DSIG integrated in wind energy con- multiplication of electric household appliances have led to
version system. In order to increase the flow of the power considerable needs in terms of electrical energy. Faced
to the grid and to ensure an optimum operating point, it is with this demand, which is still growing today, the indus-
very important to act on the generator side controllers and trialized countries have relied heavily on nuclear power
the conversion system output variables. The Proportional plants. This energy source has the undeniable advantage of
integral PI controllers have been widely used to control not causing air pollution unlike thermal power plants, but
alternative machines. In this case, the inverters, which fed the risk of nuclear accidents, the treatment of wastes are
the DSIG, are controlled simultaneously with a displaced real problems which make this energy unattractive to the
angle of 30°. So, the synthesis PI gains still difficult. To future generations (Ghoudelbourk et al. 2016). To face
solve this problem, a nonlinear backstepping control is these problems, countries are increasingly turning to clean
proposed. For that, the suggested study presents the com- and renewable energy sources. Indeed, in the medium term,
parison of the performances of the two strategies. Different these countries undertook to increase the share of renew-
simulation tests are conducted to evaluate the efficiency able energy in their electricity production (Miryousefi Aval
and the validity of the proposed control strategies. We et al. 2015; Mahboub et al. 2016). Among these renewable
notice that in the steady state, the two controls allow the energy sources, wind energy is the one with the greatest
same performance (tracking). In transient mode, the energy potential (Tiwari and Babu 2016). The power of
backstepping command is better in terms of response time wind turbines installed in the world is increasing more and
and overshoot. more every year. At present, horizontal axis wind turbines
are much more used than vertical axis wind turbines for
Keywords Dual stator induction generator  Variable economic reasons related to their manufacture and instal-
speed wind turbine  Maximum power point tracking  PI lation (Hossain and Mohd 2015).
controller  Backstepping control The studied system consists of horizontal axis wind tur-
bine with variable speed connected to the grid through a
DSIG. This type of multiphase machine, used in high power
systems, and wind projects of which powers are of a few MW
& Meryem Benakcha (Taheri 2016). It has several advantages compared with
[email protected] conventional alternative machines such as segmentation of
1 the power, reducing the rotor harmonic currents and high
Electrical Engineering Laboratory LGE, M’sila University,
BP 166, M’sila, Algeria reliability (Ameur et al. 2016; Lekhchine et al. 2014).
2 In term of wind energy and grid integration, it is very
Electrical Engineering Laboratory LGEB, Biskra University,
BP 45, M’sila, Algeria interesting to produce a quality output power. Therefore,

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

the control of the generator is very important. Many to the power grid directly by the stator through two static
techniques have been used to control the DSIG such as a converters. These latest are connected to a grid side
sliding mode control (SMC) associated to the field oriented through a DC bus and a filter.
control (Amimeur et al. 2012), Genetic Algorithm Opti- According to Fig. 1, two detailed controls are required
mized PI and Fuzzy Logic Speed Vector Control (Ameur to ensure the operation of the wind turbine.
and Kouzi 2013), model reference adaptive system based
reactive power controller (Basak et al. 2014), nonlinear
method based on the theory of fuzzy logic controlled tor- 3 Modeling of the wind turbine
que (Chekkal et al. 2014), control of the DSIG using the
instantaneous power theory and a control flux orientation at The wind, with speed V, applied to the blades of the wind
low speeds (Bu et al. 2015). turbine, causes its rotation and creates a mechanical power
The objective of this work is the simulation of the entire on the shaft of the turbine, denoted Pt and expressed by
wind conversion system using two different techniques to (Elmansouri et al. 2015; Guediri and Ben Attous 2015):
control the DSIG. The first technique uses a linear control
Pt ¼ 0:5Cp ðkÞqSV 3 ð1Þ
based on the PI controller and the second technique is a
relatively new nonlinear control based on backstepping Where the tip speed ratio k is defined by:
controller used in mode generation. These techniques are RXt
used in order to compare the performances of the system in k¼ ð2Þ
the two cases.
The mathematical model of the entire conversion system The power coefficient Cp represents the aerodynamic
should be studied and detailed. The obtained results using efficiency of the wind turbine and also depends on the
Matlab/Simulink software will be examined and interpreted. characteristic of the turbine. This coefficient has a theo-
retical limit, called the Betz limit, equal to 0.593 and is
never reached in practice (Kumar and Chatterjee 2016; Tria
2 Description of the wind system et al. 2017). We will use an approximate expression of the
power coefficient as a function of the relative velocity k
The variable speed wind system studied in this section is and of the blade angle b of which the following expression
based on a DSIG machine as it is shown in Fig. 1. The is (Tamaarat and Benakcha 2014):
turbine, via a gearbox, drives the DSIG, which is connected

Fig. 1 Bloc diagram of the whole wind power conversion system based on DSIG

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

0.5 (Fig. 3). Considering that the gearbox is ideal (the

(λopt,Cpmax) β1=0
mechanical losses are negligible), we can model it by the
β2=2 two following expressions (Taraft et al. 2013):
Power Coefficient C p

Tt Xmec
β5=6 Tg ¼ ; Xt ¼ ð4Þ
For a given operating point, it is desired that the
mechanical power be maximum.This corresponds to the
maximum value of the power coefficient Cp. This is
obtained if the relative velocity k is equal to its optimal
0.1 value kopt for b ¼ 0 (Errami et al. 2015).

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
4 Modeling of DSIG
speed ratio λ
The dual stator induction generator model is composed of
two fixed three-phase stator windings displaced with an
Fig. 2 The graph of Cp in function of k electrical angle a ¼ 30 and a squirrel cage mobile rotor
      winding (Pandit et al. 2016; Ameur et al. 2016) as shown in
151 18:4 (Fig. 4).
Cp ¼ 0:73 0  0:002b  13:2 exp 0 ð3Þ
k k Considering the choice of the reference (dq) linked to
the rotating field, a simplification of the DSIG expressions
is obtained by writing a following compact form (Ameur
0  1
k ¼ 1=ðk þ 0:08bÞ  0:035=ðb3 þ 1Þ and Kouzi 2013).

_ ¼ ½L1 ½B½U   xgl ½C½I   ½D½I 
½I ð5Þ
For different values of the blade angle, the graph of the
power coefficient in function of tip speed ratio Cp ðkÞ, given where: xgl ¼ xs  xr , xr ¼ p  Xt ; ½U  ¼ ½vds1 vqs1 vds
in Fig. 2, is plotted using expression (3).  t
2vqs2 vdr vqr t ; ½I  ¼ ids1 iqs1 ids2 iqs2 idr iqr ; _ ¼ d ½I;
½I dt
The gearbox adapts the rotation speed of the turbine
½B ¼ diag½111100,
(slow shaft) to the rotation speed of the DSIG (fast shaft)

Fig. 3 Block diagram of the

turbine model with variable β Turbine Gearbox The Sha
speed control
λ Ω Ω 1

1 1 Ω
0.5 2 3 1
Ω +- +

λ Ω∗


Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

2 3
0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
6 7
6 7
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
½C  ¼ 6
6 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 7
6 7
4 0 Lm 0 Lm 0 ðLr þ Lm Þ 5
Lm 0 Lm 0 Lr þ Lm 0
2 3
ðLs1 þ Lm Þ 0 Lm 0 Lm 0
6 0 ðL þ L Þ 0 L 0 Lm 7
6 s1 m m 7
6 7
6 Lm 0 ðLs2 þ Lm Þ 0 Lm 0 7
½L ¼ 6
6 0 Lm 0 ðLs2 þ Lm Þ 0 Lm 7
6 7
4 Lm 0 Lm 0 ðLr þ Lm Þ 0 5
0 Lm 0 Lm 0 ðLr þ Lm Þ
2 3
Rs1 xs ðLs1 þ Lm Þ 0 xs Lm 0 xs Lm
6 x ðL þ L Þ Rs1 xs Lm 0 xs Lm 0 7
6 s s1 m 7
6 7
6 0 xs Lm Rs2 xs ðLs2 þ Lm Þ 0 xs Lm 7
½D  ¼ 6
6 xs Lm 0 xs ðLs2 þ Lm Þ Rs2 xs Lm 0 7 7
6 7
4 0 0 0 0 Rr 0 5
0 0 0 0 0 Rr

through the direct and quadratic stator currents, respectively

(Mehammai et al. 2014; Bekakra and Ben Attous 2015).
Expressions of the electromagnetic torque and slip speed
references are respectively (Amimeur et al. 2012):

Tem ¼P iqs1 þ iqs2 ur ; ð7Þ
ðLm þ Lr Þ
rr Lm ðiqs1 þ iqs2 Þ
xsl ¼ ; ð8Þ
Lm þ Lr ur
With: ids1 þ ids2 ¼ Lmr ,
We suppose that the two stars have the same values of
the reference currents: ids1 ¼ ids2 ,iqs1 ¼ iqs2 .
The references stator voltages are expressed by:
> vds1 ¼ PIði
ds1  ids1 Þ  d1
< v ¼ PI i  i
Fig. 4 Schematic model of dual stator induction generator qs1 qs1 qs1 þ d2
> v 
¼ PIði 
 i Þ  d
The electromagnetic torque is expressed as: > 
: ds2 ds2 ds2 3
vqs2 ¼ PIðiqs2  iqs2 Þ þ d4

Tem ¼ P iqs1 þ iqs2 udr  ðids1 þ ids2 Þuqr where:
ðLm þ Lr Þ

ð6Þ > d1 ¼ xs Ls1 iqs1 þ sr udr xsl
< d ¼ x
L i þ u
2 s s1 ds1 dr

5 Field oriented control of DSIG >
> d 3 ¼ x s Ls2 i qs2 þ s r udr xsl

d4 ¼ xs Ls2 ids2 þ udr
For the DSIG, we choose the orientation of the rotor flux,
because this allows to obtain a variation of speed where the flux
and the electromagnetic torque are independently controlled

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

6 Backstepping control of DSIG >
> e3 ¼ iqs1  iqs1
<e ¼ ids1  ids1
The application of the Backstepping technique to the DSIG ð14Þ
control consists in establishing a control law of the
> e5 ¼ iqs2  iqs2
machine via a chosen Lyapunov function to guarantee the e6 ¼ ids2  ids2
overall stability of the system (Herizi et al. 2015; Bouzidi
The final Lyapunov function is given by:
et al. 2016).
A. Step1 V2 ¼ ðe21 þ e22 þ e23 þ e24 þ e25 þ e26 Þ ð15Þ
In this step, we define the errors e1 and e2 representing Its derivative in function of time is:
the error between the reference speed and the actual speed
and the error between reference direct rotor flux and its V_ 2 ¼ e1 e_1 þ e2 e_2 þ e3 e_3 þ e4 e_4 þ e5 e_5 þ e6 e_6
actual value respectively. V_ 2 ¼ K1 e21  K2 e22  K3 e23  K4 e24  K5 e25  K6 e26
(  :

e1 ¼ X  Xmec  1
þ e3 K3 e3  r1 þ iqs1  vqs1
ð10Þ L
e2 ¼ udr  udr  
: 1

þ e4 K4 e4  r2 þ ids1  vds1 ð16Þ
The first Lyapunov function is chosen as: L

1  1
V1 ¼ ðe21 þ e22 Þ ð11Þ þ e5 K5 e5  r3 þ iqs2  vqs2
2 L

Its derivative is:  1
þ e6 K6 e6  r4 þ ids2  vds2
V_ 1 ¼ e1 e_1 þ e2 e_2
¼ e1 ½X_   l iqs1 þ iqs2 udr  Tr  fr X ð12Þ 8
 J  > 1

> r1 ¼ r1 iqs1  xs L1 ids1 þ udr
þ u_ dr  ½cudr þ cLm ðids1 þ ids2 Þ >
> L1
> 1

The tracking objectives V_ 1 \0 are achieved by choosing >
> r1 ids1 þ xs L1 iqs1 þ sr udr xsl
< r2 ¼
the references of the current components that represent the L1
stabilizing functions, as follows: >
> 1

> r3 ¼ r2 iqs2  xs L2 ids2 þ udr
8   >
> L2
J Tr fr X >
> i 
þ i 
¼ K e þ X_ 
þ þ >
> 1

< qs1 qs2
1 1
J J >
: r4 ¼ r2 ids2 þ xs L2 iqs2 þ sr udr xsl
h i ð13Þ L2
> 1 :
: ids1 þ ids2 ¼ 
K2 e2 þ udr þcudr
cLm The control voltages are selected as follows:
8 h : i
where: K1 ; K2 are positive constants; l ¼ LmLþL
m rr
, c ¼ Lr þL >
> v 
¼ L K e  r þ i 
> qs1 1 3 3 1 qs1
r m
> h : i
B. Step2: < vds1 ¼ L1 K4 e4  r2 þ ids1
h : i ð17Þ
For this step, we eliminate the PI current regulators >
> v 
¼ L K e  r þ i 
> qs2 2 5 5 3 qs2
(similar as in Fig. 5) by calculating the control voltages. >
> h
>  : i
Other errors concerning the components of the stator cur- : vds2 ¼ L2 K6 e6  r4 þ ids2
rent and their references are defined as:

Fig. 5 Design of the current ids1 using PI controller Fig. 6 Design of the current ids1 using the backstepping controller

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

a 200 b 200

Ω* Ω*
Rotaon Speed (rad/s)

Rotaon Speed (rad/s)

150 mec1 150 mec1
mec1 mec1
* *
100 Ω 100 Ω
mec2 mec2
mec2 mec2
50 *
Ωmec3 50 *
Ωmec3 Ωmec3
0 0
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Time [s]Tip Time [s]
Fig. 7 DSIG speed and its reference for three constant speeds

a b 5000
T T*em1
Electromagnec torque (N.m)

Electromagnec torque (N.m)


0 T*em1 0
Tem2 *
-5000 T*em2 -5000 Tem2
0 0
-10000 -5000
* -10000 -5000
Tem3 Tem3
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4

-15000 -15000
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Time [s] Time [s]

Fig. 8 DSIG Torque and its reference for three constant speeds

The stability of the control is obtained if and only if a The grid reference active power is:
good choice of the gains K3 ; K4 ; K5 ; K6 is made. Figure 6 Pg ¼ Udc idc  Udc idc ð19Þ
represents the current regulator configuration.
where the tuning of the DC link is carried out by a regu-
lation loop, using a PI corrector, which generates the
7 Grid side control capacitive current reference (idc ) in the capacitor:
idc ¼ PIðsÞðUdc

 Udc Þ ð20Þ
The objective of the DC bus control loop is to set the
voltage constant. This voltage becomes a power source of Network reference currents expressions can be repre-
the DSIG to ensure the correct operation of the converters sented by:
and to impose an operation with an active reference power 8
Pg vdg þ Qg vqg
equal to that generated by the system of wind energy >
> i ¼
< dg
v2dg þ v2qg
conversion. ; ð21Þ
> P v  Qg vdg

The value of the DC bus voltage is obtained from the > iqg ¼ g qg
integration of the capacitive current (Kammoun et al. v2dg þ v2qg
Z The reference voltages expressed in d-q frame reference
1 are given by:
Udc ¼ ic dt ð18Þ
C ( 
vd inv ¼ vdg þ vdg  xs Lf iqg
where: ð22Þ
vq inv ¼ vqg þ vqg þ xs Lf idg
ic ¼ idc  iinv

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

a b
2 φdr1

Rotor Flux (Wb)

Rotor Flux (Wb)

1.5 φdr 1.5 φ

φdr2 *
1 2
1 dr
1.5 φdr3 1.22
0.5 1 0.5 1.2

0 1 2 3 4 1.16 dr3
0 1 2 3 4
0 0
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Time [s] Time [s]
Fig. 9 Direct rotor flux and its reference for three constant speeds

Table 1 Summarization
V1 = 6 m/s V2 = 8 m/s V3 = 10 m/s
table of the response time and
overshoot of the two control Tr(s) D Tr(s) D Tr(s) D
strategies applied to the DSIG
PI control
Tem (Nm) 0.2425 1085 0.1652 2470 0.1444 4219
Flux (Wb) 0.2119 0.6080 0.1418 0.781 0.1146 0.866
Backstepping control
Tem (Nm) 0.1533 0.0000 0.1395 0.000 0.0488 0.000
Flux (Wb) 0.0322 0.0050 0.0321 0.014 0.0320 0.024

a 250 b 250
Ω* Ω*
200 200
Wind Speed (m/s)
Wind Speed (m/s)

150 150

100 100

50 50
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Time [s] Time [s]

Fig. 10 DSIG speed and its reference

where: The simulation results show a comparative study of the

(  classical PI control and the backstepping control strategies
vdg ¼ PIðsÞðidg  idg Þ
of the dual stator induction generator integrated in wind
vqg ¼ PIðsÞðiqg  iqg Þ energy conversion system.
The Figures are specified (a) for PI control and (b) for
backstepping control. To compare the performances of
8 Simulation results and discussion
them, the first test of the entire system uses three fixed
wind speeds (6, 8, and 10 m/s). Figure 7 presents the
The proposed control algorithm has been simulated using
rotation speed of DSIG for different wind speeds and their
Matlab/Simulink software. The DSIG used in this work,
references. It can be seen from (Figs. 8 and 9) that the
rated at 1.5 MW and whose nominal parameters are indi-
backstepping control responds faster than PI control at low,
cated in appendix, is simulated choosing a ¼ 30 .

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

a b
5000 5000

Electromagnec torque (N.m)

Electromagnec torque (N.m)

Tem em
0 *
0 T*em

-5000 -5000

-10000 0 -10000
-15000 -15000
-10000 0 2 4
0 2 4
-20000 -20000
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time [s] Time [s]

Fig. 11 DSIG torque and its reference

a 2
φdr 2 φdr
φ*dr φ*dr
Rotor Flux (Wb)
1.5 1.5
Rotor Flux (Wb)

1 2 1 2

1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time [s]
Time [s]
Fig. 12 Direct and quadratic rotor flux

a 1500 b 1500
U Udc
U*dc Udc
DC link voltage (V)

DC link voltage (V)

1000 1135 1000


1130 1130
500 500
1125 1125
14 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time [s] Time [s]

Fig. 13 DC link voltage

medium and high wind speeds and for both controls, the meaning that the DSIG delivers faster with the backstep-
response time (Tr) is improved when the wind speed ping control than with the PI control and delivers faster
increases. It indicates also that the backstepping control when the wind speed increases. The synthesis of this
eliminates the overshoot (D). It does not require any torque analysis is summarized in the Table 1.
limiter. This is obviously not the case of the PI control The second test (Fig. 10) is conducted using the wind
where the overshoot increases with the wind speed, variable speed profile. The figures are specified (a) for the

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

a 1 x 10 b x 10
Pr Pg

Grid acve power (W)

Grid acve power (W)

* *
0 Pr Pg

-1 -1

-2 -2

-3 -3
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time [s]
Time [s]

Fig. 14 Grid active power

a 5
b 5
x 10
2 x 10 2
Grid reacve power (VAR)

Grid reacve power (VAR)

Qg Qg
* *
1 Qg 1 Qg

0 0

-1 -1

-2 -2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time [s]
Time [s]

Fig. 15 Grid reactive power

a b
2000 2000
ig1 ig1
Grid currents (A)

ig2 ig2
Grid currents (A)

1000 1000
ig3 ig3

0 0

-1000 -1000

-2000 -2000
11 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 11 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05

Time [s] Time [s]

Fig. 16 Currents in the three phase’s grid

PI control and (b) for the backstepping control. It is clear its reference of the DSIG are illustrated in (Fig. 12). The
from this figure that the rotation speed follows perfectly its DC link voltage is constant and follows its set level 1130 V
reference, which varies depending on the imposed wind (Fig. 13). It can be seen from (Figs. 14 and 15) that the
profile. The waveform of the electromagnetic torque gen- active and reactive grid powers, respectively, follow in an
erator follows its reference resulting from the MPPT acceptable way in accordance to their references at all
algorithm, as shown in (Fig. 11). The direct rotor flux and simulation time. In order to get a unit power-factor in

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

a Fundamental (50Hz), THD= 2.60%

b Fundamental (50Hz), THD= 3.22%
120 120

Mag (% of fundamental)
Mag (% of fundamental)

100 2 100
80 80
60 60
0 100 200 300 400 500 0
40 Ti 40 Ti 0 100 200 300 400 500

20 20

0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz]

Fig. 17 THD of the grid current

network side, the reactive power reference Qg is fixed at Appendix: Parameters
zero value. For the proposed algorithms the currents in the
three phase’s grid, illustrated in Fig. 16, constitute a Radius of the turbine R = 36 m
sinusoidal and a balanced system of the frequency 50 Hz. Gear box gain G = 90
Figure 17 in turn, gives the THD (total harmonic dis- Maximum power coefficient Cpmax ¼ 0:44
tortion) of the grid current Ig1. This THD is defined as the Optimal relative wind speed kopt ¼ 7:05
ratio of total effective value of harmonics (their quadratic DSIG nominal power Pn ¼ 1:5 MW
sum) to the rms value of the fundamental component. We RMS voltage value U = 400 V
analyze a sequence of time. As we see, the harmonics Frequency F = 50 Hz
appearing in the grid current are minimized. We notice also Number of pole pairs p=2
that the THD of PI control is lower than the THD of Stator resistance Rs1 = Rs2 = 0.008 X
Backstepping control. Stator inductance Ls1 = Ls2 = 0.134
Magnetizing inductance Lm = 0.0045 H
9 Conclusion Rotor resistance Rr = 0.007 X
Rotor inductance Lr = 0.067 mH
This paper discusses synthesis of linear (based on the PI Inertia J = 10 kg.m2
control) and nonlinear control (based on backstepping Viscous coefficient f = 2.5 Nm s/rd
control) of a DSIG dedicated to a wind turbine system. The Filter inductance Lf ¼ 0:001 H
two control laws are applied to the stator side inverters. We Filter resistance Rf ¼ 0:01 X
define the complete model of the wind system by inte- Capacitance of the DC link C ¼ 0:072 F
grating the previous process, adjusting the DC link voltage voltage
and controlling the active and reactive powers to the grid
side converter. All system is delivering into the grid.
Finally, the results for the two approaches have been dis-
cussed and compared. The responses of the system show a References
significant overshoot for the electromagnetic torque and the
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the backstepping strategy has better dynamic connectes to the grid usin direct torque control. In: 4th
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