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Với các từ kết thúc bằng ‘logy’ hoặc ‘graphy’ thì trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 3 tính từ
cuối lên.

I. Mark the stress on the correct syllable for the following words
1. biography 6. physiology 11. photography 16. meteorology
2. biology 7. ethnography 12. sociology 17. astrology
3. radiography 8. ethnology 13. apology 18. zoology
4. radiology 9. geography 14. bibliography 19. demography
5. physiography 10. geology 15. climatology 20. psychology

II. Circle the word with a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. technology B. disaster C. available D. temporary
2. A. accommodation B. evacuation C. oceanography D. environmentalist
3. A. tsunami B. evacuee C. ecology D. volcanic
4. A. volunteer B. scientific C. sociology D. property
5. A. electronic B. biology C. photography D. astrology


I. Write the names of the disasters on the line, then match them to the pictures.
tsunami earthquake drought avalanche flood
tornado mudslide volcanic eruption typhoon wildfire

1. A sudden, violent shaking of the earth’s surface. _________

2. Hot lava, ash and gases come up suddenly from below the earth’s surface through an
opening of a mountain. _________
3. A mass of snow, ice, and rock that falls down the side of a mountain. _________
4. A large amount of wet earth that suddenly falls down a hill. _________
5. A series of large ocean waves, usually caused by an underwater earthquake or a volcanic
explosion. _________
6. A violent tropical storm with very strong winds. _________
7. A long period of time when there is little or no rain. _________



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8. A very strong wind that goes quickly round in a circle or funnel. _________
9. A fire that starts in an area of countryside and spreads very quickly. _________
10. A large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry. _________
II. Choose the correct answers.
1. The waves of the_________ were so huge that it destroyed everything on the beach.
A. tornado B. hurricane C. tsunami D. earthquake
2. Five skiers are missing after the_________ in the Alps.
A. drought B. landslide C. flood D. avalanche
3. After the_________ all the houses were left under water.
A. flood B. tornado C. typhoon D. mudslide
4. It took firefighters five days to put out the_________.
A. hurricane B. forest fire C. tsunami D. drought
5. A period of 3- 4 months without rain will cause a severe_________.
A. typhoon B. earthquake C. drought D. flood
6. The_________ picked up the car and threw it 100 meters into the air. That’s an incredibly
strong wind!
A. tornado B. volcanic eruption C. landslide D. typhoon
7. The_________ shook parts of the region around Tokyo on Saturday. It was 5 on the
Richter Scale.
A. hurricane B. flood C. earthquake D. tornado
8. _________ occur when a large amount of water causes the rapid erosion of soil on a steep
A. Tsunamis B. Tornados C. Avalanches D. Mudslides
9. A big storm in the Pacific is known as a_________.
A. avalanche B. typhoon C. tsunami D. tornado
10. Mount Merapi in Indonesia is a famous_________.
A. landslide B. typhoon C. volcano D. tornado

III. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
debris tornadoes victims mudslide havoc
disasters property accommodation supplies flood

1. The_________ was overwhelming and the City was soon drowned.

2. Teams of people are still clearing the_________ from damaged trees and houses after the


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3. Temporary housing can be provided to victims when natural strike.

4. The storm wreaked_________ in the garden, uprooting trees and blowing a fence down.
5. _________can destroy buildings, flip cars, and create deadly flying debris.
6. Four people were reported killed when a buried their house.
7. Many people lost their homes due to the earthquake and are staying in temporary
_________ until their houses are rebuilt.
8. Food, clean water and medical_________ arrived three days after the typhoon.
9. A natural disaster can cause loss of life or damage_________.
10. The government is sending aid to flood_________.

HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN S + V-nguyên/s/es + O S + am/is/ are + V-PII + by O
HT TIẾP DIỄN S + am/is/are + V-ing + O S + am/is/are + being + PII + by O.
S + have/ has + PII + O. S + have/has been + PII + by O
S + V-ed/ bqt (2) + O. S + was/were + PII + by O.
QK TIẾP DIỄN S + was/were + V-ing + O. S + was/were + being + PII + by O.
S + had + PII + O. S + had been + PII + by O.
S + will + V-nguyên + O. S + will be + PII + by O.
* BỎ by me/ by him/ by her/ by it/ by us/ by you/ by them/ by someone/ by somebody/ by
people khi chuyển sang câu bị động.
Trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn + BY O + Trạng từ chỉ thời gian
S1 + V1 (say/ think/ believe) + that S2 + V2.
CÁCH 1: It + be PII (theo V1) + that S2 +V2 CÁCH 2: S2 + be PII (theo V1) + to V2
IV. Complete the sentences with the correct tense or form of the verbs in the box.


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bury collapse erupt put out evacuate

shake scatter rage strike rescue

1. Scientists believe the volcano may_________ any day now.

2. The storm_________ outside while we were partying inside.
3. Firefighters are still trying_________ wildfires that have already burned more than 1.6
million acres of tropical forest.
4. The magnitude 6.7 earthquake_________ Japan’s Hokkaido island in September, 2018.
5. Three houses_________ in a landslide that took place this morning.
6. 8,000 people had to be from their homes as floodwaters flowed through the main streets.
7. Most deaths occur during an earthquake when buildings_________.
8. The well-trained team_________ everyone after the avalanche.
9. Right now, the building_________ so violently I can’t even stand up.
10. The town experienced flooding while strong winds_________ debris across the streets.

V. Choose the best response for each sentence.

1. “I saw a roof flying in the storm yesterday afternoon.” -_________”
A. Exactly. B. That’s horrible! C. That’s a relief. D. So do I.
2. “The weather forecast says it’s going to rain tomorrow.” - “_________What a pity.”
A. Looks great! B. Not at all. C. Sounds good! D. Oh no!
3. “The whole village was submerged in the flood.” - “_________”
A. That’s surprising! B. My fault. C. Already. D. That’s awful!
4. “Have you heard the news? A powerful earthquake and following tsunami hit the island
of Sulawesi, Indonesia.” - “_________”
A. How beautiful! B. Awesome! C. How terrible! D. No problem.
5. “Rescue workers saved a girl trapped in a collapsed school building.” - _________”
A. That’s great! B. Good luck. C. How convenient! D. Oh dear!
6. “Forecasters say that the storm won’t move toward the land.” - “_________”
A. What a pity! B. Never mind. C. That’s a relief! D. It’s OK.
7. _________ “A tornado blew several cars in front of me off the road and into the trees.”
- “_________”
A. That’s shocking! B. How cute! C. That’s great! D. Maybe.
8. “Did you know the Amazon rainforest fires have already been controlled.”
- “No, I didn’t.”
A. What a bad day! B. How wonderful!


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C. How thoughtful it is! D. Well done.

VI. Complete the sentences with the passive form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Tsunamis_________ (typically/ cause) by large, undersea earthquakes.
2. Nearly a quarter of all homes in the Keys_________ (destroy) by Hurricane Irma in 2017.
3. Over the past two years, 500,000 damaged homes_________ (rebuild) with support from
the government and donors.
4. An earthquake warning System_________ (install) on the West Coast next month.
5. An average of 10 people in Florida_________ (kill) by lightning strikes annually.
6. Indonesia_________ (strike) by a tsunami a few days ago.
7. An estimated 10,000 people_________ (already/ evacuate) due to the wildfires since
8. Scientists predict the South coast_________ (hit) by a large hurricane in two days.
9. After the storm, some major roads are closing because they_________ (repair).
10. The name Heather_________ (use) for three tropical cyclones up to now.
VI. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.
1. A magnitude 7.1 earthquake shook Southern California on Friday.
2. They will provide temporary housing to earthquake victims as soon as possible.
3. Rescue teams have saved hundreds of people from floods in Metro Manila.
4. An average of 20 typhoons hit the country every year.
5. A massive landslide buried dozens of homes near a Central Philippine mountain.
6. They are repairing roads and bridges damaged by the hurricane.
7. Across the northwest Florida coast, people were clearing storm debris.
8. Authorities have lifted a tsunami warning after a strong earthquake.
9. Submarine volcanic eruptions can cause tsunamis.
10. Will the government send troops to flooded regions? _______________________


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Để diễn tả một hành động đã xảy ra trước một hành động khác hoặc một thời điểm khác
trong quá khứ.
(+) S + had + PII.
(-) S + had + not + PII.
Had + S + PII?
(?) - Yes, S + had.
- No, S + had not.
3. Dấu hiệu
before, after, when by, by the time, by the end of + time in the past...
VIII. Complete the sentences with the past perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Officials said the blaze_________ (damage) five houses in the area.
2. Before Hurricane Sandy struck the US Northeast, it_________ (kill) 72 people in the
3. US Weather Service_________ (not issue) any warning by the time the tornado moved to
a City nearby.
4. As of Monday night, more 10,149 people_________ (leave) their homes across the
5. We _________ (not experience) any natural disasters before we were trapped in an
avalanche last month.
6. What_________ (the government/ do) by the time the mudslide occurred?
7. El Nino weather_________ (hit) Mekong Delta as the worst drought in 90 years, report said.
8. Many local people said that they_________ (never/ see) such a fierce storm in their life.
9. Those evacuees_________ (not return) home by late December.
10. _________ (people/ evacuate) the area when the hurricane hit?

IX. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or past perfect.
1. By the time the firefighters_________ (arrive), the fire_________ (already destroy)
over 50 hectares of pine forests.
2. Two people_________ (report) that flames_________ (trap) them inside a smoke-filled
3. It_________ (rain) all morning before the tornado_________ (touch) down.
4. They_________ (not know) where to shelter from the storm because nobody_________
(tell) them.


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5. _________ (you/ already leave) the office when the fire_________ (start)?
6. The post_________ (not arrive) when I_________ (leave) home this morning.
7. It_________ (be) cloudy for days before it_________ (start) to rain heavily
and_________ (flood) the whole City.
8. When I_________ (get) to the check-in desk, I realized I_________ (leave) my ticket at
9. After Tom and his neighbours_________ (put out) the fire, the fire engines_________
(arrive) at the cottage.
10. She_________ (recognize) the warning signs that she_________ (learn) in a school
lesson on tsunami two days before.
11. By the time the rescuers_________ (arrive), they_________ (run) out of food and water.
12. The rescue team_________ (find) the child after they_________ (search) for ten hours.

X. Underline the correct form.

On 26 December 2004, Tilly Smith, a 10-year-old British schoolgirl (1) walked / was
walking on the beach with her family. Suddenly Tilly (2) felt / had felt that something was
wrong. She could see that the water (3) had risen / was rising and waves (4) had come / were
coming up the beach. The beach (5) got / was getting smaller and smaller. She (6) didn’t
know / hadn’t know that there had been an earthquake in Sumatra that morning, but she
suddenly (7) remembered / had remembered a geography lesson she (8) was having / had
had at school just two weeks before. She (9) told / had told her mother what she (10) was
learning / had learned about earthquake and giant waves. Tilly (11) started / had started
screaming at her parents to get off the beach. They (12) took / had taken Tilly back to their
hotel and (13) raised / had raised the alarm. Thanks to Tilly, everybody from that beach (14)
survived / had survived that terrible day.

XI. Choose the correct answers.

1. A drought happens when there_________ no rain in a place for a long time.
A. is B. was C. has been D. had been
2. A flood_________ when a large amount of water covers the land.
A. occurs B. is occurred C. is occurring D. has occurred
3. The size of earthquakes_________ on the Richter scale.
A. measures B. measured C. is measuring D. is measured
4. Hurricane Dorian_________ the Abaco Islands as a category 5 hurricane on September 1.
A. strike B. struck C. had struck D. was struck


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5. At least 200 people_________ after rivers burst their banks in Colombia mudslides.
A. killed B. had killed C. were killed D. are being killed
6. Since Monday, more than a dozen tornadoes_________ down across Oklahoma.
A. touches B. touched C. have touched D. were touched
7. Hurricanes and heavy rains_________ with the help of technology.
A. predicted B. are predicting C. will predict D. can be predicted
8. A tornado watch is issued when there is a possibility that a tornado .
will touch B. is touched C. touched D. had touched
9. Before that day in Hawaii, we_________ a volcanic eruption.
A. never saw B. has never seen C. had never seen D. were never seen
10. So far, some of the storm damaged roads and bridges_________.
A. already repaired B. had already repaired
C. were already repaired D. have already been repaired
11. We_________ home when a hurricane hit the town two days ago. What a terrible experience!
A. are driving B. were driving C. drove D. had driven
12. Families camped out in a City park after their homes_________ by the earthquake.
A. have heavily damaged B. had damaged heavily
C. were heavily damaged D. are damaged heavily

XII. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. Earthquakes cause the ground to move and shake_________. (violent)
2. Rescue experts can identify_________ victims with modern methods. (bury)
3. Mount Mayon volcano caused a major_________ in the Philippines. (erupt)
4. Volcanic tremor is the rhythmic ground_________. (shake)
5. Despite all the modern technology available to us, we’re still_________ against
earthquakes. (help)
6. The remove of_________ debris can be rapidly finished by machines. (scatter)
7. Indonesia orders immediate_________ as highest alert issued for Bali volcano. (evacuate)
8. We assisted them with the_________ of food and clothing. (provide)
9. Linda was the most_________ typhoon to ever hit Southern Vietnam. (destroy)
10. Medical_________ were sent to the earthquake victims yesterday. (supply)

I. Complete the passage with the words from the box.

flooding mudslide avalanche twister

result famine volcanic plates
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Mother nature can be a bit scary at times. These days there seem to be more and more
occurrences of natural disasters happening around the world.
An (1) _________ is the large movement of snow down the side of a mountain. They
occur when the snow becomes too loose and as it slides down it mixes with air and water to
cause a powerful and dangerous disaster. A drought happens when there has been no rain in a
place for a long time.
A drought may result in a (2) _________; this is when there is not enough food to feed
the people and they start to starve.
An earthquake occurs when the (3) _________ of the earth start to move and the
ground begins to move and shake. The size of earthquakes is measured on the Richter scale.
A flood occurs when a large amount of water covers the land. Too much rain usually
causes floods. As sea levels continue to rise, the risk of (4) _________ increases.
A hurricane originally means ‘big wind’. Hurricanes are caused by low air pressure
and thunderstorms and (5) _________ in strong winds and heavy rain. When they
happen in the Atlantic Ocean we call them Hurricanes; however, they are called Typhoons
when they happen in the Pacific Ocean.
A landslide happens on a slope like a mountain or a hill. The rocks and earth become
loose and fall down the slope. When soil on the slope is wet, a (6) _________ may occur.
A tornado, which is casually known as a (7) _________, is a very large column of
wind that spins around very quickly. The power of a Tornado can cause the winds to destroy
houses and pick up and throw heavy items.
(8) _________ eruptions are caused by the plates of the earth moving and the pressure
makes magma push up through the cracks in the earth.
II. Read the text carefully, then do the tasks.
Vietnam usually has a dozen storms every year from June through the end of
November, and most of which occur in the Central and northern provinces. November 2nd,
1997, however, was an unexpected day when the major storm Linda raged in the South.
Linda was the worst typhoon in Southern Vietnam over 100 years. Formed in the sea of the
Philippines, Linda strengthened as it moved westward. Later, it struck extreme Southern
Vietnam with winds of 100 kilometres an hour. Over 3000 people were reported lost and
died. Ca Mau province, suffered a direct hit by the storm, had the most damage. Gusts and
heavy rainfalls caused flooding, destroyed crops, damaged about 200,000 houses and left
about 383,000 people homeless. Linda later struck Thailand, causing flash flooding and at


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least 164 deaths. The storm also affected Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Cambodia to a
lesser degree.
Today, residents in Mekong Delta still remember Linda after 20 years. The duration of
the time is enough for a kid to grow up from an unforgettable event. The memory of a
particular typhoon improves everyone’s awareness of natural disasters.
A. Decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F).
1. The tropical storm Linda hit northern Vietnam on November 2nd, 1997.
2. Linda was the worst typhoon in Vietnam for the last 100 years.
3. From the Philippines, the storm moved west and struck Southern Vietnam with winds of
100 km/h.
4. Approximately 3,000 people were killed during the disaster.
5. Ca Mau province was directly affected by the typhoon.
6. Typhoon Linda caused extensive damage to both property and human.
7. Typhoon Linda only struck Vietnam and Thailand.
8. The storm gradually weakened as it passed over Myanmar.
B. Answer the questions.
1. When is the typhoon season in Vietnam?
2. Where in Vietnam was struck by Typhoon Linda?
3. What was the wind speed of Typhoon Linda when it hit Southern Vietnam?
4. How many homes were destroyed in Typhoon Linda?
5. Where did Typhoon Linda pass over after striking Vietnam?

6. How many years have passed since the disaster


I. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first one.
1. They gave my village a ton of rice three days after the earthquake.
A ton of rice__________________________________________________________
2. Susan wasn’t injured in the earthquake, and her family wasn’t injured, either.


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Neither Susan_________________________________________________________
3. It was such a strong typhoon that all trees were uprooted.
The typhoon was_______________________________________________________
4. Scientists might propose another solution for drought.
Another solution_______________________________________________________
5. Our home and almost everything we owned were destroyed by the tornado.
The tornado___________________________________________________________
6. We’re grateful that you sent us food and fresh water.
Thank you____________________________________________________________
7. It was the first time she had been in the path of a hurricane.
She had______________________________________________________________
8. The storm destroyed everything except the bamboo tree.
The only thing_________________________________________________________
9. It’s a good idea to find safe shelter right away when there is a tornado warning.
10. We could look for the information about natural disasters on the Internet.

II. Write the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first one. Use the
words given.
1. It was the first time I had been in an earthquake. (NEVER)
2. The wind started to blow three hours ago. (FOR)
The wind__________________________________________________________
3. You should practice Drop, Cover and Hold On with family. (WOULD)
If I_______________________________________________________________
4. During the past two years, drought has affected much of southeastern Australia. (BEEN)
During the past two years,_____________________________________________
5. Typhoons are not as destructive as earthquakes are. (MUCH)
6. It took firefighters three hours to extinguish the blaze. (OUT)
7. Typhoon Faxai hit the Japanese Capital and surrounding regions on Monday. (BY)
The Japanese Capital_________________________________________________
8. The weather was so bad that the plane could not take off. (PREVENTED)


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The bad weather_____________________________________________________

9. While we were going home yesterday we got caught in a thunderstorm. (WAY)
10. What about raising money for flood victims? (SHOULD)



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