Hydropower Test Typical Correction

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Houifi Brothers Secondary School Academic Year: 2021/2022

Level/Stream: 2nd year Phl Full Name…………………………………

Second Term English Exam
Read the text and do the following activities:
Hydropower or hydroelectricity refers to the conversion of energy from flowing water into
electricity. It is considered as the largest contributor of all renewable energy sources and accounts for
6.7% of worldwide electricity production. Further growth of this mature technology may be possible,
though many countries have already developed cost-effective sites.
Hydropower is an abundant, low cost source of power (where applicable) despite high upfront
building costs. It is also a flexible and reliable source of electricity compared to other renewable options,
as it may be stored for use at a later time. Dammed reservoirs can also help with flood control, be a
reliable water supply, and they may be used for recreational purposes.
However, there are many concerns with hydropower, particularly large dam facilities. A river’s
damming has a significant impact on the regional ecosystem, by flooding upstream landscapes,
disrupting habitats for wildlife, blocking fish passages, and often displacing local communities. In
addition, its failure can be catastrophic, further disrupting landscapes and claiming the lives of those
living downstream.
Adapted from: www. studentenergy.org

A) Comprehension:
1. The passage is an extract from: (0,5pt)
a) A Book. b) A Website. c) A Magazine Article.

2. Say whether the following sentences are “true” or “false”: (2pts)

a) Hydropower is a nonrenewable energy. …………..
b) Few countries developed hydropower sites. …………..
c) Hydropower can be stored and used later. …………….
d) Damming a river has so many negative effects on regional ecosystem……………

3. Answer the following questions according to the text: (3pts)

a) What is the source of hydropower?
b) Does hydroelectricity have benefits? If so, justify.
c) What are the problems of using hydropower?
4. What or who do the words written in bold refer to in the text? (1pt)
a) It (§1) …………………. b) They (§2) ………………

B) Text Exploration:

1. * Find in the text synonyms of the following words: (1pt)

a) Improved (§1) = …………………… Effect(§3)= ………………………

* Find in the text opposites of the following words: (1pt)

a) Inapplicable (§2) ≠ ………………… b) Success (§3) ≠ …………………….
2. Complete the chart as shown in the example: (1,5)pts)
Verb noun adjective
…………………………… Wastage ……………………………
To recycle …………………………… ……………………………
…………………………… …………………………… Protective
3. Re-write sentence “B” so that it means the same as sentence “A”: (3pts)
a) Algerian authorities must find solutions to avoid water’s problems.
b) Solutions………………………………………………………………………………
a) Many economic projects have been completed by Algeria.
b) Algeria………………………………………………………………………………..
a) Environmentalists were protecting some animals in danger.
b) Some animals in danger.…………………………………………………………

4. Classify the words according to the pronunciation of the final /s/: (2pts)
Resources – plants – animals - damages

/s/ /z/ /iz/

C) Written Expression (5pts)

_Topic One: In a paragraph, write about the benefits of recycling. Use the following notes

1)Reduce the amount of waste, 2) preserve the environment 3) provide financial benefits for the
government and recycling companies, 4)less energy is used in recycling than in producing new
products, 3) creat jobs, 4) preserve natural resoures.

Topic Two: Write a short passage about pollution. Mention its types, causes and effects on
both our health and environment.


Good luck.
5. Fill in the blanks with words from the list given: (2pts)

Ocean - harmful - waste – factories

Every year, rivers carry a large amount of …………………... into the sea. The sea receives lots of
chemicals from ……………..… which continue to pour everyday tons of chemicals and ………………….
materials. Geologists are now wondering if the…………………. can be used as waste basket for

Good Luck

………… ……………. Secondary School – …………… Academic Year: 2021 / 2022

Teacher: ……………. …………... Level: 1st year Scientific Stream.

Parts Typical Answers Partial Full

Mark Mark
1. The passage is an extract from:
b) A Website. 1*1 1
5. True or False:
a) False b) False c) True d) True
0.5*4 2

6. Answering questions:
a) The source of hydropower is: the conversion of energy
A. Comprehension

from flowing water into electricity / flowing water.

b) Yes, it has. It is an abundant, costless, flexible, reliable
1*3 3.5
source of electricity, and it can be stored.
c) The problems of using hydropower are: flooding upstream
landscapes, disrupting habitats for wildlife, blocking fish
passages, displacing local communities, disrupting
landscapes, and claiming the downstream lives. 0.5*3
7. Referring words:
It = Hydropower or hydroelectricity.
They = Dammed reservoirs.
Its = River’s damming.
1. Lexis:
a- Synonyms 0.5*2 1
a- Improved = Developed b- Effect = Impact.
b- Opposites
0.5*2 1
a- Inapplicable =/= Applicable b- Success =/= Failure.
2. Complete the table:
Verb noun adjective
To waste Wastage Wasteful / Wasteless 0.5*6 3
To recycle Recycling Recycled / recyclable
To protect Protection Protective

3. Active / Passive Voice:

a- Solutions must be found by the Algerian authorities to reduce water’s
B. Text Exploration

1*3 3
b- Algeria has completed many economic projects.
c- Some animals in danger were being protected by environmentalists.

4. Final /s/ pronunciation:

0.5*4 2
/s/ /z/ /iz/
Plants Animals- Damages Recources

5. Fill in the gaps: 0.5*4 2

12 pts
Waste – factories – harmful –ocean.

Second Term Test Typical Correction

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