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How did the students react to the activities/various elements to arouse their

 Allowing pupils to participate will let us assess how invested they are in the
subject matter. Request their opinions on the topic to be discussed.
Were the students focused when you were stating the learning objectives at the
beginning of the lesson?

 Yes. At the end of the lesson, they were actually challenged to meet those
learning objectives. They aided in organizing, categorizing, and clarifying
learning. We should always establish our learning objectives at the start of the
lesson, according to this statement.
How did the new learnings relate to what they know?

 When acquiring new material, always actively recall prior knowledge that is
connected. It aids pupils in coming up with or understanding more information
connected to or pertinent to the topic.
Did you notice some students who needed assistance? What did you do? 

 Yes. Utilize the interests of our kids as a teaching tool and give them the
chance to ask and answer any questions. These activities aid in their
development of a feeling of accountability and a work ethic that will serve
them well outside of the classroom.
Did the students find difficulty in applying theories/concepts learned to real life?

 Due to a lack of integration and synthesis practice, students who have

mastered a certain skill or body of knowledge are unable to apply it in
challenging situations.
How did your students react to your feedback? 

 Receiving feedback is crucial. It will serve as a guide for students as they

grow and evaluate themselves for the benefit of their studies and to pave the
route for advancement.
What pieces of evidence can prove that the students had retention of learning? 

 The piece of evidence can indicate that the students had aim of learning is by
offering them direction towards the learning development and comprehension
of the students.

Areas of Strengths Areas of Improvement

1. Subject Matter Content  Explains the subject or Be assured when

 Demonstrates depth lesson clearly, imparting and outlining
and breadth of the demonstrating her the lesson.
subject matter command of the material.
 Shows mastery of
the subject matter

2. Organization of the  He logically Be prompt in developing

Lesson and a plan to give your kids
 Presents subject methodically more time. You may
matter sequentially presented his begin exactly when you
and logically. material. planned or made a
 States clear learning  He did a great decision.
outcomes  job of outlining
 Synthesizes main the learning
points  objectives in his
 Meets class at the lesson plan
scheduled time  He explained to
 Regularly monitors the kids the
classroom online goal of the
course lesson plan and
kept an eye on

3. Rapport/ Interaction with

the Students  Yes, he treats Don't use their last name
 Holds interest of his students when calling them. Call
students fairly and with them by their first name
 Is respectful, fair, respect. instead.
and impartial  He offered his
 Provides immediate students
feedback comments right
 Encourages active away.
participation  He had good
 Interacts with manners and
students held his
 Shows enthusiasm classmates'
 His students are
engaged in his
instruction in a

4. Teaching Methods and

Strategies  His usage of Give them a quick quiz
 Utilizes relevant materials was well- or ask them an
teaching planned. interactive question to
methods/strategies  He gave very make the discussion
 Uses learning aids, specific examples. more engaging.
materials, and  His instructional
technology tactics and
 Employs approaches are
cooperative/group effective.
involvement in the  He is aware of how
classroom and to accommodate his
remote learning students' differing
 Uses examples that learning
are simple, clear, preferences.
precise, and
 Stays focused on and
meet stated learning

5. Presentation of the
Lesson  He is excellent at Be adaptable when
 Establishes online keeping eye contact creating a learning-
course or classroom with his learners. friendly environment in
environment  He communicates the classroom.
conducive to in a courteous and
learning tranquil manner.
 Maintain eye contact  He is proficient in
 Uses a clear voice, the language that
strong projection, students utilize.
proper enunciation
 Has a good
command of the
 Uses language
within the level of

6. Classroom Management
 Begins and end  He is a good time
classes on time manager.
 Uses time wisely
 Attends to course
 Demonstrates  When arranging the
leadership  ability; classroom, he took Always adhere to your
maintains discipline the pupils' classroom management,
and control developmental routines, and procedures.
 Maintains effective needs into account.
classroom and e-

7. Sensitivity to Student's
 Exhibits sensitivity  He knows on how He is adept at adjusting
to students' personal to cope with to each individual
culture, gender  students personal student's culture.
differences, and culture
 Responds
appropriately in a
non-threatening, pro-
active learning

8. Support/Assistance to
Students  He regularly helps
 Assists students with his students out
academic problems  when they have Always be clear, and
 Clarifies points in academic issues. give your pupils freedom
the lessons which are  He tried his best to to express themselves in
not clear to the provide both their remarks.
students  questions and
 Allots time for remarks for his
questions/comments students.

9. Personal Competencies
 Shows self-  He kept dress Be certain when
confidence code/ professional handling your students'
 Maintains appearance. various scenarios.
professional distance
and professional  He consistently
appearance  exuded confidence.

10. Physical Aspects of the

 Overseas the
physical attributes of  Before starting his
the classroom (light, lesson, he first
ventilation, checked the
acoustics) attendance of his Visit a location that is
 Checks number of students. both safe and favorable
students in  If they have to studying.
attendance  interruptions, he
 Checks layout of worked and
room, distractions, if produce extremely
any effectively if there
 Lists any is a barrier or
observation on how distraction during
the physical aspects his conversation
of the classroom
affected content

Overall impression of teaching effectiveness

 Relationships are necessary for effective teaching. Students need to feel
comfortable and supported in order to concentrate their cognitive resources on
learning and Give them a reason to regard your course as a crucial component
of their experiences.

Having implemented several lessons in your Cooperative School under the
supervision of your Cooperating Teacher, in what areas of the lesson do you need
to improve? 
 The course contents, in my opinion. I'll make a list of all the supplies I require.
Depending on what you intend to teach, how we will teach it, and how we will
assess lesson objectives, the supplies list for each lesson will vary. As a result,
many educators pair their list of instructional resources with their lesson plan.


 The difficulties or obstacles I faced when teaching are reflected in the
solutions I used. Any strategy I use should always be one that will assist me
deliver my lectures.
 By keeping an eye on students' interests, needs, abilities, and capabilities, I
expect to succeed in addressing this issue and its problems. When students are
aware of how they learn, they are more attentive and involved in tasks.
 Using clear objectives is one of the tactics, solutions, or means I can use to
improve these circumstances or difficulties. They ought to be presented in a
way that makes the transferability of the taught abilities clear to pupils.
 Considering my responses to questions 1 through 3, "Action Research: A Tool
For Improving Teacher Quality And Classroom Practice" might be the subtitle
of my action research in this episode.

To further enrich my knowledge on delivering my instruction whether, in the

classroom or remote learning, these are some of the online resources which will help
me in these activities. (Include books, websites, YouTube videos, and the like and
share these with your peers)


1.) Which of the following characterizes a well-motivated lesson? 
A. The class is quiet. 
B. The students are participative. 
C. The teacher explains the lesson well. 
D. The students are highly engaged in the activities
 2.) In which part of the lesson does the learner give examples to connect to the
broader aspects of life? 
A. Presentation B. Discussion 
C. Application D. Evaluation 

3.) Why should teachers provide immediate feedback and reinforcement? 

A. To be liked and loved by students 
B. To motivate students to do more and learn more 
C. To get students' attention 
D. For students to get high grades 
4.) Which of the following principles of learning applies when student's age is
considered in presenting concepts and ideas in the lessons? 
A. law of readiness B. law of exercise 
C. law of effect D. law of sensitivity 

5.) Which part of the lesson is referred to when students give similarities and
differences in the concepts presented? 
A. Presentation B. Discussion 
C. Comparison and Abstraction D. Generalization


Attach pieces of evidence of your delivery of (lesson plans, pictures, screenshots,
and the like)

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