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R&C: Good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our seminar entitled: SETTING UP SUCCESS

MINDSETS OF BUSINESS STUDENTS. With the theme “awakening the entrepreneurial Spirits” and
“Money Management in Practical way”

Rachel: to formally start this program, . May I request everyone to please stand for our prayer to be led
to us by Deryl R Gozo, 1st year college from BSBA Major in Marketing Management followed by singing
the Philippine national anthem to be led to us by Our YBC Treasurer, Ms. Jessica Labayo?

Please remain standing for singing the Philippine national anthem.

Christian: A very good morning once again to everyone and welcome to our seminar entitled: SETTING
UP SUCCESS MINDSETS OF BUSINESS STUDENTS. Our event for today will surely give us a lot of learning,
this is not just a wonderful day but a day full of learnings and experiences. So please sit down, relax and
enjoy the rest of the morning.

It is my delight to be your emcee today for this informative seminar. I am Christian Dayto, 3 rd Year
College from BSBA Major in marketing Management and I am also very happy to be accompanied by YBC
President Rachel Kate De Guzman. Good morning Rachel.

Rachel: Good morning…I’m Rachel Kate De Guzman, 3 rd Year College from BS Entrep. I’m very happy to
be co emceeing today’s event with you as well and it is very nice to see every one of them in such a
good mood today. Right?

Christian: yeah, now what would make their moods even better is to give them words to feed their souls
and get themselves energized for our seminar session for today. Now without further ado. May we
call on the certified public accountant, CBE Dean, Dr. Edwin G. Gonzales to deliver to us his
opening remarks. Let’s give him a round of applause.

Rachel: Thank you sir Edwin for that wonderful remarks….let’s move on. Ladies and gentlemen
let us all welcome the selected BSBA students as they render their exciting special number.
Let’s give them a big hand.
Christian: thank you for that wonderful performance, again let’s give them a big hand. Let's now
set up our mindset, prepare our ears to listen and absorb new learnings from our 1st resource
speaker. To introduce the 1st resource speaker, may we call on Mr. Joshua Liann Escalante,
CBE Instructor. Let’s give him a big hand.
After the 1st resource speaker
Rachel: thank you Mr. July Jude R. Dioneda for that…………

Rachel: let’s move on to another intermission number, give it up for the selected BSBA
Students. Let’s give them a big hand.
Christian: what a wonderful performance. To introduce to us our 2nd resource speaker, may we
invite one of the CBE’s Instructor, Ms. Angelica Lao to come here on stage? Lets’ give her a big
After the 2nd resource speaker.
Rachel: thank you Mrs. Alyssa Mae E. Rellama for ……..

Christian: ………………..

Rachel: another Intermission number from the selected BSBA Students. Let’s give them a round
of applause.
Christian: for our last resource speaker for this morning session, may we call On Mrs. Janela
Franco, MBA, Program Chair, and CBE to introduce to us our 3rd resource speaker. Let’s give
her a big hand
After the 3rd resource speaker
Rachel: thank you Mrs. Mary Ann B Gerero for……………………..

Christian: ……… I think that’s all for our morning session. I hope you've learned a lot this morning.

With regards to our afternoon session. We will start later, at 1 p.m. that’s all happy lunch, bon appetite
Christian: God afternoon everyone, again welcome to our seminar entitled Setting up Success
Mindsets of business Students. The theme of our afternoon session is “Money Management in
Practical Way”

Rachel: Before we move on to introducing our next resource speaker, let us all relax and enjoy the
intermission number from the selected BSBA students. Let’s give them a round of applause.

Christian: thank you students, It appears that BSBA students still have plenty of talent.…… may we call
on Mrs. Marina Bettina D. Velez, MM CBE Instructor to come here on stage for the introduction to the
Resource Speaker this afternoon. Let’s give her a big hand

After the resource speaker…..

Rachel: Thank you Mrs. Paulette Gay Santiago-Menguilla for that……

Rachel: this time, to formally conclude our seminar. May we call on Mrs. Janela Franco to deliver to us
her closing remarks?

Christian: Thank you ma’am Janela… I hope you've found this seminar informative and useful. Not just as
a students but also in our everyday lives and in all aspects of our lives.

We couldn’t have done this successfully without you all the participants and our resource speakers who
spared their time sharing their thoughts and attending seminar. Without taking any more of your
time, it’s been a pleasure being with all of you today. Again this is Christian Dayto and Rachel Kate
Deguzman, masters of ceremony.. Signing off. Thank you for coming, God bless everyone and

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