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Trần Kim Sơn-22003200 Nguyễn Hùng Mạnh Linh-22000048 Hoàng Minh Trí-22012992

Name of Country
HS code Section Name of section Chapter Name of chapter Heading Name of Heading Sub-Heading Name of Sub-Heading Specific Name of Product
Specific Divisions
Edible meat and Whole and half-animal
Live animals, animal Meat of bovine buffalo Whole and half cub
02011000 01 02 by-products after 01 10 00 meat of bovine animals,
products animals, fresh or chilled meat
slaughter fresh or chilled
Edible meat and Young lamb whole and
Live animals, animal Lamb or goat, fresh, Young lamb whole and
02041000 01 02 by-products after 04 10 half-lamb, fresh or 00
products chilled or frozen half-lamb, fresh or chilled
slaughter chilled
Onions, shallots. garlic,
Edible vegetables
leeks & other alliaceous
07031011 02 Vegetable Product 07 & certain roots & 03 10 Onions or shallots 11 Onions Onions
vegetables, fresh or
Coffee, roasted or not
roasted, whether or not
Edible vegetables decaffeinated; pods
09011130 Coffee, unroasted: Not
02 Vegetable Product 09 & certain roots & 01 and coffee silks; Coffee 11 30 Robusta (SEN) cafe Robusta
tubers substitutes contain
coffee in some
Processed foods,
beverages, spirits and
vinegars, tobacco and
tobacco substitutes,
Molasses obtained
products containing or Sugar and sugar Added flavorings or
17031010 04 17 03 from extracting or 10 Molasses 10 Molasses
not containing nicotine, candies colorants
refining sugar
smoked without burning,
other nicotine products
for use to load NICOTIN
into the human body
Processed foods,
Other preparations in
beverages, spirits and
blocks, pieces or bars
vinegars, tobacco and
weighing more than 2 kg
tobacco substitutes,
Chocolate and other or in liquid, paste, fine
products containing or Cocoa and cocoa Chocolate candies in
18062010 04 18 06 food preparations 20 powder, granules or 10 Chocolate candies
not containing nicotine, products blocks, pieces or bars
containing cocoa other bulk forms, in
smoked without burning,
packages or in pre-
other nicotine products
packages, of a mass
for use to load NICOTIN
exceeding 2 kg
into the human body

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