Economy and Importance of Green Economy

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Economy and

Importance of Green
What is Green Economy?

A green economy is defined as low carbon, resource-efficient and socially inclusive

economy which aims at reducing environmental risks, managing ecological scarcities and
aims for sustainable development without harming the environment. Basically, a green
economy is driven by the desire to achieve growth in employment and income through
investment which ensures that the infrastructure and assets allow reduced carbon emission
and pollution, energy and resource efficiency is enhanced, and biodiversity is conserved.
Society and Environment
Over the years, with economic development, there has been an increase in environmental
pollution. For example, with the introduction of high input agriculture, we can grow more
food by using fertilisers, pesticides and hybrid crops. But it has led to soil and
environmental degradation. We need to plan the use of resources in a sustainable manner
so that we and our future generations can enjoy a good environment.

Problems Related to Sustainable Development

Three major problems related to sustainable development are:
(a) Food: The amount of rich, fertile land needed to grow crops, such as wheat, rice,
etc., is becoming less as we are using up more and more land for other purposes. Soil
nutrients are also getting depleted and lots of chemicals are spoiling the soil due to use
of chemical fertilisers.

(b) Water: We use fresh water from rivers and ponds for drinking and cleaning but
dump garbage into them. The rivers and ponds are getting polluted. This way after
several years, we will have no clean water for our use.

(c) Fuel: We are using a lot of wood from trees as fuels and for construction of homes
and furniture. As more and more trees are being cut, it is affecting the climate of the
place. Extreme weather conditions, such as floods, extreme cold or heat, are seen in
many places, which affect the people living there.

Our Role in Sustainable

Sustainable development can actually happen only when each one of us works towards it.
We have to become responsible environment citizens who can protect the environment
through our own efforts. Here are some basic ways in which people can help towards
Sustainable Development Goals.
We can play our role in sustainable development by :
• Clean Water and Sanitation
Quality Education
• Affordable and Clean Energy
• Decent Work and Economic Growth
• Reduced Inequalities Responsible Consumers and Producers
• Protect Life Below Water

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