Learning Competency:: Lesson Plan

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Learning Competency:

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson student will be able to:

a. identify various potential earthquake hazards;

b. recognize the natural signs of an impending tsunami and;
c. analyze the effects of the different earthquake hazards.
II. Subject Matter

Topic: Earthquake Hazards

Materials: Pencil, Paper
Value Focus: Value the importance in maintaining the refrigerator in a good condition
Process Skills: Identifying, Determining, Valuing

A.1. Prayer

A.2. Checking of Attendance

A.3. Review



A.4. Motivation

Let the student watch the video and answer the following.

“Video Realized”

1. What was the video trying to prevail?
2. What are the effects of earthquake?
3. How do earthquakes affect human life?
4. How can earthquakes affect the economy?
5. How much damage can earthquakes cause?
6. What are the preventive measures to mitigate the effect of earthquake
IV. Lesson Proper

B.1. Activity
Let the student group into 4 group and play the game “tableau”


Instruction: The students will portray a picture when the teacher says about a particular
scenario before and after an earthquake.

B.2. Analysis
The student will answer the following question.
1. What did you observe in our activity?
2. When you answer the questions, how can you identify the correct preventive measures
before, during, and after an earthquake?

B.3. Abstraction
PowerPoint presentation

1. What is an earthquake?
2. What is the other disaster triggered when theirs is an earthquake?
3. What is the indication when there is a tsunami?
4. How will you recognize when a place is vulnerable to earthquake hazards?
5. How does an earthquake affect human life?
6. What are the preventive measures for earthquake hazards?

B.4. Application
Let the student answer the activity and answer the following questions.

Directions: Fill in Table 3 by enumerating the possible earthquake hazards that can
occur and its effects on the locations or places listed in the first column. Give at
least two effects for each earthquake hazard enumerated.

1. How did you identify the earthquake hazards in each location or place?
2. Why are these places or locations prone to earthquake hazards? Explain your answer for
each location or place.
3. What are the possible impacts or effects of these earthquake hazards to your family?
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. Which factor increases the occurrence of earthquake-induced landslides?
A. Mild precipitation or rainfall.
B. Greater slope inclination of land.
C. Ground is less saturated with water.
D. Weak weathering and shearing of rocks.

2. Which increases the severity of the effects of ground shaking to buildings and
A. Construction of poorly designed buildings and infrastructures.
B. Construction of houses and buildings in a more stable ground.
C. Regular repair and maintenance of buildings and physical structures.
D. All choices
3. How does liquefaction occur?
A. If shaking occurs in the ground with unconsolidated materials that are
saturated with water.
B. The sediments in the ground have weaker strength and stiffness due to
earthquake shaking.
C. If shaking occurs in the ground with sediments that are transformed into
a liquefied state due to increase in pore-water pressure.
D. All choices
4. Which of the following phenomenon can generate tsunami?
A. Strong wind.
B. Strong typhoons.
C. Gravitational pull between earth and moon.
D. Magnitude-8 earthquakes that occur below or near the ocean floor.
5. What earthquake hazard is caused primarily by gravity?
A. landslide C. subsidence
B. liquefaction D. tsunami
6. What could be the physical impact of earthquakes?
A. Loss of sources of living.
B. Widespread loss of housing.
C. Loss of job due to displacement.
D. Depression and chronic anxiety.
7. What must be the immediate response of people upon seeing a drawback of
ocean water after an earthquake?
A. Run for high grounds.
B. Stay in low-lying coastal areas.
C. Do the drop, cover, and hold on procedure.
D. Wait for the surge of water to the coastline to confirm a tsunami.
8. What causes a tsunami?
A. Liquefaction. C. Underwater seismic activity.
B. Earth’s rotation. D. Gravitation pull of the moon.
9. What could be the impact of the “BIG ONE” caused by the movement of
West Valley Fault to Metro Manila?
A. Flooding.
B. Large-scale landslides.
C. Damages to buildings and other structures.
D. A tsunami estimated to reach five to six meters high.
10.What could be the secondary effect of the “BIG ONE” caused by the movement
of West Valley Fault to Metro Manila?
A. fire C. ground shaking
B. ground rupture D. tsunami
11. What are the effects of earthquake hazards to the national economy?
A. Economic loss C. Increase in GDP per capita.
B. Decline of economic cost. D. Continuous economic growth.
12.Why do earthquakes induce landslides?
A. Gravitational pull is intensified by earthquakes.
B. Seismic slope stability is agitated by earthquakes.
C. Earthquakes can strengthen the slope of ground materials.
D. Earthquakes can make slope and soil particles more stable.
13. What factor of earthquake-induced landslides is paired correctly to the
assessment conducted?
A. Fault location: Dip-slip or strike-slip fault.
B. Fault length: Fault line inside, near, or outside the mountain range.
C. Climatic background: Antecedent rainfall and arid-humid climate.
D. Slope: Distance of the epicenter to the surface area over which a landslide
could be triggered.
14.Which of the following key element contributes to soil liquefaction?
A. Highly cohesive soil particles.
B. Bedrock is full of groundwater.
C. Granular soils are saturated with water.
D. Compressed and compact soil particles.
15.What is the role of an earthquake in causing liquefaction?
A. Liquefied soil has high density.
B. Soil particles become loosely packed.
C. Increase of shear strength of unconsolidated soil particles.
D. Saturated and unconsolidated soil is converted into a suspension
VI. Assignment

Refer to the community map and answer the given questions on the whole sheet of paper.

“The Community in Peril”

Scenario: The community experienced a 7.2 magnitude earthquake.

Refer to the community map and answer these questions:
1. What are the physical structures that can be affected by earthquake hazards?
2. What will happen to the buildings and other physical structures?
3. Who are the most vulnerable groups of people? Explain why.
4. What are the physical effects of these earthquake hazards to people?
5. How do these earthquake hazards psychologically affect the community?
6. What are the basic services that can be disrupted by the disaster?
7. What will be the economic impact of the earthquake on this community?
8. What are the effects of these earthquake hazards to the environment?


Prepared by:


Teacher III

Observed by:

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