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AUG 25, 2020

Department of Accounting and Finance (ACFN)


Building 24
B.S. in Accounting (ACCT)
Four-year Academic Plan
Digital/Business Foundation

Freshman Year
Course Type Title LT LB Cr Course Type Title LT LB Cr
ENGL 101 GS Intro. to Academic Discourse 3 0 3 ENGL 102 GS Intro. to Report Writing 3 0 3
MATH 105 MS Finite Mathematics 3 0 3 MATH 106 MS Applied Calculus 3 0 3
ACCT 110 CR Intro. to Financial Accounting 3 0 3 ACCT 210 CR Intro. to Managerial Accounting 3 0 3
ECON 101 CR Principles of Microeconomics I 3 0 3 ECON 102 CR Principles of Microeconomics II 3 0 3
BUS 200 DF Business & Entrepreneurship 3 0 3 ICS 104 DF Intro. to Programm. In Python & C 2 3 3
IAS 111 GS Belief and Consequences 2 0 2 MIS 215 CR Principles of MIS 3 0 3
MIS 101 CR Business Computing 0 3 1
Total 17 3 18 Total 17 3 18
Sophomore Year
Course Type Title LT LB Cr Course Type Title LT LB Cr
ENGL 214 GS Academic & Professional Comm. 3 0 3 MGT 210 CR Business Communication 3 0 3
FIN 250 CR Financial Management 3 0 3 MKT 250 CR Principles of Marketing 3 0 3
STAT 211 MS Statistics for Business I 3 0 3 STAT 212 MS Statistics for Business II 3 0 3
IAS 121 GS Language Foundation 2 0 2 OM 210 CR Operations Management 3 0 3
MGT 301 CR Principles of Management 3 0 3 ISE 291 DF Intro. to Data Science 3 0 3
ACCT 300 CR Accounting Information Systems 2 2 3 ACCT 301 CR Intermediate Accounting I 3 0 3
PE 101 GS Health and Physical Educ. I 0 2 1
Total 16 4 18 Total 18 0 18
Junior Year
Course Type Title LT LB Cr Course Type Title LT LB Cr
OM 311 CR Business Analytics 3 0 3 MGT 311/313 CR Legal Environment/Int. Legal Envir. 3 0 3
COE 292 DF Intro. to Artificial Intelligence 3 0 3 MGT 355 CR Business Research Methods 3 0 3
ECON 306 CR Economy of Saudi Arabia 3 0 3 CGS 392 GS Career Essentials 0 2 1
ACCT 302 CR Intermediate ACCT II 3 0 3 IAS 212 GS Professional Ethics 2 0 2
ACCT 3/4xx(1)
ACCT Elective1 Or
ACCT 311 CR Auditing 3 0 3 Or CE 3 0 3
Concentration Elective1
XXX xxx (1)
XXX 3/4xx (1)
Business Elective1 Or
Or CE 3 0 3
Concentration Elective2
XXX xxx (2)
ACCT 410 CR Cost Accounting 3 0 3
Total 15 0 15 Total 17 2 18
Senior Year
Course Type Title LT LB Cr Course Type Title LT LB Cr
ACCT 398 CR Internship 0 0 6 MGT 449 CR Strategic Management 3 0 3
IAS 418 GS Contemporary Fin. Trans. in Islam 2 0 2
GS XXX GS GS Elective 3 0 3
ACCT 3/4xx(2)
ACCT Elective2 Or
Or CE 3 0 3
Concentration Elective3
XXX xxx (3)
XXX 3/4xx (2)
Business Elective2 Or
Or CE 3 0 3
Concentration Elective4
XXX xxx (4)
ACCT 403 CR Advanced Accounting 3 0 3

Total 0 0 6 Total 17 0 17
Total Credit Hours 128

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General Education Requirements

Course Code Course Title Credit Hrs

ENGL 101 Intro. to Academic Discourse 3

ENGL 102 Intro. to Report Writing 3

ENGL 214 Academic & Professional Comm. 3

IAS 111 Belief and its Consequences 2

IAS 121 Language Foundation 2

IAS 212 Professional Ethics 2

IAS 418 Contemporary Financial Transactions in Islam 2

CGS 392 Career Essentials 1

GS XXX GS Elective 3

PE 101 Health and Physical Education I 1

Sub-total 22

Total 22

Digital Foundation Requirements

ICS 104 Python and C Programming 3

ISE 291 Data Science 3

COE 292 Introduction to AI 3

Sub-total 9

Total 31

Business Foundation Requirement

BUS 200 Business & Entrepreneurship 3

Sub-total 3

Total 34

College Core Requirements

MATH 105 Finite Mathematics 3

MATH 106 Applied Calculus 3

ACCT 110 Intro. to Financial Accounting 3

ACCT 210 Intro. to Managerial Accounting 3

ECON 101 Principles of Microeconomics 3

ECON 102 Principles of Macroeconomics 3

ECON 306 Economy of Saudi Arabia 3

MIS 101 Business Computing 1

MIS 215 Principles of MIS 3

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FIN 250 Financial Management 3

MGT 210 Business Communication 3

MGT 301 Principles of Management 3

MGT 311 or 313 Legal Environment or International Legal Environment 3

MGT 355 Business Research Methods 3

MGT 449 Strategic Management 3

MKT 250 Principles of Marketing 3

OM 210 Operations Management 3

OM 311 Business Analytics 3

STAT 211 Statistics for Business I 3

STAT 212 Statistics for Business II 3

XXX 3/4xx Or XXX xxx Business Elective 1 Or Concentration Elective 2 3

XXX 3/4xx Or XXX xxx Business Elective 2 Or Concentration Elective 4 3

Sub-total 64

Total 98

Major Requirements


ACCT 300 Accounting Information Systems 3

ACCT 301 Intermediate Accounting I 3

ACCT 302 Intermediate Accounting II 3

ACCT 311 Auditing 3

ACCT 398 Internship 6

ACCT 403 Advanced Accounting 3

ACCT 410 Cost Accounting 3

ACCT 3/4xx(1) ACCT Elective 1 3

ACCT 3/4xx(2) ACCT Elective 2 3

Sub-total 30

Total (Excluding Prep Year) 128

There are 2 business electives

• Students taking the traditional degree plan must take all major-electives and the 2 business electives

• Students taking an approved concentration degree plan which consists of 4 courses:

i. Must replace first the 2 business electives and then replace the other 2 major-specific electives with the 4 approved concentration electives.

ii. MUST complete ALL the 4-concentration elective courses. If not, then students will revert back to the traditional degree plan.

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Either: 1) Elective Requirements Under Traditional Degree Plan


ACCT 3/4xx Accounting Elective1 3

ACCT 3/4xx Accounting Elective2 3

XXX 3/4xx Business Elective1 3

XXX 3/4xx Business Elective2 3

Sub-total 12

Or 2) Elective Requirements Under an Approved Concentration Degree Plan


XXX xxx Concentration Elective1 (based on an approved concentration) 3

XXX xxx Concentration Elective2 (based on an approved concentration) 3

XXX xxx Concentration Elective3 (based on an approved concentration) 3

XXX xxx Concentration Elective4 (based on an approved concentration) 3

Sub-total 12

Business Law Core requirement Pool (Select one)

MGT 311 Legal Environment 3

MGT 313 International Legal Environment 3

General Studies Electives Pool (GS xxx)

GS 318 World Civilizations 3

GS 321 Principles of Human Behavior 3

GS 336 Work & Society 3

GS 342 International Relations 3

GS 355 Cultural Anthropology 3

GS 420 Personality Psychology 3

GS 424 Business Psychology 3

GS 434 Mass Media & Society 3

GS 447 Globalization 3

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Accounting Electives Pool

ACCT 305 Accounting for Governmental and Non-Profit Entities 3

ACCT 307 Islamic Financial Jurisprudence 3

ACCT 314 Computer Control and Audit 3

ACCT 406 Internal Auditing 3

ACCT 407 Financial Statements Analysis 3

ACCT 408 Zakat and Business Tax Accounting 3

ACCT 409 International Business Taxation 3

ACCT 411 Cost Management and Management Control 3

ACCT 421 Oil & Gas Accounting 3

ACCT 495 Special Topics in Accounting 3

Business Electives Pool (Except the required 300/400-level courses)

ECON 3xx/4xx All 300/400-level Economics courses 3

ENTR 3xx/4xx All 300/400-level Entrepreneurship courses 3

FIN 3xx/4xx All 300/400-level Finance courses 3

HRM 3xx/4xx All 300/400-level Human Resource Management courses 3

MIS 3xx/4xx All 300/400-level MIS courses 3

MGT 3xx/4xx All 300/400-level Management courses 3

OM 3xx/4xx All 300/400-level Operations Management courses 3

MKT 3xx/4xx All 300/400-level Marketing courses 3

List of courses to be included in Major GPA Calculation:

ACCT 110 Introduction to Financial Accounting 3

ACCT 210 Introduction to Managerial Accounting 3

FIN 250 Financial Management 3

MGT 449 Strategic Management 3

ACCT 300 Accounting Information Systems 3

ACCT 301 Intermediate Accounting I 3

ACCT 302 Intermediate Accounting II 3

ACCT 311 Auditing 3

ACCT 398 Internship 6

ACCT 403 Advanced Accounting 3

ACCT 410 Cost Accounting 3

ACCT xxx Accounting Elective 1 3

ACCT xxx Accounting Elective 2 3

Total Credit Hours Included in the Major GPA Calculation 42

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ACCT 110 Introduction to Financial Accounting (3-0-3)

Provides an introduction to financial accounting, with emphasis on the content, interpretation, and uses of accounting reports according to the
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Develops students’ skills underlying the preparation and analysis of financial statements of
a business enterprise. Discusses accounting principles as they relate to the recognition of revenues and expenses, and the valuation of assets and
liabilities. Ethics in accounting is incorporated in the presentation of financial statements.

Prerequisite: None.

ACCT 210 Introduction to Managerial Accounting (3-0-3)

Continuation of ACCT 110 with a focus on uses of accounting information for managerial decision making to aid planning and control activities
of managers in business enterprises. Topics include methods for determining the costs of products and services, cost behavior analysis, assessing
product and project profitability, cost-volume-profit analysis, budgeting, cost control using standard costing and variance analysis.
Prerequisites: (ACCT 110 and BUS 200 for KBS) or (ACCT 110 for non-KBS)

ACCT 300 Accounting Information Systems (2-2-3)

Provides a broad perspective on concepts and applications of Accounting Information Systems (AIS) which record, control, report transactions,
and enhance decision making in organizations. Highlights the concepts and applications related to internal control in manual and computerized
accounting systems. Introduces the understanding of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software as it applies to modern AIS at an enterprise
level. Topics include: Transaction processing and ERP, databases, control and AIS (COSO, COBIT, and ERM frameworks), systems reliability,
auditing computer-based AIS, and control applications in Accounting cycles. Provides hands-on experience with Database Management Systems
(DBMS), Spreadsheet programs, Systems documentation tools and ERP software. Cases, class discussion, field trips and group projects
emphasize independent thinking, group processes, and communication.
Prerequisite: ACCT 210

ACCT 301 Intermediate Accounting I (3-0-3)

Emphasizes objectives of financial statements, and their preparation. In-depth study of accounting principles with concentration on the valuation
techniques and procedures underlying the financial statements. Features several conceptual and theoretical issues that face the accounting
profession. Accounting for current assets and current liabilities. Accounting for acquisition and disposition of plant assets including depreciation
and depletion. Accounting for intangible assets. Study of ethics in accounting. The course also refers to International Accounting Standards
(IFRS) and standards issued by the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants (SOCPA).
Prerequisites: ACCT 210

ACCT 302 Intermediate Accounting II (3-0-3)

Engages students in the study of stockholders' equity including issuance and reacquisition of capital stock, dividends and retained earnings.
Topics of coverage also include accounting for short-term and long-term investments in securities, revenue recognition and long-term contracts,
study of cash flows, capital leases, and interpretation and analysis of financial statements. Involves use of cases and study of ethics in accounting.
And computer applications in financial accounting. The course also refers to International Accounting Standards (IFRS) and standards issued
by the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants (SOCPA).
Prerequisite: ACCT301

ACCT 305 Accounting for Governmental and Non-Profit Entities (3-0-3)

Examines accounting concepts and techniques for governmental operations including fund accounting. Topics of coverage also includes
financial reporting and disclosure problems of governmental and non-profit organizations, and budgetary control procedures for governmental
and non-profit entities such as universities, hospitals, and charities.
Prerequisite: ACCT 210

ACCT 307 Islamic Financial Jurisprudence (3-0-3)

Teaches fundamentals of commercial law, the Islamic principles of property rights, contracts, capital, types of ownership, sale contracts,
commercial papers and bankruptcy. Secured transactions, and concepts of agency, estate, and trust under Islamic Sharia Law are also included
in the course coverage.
Prerequisite: None

ACCT 311 Auditing (3-0-3)

Discusses generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS) and procedures used by the external auditor. Topics include professional ethics,
professional responsibility, and legal liability of the external auditor. Audit concepts such as auditor's independence, fair presentation, and due
professional care are emphasized. Internal control evaluation and design of audit programs; collection of audit evidence including statistical
sampling and analytical review; evaluation of audit evidence; arriving at audit opinions. Development of working papers and audit reports.
Assurance services. Uses of the computer as an audit tool. Utilization of generalized audit software packages. Information Technology and the
audit process. The course will also refer to International Auditing Standards (IAS) and standards issued by the Saudi Organization for Certified
Public Accountants (SOCPA).
Prerequisites: ACCT 300
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ACCT 314 Computer Control and Audit (3-0-3)
Focuses on auditing of computer-based information systems. Topics include audit environment and information systems controls, theory of
internal control and the application of audit procedures in a computerized environment, and techniques for evaluating applications, data integrity,
general operations, security, systems software and maintenance. Provides hands-on use of Computer Assisted Tools & Techniques (CATT)
software application.
Prerequisites: ACCT 300

ACCT 398 Internship (0-0-6)

The Accounting Internship provides the student with the opportunity to gain valuable practical business experience and insights in an
organizational environment for a continuous period of 16 weeks to explore career interests while applying knowledge, competency, and skills
learned in the classroom. The internship performance and responsibilities are evaluated by a faculty Internship advisor and a work-site supervisor
through student’s submission of progress reports, employer’s feedback, final report, and presentation.
Prerequisites: ENGL 214, at least 85 credit hours.

ACCT 403 Advanced Accounting (3-0-3)

Examines some of the more complex albeit common contemporary financial accounting and reporting issues as part of a post-intermediate
financial accounting course. The primary topics include accounting for business combinations, investments in common stocks, consolidated
financial statements, joint ventures, foreign currency transactions, accounting for derivatives, financial instruments, and share-based payments.
The course also alludes to international accounting standards (IFRS) and standards issued by the Saudi Organization for Certified Public
Accountants (SOCPA). The subject is designed to provide students, who are majoring in accountancy, with professional, theoretical and practical
knowledge that is needed by accountants in understanding and discharging their responsibilities as professional accountants. This includes the
legal, professional and ethical requirements.
Prerequisites: ACCT 302

ACCT 406 Internal Auditing (3-0-3)

Focuses on development and evolution of the internal auditing profession; scope and objectives of internal auditing; standards of professional
practice; control concepts; techniques of internal auditing; internal auditing and internal control. Topics of coverage also include the internal
audit process; developing and executing the audit plan; reporting and communication of internal audit findings; managing internal audit
departments and quality assurance; internal auditor's independence; relationships between internal and external auditors and audit committees;
ethics in internal auditing; distinguishing the types of audits, including financial, operational, efficiency, and management audits; risk-based
versus compliance audits; and the impact of automation and digitalization in internal auditing.
Prerequisites: ACCT 210

ACCT 407 Financial Statement Analysis (3-0-3)

Develops basic skills required for a structured analysis of financial statements; forecasting of income and cash flows; pro-forma financial
statements; firm valuation using discounted cash flows and discounted residual income methods; comparative valuation analysis, and credit
analysis. The course also covers the study of the potential effects of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) financial statement
analysis, valuation techniques and outcomes, and Concepts of earnings quality and management of earnings.
Prerequisites: ACCT 210

ACCT 408 Zakat and Business Tax Accounting (3-0-3)

Provides a study of the fundamentals, rules, and objectives of taxation under Saudi Arabian tax and zakat regulations. Equips students with the
skills necessary to compute and assess income tax and zakat base for business entities. In addition, students become familiar with the business
income tax and zakat rates, and the General Authority of Zakat and Tax (GAZT) functions.
Prerequisite: ACCT 210

ACCT 409 International Business Taxation (3-0-3)

Introduces students to international taxation. Topics of coverage include tax principles and rationale for taxation; corporate income tax; direct
and indirect income tax; Value Added Tax (VAT); corporate income tax and zakat in KSA; international taxation. Legal & ethical issues will
be considered.
Prerequisite: ACCT 210

ACCT 410 Cost Accounting (3-0-3)

Emphasizes contemporary topics in strategic cost management through an understanding of the underlying concepts and fundamental techniques
involved in cost accounting for manufacturing and service companies. Stresses on how cost management systems, with their performance
evaluation and reward systems, encourage efforts to achieve an organization’s strategic goals. Topics include activity-based costing; decision
making; pricing and profitability analysis; the balanced scorecard and performance management, joint and common cost allocation; cost of
quality and continuous improvement; responsibility accounting, performance measurement and reward systems; transfer pricing and capital
investment decisions.

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Prerequisites: ACCT 210

ACCT 411 Cost Management & Management Control (3-0-3)

Examines advanced and contemporary issues in cost management and management control with emphasis on industrial and business practices.
Topics of coverage includes behavioral and organizational foundations of managerial accounting; strategic cost management; operational
efficiency and business process performance; planning, budgeting and forecasting; performance management; responsibility centers and
performance measures; decision analysis and risk management; quality and environmental cost management; and cost and management
accounting practices. Uses case studies with ethical considerations for managerial accounting.
Prerequisite: ACCT 410

ACCT 421 Oil & Gas Accounting (3-0-3)

Familiarize students with accounting practices in the Oil & Gas industry. Provide an overview of the industry with a detailed focus on certain
aspects of the Successful Efforts and the Full Cost Methods of accounting. Petroleum accounting issues specific to the industry are also
discussed. Topics covered include oil and gas reserves, the standardized measure, supplemental disclosures, and depreciation, depletion, and
amortization of exploration and development costs. Financial statement presentation issues are analyzed to gain an appreciation for the unique
impact of IFRS in the petroleum industry.

Prerequisite: ACCT 302

ACCT 495 Special topics in Accounting (3-0-3)

Topics and issues to be advised, covering contemporary developments in financial and managerial accounting, such as corporate financial
reporting, strategic management accounting, management control systems and regulation of financial reporting.

Prerequisite: ACCT 210

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Course Equivalency and Course Substitution

1.1 Course Equivalency

Old/Existing Program Approved Program Notes

Course Code Course Code

Course Title Course Title

MATH 131 Finite Mathematics MATH 105 Finite Mathematics 181 onward
MATH 132 Applied Calculus MATH 106 Applied Calculus 181 onward
ECON 206 Economy of Saudi Arabia ECON 306 Economy of Saudi Arabia 181 onward
MGT 311 Legal Environment (Arabic) MGT 313 International Legal Environment 181 onward
STAT 211 Statistics for Business I OM 201 Statistic Methods for Mgt I 182 onward
STAT 212 Statistics for Business II OM 202 Statistic Methods for Mgt II 182 onward
FIN 310 Intermediate Financial Management FIN 315 Corporate Finance 181 onward
ACCT 420 Petroleum Accounting ACCT 421 Oil & Gas Accounting 181 onward

1.2 Course Substitution

Old/Existing Program Approved Program Notes

Course Code Course Title Course Code Course Title According to the
approved mass petition
MATH 101 Calculus I MATH 106 1441/3052/9 | Mass
Applied Calculus
Petition for Students
joining KBS (new or
OM 310 Quantitative Methods for OM 311 Business Analytics transferred)
MGT 412 Entrepreneurship and Small Business ENTR 416 Entrepreneurship and New
Management Venture Creation
MKT 480 Internet Marketing MKT 485 Digital Marketing
MIS 405 IS Project Management (2-2-3) MIS 405 IS Project Management (3-0-3)
ENTR 416 Entrepreneurship and New Venture XXX xxx Any Business Elective
ACCT 408 Zakat and Business Tax Accounting ACCT xxx ACCT elective Required only for ACCT
OM 320 Introduction to Supply Chain MGT xxx MGT elective OM 320 Required
Management only on MGT students
ICS 102 Introduction to Computing ICS 104 Introduction to Programming in For only those who took
Python and C ICS 102 in 192
MIS 101 Business Computing (2cr) MIS 101 Business Computing (1cr) Since we will start from
192, highly unlikely to
find students in the old
program that did not
finish MIS 101. However,
if there are, then students
need to make up that 1cr
by taking PE or any GS

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