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1 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA ‘THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT AT ANCHORAGE WAYNE ESKI, as Personal Representative ) of the Estate of Petr Kellner, deceased, on) 5 || bchalf of statutory beneficiaries RENATA ) KELLNEROVA, PETR KELLNER, ) 6|| ANNA KELLNEROVA, LARA ) 7 || KELLNEROVA, and MARIE ISABELLA ) KELLNEROVA, ) 8 ) Plaintiff, ) i ) tol ) Case No. 3AN-23- 05334 CI 11 | SOLOY HELICOPTERS, LLC, } TRIUMVIRATE LLC d/b/a 4 12) TORDRILLO MOUNTAIN LODGE, 13| and THIRD EDGE ALASKA, LLC, 5 4 Defendants. ; 15 : COMPLAINT 16 a Plaintiff Wayne Eski, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Petr Kellner, 18] by and through his attorneys, for his complaint against Defendants Soloy Helicopters, 19 | LLC, Triumvirate LLC d/b/a Tordrillo Mountain Lodge, and Third Edge Alaska, LLC, 20 claims and alleges as follows: 21 os PARTIES 2B 1, Plaintiff Wayne Eski was appointed Personal Representative of the Estate 24 of Petr Kellner (“Estate”) by the Alaska Probate Court in Case No. 3AN-23-00669PR,, for the purpose of representing the Estate in this action. Mr. Eski is a resident of Anchorage and has the authority to act on behalf of the Estate, Mr. Keliner’s heirs, and 'SCHWADE, WILLIAMSON & WYATT, PC “20 Stee, Suite 400, || poxusosznaresssipascasastess3 ‘Anchorage, AK 99801 Telephone: (907) 339-7125, on behalf of the wrongful death beneficiaries, including Mr. Kellner’s wife and surviving children, pursuant to AS 13.16.410(22), AS 09.55.570, and AS 09.55.580. 2. Defendant Soloy Helicopters, LLC (“Soloy”) is an Alaska limited liability company doing business within the Third Judicial District. Soloy is and was a 14 CPR. Part 135 commercial charter operator and registered air carrier. 3. Defendant Triumvirate LLC, is an Alaska limited liability company doing business within the Third Judicial Distriet as Tordrillo Mountain Lodge (“TML”). ‘TML is a resort and lodge that, among other things, charters heli-skiing trips for its customers in Alaska. 4. Defendant Third Edge Alaska, LLC (“Third Edge”) was an Alaska limited liability company doing business within the Third Judicial District as a provider of heli-skiing guide and other operational services. Third Edge was administratively dissolved on March 15, 2022. It remains liable for the conduct alleged in this Complaint because it failed to follow the procedures for discharging claims set forth in AS 10.50.430 and AS 10.50.440. JURISDICTION AND VENUE 5. The Court has subject matter jurisdiction under AS 22.10.020. 6. The Court has personal jurisdiction over all parties under AS 09.05.015. 7. Venue is proper under AS 22.10.030 and Alaska Civil Rule 3(¢)(2), COMPLAINT SCHWABE, WILLIAMSON & WYATT, PC ESKI, AS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE V. SOLOY HELICOPTERS, LLC, £7 AL. 4201 Stree, Suite 400, Anchorage, AK 98501 Case NO. 3AN-23- __CI~PaGe20F 11 “leno 007) 339-7195 25 26 GENERAL ALLEGATIONS 8. Petr Kellner died from injuries he sustained as a passenger on an Airbus AS350-B3 helicopter, Registration No. N3S1SH (the “Helicopter”), that crashed approximately 21 miles southeast of Palmer, Alaska, during a heli-skiing trip on March 27, 2021 (the “Accident” or “Accident Flight”). Mr, Kellner was a citizen and resident of the Czech Republic. He is survived by his wife Renata Kellnerové, and his children Petr Kellner, Anna Kellnerové, Lara Kellnerova, and Marie Isabella Kellnerova, 9. Soloy, TML, and Third Edge (the “Operators”) acted in concert to provide Mr. Kellner transport, lodging, guide, and other operational services before, during, and after the heli-skiing trip. 10. The Accident Flight began at approximately 14:40 when the Helicopter departed Wasilla Airport to pick up Mr. Kellner and the other passengers at a residence on Wasilla Lake, Soloy employee Zachary Russell piloted the Helicopter. 11. The Helicopter departed the residence with Mr. Kellner and the other passengers at approximately 15:43 and arrived at the heli-skiing area at approximately 16:02. 12, Mr. Kellner and the other passengers skied between approximately 16:12 and 18:07 with the Helicopter flying multiple legs during that period. 13. The Helicopter departed for another leg at approximately 18:27. 14, Atapproximately 18:33, the Helicopter was flying over a ridgeline at an altitude of 6,266 feet and a groundspeed of one knot, ‘COMPLAINT. SSCHWABE, WILLIAMSON & WYATT, PC ESk1, AS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE V. SOLOY HELICOPTERS, LLC, ET AL. eee ean CASENO. 3AN-23-_____ CI PAGE 3 0F 11 “Telephone: (007) 339-7125 15. The Accident occurred at appro: mately 18:35, when the Helicopter was. attempting to maneuver over the ridgeline, The Helicopter’s GPS data ceased at approximately 18:36 near the final resting point of the Helicopter’s wreckage. 16. Mr. Kellner suffered serious injuries but survived the initial impact and was alive and conscious after the Accident. 17. The Operators should have known about the Accident immediately after it happened, but they had failed to monitor the location and status of the Helicopter. They failed to maintain constant contact with the pilot and guide; failed to maintain line-of-sight with the Helicopter; and failed to establish and/or execute pre-flight plans and procedures, including but not limited to the use of pre-planned check-in times, routes, ski runs, and landing zones. Taking these precautions should have promptly alerted the Operators of the need for an emergency response and location of their passengers. 18. Upon information and belief, an emergency location transmitter (“ELT”) installed in the Helicopter did not activate upon impact. ELTs are designed to send a distress signal to rescue authorities and others upon an aireraft’s impact following a crash. Upon information and belief, the ELT failed to activate because the Operators failed to ensure that the device was properly installed, operated, and maintained. 19. If the Operators had been monitoring the location and status of the Helicopter, or if they had properly installed, operated, and maintained the ELT, they would have known about the Accident immediately after it happened and could have CompLatnt SCHWABE, WILLIAMSON & WYATT, PC fsx, a PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE. SOLOY HELICOPTERS. LLC, E- ‘201 Sie, ut CASENO.SAN2}-_—Cl=Pact-40r 11 es 10 12 1B 4 Is 16 7 18 19 20 a 25 26 initiated a prompt emergency response. Upor formation and belief. the Operators had helicopters at their disposal that could have been dispatched to the Accident site within minutes to locate and render emergency aid and transport to their passengers, including Mr. Kellner, for life-saving medical care. 20. The Operators failed to promptly notify search and rescue authorities and failed to init ie a prompt emergency response of their own. Nearly three hours after the Accident, a helicopter (upon information and belief, owned by Third Edge) located the wreckage after finally being dispatched to investigate the Helicopter’ last known coordinates. The helicopter that located the wreckage did not render 21, Due to the Operators’ failures to monitor the location and status of the Helicopter, failure to properly install, operate, and maintain the ELT, failure to initiate a prompt emergency response, and failure to promptly notify authorities, search and rescue personnel did not reach the Accident site until several hours after they otherwise would have. By the time they located Mr. Kellner’s body, he had succumbed to what were survivable injuries. 22. Prior to succumbing to the injuries caused by the Accident’s initial impact, Mr. Kellner suffered further and additional injuries, including but not limited to pain, suffering, and anticipation of death, 23. Upon information and belief, Mr. Kellner would have survived if the Operators had been monitoring the location and status of the Helicopter, initiated a prompt emergency response, and/or promptly notified search and rescue author ComPLAINT SCHWABE, WILLIAMSON & WYATT, PC SKI, AS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE V. SOLOY HELICOPTERS, LLC. ETAL ‘io Sie She fe Case NO.3AN-23-____CI~Page Sor 11 Telephone: (907) 330-7125, about the Accident, all of which would have allowed emergency responders to arrive at the Accident site rt Mr. Kellner’s death and with sufficient time to administer aid and transport him to a hospital for life-saving medical care. 24, Upon information and belief, Mr. Kellner would have survived if the Operators had properly installed, operated, and maintained the ELT, because a functioning ELT would have promptly alerted the Operators and search and rescue authorities about the need for emergency aid, and would have allowed emergency responders to artive at the Accident site prior to Mr. Kellner’s death and with sufficient time to administer aid and transport him to a hospital for life-saving medical care, COUNT (Negligence) 25. Mr. Eski re-alleges and incorporates by reference the allegations above. 26. The Operators owed passengers aboard the Helicopter, including Mr, Kellner, a duty of care to, among other things: (a) ensure safe and reasonable operation of the Helicopter; (b) monitor the location and status of the Helicopter during the Accident Flight; (c) ensure proper installation, operation, and maintenance of the ELT; and (d) to promptly be aware of, report, and respond to emergencies. 27. The Operators and/or their agents and employees were negligent and reckless. They breached their duty of care to Mr. Kellner by, among other things (a) operating the Helicopter in a careless, negligent, and reckless manner; (b) failing to properly and safely operate the Helicopter to ensure a safe descent and landing; COMPLAINT 'SCHWABE, WILLIAMSON & WYATT. B.C ESki, AS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE V. SOLOY HELICOPTERS, LLC, ET AL 20 Suet, Suite 400 Plea CASE NO, 3AN23- C1-PAGEGOF 11 spate An (©) failing to have in place procedures and/or failing to follow their procedures for monitoring and locating the Helicopter, including Pursuant to Federal Aviation Regulations, agreements by and among the Operators, and/or industry customs and standards; (@) failing to have in place pre-flight plans and/or failing to follow pre- flight plans regarding check-ins, and the specific routes, ski runs, and landing zones to be utilized; (©) failing to have in place pre-flight plans and emergency procedures and/or failing to follow pre-flight plans and emergency procedures to ensure an immediate alert of a need for emergency response; (f) failing to provide appropriate emergency response, including but not limited to failing to promptly notify search and rescue authorities and failing to render prompt emergency medical aid and/or transport: (g) failing to maintain continuous contact with the Helicopter during flight; (h) failing to have in place procedures and/or failing to follow their procedures for responding to the loss of communication with the (failing to ensure the proper installation, operation, and maintenance of the Helicopter’s ELT. 28. Asa direct, proximate, and concurrent result of the Operators’ negligent and reckless conduct, and the conduct of agents and employees for whom the Operators are vicariously liable, Mr. Kellner, his surviving spouse Renata Kellnerova, and his surviving children Petr Kellner, Anna Kellnerova, Lara Kellnerova, and Marie Isabella Kellnerova, sustained injuries and damages including but not limited to: (a) the wrongful death of Petr Kellner (AS 09.55.580); Cometamnt SCHWABE, WILLIAMSON & WYATT, PC Sk), AS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE V: SOLOY HELICOPTERS, LLC, ETAL #20 Stee, Suite 400 Anchorage, AK 99501 CASE NO. 3AN-23. CL—PAGE7 OF 11 Telephone: (907) 339-7125 (b) Mr. Kellner’s pain, suffering, and anticipation of death (AS 09.55.570); (©) Mr. Keliner’s loss of chance to survive the injuries he sustained in the Accident; (d) Grief and anguish resulting from the untimely death of Mr. Kellner, husband and father, past and future; (e) Loss of financial support from wages, fringe benefits, and other pecuniary benefits that would have resulted from the continued life of Mr. Kellner, past and future; (0) Loss of assistance and services, both personal and economic, past and future; (g) Loss of love, consortium, companionship, society, training, education, and guidance, past and future; (h) Expenses for medical and psychological care resulting from the death of Mr. Kellner, past and future; (i) Funeral and burial expenses; (Loss of inheritance; and (kK) All other damages that are fair and just under AS 09.55.580. 29. The Operators are liable to Plaintiff for damages exceeding $100,000, the exact amount of which will be proven at trial. COUNT II (Negligence Per Se) 30. Mr. Eski re-alleges and incorporates by reference the allegations above. 31. The Operators had a duty to operate the Helicopter and provide a safe helicopter flight in compliance with all Federal Aviation Regulations. CompLamr SCHWABE. WILLIAMSON & WYATT, PC. {SS PERSONAL REPRESENTATHE . SOLOY HELICOPTERS LLC ETAL ‘201 sie, Sic 0 CASENO.3AN-23-_____CI- PAGE OF I] Telephone (07) 330-7128 32. The Operators failed to meet these ol ions, and the breach of th duties led to the Accident and ultimately to Mr. Kellner’s death. 33. The Operators committed multiple regulatory violations of 14 CFR Parts, 91 and 135. These violations include, but are not limited to: the violation of 14 CFR Part 91.3 (pilot-in-command responsibility for aircraft operation); Part 91.13 (operating an aircraft in a careless or reckless manner so as to endanger the life of another); Part 135.79 (flight locating); and Part 135.207 (helicopter flight without visual surface reference). 34. The Operators’ regulatory violations were negligent per se because the Federal Aviation Regulations set out specific and definite conduct and standards of care, their passengers were in the class of people to be protected by these regulations, and the injuries sustained by Mr. Kellner were caused by the harm against which these regulations were designed to protect. 35. The Operators’ regulatory violations were a direct and proximate cause of the injuries and damages set forth in Paragraph 28 above. 36. The Operators are liable to Plaintiff for damages exceeding $100,000, the exact amount of which will be proven at trial. COUNT IIL (Punitive Damages for Reeklessness — AS 09.17.020) 37. Mr. Eski re-alleges and incorporates by reference the allegations above. 38. The foregoing conduct by the Operators evidences a conscious disregard for and reckless indifference to the safety of their passengers, including Mr. Kellner. Compan 'SCHWABE, WILLIAMSON & WYATT. B.C Esk, 45 PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE. SOLOY HELICOPTERS, LLC, E At asi Sate 400 ‘nha, AK 99801 Cast No, 3AN-23 C1-Pace90F 11 “ekephone 7) 5897125 30. Upon information and belief, the Operators’ conduct was motivated by financial gain and the adverse consequences of their conduet were actually known by them and/or the persons responsible for making policy decisions on their behalf. 40. Soloy, TML, and Third Edge are each liable for an award of punitive damages in an amount to be proven at trial PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFOR Plaintiff Wayne Eski prays for relief against Defendants Soloy, ‘TML, and Third Edge as follows: 1. For an award of damages in an amount to be proven at trial; 2. For an award of punitive damages in accordance with AS 09.17.020; 8 For an award of interest, attorneys’ fees and costs; and 4, For such other and further relief as the Court deems fair and just under the circumstances. DATED at Anchorage, Alaska, this 24th day of March, 2023. SCHWABE, WILLIAMSON & WYATT, P.C. ‘Attomeys for Plaintiff Alaska Bar No. 9911072 [email protected] By: ‘A. Scully Alaska Bar No. 1405043 [email protected] couple? SCIWABE, WILLIAMSON & WYATT. Pc fim: Paes Bersesmncarene. Soeor Hiaucorres BUCA as ‘201 ie Soe 0 CASENO.3AN23-_—-CI-PaGE 100F 11 3 AK 988 Telephone: (907) 339-7125 u 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 2 2 24 25 26 WHITE & CASE, LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff By:__/s/Michael Kendall Michael Kendall* By:__//Kevin M. Bolan Kevin M, Bolan* kevin. [email protected] By:__/y/Daniel Medici Daniel Medici* Dan.medici@whitecase. White & Case, LLP 75 State Street Boston, MA 02109-1814 Telephone: 617-979-9300 “denotes counsel who will seek pro hac vice admission | cerify that tis is a true and correct ‘copy ofthe orginal on fie in my offce. ATTESH: Clogs ol op Trial Courts By: Dopuly Date: CoMpLaiT 'SCHWABE, WILLIAMSON & WYATT, PC ESkI, AS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE ¥, SOLOY HELICOPTERS, LLC, ETAL. Nee ees or Case No. 3AN-23-_____CI~PAGE IL OF 11 Tea ales

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