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4/9/23, 9:26 PM The cabal of several notorious priests and Jesuits discovered, as, William Ireland, Tho.

d, Tho. White ... William Harcourt ... John Fen…

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The cabal of several notorious priests and Jesuits discovered, as, William Ireland, Tho. White ... William
Harcourt ... John Fenwick ... John Gaven ... and Anthony Turner, &c. : shewing their endeavors to
subvert the government, and Protestant religion ...
Lover of his King and countrey.
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THE CABAL OF Several Notorious Priests and Jesuits discovered, &c.

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CHAP. II. Treasonable Crimes perpetrated by the Jesuits in France.

IT is one of the Highest degrees of Ingratitude, to hate him whom by Na∣ture

we are obliged to Love, and to rejoyce at his loss whilest we live un∣der his
Protection and by his favourable deeds. Lewis the 13th. K. of France, during
his Reign, (notwithstanding the Murthering his Father K. Henry the 4th.) did
continually heap benefits upon the Jesuits, and daily obliged them. The money
he gave them to buy and build that famous Edifice in Paris, which both in
bigness, beauty and riches, far exceeds the Palace Royal in Paris, and the
Annual revenues of 1000 l. sterl. that he hath assigned them out of the Crown-
land, in a poor and peeled Countrey, do amount to above a Million of Money;
that that Monarch hath largly bestowed upon them in several parts of France,
but all these his Princely guifts to them, (which might tame Tygars and change
the Heart of the most malicious and inveterate Enemy) could not in the least
root out of their mind that inveterate ill will which they had con∣ceived against
the blood and posterity of H. 4th. Lewis's Father.

The Sentence of the Parliament of Paris given against them, and John
Chastell, for their attempt upon the life of this Monarch, the Execution of John
Guignard of their Society, who for this crime was hanged, the Pyramid at
Pa∣ris, and their Exile out of that Kingdom are still fresh and alive in their
me∣mory, with such Rancour and bitterness of Spirit, that all the prosperity of
that Kingdom is to them a greif and vexation of mind, and its adversity is their

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Some of their gross and Criminal Actions shall be toucht to shew their Mor∣tal
hatred to these Nations.

Whil'st the Spaniard had the best in his War against France, in the Frontiers of
Picardy, under the Command of John the Verth, and had taken the City of
Corbey: the College of the Jesuits in Bourdeaux, (where our Author then was)
did so exceedingly rejoyce at it, that ten of them having secretly conveyed into
their Chamber, brooms, and some Faggots upon the Vault of the Steeple of the
Church, they made there a Bonfire with them, and sung the Te Deum, with the
Emperor, and King of Spain's victories, composed by them in verses, the noise
hereof being perfectly heard in the College, the Rector, who knew the deed,;view=fulltext 1/2
4/9/23, 9:26 PM The cabal of several notorious priests and Jesuits discovered, as, William Ireland, Tho. White ... William Harcourt ... John Fen…

dissembled it, and the Provincial who had notice of it, intreated the par∣ty who
informed him, not to divulge it.

Let us then consider what they have not Plotted, and what do they not daily
Plot against all Protestant Princes and Kingdoms, and especially against
Eng∣land, where by the Edict of Queen Eliz. and several Acts of Parliament,
they have been banished as not fit nor worthy to live in a Common-wealth, and
which by the Grace of God hath utterly cast off the Tyrannical yoke of Popish

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