Week 1 - Module 1 - Introduction To Information and Communication Technology

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WEEK 1 – Module 1 _ Introduction to Information and Communication

What is ICT?
During last decade of twentieth century there was extraordinary
development in information and communication technology (ICT) which led
to a transmutation of processes and practices in almost all aspects of
human activities. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are
the technologies used in the conveying, manipulation and storage of data
by electronic means.
Nature, Characteristics and Merits of Information and communication
technology ( ICT )
• Information received through ICT is believable and exact.
• Information and Communication Technology can update and resend
information quickly whenever there is any change or addition.
• Implementation of actions becomes very fast when information is passed
via Information and Communication Technology.
• Telephonic communication, video-audio conferencing is oral and in real
time so immediate decision-making is possible.
• Communication between a sender and receiver becomes very easy in any
part of the world.
• Digital messages can be stored and used as proofs and for references.
• Communication has become cheaper due to advancements in ICT.
Need and Importance of Information and communication technology ( ICT )
Due to globalization, and the World Wide Web, our world has shrunk.
Exchange of information, ideas, views, etc. have become the key-factors
for living in this modern world. Times are changing rapidly and those who
do not keep pace with the changing times, are left far behind. Information
and Communication Technology has made the world accessible on our
fingertips. Newspapers, televisions, radios, computers – we have become
to them and cannot live without these tools of ICT.

Need of Information and communication technology ( ICT )

 Source of information
 Balanced development in rural and urban areas
 Balanced development in rural and urban areas
 Online or e-learning
 Conferencing
 Exchange of views and ideas
 Shrinking the globe

Impact of ICT in Society

Computers and internet access have transformed the way many people

• businesses rarely produce written letters or reports or use typewriters

any more
• documents are more likely to be sent by email than by post or fax
• employees with laptops or smartphones can work from home or while
they travel
There are positives to an employee having a computer, especially one
with internet access:
• use of email and instant messenger to interact with colleagues and
• access a host of information online to help with research-related tasks

Positive and negative impact of ICT on society

Positive impact:

A.) Faster communication speed

• In the past, it took a long time for any news or messages to be send.
Now with the internet, news or messages are sent via
• e-mail to friends, business partner or anyone efficiently.
• with the capability of bandwidth, broadband and connection speed on
the internet, any information can travel fast at an
instant. It saves time and is inexpensive.

B.) Lower Communication Cost

• Using the internet is cost-effective than the other mode of

communication than the other mode of communication such
as telephone, mailing or Korea Service. It allows people to have access
to large amounts of data at a very low cost.
• With the internet we do not have to pay for any basic services provided
by the internet. Furthermore, the cost of
connection to the internet is relatively cheap.

C.) Paperless environment

• ICT technology has created the term paperless environment. This term
means information can be stored and retrieved
through the digital medium instead of paper. Online communication via
email, online chat and instant messages also
helps in creating the paperless environment.

D.) Effective Sharing of Information

• People can share and exchange opinions, news and information

through discussion groups, mailing list and forums on
the internet. This enable knowledge sharing which will contribute to the
development of a knowledge-based society

Positive and negative impact of ICT on society

Negative impact:

A.) Social problems

• There are some of negative effects of ICT.

• Nowadays, people tend to choose online communication rather than
having real time conversations.
• People tend to become more individualistic and introvert theft, hacking,
pornography and online gambling. This will
result in moral decadent and generate threat to the society

B.) Health Problems

• A computer may harm the user if they use it if they use it for a long
hours frequently.
• Computers users are also exposed to bad posture, eyestrain, physical
and mental stress.
• In order to solve the health problems, an ergonomic chair can reduced
back strain and a screen filter is to minimize eyestrain.

Module 2:


What is Data? Of course, data characterized the information age from

the start. It underpins processes that manage employees; it helps to
track purchases and sales, and it offers clues about how customers will
behave. But over the last few years, the volume of data has exploded.
What is Information? An era where information is the main strategic
resource upon which individuals, organizations, and societies rely for
their growth and development. Also called information millennium.

The Difference Between Data and Information:

Data: Data is a raw and unorganized fact that is required to be

processed to make it meaningful. It can be considered as facts and
statistics collected together for reference or analysis.
Data are individual units of information. In analytical processes, data are
represented by variables. Data is always interpreted, by a human or
machine, to derive meaning. So, data is meaningless. Data contains
numbers, statements, and characters in a raw form. Information:
Information is the knowledge that is remodeled and classified into an
intelligible type, which may be utilized in the method of deciding. In
short, once knowledge ends up being purposeful when conversion, it’s
referred to as info. it’s one thing that informs, in essence, it provides a
solution to a specific question. It may be obtained from numerous
sources like newspapers, the internet, television, people, books, etc.

Defining Data Now, if we talk about data mainly in the field of science,
then the answer to “what is data” will be that data is different types of
information that usually is formatted in a particular manner. All the
software is divided into two major categories, and those are programs
and data. Programs are the collection made of instructions that are used
to manipulate data. Types and Uses of Data The term Big Data is used
in the data definition to describe the data that is in the petabyte range or
higher. Big Data is also described as 5Vs: variety, volume, value,
veracity, and velocity. Nowadays, web-based eCommerce has spread
vastly, business models based on Big Data have evolved, and they treat
data as an asset itself. And there are many benefits of Big Data as well,
such as reduced costs, enhanced efficiency, enhanced sales, etc. The
meaning of data expands beyond the processing of data in computing
applications. When it comes to what data science is, a body made of
facts is called data science. Accordingly, finance, demographics, health,
and marketing.

Defining Information Information is the summarization of data.

Technically, data are raw facts and figures that are processed into
information, such as summaries and totals. But since information can
also be the raw data for the next job or person, the two terms cannot be
precisely defined, and both are used interchangeably. It may be helpful
to view information the way it is structured and used, namely: data, text,
spreadsheets, pictures, voice and video. Data are discretely defined
fields. Text is a collection of words. Spreadsheets are data in matrix (row
and column) form. Pictures are lists of vectors or frames of bits. Voice is
a continuous stream of sound waves.

Difference of Data and Information

The terms "data" and "information" are sometimes misinterpreted as

referring to the same thing. However, they are not the same. Data is a
collection of values. Those values can be characters, numbers, or any
other data type. If those values are not processed, they have little
meaning to a human. Information is data that was processed so a
human can read, understand, and use it. The "P" in CPU stands for
"processing," specifically, data processing. Processing data into
information is the fundamental purpose of a computer.

Data vs Information: What’s the Difference?

What is Data?
The terms “data” and “information” are often used interchangeably, but
they actually aren’t the same. There are subtle differences between
these components and their purpose. Data is defined as individual facts,
while information is the organization and interpretation of those facts.

What Does Data Mean?

-Factual information used as a basis for reasoning, discussion,

calculation, publishing, or decision-making.

Quantitative and qualitative data

For scientists, mathematicians,
statisticians, entrepreneurs, and
lawmakers, there are two main
types of data:
• Qualitative – it describes things,
i.e., it is descriptive information.
• Quantitative – numerical
information, i.e., numbers,
statistics, measurements, etc.
Let’s look at an example of the
two types in a context:

Types and Uses of

• The term Big Data is used in the data
definition to describe the data that is in the
petabyte range or higher. Big Data is also
described as 5Vs: variety, volume, value,
veracity, and velocity. Nowadays, web-based
eCommerce has spread vastly, business models
based on Big Data have evolved, and they treat
data as an asset itself. And there are many
benefits of Big Data as well, such as reduced
costs, enhanced efficiency, enhanced sales, etc.

• The meaning of data expands beyond the

processing of data in computing applications.
When it comes to what data science is, a body
made of facts is called data science. Accordingly,
finance, demographics, health, and marketing.
What is Information?
Information is defined as knowledge gained through study,
communication, research, or instruction.
Essentially, information is the result of analyzing and interpreting pieces
of data. Whereas data is
the individual figures, numbers, or graphs, information is the perception
of those pieces of

7 Types of Information:

1. Factual
2. Conceptual
3. Procedural
4. Emotional
5. Behavioural
6. Attitudinal
7. Motivational
Factual information is information that can be proven to be true. It can be
verified by looking at evidence or using a scientific method. Facts are also
referred to as “verifiable facts” or “data.”

Conceptual information refers to the mental models and mental
representations that people use to understand the world around them. This
includes both the knowledge that people have about the world and the way
that they think about that knowledge.
Procedural information is a type of information that provides a stepby-step
guide on how to do something. It can be presented in a number of different
formats, including written instructions, diagrams, and videos.

Emotional information is any type of information that can provoke an
emotional reaction in a person. This can include anything from words and
phrases to images and videos. Emotional information can be positive or
negative, and it can be used to influence a person’s mood and behavior.
Behavioral information is defined as data that captures how individuals
interact with technology. This can include data such as website clicks, app
usage, and social media interactions.

Attitudinal information is information about people’s attitudes, beliefs, and
Motivational information is information that is designed to motivate
someone to do something. This can include things like inspirational quotes,
stories of people who have overcome adversity, or tips for setting and
achieving goals.
The Key Differences Between Data vs Information
Data is raw, unorganized facts that need to be processed. Data can be
something simple and seemingly random and useless until it is organized.
Information – when data is processed, organized, structured or presented
in a given context so as to make it useful, it is called information.

Examples of Data vs Information

At a restaurant, a single customer’s bill amount is data. However, when the
restaurant owners collect and interpret multiple bills over a range of time,
they can produce valuable information, such as what menu items are most
popular and whether the prices are sufficient to cover supplies, overhead,
and wages.
A customer’s response to an individual customer service survey is a point
of data. But when you compile that customer’s responses over time—and,
on a grander scheme, multiple customers’ responses over time—you can
develop insights around areas for improvement within your customer
service team.
The number of likes on a social media post is a single element of data.
When that’s combined with other social media engagement statistics, like
followers, comments, and shares, a company can intuit which social media
platforms perform the best and which platforms they should focus on to
more effectively engage their audience.
On their own, inventory levels are data. However, when companies analyze
and interpret that data over a range of time, they can pinpoint supply chain
issues and enhance the efficiency of their systems.
Competitors’ prices are individual data elements, but processing that data
can reveal where competitors have an advantage, where there may be
gaps in the market, and how a company can rise above its competition.
Information Technology Systems and their Role in
Converting data to Organizational Knowledge

Of these two integral pieces mentioned

previously, there are five distinct
components that make up the collective
information system of an organization.
These five components include the
• Hardware
• Software
• Data
• People
• Process
The Role of an Information System in an Organization Now
that we’ve dissected the components of an information system it’s time to
look at the role an information system plays in an organization. As
explained above, the components of an information system collect, store,
organization, and distribute data throughout the organization. In fact, we
might say that one of the roles of information systems is to take data, turn it
into information, and then transform that into actionable knowledge.
How data and information system support collaboration and innovation to
drive organizational success? Every organization, whether it is a corner
retail shop or a multi-national non-profit organization, stands to benefit from
information systems. Information systems offer a way for organizations of
all shapes, sizes, and niches store key information and then use that
information to influence important decisions in order to thrive in the coming

Summary Data, information, and knowledge are often used

interchangeably. However, these terms represent different stages of value
creation from data to decision-making.

Summary The flow from data to information and knowledge is not uni-
directional. The knowledge gained may reveal redundancies or gaps in the
data collected. As a result, an actionable insight may be to change the data
collected, or how those data are converted into information, to better meet
user needs.
Emerging technology is a term generally used to describe a new
technology, but it may also refer to the continuing development of an
existing technology; it can have slightly different meaning when used in
different areas, such as media, business, science, or education. The term
commonly refers to technologies that are currently developing, or that are
expected to be available within the next five to ten years, and is usually
reserved for technologies that are creating, or are expected to create,
significant social or economic effects.
Emerging digital technologies have generated new opportunities while
creating new legal challenges, particularly related to copyrights,
trademarks, patents, royalties, and licensing. For example, the
development of new digital communication technologies and media has
given rise to novel issues relating to the digital reproduction and distribution
of copyrighted works. The federal government, affected industries, and
groups advocating for the public interest have taken (and continue to take)
action to craft appropriate protections and offer legal certainty to copyright
owners, digital technology companies, the public, and other interested


What is the Definition of Emerging Technology?
Emerging technology is a term generally used to describe a new
technology, but it may also refer to the continuing development of an
existing technology; it can have slightly different meaning when used in
different areas, such as media, business, science, or education. The term
commonly refers to technologies that are currently developing, or that are
expected to be available within the next five to ten years, and is usually
reserved for technologies that are creating, or are expected to create,
significant social or economic effects.
Evolution of Technologies
Evolution- means process of developing by gradual changes
Like human beings Technology has been revolving
General Effects of Technology on Human Life
When technology is, applied by, business or any other institution, its effects
are frequently widespread they reach far beyond the point of immediate
impact of the technology, and they have both desirable and undesirable
results like dominant climate becomes one of hanged and then more
change. In a dynamic society, technology operates as a multiplier, not as
an additive, because it acts as a system relationship with other parts of
Evolution of Technologies
The technology is more powerful, and nothing is as good as technology at
improving life. Even though this is good, and, on the surface, there are
drawbacks also in it. The technology can affect our lives on both positive
and negative ways.

Negative Impact of Technology on human life

 The use of online social media platforms causes us to meet face to

face with much less frequency resulting in a lack of much needed
social skills.
 People are spending more time in technology and spending less or
no time for activity
 Technology creates the perfect recipe for depression with the lack of
human contact, overthinking and lack of exercise

Positive Impact of technology on human life

Mobile phones have become as essential because nowadays you can

anyone at anytime, anywhere.
Business transactions have become faster these days
Technology enables us to go back to our roots and connect with our family
Medical professional’s skill and dedication are paired with the latest
technology that makes for better treatment
With the introduction of genetically engineered crops, farmer’s outputs have
Gadgets that can connect to the internet make access to educational
materials more convenient

Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution was a period of scientific and technological

development in the 18th century that transformed largely rural, agrarian
societies—especially in Europe and North America—into industrialized,
urban ones. Goods that had once been painstakingly crafted by hand
started to be produced in mass quantities by machines in factories, thanks
to the introduction of new machines and techniques in textiles, iron making
and other industries.

Role of Data for Emerging Technologies

Data is regarded as the new oil and strategic asset since we are living in
the age of big data, and drives or even determines the future of science,
technology, the economy, and possibly everything in our world today and
tomorrow. Data have not only triggered tremendous hype and buzz but

The era of data-centric computing is here, different technologies like loT,

Social medias Search engines, block chain, Al/ML, almost every
technology have different uses for data.
There are 2.5 Quintillion bytes of data created each day at our current
pace, but that pace is only accelerating with the growth of the Internet of
Things (lOT).
Over the last two years alone 90 percent of the data in the world was
Data generation, delivery, concentration, and exploration. transforming how
organizations connect with customers, develop new revenue sources, and
improve operational efficiencies.
Digital Healthcare Digital health, or digital healthcare, is a broad,
multidisciplinary concept that includes concepts from an intersection
between health technology and healthcare. Digital health applies digital
transformation to the healthcare field, incorporating software, hardware and
services. Under its umbrella, digital health includes mobile health (Health)
apps, electronic health records (EHRs), electronic medical records (EMRs),
wearable devices, telehealth and telemedicine, as well as personalized

What is digital health as we know it today?

The application of information and communications technology to
provide digital health interventions to prevent disease and improve quality
of life isn't a new concept. However, in the face of global concerns --
related to aging, child illness and mortality, epidemics and pandemics, high
costs, and the effects of poverty and racial discrimination on access to
healthcare -- digital health platforms, health systems and related
technology continue to grow in importance and to evolve.
Why is digital health important?
According to Deloitte Insights, digital health employs more than just
technologies and tools; it also views "radically interoperable data, artificial
intelligence (AI), and open, secure platforms as central to the promise of
more consumer-focused, prevention-oriented care."

What is Human-machine interaction

Human-machine interaction is all about how people and automated
systems interact with each other. HMI now plays a major role in industry
and everyday life: More and more devices are connected and automatically
carry out tasks. A user interface that is as intuitive as possible is therefore
needed to enable smooth operation of these machines. That can take very
different forms.

ser interfaces in HMI are the places where or actions by which the
user engages with the machine. A system can be operated by means of
buttons, a mouse, touch screens, voice or gesture, for instance.

For a long time, machines were mainly controlled by switches, levers,

steering wheels or buttons; these were joined later by the keyboard and
mouse. Now we are in the age of the touch screen. Body sensors in
wearables that automatically collect data are also modern interfaces.

Human to Machine Interaction What are the trends in human

machine interaction?
Gesture control is at least as intuitive as voice control. That means
robovacs, for example, could be stopped by a simple hand signal in the
future. Google and Infineon have already developed a new type of gesture
control by the name of “Soli”: Devices can also be operated in the dark or
remotely with the aid of radar technology
What opportunities and challenges arise from humanmachine
Modern HMI helps people to use even very complex systems with
ease. Machines also keep on getting better at interpreting signals – and
that is important in particular in autonomous driving.

Human to Machine Interaction Where is human-machine

interaction headed?
Whether voice and gesture control or virtual, augmented and mixed
reality, HMI interaction is far from reaching the end of the line. In future,
data from different sensors will also increasingly be combined to capture
and control complex processes optimally.
Future Trends in Emerging Technologies Healthcare is one of the
most important industries, and developing it helps cure many, even
sometimes, rare diseases. Mainly thanks to the technological advances in
the medical sector, which enabled a deeper understanding of humanity

Future Trends in Emerging Technologies

 Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Healthcare
Artificial intelligence is developing across many industries, among
others, healthcare. With several applications, such as examining patient
information and other data, and the ability to develop new medications and
improve diagnostic procedures’ effectiveness, AI is one of the most
important healthcare technologies.
The promise of artificial intelligence in medicne is to provide
composite, panoramic views of individuals’ medical data; to improve
decision making; to avoid errors such as misdiagnosis and unnecessary
procedures; to help in the ordering and interpretation of appropriate tests;
and to recommend treatment.
 Integrating Data and Predictive Analysis
Connected with AI and other technologies, data integration and
predictive analysis help extract relevant insights about patients’ conditions.
Thanks to AI-devices, such as robots that enable integrated data and
predictive analysis, medical staff have insights into the patient’s medical
record, can generate more accurate diagnosis and decide what treatment
will work best for them.
Technology in Mental Health According to the World Health
Organisation, mental health issues are increasing worldwide. In the past
ten years, there has been a 13% increase in mental health illnesses and
substance use disorders, primarily due to demographic shifts (2017). In the
present day, 1 in 5 people live with a disability due to mental health issues.
The recent impact has been mainly due to the use of social media and the
COVID-19 pandemic.
 Integrating Data and Predictive Analysis
Connected with AI and other technologies, data integration and
predictive analysis help extract relevant insights about patients’ conditions.
Thanks to AI-devices, such as robots that enable integrated data and
predictive analysis, medical staff have insights into the patient’s medical
record, can generate more accurate diagnosis and decide what treatment
will work best for them.
 Technology in Mental Health
According to the World Health Organisation, mental health issues are
increasing worldwide. In the past ten years, there has been a 13% increase
in mental health illnesses and substance use disorders, primarily due to
demographic shifts (2017). In the present day, 1 in 5 people live with a
disability due to mental health issues. The recent impact has been mainly
due to the use of social media and the COVID-19 pandemic.

 Remote Patient Monitoring & Virtual Care

Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the overall network of interconnected
devices as well as the technology that enables interdevice and inter-cloud
communication. The medical industry, often referred to as the Internet of
Medical Things, includes cutting-edge medical technology like wearable
sensors, 5G-enabled devices, and remote patient monitoring.

Digital Therapeutics Digital therapeutics, mentioned above, are

solutions for patients with chronic illnesses who need ongoing care. The
care can cover symptom monitoring, medication alterations, and
behavioural modifications. Such digital therapeutics can be prescribed to a
patient by their doctor, giving them access via computer or app on their

 Wearables in Healthcare
Just mentioned within IoT innovation – wearables or wearable
technology is a group of electronic devices that can be worn as an
accessory, implanted in the user’s body, incorporated in clothing or even
tattooed on the skin. But we will not talk about wearables as a gadget but
as important innovation in the healthcare industry.

 Organ Care Technology & Bioprinting

3D printing, which we wrote about in the article Learn about Industrial
Applications of 3D Printing, is the technology behind bioprinting. 3D printing
has its application in the healthcare industry through producing such things
as external prostheses, cranial or orthopaedic implants, and personalised
airway stents. However, it has also demonstrated value in surgical planning
and has been applied to challenging open-heart procedures, even the
entire face transplant performed at Cleveland Clinic.
 Cancer Immunotherapy
We already mentioned cancer within this article but did not refer to
immunotherapy (also called immuno-oncology), which is a type of cancer
treatment, has also advanced and can now prolong a patient’s life
 Augmented & Virtual Reality in Healthcare
There are several uses for augmented and virtual reality (AR and
VR) in healthcare. These technologies allow for connecting the digital and
physical environments in a multidimensional way. The development of
augmented reality is mainly reliant on artificial intelligence. As already
mentioned, cancer can be detected through image recognition.
 Sustainability and decarbonisation
As the world strives toward a more sustainable future, healthcare is
also trying to contribute to a better environment, for instance, by providing
ecolabelling. Ecolabeling worldwide is a voluntary technique of
environmental performance certification and labelling. Within a certain
category, an ecolabel highlights goods or services that have been shown to
be more environmentally friendly.

Week 5 Module 5 Internet of Things (IoT) in Healthcare

What can IoT do for healthcare? Before Internet of Things, patients’
interactions with doctors were limited to visits, and tele and text
communications. There was no way doctors or hospitals could monitor
patients’ health continuously and make recommendations accordingly.
What can IoT do for healthcare? (Cont.) • IoT is undoubtedly transforming
the healthcare industry by redefining the space of devices and people
interaction in delivering healthcare solutions. IoT has applications in
healthcare that benefit patients, families, physicians, hospitals and
insurance companies
. • IoT for Patients
• IoT for Physicians
• IoT for Hospitals
• IoT for Health Insurance Companies

What can IoT do for healthcare? (Cont.)

IoT for Patients
Devices in the form of wearables like fitness bands and other wirelessly
connected devices like blood pressure and heart rate monitoring cuffs,
glucometer etc. give patients access to personalized attention. These
devices can be tuned to remind calorie count, exercise check,
appointments, blood pressure variations and much more.

What can IoT do for healthcare? (Cont.)

IoT for Physicians
By using wearables and other home monitoring equipment embedded with
IoT, physicians can keep track of patients’ health more effectively. They
can track patients’ adherence to treatment plans or any need for immediate
medical attention.

What can IoT do for healthcare? (Cont.)

IoT for Hospitals
Apart from monitoring patients’ health, there are many other areas where
IoT devices are very useful in hospitals. IoT devices tagged with sensors
are used for tracking real time location of medical equipment like
wheelchairs, defibrillators, nebulizers, oxygen pumps and other monitoring
equipment. Deployment of medical staff at different locations can also be
analyzed real time.
What can IoT do for healthcare? (Cont.)
IoT for Hospitals
There are numerous opportunities for health insurers with IoT-connected
intelligent devices. Insurance companies can leverage data captured
through health monitoring devices for their underwriting and claims
operations. This data will enable them to detect fraud claims and identify
prospects for underwriting. IoT devices bring transparency between
insurers and customers in the underwriting, pricing, claims handling, and
risk assessment processes.

What are the challenges of using IoT in healthcare?

What are the challenges of using IoT in healthcare? Although there are
many benefits to using IoT technology in healthcare settings, there are also
IoT challenges in healthcare. Healthcare facilities must recognize the
potential difficulties they face when implementing IoT in healthcare
 Security
 Adoption
 Integration
 Data

Hospitals and other medical facilities adhere to strict security standards,
patient privacy requirements and compliance guidelines. Healthcare
organizations, especially large healthcare networks, are often faced with
managing security for many different facilities, as well as large repositories
of data.
Adopting a new IoT framework is one of the biggest IoT challenges in
healthcare. Moving a whole facility over to a new system and procedures
can take time, and the initial cost of investment and installation can be a
barrier, especially for smaller healthcare facilities and rural clinics.
With so many potential types of devices and protocols, integration can
seem daunting. In order to get the maximum impact of IoT in healthcare,
devices need to be seamlessly connected and simple to automate and
control. IoT in medical care falls short if it’s not all connected to a robust IoT
Hospitals and other medical facilities adhere to strict security standards,
patient privacy requirements and compliance guidelines. Healthcare
organizations, especially large healthcare networks, are often faced with
managing security for many different facilities, as well as large repositories
of data.
What effects will IoT have on the future of healthcare?
As IoT in healthcare grows and IoMT devices continue to evolve, we will
see healthcare facilities become more advanced, offering better patient
outcomes, better experiences for patients and visitors, and improved work
environments for physicians.
IoT changes the way the facilities are delivered to the healthcare industry.
These technologies improve the product, causing a larger effect by bringing
together minor changes. This new technology is empowering users to
make more informed, data-based decisions about our shared resources.
Whether those users live in a crowded city or on a remote farm, the Internet
of Things can connect them to a better future.

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