Data Management Admin Guide

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Oracle® Fusion Cloud EPM

Administering Data Management for Oracle

Enterprise Performance Management Cloud

Oracle Fusion Cloud EPM Administering Data Management for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management


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1 Creating and Running an EPM Center of Excellence

2 Using Data Management

Data Loads and Write-Back 2-1
Drilling into Data 2-2
Drilling Through 2-2
Using Data Management with Multiple Oracle Cloud EPM Deployments 2-2
Customers Using Account Reconciliation 2-3
Customers Using Financial Consolidation and Close 2-4
Data Loads 2-6
Customers Using Tax Reporting 2-6
Customers Using Strategic Workforce Planning 2-8
Navigating Data Management 2-8
Toolbars 2-8
Help 2-8
Task Pane Options 2-9
Workflow Tasks 2-9
Setup Tasks 2-9
Working with Data in Grids 2-10
Data Management User Interface Elements 2-10
Advanced Search Options 2-12
Using the POV Bar 2-12
Selecting the Location POV 2-13
Setting the Period POV 2-13
Setting the Category POV 2-14
Administration Tasks 2-14

Predefining a List of Profiles 2-14
Setting System-Level Profiles 2-15
Setting Application-Level Profiles 2-21
Setting User Level Profiles 2-27
Setting Security Options 2-29
Setting up Source Systems 2-35
Registering File-Based Source Systems 2-35
Registering Oracle ERP Cloud Source Systems 2-37
Deleting Registered Source Systems 2-39
Editing Registered Source System Details 2-39
Adding File-Based Data Load Definitions 2-40
Registering Target Applications 2-40
Reusing Target Application Names Multiple Times 2-43
Creating a Data Export File 2-44
Creating a Custom Target Application 2-51
Adding Lookup Dimensions 2-53
Defining Application Dimension Details 2-54
Defining Application Options for Planning 2-55
Defining Application Options for Essbase 2-62
Defining Application Options for Financial Consolidation and Close 2-69
Defining Application Options for Tax Reporting 2-79
Defining Application Options for Profitability and Cost Management 2-88
Deleting Registered Target Applications 2-88
Executing Business Rules When Loading Data 2-89
Loading Data Using an Incremental File Adapter 2-90
Loading Data to a Free Form Application 2-95

3 Integrating Data
Integrating Data Using a File 3-1
Integrating File-Based Data Process Description 3-1
Registering File-Based Source Systems 3-2
Registering Target Applications 3-4
Defining Import Formats for File-Based Mappings 3-6
Concatenating Source Dimensions for a File-Based Source 3-11
Loading Multiple Periods for EPM Cloud or File-Based Source Systems 3-11
Defining Data Load Rule Details for a File-Based Source System 3-12
Running Data Load Rules 3-13
Using Drilling Through 3-14
Creating the Drill Region 3-15
Drill Through Components 3-16

Adding the Server Component for the Drill Through URL 3-16
Adding the Detail Component for the Drill Through URL 3-17
Viewing the Drill Through Results 3-19
Integrating Metadata 3-21
Loading Metadata Process Description 3-22
Metadata Load File Considerations 3-24
Registering a Target Application for the Class of Dimension or Dimension Type 3-25
Working with Metadata Batch Definitions 3-26
Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger Applications 3-27
Integration Process Description 3-28
Configuring a Source Connection 3-29
Working with Import Formats 3-32
Defining Locations 3-33
Defining Category Mappings 3-35
Data Load Mapping 3-35
Adding Data Load Rules 3-37
Processing Oracle General Ledger Adjustment Periods 3-38
Adding Filters for Data Load Rules 3-40
Drilling Through to the Oracle ERP Cloud 3-42
Writing Back to the Oracle ERP Cloud 3-42
Writing Back Budgets to the Oracle ERP Cloud 3-43
Writing Back Actuals to the Oracle ERP Cloud - Oracle General Ledger 3-47
Integrating Budgetary Control 3-51
Loading Budgetary Control Budget Consumption Balances to the EPM Cloud Process
Description 3-52
Configuring a Connection to a Budgetary Control Source 3-53
Working with Import Formats 3-55
Defining Locations 3-56
Defining Category Mappings 3-58
Data Load Mapping 3-59
Adding Data Load Rules 3-60
Writing Back EPM Cloud Budget Balances to the Budgetary Control Process
Description 3-63
Working with Import Formats 3-65
Defining Locations 3-66
Defining Category Mappings 3-68
Data Load Mapping 3-68
Adding Data Load Rules 3-70
Viewing the EPM Cloud Budgets Loaded to Budgetary Control 3-73
Integrating Oracle NetSuite 3-76
Supported NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Searches 3-76
Process Description for Integrating Oracle NetSuite 3-78

Configuring a Source Connection to Oracle NetSuite 3-80
Creating an Oracle NetSuite Data Source 3-85
Applying Oracle NetSuite Application Filters 3-87
Adding Additional Filters to the Drill URL in the Import Format 3-87
Managing Periods in Oracle NetSuite 3-89
Filtering Oracle NetSuite Periods 3-89
Adding Import Formats for Oracle NetSuite Data Sources 3-90
Adding Data Load Rules for an Oracle NetSuite Data Source 3-91
Drilling Through to Oracle NetSuite 3-93
Defining Drill Through Parameters to Oracle NetSuite 3-93
Saved Search Requirements in the Drill Through 3-94
Adding the Drill Through URL 3-95
Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud 3-96
Process Description for Integrating Data from Oracle HCM Cloud 3-96
Updating Existing Oracle HCM Cloud Extracts 3-102
Configuring a Source Connection to an Oracle HCM Cloud Data Source Application 3-103
Importing Oracle HCM Cloud Extract Definitions to Oracle HCM Cloud 3-104
Importing the Oracle HCM Cloud Extract Definition 3-105
Importing the BI Publisher eText Templates 3-107
Submitting the Oracle HCM Cloud Extract Definition 3-109
Downloading the Oracle HCM Cloud Extract Definition 3-110
Creating an Oracle HCM Cloud Data Source Application 3-112
Editing Application Filters for the Oracle HCM Cloud Data Source Application 3-114
Adding Data Load Rules for an Oracle HCM Cloud Data Source Application 3-116
Integrating Oracle HCM Cloud Metadata 3-117
Loading Oracle HCM Cloud Metadata 3-118
Loading Data from the Oracle ERP Cloud 3-120
Process Description for Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Using Prepackaged Queries 3-121
Configuring a Source Connection for an Oracle ERP Cloud Source System 3-122
Creating an Oracle ERP Cloud Data Source 3-123
Applying Application Filters to an Oracle ERP Cloud Data Source 3-123
Selecting Period Report Parameters from the Oracle ERP Cloud 3-126
Process Description for Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Data Using a Custom Query 3-127
Security Role Requirements for Oracle ERP Cloud Integrations 3-136
Integration User Privileges 3-136
Integration User Predefined Roles 3-137
Integration User Custom Roles 3-137
Allowlist 3-137
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data 3-137
Integrating BAI and SWIFT MT940 Format Bank File Transactions and Balances 3-138
Integrating BAI Format Bank File or SWIFT MT940 Format Bank File Transactions 3-138

Integrating BAI Format Bank File or SWIFT MT940 Balances 3-142
Adding a Transaction Matching Target Application 3-150
Aggregating Transaction Matching Data 3-152
Loading Reconciliation Compliance Transactions 3-155
Loading Reconcilation Compliance Transactions Process Description 3-155
Adding a Reconciliation Compliance Transactions Application 3-156
Mapping Reconciliation Compliance Transactions Attributes to Dimensions 3-157
Creating an Import Format for Reconciliation Compliance Transactions 3-160
Defining the Location 3-161
Defining a Period for Reconciliation Compliance Transactions 3-161
Creating a Data Load Mapping for Reconciliation Compliance Transactions 3-162
Running the Data Load Rule for Reconciliation Compliance Transactions 3-163
Loading Exported Journal Entries 3-165
Integrating EPM Planning Projects and Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management (Project
Management) 3-169

4 Integration Tasks
Working with Import Formats 4-1
Defining the Import Format 4-2
Viewing Import Format Information 4-2
Adding Import Formats 4-2
Deleting an Import Format 4-4
Querying by Example 4-4
Adding Import Expressions 4-4
Import Expression Types 4-5
Processing Order 4-7
Defining Import Formats for File-Based Mappings 4-7
Concatenating Source Dimensions for a File-Based Source 4-12
Using the Import Format Builder 4-13
All Data Types Data Loads 4-14
All Data Types Data Load Process Description 4-15
Setting the All Data Types Load Method 4-15
Setting the Import Format Data Types 4-19
Setting the Import Format for Multi-Column Data Types 4-20
Loading Multi-Column Numeric Data 4-25
Using Workflow Modes 4-28
Selecting the Workflow Mode 4-29
Defining Locations 4-30
Defining Period Mappings 4-33
Global Mappings 4-36
Application Mappings 4-36

Source Mappings 4-37
Defining Category Mappings 4-39
Global Mappings 4-39
Application Mappings 4-40
Loading Data 4-40
Creating Member Mappings 4-40
Creating Mappings Using the Explicit Method 4-42
Creating Mappings Using the In Method 4-43
Creating Mappings Using the Between Method 4-43
Creating Mappings Using the Multi-Dimension Method 4-44
Using Special Characters in Multi-Dimensional Mapping 4-45
Creating Mappings Using the Like Method 4-45
Using Special Characters in the Source Value Expression for Like Mappings 4-46
Conditional Mapping using a Mapping Script 4-48
Using Mapping Scripts 4-49
Creating Mapping Scripts 4-50
Using Special Characters in the Target Value Expression 4-51
Format Mask Mapping for Target Values 4-51
Ignoring Member Mappings 4-54
Importing Member Mappings 4-55
Downloading an Excel Template (Mapping Template) 4-56
Importing Excel Mappings 4-58
Exporting Member Mappings 4-59
Deleting Member Mappings 4-60
Restoring Member Mappings 4-60
Defining Data Load Rules to Extract Data 4-60
Defining Data Load Rule Details 4-61
Defining Data Load Rule Details for a File-Based Source System 4-62
Defining Source Parameters for Planning and Essbase 4-63
Managing Data Load Rules 4-65
Editing Data Load Rules 4-65
Running Data Load Rules 4-65
Scheduling Data Load Rules 4-67
Checking the Data Load Rule Status 4-67
Deleting Data Load Rules 4-67
Working with Target Options 4-68
Creating Custom Options 4-68
Using the Data Load Workbench 4-68
Workflow Grid 4-69
Processing Data 4-69
Using the Workbench Data Grid 4-72

Viewing Process Details 4-77
Using Excel Trial Balance Files to Import Data 4-79
Text Trial Balance Files Versus Excel Trial Balance Files 4-79
Downloading an Excel Trial Balance Template 4-79
Defining Excel Trial Balance Templates 4-79
Adding a Multiple Period Data Load Using Excel 4-80
Importing Excel Mapping 4-81
Loading Multiple Periods for EPM Cloud or File-Based Source Systems 4-82
Loading Periods as a Column from the Data File 4-83
Loading Journals to Financial Consolidation and Close 4-84
Loading Financial Consolidation and Close Journals Process Description 4-84
Working with Journal Loads and Import Formats 4-84
Working with Journal Loads and the Data Load Rule 4-86
Loading Journals from the Data Load Workbench 4-87
Loading Text-Based Journals 4-93
Service Instance Integrations 4-93
Setting up Business Process Instance Deployments 4-94
Loading Data Between Service Instances 4-95
Data Load, Synchronization and Write Back 4-96
Overview 4-96
Synchronizing and Writing Back Data 4-96
Data Synchronization 4-97
Write-Back 4-101
Logic Accounts 4-106
Overview of Logic Accounts 4-106
Creating a Logic Group 4-106
Creating Accounts in a Simple Logic Group 4-107
Logic Group Fields 4-107
Creating Complex Logic Accounts 4-113
Complex Logic Example 1: CashTx 4-115
Complex Logic Example 2: CashTx 4-116
Check Rules 4-117
Overview of Check Rules 4-117
Creating Check Rule Groups 4-118
Creating Check Rules 4-118
Rule Logic 4-120
Using the Rule Logic Editor to Create Check Rules 4-121
Creating Check Entity Groups 4-132

5 Batch Processing
Working with Batch Definitions 5-1
Adding a Batch Group 5-6
Using Open Batches 5-6
Creating Open Batches 5-7
Creating an Open Batch to Run an Integration with E-Business Suite 5-9
Creating Open Batches for Multiple Periods 5-9
Executing Batches 5-12
Scheduling Jobs 5-12
Canceling a Scheduled Job 5-14

6 Data Management Reports

Data Management Reports 6-1
Working with Report Definitions 6-4
Adding Report Groups 6-4
Associating a Report with a Report Group 6-5
Running Reports 6-5
Data Management Detail Reports 6-6
Audit Reports 6-6
Account Chase Wildcard (TargAcct, Per, Cat) 6-6
Account Chase - Freeform (TargAcct, Per, Cat) 6-6
Map Monitor for Location 6-7
Map Monitor for User 6-7
Check Reports 6-9
Check Report 6-9
Check Report Period Range (Cat, Start Per, End Per) 6-9
Check Report With Warnings 6-10
Check Report By Validation Entity Seq. 6-10
Base Trial Balance Reports 6-10
TB Current Location, with Targets (Cat, Per) 6-11
TB Current Location with Rules (Cat, Per) 6-11
TB Current Locations, All Dimensions-Targets, by Target Entity-Account (Cat, Per) 6-11
TB Current Locations, All Dimensions-Targets (Cat, Per) 6-12
TB Current Location, by Target Acct (Cat, Per) 6-12
TB Current Location, By Target Entity Account (Cat, Per) 6-12
TB Converted Current Location by Target Entity/Account 6-13
Listing Reports 6-13
Import Formats by Location 6-13
Location Listing 6-14
Location Analysis 6-14

Dimension Map (Dimension) 6-14
Dimension Map For POV (Dimension, Cat, Per) 6-14
Process Monitor Reports 6-15
Process Monitor (Cat, Per) 6-15
Process Status Period Range (Cat, Start Per, End Per) 6-15
Process Monitor All Categories (Cat, Per) 6-16
Variance Reports 6-16
Account Chase Variance 6-16
Trial Balance Variance 6-16

7 System Maintenance Tasks

Deleting Integration 7-2
List Table Rowcount 7-3
Export Setup Table Data 7-3
Maintain Application Folder 7-4
Maintain Data Table by Location 7-4
Maintain Data Table by Application 7-5
Maintain Process Tables 7-5
Maintain Setup Data 7-6
Upgrade Custom Applications 7-6
Purge All Imported Data 7-7
Lifecycle (LCM) Snapshots 7-9
Importing Snapshots 7-10
Import Snapshot Flow 7-10
Executing a Snapshot Import Job 7-11
Exporting Data to a Snapshot 7-13
Snapshot Export Setup Artifacts 7-13
Snapshot Export Data Artifacts 7-13
Export Flow for the All Snapshot Type 7-13
Export Flow for Incremental Snapshot Types 7-14
Executing a Snapshot Export Job 7-15
Using Lifecycle (LCM) Snapshot Modes 7-18

A TDATASEG Table Reference

B Oracle HCM CloudExtract Definition Field Reference

Account Merit Extract Definition Fields B-1
Assignment Extract Definition Fields B-1
Component Extract Definition Fields B-3

Employee Extract Definition Fields B-3
Entity Extract Definition Fields B-4
Job Extract Definition Fields B-4
Location Extract Definition Fields B-4
Position Extract Definition Fields B-5

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Creating and Running an EPM Center of
A best practice for EPM is to create a CoE (Center of Excellence).
An EPM CoE is a unified effort to ensure adoption and best practices. It drives transformation
in business processes related to performance management and the use of technology-
enabled solutions.
Cloud adoption can empower your organization to improve business agility and promote
innovative solutions. An EPM CoE oversees your cloud initiative, and it can help protect and
maintain your investment and promote effective use.
The EPM CoE team:
• Ensures cloud adoption, helping your organization get the most out of your Cloud EPM
• Serves as a steering committee for best practices
• Leads EPM-related change management initiatives and drives transformation
All customers can benefit from an EPM CoE, including customers who have already
implemented EPM.

How Do I Get Started?

Click to get best practices, guidance, and strategies for your own EPM CoE: Introduction to
EPM Center of Excellence.

Learn More
• Watch the Cloud Customer Connect webinar: Creating and Running a Center of
Excellence (CoE) for Cloud EPM
• Watch the videos: Overview: EPM Center of Excellence and Creating a Center of
• See the business benefits and value proposition of an EPM CoE in Creating and Running
an EPM Center of Excellence.

Chapter 1

Using Data Management
You can also:
• integrate file-based data from an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) source system into
an Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) target application.
• drill through from the EPM target application and view data in the Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) source system.
• integrate Oracle General Ledger data with the Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management Cloud if you use Fusion Cloud Release 11 or higher.
Data Management also supports the Financials Accounting Hub (FAN) and the Financial
Accounting Hub Reporting Cloud Service (FRACAS) as part of its integration with the
Oracle General Ledger.
• load commitments, obligations, and expenditures from an Budgetary Control to Planning
and Planning Modules applications.
• load Human Resources data from Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud to use in
the Oracle Hyperion Workforce Planning business process of Planning Modules.
Data Management enables you to work with the following cloud services belonging to the
EPM Cloud:
• Planning Modules
• Planning
• Financial Consolidation and Close
• Account Reconciliation
• Profitability and Cost Management
• Tax Reporting
• Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning Cloud

Data Loads and Write-Back

Data loads and write-back are supported for those users who do not have a direct connection
to their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) source data but have data available from their
source in a text file.
Any file, whether it is a fixed width file or a delimited file, can be easily imported into an
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud application. For example, you can take a
trial balance report generated from their source system and map it into Data Management by
way of the import format feature. You can instruct the system where the account, entity, data
values and so on reside in the file, as well as which rows to skip during the data import. This
feature allows a business user to easily import data from any source by way of a file format,
and requires limited technical help, if any, when loading into an EPM Cloud application.
You can also define data load rules which determine how you want to extract or write back
budget data from Planning to the file system.

Chapter 2
Drilling into Data

Drilling into Data

Data Management enables you to drill into your data enabling you to answer questions
such as what values make up a value. Three types of drill processes are available for
drilling data: drill up and down, drill back, and drill through.
Drill up and down enables you to navigate EPM dimensions and hierarchies allowing
you to see which members are aggregated. . For example, when you drill down on the
Period dimension member "Q4", you might see: "Jan", "Feb" and "Mar".
Drill back enables you to navigate from the EPM application (such as Planning) to the
source application from which the data was stored and extracted. For example, if you
initiate the drill back from Planning and the data is stored in an application on the
Oracle Financials Cloud, you are directed back to the Oracle Financials Cloud.
Drill through enables you to navigate from source balance within Data Management
back to the source system from which the data was extracted. This allows you to
review the detailed (transactional) data that constitutes the source value.

Drilling Through
You can drill through to the detail from the EPM target application and view data in the
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) source system. Predefined by administrators,
drill-through reports are available to users from specified individual member cells and
data cells. A cell can be associated with multiple drill-through reports. Cells that
contain drill-through reports can be indicated on the grid by a cell style.

Using Data Management with Multiple Oracle Cloud EPM

Data Management is available as an integration option for all offerings of the Oracle
Enterprise Performance Management Cloud, which includes:
• Planning Modules
• Planning
• Financial Consolidation and Close
• Account Reconciliation
• Profitability and Cost Management
• Tax Reporting
• Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning Cloud
When transforming and loading data between Oracle Fusion Cloud Enterprise
Performance Management deployments (service instances), you may use Data
Management to process a source data file that is not in the required format for native
loading in your application, or when Data Management features are desired beyond
the native data loading functionality.
In the following sections, notable differences are explained when customers are
moving to the cloud version from the on-premise version of their products using Data

Chapter 2
Using Data Management with Multiple Oracle Cloud EPM Deployments

Customers Using Account Reconciliation

The process to implement an integration to Account Reconciliation, is to first test the import
and validation steps in Data Management, and when satisfied with the results, launch the
actual integration from within the Account Reconciliation.
The actual loading of the data is executed in the Account Reconciliation. For more
information, see Importing Data Using Data Management.
Location security in not available in the Account Reconciliation user interface. Location
security is available only in Data Management user interface.
Lock/Unlock POV from the Application page in Data Integration is only available for
administrators. In the Data Management user interface, you can lock an individual location
from the POV page as non-administrator.
When you are an on-premise Accounts Reconciliation Manager customer moving to Account
Reconciliation, note the following in Data Management:
• Using Account Reconciliation as a source for other than Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management Cloud applications is not currently supported with Account Reconciliation.
• Only numeric data may be loaded to the Account Reconciliation.
• Drill-through is supported from Account Reconciliation to the drill-through landing page in
Data Management. Account Reconciliation can also drill through to the data source in the
on-premise Financial Data Quality Management, Enterprise Edition if the data has been
first imported to Data Management using the hybrid integration feature. To drill through to
the landing page, the Account Reconciliation profile segments must be mapped to the
LOOKUP dimension in the Target Dimension Class on the Target Application page.
• Integrating data from Oracle NetSuite is supported in Account Reconciliation.
• Integrating data from the Oracle Financials Cloud is supported in Account Reconciliation.
• When mapping a "Source Type" dimension in the Data Load Mapping option for Account
Reconciliation balances, use the Target Value as either the source system or sub-
system (subledger). These options are a categorization that define the sources of the
data. For example, if you select source system, this option does not necessarily indicate
that the source data is from the same source system but does indicate that the data is not
from a subledger, such as Accounts Receivable (AR), Accounts Payable (AP), and so on.
• Any Lookup dimension you add for mapping purposes should be of classification of
"LOOKUP." Do not add any dimension of classification "Generic."
• When mapping to a Reconciliation Account ID within Account Reconciliation, there are
considerations for blank target segments. If there are blank segments in between two
populated segments in the target reconciliation, Account Reconciliation treats each blank/
null segment values in the middle of a Reconciliation Account ID as three blank spaces.
Account Reconciliation also trims off the trailing NULL segments after the last populated
For example, a Grouped Reconciliation with the following Reconciliation ID: "001-null-
null-1925 XXX" (the "null" in Account Reconciliation would be non-existent (void of
characters) when viewing the Reconciliation/Profile.) The design of Account
Reconciliation replaces the "null" at the database tier with three spaces for each blank/
null segment in between the populated segments. The Target Mapped Profile in Data
Management needs the following: "ACCOUNT ID 001- - -1925 XXX" to align with
Account Reconciliation.

Chapter 2
Using Data Management with Multiple Oracle Cloud EPM Deployments

• Account Reconciliation customers, who need to load bank file transaction (which
use a BAI or Bank Administration Institute file format or a SWIFT MT940 file
format) to the Transaction Matching module in Account Reconciliation, can use
Data Management as the integration mechanism. Data Management supports a
pre-built adapter for loading:
– BAI Format Bank File Transactions
– BAI Format Bank File Balances
– SWIFT MT940 Format Bank File Transactions
– SWIFT MT940 Format Bank File Balances
For more information, see Integrating BAI and SWIFT MT940 Format Bank File
Transactions and Balances.

In addition, any other file format that Data Management supports, can
also be used to import, map, and load to the Transaction Matching

• As an integration mechanism, Data Management enables Account Reconciliation

customers to load Reconciliation Compliance Transactions into Reconciliations.
You can pull transactions directly from the Oracle ERP Cloud to the EPM Cloud
– Balance Explanations
– Source System Adjustments
– Subsystem Adjustments
– Variance Explanations
For more information, see Loading Reconciliation Compliance Transactions.
• In Transaction Matching, you can export adjustments or transactions as dual sided
journal entries that can then be imported into your ERP system. Data Management
is used as the mechanism to load the exported journal entries. For more
information, see: Loading Exported Journal Entries.
• Account Reconciliation customers can use up to 64 fields per transaction to load
data using Data Management to Transaction Matching.
• For additional features available to Account Reconciliation users, see the contents
of this guide.
For information on loading general ledger and subledger balances in Account
Reconciliation from a file using Data Management, see: Overview: Load GL and
Subledger Balances from a File using Data Management in Account Reconciliation.

Customers Using Financial Consolidation and Close

For those Oracle Hyperion Financial Management customers moving to Financial
Consolidation and Close, note the key differences between the two products:
• Financial Consolidation and Close shows a positive amount as a debit and a
negative amount as a credit.

Chapter 2
Using Data Management with Multiple Oracle Cloud EPM Deployments

• A "plan type" is not an Financial Consolidation and Close concept.

• Financial Consolidation and Close users can load Oracle General Ledger data into their
own applications. Only budgets data can be written back to the Oracle General Ledger.
• Data synchronization can push data from either Planning or Financial Consolidation and
Close to an Financial Consolidation and Close target application.
• Financial Consolidation and Close can be used as a source system in the import format.
In this way, you can use Financial Consolidation and Close as a source system, and then
use a different cloud service (such as Planning Modules, Account Reconciliation,
Planning, Profitability and Cost Management) as a target, and move data from Financial
Consolidation and Close to these other cloud services.
Additionally, you can pull data from Financial Consolidation and Close and push the data
to a file for use in another application.
• For a consolidation dimension, you can load different override amounts and rates for
different source members by location. This enables you to report on details used to
perform the various stages of the consolidation process.
• In addition to the system predefined dimensions, you can create up to two additional
Custom dimensions based on your application needs. Custom dimensions are associated
with the Account dimension and provide additional detail for accounts. If Extended
Dimensionality is enabled for the application, you can create up to four Custom
dimensions. If the application is enabled with the Multi-GAAP reporting option, you can
create three Custom dimensions.
• Data Management supports an Financial Consolidation and Close "Period" as a column
in a data file. If you have data for multiple periods in a single file, then you can include the
year and period on each row of the data. In Import Formats, you select the source period
rows of Year and Period so the system knows that these columns are in the file, and then
map them to the appropriate dimension in the target system. See Loading Multiple
Periods for EPM Cloud or File-Based Source Systems.
• Data Management supports an explicit load method for loading journals to Financial
Consolidation and Close. Journals are loaded by defining a data rule with the type
"Journals." Both Excel and text based journal loads are supported. See Loading Journals
to Financial Consolidation and Close.
• Drill through functionality is not supported for exchange rates data.
• The import modes available to Financial Consolidation and Close are "append" and
• When you import data from Financial Consolidation and Close and use an Explicit
mapping set, do not use attribute columns ATTR2 and ATTR3 for any dimension
mappings. Data Management uses these columns to determine the correct period key for
the row.
• The export modes available to Financial Consolidation and Close target application are
"merge" (If data already existed in the application, the system simply adds values from
the load file to the existing data. No existing data is deleted. If data does not exist, the
new data will be created), "replace" (The system first deletes all values based on the
scenario, year, period, entity, and data source before it submits the load.), and
"accumulate" (accumulate the data in the application with the data in the load file. For
each unique point of view in the data file, the value from the load file is added to the value
in the application.)
• To load data to actual currency rather than entity currency when the currency is fixed, set
the currency in the Functional Currency field in the Location option. SeeDefining

Chapter 2
Using Data Management with Multiple Oracle Cloud EPM Deployments

Locations. You can also add a Currency row in the import format and map it. See
Defining the Import Format.

Data Loads
Data Management supports a variety of ways for importing data from a range of
financial data sources, and then transforming and validating the data.
Data and exchange rates can be loaded to users who have data available from their
source in a text file.
Any file, whether it is a fixed width file or a delimited file, can be easily imported into
the Financial Consolidation and Close application. For example, you can take
consolidation features, which include out-of-the box translations, consolidation,
eliminations and adjustments from their source system, and map it into Data
Management by way of the import format feature. You can instruct the system where
the dimensions and data values reside in the file, as well as which rows to skip during
the data import. This feature allows a business user to easily import data from any
source by way of a file format, and requires limited technical help, if any, when loading
into an Financial Consolidation and Close application.

Other Considerations
1. Data may be loaded to Financial Consolidation and Close by way of Data
Management when the movement member is set to one of the following:
a. Level 0 descendants of FCCS_Mvmts_Subtotal
b. FCCS_OpeningBalanceAdjustment
c. Any level 0 members of customer specific hierarchies that are siblings of
FCCS_Movements. The hierarchies are siblings of FCCS_Movements (not the
level zero members).
2. Data loaded to Financial Consolidation and Close can be only at the base level.
3. Drill through from an Financial Consolidation and Close web form or Smart View
on Financial Consolidation and Close is supported.
4. Data loaded from Data Management to Financial Consolidation and Close is
summarized based on the dimensionality in Data Management, and this
summarized data is loaded to Financial Consolidation and Close. Any
computations or consolidation logic can only be performed within Financial
Consolidation and Close.
5. Import formats support the addition of both "file" and Planning source types.
6. Data Management indicates if the data loaded to Financial Consolidation and
Close is "PTD" or "YTD." If data is specified as YTD, Financial Consolidation and
Close performs any necessary computations as if that data needs to be translated
to PTD.

Customers Using Tax Reporting

For those Oracle Hyperion Tax Provision customers moving to Tax Reporting, note the
key differences:

Chapter 2
Using Data Management with Multiple Oracle Cloud EPM Deployments

• Balance data or exchange rates may be loaded to the Tax Reporting application using a
file. (Data and exchange rates cannot be loaded by way of the same file.) In addition,
balance data from the Oracle Financials Cloud may also be directly integrated to the Tax
Reporting application. At this time, exchange rate loading from the Oracle ERP Cloud is
not supported.
• Data is loaded to Tax Reporting at the summary account level. Line item detail is not
supported in the Tax Reporting.
• Journals are not supported in Tax Reporting at this time. In Data Management, only
"data" load types are supported for Tax Reporting applications.
• Drill through from an Tax Reporting web form or Oracle Smart View for Office
(dynamically linked to Tax Reporting) to Data Management is supported.
• Drill through to an Tax Reporting web form from Data Management is only available when
Tax Reporting includes a URL that can be called from Data Management.
• Drill through functionality is not supported for exchange rates data.
• Data loaded from Data Management to Tax Reporting is summarized based on the
dimensionality in Data Management, and this summarized data is loaded to Tax
Reporting. Any computations or consolidation logic is only performed within Tax
• The Tax Reporting supports "YTD" data only, and consequently no data is modified when
it has been loaded.
• When data load rules are executed, there are two export modes for loading data to the
target Tax Reporting application:
– Merge—By default, all data load is processed in the Merge mode. If data already
existed in the application, the system overwrites the existing data with the new data
from the load file. If data does not exist, the new data will be created.
– Replace—The system first clears any existing data in the application for those
referenced in the data load file. Then the system performs the data load in Merge

In Replace mode, before the first record for a specific Scenario/Year/Period/
Entity/Mapped Data Source is encountered, the entire combination of data
for that Scenario, Year, Period, Entity, and Mapped Data Source is cleared,
whether entered manually or previously loaded. Note that when you have a
year of data in the Planning application, but are only loading a single
month, this option clears the entire year before performing the load.

• If you need to consolidate all entities as part of the data load process, in Data
Management, use the Check Entity Group option (see Creating Check Entity Groups.)
• The "ownership of data" feature in Tax Reporting is not supported in this release.
• Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management, Enterprise Edition can be used as
a primary gateway to integrate on-premise and Tax Reporting based applications. This
feature enables customers to adapt cloud deployments into their existing EPM portfolio.
• The rundatarule command of the EPM Automate utility, which executes a Data
Management data load rule based on the start period and end period, can be executed
for an Tax Reporting application.

Chapter 2
Navigating Data Management

• Data Management can be used to move data between service instances. This
means you can move data between Tax Reporting applications, or Tax Reporting
data to and from other Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud
• To load data to actual currency rather than entity currency when the currency is
fixed, set the currency in the Functional Currency field in the Location option.
SeeDefining Locations. You can also add a Currency row in the import format and
map it. See Defining the Import Format.
• After completing a data load cycle in Tax Reporting, data can be written out to a
text file created in a custom application for use in an external application, or to an
FDMEE (onpremise) location. When the custom application is defined, you can
export the file and download it using EPM Automate.
• For additional features available to Tax Reporting users, see the contents of this

Customers Using Strategic Workforce Planning

You can load Human Resources data from the Oracle Fusion Human Capital
Management to use in the Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning Cloud business
process of Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.
Strategic Workforce Planning customers who need to translate long-term corporate
strategy into execution plans, can align and pull strategic data from Human Capital
Management. Data Management is the integration mechanism. It provides an out of
the box solution that enables customers to apply predefined mappings from Human
Capital Management data model to target dimensions in Strategic Workforce Planning.
Customers can also customize and extend these integrations, for example, by
applying other mappings as needed to meet their business requirements.
For more information about using Human Capital Management with Data
Management, see Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud.

Navigating Data Management

From the Home page, click (Navigator icon) and then from the Integration
category, select Data Management.

The Standard toolbar is used for common Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management Cloud features. For additional information, see the Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Workspace User’s Guide.

When a selected Data Management option has context-sensitive help enabled for it,

click .
To view all other help topic specific to Data Management, see Administering Data
Management for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.

Chapter 2
Navigating Data Management

For all other help, see the Oracle Cloud Help Center, which is the hub for accessing the latest
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud books, Help topics, and videos.
The URL of the Cloud Help Center:
Oracle Cloud Help Center.

Task Pane Options

The Tasks pane is a resizeable window to the left of Data Management Workspace. It
provides easy access to Data Management options and features. The Tasks pane consists of
the Workflow and Setup tabs.

Workflow Tasks
From the Workflow tab, you can integrate data using the following options:
• Data Load
– Data Load Workbench
– Data Load Rule
– Data Load Mapping
• Other
– Batch Execution
– Report Execution
– System Maintenance Tasks
• Monitor––Process Details

Setup Tasks
From the Setup tab you can administer source and target systems, specify report and batch
definitions, and manage application settings.

Chapter 2
Navigating Data Management

Available tasks:
• Configure
– System Settings
– Application Settings
– Security Settings
– User Settings
• Register
– Source System
– Target Application
• Integration Setup
– Import Format
– Location
– Period Mapping
– Category Mapping
• Data Load Setup
– Logic Group
– Check Rule Group
– Check Entity Group

Working with Data in Grids

Most screens display data in one or more grids. To manipulate grid data, perform one
or more actions:
• To add a record, click Add.
• To delete, select a record, and then click Delete.
• To delete all records in a grid, click Delete All.
• To edit a record, click within its cell, and start typing. When applicable, you can

also select the value to edit, and then click .

• To search items in a column, enter the search value in the blank field above the
column of the value, and then press Enter. If the value is matched, it is displayed
as the first item.
• To cancel all changes made to a row, select the row, and then click Cancel.
• To save all changes made to a row, select Save.

Data Management User Interface Elements

The following elements are common on Data Management pages.

Chapter 2
Navigating Data Management

Table 2-1 Elements Common on Data Management Pages

Button Description
Customize your view. Options include:
• Columns—You can choose "Show All" to
display all columns or choose individual
columns to display.
• Detach—Use to detach the column grid.
When you detach the grid, the columns
display in their own window. To return to the
default view, select View, and then click
Attach or click Close.
• Reorder Columns—Use to change the order
of the columns that are displayed. You can
select a column, and then use the buttons on
the right to change the column order.
Use to detach the column grid. When you detach
the grid, the columns are displayed in their own
window. To return to the default view, select View,
and then click Attach or click Close.
Refreshes the data. For example, if you submit a
rule, refresh to see if the status changes from
Running to Complete.

Refresh does not
display on the Data
Management setup

Use to toggle the filter row. You can use the filter
row to enter text to filter the rows that are
displayed for a specific column.
You can enter text to filter on, if available, for a
specific column, and then click Enter. For
example, on the Process Details page, to view
only processes for a specific location, enter the
name of the location in the Location text box.
The Query by Example button displays on the
following Data Management setup screens: Target
Application, Import Format, Location, Data Load
Workbench, and Process Details.
To clear a filter, remove the text to filter by in the
text box, and then click Enter.
All text is case sensitive.

Chapter 2
Navigating Data Management

Table 2-1 (Cont.) Elements Common on Data Management Pages

Button Description
Use to select an artifact on a page, such as a
target application, member, or general ledger
responsibility. When you click the Search button,
the Search and Select dialog box is displayed. In
some cases, available advanced search options
enable you to enter additional search conditions.
See Advanced Search Options.

Advanced Search Options

The Search button is common to many Data Management pages. When you select the
Search button, if the Advanced Search button is available, you can enter additional
search conditions. The fields that are displayed in the advanced search options differ
depending on what artifact you are selecting. The following operators are supported:
• Starts with
• Ends with
• Equals
• Does not equal
• Less than
• Greater than
• Less than or equal to
• Greater than or equal to
• Between
• Not between
• Contains
• Does not contain
• Is blank
• Is not blank

Using the POV Bar

For the Data Load Workbench, the POV bar shows the current:
• Location
• Period
• Category
• Data Rule

Chapter 2
Navigating Data Management

By default, only the data rule assigned to the Category POV is displayed.
The Source System and Target Application are displayed as context information.

Selecting the Location POV

To select another Location POV:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Workbench.
2. From the POV bar, double-click the Location field.

3. In Select Point of View, in Location, enter a full or partial string for the new location,
and then click OK.
4. Optional: To search on another location, from the Location drop-down, click More,
navigate to the location on the Search and Select: Location screen, and then click OK.
5. Optional: In Select Point of View, select Set as Default to use the new location as the
default location.
When a POV selection is set as a default, the user profile is updated with the default
6. Click OK.

Setting the Period POV

The Data Management administrator controls which accounting period is active for all users.
This feature prevents users from inadvertently loading data into incorrect periods. When you
log on to Data Management, the application identifies the global period value and
automatically sets the POV to the current value.
To select another Period POV:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Workbench.
2. From the POV bar, double-click the Location field.
3. From Select Point of View, in Period, enter a full or partial string for the new period, and
then click OK.
4. Optional: To search on another period, from the Period drop-down, click More, navigate
to the period on the Search and Select: period screen, and then click OK.
5. Optional: In Select Point of View, select Set as Default to use the new period as the
default period.
When a new POV selection is set as a default, the user profile is updated with the default
6. Click OK.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Setting the Category POV

The Data Management administrator controls the data category active for all users.
This feature prevents users from inadvertently loading data to incorrect categories.

By default, when you display the Data Load Rule screen, you see all data
load rules only for the current POV Category. To show all data load rules for
all categories regardless of the POV Category, from Data Rule Summary,
select Show and then All Categories.

To select another Category POV:

1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Workbench.
2. From the POV bar, double-click the Location field.
3. In Select Point of View, in Category, select the new category, and then click OK.
4. Optional: In Rule, select the rule assigned to the Category POV.
5. Select Set as Default to use the new category as the default category.
When a POV is set as a default, the user profile is updated with the default
6. Click OK.

Administration Tasks
Set system, application, and user profiles. Use also to register source systems and
target applications.
Related Topics
• Predefining a List of Profiles
• Setting up Source Systems
• Registering Target Applications

Predefining a List of Profiles

Data Management uses a predefined list of profiles. You can define values for these
profiles to accommodate various business needs. Profiles can be set at the following
• System (applies to the entire system)
• Application (applies to specific target application)
• User (applies to a specific user)

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Setting System-Level Profiles

Use system settings to update or clear system level profiles that apply to entire system.
To define system settings:
1. On the Setup tab, under Configure, select System Settings.
2. In System Settings, in Profile Type, select the specific profile to list on the System
Settings screen.
Available profile types:
• All
• File (In addition to file specific system settings, selecting the File profile type displays
the "Create Application Folders" button. This feature instructs the system to create a
folder structure in the path specified in the Application Root Directory setting).
• Other (Use to set profiles associated with a data source, User Language, User
Interface Theme, and Default Check Report.)
• Point-of-View
The profile type that you select determines the settings that you can add or modify on the
3. Select the option and add the new value in Value.

If is displayed in the Select field, you can search on the value.

4. Click Save.

Table 2-2 System Setting Profile Options

Profile Type Profile Option Profile Description

All Includes all profile types
File Create Location Folder Instructs the system to create a
location folder in the inbox when a
location is created. Available values
are Yes or No. Set this option once
and do not change it. This setting is
optional but recommended.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-2 (Cont.) System Setting Profile Options

Profile Type Profile Option Profile Description

File Archive Mode Specifies whether archived files are
copied or moved to the archive
location. Enter Copy, Move, or
If you select Copy, then the file is left
in the inbox.
If you select Move, then the file is
copied to the archive folder and
deleted from the inbox.
The folder named data is the archive
When the file is moved to the archive
location, it is renamed as follows:
nal Extension>
For example, if the source file name
is BigFile.csv, and it was loaded
for period Mar-07 with a period key of
03/01/2007, and if the process id was
983, then the resulting file name is
File Excluded File Upload Wild Cards Specify file extensions that cannot be
Enter *.* to disallow all file uploads.
File Batch Size Specify the number of rows read at a
time from the file to memory. This
parameter is mainly used for
performance. When data is loaded,
this setting determines how many
records are stored in the cache. For
example, when 1000 is specified; the
system stores 1,000 records in
cache. Similarly, when 5000 is
specified, the system stores 5,000
records in cache and commit.
Determine this setting by Server
Memory and adjust as needed.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-2 (Cont.) System Setting Profile Options

Profile Type Profile Option Profile Description

File File Character Set Specify the method for mapping bit
combinations to characters for
creating, storing, and displaying text.
Each encoding has a name; for
example, UTF-8. Within an encoding,
each character maps to a specific bit
combination; for example, in UTF-8,
uppercase A maps to HEX41.

Click to view available character

Encoding refers to mapping bit
combinations to characters for
creating, storing, and displaying text.
Convert the encoding to UNICODE if
your source file is not in one of the
supported formats.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-2 (Cont.) System Setting Profile Options

Profile Type Profile Option Profile Description

File LCM Mode Select the LCM Mode to use when
exporting Lifecycle Management
Available options:
• Individual Artifact – Setup
Only—In this mode, you select
the individual artifacts to migrate
such as locations and mappings.
When you import the snapshot
in the target system merges
data with the existing data in the
target system. This mode does
not include Workbench data.
This is default mode used by the
LCM process.
Snapshots of individual artifacts
are exported as XML files
contained in a ZIP file. Snapshot
ZIP files are available from the
Snapshots tab in Migration.
• Single Snapshot – Setup Only
—In this mode, when you import
the snapshot in the target
system, all the existing setup
data is deleted and the data
from the snapshot is imported.
For a list of setup artifacts, see
Snapshot Export Setup Artifacts.
Setup artifacts are exported to
CSV files in table format
contained in a ZIP file. Snapshot
ZIP files are available from the
Snapshots tab in Migration.
Snapshots run in Single
Snapshot – Setup Only mode
are executed faster than
snapshots run in Individual
Artifact – Setup Only mode and
may prevent database timeout
• Single Snapshot – Setup and
Data—In this mode, the data in
the target system is completely
deleted and data from the
snapshot is imported. The
import process can take longer
depending on the volume of the
Workbench data and may affect
the performance of the LCM
backup depending on the size of
the data in the staging tables.
For a list of setup and data
artifacts, see Snapshot Export

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-2 (Cont.) System Setting Profile Options

Profile Type Profile Option Profile Description

Setup Artifacts and Snapshot
Export Data Artifacts.
Before using this mode, create a
baseline individual artifact
The system exports setup and
all data (including Workbench)
incrementally to CSV files in
table format contained in a ZIP
file. Snapshot ZIP files are
available from the Snapshots tab
in Migration.
POV Default POV Period Specifies the default POV Period.
These preferences take precedence
when no equivalent settings are in
Application Settings or User Settings.
POV Default POV Category Specifies the default POV Category.
These preferences take precedence
when no equivalent settings are in
Application Settings or User Settings.
POV Default POV Location Specify the default POV location.
POV Global POV Mode When this is set to Yes, other POVs
(Application Level and User Level
POVs) are ignored.
Other Default Check Report Specify the type of Check Report to
use as the default check report. The
following are pre-seeded check
reports, but you can create a new
one and specify it here:
• Check Report—displays the
results of the validation rules for
the current location (pass or fail
• Check Report Period Range
(Cat, Start per, End per)—
Displays the results of the
validation rules for a category
and selected periods.
• Check Report by Val. Entity Seq.
—Displays the results of the
validation rules for the current
location (pass or fail status);
sorted by the sequence defined
in the validation entity group.
• Check Report with Warnings—
Displays the results of the
validation rules for the current
location. Warnings are recorded
in validation rules and shown if
warning criteria are met. This
report does not show rules that
passed the validation.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-2 (Cont.) System Setting Profile Options

Profile Type Profile Option Profile Description

Other Batch Timeout in Minutes When a batch job is run in sync
mode (immediate processing),
specify the maximum time the job
can run. In sync mode, Data
Management waits for the job to
complete before returning control.
Other Log Level Specify the level of detail displayed in
the logs. A log level of 1 shows the
least detail. A log level of 5 shows
the most detail.
Logs are displayed in Process
Details by selecting the Log link.
Other Check Report Precision Specify the total number of decimal
digits for rounding numbers, where
the most important digit is the left-
most nonzero digit, and the least
important digit is the right-most
known digit.
Other Display Data Export Option "Override Specify Yes to display the Override
All Data" All Data option in the Export Mode
drop-down located on the Execute
Rule screen.
When you select to override all data,
the following message is displayed
"Warning: Override All Data option
will clear data for the entire
application. This is not limited to the
current Point of View. Do really want
to perform this action."
Other Enable Map Audit Set to Yes to create audit records for
the Map Monitor reports (Map
Monitor for Location, and Map
Monitor for User). The default value
for this setting is No.
Other Access to Open Source Document When drilling down to the Data
Management landing page, this
setting determines access to the
Open Source Document link (which
opens the entire file that was used to
load data).
• Administrator—Access to Open
Source Document link is
restricted to the administrator
• All Users—Access to the Open
Source Document link is
available to all users. All Users is
the default setting.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-2 (Cont.) System Setting Profile Options

Profile Type Profile Option Profile Description

Other Map Export Delimiter Sets the column delimiter value when
exporting member mappings.
Available delimiters are:
• ! (exclamation mark)
• , (comma)
• ; (semi-colon)
• | (pipe)
Other Map Export Excel File Format Select the Excel file format to use
when exporting member mappings:
• Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls)
• Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook
Other Map LCM Format Sets the export option for data load
mappings to Migration (Lifecycle
Available options:
• Individual Data Load Mapping—
maps are exported individually
for each location and imported
individually for each location. If
you have a large number of
maps for each location, use this
method since it allows loading of
maps in smaller sets by location.
This method is also useful to
migrate maps for certain
locations selectively. With this
method, existing maps are
deleted and replaced by new
maps in the snapshot.
• Combine Data Load Mapping for
All Locations—maps are
exported in a single artifact for
all locations. With this method,
maps from the snapshot are
merged to the existing maps in
the target system. This is the
default setting.

Setting Application-Level Profiles

Use application settings to update or clear application-level profiles that apply to target
To set an application level profile:
1. On the Setup tab, under Configure, select Application Settings.
2. In Application Settings, from Target Application, select the Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud application.
3. Select application level profile settings.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

4. Optional: To clear a setting, select the value, and then click Delete.
The value is removed but is deleted only when you save it.
5. Click Save.

Table 2-3 Application Level Profile Options

Option Description
File Character Set Specify the method for mapping bit
combinations to characters for creating,
storing, and displaying text.
Each encoding has a name; for example,
UTF-8. Within an encoding, each character
maps to a specific bit combination; for
example, in UTF-8, uppercase A maps to

Click to view available character sets.

Encoding refers to mapping bit combinations
to characters for creating, storing, and
displaying text.
Convert the encoding to UNICODE if your
source file is not in one of the supported
Default POV Location Specify the default POV location.
Default POV Period Specify the default POV Period.
Default POV Category Specify the default POV Category.
Global POV Mode Specify the Global POV mode. When this is
set to Yes, then other POVs are ignored.
Default Check Report Specify the type of Check Report to use as the
default check report at the application level.
The following are pre-seeded check reports,
but you can create a new one and specify it
• Check Report—Displays the results of the
validation rules for the current location
(pass or fail status).
• Check Report Period Range (Cat, Start
per, End per)—Displays the results of the
validation rules for a category and
selected periods.
• Check Report by Val. Entity Seq.—
Displays the results of the validation rules
for the current location (pass or fail
status); sorted by the sequence defined in
the validation entity group.
• Check Report with Warnings—Displays
the results of the validation rules for the
current location. Warnings are recorded in
validation rules and shown if warning
criteria are met. This report does not
show rules that passed the validation.
This setting is not available in the Financial
Consolidation and Close.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-3 (Cont.) Application Level Profile Options

Option Description
Log Level Specify the level of detail displayed in the logs.
A log level of 1 shows the least detail. A log
level of 5 shows the most detail.
Logs are displayed in Process Details by
selecting the Log link.
Check Report Precision Specify the total number of decimal digits for
rounding numbers, where the most important
digit is the left-most nonzero digit, and the
least important digit is the right-most known
This setting is not available in the Financial
Consolidation and Close.
Display Data Export Option "Override All Data" Specify Yes to display the Override All Data
option in the Export Mode drop-down located
on the Execute Rule screen.
When you select to override all data, the
following message is displayed "Warning:
Override All Data option will clear data for the
entire application. This is not limited to the
current Point of View. Do really want to
perform this action."
Enable Map Audit Set to Yes to create audit records for the Map
Monitor reports (Map Monitor for Location, and
Map Monitor for User). The default value for
this setting is No.
Access to Open Source Document When drilling down to the Data Management
landing page, this setting determines access
to the Open Source Document link (which
opens the entire file that was used to load
• Administrator—Access to Open Source
Document link is restricted to the
administrator user.
• All Users—Access to the Open Source
Document link is available to all users. All
Users is the default setting.
Map Export Delimiter Sets the column delimiter value when
exporting member mappings.
Available delimiters are:
• ! (exclamation mark)
• , (comma)
• ; (semi-colon)
• | (pipe)
Map Export Excel File Format Select the Excel file format to use when
exporting member mappings:
• Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls)
• Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm)

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-4 Application Level Profile Options

Option Description
Application Root Folder The Application Root folder is the root folder
for storing all files used to load data to the
EPM application. You can use a separate root
folder for each EPM application.
Based on this parameter, the system saves log
files, generated files and reports to the
appropriate folder under this root directory.
Parameters must be set up on the server
separately from this setup step.
Selecting the Create Application Folder
button instructs the system to create a folder
structure in the path specified in this field. The
folder structure is (with sub-folders in each):
When you specify a folder at the application
level, and select the Create Application
Folder option, a set of folders is created for
the application that includes a scripts folder.
Create scripts specific to an application in this
folder. This is especially important for event
scripts that are different between applications.
If you do not set up an application level folder,
then you cannot have different event scripts by
If you specify a Universal Naming Convention
(UNC) path, share permissions on the folder
must allow access to the DCOM user for read/
write operations. Use a Universal Naming
Convention (UNC) path for the application root
folder when Oracle Hyperion Financial
Management and Data Management are on
separate servers. Contact your server
administrator to define the required UNC
If an UNC path is not entered, then you must
enter the absolute path. For example, specify

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-4 (Cont.) Application Level Profile Options

Option Description
File Character Set Specify the method for mapping bit
combinations to characters for creating,
storing, and displaying text.
Each encoding has a name; for example,
UTF-8. Within an encoding, each character
maps to a specific bit combination; for
example, in UTF-8, uppercase A maps to

Click to view available character sets.

Encoding refers to mapping bit combinations
to characters for creating, storing, and
displaying text.
Convert the encoding to UNICODE if your
source file is not in one of the supported
Default POV Location Specify the default POV location.
Default POV Period Specify the default POV Period.
Default POV Category Specify the default POV Category.
Default Check Report Specify the type of Report to use as the
default report at the application level. The
following are pre-seeded reports, but you can
create a new one and specify it here:
• Check Report—Displays the results of the
validation rules for the current location
(pass or fail status).
• Check Report Period Range (Cat, Start
per, End per)—Displays the results of the
validation rules for a category and
selected periods.
• Check Report by Val. Entity Seq.—
Displays the results of the validation rules
for the current location (pass or fail
status); sorted by the sequence defined in
the validation entity group.
• Check Report with Warnings—Displays
the results of the validation rules for the
current location. Warnings are recorded in
validation rules and shown if warning
criteria are met. This report does not
show rules that passed the validation.
Enable Event Script Execution Select Yes to enable the execution of
application events such as before loading data
(BefLoad) or after validation (AftValidate).
Select No to disable the execution of
application events.
Log Level Specify the level of detail displayed in the logs.
A log level of 1 shows the least detail. A log
level of 5 shows the most detail.
Logs are displayed in Process Details by
selecting the Log link.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-4 (Cont.) Application Level Profile Options

Option Description
Check Report Precision Specify the total number of decimal digits for
rounding numbers, where the most important
digit is the left-most non-zero digit, and the
least important digit is the right-most known
Display Data Export Option "Override All Data" Display the "Override All Data" option on the
Export Mode drop-down on the Execute Rule
When you select to override all data, the
following message is displayed "Warning:
Override All Data option will clear data for the
entire application. This is not limited to the
current Point of View. Do really want to
perform this action."
Enable Map Audit Set to Yes to create audit records for the Map
Monitor reports (Map Monitor for Location, and
Map Monitor for User). The default value for
this setting is No.
Access to Open Source Document When drilling down to the Data Management
landing page, this setting determines access
to the Open Source Document link (which
opens the entire file that was used to load
• Administrator—Access to Open Source
Document link is restricted to the
administrator user.
• All Users—Access to the Open Source
Document link is available to all users. All
Users is the default setting.
Map Export Delimiter Sets the column delimiter value when
exporting member mappings.
Available delimiters are:
• ! (exclamation mark)
• , (comma)
• ; (semi-colon)
• | (pipe)
Map Export Excel File Format Select the Excel file format to use when
exporting member mappings:
• Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls)
• Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm)

Locking and Unlocking All (POV) Locations

The lock all locations feature prevents data from being loaded to a selected POV by
locking all locations related to the current period and category for an entire target
application. When a location has been locked, you cannot import, validate, export, or
re-run the validation.

When a location is locked, a lock symbol ( ) is displayed in the POV bar.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

The Lock All Locations feature is referenced in the:

• Data Load Workbench
• Data Load Rule
• Batch Execution
An "Unlock All Location" option is also available so that you can unlock all locked location.
You can provide an option on the Select Point of View screen that enables users to unlock a
POV by location.
To lock all locations for a POV:
1. On the Setup tab, under Configure, select Application Settings.
2. In Application Settings, from the Target Application drop-down, select the target
application to which the application profile applies.
3. Click Lock All Locations.
4. In Period, select the period to lock.
5. In Category, select the category to lock.
6. Click Allow Unlock by Location to provide the Unlock POV option on the Select Point
of View screen.
If Allow Unlock by Location is disabled, then the Unlock POV and Lock POV fields are
not displayed on the Select Point of View screen.
7. Click OK.
All locations for the selected target application are locked.
To unlock a POV for all locations:
1. On the Setup tab, under Configure, select Application Settings.
2. In Application Settings, from the Target Application drop-down, select the target
application to which the application profile applies.
3. Click Unlock All Locations.
4. In Period, select the period to unlock.
5. In Category, select the category to unlock.
6. Click OK.
All locations for the selected target application are unlocked.

Setting User Level Profiles

Use user settings to update or clear user-level profiles that apply to the user.

When the Global mode is defined, then user level profiles for the POV are not

To set a user level profile:

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

1. On the Setup tab, under Configure, select User Settings.

2. In User Setting, select the options to add or modify.
3. Optional: To clear a setting, select the value and from your keyboard, and then
click Delete.
The value is removed, but it is deleted only when you save it.
4. Click Save.

Table 2-5 User Level Profile Settings

Option Description
File Character Set Specify the method for mapping bit
combinations to characters for creating,
storing, and displaying text.
Each encoding has a name; for example,
UTF-8. Within an encoding, each character
maps to a specific bit combination; for
example, in UTF-8, uppercase A maps to

Click to view available character sets on

the Search and Select screen.
Encoding refers to mapping bit combinations
to characters for creating, storing, and
displaying text.
You should convert the encoding to UNICODE
if your source file is not in one of the supported
Default POV Location Specify the default POV location.
Default POV Period Specify the default POV Period.
Default POV Category Specify the default POV Category.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-5 (Cont.) User Level Profile Settings

Option Description
Default Check Report Specify the type of Check Report to use as the
default check report at the user level. The
following are pre-seeded check reports, but
you can create a new one and specify it here:
• Check Report—Displays the results of the
validation rules for the current location
(pass or fail status).
• Check Report Period Range (Cat, Start
per, End per)—Displays the results of the
validation rules for a category and
selected periods.
• Check Report by Val. Entity Seq.—
Displays the results of the validation rules
for the current location (pass or fail
status); sorted by the sequence defined in
the validation entity group.
• Check Report with Warnings—Displays
the results of the validation rules for the
current location. Warnings are recorded in
validation rules and shown if warning
criteria are met. This does not show rules
that passed the validation.
This setting is not available in the Financial
Consolidation and Close.
Log Level Specify the level of detail displayed in the logs.
A log level of 1 shows the least detail. A log
level of 5 shows the most detail.
Logs are displayed in Process Details by
selecting the Log link.
Map Export Delimiter Sets the column delimiter value when
exporting member mappings.
Available delimiters are:
• ! (exclamation mark)
• , (comma)
• ; (semi-colon)
• | (pipe)
Map Export Excel File Format Select the Excel file format to use when
exporting member mappings:
• Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls)
• Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm)

Setting Security Options

Set up role-level, report, batch, and location security options.
In Data Management, service administrators and power users can enable security for almost
any user interface and report feature. Data Management supports four levels of security:
• Role level security—Controls access to components of the user interface that each user
can access.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

• Report security—Controls the reports that can be executed based on the report
groups assigned to a role.
• Batch security—Controls the batches that can be executed based on the batch
group assigned to a role.
• Location security—Controls access to locations.
Security levels apply to users. Role and Location security levels assigned to users are
compared at runtime. If a user is assigned a level that is equal to the level assigned to
the feature that the user is trying to access, the feature is available to the user.
In Data Management, administrators can control user access to locations using
location security.

Role Level Security

Data Management security enables service administrators and power users to
customize user access to user interface functions using the concept of roles. Roles are
permissions that grant user access to functions. In Data Management, default roles
are assigned to functions that aggregate and tailor specific requirements. After the
functions are assigned to a role, the corresponding role is mapped to users when
provisioning users in Application Management. The process of granting roles to users
is described in the Oracle® Enterprise Performance Management System User and
Role Security Guide.
To add role level security:
1. On the Setup tab, under Configure, select Security Settings.
2. In Security Setting, select the User Interface tab.
3. In Role, select the role category to which to assign access.
The role category determines the display of functions associated with the selected
role. A list of roles is described below.

4. Select either the Report tab or Batch tab.

5. In Select, select the function to assign to the role.
For information on assigning role security to report groups, see Defining Report

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

For information on assigning role security to batch groups, see Defining Batch Security.
6. Click Save.

Table 2-6 Role and Descriptions

Role Description
Create Integration Creates Data Management metadata and data
load rules.
Run Integration Runs Data Management data rules and fills out
runtime parameters. Can view transaction logs.

Defining Report Security

Report security enables you to assign reports to a selected type group, which in turn, is
assigned to a role. The role has access to all report in the groups at execution time.
To define report security, you assign reports of a selected type to a group (see Adding Report
Groups). Next, you assign the report group to a role. The role has access to all reports in the
groups at execution time.
To add report level security:
1. On the Setup tab, under Configure, select Security Settings.
2. In Role, select the role to which to assign the report security.
Available roles:
• Create Integration—Creates Data Management metadata and data load rules
• Run Integration—Runs Data Management and fills out runtime parameters. Can view
transaction logs.
3. Select the Report tab.
4. In Report Group, in the Select field, select the report group to which to assign report

5. Click Save.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

When a user selects the Reports Execution, the list of available reports in the
Report Groups drop down is based on reports selected in role security.

Defining Batch Security

Batch security enables you to assign batch to a selected type group, which in turn, is
assigned to a role. The role has access to all batches in the groups at execution time.
To define batch security, you assign batches of a selected type to a group (see Adding
a Batch Group). Next you assign the batch group to a role. The role has access to all
batches in the groups at execution time.
To add batch security:
1. On Setup tab, under Configure, select Security Settings.
2. From Role, select the role to which to assign batch security.
Available roles:
• Create Integration—Creates Data Management metadata and data load rules
• Run Integration—Runs Data Management and fills out runtime parameters.
Can view transaction logs.
3. Select the Batch tab.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

4. In Batch Group, from Select, select the batch group to which to assign batch security.
5. Click Save.
When a user selects the Batch Execution, the list of available reports in the Batch
Groups is based on batches selected in role security.

Defining Location Security

User access to locations is determined by location security. You define the user groups to
create for each location.
Location security (user access to locations) for Data Management is configured and enforced
by options on the Location Security Settings tab. You define the user groups to create for
each location. When a location is created or updated, then you can create as many groups as
defined in the system settings for the location. Additionally, a Maintain User Groups option
enables you to create user groups in mass for all the existing locations.
Several dependent processes must occur before Location Security is fully implemented:
1. When a Location is created, User Groups are created automatically in Application
The user group contains the name of the location and additional prefix and suffix
information based on the user preference. In addition, roles are provisioned for User
2. The administrator provisions the users to the User Groups.
3. When the user logs in, Data Management determines the groups assigned to the user.
Based on the name of the group, Data Management determines the accessible locations.
4. The POV region filters the locations based on the user access.

If the web services and batch scripts are used, then location security is still
maintained and enforced.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

To display the Location Security tab:

1. On the Setup tab, under Configure, select Security Settings.
2. Select the Location Security tab.
To add a user group for location security:
1. On the Setup tab, under Configure, select Security Settings.
2. Select the Location Security tab.
3. In the Location summary grid, click Add.
A LOCATION name row is added. When the group is saved, the Group name is in
the form of Prefix_Location_Suffix, for example, FDMEE_LOCATION_DATA.
The prefix and suffix help identify groups in Common Shared Services (CSS).
4. In the Security Setting Details grid, enter a description of the user group in the
Description field.
For example, enter: Group for Creating and Running Integration.
5. In the Prefix field, enter FDMEE.
When the group is saved, the prefix is prepended to the group name.

Underscore is not supported in the prefix or suffix for group names.

6. In the Suffix field, select the name of the function or rule that the user is
provisioned to access.

Underscore is not supported in the prefix or suffix for group names.

For example, specify:

• Run Integration role
• Create Integration role
When the group is saved, the suffix is appended to the group name.
7. Select the list of roles provisioned for the user group by selecting the appropriate
• Create Integration
• Run Integration
By default, only Service Administrators and Power Users can access Data
Management to work on the data integration process.
To enable users with the User or Viewer identity domain role to participate in the
integration process, Service Administrators and power users can grant the
following Data Management roles to them.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

• Create Integration—Uses Data Management to create mappings to integrate data

between source and target systems. Users can define data rules with various run
time options.
• Run Integration From Data Management—Executes data rules with runtime
parameters and views execution logs.
For information on available roles, see Role Level Security.
8. Click Save.
9. To create user groups in mass for the location, click Maintain User Groups.
To disable security by location:
1. On the Setup tab, under Configure, select Security Settings.
2. Select the Location Security tab.
3. Click Disable Security by location.
When security by location is disabled, this message is displayed: Security by Location
is disabled. Would you like to enable the feature?
4. Click Save.

Setting up Source Systems

Data Management supports only file-based source systems. Before you begin using Data
Management, you must register the source system.
1. Register a source system.
See Registering File-Based Source Systems.
2. Edit source system settings as necessary. See Editing Registered Source System
For information on removing a registered source system, see Deleting Registered Source

For information on viewing Data Management processes or jobs, see Viewing
Process Details.

Registering File-Based Source Systems

Use this procedure to register a file-based source system to use in Data Management.
The source system page displays all registered source systems in a table in the Summary
pane. By default, the following columns are displayed:
• Name—Name of the source system
• Type—A file-based source system is the only supported source system.
• Description—The description that you entered when you registered the source system.
• Drill URL—The drill URL you entered when you registered the source system.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

You must manually create a source system and initialize it, before artifacts
(such as the import format, or location) that use the source system are
imported. You must manually create a source system and initialize it, before
artifacts (such as the import format, or location) that use the source system
are imported using Migration import.

To add a file-based source system:

1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Source System.
2. In Source System, click Add.
3. Enter the source system details:
a. In Source System Name, enter the source system name.
b. In Source System Description, enter a description of the source system.
c. In Source System Type, select File as the source system type.
d. In Drill Through URL, enter the URL hyperlink for the drill through link by
specifying the protocol identifier and resource name.
Drill through is the navigation from a value in one data source to
corresponding data in another file-based source system. Use drill through
when you are working on data in EPM applications and want to understand the
source of a data value.
The protocol identifier indicates the name of the protocol used to fetch the
resource. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) serves up the hypertext
documents. HTTP is just one of many various protocols used to access
different types of resources. Another protocol is file.
The resource name is the complete address to the resource. The format of the
resource name depends entirely on the protocol used, but for many protocols,
including HTTP, the resource name contains one or more of the following
• Host Name—Specify the name of the machine on which the resource
• File Name—The path name to the file on the machine.
• Port Name—The port number to which to connect (typically optional).
For example, specify
For more information about defining a drill through, see Using Drilling Through.
e. In ODI Context Code, enter the context code.
The ODI context code refers to the context defined in Oracle Data Integrator. A
context groups the source and target connection information.
The default context code is GLOBAL.
Watch this tutorial video to learn more about loading data by a file in the Planning
and drilling down with Data Management.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Tutorial Video
4. Click Save.
After you add a source system, you can select the source system in the table, and the
details are displayed in the lower pane.

Registering Oracle ERP Cloud Source Systems

When integrating applications, such as Oracle General Ledger or Budgetary Control created
in the Oracle ERP Cloud with an Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud
application, you first create and register the source system specifying the application type
Oracle ERP Cloud.
To add an Oracle ERP Cloud application as a source system:
1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Source System.
2. In Source System, click Add.
3. Enter the source system details:
a. In Source System Name, enter the source system name.
Enter the name you want to use for the application, such as "General Ledger" or
"Fusion Budgetary Control".
b. In Source System Description, enter a description of the source system.
c. In Source System Type, select Oracle ERP Cloud.
If you want to register an Oracle General Ledger application as a source system,
leave the Fusion Budgetary Control field unchecked.
If you want to register an Budgetary Control application as a source system, check
the Fusion Budgetary Control field.
d. In Application Filter, specify any filter(s) conditions to limit the number of
applications returned when you initialize the source system.
You can specify a single filter condition or multiple filter conditions. If you use multiple
filter conditions, separate each filter by a comma (,).
When you specify an application name as a filter, you can use the full Oracle General
Ledger or Budgetary Control application name, wild card, or a wild card for a single
character as shown below.
• GeneralLedgerVision (Full Name)
• VF* (Wild Card)
• VF??COA (Wild Card for single char_)

When you run the initialize process, the system imports all the applications that
match the filter condition. If no filter is provided, all applications are imported.
e. In ODI Context Code, enter the context code.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

The ODI context code refers to the context defined in Oracle Data Integrator. A
context groups the source and target connection information.
The default context code is GLOBAL.
4. Click Configure Source Connection.
The source connection configuration is used to store the Oracle ERP Cloud user
name and password. It also stores the WSDL connection for the same.
5. In User Name, enter the Oracle ERP Cloud user name.
Enter the name of the Oracle ERP Cloud user who launches the process requests
to send information between the EPM Cloud and the General Ledger. This user
must be assigned a General Ledger job role such as "Financial Analyst," "General
Accountant," or "General Accounting Manager."

Web services requires that you use your native user name and password
and not your single sign-on user name and password.

6. In Password, enter the Oracle ERP Cloud password.

You must update this password anytime you change your Oracle ERP Cloud
7. In Web Services URL, enter the server information for the Fusion web service.
For example, enter

For customers using release 19.01 and earlier of the Oracle ERP Cloud, use the
old WSDL to make the connection and then specify the URL in the following
If you are use a release URL format version earlier than R12, then replace the "fs"
with fin in the URL from the one that is used to log on into the Web Services URL.
If you are use a release URL format version later than R12, replace the "fs" with "
fa " in the URL from the one that is used to log or simply copy and paste the server
from the one that is used to log on into Web Services URL.
8. Click Configure.
The confirmation "Source system [source system name] has been configured
successfully" is displayed.
9. On the Source System screen, click Initialize.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Initializing the source system fetches all metadata needed in Data Management, such as
ledgers, chart of accounts, and so on. It is also necessary to initialize the source system
when there are new additions, such as chart of accounts, segments/chartfields, ledgers,
and responsibilities in the source system.
The initialize process may take a while, and you can watch the progress in the job
10. Click Save.

After you add a source system, select the source system in the table, and the details are
displayed in the lower pane.

Deleting Registered Source Systems

You can delete registered source systems if you do not plan to use the source system with
Data Management.

Use caution when deleting registered source systems! Part of the procedure for
deleting a source system is to delete the target application. When you delete the
target application, other artifacts are deleted. When you delete a registered source
system, the source system is removed from the Source System screen and all
import formats, locations, and data rules associated with the source system are

To remove a registered source system:

1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Target Application.
Use the Target Application page to remove all target applications that have rules or
mappings to the source system.
2. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Source System.
3. In Source System, select the source system to remove, and then click Delete.

To undo a deletion, click Cancel.

4. Click OK.

Editing Registered Source System Details

Sometimes, source system details change. You can edit the source system details as
needed. Keep in mind that after you add a source system type, you should not modify it.
To edit registered source system settings:
1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Source System.
2. Select the source system.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

3. Edit the source system details.

4. Click Save.

Adding File-Based Data Load Definitions

Source systems with the type "file" are used in import formats to load data from fixed
and delimited files.
Data Management creates a file-based data load system automatically. If you create
an alternate file-based data load source system, follow the procedure below.
To use file-based import formats, you must define a file-based data load.
To add a file-based data load definition:
1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Source System.
2. In Source System, click Add.
3. Enter the source system details:
a. In Source System Name, enter the file-based data load system name.
b. In Source System Description, enter a description.
c. In Source System Type, select File.
d. In Drill Through URL, specify the URL that identifies the URL to use for
drilling through.
For more information about a file-based drill through, see Using Drilling
e. In ODI Context Code, enter the context code.
The ODI context code refers to the context defined in Oracle Data Integrator. A
context groups the source and target connection information.
4. Click Save.
After you add a file-based data load system, select the source system in the table.
The details of the system are displayed in the lower pane.

Registering Target Applications

Target applications enable Data Management to be used as a primary gateway to
integrate data between different source systems and target applications. In this way,
you can deploy local Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud applications,
business process instance to business process instance deployments (cloud to cloud
applications), custom applications, and generic data source entities into your existing
EPM portfolio. The process to integrate source applications with target applications
provides data visibility, integrity, and verification systems.
The following application types describe the types of target application that can be
• local—This application type refers to a local EPM application (on-premise
deployment) in the current service.
You might use the integration to import data from existing on-premise ERP
applications or synchronize data between on-premise EPM applications.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

For example, Oracle Hyperion Financial Management customers can add Planning data,
or a Planningcustomer can add more Planning applications. In addition, this integration
enables you to write back from a cloud to an on-premise application or other external
reporting applications.
• Cloud—This application type refers to a service instance that uses a remote service to
integrate data. A business process instance is a self-contained unit often containing the
web server and the database application. In this case, connection information must be
selected between the two business process instances.
This feature enables EPM customers to adapt cloud deployments into their existing EPM
portfolio including
– Planning Modules
– Planning
– Financial Consolidation and Close
– Profitability and Cost Management
– Tax Reporting
Also see Using Data Management with Multiple Oracle Cloud EPM Deployments.
• Data Source—Refers to generic source and target entities that use the specific data
model of the source or target applications.
For example, NSPB Sync SuiteApp Save Search Results objects and Oracle Human
Capital Management Cloud extracts are considered data source applications.
• Dimension— Refers to the class of dimension or dimension type of a target application
when loading metadata. When you add a dimension, Data Management creates six-
dimension applications automatically: Account, Entity, Custom, Scenario, Version, and
For more information on adding a dimension class or type as a target application, see
Registering a Target Application for the Class of Dimension or Dimension Type.
To register a target application:
1. Select the Setup tab, and then under Register, select Target Application.
2. In Target Application, in the summary grid, click Add, and then select the type of
Available options are Cloud (for a Cloud deployment), Local (for an on-premise
deployment) or data source (for Oracle NetSuite or Oracle HCM Cloud deployments.)
For a Cloud deployment, go to step 3.
For a Local deployment, go to step 4.
3. To register a Cloud deployment, select Cloud and then complete the following steps on
the EPM Cloud Credentials screen:
a. In URL, specify the service URL that you use to log on to your service.
b. In User name, specify the user name for the Cloud Service application.
c. In Password, specify the password for the Cloud Service application.
d. In Domain, specify the domain name associated with the Cloud Service Application.
An identity domain controls the accounts of users who need access to service
instances. It also controls the features that authorized users can access. A service
instance belongs to an identity domain.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Administrators can update the domain name that is presented to the
user, but Data Management requires the original domain name that
was provided when the customer signed up for the service. Alias
domain names cannot be used when setting up EPM Cloud
connections from Data Management.

e. From Type, specify the type of application, and click OK.

Valid application types:
• Planning
• Essbase
• Consolidation
• Tax Reporting
You can also click Show Applications and select the application.
f. In Application Name, enter the application name.
g. To register a target application with the same name as an existing target
application, in Prefix, specify a prefix to make the name unique.
The prefix name is joined to the existing target application name. For example,
if you want to name a demo target application the same name as the existing
"Vision" application, you might assign the Demo prefix to designate the target
application with a unique name. In this case, the Data Management joins the
names to form the name DemoVision.
h. Click OK.

4. Click OK.
5. In Application Details, enter the application name.
6. Click OK.
7. Click Refresh Members.
To refresh metadata and members from theEPM Cloud, you must click Refresh

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

8. Click Save.
9. Define the dimension details.
Optional: If not all dimensions are displayed, click Refresh Metadata.
10. Select the application options.

For Financial Consolidation and Close application options, see Defining
Application Options for Financial Consolidation and Close.

Reusing Target Application Names Multiple Times

Data Management supports the registration of target applications with the same name. You
might use this feature when you have multiple service environments and the application
name is the same in each environment, or the application names are identical in development
and production environments. This feature enables you to add a prefix to the application
name when registering the application so that it can be registered successfully in Data
Management and can be identified correctly in the list of target applications.
In the following example, the user has selected the target application name "Vision" and
prefixed it with the name "Demo." The result is a new target application with the name

A target application with a prefix is not backward compatible and cannot be migrated to a
17.10 or earlier release. Only a target application without a prefix name can be migrated to an
earlier release.
For information on adding a prefix, see Registering Target Applications.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Creating a Data Export File

The data export to file feature enables you to export data from an Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud application to a data file. You can use the data file to
load data into an ERP application or an external system.
When creating a data export to file application, note the following:
• When dimensions are created, the order of the column in the data file is used to
assign the column order. The first column in file is assigned ACCOUNT data
• It is recommended that you export only a year at a time. If date ranges cross a
year boundary, data may be duplicated.
• Data Rule—The POV category is not validated.
• Data Load Mapping—Target values are not validated for data export to file
• Data Load Execution—When the option to export the data file is enabled, Data
Management creates an output data file. The name of the data file is <Target App
Name>_<Process ID>.dat, and it is written to the <APPL ROOT FOLDER>/outbox
directory. You can access the data file from the Process Details page from the
OUTPUT file column.
When the data load rule is executed, Data Management exports the data.
• Check Rules can be created from a data export file. Check rules cannot be based
on target values.
• Write-back is not applicable from data export files.
• In this release, only numeric data types are supported.
• The custom target application option is still available for exporting production data
to external systems. Data Management supports both the custom target and data
export to file application options. Eventually, the data export to file option will
supersede the custom target application option due to its enhanced functions and
The data export to file option is largely backward compatible with the file format of
the custom target application option, but small differences exist, which may cause
regression issues.
For this reason, you are urged to migrate your existing custom target applications
to Data Export to File applications. To do this, select the System Maintenance
process called the Upgrade Custom Application option, which can be run for
one custom application or all. See Upgrade Custom Applications for more
The Upgrade Custom Application process converts existing custom applications to
the file formats used by the data export to file option. It retains all the existing
setup. When the custom target applications have been converted, you can run
same data rule as before. Before using the conversion program, reconcile any
differences in the file formats. For example, the header row in the data export to
file option contains the name of the dimension and not UD1, UD2 etc.
To define a data export to file target application:
1. Create a .CSV file with the list of columns in the order that you want exported.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Do not include the Amount column in the data file. If its included, you can delete
it after the application is created.

The name of the file is the name of the application so name the file appropriately.
2. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Target Application.
3. In the Target Application summary grid, click Add.
4. Select Local target application.
5. From Select Application, select Data Export to File.
6. From the Select screen, select the name of the source file.

7. To register a target application with the same name as an existing target application, in
Prefix, specify a prefix to make the name unique.
The prefix name is joined to the existing target application name. For example, if you
want to name a demo target application the same name as the existing "Vision"
application, you might assign the Demo prefix to designate the target application with a
unique name. In this case, Data Management joins the names to form the name

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

8. Click OK.
The system registers the application.
9. In Application Details, select the Dimension Details tab.
10. Edit the Dimension Name and Data Column Name as needed.

11. In Sequence, specify the order in which the maps are processed.

For example, when Account is set to 1, Product is set to 2, and Entity is set to 3,
then Data Management first processes the mapping for Account dimension,
followed by Product, and then by Entity.
12. In Column Order, specify the order of each column in the data export file.

By default, Data Management assigns the "Account" dimension as the first column
in the order.
13. Click Save.

14. Click the Application Options tab, and select any applicable properties and
values for the data export file.
For more information about data export to file properties, see Data Export to File

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

15. Click Save.

16. From Setup, then Integration Setup, and then Import Format, create an import format
based on the source type that you want to load to the target application.
The import format defines the layout of source data.
For more information, see Defining Import Formats for File-Based Mappings.
17. From Setup, then Integration Setup, and then Location, define the location to specify
where to load data.
For more information, see Defining Locations.
18. From Setup, Integration Setup, and then Period Mapping, define any periods.

You define period mappings to map your source system data to Period dimension
members in the target application. You can define period mappings at the Global,
Application, and Source System levels.
For more information, see Defining Period Mappings.
For information on loading multiple periods for file-based data, see Loading Multiple
Periods for EPM Cloud or File-Based Source Systems.
19. From Setup, then Integration Setup, and then Category Mapping, define any
categories to map source system data
For more information, see Defining Category Mappings.
20. From Workflow, then Data Load, and then Data Load Mapping, define data load
mapping to map source dimension members to their corresponding target application
dimension members.
You define the set of mappings for each combination of location, period, and category to
which you want to load data.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

For more information, see Creating Member Mappings.

21. From Workflow, then Data Load, and then Data Load Rule, define a data load
rule for a specific location and category. The data rule determines the data
imported from the source system.
For more information, see Defining Data Load Rule Details for a File-Based
Source System.
You check the box labeled "import from source" so that you can look at the data
and the mapped results in the workbench prior to loading the data from the source
system. After everything is confirmed, additional data imports can be loaded to the
workbench and exported to the EPM Cloud application in the same step.
22. Execute the data load rule to define the options for running the data load rule.

You can execute the data load rule for one or more periods. You then verify that
the data was imported and transformed correctly, and then export the data to the
target application.
See the following data load rule topics:
• Executing data load rules—Running Data Load Rules.
• Schedule data load rules—Scheduling Data Load Rules.

Data Export to File Properties

Use the following options when defining the data export to file application:

Filter Description
Download File Name Enter the name of the output file.
You can use EPM Automate to download
the output file. The EPM Automate Utility
enables Service Administrators to remotely
perform Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management Cloud tasks.
For more information, see Working with
EPM Automate for Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud .
Column Delimited Select the character to use for delimiting
columns in the output file.
Available column delimiters are:
• ,
• |
• !
• ;
• :
The default delimiter is a comma (,).

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Filter Description
Workflow Mode Select the data workflow method.
Available options:
• Full—Data is processed in the
TDATASEG_T table and then copied to
the TDATASEG table.
All four Workbench processes are
supported (Import, Validate, Export,
and Check) and data can be viewed in
the Workbench.
Drill-down is supported.
• Full No Archive—Data is processed in
the TDATASEG_T table and then copied
to TDATASEG table.
All four Workbench processes are
supported (Import, Validate, Export,
and Check). Data can be viewed in the
Workbench but only after the import
step has been completed. Data is
deleted from TDATASEG at the end of
the workflow process.
Drill-down is not supported
• Simple— Data is processed in the
TDATASEG_T table and then exported
directly from the TDATASEG_T. table.
All data loads include both the import
and export steps.
Data is not validated and any
unmapped data result in load failure.
Maps are not archived in
Data cannot be viewed in the
Drill-down is not supported.
The Simple Workflow Mode is the
default mode.
File Character Set Specify the file character set.
The file character set determines the
method for mapping bit combinations to
characters for creating, storing, and
displaying text. Each encoding has a name;
for example, UTF-8.
UTF-8 is the default file character set.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Filter Description
End of Line Character Select the operating system of the server
associated with the End Of Line (EOL)
Valid options are
• Windows
• Linux
indicates end of line. Some text editors like
Notepad will not display files using Linux
EOL correctly.
An EOL character indicates the end of line.
Some text editors like Notepad do no
display files using the Linux EOL correctly.
For EPM Cloud, Data Management uses the
Linux EOL character as the defaults.
When customers views exported files in
Windows, the EOL shows on a single line.
Include Header Determines whether to include/exclude the
header record in the output file.
Select Yes to include the dimension name
in the header record. The default is Yes.
Select No to exclude the header record.
Export Attribute Columns Include attribute columns if you have some
static values to include in the export or file.
You can also use attribute columns if you
don't have a requirement to map the
source values. This will minimize the need
to define data load mapping.
Select Yes to include attribute columns.
Select No to exclude attribute columns.
Accumulate Data Summarizes Account data before export
and groups the results by one or more
Select Yes to group the results by one or
more columns.
Select No to not group the results by one or
more columns.
The default value is Yes.
Sort Data Determine if data is sorted based on the
column order or not.
Select Yes to include columns.
Select No to exclude columns.
Pivot Dimension Pivoting changes the orientation of the
data in the export file enabling you to
aggregate the results and rotate rows into
columns. When you pivot between rows
and columns, the system moves the
selected dimension to the outermost row or
column on the opposite axis.
To use this feature, specify one dimension
name from the export file.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Creating a Custom Target Application

Create a custom target application that enables you to extract data from the Oracle
Enterprise Performance Management Cloud, and then push the data into a flat file instead of
loading it to an EPM Cloud application.
You can define the custom target application with required dimensionality. Instead of
exporting the data to a target application, Data Management generates a data file that can be
loaded to an external system using a custom process.
When creating a custom target application, note the following:
• Data is written to the file in the following predefined order: Account, Entity, UD1, UD2 ...
• The sequence that is specified when you create the custom application definition is used
to order the dimensions for mapping processing. Note the sequence in case you have
scripts that have an order of processing dependency.
• Data Rule—The POV category is not validated.
• Data Load Mapping—Target values are not validated for custom applications.
• Data Load Execution—Data Management creates an output data file. The name of the
data file is <Target App Name>_<Process ID>.dat, and it is written to the <APPL ROOT
FOLDER>/outbox directory. You can access the data file from the Process Details page
from the OUTPUT file column.
When the data load rule is executed, Data Management exports the data.
• To extract data from an EPM Cloud application with Data Management, the Period
dimension must be set to "dense." The only exception is the Financial Consolidation and
Close, where the account dimension is set to "dense" instead of the Period dimension.
• Check Rules can be created from a custom target application. Check rules cannot be
based on target values.
• Write-back is not applicable from custom target applications.
To define a custom target application:
1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Target Application.
2. In Target Application, in the Target Application summary grid, click Add.
3. Select Local target application.
4. From Select Application, select Custom Application, and then click OK.

5. In Application Details, enter the application name.

6. Select the Dimension Details tab.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

7. Specify the Dimension Name.

8. Select the Target Dimension Class or click to select the Target Dimension
Class for each dimension that is not defined in the application.
9. In Data Table Column Name, specify the table column name of the column in the
staging table (TDATASEG) where the dimension value is stored.

Click to search and select a data table column name.

10. In Sequence, specify the order in which the maps are processed.

For example, when Account is set to 1, Product is set to 2, and Entity is set to 3,
then Data Management first processes the mapping for Account dimension,
followed by Product, and then by Entity.
11. In Prefix Dimension for Duplicates, enable or check (set to Yes) to prefix
member names by the dimension name.
The member name that is loaded is in the format [Dimension Name]@[Dimension
Member]. The prefixed dimension name is applied to all dimensions in the
application when this option is enabled. You cannot select this option if there is a
dimension in the target that has duplicate members. That is, only select this option
when the duplicate members are across dimensions.
If the application supports duplicate members and Prefix Dimension for Duplicates
is disabled or unchecked (set to no), then the user must specify the fully qualified
member names. Refer to the Essbase documentation for the fully qualified
member name format.

Planning does not support duplicate members.

12. Click Application Options.

13. In Enable export to file, select Yes to have Data Management create an output
data file for the custom target application.
A file is created in the outbox folder on the server with the following name format:
<LOCATION>_<SEQUENCE>.dat. For example, when the location is named
Texas and the next sequence is 16, then the file name is Texas_15.dat. The file is
created during the export step of the workflow process.
When the Enable export to file option is set to No, then the Export to Target
option is unavailable in the execution window.
14. In File Character Set, select the file character set.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

The file character set determines the method for mapping bit combinations to characters
for creating, storing, and displaying text. Each encoding has a name; for example, UTF-8.
Within an encoding, each character maps to a specific bit combination; for example, in
UTF-8, uppercase A maps to HEX41.
15. In Column Delimiter, select the character to use for delimiting columns in the output file.

Available column delimiters are:

• ,
• |
• !
• ;
• :
16. In File Name to Download, enter the file name to copy.
You can then use the EPM Automate to download the file. The EPM Automate Utility
enables Service Administrators to remotely perform Planning tasks.
17. Click Save.

Adding Lookup Dimensions

Lookup dimensions can be created and assigned with data columns for target applications,
and are used for mapping and reference.
Lookup dimensions can only be used in Data Management and do not affect the
dimensionality of a target application. They can also be used with member mapping
functionality to cross-reference multiple source segments and chartfields and assign a target
To add a lookup dimension:
1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Target Application.
2. In the Target Application summary grid, select a target application.
3. Select the Dimension Details tab.
4. Click Add.
Blank dimension name and data table column name entry fields are displayed.
5. In Dimension Name, enter the lookup dimension name.
6. In Data Table Column Name, select the data column from which to base the lookup

The data table column name value must be a user-defined dimension greater
than the selected target dimension. For example, if the application has four
custom dimensions, select UD5.

7. Click OK.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

The lookup dimension is added to the dimension detail list with the target
dimension class name of "LOOKUP." To use the lookup dimension as a source
dimension, make sure you map it in the import format.

Defining Application Dimension Details

Dimension details differ for each application type. For selected application types, you
can reclassify the dimensions and change the dimension class as necessary.

To define dimension details:

1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Target Application.
2. Select the Dimension Details tab.

3. Select the Target Dimension Class or click to select the Target Dimension
Class for each dimension that is not defined in the application.
The dimension class is a property that is defined by the dimension type. For
example, if you have a Period dimension, the dimension class is also "Period". For
Essbase applications, you must specify the appropriate dimension class for
Account, Scenario, and Period. For Oracle Hyperion Public Sector Planning and
Budgeting applications, you must specify the dimension class for Employee,
Position, Job Code, Budget Item, and Element.
For information on Financial Consolidation and Close application dimensions, see
Financial Consolidation and Close Supported Dimensions.
4. Optional: Click Refresh Metadata to synchronize the application metadata from
the target application.
5. In Data Table Column Name, specify the table column name of the column in the
staging table (TDATASEG) where the dimension value is stored.

Click to search and select a data table column name.

6. In Sequence, specify the order in which the maps are processed.
For example, when Account is set to 1, Product is set to 2, and Entity is set to 3,
then Data Management first processes the mapping for Account dimension,
followed by Product, and then by Entity.
7. For Essbase applications and Profitability and Cost Management only: Select
the Create Drill Region.
The selection of the dimensions to create a drill-region defines the granularity for
the drillable region. For example, if you only select the year dimension, you can
drill on a cell that at least does not have a null for year.
When you select a dimension in which to a create a drill-region, you can design
the granularity for the drillable region. For example, if you only select the year
dimension, you can drill on a cell that at least does not have a null for year.
Select the Create Drill Region option if you want to include the dimension in the
Drill Region data slice definition. When the dimension is selected during the data
load process, the system builds the data slice by including the unique list of values
for each of the dimension.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

The Drill Region simply defines the cells for which the drill icon is enabled in the
Data Forms and SmartView. It is recommended to use a minimum set of
dimensions to define the drill region. If a large number of dimensions are
included in the drill region, then the size of the drill region becomes large and
consumes system resources every time a form is rendered. For Planning
applications, use dimensions with small number of members like Scenario,
Year, Period, Version to define the drill region. For an Financial Consolidation
and Close application, use only the Data Source for defining the drill region.

If you want to define a more granular drill region with multiple dimensions, then use the
Calculation Manager Drill Region page to edit the region definition. You can use member
functions like iDescendants to define the region instead of individual members. You can
access the drill region by selecting Navigate and then Rules. Then click Database
Properties and expand the application and select the cube. Right click and select Drill
Through Definition. Edit only the Region definition and do not modify the XML content.
If you edit the drill region manually, set the Drill Region option to No in Application
8. Click Save.
The target application is ready for use with Data Management.

To edit the dimension details, select the target application, then edit the application
or dimension details, as necessary. To filter applications on the Target Application
page, ensure that the filter row is displaying above the column headers. (Click
to toggle the filter row.) Then, enter the text to filter.

Defining Application Options for Planning

Define application and dimension details for Planning applications.
After defining the application details and dimension details, define the application options.
To define application options for Planning applications:
1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Target Application.
2. In the Target Application summary grid, select a Planning target application or Essbase
target application.
3. After defining the application details and dimension details in Application Detail, select
the Application Options tab.
4. Complete the application options as needed.
5. Click Save.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-7 Planning Application Options and Descriptions

Option Description
Load Method Select the method for loading data:
• Numeric—Loads numeric data only.
Planning data security is not enforced with
this method.
• all data types with security— Loads
Numeric, Text, Smartlist, Date data types.
If the Planning administrator loads data,
Planning data security is not enforced.
If a Planning non-administrator user loads
data, then Planning data security is
Batch Size Specify the batch size used to write data to
file. The default size is 10,000.
Drill Region Select Yes, to create a drill region. A drillable
region is created to use the drill through

does not support
drilling through to
human resource

When loading data from Data Management,

the drill region is loaded to Planning data.
Data Management creates drill region by
scenarios. For any cube (Planning plan types
or Planning databases), the name of the drill
region is FDMEE_<name of the scenario
member>. When creating the drill region, Data
Management checks if a dimension is enabled
for the drill.
Members of enabled dimensions selected in
data loads, are included in the drill region filter.
If no dimensions are enabled, the following
dimensions are enabled by default: Scenario,
Version, Year, and Period. You can enable
additional dimensions, and the subsequent
data load considers members of newly
enabled dimensions. If you disable any
dimensions which were previously included in
a drill region used for drill creation, members
of such dimensions are not deleted during the
subsequent data loads. If needed, you can
remove obsolete members manually.
For more information about drill through, see
Using Drilling Through.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-7 (Cont.) Planning Application Options and Descriptions

Option Description
Enable Drill from Summary Select Yes to drill down from summary
members in a Planning data form or report and
view the detail source data that make up the
After enabling this option and loading the data
with the Create Drill Region option set to Yes,
the Drill icon is enabled at the summary level.
Drill is limited to 1000 descendant members
for a dimension.

If you Enable
Summary Drill,
do not include
the dimension
you want to drill
from the Parent
Members in the
drill region
definition. If you
absolutely need
to include this
dimension, then
disable the auto
drill region
creation and
then maintain the
drill region
manually using
Manager user
interface. Use
member function
like Descendants
to enumerate the
members you
want to include in
the drill region.
Summary drill is
available for local
service instances
only. It is not
between cross
service instances
or hybrid

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-7 (Cont.) Planning Application Options and Descriptions

Option Description
Purge Data File When a file-based data load to Essbase is
successful, specify whether to delete the data
file from the application outbox directory.
Select Yes to delete the file, or No to retain the
Date Format Use the date format based on the locale
settings for your locale. For example, in the
United States, enter the date using the format
MM/DD/YY format.
Data Dimension for Auto-Increment Line Item Select the data dimension that matches the
data dimension you specified in Planning.
Used for loading incremental data using a
LINEITEM flag. See Loading Incremental Data
using the LINEITEM Flag to an EPM Cloud
Driver Dimension for Auto-Increment Line Item Select the driver dimension that matches the
driver dimension you specified in Planning.
Used for loading incremental data using a
LINEITEM flag. See Loading Incremental Data
using the LINEITEM Flag to an EPM Cloud
Member name may contain comma If the member name contains a comma, and
you are loading data to one of the following
services, set this option to Yes, and then load
the data:
• Planning Modules
• Planning
• Financial Consolidation and Close
• Tax Reporting

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-7 (Cont.) Planning Application Options and Descriptions

Option Description
Workflow Mode Select the data workflow method.
Available options:
• Full—Data is processed in the
TDATASEG_T table and then copied to
the TDATASEG table.
All four Workbench processes are
supported (Import. Validate, Export, and
Check) and data can be viewed in the
Drill-down is supported.
The Full Workflow Mode is the default
• Full No Archive—Data is processed in the
TDATASEG_T table and then copied to
All four Workbench processes are
supported (Import, Validate, Export, and
Check). Data can be viewed in the
Workbench but only after the import step
has been completed. Data is deleted from
TDATASEG at the end of the workflow
Drill-down is not supported
• Simple— Data is processed in the
TDATASEG_T table and then exported
directly from the TDATASEG_T. table.
All data loads include both the import and
export steps.
Data is not validated and any unmapped
data result in load failure.
Maps are not archived in TDATAMAPSEG.
Data cannot be viewed in the Workbench.
Drill-down is not supported.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-7 (Cont.) Planning Application Options and Descriptions

Option Description
Enable Data Security for Admin Users Enables data validation when an administrative
user loads data. In this case, all data
validations in the data entry form are enforced
while loading data. Due to the enhanced
validations, the performance of data load will
be slower.
When the ‘Enable Data Security for Admin
Users’ is set to No (default value), then data
loads by the administrator are performed using
the Outline Load Utility (OLU). In this case,
performance is faster but you are unable to get
a detailed error report for any rows that are
ignored for any reason.

When running
any of the
Incremental rules
(for example,
ensure that the
target option
Enable Data
Security for
Admin Users is
set to No. This
option can only
be set by an

When this option is set to Yes, data is

validated for administrator and non-
administator data loads in the same manner.
Validations include: security checks,
intersection validations, read-only cells,
dynamic calc cells, etc.
In addition, a detailed error list for any rows
that are rejected or ignored is available and no
additional Planning permissions are needed.
However, performance may be slower even for

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-7 (Cont.) Planning Application Options and Descriptions

Option Description
Display Validation Failure Reasons Enables you to report rejected data cells and
the rejection reason when you load data in a
data validation report.
Select Yes to report rejected data cells and the
rejected reason.
The limit for the number of rejections reported
is 100.
The data validation report is available for
download from the Process Details page by
clicking the Output link. In addition a copy of
the error file is stored in the Outbox folder.
Select No to not report rejected data cells and
the rejection reason.
Drill View from Smart View Specify the custom view of columns from the
Workbench when displaying customized
attribute dimension member names in Oracle
Smart View for Office drill-through reports.
Custom views are created and defined in the
Workbench option in Data Integration. When
the custom view has been defined and then
specified in the Drill View from Smart View
field, in Smart View you can click the drill-
through cell and select Open as New Sheet,
and the drill-through report opens based on
the view defined in the Workbench.
If no views are defined on the Application
Options page, the default view is used,
meaning that attribute dimensions do not
display customized member names in Smart
For more information, see Defining a Custom
View in the Workbench
Default Import Mode Sets the default import mode when you
execute a data load rule in Data Management
or run an integration in Data Integration.
Available options:
• Append
• Replace
Default Export Mode Sets the default export mode when you
execute a data load rule in Data Management
or run an integration in Data Integration.
Available options:
• Accumulate (Add Data)
• Replace
• Merge Data (Store Data)
• Subtract

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Defining Application Options for Essbase

Define application and dimension details for Essbase applications.
To define application options for Essbase:
1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Target Application.
2. In the Target Application summary grid, select a Planning target application or
Essbase target application.
3. After defining the application details and dimension details in Application Detail,
select the Application Options tab.
4. Complete the application options as needed.
5. Click Save.

Table 2-8 Essbase Application Options and Descriptions

Option Description
Load Method Select the method for loading data:
• Numeric—Loads numeric data only.
Planning data security is not enforced
with this method.
• all data types with security— Loads
Numeric, Text, Smartlist, Date data
If the Planning administrator loads
data, Planning data security is not
If a Planning non-administrator user
loads data, then Planning data security
is enforced.
Data is loaded in chunks of 500K cells.
Batch Size Specify the batch size used to write data to
The default size is 10,000.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-8 (Cont.) Essbase Application Options and Descriptions

Option Description
Drill Region Select Yes to create a drill region. A
drillable region is created to use the drill
through feature.

does not
support drilling
through to
resource data.

When loading data from Data

Management, the drill region is loaded to
Planning data.
Data Management creates drill region by
scenarios. For any cube (Planning plan
types or Planning databases, the name of
the drill region is FDMEE_<name of the
scenario member>. When creating the drill
region, Data Management checks if a
dimension is enabled for the drill.
Members of enabled dimensions selected
in data loads, are included in the drill
region filter. If no dimensions are enabled,
the following dimensions are enabled by
default: Scenario, Version, Year, and
Period. You can enable additional
dimensions, and the subsequent data load
considers members of newly enabled
dimensions. If you disable any dimensions
which were previously included in a drill
region used for drill creation, members of
such dimensions are not deleted during the
subsequent data loads. If needed, you can
remove obsolete members manually.
For more information about defining drill
regions, see the "Drill Through URL" option
in Registering File-Based Source Systems,
and "Drill URL" option in Adding Import

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-8 (Cont.) Essbase Application Options and Descriptions

Option Description
Enable Drill from Summary Select Yes to drill down from summary
members in a Planning data form or report
and view the detail source data that make
up the number.
After enabling this option and loading the
data with the Create Drill Region option set
to Yes, the Drill icon is enabled at the
summary level. Drill is limited to 1000
descendant members for a dimension.

Summary level
drill downs are
not available
for the
Scenario, Year,
and Period
dimensions. For
you must
perform a drill
through on the
leaf members.
Summary drill
is available for
local service
instances only.
It is not
between cross
instances or

Purge Data File When a file-based data load to Essbase is

successful, specify whether to delete the
data file from the application outbox
directory. Select Yes to delete the file, or No
to retain the file.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-8 (Cont.) Essbase Application Options and Descriptions

Option Description
Workflow Mode Select the data workflow method.
Available options:
• Full—Data is processed in the
TDATASEG_T table and then copied to
the TDATASEG table.
All four Workbench processes are
supported (Import, Validate, Export,
and Check) and data can be viewed in
the Workbench.
Drill-down is supported.
The Full Workflow mode is the default
• Full No Archive—Data is processed in
the TDATASEG_T table and then copied
to TDATASEG table.
All four Workbench processes are
supported (Import. Validate, Export,
and Check). Data can be viewed in the
Workbench but only after the import
step has been completed. Data is
deleted from TDATASEG at the end of
the workflow process.
Drill-down is not supported
• Simple— Data is processed in the
TDATASEG_T table and then exported
directly from the TDATASEG_T. table.
All data loads include both the import
and export steps.
Data is not validated and any
unmapped data result in load failure.
Maps are not archived in
Data cannot be viewed in the
Drill-down is not supported.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-8 (Cont.) Essbase Application Options and Descriptions

Option Description
Enable Data Security for Admin Users Enables data validation when an
administrative user loads data. In this case,
all data validations in the data entry form
are enforced while loading data. Due to the
enhanced validations, the performance of
data load will be slower.
When the ‘Enable Data Security for Admin
Users’ is set to No (default value), then data
loads by the administrator are performed
using the Outline Load Utility (OLU). In this
case, performance is faster but you are
unable to get a detailed error report for
any rows that are ignored for any reason.

When running
any of the
rules (for
ensure that
then target
option Enable
Data Security
for Admin
Users is set to
No. This option
can only be set
by an

When this option is set to Yes, data is

validated for administrator and non-
administator data loads in the same
manner. Validations include: security
checks, intersection validations, read-only
cells, dynamic calc cells, etc.
In addition, a detailed error list for any
rows that are rejected or ignored is
available and no additional Planning
permissions are needed. However,
performance may be slower even for

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-8 (Cont.) Essbase Application Options and Descriptions

Option Description
Display Validation Failure Reasons Enables you to report rejected data cells
and the rejection reason when you load
data in a data validation report.
Select Yes to report rejected data cells and
the rejected reason.
The limit for the number of rejections
reported is 100.
The data validation report is available for
download from the Process Details page by
clicking the Output link. In addition a copy
of the error file is stored in the Outbox
Select No to not report rejected data cells
and the rejection reason.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-8 (Cont.) Essbase Application Options and Descriptions

Option Description
Drill View from Smart View Specify the custom view of columns from
the Workbench when displaying
customized attribute dimension member
names in Oracle Smart View for Office
drill-through reports.

When drilling
into Smart
View, Data
Integration uses
the last used
view on the
Drill landing
page. If no last
used view is
found, Data
Integration uses
the default
view selection
in this setting

Custom views are created and defined in

the Workbench option in Data Integration.
When the custom view has been defined
and then specified in the Drill View from
Smart View field, in Smart View you can
click the drill-through cell and select Open
as New Sheet, and the drill-through report
opens based on the view defined in the
If no views are defined on the Application
Options page, the default view is used,
meaning that attribute dimensions do not
display customized member names in
Smart View.
For more information, see Defining a
Custom View in the Workbench
Default Import Mode Sets the default import mode when you
execute a data load rule in Data
Management or run an integration in Data
Available options:
• Append
• Replace

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-8 (Cont.) Essbase Application Options and Descriptions

Option Description
Default Export Mode Sets the default export mode when you
execute a data load rule in Data
Management or run an integration in Data
Available options:
• Accumulate (Add Data)
• Replace
• Merge Data (Store Data)
• Subtract

Defining Application Options for Financial Consolidation and Close

Define application and dimension details for Financial Consolidation and Close applications.
To define Financial Consolidation and Close application options:
1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Target Application.
2. In the Target Application summary grid, select an Financial Consolidation and Close
target application.
3. After defining the application details in Application Detail, select the Application
Options tab.
4. Complete the application options as needed.

5. Click Save.

Table 2-9 Financial Consolidation and Close Application Options and Descriptions

Option Description
Load Type Defaults to "Data" for loading numeric data only.
Journal Status The journal status indicates the current state of
the journal. The status of a journal changes when
you create, submit, approve, reject, or post the
Available options:
• Working—Journal is created. It has been
saved, but it may be incomplete. For example,
more line items may need to be added.
• Posted—Journal adjustments are posted to
the database.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-9 (Cont.) Financial Consolidation and Close Application Options and

Option Description
Journal Type Select the type of journal to load.
Available options:
• Auto-Reversing—Loads an auto-reversing
journal that contains adjustments that need to
be reversed in the next period. That is, the
journal posts in the next period by reversing
the debit and credit.
• Regular—Load journals using the Replace
mode, which clears all data for a journal label
before loading the new journal data.
Journal Post As Select the method for posting journal entries:
Available options:
• Journal-to-date—A Journal-to-Date journal
entry carries forward from period to period,
from the first instance of the journal entry,
including a carry-forward across any
intervening year-ends. The only difference
between a Journal-to-Date entry and a Year-
to-Date entry is that in the first period of each
year, the data from Journal-to-Date entries in
the last period of the prior year are reversed.
For Year-to-Date entries, there are no
reversals in the first period of any year.
• Periodic—When you select the View member
FCCS_Periodic, when the journal entries are
posted, the data entered to the line detail is
summarized and posted to the Consol cube
based on the line detail POV. The data from
one posted journal entry does not overwrite
the data written from other posted journal
• Year-to-date—When you select the View
member FCCS_YTD_Input, you can enter a
year-to-date amount in the line detail debit /
credit fields. A Year-to-Date journal entry must
contain year-to-date entries on all detail lines.
When Year-to-Date journal entries are posted,
the appropriate periodic impact on the POV
across the entries is calculated and then
accumulated with any accumulation from
posted Periodic journal entries In the first
period of any year, the year-to-date View data
is the same as Periodic data.
In the first period of any year, the year-to-date
View data is the same as Periodic data.
In subsequent periods, the periodic calculated
data posted to the Periodic View member for
each unique POV equals the current period
year-to-date entries accumulated across all
Year-to-Date journal entries, minus the prior
period year-to-date entries accumulated
across all Year-to-Date journal entries.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-9 (Cont.) Financial Consolidation and Close Application Options and

Option Description
Create Drill Region Select Yes to create a drill region.
Drillable region definitions are used to define the
data that is loaded from a general ledger source
system and specify the data drillable to Data
In data grids and data forms, after the regions
have been loaded, cells that are drillable are
indicated by a light blue icon at the top left corner
of the cell. The cell context menu displays the
defined display name, which then opens the
specified URL.
A region definition load file consists of the
following information:
• Scenario, Year, Period, Entity, Account
• Display Name (for cell context menu) and
URL (to drill to)
Enable Zero Loading Select Yes to load 0 values during a multiple
period load.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-9 (Cont.) Financial Consolidation and Close Application Options and

Option Description
Enable Data Security for Admin Users Enables data validation when an administrative
user loads data. In this case, all data validations in
the data entry form are enforced while loading
data. Due to the enhanced validations, the
performance of data load will be slower.
When the ‘Enable Data Security for Admin Users’
is set to No (default value), then data loads by the
administrator are performed using the Outline
Load Utility (OLU). In this case, performance is
fast but you are unable to get a detailed error
report for any rows that are ignored for any

When running any of
the Workforce
Incremental rules
(for example,
DEFAULTS), ensure
that then target
option Enable Data
Security for Admin
Users is set to No.
This option can only
be set by an

When this option is set to Yes, data is validated for

administrator and non-administator data loads in
the same manner. Validations include: security
checks, intersection validations, read-only cells,
dynamic calc cells, etc.
In addition a detailed error list for any rows that
are rejected or ignored is available and no
additional Planning permissions are needed.
However, performance may be slower even for

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-9 (Cont.) Financial Consolidation and Close Application Options and

Option Description
Enable Drill from Summary Select Yes to drill down from summary members
in a Planning data form or report and view the
detail source data that make up the number.
After enabling this option and loading the data with
the Create Drill Region option set to Yes, the Drill
icon is enabled at the summary level. Drill is
limited to 1000 descendant members for a

Summary level drill
downs are not
available for the
Scenario, Year, and
Period dimensions.
For these
dimensions, you
must perform a drill
through on the leaf
Summary drill is
available for local
service instances
only. It is not
available between
cross service
instances or hybrid

Movement Specify the movement dimension that indicates

the automated cash flow reporting dimension used
through hierarchies and system calculations.
By default, the system provides members in the
Movement dimension to maintain various types of
cash flow data, and FX to CTA calculations.
If no movement, then specify as FCCS_No
Movement. Otherwise, select the desired
movement member.
Example of Movement Dimension Members:
• FCCS_No Movement
• FCCS_Movements
• FCCS_OpeningBalance
• FCCS_ClosingBalance

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-9 (Cont.) Financial Consolidation and Close Application Options and

Option Description
Multi-GAAP Specify the multi-GAAP dimension used to report
your financial statements in both local GAAP and
in IFRS or another GAAP.
This dimension tracks the local GAAP data input
as well as any GAAP adjustments.
Data Source Specify the data source dimension.
The default value is "FCCS_Managed Source."
Purge Data File When a file-based data load to Essbase is
successful, specify whether to delete the data file
from the application outbox directory. Select Yes to
delete the file, or No to retain the file.
Member name may contain comma If the member name contains a comma, and you
are loading data to one of the following services,
set this option to Yes, and then load the data:
• Planning Modules
• Planning
• Financial Consolidation and Close
• Tax Reporting
Workflow Select the data workflow method.
Available options:
• Full—Data is processed in the TDATASEG_T
table and then copied to the TDATASEG table.
All four Workbench processes are supported
(Import, Validate, Export, and Check) and
data can be viewed in the Workbench.
Drill-down is supported.
The Full Workflow mode is the default mode.
• Full No Archive—Data is processed in the
TDATASEG_T table and then copied to
All four Workbench processes are supported
(Import. Validate, Export, and Check). Data
can be viewed in the Workbench but only
after the import step has been completed.
Data is deleted from TDATASEG at the end of
the workflow process.
Drill-down is not supported
• Simple— Data is processed in the
TDATASEG_T table and then exported
directly from the TDATASEG_T. table.
All data loads include both the import and
export steps.
Data is not validated and any unmapped data
result in load failure.
Maps are not archived in TDATAMAPSEG.
Data cannot be viewed in the Workbench.
Drill-down is not supported.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-9 (Cont.) Financial Consolidation and Close Application Options and

Option Description
Drill View from Smart View Specify the custom view of columns from the
Workbench when displaying customized attribute
dimension member names in Oracle Smart View
for Office drill-through reports.

When drilling into
Smart View, Data
Integration uses the
last used view on the
Drill landing page. If
no last used view is
found, Data
Integration uses the
default view
selection in this

Custom views are created and defined in the

Workbench option in Data Integration. When the
custom view has been defined and then specified
in the Drill View from Smart View field, in Smart
View you can click the drill-through cell and select
Open as New Sheet, and the drill-through report
opens based on the view defined in the
If no views are defined on the Application Options
page, the default view is used, meaning that
attribute dimensions do not display customized
member names in Smart View.
For more information, see Defining a Custom View
in the Workbench
Default Import Mode Sets the default import mode when you execute a
data load rule in Data Management or run an
integration in Data Integration.
Available options:
• Append
• Replace
Default Export Mode Sets the default export mode when you execute a
data load rule in Data Management or run an
integration in Data Integration.
Available options:
• Accumulate (Add Data)
• Replace
• Merge Data (Store Data)
• Subtract

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Financial Consolidation and Close Supported Dimensions

Financial Consolidation and Close uses a pre-defined dimensional model. You can add
custom dimensions to meet your consolidation and reporting requirements. Below are
the Financial Consolidation and Close dimensions and their data requirements.

In addition to the system predefined dimensions, you can create up to four
additional Custom dimensions based on your application needs. Custom
dimensions are associated with the Account dimension and provide
additional detail for accounts. If the application is enabled with the Multi-
GAAP reporting option, you can create three Custom dimensions.

Dimension Member
Year All members in the Year dimension
The Year member is prefixed with " FY."
For example, the Year member 2016 shows
as "FY16."
Period Only base members
View The View dimension controls the
representation of data across time periods.
Valid views are "YTD" or "PTD."
For periodic data, the member
"FCCS_Periodic" is used, and for YTD,
"FCCS_YTD_Input" is used.
Currency Shows the members available under the
reporting currency parent using the parent
member "Input Currency."
Consolidation The Consolidation dimension enables the
users to report on the details used to
perform the various stages of the
consolidation process. Members are
associated with "FCCS_Entity Input."
Scenario Scenario contains the following members:
• Actual
• Budget (optional)
• Forecast
Entity All base members
Intercompany "FCCS_No Intercompany" or ICP_<ENTITY>.
If there is no intercompany value,
"FCCS_No Intercompany" is used.
Otherwise for an intercompany member,
the ICP_<ENTITY> format is used.
Account All base members

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Dimension Member
Movement No Movement
All base members under
FCCS_Mvmts_Subtotal including:
• FCCS_No Movement
• FCCS_No Movement
• FCCS_Movements
• FCCS_OpeningBalance
• FCCS_ClosingBalance
Data Source FCCS_Managed Data
Multi GAAP All base members including:
• IFRS (system)
• Local GAAP (system)
• IFRS Adjustments (system)
The default is " FCCS_Local GAAP. "
Custom1 All base members that are a valid
intersection for the account.
This dimension is based on the domain of
the custom dimension. If no member, use
"No_<Dimension Name>."
Custom2 All base members that are a valid
intersection for the account.
This dimension is based on the domain of
the custom dimension. If no member, use
"No_<Dimension Name>."
Custom3 All base members that are a valid
intersection for the account.
This dimension is based on the domain of
the custom dimension. If no member, use"
No_<Dimension Name>".
Custom4 All base members that are a valid
intersection for the account.
This dimension is based on the domain of
the custom dimension. If no member, use
"No_<Dimension Name>".

Loading Financial Consolidation and Close Exchange Rates

When you define a data rule for a Financial Consolidation and Close target application, you
can specify how you want Data Management to extract exchange rates.
For Financial Consolidation and Close, the dimensionality of the exchange rates are:
• Period
• Average Rate
• Ending Rate
• Scenario
• Year
• View

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

• Entity
• From Currency
• To Currency
• Rates Essbase cube name
For example a sample Financial Consolidation and Close application file may have the
following values:

Period,FCCS_Average Rate,FCCS_Ending Rate,Point-of-View, Data Load

Cube Name

Based on the first row, exchange rates are applied as follows:

• Jan (Period)
• 0.2927 (value for FCCS_Average Rate)
• 1.9549 (value for FCCS_Ending Rate)
• Actual (Scenario)
• FY14 (Year)
• FCCS_Periodic (View)
• FCCS_Global Assumptions (Entity)
• From_CNY (From currency)
• USD (To Currency)
• Rates (Cube name)
For Import Formats, the default exchange rate types applies to two members:
"FCCS_Average Rate" for the average rate, and "FCCS_Ending Rate" for the ending
In this case, you create an import format with the rate cube as the target, and then
map the source data file to this cube.
In the import format, the following dimensions are available for mapping:
• Average Rate (Value)
• Ending Rate (Value)
• View
• Entity
• From Currency

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Other dimensions are mapped from the selected POV or set in the target application option. It
is recommended that you map the target member for "View" to" FCCS_Periodic", and "Entity"
to "FCCS_Global Assumptions."
To load exchange rates to Oracle Hyperion Financial Management:
1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Target Application.
2. In the Target Application summary grid, select a Financial Management target
3. After defining the application details in Application Detail, select the Application
Options tab.
4. Specify the members for the following dimensions:
• Movement
• Multi GAAP
• Data Source

5. From Movement, select the member value for the movement dimension.
Available options:
• FCCS_Movements
• FCCS_CashChange
6. In Multi GAAP, select the member value for the multi-GAAP.
7. In Data Source, select the member value for the data source.
8. Click Save.

Defining Application Options for Tax Reporting

Define application and dimension details for Tax Reporting applications.
To define Tax Reporting application options:
1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Target Application.
2. In the Target Application summary grid, select an Tax Reporting target application.
3. After defining the application details in Application Detail, select the Application
Options tab.
4. Complete the application options as needed.
5. Click Save.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-10 Tax Reporting Application Options and Descriptions

Option Description
Load Type Defaults to "Data" for loading numeric data
Create Drill Region Select Yes to create a drill region.
A drill region enables you to navigate from
data in the Tax Reporting application to its
corresponding source data. Data
Management loads enabled drill regions to
the Tax Reporting target application after
data is loaded and consolidated. A cell is
considered drillable in the target
application when it is associated with the
drill regions defined in the application.
Data Management creates drill region by
scenarios. For any cube, the name of the
drill region is FDMEE_<name of the
scenario member>.
Data Management also checks if a
dimension is enabled for the drill.
Members of enabled dimensions selected
in data loads, are included in the drill
region filter. If no dimensions are enabled,
the following dimensions are enabled by
default: Scenario, Version, Year, and
Period. You can enable additional
dimensions, and the subsequent data load
considers members of newly enabled
dimensions. If you disable any dimensions
which were previously included in a drill
region used for drill creation, members of
such dimensions are not deleted during the
subsequent data loads. If needed, you can
remove obsolete members manually.
To disable the drill region, select No.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-10 (Cont.) Tax Reporting Application Options and Descriptions

Option Description
Enable Drill from Summary Select Yes to drill down from summary
members in a Planning data form or report
and view the detail source data that make
up the number.
After enabling this option and loading the
data with the Create Drill Region option set
to Yes, the Drill icon is enabled at the
summary level. Drill is limited to 1000
descendant members for a dimension.

Summary level
drill downs are
not available
for the
Scenario, Year,
and Period
dimensions. For
you must
perform a drill
through on the
leaf members.
Summary drill
is available for
local service
instances only.
It is not
between cross
instances or

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-10 (Cont.) Tax Reporting Application Options and Descriptions

Option Description
Movement Specify the movement dimension member
that indicates the automated cash flow
reporting dimension used through
hierarchies and system calculations. The
dimension member can be any valid base
By default, the system provides members
in the Movement dimension to maintain
various types of cash flow data, and FX to
CTA calculations.
If no movement, then specify the member
as "FCCS_No Movement." Otherwise, select
the desired movement member.
• TRCS_BookClosing
• TRCS_TBClosing
• FCCS_No Movement
• FCCS_ClosingBalance
• TRCS_TARFMovements
• TRCS_ClosingBVT
Multi-GAAP Specify the multi-GAAP dimension used to
report your financial statements in both
local GAAP and in IFRS or another GAAP.
This dimension tracks the local GAAP data
input as well as any GAAP adjustments.
Datasource Specify the data source dimension.
The default value is "FCCS_Managed
Purge Data File When a file-based data load to Essbase is
successful, specify whether to delete the
data file from the application outbox
directory. Select Yes to delete the file, or No
to retain the file.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-10 (Cont.) Tax Reporting Application Options and Descriptions

Option Description
Enable Data Security for Admin Users Enables data validation when an
administrative user loads data. In this case,
all data validations in the data entry form
are enforced while loading data. Due to the
enhanced validations, the performance of
data load is slower.

When running
any of the
rules (for
ensure that
then target
option Enable
Data Security
for Admin
Users is set to
No. This option
can only be set
by an

When this option is set to Yes, data is

validated for administrator and non-
administator data loads in the same
manner. Validations include: security
checks, intersection validations, read-only
cells, dynamic calc cells, etc. In addition, a
detailed error list for any rows that are
rejected or ignored is available and no
additional Planning permissions are
needed. However, performance may be
slower even for administrators.
When this options is set to No (default
value), then data loads by the
administrator are performed using the
Outline Load Utility (OLU). In this case,
performance is faster but you are unable to
get a detailed error report for any rows
that are ignored for any reason.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-10 (Cont.) Tax Reporting Application Options and Descriptions

Option Description
Jurisdiction Specify the jurisdiction dimension.
Any valid base member. The default
member is "TRCS_No Jurisdiction."
Member name may contain comma If the member name contains a comma,
and you are loading data to one of the
following services, set this option to Yes,
and then load the data:
• Planning Modules
• Planning
• Financial Consolidation and Close
• Tax Reporting
Workflow Mode Select the data workflow method.
Available options:
• Full—Data is processed in the
TDATASEG_T table and then copied to
the TDATASEG table.
All four Workbench processes are
supported (Import, Validate, Export,
and Check) and data can be viewed in
the Workbench.
Drill-down is supported.
The Full Workflow mode is the default
• Full No Archive—Data is processed in
the TDATASEG_T table and then copied
to TDATASEG table.
All four Workbench processes are
supported (Import, Validate, Export,
and Check). Data can be viewed in the
Workbench but only after the import
step has been completed. Data is
deleted from TDATASEG at the end of
the workflow process.
Drill-down is not supported
• Simple— Data is processed in the
TDATASEG_T table and then exported
directly from the TDATASEG_T. table.
All data loads include both the import
and export steps.
Data is not validated and any
unmapped data result in load failure.
Maps are not archived in
Data cannot be viewed in the
Drill-down is not supported.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-10 (Cont.) Tax Reporting Application Options and Descriptions

Option Description
Drill View from Smart View Specify the custom view of columns from
the Workbench when displaying
customized attribute dimension member
names in Oracle Smart View for Office
drill-through reports.

When drilling
into Smart
View, Data
Integration uses
the last used
view on the
Drill landing
page. If no last
used view is
found, Data
Integration uses
the default
view selection
in this setting

Custom views are created and defined in

the Workbench option in Data Integration.
When the custom view has been defined
and then specified in the Drill View from
Smart View field, in Smart View you can
click the drill-through cell and select Open
as New Sheet, and the drill-through report
opens based on the view defined in the
If no views are defined on the Application
Options page, the default view is used,
meaning that attribute dimensions do not
display customized member names in
Smart View.
For more information, see Defining a
Custom View in the Workbench
Default Import Mode Sets the default import mode when you
execute a data load rule in Data
Management or run an integration in Data
Available options:
• Append
• Replace

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-10 (Cont.) Tax Reporting Application Options and Descriptions

Option Description
Default Export Mode Sets the default export mode when you
execute a data load rule in Data
Management or run an integration in Data
Available options:
• Accumulate (Add Data)
• Replace
• Merge Data (Store Data)
• Subtract

Tax Reporting Supported Dimensions

Tax Reporting uses a pre-defined dimensional model. Below are the Tax Reporting
dimensions and their data requirements.

Table 2-11 Tax Reporting Supported Dimensions

Dimension Member Description

Year All members in the Year Year members include the
dimension FY prefix. For example, the
year member "2016" is
defined as FY16.
Period Only base members Standard period members
and user defined.
View FCCS_Periodic The View dimension is not
exposed in the Data
Management user interface.
(The system defaults to the
view dimension to the
member named"
FCCS_Periodic." )
Currency All enabled Currency Standard ISO currency
members created under the members. This dimension is
parent member "Input only available when the
Currency" and "Entity target Tax Reporting
Currency." application has been set up
as multi-currency.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Table 2-11 (Cont.) Tax Reporting Supported Dimensions

Dimension Member Description

Consolidation "FCCS_Entity Input" The Consolidation
dimension allows you to
report on the details used to
perform the various stages
of the consolidation process.
The default member should
be mapped to "FCCS_Entity
You can also load different
override amounts and rates
for different source
members by location using
the Consolidation Value
option in Locations. See
Defining Locations.
Scenario All base members. Standard user defined
scenario members.
Entity All base members
Intercompany "FCCS_No Intercompany" or If no intercompany, then use
ICP_<ENTITY>. the member "FCCS_No
Intercompany." Otherwise,
use a user defined ICP
member, which is typically
Account All base members Any user defined based
Movement FCCS_No Movement, or any If no movement, then
base member. specify member as "FCCS_No
Movement. " Otherwise,
select the desired movement
Example of movement
dimension members:
• TRCS_BookClosing
• TRCS_TBClosing
• FCCS_No Movement
• FCCS_ClosingBalance
• TRCS_TARFMovements
• TRCS_ClosingBVT
Data Source All base members for The default is "
"FCCS_Data Input" FCCS_Managed Data."
Multi GAAP "FCCS_Local GAAP" or any The default is "FCCS_Local
user defined base member. GAAP." You can also use base
a member provided by Tax
Jurisdiction Any valid base member. The default member is
The default member is "TRCS_No Jurisdiction," but
"TRCS_No Jurisdiction." you can select any valid base

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Loading Tax Reporting Exchange Rates

Tax Reporting exchange rates include two default members associated with rate types.
The default member for average rates is "FCCS_Average Rate." The default member
for ending rate is "FCCS_Ending Rate."
The import format enables you to map the following dimensions for mapping:
• Average Rate (Value)
• Ending Rate (Value)
• View
• Entity
• From Currency
• To Currency
Additionally, map the target member for "View" to "FCCS_Periodic" and "Entity" to
"FCCS_Global Assumptions."

Drill through functionality is not supported for exchange rates data.

Defining Application Options for Profitability and Cost Management

Profitability and Cost Management uses an Essbase cube for data storage.
Dimensions and members are also created in Essbase and imported into Profitability
and Cost Management.
For information on Essbase application options, see Defining Application Options for

Deleting Registered Target Applications

Use caution when deleting registered target applications. When you delete a
registered target application, the target application is removed from the Target
Application screen and all metadata and data rules associated with the application are
also removed.
To delete a registered target application:
1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Target Application.
2. In Target Application, select the target application, and then click Delete.
3. Click OK.
When you delete a target application, the application is marked for deletion and is
unavailable for any metadata or data rule processes, including the import format
and location creation options. All the existing rules involving the target application
are removed.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

After a target application is deleted and the process has run successfully, use
the Target Application screen to set up the same application and redefine the

4. Click Save.

Executing Business Rules When Loading Data

Runs business rules that perform calculations, aggregations or copies data to another Plan
Type if the rules are registered in the target application.
You can execute a business rule that runs a calculation script or a business rule that runs a
Groovy script. For more information on designing and creating business rules, see Designing
Business Rules in the Designing with Calculation Manager for Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management Cloud .
Watch this tutorial video to learn more about calculating incrementally loaded data using
Groovy rules:

Calculating Incrementally Loaded Data in Data Management using Groovy Rules.

Note the following:
• Business rules are registered in the Target Application option.
• Business rules are available only for Planning applications.
• Business rules with run time prompts are not supported when executed from Data
• Business rules are executed only when you select the data load method as "all data
type". They are not executed for numeric data only.
Using the all data type load method, you can load data files that support the following
data types to Planning:
– numbers
– text
– Smartlists
– Date
For more information, see All Data Types Data Loads.
• Business rules can be assigned an Application scope or to a specific data load rule.

Adding Business Rules

Add business rules in Data Management to a Planning target application.
1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Target Application.
2. Select a Planning target application.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

3. Click the Business Rules tab.

4. In Rule name, specify the name of the business rule that has been defined for the
5. From Script Scope, select which type of business rule script is processed and
executed first. The scope can be at the application or data rule level.
Available scopes:
• Application
• Data Rule
Consider the following when selecting the script scope:
• If the scope of one or more rules is Application, then they are all run in
sequential order.
• If the scope is Data Rule, only rules for the running data rule run in sequential
• The Application scope rules does not run if a Data Rule scope exists for the
data load rule. However, if you run another rule against the same target
application, then the Application scope rule runs.
If the script scope is a data rule, select the specific data load rule from the Data
Load Rule drop-down.
6. From Data Load Rule, select the specific data load rule in which you want to run
the script.
The Data Load Rule is disabled when the script scope is "Application."
7. In Sequence, specify the numeric order in which to execute a script if multiple
scripts are to be executed and if scripts are at one script scope level (such as only
data rules, or only applications).
8. Click Save.

Loading Data Using an Incremental File Adapter

The Incremental File Adapter feature enables you to compare a source data file with a
prior version of the source data file and identify new or changed records and then load
only that data set. You can sort the initial source data file before making the
comparison or provide a pre-sorted file for better performance.
To use this feature, you register an initial source data file as an incremental file
adapter. The initial source data file is used as the template. Actual data loads are run
from the file designated in the data rule where a file comparison is run between the
initial source data file and a subsequent file. You can load once, twice or many times
thereafter. The last run file becomes the basis against which the subsequent load is
evaluated. The adapter loads only the differences, which leads to a faster load during

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

the file import. The remaining data import processes stay the same as in a standard data load
for a file.
• The source data file must be a delimited data file.
• Data files used must contain a one-line header, which describes the delimited columns.
• Both numeric and non-numeric data can be loaded.
• Any deleted records between the two files is ignored. In this case, you must handle the
deleted records manually.
• If the file is missing (or you change the last ID to a non-existent run), the load completes
with an error.
• Sort options determine the level of performance using this feature. Sorting increases the
processing time. Pre-sorting the file makes the process faster.
• Only single period data loads are supported for an incremental load. Multi-period loads
are not supported.
• Drill down is not supported for incremental loads since incremental files are loaded in
Replace mode and only the last version of the file comparison is present in the staging
As a workaround, you can load the same data file to another location using the full data
load method. In this case, you should import data only and not export it to the target
• Copies of the source data file are archived for future comparison. Only the last 5 versions
are retained. Files are retained for a maximum of 60 days. If no incremental load is
performed for more than 60 days, then set the Last Process ID to 0 and perform the load.
Watch this tutorial video to learn more about loading and calculating incremental workforce

Loading and Calculating Incremental Workforce Data using Data Management.

Watch this tutorial video to learn more about calculating incrementally loaded data using
Groovy rules:

Calculating Incrementally Loaded Data in Data Management using Groovy Rules.

Setting up the Incremental File Adapter

To set up an incremental data file load:
1. From the Home page, click the Navigator icon and then from the Integration category,
select Data Management.
2. Select the Setup tab, and then under Register, select Target Application.
3. In Target Application, in the summary grid, click Add, and then select Data Source.
4. From Source System, select Incremental File.
5. In Prefix, specify a prefix to make the source system name unique.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

Use a prefix when the source system name you want to add is based on an
existing source system name. The prefix is joined to the existing name. For
example, if you want to name an incremental file source system the same name
as the existing one, you might assign your initials as the prefix.

6. From the Select screen, select the data file.

The file must be a delimited file using one of the supported delimiters, and must
contain a header record in the first row.

7. Click OK.
8. Click Save.
The system creates the dimension details automatically.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

9. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.

10. In the Import Format summary task bar, select Add.

11. In Name, enter a user-defined identifier for the import format.

12. In Source, select File for the source.

13. From File Type drop-down, select delimited file type.

For example, you might select Delimited - Numeric Data as the format of the file.
14. From the File Delimiter drop-down, select a type of delimiter.

Available delimiters:
• comma (,)
• exclamation (!)
• semicolon (;)
• colon (:)
• pipe (|)
• tab
• tilde (~)
15. In Target, select the name of the target application.

16. Click Save.

For more information, see Working with Import Formats.

17. Optional: On the Mappings tab, map dimensions between the source system and target
application, and click Save.

Only single period loads are supported.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

See Working with Import Formats.

18. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Location, define the location
used to associate the import format.
See Defining Locations.
19. Optional: On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Mapping,
define member mappings to map the members from the source to target.
See Creating Member Mappings.
20. Optional: On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.

21. From the POV bar, select the POV of the location for the data load rule.

22. In the Data Load summary area, click Add.

23. In Details, in Name, enter the data load rule name.

24. In Category, select the category to map source system data to target Scenario
dimension members.
25. In Period Mapping Type, select either Default or Explicit.

Default period mappings default to the list of source application periods using the
application or global period mappings based on the period key. The list of source
periods is added as Year and Period filters.
The Explicit method for loading data is used when the granularity of the source
periods and target application periods are not the same.
26. Optional: In Import Format select the import format to use with the file so
override the import format. If the import format is unspecified, then the import
format from the location is used.
27. If the target system is a Planning application, from the Target Plan Type drop-
down, select the plan type of the target application.
28. Select the Source Filters tab.

29. In Source File, select the data file name that contains the data you are loading. It
may be the same one from which you created the data source application, or
another file that has data as well as the appropriate header.
Select the file that contains your data, as before. It may have the same name as
the original file, or it may have a new name. The differences in the file (i.e. the
incremental load file) is created automatically between the two files loaded. So if
file A.txt has 100 rows and file B.txt has 300 rows where the first 100 are identical,
your first load should select file A.txt when the ID is 0. The second load will be
against file B.txt and the ID automatically points to the load ID that was assigned
to A.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

30. In Incremental Processing Options, select the method for sorting data in the source
Available options:
• Do not sort source file—Source file is compared as provided. This option assumes
that the source file is generated in the same order each time. In this case, the system
performs a file comparison, and then extracts the new and changed records. This
option makes the incremental file load perform faster.
• Sort source file—Source file is sorted before performing the file comparison for
changes. In this option the source file is first sorted. The sorted file is then compared
to the prior sorted version of this file. Sorting a large file consumes a lot system
resources and performs slower.

If you have rule that uses the Do Not Sort option and then switch to a Sort
option, then the first load will have invalid results since the files are in different
order. Subsequent runs load data correctly.

31. The Last Process ID shows the last run ID for the original source data file.

When the load is first run for the original data file, the Last Process ID shows the value
of 0.
When the load is run again, the Last Process ID shows the run number of the last load.
If the newly created file comparison version and the original data file shows no
differences, or the file is not found, the value of the Last Process ID is assigned to the
last load ID that ran successfully.
To reload all data, set the Last Process ID back to 0, and select a new source file to
reset the baseline.
32. View the data before exporting it.

See Using the Data Load Workbench.


Loading Data to a Free Form Application

The Free Form application type is a business process that recreates a native Essbase
application within the Planning environment to support required analysis. Free Form allows
any dimensions to be associated with the cube. The Planning-specific Currency, Entity,
Scenario, and Version dimensions, along with their member hierarchies are not required with
Free Form business processes. You use Free Form to do your own modeling and build your
own cubes while preserving the ability to leverage platform functionality. Service
Administrators build a Free Form application using an Essbase outline (OTL) file, or by
manually defining the dimensionality.. For more information, see Creating a Free Form
Business Process in the Getting Started with Oracle Enterprise Performance Management
Cloud for Administrators .
Free Form applications are meant for customers who want to create an Essbase application
for anything or to migrate an on-premise application to the Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management Cloud because the Free Form application in Planning does not have any
dimension requirements.

Chapter 2
Administration Tasks

You can load these Free Form applications in Data Management and Data Integration,
but there are a number of considerations:
1. The Free Form application requires a minimum of three dimensions: Account,
Period, and Scenario. The application definition in Data Management and Data
Integration must have three dimensions with the dimension type of Account,
Period, and Scenario.
2. You must set up a period mapping so that the system knows where to load the
data. For example, you could set up period mapping with a period of Jan-20 which
is the period member created in a Free Form application. When you set up a
period mapping in Data Management and Data Integration, you enter a period
created in the Free Form application and a year entry so that it passes the user
interface validations for the period mapping. This is he case where the you don't
have to define a year dimension in your Free Form application, only a period.
3. You must specify a Scenario dimension, but in Planning, it can be anything. The
only requirement is that the dimension is classified as scenario on our side. You
then need to set up category mapping so that the process succeeds.
• Assign a dimension classification of Account for one of the dimensions.
• If you want to use the drill through functionality, then a "Scenario" dimension is
required. Assign a dimension classification of Scenario for one of the dimensions.
Note when a dimension is classified as Scenario, the Category mapping is used to
assign a target value, so data can be loaded to only one value. Select a dimension
that meets this requirement and define a Category mapping.
• If you want to use Check feature, then an "Entity" dimension is required. Assign a
dimension classification of Entity for one of the dimensions.
Applications of type ASO are not auto registered when they are created. Use the Data
Management Target Application page and select Application type of Essbase to
manually register the application.

Integrating Data
Related Topics
• Integrating Data Using a File
• Integrating Metadata
• Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger Applications
• Integrating Budgetary Control
• Integrating Oracle NetSuite
• Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud
• Loading Data from the Oracle ERP Cloud
• Integrating Account Reconciliation Data
• Integrating EPM Planning Projects and Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management
(Project Management)

Integrating Data Using a File

Any file, whether it is a fixed width file or a delimited file, can be easily imported into an
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud application. For example, you can take a
trial balance report generated from their source system and map it into Data Management by
way of the import format feature. You can instruct the system where the account, entity, data
values and so on reside in the file, as well as which rows to skip during the data import. This
feature enables a business user to easily import data from any source by way of a file format,
and requires limited technical help, if any, when loading into an EPM Cloud application.
You can also define data load rules which determine how you want to extract or write back
budget data from the EPM Cloud to the file system.

Integrating File-Based Data Process Description

At a high level, this is how you import a file, whether it is a fixed width file or a delimited file, to
an Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud application:
1. Register the file-based source system from which you want to import data.
See Configuring a Source Connection.
2. Register the target application (for example, a Planning application) to which you want to
load the data from one or more file-based source systems.
For more information, see Registering Target Applications.
3. Create an import format based on the source type that you want to load to the target
The import format defines the layout of source data.
For more information, see Defining Import Formats for File-Based Mappings.

Chapter 3
Integrating Data Using a File

For more information, see Concatenating Source Dimensions for a File-Based

4. Define the location to specify where to load data.
For more information, see Defining Locations.
5. Define any periods.
You define period mappings to map your source system data to Period dimension
members in the target application. You can define period mappings at the Global,
Application, and Source System levels.
For more information, see Defining Period Mappings.
For information on loading multiple periods for file-based data, see Loading
Multiple Periods for EPM Cloud or File-Based Source Systems.
6. Define any categories to map source system data to target Scenario dimension
For more information, see Defining Category Mappings.
7. Define data load mapping to map source dimension members to their
corresponding target application dimension members.
You define the set of mappings for each combination of location, period, and
category to which you want to load data.
For more information, see Creating Member Mappings.
8. Define a data load rule for a specific location and category. The data rule
determines the data imported from the source system.
For more information, see Defining Data Load Rule Details for a File-Based
Source System.
You check the box labeled "import from source" so that you can look at the data
and the mapped results in the workbench prior to loading the data from the source
system. After everything is confirmed, additional data imports can be loaded to the
workbench and exported to the EPM Cloud application in the same step.
9. Execute the data load rule to define the options for running the data load rule.
You can execute the data load rule for one or more periods. You then verify that
the data was imported and transformed correctly, and then export the data to the
target application.
See the following data load rule topics:
• Executing data load rules—Running Data Load Rules.
• Schedule data load rules—Scheduling Data Load Rules.

Registering File-Based Source Systems

Use this procedure to register a file-based source system to use in Data Management.
The source system page displays all registered source systems in a table in the
Summary pane. By default, the following columns are displayed:
• Name—Name of the source system
• Type—A file-based source system is the only supported source system.

Chapter 3
Integrating Data Using a File

• Description—The description that you entered when you registered the source system.
• Drill URL—The drill URL you entered when you registered the source system.

You must manually create a source system and initialize it, before artifacts (such as
the import format, or location) that use the source system are imported. You must
manually create a source system and initialize it, before artifacts (such as the import
format, or location) that use the source system are imported using Migration import.

To add a file-based source system:

1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Source System.
2. In Source System, click Add.
3. Enter the source system details:
a. In Source System Name, enter the source system name.
b. In Source System Description, enter a description of the source system.
c. In Source System Type, select File as the source system type.
d. In Drill Through URL, enter the URL hyperlink for the drill through link by specifying
the protocol identifier and resource name.
Drill through is the navigation from a value in one data source to corresponding data
in another file-based source system. Use drill through when you are working on data
in EPM applications and want to understand the source of a data value.
The protocol identifier indicates the name of the protocol used to fetch the resource.
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) serves up the hypertext documents. HTTP is
just one of many various protocols used to access different types of resources.
Another protocol is file.
The resource name is the complete address to the resource. The format of the
resource name depends entirely on the protocol used, but for many protocols,
including HTTP, the resource name contains one or more of the following
• Host Name—Specify the name of the machine on which the resource lives.
• File Name—The path name to the file on the machine.
• Port Name—The port number to which to connect (typically optional).
For example, specify
For more information about defining a drill through, see Using Drilling Through.
e. In ODI Context Code, enter the context code.
The ODI context code refers to the context defined in Oracle Data Integrator. A
context groups the source and target connection information.
The default context code is GLOBAL.
Watch this tutorial video to learn more about loading data by a file in the Planning and
drilling down with Data Management.

Chapter 3
Integrating Data Using a File

Tutorial Video
4. Click Save.
After you add a source system, you can select the source system in the table, and
the details are displayed in the lower pane.

Registering Target Applications

Target applications enable Data Management to be used as a primary gateway to
integrate data between different source systems and target applications. In this way,
you can deploy local Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud applications,
business process instance to business process instance deployments (cloud to cloud
applications), custom applications, and generic data source entities into your existing
EPM portfolio. The process to integrate source applications with target applications
provides data visibility, integrity, and verification systems.
The following application types describe the types of target application that can be
• local—This application type refers to a local EPM application (on-premise
deployment) in the current service.
You might use the integration to import data from existing on-premise ERP
applications or synchronize data between on-premise EPM applications.
For example, Oracle Hyperion Financial Management customers can add
Planning data, or a Planningcustomer can add more Planning applications. In
addition, this integration enables you to write back from a cloud to an on-premise
application or other external reporting applications.
• Cloud—This application type refers to a service instance that uses a remote
service to integrate data. A business process instance is a self-contained unit
often containing the web server and the database application. In this case,
connection information must be selected between the two business process
This feature enables EPM customers to adapt cloud deployments into their
existing EPM portfolio including
– Planning Modules
– Planning
– Financial Consolidation and Close
– Profitability and Cost Management
– Tax Reporting
Also see Using Data Management with Multiple Oracle Cloud EPM Deployments.
• Data Source—Refers to generic source and target entities that use the specific
data model of the source or target applications.
For example, NSPB Sync SuiteApp Save Search Results objects and Oracle
Human Capital Management Cloud extracts are considered data source
• Dimension— Refers to the class of dimension or dimension type of a target
application when loading metadata. When you add a dimension, Data

Chapter 3
Integrating Data Using a File

Management creates six-dimension applications automatically: Account, Entity, Custom,

Scenario, Version, and Smartlist.
For more information on adding a dimension class or type as a target application, see
Registering a Target Application for the Class of Dimension or Dimension Type.
To register a target application:
1. Select the Setup tab, and then under Register, select Target Application.
2. In Target Application, in the summary grid, click Add, and then select the type of
Available options are Cloud (for a Cloud deployment), Local (for an on-premise
deployment) or data source (for Oracle NetSuite or Oracle HCM Cloud deployments.)
For a Cloud deployment, go to step 3.
For a Local deployment, go to step 4.
3. To register a Cloud deployment, select Cloud and then complete the following steps on
the EPM Cloud Credentials screen:
a. In URL, specify the service URL that you use to log on to your service.
b. In User name, specify the user name for the Cloud Service application.
c. In Password, specify the password for the Cloud Service application.
d. In Domain, specify the domain name associated with the Cloud Service Application.
An identity domain controls the accounts of users who need access to service
instances. It also controls the features that authorized users can access. A service
instance belongs to an identity domain.

Administrators can update the domain name that is presented to the user,
but Data Management requires the original domain name that was provided
when the customer signed up for the service. Alias domain names cannot
be used when setting up EPM Cloud connections from Data Management.

e. From Type, specify the type of application, and click OK.

Valid application types:
• Planning
• Essbase
• Consolidation
• Tax Reporting
You can also click Show Applications and select the application.
f. In Application Name, enter the application name.
g. To register a target application with the same name as an existing target application,
in Prefix, specify a prefix to make the name unique.
The prefix name is joined to the existing target application name. For example, if you
want to name a demo target application the same name as the existing "Vision"
application, you might assign the Demo prefix to designate the target application with

Chapter 3
Integrating Data Using a File

a unique name. In this case, the Data Management joins the names to form
the name DemoVision.
h. Click OK.

4. Click OK.
5. In Application Details, enter the application name.
6. Click OK.
7. Click Refresh Members.
To refresh metadata and members from theEPM Cloud, you must click Refresh
8. Click Save.
9. Define the dimension details.
Optional: If not all dimensions are displayed, click Refresh Metadata.
10. Select the application options.

For Financial Consolidation and Close application options, see Defining
Application Options for Financial Consolidation and Close.

Defining Import Formats for File-Based Mappings

When the source is a file-based data load, you define the settings and the import
format mapping definition, which determines which fields (columns) are extracted from
the source system and how data is stored in the staging table.
For detailed information about working with import formats, see Working with Import
Formats. For information about working with all data types data loads in import
formats, see All Data Types Data Load Process Description.
You can add a mapping row to the import format definition based on the following

Chapter 3
Integrating Data Using a File

• Skip
• Currency
• Attribute
• Description
• Dimension Row

Table 3-1 Import format definition options

Import Definition Option Description

Skip The skip option is used to indicate rows in the
input file that should be skipped. For example,
rows with no data, negative numbers, or for
specific accounts. The specification for a skip row
is defined in the same way as that for a data row,
and the system looks for the exact textual match
for text entered in the expression field in the
indicated location in the input file.
The system automatically skips rows in the input
file that have "spaces" and "non-numeric"
characters in the amount location, so a skip
specification is only needed when non-amount
data is present in a row of the input file in the
same location as the amount. For example, the
input file may contain a label named "date." Add
an entry for a skip row to indicate the starting
column of the text "date," the length of the text,
and the exact text to match.
The Skip row option is available for both fixed and
delimited file types.

Chapter 3
Integrating Data Using a File

Table 3-1 (Cont.) Import format definition options

Import Definition Option Description

Attribute The TDATASEG table includes 40 attribute
columns to which you can import values from the
selected input file. You can provide the location of
the attribute in the input file by specifying the
starting location and length, or plug the value
during processing by entering the value for the
attribute in the expression field. If the value for the
attribute is entered in the expression field, then a
starting location and length are not needed.
The attribute fields are generally used to help
compose a drill-through URL or for history or
documentation needs. You may want to populate
the attribute field to support searching and filtering
in the Data Load Workbench.
Each attribute column can accept up to 300

If you integrate an
Consolidation and
Closeor source with
an explicit period
mapping type, the
system stores Tax
Reporting the
mapping year
mapping period
(SRCPERIOD) in the
ATTR2 column and
year in ATTR3
columns. For this
reason when
importing data from
Consolidation and
Close, attribute
columns ATTR2 and
ATTR3 should not be
used for any other
Similarly when you
map a Movement
source attribute to
any target
dimension, the
system automatically
creates another map
for mapping the

Chapter 3
Integrating Data Using a File

Table 3-1 (Cont.) Import format definition options

Import Definition Option Description

Movement to the
ATTR1 column.

Description The TDATASEG table includes two description

columns, and you can load these columns in the
same way as the attribute columns. You can
specify the location in the input row that contains a
description or specify an explicit value by entering
it in the expression field in the mapping table.
Currency Data Management supports the ability to load data
that is of a currency different from the default
currency of the selected location. This option
enables you to specify the location in the input line
that specifies the currency for the related amount
field. For the file import format, specify a currency
on each row of data, or make sure that a currency
is specified in the location that uses the selected
import format.

You may encounter
issues with loading
data if the currency
is not specified

Dimension Data Management supports multiple entries for a

dimension in the import format when the
dimension specification is spread between multiple
locations on the same line. This feature enables
you to concatenate fields for file-based data. To
use this option, select the dimension, start and
end positions, and the expression.

To define an import format for numeric data files with a fixed length:

For information about defining import formats for fixed length all data type data files,
see Setting the Import Format Data Types.

1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.

2. In Import Format, from the Import Format summary grid, select the file.

Chapter 3
Integrating Data Using a File

3. In the Import Format Detail grid, select the type of row to add from the Add drop-
Available options:
• Skip Row
• Currency Row
• Attribute Row
• Description Row
• Dimension Row
4. In Start, specify where on the file the column starts.
5. In Length, enter the length of the column.
6. In Expression, enter the expression that overwrites the contents of the column.
When entering a constant, enter a starting position and length. Use a start position
of "1" and a length of "1."
See Adding Import Expressions.
7. Click Save.
To define an import format for delimited numeric data files:

For information about defining import formats for delimited all data type data
files, see Setting the Import Format Data Types.

1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.

2. In Import Format, from the Import Format summary grid, select a file.
3. In the Data Load Mappings section, click Add, and select the type or row to add.
Available options are:
• Currency Row
• Attribute Row
• Description Row
• Dimension Row
4. In Field Number, enter the field to import.
The Expression field ignores the Field Number value when you provide a column
expression for a multiple period data load.
5. In the Expression field, enter the expression that overwrites the contents of the
See Adding Import Expressions.
6. Click Save.

Chapter 3
Integrating Data Using a File

Concatenating Source Dimensions for a File-Based Source

Concatenate file-based dimensions as the source of target application dimensions.
Concatenation facilitates a simple set of data load mappings with an unlimited number of
fields that can be concatenated.
To concatenate a file-based source dimension:
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.
2. In the Import Format summary task bar, select the import format of the file.
Source columns for both fixed and file delimited files can be concatenated.
3. In Data Load Mapping, click Add.
4. Select Dimension Row, and then specify the target dimension.
5. In Source Column, select the first source column to concatenate.
6. In Field Number, enter the field number from the file to import (defaults to the field
number from the file when text is selected).
7. In Data Load Mapping, click Add.
8. Select Dimension Row, and then specify the same target dimension as in step 4.
9. In Source Column, select the second source column to concatenate.
10. Repeat steps 5-6 for each source column to add to the concatenation.

11. To use a concatenation character between source columns:

a. Click Add, and then specify the target dimension.

b. In Source Column field, enter a name to identify the concatenation character.
For example, enter: Delimited.
c. In Field Number, enter: 1 or greater.
Do not enter: 0 when specifying the field number for the concatenation character
d. In Expression field, enter the concatenation character used to separate
concatenated source columns.
For example, enter a , (comma) or a . (period).
12. Click Save.

Loading Multiple Periods for EPM Cloud or File-Based Source Systems

For an Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud or file-based source system, Data
Management supports a "Period" as a column in a data file. If you have data for multiple
periods in a single file, then you can include the year and period on each row of the data. In

Chapter 3
Integrating Data Using a File

Import Formats, you select the source period rows of Year and Period, so that they are
identified as columns in the file, and then map them to the appropriate dimension in
the target system. Then you run the data load rule and select a range of dates to load.
The range of dates can be based on a default or explicit period mapping type.
For example, in the following sample file, there is multiple period data, "Jan" and "Feb"
in a single data file.


In another example, if you select a Jan-March period range, and the file includes: Jan,
Feb, Mar, and Apr, then Data Management only loads Jan, Feb, and Mar.


Data Management loads the periods specified on the Execute Rule screen, and
ignores rows in the file that don't match what you selected to load.

Defining Data Load Rule Details for a File-Based Source System

When defining data load detail for a file-based data load system, load data to a single
period or a range of periods. For a single period, enter the file name in the data rule,
and then run the rule for a single period. To load multiple periods, create a file for each
period, and then append the period name or period key to the file name. When the rule
is executed for a range of periods, the process constructs the file name for each
period, and uploads the appropriate data to the POV.
To define the data load details for a file-based source system:
1. In Name, enter the data load rule name.
2. In Category, select a category.
The categories listed are those that you created in the Data Management setup,
such as "Actual." See Defining Category Mappings.
3. Optional: In Description, specify a description of the data load rule.
4. Optional: If the target system is a Planning application, from the Target Plan Type
drop-down, select the plan type of the target system.

Data Management currently supports data loads that have up to six plan types.
Planning can support three custom plan types and up to four Planning Modules
applications (Workforce, Capex, Project, Financials). You can enable any
combination of these applications. When you create an Planning Modules

Chapter 3
Integrating Data Using a File

application and you create more than two custom plan types, then you cannot support a
data load to all four applications.
If the target system is Financial Consolidation and Close, from the Target Cube drop-
down, select the data load cube type.
Available options:
• Consol
• Rates
5. Optional: In Import Format, if the file type is a multiple period text file (with contiguous
periods, or noncontiguous periods), select the import format to use with the file so you
can override the import format. For example, specify an import format for single and
multiple period data rules, which enables you to load single or multiple period files from
the same location. In this case, the import format selected must have the same target as
the location selected in the POV. If the import format is unspecified, then the import
format from the location is used.
The starting and ending periods selected for the rule determine the specific periods in the
file when loading a multiple period text file.
In the file, when amounts are unavailable for contiguous periods, then you can explicitly
map the respective amount columns to required periods in the data rule in Data Load
Mapping. When you execute the rule, the data is loaded to the periods as specified by
the explicit mapping.
6. Optional: Enter a description.
7. If necessary, select the Source Options and add or change any dimensional data.
8. Click Save.

Running Data Load Rules

Run the data load rule to load updates and push the data into the target application. When
you submit a data load rule, specify the data extract options.
Data Load Rules can be executed by selecting one of the methods below:
• Execute command on the Data Load Rule screen.
• Import Source option in the Data Load Workbench option.
• Executing a batch. See Executing Batches.
When a data load rule is run, Data Management loads the data, and creates a drill region
(optional), which enables users to drill through to the source data.

In Financial Consolidation and Close for YTD data loads, data is stored in Periodic
view. In this case, the user must select this option so that a "pre-processing" is done
to convert the YTD data from the file to periodic data for loading purpose.

When you run a data load rule, you have several options:

Chapter 3
Integrating Data Using a File

When a data load rule is run for multiple periods, the export step occurs only
once for all periods.

• Import from Source—Data Management imports the data from the source
system, performs the necessary transformations, and exports the data to the Data
Management staging table.
Select this option only when:
– You are running a data load rule for the first time.
– Your data in the source system changed. For example, if you reviewed the
data in the staging table after the export, and it was necessary to modify data
in the source system.
In many cases, source system data may not change after you import the data from
the source the first time. In this case, it is not necessary to keep importing the data
if it has not changed.
When the source system data has changed, you need to recalculate the data.

Oracle E-Business Suite and source imports require a full refresh of data
load rules. The refresh only needs to be done once per chart of

• Export to Target—Exports the data to the target application.

Select this option after you have reviewed the data in the staging table and you
want to export it to the target application.

Select both options only when the data has changed in the source system
and to export the data directly to the target application.

Using Drilling Through

Data Management provides a framework that enables you to drill through from your
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud application to the application. Use
drill through when you want to understand the source of a data value, or you need a
granular level of detail for a value without leaving the workspace.
When you load data to an EPM Cloud target application using Data Management, you
can specify an optional drill region flag. When set to "Yes," a drill region definition is
passed to the target application, in addition to the actual data, to indicate that a cell is

Chapter 3
Integrating Data Using a File

You can through at the leaf level or at a summary level. When you drill down from summary,
you can view summary members in the Planning data form or reports and view the detail
source data that make up the number. To use this feature, select the Enable Drill from
Summary option on the Application Options tab. After enabling this option and loading the
data with the Create Drill Region option set to "Yes," the Drill icon is enabled at the summary
level. Drill is limited to 1000 descendant members for a dimension. When you perform a drill
down from summary, source data and target data are shown on separate tabs.
When drilling through from the EPM Cloud application, a landing page is displayed in a
separate workspace tab that shows all rows that comprise the amount from the selected cell
in the EPM Cloud application. From this landing page, you can open the source document or
continue to drill-through to the defined source system landing page.
Drill through based on a URL requires that you are connected to the server on which the data
resides. Drill through works only for data loaded through Data Management. In addition,
because drill through is available in the target application, data load mappings must have at
least one explicit mapping for the drill through to work.

Drill through functionality is not supported for exchange rates data loaded to:
• Financial Consolidation and Close
• Tax Reporting
• Planning Modules
• Planning

Creating the Drill Region

A drill region is a named region of data intersections in an Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management Cloud application that can be viewed with the drill-through functionality. The
data in the drill region is loaded to the EPM Cloud application with Data Management. In the
workspace, you can view the drill region in the data forms of the application.
The drill region stores the uniform resource locator (URL) to get back to Data Management,
and a region name. When you enable drill regions, Data Management populates them in the
Data Management target application after data is loaded and consolidated. A cell is
considered drillable in the target application when it is contained in the drill regions. For
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System applications, the drill region includes
the Entity, Account, Scenario, Year, and Period dimensions.
Data Management creates drill region by scenarios. For any cube (Planning plan types or
Planning databases), the name of the drill region is FDMEE_<name of the scenario
member>. When creating the drill region, Data Management checks if a dimension is enabled
for the drill.
Drill regions to the source system work only when there is an identical intersection of the data
loaded by Data Management. For example, if you loaded $5000 to Entity2;Account2
intersection, you cannot drill-through from Entity2;ParentAccount2 since no data was loaded
for that intersection.
Members of enabled dimensions selected in data loads, are included in the drill region filter. If
no dimensions are enabled, the following dimensions are enabled by default: Scenario,

Chapter 3
Integrating Data Using a File

Version, Year, and Period. You can enable additional dimensions, and the subsequent
data load considers members of newly enabled dimensions. If you disable any
dimensions which were previously included in a drill region used for drill creation,
members of such dimensions are not deleted during the subsequent data loads. If
needed, you can remove obsolete members manually.
To add a drill region for the Data Management target application:
1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Target Application.
2. In the Target Application summary grid, select the target application.
3. Select the Application Options tab.
4. In Drill Region, enter: Yes.

Administrators can set the drill region setting at the application level in
the Target Application option. Additionally, they can change the setting
for a specific target application in data load rules.

5. Click Save.

Drill Through Components

The Data Management landing page is called by a drill through URL. Two components
define the drill-through URL:
• Server component—defined for each source system
• Detail Component – defined manually for file-based integrations

Adding the Server Component for the Drill Through URL

Use these steps to define the server component drill through URL in Data
Management. The server component is added to the source system definition.


To add a drill through URL:

Chapter 3
Integrating Data Using a File

1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Source System.

2. Select the file to which to add the drill through.

3. In Drill Through URL, click .

4. In Drill Through URL edit window, specify the URL that identifies the URL to use for
drilling through.
The URL to use needs to include the request-response method, protocol, and the
resource name.
The protocol identifier indicates the name of the protocol used to fetch the resource. The
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) typically serves up the hypertext documents. HTTP is
just one of many various protocols used to access different types of resources. Other
protocols include a file.
Available request-response between a client and server methods are:
• GET—Form data is encoded into the URL. For example, specify: GET@http:// If no method is specified, then GET is the assumed request-
• POST—Form data is displayed in the message body. For example, specify:
The resource name is the complete address to the resource. The format of the resource
name depends entirely on the protocol used, but for many protocols, including HTTP, the
resource name contains one or more of the following components:
• Host Name—Specify the name of the machine on which the resource lives.
• File Name—The path name to the file on the machine.
• Port Name—The port number to which to connect (typically optional).
When specifying the resource information, use this format: http://<SERVER>:<PORT>
For example, specify GET@
This URL identifies the server component of the drill through URL. In the import format,
you include the detail component.
5. Click OK and then click Save.

Adding the Detail Component for the Drill Through URL

The detail component defines the parameters values of the drill through URL. Values not hard
coded in the drill through URL can be referenced from the TDATASEG table using references
to the table column names, or to the column names specified in the import format. Drill
through attributes that are different for each row of data, like the CCID (code combination ID
for Oracle E-Business Suite applications) must be included in the input file and mapped to an
attribute column in the import format. When formatting the drill URL, these parameters can be
referenced from the TDATASEG table using the $<TDATASEG_COLUMN>$ notation, or from
the import format using the $$<IMPORT_FORMAT_COL>$$ notation.
To add the detail component of the drill through URL:

Chapter 3
Integrating Data Using a File

1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.

2. From the Import Format Summary section, select the import format.

3. In the Import Format Detail section, in the Drill URL, click .

4. Click Add, and specify the import format name, source, target, file type, and file
5. In the Drill URL edit window, specify the parameters of the drill through URL.
Parameters may include any specific source system required information, and the
attributes used to populate the actual drill region.
The attribute refers to the source columns (dimensions) in the TDATASEG table.
You can provide the location of the attribute in the input file by specifying the
starting location and length.
In the following example, the drill through URL enables a user to drill through to an
E-Business Suite source system.
In addition to the attributes selected for the drill through, the function ID, calling
page, and Resp_Appl_ID and Resp_id are specified.
The function ID is E-Business Suite system specific. It is generated at the time the
E-Business Suite system is installed and configured. The calling page parameter
indicates the origin of the HTTP call. This is hard coded in the URL as
FDM_DRILLDOWN. The Resp_Appl_ID and Resp_id parameters are the
application ID and responsibility ID from E-Business Suite. These can be set to -1
if unknown. The E-Business Suite source system prompts the user for the user
name, password and responsibility if not provided on initial authentication.
Attributes may include:
• SOB_ID—Internal Set of Books ID
• LED_ID—Internal Ledger ID
• fdm_per—the E-Business Suite period name. This value must be the same as
the period name in the E-Business Suite system.
• fdm_ccid—the Code Combination ID (CCID) for the requested account.
• fdm_currency—the E-Business Suite ledger currency
• fdm_balance_type —"A" for Actual, "B" for Budget

6. In the Mappings grid of the import format, map the columns in the source column
to the dimensions in the target application to which to drill through.
7. Click OK and then click Save.

Chapter 3
Integrating Data Using a File

Viewing the Drill Through Results

When you set up a drill through for data that was loaded by Data Management, you can
select the data form in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud application
and then display the general ledger accounts and the hyperlinked balances that were used to
populate the cells in the onpremise application.
From a linked data value, you can drill through to the source system from the landing page
and then view the associated journal entries and sub-ledger entries for the selected account.
To view the drill through results in the onpremise application
1. In the EPM Cloud application, open the data form of the loaded source data.
2. From a cell that contains drill-down data, click Actions, and then select Drill Through.
A drill through icon in the right top corner of a cell indicates that it has drill-through data:

3. Click Drill Through to Source.

4. From the landing page, click the drill through icon.

Chapter 3
Integrating Data Using a File

5. Click Drill Through to Source.

6. Log into the onpremise application by providing any required credentials.
In the following example, an Oracle E-Business Suite logon screen is shown.

7. Drill down to the level of detail that you want to view.

In the following example, you can drill through to the ledger details that support the

In the next example, you can drill through to the sub-ledger that supports the

Chapter 3
Integrating Metadata

In the next example, you can view additional information associated with the balance:

Integrating Metadata
Data Management supports the loading of metadata from a flat file in the order provided in
the file. This feature allows customers to build a metadata load file in any format, from any
source, and load the metadata to an Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud
environment. Using this approach, users can set property defaults during the load or mapping
For example, Oracle Hyperion Workforce Planning customers can load employees, jobs,
organizations and other work structure and compensation related items from Oracle Human
Capital Management Cloud to the Planning.

Chapter 3
Integrating Metadata

Regular (such as Account and Entity), custom (such as Product), and Smart List
dimensions are only supported, and for the following services only:
• Planning Modules
• Planning
• Financial Consolidation and Close
• Tax Reporting

Loading metadata is only available for applications that are application type:
Planning. If the application type is Essbase, then use the Planning Outline
Load Utility to load metadata.

Profitability and Cost Management does not support the loading of metadata
by way of a file using Data Management.

Loading Metadata Process Description

At a high level, this is how you load metadata from a file to a Planning application:
1. Generate a metadata load file for each dimension to be loaded.
A metadata load is only available to applications built on the Planning platform
For information on how to construct a metadata load file, see Metadata Load File
2. In Target Application, register a target application for the class of dimension or
dimension type.
Data Management creates six-dimensions applications automatically: Account,
Entity, Custom, Scenario, Version, and Smartlist.
For more information on adding a dimension class or type as a target application,
see Registering a Target Application for the Class of Dimension or Dimension
For more information on target applications, see Registering Target Applications.
3. In Dimension Details, the system creates a record for each dimension property.
Only the member name and parent are required fields.

Chapter 3
Integrating Metadata

To enable additional properties, add a row to the dimension metadata application. The
name of the row is the property or attribute name used in the Planning application.
4. Optional: To add a custom dimension (one designated as Generic in the Planning
application), in the target application, select the property name and enable the Select
Property field, and then map it to a Data Table Column Name value. Next create a
separate import format for each generic dimension. Then, in the dimension's data rule,
specify the dimension name (for example, Product, Movement) in the Dimension name of
the data rule's target options.
5. In Import Format, map the data from the metadata load file to the properties of the
dimensions in the EPM application. This allows users to import dimension members from
any file format. (The file must be "delimited - all data type" file type.)

For more information, see Defining Import Formats for File-Based Mappings.
6. Define the location to specify where to load data.
For more information, see Defining Locations.
7. In data load mapping, map, transform, or assign values to properties of a dimension to
the corresponding properties of the target application dimension member.
Properties are added as "dimensions" of a dimension application. For example, the Two
Pass Calculation property of Entity is added as a dimension and the flat file adds the
"yes" or "no" property on the load.

Chapter 3
Integrating Metadata

Checked dimensions in the dimension "application" are the ones loaded.
If you do not map them, the load will fail. There is no default if a mapping
is missing. To avoid loading a "field" such as alias, uncheck the check
box in the target application. To supply a single value for all loaded rows,
specify the value in the Expression field and map *to* for that dimension.

For more information, see Creating Member Mappings.

8. Define a data load rule to load the metadata.
The data rule determines the data imported from the source system.
For more information, see Defining Data Load Rule Details for a File-Based
Source System.
You check the box labeled "import from source" so that you can look at the data
and the mapped results in the workbench prior to loading the data from the source
system. After everything is confirmed, additional data imports can be loaded to the
workbench and exported to the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management
Cloud application in the same step.
9. Execute the data load rule to define the options for running the data load rule.
You can execute the data load rule for one or more periods. You then verify that
the data was imported and transformed correctly, and then export the data to the
target application.
See the following data load rule topics:
• Executing data load rules—Running Data Load Rules.
• Schedule data load rules—Scheduling Data Load Rules.
10. You can also create a batch for a metadata application and include rules from any
of the metadata applications in the same batch. In this way, you can load all
dimensions from a single batch and execute it in one step.
For more information, see Working with Metadata Batch Definitions.

Metadata Load File Considerations

Consider these points when working with load files:
• For each dimension in the application, you create a load file with fields
corresponding to the dimension properties. Each load file can contain members for
only one dimension. You can define multiple members for each dimension.
• Required fields are different for each dimension being loaded. For detailed
information on the properties available for each Planning member, see the
Dimension Properties topic in the Administering Planning guide.
• The member name and parent name must be included as fields in the load file. If a
member property value is not specified, the new member will inherit the property
values from its parent.
• When adding new members, unspecified values are inherited from the parent
member's property value as appropriate. If the member exists and no value is
specified, it is left as is.

Chapter 3
Integrating Metadata

• When you load a member that already exists in the Planning application (for example, to
change a property) and a parent is not specified in the load file, the member is left under
the existing parent. If a new parent is specified, the member is moved under the new
• Only one dimension can be loaded per load file.
• The records are loaded one by one. If a record fails to load, its associated exception is
written to the exception file and the load process resumes with the next record.
• Metadata is loaded in the order provided in the file.
• Member names with parenthesis are treated as functions.
• When you load metadata using a data load rule to a Planning application, the export
mode parameter must be set to " Store Data".

Registering a Target Application for the Class of Dimension or Dimension

In the Target Application option, you add a new target application for the class of dimension
or dimension type. This application is used as the target application for loading metadata.
When you add a dimension, Data Management creates six-dimensions applications
automatically: Account, Entity, Custom, Scenario, Version, and Smartlist.
To add a dimension as a target application:
1. Select the Setup tab, and then under Register, select Target Application.
2. In Target Application, in the summary grid, click Add, and then select Dimension.
3. From Select Application, and then from the Application Type drop-down, select the
target application type.
4. To specify a prefix name to use with each target application, in Prefix, specify a unique
5. Click OK.
Data Management creates the dimension application name using this format: "Application
Name -" + Dimension Type.
You can add dimensions multiple times. Data Management checks if a dimension
application exists. If a dimension exists, it is skipped, and if not, it is created. This enables
you to delete applications as needed and recreate it.

The Refresh Metadata and Refresh Members options are not available when
adding dimensions.

Chapter 3
Integrating Metadata

Working with Metadata Batch Definitions

You can create a batch for a metadata application and include rules from any of the
metadata applications in the same batch. In this way, you can load all dimensions from
a single batch and execute it in one step.
When working with metadata batch definitions, you can also create a batch that
includes data load rules from different target applications. This is helpful when creating
a batch from which to load data and metadata. (Metadata in this case, is loaded from a
flat file. See Integrating Metadata for more information.)
You can also create a batch of batches or "master" batch with one batch for metadata
and another batch for data. With this method, you do not need to select a target
application name, but note that you cannot migrate a master batch without one.

Only an administrator can create batch definitions.

To add a batch definition:

1. On the Setup tab, under Batch, select Batch Definition.
2. In the Batch Definition summary section, click Add.
Use the blank Name and Target Application fields in the Batch Definition summary
grid to enter a batch name or target application on which to search.
3. In the Batch Definition detail section, select the Definition tab.
4. In Name, specify the name of the batch definition.
The name must contain only alpha, numeric or underscore characters. Do not
enter spaces or any other character.
5. From Target Application, select the name of the root target application.
Suppose "Vision" is the base application, and "Vision - Account" and "Vision -
Entity" are the metadata applications. When you select "Vision - Account" as the
target application in the batch, then you will see all the rules associated with both
the "Vision - Account" and "Vision - Entity" applications.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger Applications

6. From Type, select the type of batch definition.

Available options for metadata batch definitions are:
• Data—identifies a batch that loads metadata and data.
• Batch—identifies a batch of batches with one batch for metadata and another batch
for data
7. From Execution Mode, select the batch process method.
• Serial—Processes files sequentially, requiring that one file complete its process
before the next file starts its process.
• Parallel—Processes files simultaneously.

Files are not grouped by location in parallel mode.

8. Optional: In the Description field, enter a description of the batch definition.

9. Click Save.
10. Optional: In Batch Group, select the batch group to associate with the batch.

For more information, see Adding a Batch Group.

11. Click Save.

12. In the Batch Jobs section, click Add.

If you selected Data from the Type field, blank Rule Name and Job Sequence fields are
If you selected Batch from the Type field, blank Batch Name and Job Sequence fields
are displayed.
13. If you are loading data in the batch, specify the data load rule name of the metadata
application in the Rule Name to which to add to the batch definition.
If you are creating a batch of batches with one batch for metadata and another batch for
data, select the batch names of the batches in the Batch Name to which to add to the
batch definition.
14. In Job Sequence, specify the order in which to execute the data load rule batch.

15. Click Save.

For information on definition batch parameters, see Working with Batch Definitions.
For information on executing batches, see Executing Batches.

Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger

You can integrate Oracle General Ledger data from the Oracle ERP Cloud with your Oracle
Enterprise Performance Management Cloud application if you use the Oracle ERP Cloud
Release 11 or higher. This integration enables you to simply pick the desired source ledger
from the Oracle ERP Cloud, set up a few simple mappings and then push a button to pull the
data into the EPM Cloud applications. This integration can be run manually or scheduled for a
specific time.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger Applications

The Average Daily Balances (ADB) ledger is not supported in the current

Data Management also supports the Financials Accounting Hub (FAH) and
the Financial Accounting Hub Reporting Cloud Service (FAHRCS) as part of
its integration with the Oracle General Ledger.

The integration sets up the drill definition automatically.

Data Management facilitates not only data loads but write-backs to the Oracle ERP
Watch this tutorial video to learn more about integrating the Oracle General Ledger
with the EPM Cloud.

Tutorial Video

Integration Process Description

At a high level, this is how you integrate Oracle General Ledger data from the Oracle
ERP Cloud with your EPM application:
1. Set up the Oracle General Ledger source system and connection information, and
then initialize the source system.
The initialize process brings over the Oracle General Ledger data into the Oracle
Enterprise Performance Management Cloud system as Essbase cubes. Each
Essbase target application represents a chart of accounts definition from the
source Oracle General Ledger.
See Configuring a Source Connection.
2. Create the EPM Cloud target application that requires the Oracle General Ledger
data from the Oracle General Ledger source system.
3. Create the target application that requires data from one or more source systems.
If you are loading data from an Oracle General Ledger application to an EPM
Cloud application, add the EPM Cloud as the target application type (for example,
add Planning as the target application type.)
4. Set up the integration mapping between Oracle General Ledger and the EPM
application dimensions in Data Management by building an import format.
See Working with Import Formats in this section.
5. Define the location used to associate the import format with the Oracle General
Ledger segments.
See Defining Locations in this section.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger Applications

6. Create category mapping for scenario dimension members in the EPM application to
which Oracle General Ledger balances are loaded.
See Defining Category Mappings in this section.
7. Define data load mapping to convert the chart of accounts values from the Oracle
General Ledger to dimension members during the transfer.
See Data Load Mapping in this section.
8. Define a data rule with the necessary filters and execute the rule.
A default filter is provided that includes all dimensions of the Essbase cube. The cube
may have duplicate members so fully qualified member names are required. The
Essbase cubes work off the Oracle General Ledger segments, and there is a one to
many relationships of Chart of Accounts to ledgers in the Oracle General Ledger.
Data Management creates filters when a rule is created. You can modify the filters as
needed but cannot delete them. (If the filters are deleted, Data Management recreates
the default values). For information about these filters, see Adding Filters for Data Load
The process extracts and loads the data from Oracle ERP Cloud to Data Management.
See Adding Data Load Rules.
9. Optional: Write back the data to the Oracle ERP Cloud.
To write back data to Oracle ERP Cloud from an Planning or Planning Modules source
system, set up a data rule. In this case, the filters are applied against the Planning or
Planning Modules application.
Optionally, you can write back budget data from a Planning to a flat file using a custom
target application. This output file may be used to load data to any other application.

Configuring a Source Connection

To begin integrating the Oracle General Ledger with the Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management Cloud, you first create and register the source system with the type "Oracle
ERP Cloud".
After the source system and connection information are specified, you initialize the source
system to copy the Oracle General Ledger Chart of Account information to EPM Cloud as
one of many Essbase target applications. The download is an integration with the Essbase
database of the Planning application. You can see the actual cubes in Oracle Smart View for
After the source system and connection information are specified, you initialize the source
system to copy the Oracle General Ledger Chart of Account information to EPM Cloud as
one of many Essbase target applications. The download is an integration with the Essbase
database of the Planning application. You can see the actual cubes in Smart View.
To begin integrating the Oracle General Ledger with the EPM Cloud, you first create and
register the source system with the type "Oracle ERP Cloud".
To add a source system:
1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Source System.
2. In Source System, click Add.
3. Enter the source system details:

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger Applications

a. In Source System Name, enter the source system name.

Enter the Oracle General Ledger name to use for the file, such as "General
Ledger" or "Oracle General Ledger Financials". If you are also using this
source for write-back, make sure the source system name does not include
any spaces.
b. In Source System Description, enter a description of the source system.
c. In Source System Type, select Oracle ERP Cloud.
d. In Drill Through URL, specify one of the following Oracle ERP Cloud release
URL formats:
• R13—system uses the Oracle ERP Cloud Release 13 URL format.
• R12—system uses the Oracle ERP Cloud Release 12 and earlier URL
• (Null)—system uses the Oracle ERP Cloud Release 12 and earlier URL
If you need to overwrite the server in addition to specify the release URL
format, specify one of the following Oracle ERP Cloud release URL formats:
• R13@—system uses the Oracle ERP Cloud Release 13
URL format and your server.
• R12@—system uses the Oracle ERP Cloud Release 12
and earlier URL format and your server.
e. Leave the Fusion Budgetary Control field unchecked.

f. In Application Filter, specify any filter(s) condition to limit the number of

Essbase applications returned when you initialize the source system.
You can specify a single filter condition or multiple filters conditions. If you use
multiple filter condition, separate each filter condition by a comma (,).
When you specify an application name as a filter condition, you can specify
the full Oracle ERP Cloud application name, wild card, or a wild card for a
single character as shown below.
• Vision (Full Name)
• VF* (Wild Card)
• VF??COA (Wild Card for single char_

When you run the initialize process, the system imports all the applications
that match the filter condition. If no filters are provided, all applications are

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger Applications

4. Click Configure Source Connection.

The Configure Source Connection screen is used to configure the connection to the
Oracle ERP Cloud.
The source connection configuration is used to store the Oracle ERP Cloud user name
and password. It also stores the WSDL connection for the Oracle ERP Cloud user name
and password.
5. In User Name, enter the Oracle ERP Cloud user name.
Enter the name of the Oracle ERP Cloud user who launches the process requests to
send information between EPM Cloud and the Oracle ERP Cloud. This user must have
an assigned Oracle General Ledger job role such as "Financial Analyst," "General
Accountant," or "General Accounting Manager."

Web services require that you use your native user name and password and
not your single sign-on user name and password.

6. In Password, enter the Oracle ERP Cloud password.

You must update this password anytime you change your Oracle ERP Cloud password.
7. In Web Services URL, enter the server information for the Fusion web service. For
example, enter
If you are use a release URL format version earlier than R12, then replace the "fs" with
fin in the URL from the one that is used to log on into the Web Services URL.
If you are use a release URL format version later than R12, replace the "fs" with fa in the
URL from the one that is used to log or simply copy and paste the server from the one
that is used to log on into Web Services URL.

8. Click Test Connection.

9. Click Configure.
The confirmation "Source system [source system name] configuration has been updated
successfully" is displayed.
10. On the Source System screen, click Initialize.

Initializing the source system fetches all metadata needed in Data Management, such as
ledgers, chart of accounts, and so on. It is also necessary to initialize the source system
when there are new additions, such as chart of accounts, segments/ chartfields, ledgers,
and responsibilities in the source system.
The initialize process may take a while, and you can watch the progress in the job

When re-initializing an Oracle General Ledger source, application period
mappings are reset/removed from the system. If specific period mappings are
required, then use the source period mapping tab to specify the period

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger Applications

11. Click Save.

After you add a source system, select the source system in the table, and the
details are displayed in the lower pane.
The initialize process may take a while, so the user can watch the progress in the
job console.

Working with Import Formats

The import format enables you to set up the integration mapping between the Oracle
General Ledger (Chart of Accounts) segments and Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management Cloud dimensions.
When you select the source and target, Data Management populates the source and
target columns automatically.

Oracle General Ledger creates one Essbase cube per Chart of Account/
Calendar combination. In this case, you can use the same import format to
import data from Ledgers sharing this Chart of Accounts. Ledgers can be
specified as a filter in the data load rule.

You work with import formats on the Import Format screen, which consists of three
• Import Format Summary—Displays common information relevant to the source
and target applications.
• Import Format Detail—Enables you to add and maintain import format information.
• Import Format Mappings—Enables you to add and maintain import format
mapping information.
To add an import format for an Oracle General Ledger based source system:
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.
2. In the Import Format summary task bar, select Add.
In the upper grid of the Import Formats screen, a row is added.
3. In Name, enter a user-defined identifier for the import format.
You cannot modify the value in this field after a mapping has been created for this
import format.
4. In Description, enter a description of the import format.
5. In Source, select the Oracle General Ledger Chart of Accounts from the drop
6. In Target, select the EPM Cloud target application.
7. Optional: In Expression, add any import expressions.
Data Management provides a set of powerful import expressions that enable it to
read and parse virtually any trial balance file into the Data Management database.
You enter advanced expressions in the Expression column of the field. Import
expressions operate on the value read from the import file.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger Applications

For more information, see Adding Import Expressions.

8. Click Save.

Defining Locations
A location is the level at which a data load is executed in Data Management. Each location is
assigned an import format. Data load mapping and data load rules are defined per location.
You define locations to specify where to load the data. Additionally, locations enable you to
use the same import format for more than one target application where the dimensionality of
the target applications is the same. However; if you are using multiple import formats, you
must define multiple locations.

You can create duplicate locations with the same source system and application

To create, edit, and delete import locations:

1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Location.
2. In Location, click Add.
3. From Location Details, in Name, enter the location name.
4. From Import Format, enter the import format.
The import format describes the source system structure, and it is executed during the
source system import step. A corresponding import format must exist before it can be
used with a location.
• Source name is populated automatically based on the import format.
• Target name is populated automatically based on the import format.

You can also click and select an import format.

For more information about import formats, see Defining Import Formats for File-Based
5. In Functional Currency, specify the currency of the location.

You must specify the budget currency of the control budget to which the budget
is written back.

6. In Parent Location, enter the parent assigned to the location.

Parent mappings are used to share mappings with other locations. Enter mappings at the
parent location, and the related locations can use the same mappings. Multiple locations
can share a parent. This feature is useful when multiple locations use one chart of

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger Applications

accounts. Changes to a child or parent mapping table apply to all child and parent

If a location has a parent, the mappings are carried over to the child.
However; changes to mapping can only be performed on the parent

7. Optional: In Logic Account Group, specify the logic account group to assign to
the location.
A logic group contains one or more logic accounts that are generated after a
source file is loaded. Logic accounts are calculated accounts that are derived from
the source data.
The list of values for a logic group is automatically filtered based on the Target
Application under which it was created.
8. Optional: In Check Entity Group, specify the check entity group to assign to the
When a check entities group is assigned to the location, the check report runs for
all entities that are defined in the group. If no check entities group is assigned to
the location, the check report runs for each entity that was loaded to the target
system. Data Management check reports retrieve values directly from the target
system, Data Management source data, or Data Management converted data.
The list of values for a check entity group is automatically filtered based on the
target application under which it was created.
9. Optional: In Check Rule Group, specify the check rule group to assign to the
System administrators use check rules to enforce data integrity. A set of check
rules is created within a check rule group, and the check rule group is assigned to
a location. Then, after data is loaded to the target system, a check report is
The list of values for a check rule group is automatically filtered based on the
target application under which it was created.
10. Click Save.

11. Optional: Perform these tasks:

• To edit an existing location, select the location to modify, and then make
changes as necessary. Then, click Save.
• To delete a location, click Delete.
When a location is deleted, the location is removed from all other Data
Management screens, such as Data Load.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger Applications

To filter by the location name, ensure that the filter row is displayed above the
column headers. (Click to toggle the filter row.) Then, enter the text to filter.
You can filter locations by target application using the drop down at the top of
the screen.

Defining Category Mappings

You define category mappings for categorizing and mapping source system data to a target
EPM Scenario dimension member. For example, you may have a Scenario dimension
member called Actuals for storing actual balances from a Oracle General Ledger application.
In an Planning application, the same source system data is stored using the Scenario
dimension member "Current". In Data Management, you can create one category mapping to
give both one name to represent their respective scenarios.
You create category mapping for the scenario dimension member in Planning from which
budget is written back.
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Category Mapping.
2. Select Global Mapping.
3. Click Add.
A blank entry row is displayed.
4. In Category, enter a name that corresponds to the Planning application Scenario
dimension member from which you want to load data.
5. In Target Category, enter the name of the Planning Scenario dimension members from
which you want to load data.
6. Click Save.

Data Load Mapping

Data load mappings convert the chart of accounts values from the Oracle General Ledger to
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud dimension members during the transfer.
This allows Data Management to categorize Oracle General Ledger balances.
In the following example, based on the chart of accounts segment, the Oracle General
Ledger breaks down administrative expenses as a range of accounts from 4001-4003.
In Planning, budgeting for administrative expenses is done for dimension value 410,
Administrative Expenses.
The data load mapping maps Oracle General Ledger accounts in the range 4001-4003 actual
amounts to 410 administrative expenses in Planning.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger Applications

Differences in Planning dimension values and Oracle General Ledger Chart of

Accounts values may occur. Additionally, segments of the Chart of Accounts may not
be used when budgeting.
For example, the data load mapping can be used to use zero values (such as "0000"
for sub-account) for the chart of accounts segments that are not used for budgeting.
To define data load mappings:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Mapping.

2. From the Dimensions drop-down, select the dimension that you want to map.
The "*" represents all values. Data load mappings should be based upon your
EPM Cloud requirements.
When there is no update to the Oracle General Ledger value prior to the load, it is
still necessary to create the data load mapping for the dimensions to instruct Data
Management to create the target values.
At a minimum, map values for the "Account" and "Entity" dimensions since those
are transferred from Oracle General Ledger.
If you are transferring additional chart segments you must provide a mapping for
each destination dimension.
3. In Source Value, specify the source dimension member to map to the target
dimension member.
To map all General Ledger accounts to EPM Cloud "as is" without any
modification, in Source Value, enter: *, and from Target Value, enter: *.
4. Select the Like tab.
5. In Source Value, enter: * to indicate that all values should use the mapping.
These are the values from the Oracle General Ledger Chart of Accounts. Enter the
values directly.
6. In Target Value, enter the value for the accounting scenario to use to load the
budget information.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger Applications

Enter the values that should be used in EPM Cloud to store the Oracle General Ledger
actual balances that are transferred.

If you are working with Account Reconciliation "source types," you can specify
either source system or sub-system (subledger) as a target value.

7. In Rule Name, enter the name of the data load rule used to transfer budget amounts to
the Oracle General Ledger.

Rules are evaluated in rule name order, alphabetically. Explicit rules have no
rule name. The hierarchy of evaluation is from Explicit to (In/Between/Multi) to

8. In Description, enter a description of the mapping.

For example, enter a description such as "Map to the General Ledger".
9. Optional: In Apply to Rule to apply the mapping only to the specific data rule in the
See Creating Member Mappings.

Adding Data Load Rules

After you define member mappings for the location, define data load rules for ledgers or
business units in your source system to extract the data from the Oracle General Ledger and
move it to the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.
Data load rules are defined for locations that you have already set up. Data load rules are
specific to locations. You can create multiple data load rules for a target application so that
you can import data from multiple sources into a target application.
The data load rule is created once but used each time there is a transfer.
To create a data load rule for synchronization:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.
2. From the POV Bar, select the location to use for the data load rule.
Data load rules are processed within the context of a point of view. The default point of
view is selected automatically. The information for the point of view is shown in the POV
bar at the bottom of the screen.
3. Click Add
4. In Name, enter the name of the data load rule.
5. In Category, leave the default category value.
The categories listed are those that you created in the Data Management setup. See
Defining Category Mappings.
6. In Period Mapping Type, select the period mapping type for each data rule.
Valid options:

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger Applications

• Default—The Data Rule uses the Period Key and Prior Period Key defined in
Data Management to determine the source General Ledger periods mapped to
each Data Management period included in a Data Rule execution.
• Explicit—The Data Rule uses the Explicit period mappings defined in Data
Management to determine the source General Ledger periods mapped to
each Data Management period included in a data load rule execution. Explicit
period mappings enable support of additional Oracle General Ledger data
sources where periods are not defined by start and end dates.
• Click Save.

Processing Oracle General Ledger Adjustment Periods

You can include adjustment periods from an Oracle General Ledger source system in
the Oracle ERP Cloud when loading balances to an Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management Cloud application.
You can include adjustment periods from an Oracle General Ledger source system in
the Oracle ERP Cloud when loading balances to an EPM Cloud application.
Adjustment periods are additional periods that are related to regular periods from the
source. An "adjustment period" refers to any accounting period set up to adjust
balances prior to the closing period of the year. These periods are adjusted to "per12"
and consequently are referred to as "per13". Typically, dates within the adjustment
period overlap regular accounting periods. A customer might use a "Year Open Period"
that refers to the first period in the accounting calendar to adjust last year’s balance
carried forward amount. Additionally, the customer can set up the last period of the
accounting calendar as the "Year Close Period" to adjust transactions made in the
current accounting calendar.
In Data Management, adjustments are processed in Period Mappings where you
indicate how the adjustment period maps to the period in the target application. The
method for how adjustments gets processed is specified in the data load rule. This
feature enables you to map Oracle General Ledger source periods in Data
Management simply by pointing to the calendar and periods from the Oracle General
Ledger application to the period in the EPM application.
When setting up the data load rule, you can either load to regular and adjustment
periods when an adjustment period mapping exist or load an adjustment period only
when an adjustment period mapping exists.
For example, when you map period 13 to December/Period 12, and select the Include
Adjustment Period option, then the following occurs:
• For YTD balances, period 13 becomes the ending balance.
• For PTD balances, period 13 and December/Period12, are added.
To include adjustment periods from an Oracle General Ledger source system:
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Period Mapping.
2. Select the Source Mapping tab.
3. From Source System, select the Oracle General Ledger source system.
4. From Target Application, select the EPM Cloud application to which the
adjustment applies.
5. From Mapping Type, select Adjustment.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger Applications

6. Click Add.
7. In Source Period Key, specify the last day of the month to be mapped from the Oracle
General Ledger source system.
Use the date format based on the locale settings for your locale. For example, in the
United States, enter the date using the MM/DD/YY format.

You can also click and browse to and select the source period key.
When you select the Source Period Key, Data Management populates the Source
Period and Source Period Year fields automatically.
8. In Adjustment period, specify the name of the adjustment period from the Oracle
General Ledger source.
For example, if the adjustment period from the Oracle General Ledger is Adj-Dec-16,
then enter: Adj-Dec-16 in this field.
9. In Target Period Key, specify the last day of the month to be mapped from the target
Use the date format based on the locale settings for your locale. For example, in the
United States, enter the date using the MM/DD/YY format.

You can also click and browse to and select the target period key.
When you select the Target Period Key, Data Management populates the Target Period
Name, Target Period Month, and Target Period Year fields automatically.

10. Click Save.

11. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.

12. From the POV Bar, select the location to use for the data load rule.
Data load rules are processed within the context of a point of view. The default point of
view is selected automatically. The information for the point of view is shown in the POV
bar at the bottom of the screen.
13. Click Add.
14. In Name, enter the name of the data load rule.

15. In Category, specify the default category value.

The categories listed are those that you created in the Data Management setup.
See Defining Category Mappings.
16. In Period Mapping Type, select the period mapping type for each data rule.

Valid options:
• Default—The Data Rule uses the Period Key and Prior Period Key defined in Data
Management to determine the source General Ledger periods mapped to each Data
Management period included in a Data Rule execution.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger Applications

• Explicit—The Data Rule uses the Explicit period mappings defined in Data
Management to determine the source General Ledger periods mapped to
each Data Management period included in a data load rule execution. Explicit
period mappings enable support of additional Oracle General Ledger data
sources where periods are not defined by start and end dates.
17. From Include Adjustment Period, select one of the following options for
processing adjustment periods:
• No—Adjustment periods are not processed. The system processes only
regular period mappings (as setup for "default" and "explicit" mappings). No is
the default option for processing adjustments.
• Yes—If Yes is selected, then the regular period and adjustment period are
included. If the adjustment period does not exist, then only the regular period
is processed.
• Yes (Adjustment Only)—If Yes (Adjustment Only) is selected, the system
processes the adjustment period only. However, if the adjustment period does
not exist, the system pulls the regular period instead.

18. Click Save.


Adding Filters for Data Load Rules

Use filter to limit the results from an Oracle General Ledger source.
For data rules used to import data from the Oracle General Ledger, use filters to limit
the results.
Data Management automatically creates filters when a rule is created. You can modify
the filters as needed but cannot delete them. (If filters are deleted, Data Management
recreates the default value.)
Data load rule filters:

Oracle General Ledger Dimension Filter

Scenario Actual
Balance Amount Ending Balance
Amount Type YTD
Currency Type Total
All Other Dimensions '@ILvl0Descendants("All '||

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger Applications

Drill Through is only supported if you load leaf level data for Oracle General Ledger
Chart of Account segments. If you load summary level data, then drill through does
not work.

If you want to bring in encumbrance from Oracle General Ledger and combine it
with Actual in Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud, modify the
default dimension filter in the data load rule to include not only Actual but also

To assign a filter to the data load rule:

1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.
2. Select the data load rule to which to add a filter.
3. Select the Source Options tab.

4. In the Source Filters area, click .

5. Select the Dimension Name.
6. In Filter Condition specify the filter condition:
• Enter a member name or filter condition in the Filter Condition text box.

• Click to display the Member Select screen and select a member using the
member selector. Then, click OK.
The Member Selector dialog box is displayed. The member selector enables you to view
and select members within a dimension. Expand and collapse members within a
dimension using the [+] and [-].
The Selector dialog box has two panes—all members in the dimension on the left and
selections on the right. The left pane, showing all members available in the dimension,
displays the member name and a short description, if available. The right pane, showing
selections, displays the member name and the selection type.
You can use the V button above each pane to change the columns in the member

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger Applications

Assign filters for dimension. If you do not assign filters, numbers from the
summary members are also retrieved.

To use the member selector:

a. In the list of available dimensions and members on the left, select a member

and click .

b. To deselect a member from the list of members, click .

c. To add special options for the member, click and select an option.
In the member options, "I" indicates inclusive. For example, "IChildren" adds
all children for the member, including the selected member, and
"IDescendants" adds all the descendants including the selected member. If
you select "Children", the selected member is not included and only its
children are included.
The member is moved to the right and displays the option you selected in the
Selection Type column. For example, "Descendants" displays in the Selection
Type column.


To clear all members from the list of selections, click .

d. Click OK twice to continue defining the source filter details.

The selected member is displayed in Essbase syntax in the Filter Condition field.

Drilling Through to the Oracle ERP Cloud

Drill though enables you to display and view the account balance summary page in the
Oracle ERP Cloud.
When integrating with the Oracle General Ledger, Data Management determines the
drill URL definition based on the connection information automatically such as system
and fixed information. You do not need to set up when drilling through to the Oracle
General Ledger.

Writing Back to the Oracle ERP Cloud

If you want to report budget-to-actual from the Oracle General Ledger, you need to
write back your budget to Oracle General Ledger. If you want to validate spending
online, you need to write back your budget to Budgetary Control.
Use this procedure to write back original and revised budget prepared using
thePlanning feature to Oracle General Ledger.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger Applications

This procedure is not for writing back budget revisions prepared using the Budget Revisions
feature in ,Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud which automatically updates
budget in both General Ledger and EPM type control budget in Budgetary Control through
other procedure.
The write back to Oracle General Ledger is also automatically performed for you when you
write back budget to Budgetary Control for EPM type control budget, but obviously only for
the portion of your enterprise-wide budget that you writes back to Budgetary Control.
For more information, see Using Financials for the Public Sector.
For Planning users, watch this tutorial video to learn about writing back EPM Cloud budgets
to the Oracle General Ledger:

Tutorial Video
For Planning Modules users, see the Tutorial Video.

Writing Back Budgets to the Oracle ERP Cloud

If you want to report budget-to-actual from the General Ledger, you need to write back your
budget to Oracle General Ledger. If you want to validate spending online, you need to write
back your budget to Budgetary Control.
Use this procedure to write back original and revised budget prepared using Planning in the
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud to Oracle General Ledger.
This procedure is not for writing back budget revisions prepared using the Budget Revisions
feature in the EPM Cloud, which automatically updates budget in both General Ledger and
EPM type control budget in Budgetary Control through another procedure.
The write back to Oracle General Ledger is also automatically performed for you when you
write back budget to Budgetary Control. for EPM type control budget, but obviously only for
the portion of your enterprise-wide budget that you writes back to Budgetary Control.
For more information, see Using Financials for the Public Sector
To write back to the Oracle General Ledger:
1. Create an import format to map dimensions to the Oracle General Ledger:
a. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.
b. Click Add.
c. In Name, enter the name of the import format.
d. In Source, select the name of the EPM Cloud application from the drop-down.
e. In Description, enter a description that can be used to identify the import format.
f. In Drill URL leave blank.
g. In Target drop-down, select the Oracle General Ledger application.
h. In Target drop-down, select the EPM application.
i. Click Save to save the import format and see the lower portion populated.
j. Scroll down to the lower region of the Import Format screen to map EPM Cloud
dimensions to the general ledger dimensions.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger Applications

k. Map a source for the target dimension "Ledger."

You can map a dimension like "Entity" to the ledger and define any necessary
data load mapping to convert to the Oracle General Ledger name. If you are
writing back to a single ledger, enter the name of the ledger in the expression
l. Click Target Options, select Budget Name.
m. In Expression, leave blank.

If the target is the budget name, enter the value of the accounting scenario
that you plan to use.
2. Create a location.
The location is used to execute the transfer of budget amounts to the Oracle
General Ledger. The import format is assigned to the location. If you are using
multiple import formats, you also need to define multiple locations.
a. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Location.
b. Click Add.
c. In Name, enter a name for the location.
The location name is displayed when you initiate the transfer from the EPM
Cloud to the Oracle General Ledger.
The location name is displayed when you initiate the transfer from the EPM
application to the Oracle General Ledger.
d. In Import Format, select the name of the import format you to use during the

The Source and Target field names are populated automatically
based on the import format.

e. In Parent Location, enter the parent assigned to the location.

Parent mappings are used to share mappings with other locations. Enter
mappings at the parent location, and the related locations can use the same
mappings. Multiple locations can share a parent. This feature is useful when
multiple locations use one chart of accounts. Changes to a child or parent
mapping table apply to all child and parent locations.
f. In Source, the source is populated automatically.
g. In Functional Currency, specify the currency of the location.
h. Optional: In Logic Account Group, specify the logic account group to assign
to the location.
i. Optional: In Check Entity Group, specify the check entity group to assign to
the location.
j. Optional: In Check Rule Group, specify the check rule group to assign to the
k. Save the location.
See Defining Locations.
3. Create period mappings.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger Applications

The period mapping is used to convert periods to Oracle General Ledger accounting
calendar periods for the transfer.

When specifying the period, the starting and ending periods should be within a
single fiscal year. Providing date ranges that cross fiscal year results in
duplicate data.

a. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Period Mapping.

b. Click Add and add a separate row for each period that is to receive budget amounts.
Use the period names from the accounting calendar used by the ledger in the
general ledger.
c. Define a Period Key.
Once you select a value, information about the period key, prior period key, period
name, and the target period month are populated automatically.
• Target Period Month—The values in this field need to match the accounting
calendar for the ledger in the Oracle General Ledger, which receives the
transferred amounts.
• Target Period Year—Use values that corresponds to the accounting period (as
defined in the Target Period Month column).
See Defining Period Mappings.
4. Define the data load rule.
A data load rule is used to submit the process to transfer balances from the EPM Cloud
application to the Oracle General Ledger. The data load rule is created once but used
each time there is a transfer.
a. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.
b. From the POV Bar, select the location to use for the data load rule.
Data load rules are processed within the context of a point of view. The default point
of view is selected automatically. The information for the point of view is shown in the
POV bar at the bottom of the screen.
c. Click Add.
d. In Name, enter the name of the data load rule.
e. In Category, leave the default category value.
f. In Description, enter a description to identify the data load rule when you launch the
request to transfer general ledger balances.
g. In Target Plan Type, select a plan type.
h. In Period Mapping Type, select the period mapping type for each data rule.
Valid options:
• Default—The Data Rule uses the Period Key and Prior Period Key defined in
Data Management to determine the Source General Ledger Periods mapped to
each Data Management period included in a Data Rule execution.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger Applications

• Explicit—The Data Rule uses the Explicit period mappings defined in Data
Management to determine the source GL Periods mapped to each Data
Management Period included in a Data Rule execution. Explicit period
mappings enable support of additional GL data sources where periods are
not defined by start and end dates.
i. Click Save.
5. Add Source Option filters to the data load rule for write-back.
a. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.
b. From the POV Bar, select the location to use for the data load rule.
Data load rules are processed within the context of a point of view. The default
point of view is selected automatically. The information for the point of view is
shown in the POV bar at the bottom of the screen.
c. Select the data load rule to which to add a filter.
d. Select the Source Options tab.

e. In the Source Filters area, click .

f. Select the Dimension Name.
g. In Filter Condition specify the filter condition:
• Enter a member name or filter condition in the Filter Condition text box.

• Click to display the Member Select screen and use a member

selector to specify functions for filtering. Then, click OK.
To use the member selector:
i. In the list of available dimensions and members on the left, select a

member and click .

ii. To deselect a member from the list of members, click .

iii. To add special options for the member, click and select an option.
In the member options, "I" indicates inclusive. For example, "IChildren"
adds all children for the member, including the selected member, and
"IDescendants" adds all the descendants including the selected member.
If you select "Children", the selected member is not included and only its
children are included.
The member is moved to the right and displays the option you selected in
the Selection Type column. For example, "Descendants" displays in the
Selection Type column.


To clear all members from the list of selections, click .

iv. Click OK twice to continue defining the source filter details.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger Applications

The selected member is displayed in Essbase syntax in the Filter Condition field.
6. Execute the data load rule to write back.
a. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.
b. From the POV Bar, verify the location and period to use for the data load rule.
c. Select Execute to submit a request to transfer budget amounts to the Oracle General
d. In Import from Source, select to import the budget information from Planning.
e. In Recalculate, leave blank.
f. In Export to Target, select to export the information to the Oracle General Ledger.
g. In Start Period, select the earliest general ledger period to transfer.
The list of values includes all the general ledger periods that you have defined in the
period mapping. This is typically the first period of the year for the initial budget load,
and then the current period or a future period during the year if there are updates to
the budget that are to be transferred to the Oracle General Ledger.
h. In End Period, select the latest General Ledger period to transfer.
The list of values includes all the general ledger periods you have defined in the
period mapping.
i. In Import Mode, select Replace to overwrite existing budget information in Oracle
General Ledger for the period range you selected (from the start period and end
period options).
Select Append to add information to existing Oracle General Ledger budget amounts
without overwriting existing amounts.
j. Click Run.

Writing Back Actuals to the Oracle ERP Cloud - Oracle General Ledger
When actual information is complete in your Oracle Enterprise Performance Management
Cloud application, you can define the EPM Cloud application as a source and then write back
data to an Oracle ERP Cloud - Oracle General Ledger target application.
After specifying any necessary filters, you can then extract actual values from EPM Cloud
and write them to Oracle General Ledger. In the Export workflow step, the data is written to a
flat file, which in turn is copied to a file repository. When data is written back, journal entries
are created in the General Ledger.
On the Oracle ERP Cloud side when configuring the ERP system, make sure the Oracle
Fusion ERP Essbase cube has been created using the "Create General Ledger Balances
Cube." In addition, scenarios must be already be set up in the Oracle Fusion ERP Essbase
cube using the "Create Scenario Dimension Members" job.
To write back to the Oracle General Ledger:
1. An Oracle ERP Cloud/EPM Cloud integration requires that the you have the privileges or
user role and data access to work with all ERP ledgers to be integrated.
2. Create an import format to map dimensions to the Oracle General Ledger:
a. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.
b. Click Add.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger Applications

c. In Name, enter the name of the import format.

d. In Source, select the name of the EPM Cloud application from the drop-down.
e. In Description, enter a description that can be used to identify the import
f. In Drill URL leave blank.
g. In Target drop-down, select the Oracle General Ledger application.
h. In Target drop-down, select the EPM application.
i. Scroll down to the lower region of the Import Format screen to map EPM
Cloud dimensions to the general ledger dimensions.
j. Map a source for the target dimension "Ledger."
You can map a dimension like "Entity" to the ledger and define any necessary
data load mapping to convert to the Oracle General Ledger name. If you are
writing back to a single ledger, enter the name of the ledger in the expression
k. Optional: If you want to populate any additional reference data and/or
attribute data for each journal, use the Attribute columns to map the columns.
Attribute columns, Attribute1 to Attrbute10, are reserved for REFERENCE1
TO REFERENCE10. In this case, you need to also add the REFERENCE
column as a dimension and map it to the ATTR column in the target
application. For example if you want to populate REFERENCE3, then insert
dimension details and give it an appropriate name, assign the type of Attribute
and then assign data column ATTR3. (ATTR11 to ATTR30 are reserved for
ATTRIBUTE1 TO ATTRIBUTE20. Attribute1 is stored in ATTR11, Attribute2 is
stored in ATTR12 and so on.)
l. In Expression, leave blank.
m. Click Save to save the import format and see the lower portion populated.

3. Create a location.
The location stores the data load rules and mappings for the integration. The
import format is assigned to the location. If you are using multiple import formats,
you also need to define multiple locations.
a. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Location.
b. Click Add.
c. In Name, enter a name for the location.
The location name is displayed when you initiate the transfer from the EPM
Cloud to the Oracle General Ledger.
The location name is displayed when you initiate the transfer from the EPM
application to the Oracle General Ledger.
d. In Import Format, select the name of the import format you to use during the

The Source and Target field names are populated automatically
based on the import format.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger Applications

e. In Parent Location, enter the parent assigned to the location.

Parent mappings are used to share mappings with other locations. Enter mappings at
the parent location, and the related locations can use the same mappings. Multiple
locations can share a parent. This feature is useful when multiple locations use one
chart of accounts. Changes to a child or parent mapping table apply to all child and
parent locations.
f. In Source, the source is populated automatically.
g. In Functional Currency, specify the currency of the location.
h. Optional: In Logic Account Group, specify the logic account group to assign to the
i. Optional: In Check Entity Group, specify the check entity group to assign to the
j. Optional: In Check Rule Group, specify the check rule group to assign to the
k. Save the location.
See Defining Locations.
4. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Period Mapping.
5. Create any period mappings if needed.
The period mapping is used to convert periods to Oracle General Ledger accounting
calendar periods for the transfer.

When specifying the period, the starting and ending periods should be within a
single fiscal year. Providing date ranges that cross fiscal year results in
duplicate data.

a. Click Add and add a separate row for each period that is to receive actual amounts.
Use the period names from the accounting calendar used by the ledger in the
general ledger.
b. Define a Period Key.
Once you select a value, information about the period key, prior period key, period
name, and the target period month are populated automatically.
• Target Period Month—The values in this field need to match the accounting
calendar for the ledger in the Oracle General Ledger, which receives the
transferred amounts.
• Target Period Year—Use values that corresponds to the accounting period (as
defined in the Target Period Month column).
See Defining Period Mappings.
6. On the Workflow tab, under Integration Setup, select Data Load Rule.
A data load rule is used to submit the process to transfer balances from the EPM Cloud
application to the Oracle General Ledger. The data load rule is created once but used
each time there is a transfer.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Oracle General Ledger Applications

7. From the POV Bar, select the location to use for the data load rule.
Data load rules are processed within the context of a point of view. The default
point of view is selected automatically. The information for the point of view is
shown in the POV bar at the bottom of the screen.
8. In Name, specify a name for the data load rule.
9. From Category, select Actual.
10. From Import Format, select the import format associated with the write-back.

11. Click the Source Option.

a. In File Name, select the data file name that contains the data you are loading.
It may be the same one from which you created the data source application, or
another file that has data as well as the appropriate header.
When only the file name is provided, then data must be entered for a single
period on the Rules Execution window.
To load multiple periods, create a file for each period and append a period
name or period key to the file name. When you execute the rule for a range of
periods, the process constructs the file name for each period and uploads it to
the appropriate POV.
b. From Directory, specify the directory to which the file has been assigned.
To navigate to a file located in a Data Management directory, click Select, and
then choose a file on the Select screen. You can also select Upload on the
Select page, and navigate to a file on the Select a file to upload page.
If you do not specify a file name, thenData Management prompts you for the
file name when you execute the rule.
c. To load data into multiple periods, in the File Name Suffix Type drop-down,
select Period Name or Period Key.
A suffix is appended to the file name, andData Management adds the file
extension after adding the suffix. If you leave the file name blank, then Data
Management looks for a file with Suffix. When the file name suffix type is
provided, then the file name is optional in this case, and it is not required on
the Rule Execution window.
If the file name suffix type is a period key, the suffix indicator and period date
format are required (as the suffix set) in the file name and must be validated
as a valid date format. In this case, when you run the rule, enter 1_.txt in the
file name field and select "Period Name" for the suffix indicator. Then run the
rule for the January to March periods.
For example, specify:
i. 1_Jan-2019.txt
ii. 1_Feb-2019.txt
iii. 1_Mar-2019.txt

d. In Period Key Date Format, specify the data format of the period key that is
appended to the file name in JAVA date format. (SimpleDateFormat).
e. Click Save.
12. Click the Target Options tab.

Chapter 3
Integrating Budgetary Control

When working with data load rules, use target application options to specify options
specific to a location/data load rule (instead of the entire target application).

13. From Balance Type, select Actual.

14. In Journal Source, enter a description of the journal source that matches the journal
source defined in the Oracle ERP Cloud.
15. In Journal Category, enter a description of the journal category that the matches the
journal category in the Oracle ERP Cloud.
16. Click Save.

17. Execute the data load rule to write back.

a. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.
b. From the POV Bar, verify the location and period to use for the data load rule.
c. Select Execute to submit a request to write back actual amounts to the Oracle
General Ledger.
d. In Import from Source, select to import the actual value information from the EPM
Cloud application.
e. In Recalculate, leave blank.
f. In Export to Target, select to export the information to the Oracle General Ledger.
g. In Start Period, select the earliest general ledger period to transfer.
The list of values includes all the general ledger periods that you have defined in the
period mapping. This is typically the first period of the year for the initial actual load,
and then the current period or a future period during the year if there are updates to
the actual values that are to be written back to the Oracle General Ledger.
h. In End Period, select the latest General Ledger period to transfer.
The list of values includes all the general ledger periods you have defined in the
period mapping.
i. In Import Mode, select Replace to overwrite existing actual information in Oracle
General Ledger for the period range you selected (from the start period and end
period options).
Select Append to add information to existing Oracle General Ledger actual value
amounts without overwriting existing amounts.
j. Click Run.

Integrating Budgetary Control

Budgetary Control is a module in the Oracle ERP Cloud that provides a flexible open
interface to allow budgets to be imported and provides a basic spreadsheet for budget data

Chapter 3
Integrating Budgetary Control

You can import commitments, obligations, other anticipated expenditures, and

expenditures fromBudgetary Control into your Planning and Planning Budget
Revisions modules for use with budget revision, future budget preparation and
reporting purposes.
In addition, you can develop comprehensive budgets in Planning and Planning Budget
Revisions modules and then using the write-back feature in Data Management,
transfer budgets to Budgetary Control and enable budgetary control validation.

In this release, Budgetary Control only integrates with Planning and Planning
Budget Revisions modules.

For information on loading commitments, obligations, and other anticipated

expenditures from Budgetary Control to Oracle Enterprise Performance Management
Cloud, see Loading Budgetary Control Budget Consumption Balances to the EPM
Cloud Process Description.
For information on writing back budgets from EPM Cloud to Budgetary Control, see
Writing Back EPM Cloud Budget Balances to the Budgetary Control Process

Loading Budgetary Control Budget Consumption Balances to the EPM

Cloud Process Description
Describes how to load commitments, obligations, and other anticipated expenditures
from Budgetary Control to use in your Planning and Planning Budget Revisions
You can load commitments, obligations, expenditures and other anticipated
expenditures from Budgetary Control to use in your Planning and Planning Budget
Revisions applications.
At a high level, these are the steps to load commitments, obligations, and other
anticipated expenditures from Budgetary Control to the Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management Cloud:
1. Register, configure, and initialize a source connection for Budgetary Control.
The initialize process brings over Budgetary Control balance Essbase cubes into
Data Management as Budgetary Control target applications. A control budget
dimension member within each Budgetary Control target application represents a
control budget in Budgetary Control from and to which the EPM Cloud loads data
and writes back.
See Configuring a Connection to a Budgetary Control Source.

Drill through is not supported in this release for the Budgetary Control
integration with the EPM Cloud.

Chapter 3
Integrating Budgetary Control

2. Create the EPM Cloud target application to represent the Planning and Budgetary
Control application to be integrated.
As a rule, when loading and writing back data between the Planning application and the
Budgetary Control application, you can use the system-generated target application that
represents the Planning application in the EPM Cloud and the target applications
generated from source system initialization that represents the Budgetary Control
balances Essbase cube, instead of creating your own. Do not change, add, or delete any
dimension details for these system-generated target applications on the Target
Application screen.
See Registering Target Applications.
3. Create an import format to map the dimensions from the Budgetary Control application to
those of the Planning application to which commitment, obligation and expenditure
amounts are loaded.
See Working with Import Formats in this section.
4. Create a location to associate the import format with the Budgetary Control.
See Defining Locations in this section.
5. Create category mapping for scenario dimension members in the Planning application to
which Budgetary Control balances are loaded.
See Defining Category Mappings in this section.
6. Create data load mappings to map the dimension members between the Budgetary
Control application and the Planning application.
See Data Load Mapping in this section.
7. Create a data load rule (integration definition) to execute the data load and transfer
commitment, obligation and expenditure amounts to the EPM Cloud application from the
Budgetary Control application.
See Adding Data Load Rules.

Configuring a Connection to a Budgetary Control Source

Procedure describes how to configure an Budgetary Control source.
Budgetary Control Balance cubes and their underlying control budgets are eligible for
integration with the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud when the control
budget in Budgetary Control:
• has a "Planning" Source Budget Type.
• does not have Project Portfolio Management keys as a budget segment
• is associated with a Budgetary Control Balances cube
To begin integrating the Budgetary Control with the EPM Cloud, create and register the
source system with the source system type "Oracle ERP Cloud."
After the source system and connection information are specified, initialize the source system
to copy the Budgetary Control information to EPM Cloud as one of many Essbase target
To add a Budgetary Control source system:
1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Source System.

Chapter 3
Integrating Budgetary Control

2. In Source System, click Add.

3. Enter the source system details:
a. In Source System Name, enter the source system name.

Make sure the source system name does not include any spaces.
For example, use FinCloudBC rather than Fin Cloud BC.

b. In Source System Description, enter a description of the source system.

c. In Source System Type, select Oracle ERP Cloud.
d. Select Fusion Budgetary Control.
When Budgetary Control is enabled, only Budgetary Control applications, as
indicated by an "XCC _" prefix, are imported.

e. In Application Filter, specify any filter(s) condition to limit the number of

Budgetary Control applications returned when you initialize the source system.
You can specify a single filter condition or multiple filters conditions. If you use
multiple filter condition, separate each filter condition by a comma (,).
When you specify an application name as a filter condition, you can specify
the full Budgetary Control application name, wild card, or a wild card for a
single character as shown below.
• XCC_VF_City_Budget (Full Name)
• XCC_VF* (Wild Card)
• XCC_VF??COA (Wild Card for single char_)
You can get the name of the Budgetary Control Balances Essbase cubes for
the control budgets to which to integrate using the Manage Control Budgets
task in Fusion Budgetary Control.
When you run the initialize process, the system imports all the applications
that match the filter condition. If no filters are provided, all applications are
4. Click Configure Source Connection.
The source connection configuration is used to store the Budgetary Control user
name and password. It also stores the WSDL connection for the same.
5. In User Name, enter the Budgetary Control user name.
Enter the name of the user who is assigned as a Budget Manager and has data
access to the Budgetary Control budgets with which you want to integrate.
6. In Password, enter the password of the user.

Chapter 3
Integrating Budgetary Control

You must update this password anytime you change your Oracle ERP Cloud password.
7. In Web Services URL, enter the server information for the Fusion web service. For
example, enter

For customers using release 19.01 and earlier of the Oracle ERP Cloud, use the old
WSDL to make the connection and then specify the URL in the following format:
If you are use a release URL format version earlier than R12, then replace the "fs" with
fin in the URL from the one that is used to log on into the Web Services URL.
If you are use a release URL format version later than R12, replace the "fs" with " fa " in
the URL from the one that is used to log or simply copy and paste the server from the
one that is used to log on into Web Services URL.
For example, you might specify:
8. Click Test Connection.
9. Click Configure.
The confirmation "Source system [source system name] has been configured
successfully" is displayed.
10. On the Source System screen, click Initialize.
Initializing the source system fetches all metadata needed in Data Management, such as
budgets, budget chart of accounts, and so on. It is also necessary to initialize the source
system when there are new additions, such as chart of accounts, segments/chartfields,
ledgers, and responsibilities in the source system.
The initialize process may take a while, and you can watch the progress in the job
11. Click Save.

Working with Import Formats

The import format enables you to set up the integration mapping between the Budgetary
Control (Budget Chart of Accounts) segments and Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management Cloud dimensions.
When you select the source and target, Data Management populates the source and target
columns automatically.

Chapter 3
Integrating Budgetary Control

You work with import formats on the Import Format screen, which consists of three
• Import Format Summary—Displays common information relevant to the source
and target applications.
• Import Format Detail—Enables you to add and maintain import format information.
• Import Format Mappings—Enables you to add and maintain import format
mapping information.
To add an import format for a Budgetary Control based source:
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.
2. In the Import Format summary task bar, select Add.
In the upper grid of the Import Formats screen, a row is added.
3. In Name, enter a user-defined identifier for the import format.
You cannot modify the value in this field after a mapping has been created for this
import format.
4. In Description, enter a description of the import format.
5. In Source, select the Data Management source application from the drop down.
6. In Target, select the Budgetary Control application.
7. Go to the Import Format Mapping section.
The target dimensions are populated automatically.
8. From Source Column, From Source Column, specify the source dimensions in
the source Budgetary Control application that correspond to the dimensions in the
target Planning application.

For Planning dimensions that cannot be mapped from a Budgetary
Control dimension, such as the "Version" and "Plan Element" dimension
in a Planning application, leave them unmapped. You can specify a
single member for those unmapped Planning dimensions later in Data
Load Mappings.

9. Optional: In Expression add any import expressions.

Data Management provides a set of powerful import expressions that enable it to
read and parse virtually any file into the Data Management database. You enter
advanced expressions in the Expression column of the field. Import expressions
operate on the value that is read from the import file.
For more information, see Adding Import Expressions.
10. Click Save.

Defining Locations
A location is the level at which a data load is executed in Data Management. Each
location is assigned an import format. Data load mapping and data load rules are
defined per location. You define locations to specify where to load the data.

Chapter 3
Integrating Budgetary Control

Additionally, locations enable you to use the same import format for more than one target
application where the dimensionality of the target applications is the same. However; if you
are using multiple import formats, you must define multiple locations.

You can create duplicate locations with the same source system and application

To create a location:
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Location.
2. In Location, click Add.
3. From Location Details, in Name, enter the location name.
4. From Import Format, enter the import format.
The import format describes the source system structure, and it is executed during the
source system import step. A corresponding import format must exist before it can be
used with a location.
• Source name is populated automatically based on the import format.
• Target name is populated automatically based on the import format.

You can also click and select an import format.

5. In Functional Currency, specify the currency of the location.
6. In Parent Location, enter the parent assigned to the location.
Parent mappings are used to share mappings with other locations. Enter mappings at the
parent location, and the related locations can use the same mappings. Multiple locations
can share a parent. This feature is useful when multiple locations use one chart of
accounts. Changes to a child or parent mapping table apply to all child and parent

If a location has a parent, the mappings are carried over to the child. However;
changes to mapping can only be performed on the parent location.

7. Optional: In Logic Account Group, specify the logic account group to assign to the
A logic group contains one or more logic accounts that are generated after a source file is
loaded. Logic accounts are calculated accounts that are derived from the source data.
The list of values for a logic group is automatically filtered based on the Target
Application under which it was created.
8. Optional: In Check Entity Group, specify the check entity group to assign to the

Chapter 3
Integrating Budgetary Control

When a check entities group is assigned to the location, the check report runs for
all entities that are defined in the group. If no check entities group is assigned to
the location, the check report runs for each entity that was loaded to the target
system. Data Management check reports retrieve values directly from the target
system, Data Management source data, or Data Management converted data.
The list of values for a check entity group is automatically filtered based on the
Target Application under which it was created.
9. Optional: In Check Rule Group, specify the check rule group to assign to the
System administrators use check rules to enforce data integrity. A set of check
rules is created within a check rule group, and the check rule group is assigned to
a location. Then, after data is loaded to the target system, a check report is
The list of values for a check rule group is automatically filtered based on the
Target Application under which it was created.
10. Click Save.

11. Optional: Perform these tasks:

• To edit an existing location, select the location to modify, and then make
changes as necessary. Then, click Save.
• To delete a location, click Delete.
When a location is deleted, the location is removed from all other Data
Management screens, such as Data Load.

To filter by the location name, ensure that the filter row is displayed
above the column headers. (Click to toggle the filter row.) Then,
enter the text to filter.
You can filter Locations by target application using the drop down at the
top of the screen.

Defining Category Mappings

You create category mapping for scenario dimension members in the Planning and
Planning Budget Revisions application to which Budgetary Controlbalances are
If you load Budgetary Control budget consumption balances for inquiry in Budget
Revisions, load them to the pre-defined OEP_Consumed scenario member.
To define category mappings:
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Category Mapping.
2. Select Global Mapping.
3. Click Add.
A blank entry row is displayed.

Chapter 3
Integrating Budgetary Control

4. In Category, enter a name that corresponds to the Planning and Planning Budget
Revisions applications Scenario dimension member to which you want to load budget
consumption amounts.
For example, if you want to load the sum of commitments, obligations, other anticipated
expenditures, and expenditures from Budgetary Control to one Scenario dimension
member in the Planning application, you need one Category mapping entry.
If you are using Budget Revisions feature, the system-generated Scenario dimension
member for this usage is OEP_Consumed.
If you are not using Budget Revisions and still want to load the Budgetary Control
balances, instead of the encumbrance balances from General Ledger balances, to the
Planning application, you can create a custom Scenario dimension member.
Either way, create a category mapping entry and enter this Scenario dimension member
name as the Target Category. Its corresponding Category can be named the same for
convenience or anything you like, such as Budgetary Control Consumption or just
5. Click Save.

Data Load Mapping

When loading Budgetary Control budgets to Oracle Enterprise Performance Management
Cloud, you map the Budgetary Control source members to the EPM Cloud target members.
Besides mapping the members for Planning dimensions mapped in the Import Format, also
map the members for the unmapped Planning dimensions by specifying the Planning
dimension member to which data is loaded, such as the "OEP_Working" version and the
"OEP_Load" plan element..
To define data load mappings:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Mapping.

2. From the POV Bar, select the location, period, and category corresponding to the EPM
Cloud to which to load data for the data load mapping and the data load rule.
Data load rules are processed within the context of a point of view. The default point of
view is selected automatically. The information for the point of view is shown in the POV
bar at the bottom of the screen.
3. From the Dimensions drop-down, select the source dimension to map.
You must provide mapping for each target Planning dimension.

Chapter 3
Integrating Budgetary Control

For dimensions that are not mapped in the Import Format, you must map to a
specific target member, such as "OEP_Working" in the unmapped "Version"
dimension and "OEP_Load" in the unmapped "Plan Element" dimension in the
Planning application.
For dimensions that are mapped in Import Format, even if there is no update to the
EPM Cloud dimensions value prior to the load, it is still necessary to create an "as
is" mapping.
4. Select the Like tab.
5. In Source Value, specify the source dimension member to map to the target
dimension member.
To map all Budgetary Control accounts to EPM Cloud "as is" without any
modification, in Source Value, enter *, and from Target Value, enter *.
6. In Target Value, select the member name to which the source members are
You can also click the search to display the Member Selector and select a member
name from the member list.
7. In Rule Name, enter the name of the data load rule used to transfer budget
amounts to Budgetary Control.

Rules are evaluated in rule name order, alphabetically. Explicit rules
have no rule name. The hierarchy of evaluation is from Explicit to (In/
Between/Multi) to Like.

8. In Description, enter a description of the mapping.

For example, enter a description such as "Map to the ledger".
9. Optional: In Apply to Rule, check to apply the mapping only to the specific data
rule in the location.
See Creating Member Mappings.
10. Click Save.

Adding Data Load Rules

After you define member mappings for the location, define and execute data load rules
to push budget consumption from the Budgetary Control to the Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud application.
Data load rules are defined for locations that you have already set up. Data load rules
are specific to locations. You can create multiple data load rules for a target application
so that you can import data from multiple sources into a target application.
The data load rule is created once, but used each time there is a transfer.
To create a data load rule:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.
2. From the POV Bar, select the location, period, and category corresponding to the
EPM Cloud scenarios to which to load data for the data load rule.

Chapter 3
Integrating Budgetary Control

Data load rules are processed within the context of a point of view. The default point of
view is selected automatically. The information for the point of view is shown in the POV
bar at the bottom of the screen.
3. Click Add.
4. In Name, enter the name of the data load rule.
5. In Description, enter a description to identify the data load rule when you launch the
6. In Category, select the category that corresponds to the Scenario dimension member in
the Planning application to which the Budgetary Control consumption amounts are
loaded, the one you created in the Defining Category Mapping step above.
7. In Period Mapping Type, select the period mapping type for each data rule.
Valid options:
• Default—The Data Rule uses the Period Key and Prior Period Key defined in Data
Management to determine the Source General Ledger Periods mapped to each Data
Management period included in a Data Rule execution.
Select Default period mapping type for loading consumption amounts to the Planning
• Explicit—The Data Rule uses the Explicit period mappings defined in Data
Management to determine the source GL Periods mapped to each Data
Management Period included in a Data Rule execution. Explicit period mappings
enable support of additional General Ledger data sources where periods are not
defined by start and end dates.
8. Click Save.
9. In Target Plan Type, select the plan type of the target to which you want to load budget.
10. Select Source Options to specify and dimensions and filters.

See Adding Filters for Data Load Rules.

11. Optional: Select Target Options to specify any target options.

See Defining Application Options for Essbase.

12. Optional: Select Custom Options to specify any free form integration information.

See Creating Custom Options.

13. Execute the data load rule.

See the following data load rule topics:

• Edit data load rules—See Editing Data Load Rules.
• Run data load rules—See Running Data Load Rules.
• Delete data load rules—See Deleting Data Load Rules.
• Schedule data load rules—See Scheduling Data Load Rules.
• View data load rules before executing them—See Using the Data Load Workbench.
• Check the data rule process details—See Viewing Process Details.
14. From Workflow, under Monitor, select Process Details

15. Verify the status of the data load.

A green check mark indicates that the transfer was successful.

Chapter 3
Integrating Budgetary Control

16. To verify the results of the transfer, on the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select
Data Load Workbench.

Adding Filters for Data Load Rules

Data Management automatically creates Budgetary Control filters when a rule is
created. You can modify the filters as needed but cannot delete them. (If the filters are
deleted, Data Management recreates the default value.)
For data rules used to import data from the Budgetary Control, use filters to limit the
Data Management automatically creates filters when a rule is created. You can modify
the filters as needed but cannot delete them. (If the filters are deleted, Data
Management recreates the default value.)
When working with Budgetary Control data load filters, note the following:
• Control Budget— Add this dimension and select the control budget from which
consumption balances are to be loaded.
• Amount Type budgetary control dimension—Select "PTD" assuming the line items
to be loaded from Budgetary Control are typically income statement type of
• Balance Amounts budgetary control dimension—Depending on your business
requirements for the type of consumption amounts you want to bring into the
Planning application, select any balance amount(s), such as Commitment,
Obligation, Other Anticipated Expenditures, and Expenditures.
• For the other budgetary control dimensions, select members from the appropriate
level to which you want to load data in the Planning application.
To assign a filter to the data load rule:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.
2. Select the data load rule to which to add a filter.
3. Select the Source Options tab.

4. In the Source Filters area, click .

5. Select the Dimension Name.
6. In Filter Condition specify the filter condition:
• Enter a member name or filter condition in the Filter Condition text box.

• Click to display the Member Select screen and select a member using
the member selector. Then, click OK.

Chapter 3
Integrating Budgetary Control

The Member Selector dialog box is displayed. The member selector enables you to view
and select members within a dimension. Expand and collapse members within a
dimension using the [+] and [-].
The Selector dialog box has two panes—all members in the dimension on the left and
selections on the right. The left pane, showing all members available in the dimension,
displays the member name and a short description, if available. The right pane, showing
selections, displays the member name and the selection type.
You can use the V button above each pane to change the columns in the member

Assign filters for dimensions. If you do not specify an appropriate level of
members, even summary members are retrieved and results in an

To use the member selector:

a. In the list of available dimensions and members on the left, select a member and

click .

b. To deselect a member from the list of members, click .

c. To add special options for the member, click and select an option.
In the member options, "I" indicates inclusive. For example, "IChildren" adds all
children for the member, including the selected member, and "IDescendants" adds all
the descendants including the selected member. If you select "Children", the selected
member is not included and only its children are included.
The member is moved to the right and displays the option you selected in the
Selection Type column. For example, "Descendants" displays in the Selection Type


To clear all members from the list of selections, click .

d. Click OK twice to continue defining the source filter details.

The selected member is displayed in Essbase syntax in the Filter Condition field.

Writing Back EPM Cloud Budget Balances to the Budgetary Control

Process Description
If you want to report budget-to-actual from the General Ledger, you need to write back your
budget to Oracle General Ledger. If you want to validate spending online, you need to write
back your budget to Budgetary Control.

Chapter 3
Integrating Budgetary Control

Use this procedure to write back original and revised budget prepared using
thePlanning feature to Oracle General Ledger.
This procedure is not for writing back budget revisions prepared using the Budget
Revisions feature in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud which
automatically updates budget in both General Ledger and EPM type control budget in
Budgetary Control through other procedure. For more information, seeSetting Up
Budget Revisions and Integration with Budgetary Control.
This procedure synchronizes the budget written back to an EPM type control budget in
Budgetary Control with the budget in Oracle General Ledger, making it possible to skip
the Writing Back Budgets to the Oracle ERP Cloud in Administering Data Management
for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloudprocedure for the portion of
your enterprise-wide budget that you write back to Budgetary Control.
For more information, see Using Financials for the Public Sector
For Planning users, watch this tutorial video to learn about writing back EPM Cloud
budgets to the Oracle General Ledger:

Tutorial Video
For Planning Modules users, see the Tutorial Video.
At a high level, here are the steps for writing back EPM Cloud budgets to the
Budgetary Control::
1. Register, configure, and initialize a source connection to the Budgetary Control.
See Configuring a Connection to a Budgetary Control Source.

If you have already registered a source system to connect to the
Budgetary Control application in Loading Budgetary Control to the EPM
Cloud Process Description topic (see Loading Budgetary Control Budget
Consumption Balances to the EPM Cloud Process Description), you
must reuse the same source system.

Drill through is not supported in this release.

2. Select the Budgetary Control target application to which to write back budgets
from the EPM Cloud source system.
A Budgetary Control application is downloaded with the target application type
As a rule, when writing back to a Budgetary Control application, do not change,
add, or delete any dimension details on the Target Application screen.
See Registering Target Applications.

Chapter 3
Integrating Budgetary Control

3. Map the dimensions between the Planning application and the Budgetary Control target
application by building an import format.
See Working with Import Formats.
4. Create a location to associate the import format for an EPM Cloud application with a
Budgetary Control application.
See Defining Locations.
5. Create category mapping for scenario dimension members in the Planning application
and from which the budget is written back to the Budgetary Control.
See Defining Category Mappings.
6. Create data load mappings to map dimensions between the Planning application and
Budgetary Control.
See Data Load Mapping.
7. Create a data load rule (integration definition) to to map dimension members between the
Planning application and Budgetary Control.
See Adding Data Load Rules.
8. View the EPM Cloud budgets loaded to Budgetary Control.
See Viewing the EPM Cloud Budgets Loaded to Budgetary Control.
9. Optionally, you can write out budget data from the Planning to a flat file using a custom
target application. This output file may be used to load data to any other application.
See Creating a Custom Target Application.

Working with Import Formats

The import format enables you to set up the integration mapping between the Oracle
Enterprise Performance Management Cloud dimensions and Budgetary Control dimensions.
Note that Budgetary Control does not have a "Scenario" dimension.
When you select the source and target, Data Management populates the source and target
columns automatically.
You work with import formats on the Import Format screen, which consists of three sections:
• Import Format Summary—Displays common information relevant to the source and
target applications.
• Import Format Detail—Enables you to add and maintain import format information.
• Import Format Mappings—Enables you to add and maintain import format mapping
To add an import format for a Planning based source:
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.
2. In the Import Format summary task bar, select Add.
In the upper grid of the Import Formats screen, a row is added.
3. In Name, enter a user-defined identifier for the import format.
You cannot modify the value in this field after a mapping has been created for this import
4. In Description, enter a description of the import format.

Chapter 3
Integrating Budgetary Control

5. In Source, select the EPM Cloud source application from the drop down.
6. In Target, select the Budgetary Control application.
7. Select the Import Format Mapping section.
The target dimensions are automatically populated.
8. From Source Column, specify dimensions in the source Planning that correspond
to the dimensions in the target Budgetary Controlapplication.
The Source Column drop-down displays all EPM Cloud source system segments
available for the Planning application.

Arbitrarily map the "Control Budget" Budgetary Control dimension to the
"Account" Planning dimension. Without a mapping to the Control Budget,
the import process fails.

9. Optional: In Expression add any import expressions.

Data Management provides a set of powerful import expressions that enable it to
read and parse virtually any file into the Data Management database. You enter
advanced expressions in the Expression column of the field. Import expressions
operate on the value that is read from the import file.
For more information, see Adding Import Expressions.
10. Click Save.

Defining Locations
A location is the level at which a data load is executed in Data Management. Each
location is assigned an import format. Data load mapping and data load rules are
defined per location. You define locations to specify where to load the data.
Additionally, locations enable you to use the same import format for more than one
target application where the dimensionality of the target applications is the same.
However; if you are using multiple import formats, you must define multiple locations.

You can create duplicate locations with the same source system and
application combination.

To create a location:
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Location.
2. In Location, click Add.
3. From Location Details, in Name, enter the location name.
4. From Import Format, enter the import format.

Chapter 3
Integrating Budgetary Control

The import format describes the source system structure, and it is executed during the
source system import step. A corresponding import format must exist before it can be
used with a location.
• Source name is populated automatically based on the import format.
• Target name is populated automatically based on the import format.

You can also click and select an import format.

5. In Functional Currency, specify the currency of the location.

You must specify the budget currency of the control budget to which budget is
written back.

6. In Parent Location, enter the parent assigned to the location.

Parent mappings are used to share mappings with other locations. Enter mappings at the
parent location, and the related locations can use the same mappings. Multiple locations
can share a parent. This feature is useful when multiple locations use one chart of
accounts. Changes to a child or parent mapping table apply to all child and parent

If a location has a parent, the mappings are carried over to the child. However;
changes to mapping can only be performed on the parent location.

7. Optional: In Logic Account Group, specify the logic account group to assign to the
A logic group contains one or more logic accounts that are generated after a source file is
loaded. Logic accounts are calculated accounts that are derived from the source data.
The list of values for a logic group is automatically filtered based on the Target
Application under which it was created.
8. Optional: In Check Entity Group, specify the check entity group to assign to the
When a check entities group is assigned to the location, the check report runs for all
entities that are defined in the group. If no check entities group is assigned to the
location, the check report runs for each entity that was loaded to the target system. Data
Management check reports retrieve values directly from the target system, Data
Management source data, or Data Management converted data.
The list of values for a check entity group is automatically filtered based on the Target
Application under which it was created.
9. Optional: In Check Rule Group, specify the check rule group to assign to the location.
System administrators use check rules to enforce data integrity. A set of check rules is
created within a check rule group, and the check rule group is assigned to a location.
Then, after data is loaded to the target system, a check report is generated.

Chapter 3
Integrating Budgetary Control

The list of values for a check rule group is automatically filtered based on the
Target Application under which it was created.
10. Click Save.

11. Optional: Perform these tasks:

• To edit an existing location, select the location to modify, and then make
changes as necessary. Then, click Save.
• To delete a location, click Delete.
When a location is deleted, the location is removed from all other Data
Management screens, such as Data Load.

To filter by the location name, ensure that the filter row is displayed
above the column headers. (Click to toggle the filter row.) Then,
enter the text to filter.
You can filter Locations by target application using the drop down at the
top of the screen.

Defining Category Mappings

You create category mapping for the scenario dimension member in Planning from
which budget is written back.
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Category Mapping.
2. Select Global Mapping.
3. Click Add.
A blank entry row is displayed.
4. In Category, enter a name that corresponds to the Planning application Scenario
dimension member from which you want to write back the budget.
For example, if you want to write back budget from the "Plan" Scenario dimension
member in the Planning application, you may name the Category "Plan" by the
same name as the Scenario dimension member. If the Scenario dimension
member from which you want to write back the budget already exists as a Target
Category in the existing system-generated category mappings, you do not need to
create your own mapping.
5. In Target Category, enter the name of the Planning Scenario dimension members
from which you want to write back the budget.
6. Click Save.

Data Load Mapping

When writing back budgets to Budgetary Control, you assign member mappings to a
Control Budget. For example, mapping source budget member is just one of the
dimensions that need to be mapped. Data load mappings convert data from the Oracle
Enterprise Performance Management Cloud dimension members to the Budgetary
Control during the transfer.

Chapter 3
Integrating Budgetary Control

To define data load mappings:

1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Mapping.

2. From the POV bar, select the location, period, and category corresponding to the EPM
Cloud Scenario from which the budget is written back.
3. Select the Like tab.
4. In Source Value, specify the source dimension member to map to the target dimension
To map all Budgetary Control accounts to EPM Cloud "as is" without any modification, in
Source Value, enter *, and from Target Value, enter *.
5. In Target Value, select the control budget name in Budgetary Control to which the budget
is loaded.
You can also click the search to display the Member Selector and select the control
budget name from the member list.
6. In Rule Name, enter the name of the data load rule used to transfer budget amounts to
Budgetary Control.

Rules are evaluated in rule name order, alphabetically. Explicit rules have no
rule name. The hierarchy of evaluation is from Explicit to (In/Between/Multi) to

7. In Description, enter a description of the mapping.

For example, enter a description such as "Map to the ledger".
8. Optional: In Apply to Rule, select to apply the mapping only to the specific data rule in
the location.
See Creating Member Mappings.
9. Click Save.
10. From the Dimensions drop-down, select the rest of the budget segments (budget
dimension such as Fund, Department, Account and so on).
11. Use the Like mapping to map all Budgetary Control budget segment values from the
corresponding EPM Cloud dimension members "as is" without any modification, by
entering * in Source Value and Target Value and specifying a Rule Name.

Chapter 3
Integrating Budgetary Control

Adding Data Load Rules

After you define member mappings for the location, define data load rules for budgets
units in your source system to extract the data from the Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud application and push it to Budgetary Control.
Data load rules are defined for locations that you have already set up and are specific
to locations. You can create multiple data load rules. For example, you can create one
rule for writing back original budget and another rule for the revised budget, instead of
keep revising the same rule for a different occasion.
The data load rule is created once, but used each time there is a transfer.
To create a data load rule:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.
2. From the POV bar, select the location, period, and category corresponding to the
EPM Cloud Scenario from which the budget is written back.
3. Click Add.
4. In Name, enter the name of the data load rule.
5. In Description, enter a description to identify the data load rule when you launch
the transfer.
6. In Category, leave the default category value.
The categories listed are those that you created in the Data Management setup.
See Defining Category Mappings.
7. In Period Mapping Type, select the period mapping type for each data rule.
Valid options:
• Default—The Data Rule uses the Period Key and Prior Period Key defined in
Data Management to determine the Source General Ledger Periods mapped
to each Data Management period included in a Data Rule execution.
Typically, choose the default period mapping type for writing back to Budgetary
• Explicit—The Data Rule uses the Explicit period mappings defined in Data
Management to determine the source General Ledger Periods mapped to
each Data Management Period included in a Data Rule execution. Explicit
period mappings enable support of additional General Ledger data sources
where periods are not defined by start and end dates.
8. In Source Plan Type, select the plan type of the EPM Cloud application source
from which to write back.
9. In Source Options, specify and dimensions and filters.
See Adding Filters for Data Load Rules.
10. In Source Parameters, specify any additional parameters associated with the
See Defining Source Parameters for Planning and Essbase.
11. In Target Options, select a Source Budget Type to match that of the control
budget to which budget is written back.

Chapter 3
Integrating Budgetary Control

Select EPM Financials module versus Hyperion Planning based on the source budget
type classification of the control budget.
12. Execute the data load rule.

See the following data load rule topics:

• Edit data load rules—See Editing Data Load Rules.
• Run data load rules—See Running Data Load Rules.
• Delete data load rules—See Deleting Data Load Rules.
• Schedule data load rules—See Scheduling Data Load Rules.

When selecting the Execute Rule submission parameters, always choose
Replace as the Import Mode for writing back to the Budgetary Control.

• View data load rules before executing them—See Using the Data Load Workbench.
• Check the data rule process details—See Viewing Process Details.
13. On the Workflow tab, under Monitor, select Process Details.

14. Verify the status of the data load.

A green check mark indicates that the transfer was successful.

15. To verify the results of the transfer, on the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data
Load Workbench.

Adding Filters for Data Load Rules

For data rules used to write back budget from a Planning application to the Budgetary
Control, use filters to limit the results.
Data Management automatically creates filters when a rule is created. You can modify the
filters as needed but cannot delete them. (If the filters are deleted, Data Management
recreates the default value.)
When working with filters to write back budget from Planning to Budgetary Control, note the
• For Planning dimensions mapped to Budgetary Control dimensions that correspond to
control budget segments such as "Account," specify members that correspond to budget
segment values that are either at or below the control budget level as defined in
Budgetary Control for the particular control budget to be written back. For ease of use, it
is recommended that you select members from the level 0 descendants from these
Planning dimensions and let Budgetary Control roll up to the appropriate budget level
segment values during the write back process. Do not specify members from multiple
• For the Planning dimensions that are not mapped to the Budgetary Control dimensions,
such as "Version" and "Scenario," specify a single member, such as the "Final" version
and "Plan" scenarios.
To assign a filter to the data load rule:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.

Chapter 3
Integrating Budgetary Control

2. Select the data load rule to which to add a filter.

3. Select the Source Options tab.

4. In the Source Filters area, click .

5. Select the Dimension Name.
6. In Filter Condition specify the filter condition:
• Enter a member name or filter condition in the Filter Condition text box.

• Click to display the Member Select screen and select a member using
the member selector. Then, click OK.
The Member Selector dialog box is displayed. The member selector enables you
to view and select members within a dimension. Expand and collapse members
within a dimension using the [+] and [-].
The Selector dialog box has two panes—all members in the dimension on the left
and selections on the right. The left pane, showing all members available in the
dimension, displays the member name and a short description, if available. The
right pane, showing selections, displays the member name and the selection type.
You can use the V button above each pane to change the columns in the member

Assign filters for dimensions. If you do not specify an appropriate level of
members, even summary members are retrieved, and this results in an

To use the member selector:

a. In the list of available dimensions and members on the left, select a member

and click .

b. To deselect a member from the list of members, click .

c. To add special options for the member, click and select an option.
In the member options, "I" indicates inclusive. For example, "IChildren" adds
all children for the member, including the selected member, and
"IDescendants" adds all the descendants including the selected member. If

Chapter 3
Integrating Budgetary Control

you select "Children", the selected member is not included and only its children are
The member is moved to the right and displays the option you selected in the
Selection Type column. For example, "Descendants" displays in the Selection Type


To clear all members from the list of selections, click .

d. Click OK twice to continue defining the source filter details.

The selected member is displayed in Essbase syntax in the Filter Condition field.

Viewing the EPM Cloud Budgets Loaded to Budgetary Control

When you have successfully written back budgets from Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management Cloud to the Budgetary Control, you can view the budget detail that was
To view the budget information transferred to Budgetary Control:
1. Sign into the Oracle Applications Cloud.

2. Enter your User ID and Password.

3. From the Oracle ERP Cloud Navigation menu, under Budgetary Control, select
Budgetary Control.
4. From Budgetary Control Workspace, click the Tasks icon.
5. From the Tasks page, select Review Budgetary Control Balances.

Chapter 3
Integrating Budgetary Control

6. On the Review Budgetary Control Balances page, select the Control Budget,
and any search parameters for the budget that you want to review.

7. Click Search.
The results of the search are shown on a results page.
8. Optional: If you write back to a control budget with a source budget type classified
as an "EPM Financials module,", then the system synchronizes the loaded budget
to Oracle General Ledger for you, without having to perform the steps in the
Writing Back Budgets to the Oracle ERP Cloud topic. You can verify the
updated budget in Oracle General Ledger by completing the following:
9. From the Oracle ERP Cloud, from General Accounting, select Period Close.

Chapter 3
Integrating Budgetary Control

10. From Period Close Workspace, select Tasks.

11. From the Tasks drop-down, select Inquire on Detail Balances.

12. On the Inquire on Detail Balances page, select a data access set context if not already
done and specify the search parameters for the budget that you want to review.
Currently the Scenario for the budget auto-synchronized by the EPM Financials module
type control budget goes by the same name as that of its source budget name.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle NetSuite

Integrating Oracle NetSuite

Data Management is available as the integration mechanism forOracle Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud customers looking to load data from the NSPB Sync
SuiteApp. Data Management customers have direct access to the unified suite of
cloud-based ERP, CRM, and commerce applications from Oracle NetSuite.
The integration uses the NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Search framework to query data
from the NSPB Sync SuiteApp system.
Watch this tutorial video to learn more about integrating Data Management and Oracle

Tutorial Video

Supported NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Searches

The following saved searches are included in the NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved

After specifying an Oracle NetSuite source system and connection
information in Data Management, you must initialize the source system to
create a Target Application definition for each NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved
Search. Metadata saved searches includes "Metadata" in the saved search
name, and Data saved searches includes "Data" in the saved search name.

Saved Search Name ID Type

PBCS All Posting Summary
Transactions Last Period

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle NetSuite

Saved Search Name ID Type

PBCS All Posting Detail
Transactions Last Period
PBCS All Posting Trial Balance
Transactions Last Period—
Trial Balance
PBCS - Transaction customsearch_nspbcs_all_tr Transaction
Summary ansactions_sum
PBCS - Transaction Detail customsearch_nspbcs_all_tr Transaction
PBCS - Trial Balance customsearch_nspbcs_trial_ Transaction
PBCS sync (Data) Income customsearch_pbcs_sync_is_ Transaction
Statement Transactions csv
PBCS sync (Data) Balance customsearch_pbcs_sync_bs Transaction
Sheet Transactions [.csv] _csv
PBCS sync (Data) Beg customsearch_pbcs_sync_be Transaction
Balance [.csv] gbal_csv
PBCS sync (Data) Income customsearch_nspbcs_sync_ Transaction
Statement Transactions is
PBCS sync (Data) Balance customsearch_nspbcs_sync_ Transaction
Sheet Transactions bs
PBCS sync (Data) Beg customsearch_nspbcs_sync_ Transaction
Balance begbal
PBCS sync (Data) customsearch_nspbcs_sync_ Consolidated Exchange
Consolidated Exchange fx Rates
PBCS sync (Metadata) customsearch_nspbcs_sync_ Account
Income Statement Accounts acct_inc_stmt
PBCS sync (Metadata) customsearch_nspbcs_sync_ Account
Balance Sheet Accounts acct_bs
PBCS sync (Metadata) Class customsearch_nspbcs_sync_ Class
PBCS sync (Metadata) customsearch_nspbcs_sync_ Customer
Customer cust
PBCS sync (Metadata) customsearch_nspbcs_sync_ Department
Department dept
PBCS sync (Metadata) Item customsearch_nspbcs_sync_ Item
PBCS sync (Metadata) customsearch_nspbcs_sync_ Location
Location loc
PBCS sync (Metadata) customsearch_nspbcs_sync_ Project
Project prj
PBCS sync (Metadata) customsearch_nspbcs_sync_ Project
Customer Project cprj
PBCS sync (Metadata) customsearch_nspbcs_sync_ Subsidiary
Subsidiary sub

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle NetSuite

Saved Search Name ID Type

PBCS sync (Metadata) customsearch_nspbcs_sync_ Vendor
Vendor vend

Process Description for Integrating Oracle NetSuite

When Oracle NetSuite is used as a data source in the Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management Cloud, Data Management uses the NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Search
framework to query data from Oracle NetSuite.
A NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Search is a reusable search definition based on criteria
and filters. For example, an NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Search might include all
posting transactions to the General Ledger since the last period. Any kind of record in
the NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Search can be included in or considered as the basis
of a NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Search. A search can either be pre-packaged or
user-defined. All balances are generated using transaction details that have been
When you create a new NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Search in Oracle NetSuite, you
must include the prefix customsearch_nspbcs in the saved search id.

Data generated from the NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Search is used for
importing data only, and not for write-back.

At a high level, these are the steps for loading data from an Oracle NetSuite data
1. An administrator installs NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Searches, which is a shared
bundle. Before you can install the bundle, it must be shared with your account.
2. Perform the following tasks. (See the topics in the Oracle NetSuite Planning and
Budgeting Cloud Service Sync guide for information on performing these tasks.
Access to the guide requires a NetSuite login.)
• You are required to have an Oracle NetSuite login to access NSPB Sync
For information on setting up the login, see the Oracle NetSuite Planning and
Budgeting Cloud Service Sync guide.
• Enable the required features in your Oracle NetSuite account. See "Required
Features for Installing the NSPB Sync SuiteApp."
• Install the SuiteApp. See "Installing the NSPB Sync SuiteApp."
• Set the file encryption password. See "Setting Up a Password for File
• Create user records for EPM Cloud users. These user records must have an
EPM Cloud Integration role. See "Creating a EPM Cloud User Record."
• Set up token-based authentication for EPM Cloud users. See "Setting Up
Token-Based Authentication."

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle NetSuite

• Set up single sign-on (SSO). NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Searches supports single
sign-on (SSO) through any SSO service that offers SAML 2.0. With an SSO account,
users can navigate between NetSuite and Planning without entering their credentials
each time. This enables users to navigate to the Create user records for EPM Cloud
users. See "Setting Up Menu Navigation to Planning."
3. In Data Management, register the source system with integration user credentials.
This step includes specifying the connection details and the drill URL.
See Configuring a Source Connection to Oracle NetSuite.
4. Run the initialize process to import the definition of all saved search owned by the user.
When you initialize the source system, Data Management imports all saved search
definitions owned by the user. If you don't want to import all saved search definitions, you
can go to target application and select individual saved search definitions one by one. If
you have initialized the source system the first time, add incremental saved search
definitions also in the target application.
For more information, see Creating an Oracle NetSuite Data Source.
5. Define the import format to map columns from the saved search to dimensions in the
EPM Cloud application.
For more information, see Adding Import Formats for Oracle NetSuite Data Sources.
6. Once the initialization process is complete, you can pick a NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved
Search when adding a target application. When you select Oracle NetSuite as a data
source, then you are presented with a list of the saved searches from the selected Oracle
NetSuite source.
You can also provide source filter criteria on the application filters tab. These source
filters are the same as Oracle NetSuite "Criteria", which filter the data from the NSPB
Sync SuiteApp Saved Searches.
7. Define source mapping entries in the calendar mapping section to map the Oracle
NetSuite periods to the EPM Cloud periods.
Define any period mapping. Available options are explicit or default period mappings:
For more information on periods mappings available for an Oracle NetSuite integration,
see Managing Periods in Oracle NetSuite.
8. In the Import Format, specify the NSPB Sync SuiteApp data source as the source
application and your Planning application as the target application.
For more information, see Adding Import Formats for Oracle NetSuite Data Sources.
9. Define a location to indicate where to load the data.
Each location includes an import format, data load rules, and data load mappings.
For more information, see Defining Locations.
10. Create data load mappings.

For more information, see Data Load Mapping.

11. Create a data load rule, apply any source filers, and execute the data load rule.

This pulls the data from the Oracle NetSuite instance into Data Management, maps the
data and then shows the results in the workbench. If the mapping succeeds without
errors, the data is loaded to the target application.
For more information, see Adding Data Load Rules for an Oracle NetSuite Data Source.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle NetSuite

For more information about applying filter criteria, see Applying Oracle NetSuite
Application Filters.
For more information about executing a rule, see Running Data Load Rules.

Configuring a Source Connection to Oracle NetSuite

To begin integrating from NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Searches with the Oracle
Enterprise Performance Management Cloud, you first create and register the source
system with the type "Netsuite".
After the source system and connection information are specified, initialize the source
system to create a Target Application record for each NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved

The NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Search policy for accessing integrations
has changed. It now requires token based authorization instead of basic
authentication in order to set up the connection to NSPB Sync SuiteApp
Saved Searches from the EPM Cloud. Basic authorization credentials will be
made read only in Release 21.06.

To add an Oracle NetSuite source system:

1. Launch Oracle NetSuite.
2. From the Oracle NetSuite home page, select Setup, then User/Roles, then
Access Tokenand then New (create a new token).

3. From the Access Token page, select Internal NS Application NS-PBCS as the
application name.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle NetSuite

4. Click Save and copy the Token ID and Token Secret from this page.

This is the only time you can view these values. If you navigate away from this
page, you cannot get access to these values.

5. From the NSPB Sync SuiteApp home page, under Integration, select Data

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle NetSuite

6. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Source System.

7. In Source System, click Add.
8. Enter the source system details:
a. In Source System Name, enter the source system name.
Enter the name to use for the NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Search application,
such as "NetSuite ERP."
b. In Source System Description, enter a description of the source system.
c. In Source System Type, select NetSuite.
d. In Drill Through URL, enter the URL hyperlink for the drill through link to the
NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Search system
Use the following format for the drill URL:
https://<NetSuite Domain>/app/common/search/
To get Oracle NetSuite domain, launch the following:<ACCOUNT>
For example, if you have account "TSTDRV1700457," type the following:
What is returned is one of the following:
{"webservicesDomain": "https://", "restDomain":"https://", "systemDomain":"https://"}
Using the example above for the systemDomain url, the drill URL would be:

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle NetSuite

9. Click Configure Source Connection.

The Configure Source Connection screen is used to specify the Oracle NetSuite
connection information.
Data Management supports a token-based authentication method to connect to Oracle
NetSuite. Before using the token-based authentication method, be sure you have your
token details (for the token-based authentication). This information must be defined in the
Oracle NetSuite before configuring the connection in Data Management.
The token-based authentication method is described in step 10.
Basic (user) authorization credentials is available but will be made read only in Release
21.06. The user-based authentication configuration is described in step 11.
10. To connect to the NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Search system using token-based
authentication, complete these steps:
This authentication mechanism enables client applications to use a token to access the
NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Search system through APIs, eliminating the need for
RESTlets or web services integrations to store user credentials.
a. Specify the following:
• Consumer Key—specify the type of consumer key. The consumer key type
determines if the connection uses a default customer key or a custom customer
key. The customer key is a globally unique identifier, which identifies the
consumer. It is generated in the NSPB Sync SuiteApp system.
• Consumer Secret—specify the password used to establish ownership of the
consumer key used by a custom Consumer Key Type implementation.
• Token—Specify the token value used to gain access to protected resources on
behalf of the user, generated in the NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Search system.
• Token Secret—Specify the password used to establish ownership of the token.
• Account—Specify your account ID to the NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Searches
web services.
The account ID identifies the account type, for example, whether the account is a
production account, a sandbox account, or a Release Preview account. The
account-specific domain is not dependent on the data center where an account is
hosted. The domain does not change, even if the account is moved to a different
data center.
• Data Center—(field is now deprecated and is ignored).
b. Click Test Connection.
c. Click Configure.
The confirmation "Source system [Source system name] has been configured
successfully" is displayed.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle NetSuite

11. To connect to Oracle NetSuite using a user-based authentication, complete these

a. Specify your credentials for the fields below:
• User (name)
• Password
• Account—Specify your account ID to the Oracle NetSuite web services.
The account ID identifies the account type, for example, whether the
account is a production account, a sandbox account, or a Release
Preview account. The account-specific domain is not dependent on the
data center where an account is hosted. The domain does not change,
even if the account is moved to a different data center.
Data Center—(field is now deprecated and is ignored).
• (Optional) Role ID—Specify the role ID assigned to the user from Oracle
You might specify a role id when you have multiple roles assigned for an
account in Oracle NetSuite.
Data Management uses the role ID for user-password authorization.
To get the role ID from Oracle NetSuite, from Oracle NetSuite, select
Setup, then Users/Roles, and then Manage Roles. If it's not visible by
default, but you can edit view and add the InternalID column to see it; or
just open the role detail and see that id in the browser URL.
b. Click Test Connection.
c. Click Configure.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle NetSuite

12. On the Source System screen, click Initialize.

The initialize process is used to extract the NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Searches
metadata information.
The initialize process may take a long time to complete. You can watch the progress on
the job console.
13. Click Save.

Creating an Oracle NetSuite Data Source

Target applications enable Data Management to store the structure of the source and target
applications that can be integrated. In this way, you can map the source and target
applications and specify import criteria.
Oracle NetSuite Saved Searches results are registered with an application type of "data
source." During the initialization, the system creates the data source automatically based on
the available Saved Searches results under the user name registered in the Oracle NetSuite
source system. In the target application option, you can create additional Saved Searches in
Oracle NetSuite, and then register the custom saved searches on the Target Application

You can click Refresh on the Target Application screen to refresh any saved
searches that have been created in Oracle NetSuite after you have initialized the
source system in Data Management.

When you create an Oracle NetSuite data source, dimension details are populated
automatically and mapped directly to the target dimension class "Generic." As a rule
when loading data from an Oracle NetSuite data source, do not change, add, or
delete any dimension details on the Target Application screen.

To include an individual Oracle NetSuite Saved Search:

1. Select the Setup tab, and then under Register, select Target Application.
2. In Target Application, in the summary grid, click Add, and then select Data Source.
3. In Source System, enter NetSuite.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle NetSuite

4. In Source Entity, enter the name of the Saved Search.

You can also launch the Search and Select screen by clicking and selecting a
source entity.

5. To register a target application with the same name as an existing target

application, in Prefix, specify a prefix to make the name unique.
The prefix is joined to the name of the existing target application. For example, if
you have a test target application and want to use the same name as the existing
"PBCS Quarter Summary Balance" application, you can assign the Test prefix to
designate the target application with a unique name. In this case, the Data

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle NetSuite

Management joins the names to form the name TestPBCS Quarter Summary Balance.
6. Click OK.
7. Click Save.

Applying Oracle NetSuite Application Filters

Search criteria defined in the NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Searches are registered
automatically, as application filters. You can edit the filters if needed. For example, you can
assign default values or hide the filters from end users by setting the property level.
You can apply filter conditions to the Oracle NetSuite Saved Search results so that only those
records that meet selected conditions are returned to Data Management. You can specify a
single filter condition or multiple filters conditions, and additionally specify the exact values
that you want returned.
To apply an Oracle NetSuite filter condition:
1. Select the Setup tab, and then under Register, select Target Application.
2. Select the NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Search results data source to which to apply any
3. From Application Details, select the Application Filters tab.
4. Select the name of the field to which to apply the filter condition.
5. From the Condition drop-down, select the applicable condition.
6. In Value, specify the filter definition.

To see available filter values for a given record, click

For example, to apply a filter to the "POSTINGPERIOD," add the value as This Period.

Adding Additional Filters to the Drill URL in the Import Format

When performing a drill through from Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud to
Data Management, and then to the NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Search, sometimes too
many records are returned. As a guideline, when you add the amounts in all the records in
the drill through, they should total to the number in the data cell you were on when you
initiated the drill through in EPM Cloud. To resolve this issue, add additional filters to the drill
through URL in the Import Format.
To add additional filters:
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle NetSuite

2. In the Import Format summary task bar, select the import format associated with
the drill through to which to add an additional filter.

3. In the Import Format Mapping section, map the source dimension associated
with the additional filter to an Attribute (User defined attribute - used as needed for
mapping or drill through) column.
To do this, click Add, select Attribute and then map the Source Column to the
For example you could map a Subsidiary ID source column to the Attribute 4 row.

4. In Drill Through URL, click and enter the search type criteria used for the
drill-through for addition filter.
For example, if you want to add a Subsidiary ID as an additional filter, enter
&Transaction_SUBSIDIARY=$ATTR4$ to the list of parameters.
In this case, you would specify the entire drill through URL definition as:
For more information, see Defining Drill Through Parameters to Oracle NetSuite.

When specifying the Drill Through URL detail components here, you
must also set up the server component for the drill through in the source
system. See also Configuring a Source Connection to Oracle NetSuite.

5. Click Save.
When the drill through is first selected from EPM Cloud to Data Management, no
extra records are included:

The second drill to Oracle NetSuite also does not include any additional records.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle NetSuite

Managing Periods in Oracle NetSuite

When loading periods from Oracle NetSuite, you have two options:
• Default Period Mappings—Use this option to load a single period from the POV from the
data load rule. In this case, you do not map the period column in the import format or
define a source period mapping in period mappings. You can set a source filter in the
data rule such as the Current Period or Last period. For example, if you want to load the
Feb 2018 period, you set it as the last period. When you run the data rule, periods are not
checked and all the data you extract from Oracle NetSuite is imported into the selected
• Explicit Period Mappings—Explicit period mappings enable the loading of General Ledger
data when Oracle NetSuite and Planning periods match. Use this option to load multiple
periods, or when you do not want users to select the period from the POV.
To use explicit period mappings, you map the period column in the import format and
define source period mappings. The General Ledger period column must match exactly
the Oracle NetSuite period. Next in the data rule, you select the calendar from the period
mapping. When you run the data rule, you specify the start – end periods that you want to
load. You can set a filter condition in the data rule to extract specific period data, for
example, the Fiscal Year Current to Fiscal Quarter Current period. Data Management
matches the period column from the search result with the period in the period mapping
and loads the data to the appropriate period.

Filtering Oracle NetSuite Periods

If you need to load data by a specific period, for example, by a specific month, use an Oracle
NetSuite posting period filter that contains a period ID. The period ID is created in the posting
period filter and returned by the NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Search used for filtering data.
Oracle NetSuite provides several date filters: a named time period, like last fiscal year, a
custom date range defined by a specific start date and end date, and a relative date range
defined by a beginning number of days, weeks, months, quarters, or years ago or from now,
to an ending number of same. See the NetSuite "Search Guide" for more information on
setting up filters.
In Data Management when you run the data load rule, you select the period value that you
want to load from the Postingperiod option on the Source Filters tab as shown below.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle NetSuite

Adding Import Formats for Oracle NetSuite Data Sources

A NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Search is stored as a data source, and import formats
enables you to set up the integration mapping between the data source and the
dimensions of your target application in Oracle Enterprise Performance Management
The files generated by the data source application can be in any of the supported
format like single column numeric, and multi-column data.
When you select an Oracle NetSuite data source, Data Management populates the
source and target columns automatically.
You work with import formats on the Import Format screen, which consists of three
• Import Format Summary—Displays common information relevant to the source
and target applications.
• Import Format Detail—Enables you to add and maintain import format information.
• Import Format Mappings—Enables you to add and maintain import format
mapping information.
You map NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Searches Saved Search data source columns
or fields in the import file to dimensions in the EPM Cloud application.
To add an import format to an Oracle NetSuite source:
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.
2. In the Import Format summary task bar, select Add.
In the upper grid of the Import Formats screen, a row is added.
3. In Name, enter a user-defined identifier for the import format.
You cannot modify the value in this field after a mapping has been created for this
import format.
4. In Description, enter a description of the import format.
5. In Source, select the NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Searches from the drop down.
6. In Target, select the EPM Cloud target application.
7. In File Type, select the format of the file to import:
Available file formats:
• Delimited - Numeric Data
See Defining Import Formats for File-Based Mappings.
• Multi Column - Numeric Data
See Loading Multi-Column Numeric Data.
• Delimited Data - All Data Type
See Setting the Import Format Data Types.
• Multi Column - All Data Type
See Loading Multi-Column Numeric Data
8. In Drill Through URL, enter the search type criteria used for the drill-through.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle NetSuite

For example, you could specify:

For more information, see Defining Drill Through Parameters to Oracle NetSuite.
When specifying the Drill Through URL detail components here, you must also set up the
server component for the drill through in the source system. See also Configuring a
Source Connection to Oracle NetSuite.
9. In the Mapping section, map the source columns to the dimensions.

10. Optional: In Expression, add any import expressions.

Data Management provides a set of powerful import expressions that enable it to read
and parse virtually any file into the Data Management database. You enter advanced
expressions in the Expression column of the field. Import expressions operate on the
value that is read from the import file.
For more information, see Adding Import Expressions.
For information on adding an import format for a data driver, see Adding an Import
Expression for a Data Driver.
11. Click Save.

Adding Data Load Rules for an Oracle NetSuite Data Source

After you define member mappings for the location, define and execute data load rules to
push the results of the NSPB Sync SuiteApp Saved Search to your Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud application.
You can specify filter values so that only those records that meet selected condition are
returned to Data Management.

You can add additional (non-dimensional/non-EPM Cloud) columns in the result set
of the saved search such as a memo, transaction date, document #, or transaction
details. To do this, , set up the non-dimensional columns in the NSPB Sync
SuiteApp Saved Search and then map the columns to Lookup or Attribute columns
in the Import Format option in Data Management.
For more information about lookup dimensions, see Adding Lookup Dimensions.

Data load rules are defined for locations that you have already set up. You can create
multiple data load rules for a target application so that you can import data from multiple
sources into the target application.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle NetSuite

The data load rule is created once, but used each time there is a transfer.
To create a data load rule:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.
2. From the POV Bar, select the location to use for the data load rule.
Data load rules are processed within the context of a point of view. The default
point of view is selected automatically. The information for the point of view is
shown in the POV bar at the bottom of the screen.
3. Click Add.
4. In Name, enter the name of the data load rule.
5. In Description, enter a description to identify the data load rule when you launch
the transfer.
6. In Category, leave the default category value.
The categories listed are those that you created in the Data Management setup.
See Defining Category Mappings.
7. In Period Mapping Type, select the period mapping type for each data rule.
Valid options:
• Default—The Data Rule uses the Period Key and Prior Period Key defined in
Data Management to determine the Source General Ledger Periods mapped
to each Data Management period included in a Data Rule execution.
• Explicit—The Data Rule uses the Explicit period mappings defined in Data
Management to determine the source GL Periods mapped to each Data
Management Period included in a Data Rule execution. Explicit period
mappings enable support of additional GL data sources where periods are not
defined by start and end dates.
8. In Import Format, specify the import format based on the file format of Saved
Search application (for example, single column numeric, and multi-column data)
that you want to load to the target application.
9. In Calendar, select the source system calendar.
10. In Target Plan Type, select the plan type of the target system to which you want to
load budget.

11. Optional: Select the Source Filters tab to apply filter conditions to the source
Oracle NetSuite Saved Search application.
See Applying Oracle NetSuite Application Filters.
See Defining Application Options for Essbase.

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle NetSuite

12. Optional: Select Target Options to specify any target options.

13. Optional: Select Custom Options to specify any free form integration information.

See Creating Custom Options.

14. Click Save.

15. Execute the data load rule.

See the following data load rule topics:

• Edit data load rules—See Editing Data Load Rules.
• Run data load rules—See Running Data Load Rules.
• Delete data load rules—See Deleting Data Load Rules.
• Schedule data load rules—See Scheduling Data Load Rules.
• View data load rules before executing them—See Using the Data Load Workbench.
• Check the data rule process details—See Viewing Process Details.
16. From Workflow, under Monitor, select Process Details.

17. Verify the status of the data load.

A green check mark indicates that the transfer was successful.

18. To verify the results of the transfer, on the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data
Load Workbench.

Drilling Through to Oracle NetSuite

Data Management enables you to drill through to Oracle NetSuite using an externally
available URL that you specify within Data Management.
When drilling back to the Oracle NetSuite, the drill URL is constructed by passing the stored
values from Data Management as parameters in the drill URL.
The drill through URL to Oracle NetSuite must be configured manually.

Defining Drill Through Parameters to Oracle NetSuite

The parameters required to drill back to Oracle NetSuite are described below.
The server URL for drilling to Oracle NetSuite takes the drill URL address format of: https://
<NetSuite Domain>/app/common/search/

On the detail side (where you specify the search type components), the drill URL to Oracle
NetSuite requires the following parameters:
• "search type"
• "search ID"
• Optionally, you can specify additional parameters to filter the drill based on the Account
and Period.

Search Type
The drill through parameter list includes the search type of "Transaction." It is specified in the
drill through URL as:

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle NetSuite


The Transaction search types include:

• Transaction_DEPARTMENT
• Transaction_SUBSIDIARY
• Transaction_CLASS
• Transaction_LOCATION
• Transaction_INTERNALID
• Transaction_POSTING=T

Search ID
The drill through list also includes "Search ID." Specify the parameter by using Search
You can find the value from the Search Definition in Oracle NetSuite.
https://<NetSuite Domain>/app/common/search/

Additional Parameters
You can specify additional parameters to filter the drill based on account and period.
Below are some commonly used parameters:

Table 3-2 Additional Filter Parameters

Label Parameter Value Example

Account Transaction_ACCOU Account internal ID &Transaction_ACCO
Main Line Transaction_MAINLI T or F &Transaction_MAIN
Period Transaction_POSTIN Period ID or key of &Transaction_POST
GPERIOD the predefined INGPERIOD=21 or
period &Transaction_POST
Posting Transaction_POSTIN T or F &Transaction_POST
Subsidiary Transaction_SUBSIDI Subsidiary internal &Transaction_SUBS

Saved Search Requirements in the Drill Through

To use the context sensitive drill through, the Saved Searches must include an Internal
ID for the account and period fields in the search Output. You can add these fields if

Chapter 3
Integrating Oracle NetSuite

they are missing in the Results section of your Saved Search in Oracle NetSuite as shown

For more information about Internal IDs, see the NetSuite Help Center.

Adding the Drill Through URL

Use these steps to add the drill through URL in Data Management. There is a server
component and a detailed component when defining the drill URL. The server component is
added to the source system definition, and the detailed component is added to the import
format definition.
To add a drill through URL:
1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Source System.
2. Select the Oracle NetSuite data source system to which to add the drill through.

3. In Drill Through URL, click .

4. On the Drill Through URL edit window, enter the URL hyperlink for the drill through link.
For example, specify:
5. Click OK and then click Save.
6. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.
7. From the Import Format Summary section, select the import format.
8. Map the Internal ID for Account, Period, and Transaction Type to the Attribute columns.

Chapter 3
Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud

In this example, the drill URL format for the Saved Search is:

searchtype=Transaction&searchid=<NAME OF SAVED

SEARCH>&Transaction_TYPE&detailname=$<ATTR COLUMN





9. In the Import Format Detail section, in the Drill URL, click .

10. In the Drill URL edit window, specify the attributes of the drill through.

Based on the example in step 8, you specify the drill URL as:
For more information on search types, see Saved Search Requirements in the Drill
11. Click OK and then click Save.

Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud

You can load Human Resources data from the Oracle Human Capital Management
Cloud to use in the Oracle Hyperion Workforce Planning business process of Planning
Modules or Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning Cloud.
You use Data Integration to drive the integration of data between Oracle HCM Cloud
and the Workforce Planning or Strategic Workforce Planning. Data Integration
provides an out of the box solution that enables Workforce Planning customers to
apply predefined mappings from the Oracle HCM Cloud data model to target
dimensions. You can also customize and extend these integrations, for example, by
applying other mapping as needed to meet their business requirements.
Watch this video to learn how to integrate data between Oracle HCM Cloud and
Workforce Planning using Data Integration. Integrating selected data from your Oracle
HCM Cloud application allows you to prepare workforce plans using data directly from
your Oracle HCM Cloud as the basis for your plan.

Tutorial Video

Process Description for Integrating Data from Oracle HCM Cloud

Data Integration provides an out of the box solution that enables customers to apply
predefined mappings from the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud data model

Chapter 3
Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud

to target dimensions in Oracle Hyperion Workforce Planning or Oracle Strategic Workforce

Planning Cloud.
Data Integration with Oracle HCM Cloud provides templates that the user must load to the
Oracle HCM Cloud instance so that data can be extracted.
Oracle HCM Cloud extracts are used to extract high volumes of data from Oracle HCM
Cloud. Each of the predefined Oracle HCM Cloud extracts are defined as "Data Sources" in
Data Integration.
When Data Integration performs the data extraction portion of the integration, it designates
each predefined Oracle HCM Cloud extract as a data source entity. In turn, these data
sources are mapped directly to the Workforce Planning or Strategic Workforce Planning data
model in Planning Modules.
There is one template named "EPBCS Initialize.xml" that is not an extract template, but which
is used by the test connection process and initialize process on the Data Integration side. If
you do not upload the full set of templates provided by Data Integration, you must still upload
"EPBCS Initialize.xml " so that Data Integration can successfully initialize the content from the
Oracle HCM Cloud system, and so that it can perform the test connection step.
The following is a description of metadata templates that are provided as part of this
• Entity data including organization code, name and available organization structure
• Employee data including person number, full name and available demographic
• Job data including job code, name and available job structure
• Position data including position code, name and available position structure
• Component data including grade code and name
• Union Code data including bargaining unit code and name
The following is a description of the data that is provide via the extract templates:
• Salary Basis
• Salary Rate for defined basis
• Union Code
Customers can also pull the position start date which Data Integration converts to the start
month for loading into the Workforce Planning application. They can also customize and
extend these integrations, for example, by applying other mapping as needed to meet their
business requirements.

Drill through and write-back are not supported in Oracle HCM Cloud.

Since there are multiple data rules involved to integrate various data from the Oracle HCM
Cloud, batches are defined to import the series of data rules.
At a high level, the steps for loading data from an Oracle HCM Cloud extract data source are:

Chapter 3
Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud

1. Make sure that you have been assigned a Human Capital Management Integration
Specialist job role.
A Human Capital Management Integration Specialist job role is required to
manage Human Capital Management extracts. The Human Capital Management
Integration Specialist (Job Role) is the individual responsible for planning,
coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of human
capital management information systems.
For more information, see Human Capital Management Integration Specialist (Job
2. In Data Integration, then from Application option, select the application
corresponding to the Workforce Planning application, and then on the Dimension
Detail tab, assign classifications for the seeded dimensions in Planning Modules.
Classifications for the seeded dimensions include "Employee," "Job", "Property,"
and "Union" dimensions.
3. In the Source System option, select Oracle HCM Cloud as a source system.

4. Configure the source connection.

For more information, see Configuring a Source Connection to an Oracle HCM
Cloud Data Source Application.
5. Download the Oracle HCM Cloud extracts by clicking Download Extract.
An EPBCS HCM file containing the following Oracle HCM Cloud
extract definitions is created. These files are a subset of the data that can be
extracted and loaded into the Planning Modules application.
• EPBCS Assignment_<Release>.xdoz

You must import EPBCS Assignment_<Release>.xdoz into the /
Custom folder of BI Publisher and not Oracle HCM Cloud.

If you require non-English characters, download the EPBCS HCM file and then unzip the zip. Next go to BI Publisher
Document Repository and import the EPBCS Assignment.xdoz file.

• EPBCS Entity Metadata_<Release>.xml

• EPBCS Employee Metadata_<Release>.xml
• EPBCS Position Metadata_<Release>.xml
• EPBCS Location Metadata_<Release>.xml

Chapter 3
Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud

• EPBCS Job Metadata_<Release>.xml

• EPBCS Initialize.xml

In all cases, the EPBCS Initialize.xml must always be imported in Oracle
HCM Cloud.

All extracts must be imported without the Legislative Group. That is, the
Legislative Group must be blank.

• EPBCS Component Salary Metadata.xml

• EPBCS Assignment Data.xml
• EPBCS Account Merit Metadata.xml
Data Integration ships the template that is needed for the extract as content that is
uploaded to the Oracle HCM Cloud application. This content is provided by Data
Integration because it is not seeded with the Oracle HCM Cloud.
6. Save the zip to a temporary folder.
7. In Oracle HCM Cloud, import the Oracle HCM Cloud extract definitions contained in the
For more information, see Importing Oracle HCM Cloud Extract Definitions to Oracle
HCM Cloud.
8. In Data Integration in the Source System option, initialize the source system.
When initialize is executed, Data Management performs the following:
• registers the Oracle HCM Cloud extract used for the integration as a data source
• creates the import format to map Oracle HCM Cloud columns to Planning Modules
• creates a location,
• creates mappings to import data to the correct Workforce Planning accounts,
• creates a data rule for the load,
• creates a batch definition to define the batch jobs and parameters, and the type of
rules included in the batch.
9. You are prompted to specify a prefix for the predefined content of the Oracle HCM Cloud
Specify a prefix name if you plan to have multiple Oracle HCM Cloud integrations, or you
plan to use multiple import formats, locations, or data load rule for the integration with
Oracle HCM Cloud. The prefix name is used as a unique identifier for each integration.

Chapter 3
Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud

If your integration with Oracle HCM Cloud is a single occurrence using only one
import format, location and data load rule, you can leave the prefix name blank.
10. In Target Application, each Oracle HCM Cloud extract imported is registered
automatically as a target data source application.
You can register an individual Oracle HCM Cloud extract as a data source entity
by selecting a source entity (or individual Oracle HCM Cloud extract) from which to
create the application definition. For more information, see Creating an Oracle
HCM Cloud Data Source Application.
For information on using an updated version of an extract, see Updating Existing
Oracle HCM Cloud Extracts.
11. If necessary, modify any dimension details.

All columns from the Oracle HCM Cloud extract are mapped to the EPM target
dimensions class with the type "Generic."

As a rule, when loading data from an Oracle HCM Cloud data source, do
not change, add, or delete any dimension details on the Target
Application screen.

12. Any application filters associated with the data source are predefined during the

13. The Import Format for each Oracle HCM Cloud extract is predefined during the
initialization step.

Chapter 3
Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud

For information on adding or modifying import formats, see Adding Import Formats.

14. The Location, including the import format, data load rules, and the data load mappings,
are predefined during the initialization steps.

For information on modifying a location, see Defining Locations.

15. Data load mappings are predefined during the initialization step.

Additionally, Oracle HCM Cloud extracts support the transformation of actual data
imported from Oracle HCM Cloud in the Data dimension column.
For example, in the Oracle HCM Cloud, the employee type might be "F" (for full time
employee type), or "T" (for temporary employee) while in Planning Modules, the same
designations are shown as "FULLTIME," or "TEMP."
For information on modifying data load mappings, see Creating Member Mappings.
16. Data load rules are predefined during the initialization for the target application.

Chapter 3
Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud

For information on modifying a data load rule, see Defining Data Load Rules to
Extract Data.
Any source filters associated with the data source are created automatically during
the integration. You can select any specific criteria on the Source Filters tab to filter
the results that are loaded.
17. The batch definition is predefined during the initialization step.

Data Management populates the batch definition detail, parameters, and jobs for
the data load rules.

If you need to modify a batch definition, see Working with Batch Definitions.

Updating Existing Oracle HCM Cloud Extracts

When an Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud extract is updated to provide new
functionality or definitions, a new file is created and made available in the EPBCS
HCM This feature enables you to take the latest updates when new extract
definitions become available and shipped.
You can retain all existing mappings and definitions for a selected or all target
applications based on an extract definition in Data Management when the extract is
updated, select the Refresh Metadata feature on the Target application page.
Any new files show the release version in the file name. For example, if extracts are
updated in Release 19.02, the extract file and name are as follows:
• File name—EPBCS Assignment Data_1902.xml
• Extract name—EPBCS Assignment Data_1902
• XML Tag Name—EPBCS Assignment Data (no release version added)
To select an updated version of an Oracle HCM Cloud extract:

Chapter 3
Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud

These steps assume that you have configured the source system, defined the
source connection, and downloaded the EPBCS HCM For information
about any of these processes, see Process Description for Integrating Data from
Oracle HCM Cloud.

1. From Setup, and then Register, click Target Application.

2. To select an updated version of an Oracle HCM Cloud extract and retain all existing
mappings and definitions for the target application, select the target application for the
extract and click Refresh Metadata.
3. When prompted with the message, "Do you want to update only Selected Extract or All
HCM Extracts?", click All to update all extracts, or click Selected to update just the
individual extract.

Configuring a Source Connection to an Oracle HCM Cloud Data Source

To begin integrating Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud with the Planning Modules,
you first create and register the source system with the type "Oracle HCM Cloud".
After the source system and connection information are specified, you initialize the source
system. This process creates a Target Application record for each Oracle HCM Cloud extract.
To add an Oracle HCM Cloud source system:
1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Source System.
2. In Source System, click Add.
3. Enter the source system details:
a. In Source System Name, enter the Oracle HCM Cloud source system name.
Enter the name to use for the Oracle HCM Cloud application, such as Oracle HCM
b. In Source System Description, enter a description of the source system.
c. In Source System Type, select Oracle HCM Cloud.
4. Click Configure Source Connection.
The Configure Source Connection screen is used to specify the Oracle HCM Cloud
connection information, such as the user name and password.

Chapter 3
Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud

5. In User Name, enter your Oracle ERP Cloud user name.

6. In Password, enter your Oracle ERP Cloud password.
7. In Fusion Web Services URL, enter the URL for the Fusion web service.
For example, you might enter:
Replace " fs" with "hcm" in the URL from the one that is used to log on.
8. Before completing the remaining steps, exit the Configure Source Connection
screen and complete the following:
a. On the Source System screen, click Download Extract and save the HCM
extracts in the EPBCS HCM to a temporary folder.
b. Import the Oracle HCM Cloud extracts to the Oracle HCM Cloud. For more
information, see Importing the Oracle HCM Cloud Extract Definition.
9. Select the name of the source system to which you are configuring a source
connection, and click Test Connection.
10. Click Configure.

The confirmation "Source system [Source system name] has been configured
successfully" is displayed.
11. On the Source System screen, click Initialize.

The initialize process is used to configure the integration for importing data from
the Oracle HCM Cloud.
One data source application is defined for each Oracle HCM Cloud data extract.
The Oracle HCM Cloud extract definitions are exported and shipped out of the box
as XML files.
The initialize process may take a while, and you can watch the progress in the job
12. When prompted, specify a prefix for the predefined content of the Oracle HCM
Cloud integration.
You are prompted to specify a prefix for the predefined content of the Oracle HCM
Cloud integration.
Specify a prefix name if you plan to have multiple Oracle HCM Cloud integrations,
or you plan to use multiple import formats, locations, or data load rule for the
integration with Oracle HCM Cloud. The prefix name is used as a unique identifier
for each integration.
If your integration with Oracle HCM Cloud is a single occurrence using only one
import format, location and data load rule, leave the prefix name blank.

Importing Oracle HCM Cloud Extract Definitions to Oracle HCM Cloud

To begin seeding extract definitions in the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud
application, you import Oracle HCM Cloud extract definition XML files and BI Publisher
e-Text template XDOZ files where the extract output is saved in a comma separated
value (CSV) file. The CSV file format is defined as a BI Publisher report, and this
report template is specified as part of the extract definition in the Oracle HCM Cloud

Chapter 3
Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud

Importing the Oracle HCM Cloud Extract Definition

To import the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud extract definitions that were
exported from Data Management:
1. Log on to the Oracle HCM Cloud application.
2. From the Fusion Navigation menu, and then from My Workforce, select Data
3. Launch the Task menu by clicking the

icon (located on the right side of the screen).

4. From the Task menu, HCM Extracts, select Manage Extract Definitions.

Chapter 3
Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud

5. Extract the ZIP file to a temporary folder.

6. Click Import Extract to import the pre-defined Oracle HCM Cloud extract
definition XML files.
When importing the extract definitions, the extract name must be same as the first
name of the file name. For example, when importing "PBCS Assignment
Data_1902.xml," the extract name must be specified as "EPBCS Assignment
7. Import all the pre-defined Oracle HCM Cloud extract definitions:
• EPBCS Account Merit Metadata—EPBCS Account Merit

Chapter 3
Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud

• EPBCS Assignment Data—EPBCS Assignment Data_<Release>.xml

• EPBCS Component Salary Metadata—EPBCS Component Salary
• EPBCS Employee Metadata—EPBCS Employee Metadata_<Release>.xml
• EPBCS Entity Metadata—EPBCS Entity Metadata_<Release>.xml
• EPBCS Job Metadata—EPBCS Job Metadata_<Release>.xml
• EPBCS Location Metadata—EPBCS Location Metadata_<Release>.xml
• EPBCS Position Metadata—EPBCS Position Metadata_<Release>.xml
You can import only the extract definitions that you plan to load from Oracle HCM Cloud, or
all extracts even if you are not using them. All XML files that are loaded need to be
"compiled" after all files are loaded. See Submitting the Oracle HCM Cloud Extract Definition.

Importing the BI Publisher eText Templates

To import the BI Publisher eText templates:
1. Log on to the BI Publisher Enterprise by specifying the following address in a browser:
2. Click Catalog Folders.

3. From the Catalog screen, then under Shared Folders, select Custom.

Chapter 3
Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud

4. Expand the Custom folder.

Chapter 3
Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud

5. Click Upload and import the predefined template files.

Submitting the Oracle HCM Cloud Extract Definition

An extract definition automatically creates an extract process (payroll flow) with the same
name as the extract. The extract process enables you to define an execution sequence of
multiple tasks, including pre and post tasks using the extract process. You can use the Refine
HCM Extracts task to view and modify the extract process submission parameters, if
You can run the flow pattern directly using the Submit an HCM Process option.
To submit an extract:
1. Click the newly created HCM Extract Definition.
2. Under Validate, click Compile All Formulas to compile all attributes.
3. Click Refresh and verify that a green check mark is under the Status column.

4. Click Submit to validate, save, and close the definition.

5. From the Tasks menu, and then under HCM Extracts, click Submit Extracts.
6. Narrow down the list of available definition to the one imported by entering a few
characters of the definition name in the text box.
7. Select the definition and click Next.
8. Enter a value for the Payroll Flow and the effective date for the extraction.
For the Payroll Flow, you might specify something like Assignment_Extract_Run_1.
9. Click Submit to run the extraction.
10. Click Done.

Chapter 3
Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud

Downloading the Oracle HCM Cloud Extract Definition

This process enables you to download metadata using Data Management.

To download the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud extract definition:

1. Log on to the Oracle HCM Cloud application.
2. From the Fusion Navigation menu, and then from My Workforce, select Data
3. Launch the Task menu by clicking

icon (located on the right side of the screen).

4. From the Task menu, HCM Extracts, select Manage Extract Definitions.

Chapter 3
Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud

5. Click the eyeglass icon for the extract definition to view the extract run details and
The eyeglasses are on the far right for Assignment Data.
6. Click the Extract Run that was submitted.
Verify that the Status column shows a green check mark and the word "Succeeded."
7. From the Fusion Navigator menu, and then from Payroll, select Checklist.
8. Select the extract definition that was submitted for the Flow Pattern.
The process flow name displays after clicking Search.

9. Click the process flow name link to see the task details.

10. Click on the Go to Task arrow pointing to the right icon for the process.

Chapter 3
Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud

11. From the Actions menu, select View Results for the extract output.

12. Download each of the metadata files and load them into the Oracle Hyperion
Workforce Planning application.
For metadata with hierarchy structures, submit the extract, download and load
them into the Workforce Planning application.

Creating an Oracle HCM Cloud Data Source Application

In Data Management, use the Target application option to register an individual Oracle
Human Capital Management Cloud extract as a data source target application.
To create an individual Oracle HCM Cloud extract as a data source application:
1. Select the Setup tab, and then under Register, select Target Application.
2. Click Add, and then select Data Source.
3. In Source System, select the name of the Oracle HCM Cloud source system.
For example, you might specify Oracle HCM Cloud.
4. In Source Entity, specify the file name (in XML format) of the source entity to
register as a data source.
The file is the Oracle HCM Cloud extract application name/definition that has
already been uploaded to the inbox in Data Management.
The Oracle HCM Cloud extract application name and definition are defined in
Oracle HCM Cloud, and are included in the XML file that is downloaded from the
Oracle HCM Cloud.

Chapter 3
Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud

You can also launch the Search and Select screen by clicking and selecting a
source entity.

5. Click OK.
6. Optional: You can apply filter conditions to the Oracle HCM Cloud data source so that
only those records that meet selected conditions are returned to Data Management. You
can specify a single filter condition or multiple filters conditions, and additionally specify
the exact values that you want returned.
To apply a filter condition:

Chapter 3
Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud

a. From Application Details, select the Application Filters tab.

b. Select the name of the field to which to apply the filter condition.
c. From the Condition drop-down, select the applicable condition.
• EQ (equals)
• Like
• In
d. In Value, specify the filter definition.
7. Click Save.

When you create an Oracle HCM Cloud data source, dimension details
are populated automatically and mapped directly to the target dimension
class "Generic." As a rule, when loading data from an Oracle HCM Cloud
data source, do not change, add, or delete any dimension details on the
Target Application screen.

Editing Application Filters for the Oracle HCM Cloud Data Source Application
System administrators can add and edit the application filters that are associated with
the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud if they customize the Oracle HCM
Cloud extract definition.
By default, these application filters are defined explicitly for the Oracle HCM Cloud
data source. It is recommended that you do not modify or change the filter definitions if
you use the predefined integration with Oracle HCM Cloud.
To edit Oracle HCM Cloud application filters:
1. Select the Setup tab, and then under Register, select Target Application.
2. Select the Oracle HCM Cloud data source to which to apply any filters.
3. From Application Details, select the Application Filters tab.
4. Select the name of the field to which to apply the filter condition.
5. Click Edit.
6. From Edit Application Filters screen, select the name of the value to which to
change the filter condition.

Chapter 3
Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud

7. Modify the filters based on the following criteria:

• Name—Specify the name of the filter. This is the internal name to be used in the API.
• Display Prompt—Specify the name of the display prompt in the user interface.
• Default Value—Specify the default value of the filter.
• Display Order—Specify the display order of the filter on the Application Filters tab. If
this field is blank, the custom filter cannot be displayed, and the default value is used
as the filter value.
• Display Level—Select where the filter is displayed. Available options are:
– Application only
– Application and Rule
– Rule only
• Validation Type—Provide drop down of values listed using lookup type.
• Validation Object—Provide list of lookup types.
• Condition List—Provide a condition list based on one or all following conditions:
– EQ (Equal)
– IN
– Like
The condition values can be Equal, Like, or In. The condition values are stored as a
drop-down list in CONDITION_LIST field. If the value is EQ,IN,, then show only
Equal and In in the Condition drop down. If the value is EQ LIKE, then show only
Equal, Like in the drop down. Any combination of EQ,IN,LIKE are stored in the field.
If only one value is provided in the Condition List, then the condition cannot be
changed. The default value is EQ. When specifying multiple conditions, prefix the
condition with a comma. For example, to use the IN and LIKE conditions,
enter: ,IN,LIKE.
8. Click OK.

Chapter 3
Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud

Adding Data Load Rules for an Oracle HCM Cloud Data Source
Data load rules are predefined during the initialization for the target application.
However, if you have added new Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud extracts
in the target application, or modified the import format, location, or data load
mappings, you can define and execute new data load rules to load the results of the
Oracle HCM Cloud extracts to your Oracle Hyperion Workforce Planning application.
You can specify filter values so that only those records that meet selected condition
are returned.
Data load rules are defined for locations that have been already set up. You can create
multiple data load rules for a target application so that you can import data from
multiple sources into a target application.
The data load rule is created once, but used each time there is a transfer.
To create a data load rule:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.
2. From the POV Bar, select the location to use for the data load rule.
Data load rules are processed within the context of a point of view. The default
point of view is selected automatically. The information for the point of view is
shown in the POV bar at the bottom of the screen.
3. Click Add.
4. In Name, enter the name of the data load rule.
5. In Description, enter a description to identify the data load rule when you launch
the transfer.
6. In Category, leave the default category value.
The categories listed are those that you created in the Data Management setup.
See Defining Category Mappings.
7. In Period Mapping Type, select the period mapping type for each data rule.
Valid options:
• Default—The Data Rule uses the Period Key and Prior Period Key defined in
Data Management to determine the Source General Ledger Periods mapped
to each Data Management period included in a Data Rule execution.
• Explicit—The Data Rule uses the Explicit period mappings defined in Data
Management to determine the source General Ledger Periods mapped to
each Data Management Period included in a Data Rule execution. Explicit
period mappings enable support of additional General Ledger data sources
where periods are not defined by start and end dates.
8. In Import Format, specify the import format based on the file format of the Saved
Search application (for example, single column numeric, and multi-column data)
that you want to load to the target application.
9. In Calendar, select the source system calendar.

Chapter 3
Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud

10. In Target Plan Type, select the plan type of the target system to which you want to load
11. Optional: Select the Source Filters tab to apply filter conditions to the source Oracle
HCM Cloud data source application.
For example, you can filter legislative data groups to a specific group. For more
information, see Creating an Oracle HCM Cloud Data Source Application.
12. Optional: Select Target Options to specify any target options.

13. Optional: Select Custom Options to specify any free form integration information.

See Creating Custom Options.

14. Click Save.

15. Execute the data load rule.

See the following data load rule topics:

• Edit data load rules—See Editing Data Load Rules.
• Run data load rules—See Running Data Load Rules.
• Delete data load rules—See Deleting Data Load Rules.
• Schedule data load rules—See Scheduling Data Load Rules
• View data load rules before executing them—See Using the Data Load Workbench.
• Check the data rule process details—See Viewing Process Details.
16. From Workflow, under Monitor, select Process Details.

17. Verify the status of the data load.

A green check mark indicates that the transfer was successful.

18. To verify the results of the transfer, on the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data
Load Workbench.

Integrating Oracle HCM Cloud Metadata

You can integrate Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud metadata to use in the Oracle
Hyperion Workforce Planning business process of Planning Modules or Oracle Strategic
Workforce Planning Cloud.
As the integration mechanism, Data Management can align and move the following metadata
from the Oracle HCM Cloud to your target applications and business processes in the
Planning Modules:
• Account Merit
• Component Salary Metadata
• Employee Metadata
• Entity Metadata
• Job Metadata
• Location Metadata
• Position Hierarchy

Chapter 3
Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud

During the initialization of the Oracle HCM Cloud source system, Data Management
creates an application for each metadata source. You can map each application to
your metadata application and then execute the load. Note that the system does not
create mappings automatically.

For detailed information on the Oracle HCM Cloud fields belonging to each
predefined extract definition, see Oracle HCM CloudExtract Definition Field

Loading Oracle HCM Cloud Metadata

To load Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud metadata:
1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Source System.
2. In Source System, click Add.
3. In Source System Name, enter the name of the Oracle HCM Cloud source
4. In Source System Type, select Oracle HCM Cloud.

5. In Source System Description, enter a description of the Oracle HCM Cloud

source system.
6. Click Configure Source Connection.
For more information, see Configuring a Source Connection to an Oracle HCM
Cloud Data Source Application.
7. Click Initialize.
8. On Configure HCM Integration, and then Prefix, specify a prefix for the
predefined content of the Oracle HCM Cloud integration.
When you initialize the Oracle HCM Cloud source, the system creates an
application for each of the metadata sources. These applications can then be
mapped to the target application and the metadata is loaded.
9. Click Save.
10. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Target Application.

11. Optional: Add or change any dimension details.

See Defining Application Dimension Details.

12. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.

13. In the Import Format summary task bar, select Add.

14. In Name, enter a user-defined identifier for the import format.

Chapter 3
Integrating with the Oracle HCM Cloud

You cannot modify the value in this field after a mapping has been created for this import
15. In Description, enter a description of the import format.

16. In Source, select Oracle HCM Cloud metadata application for the source system.
17. In Target, select the target system.

18. In File Type, select Delimited - All Data Type.

19. From the File Delimiter field, select Comma.

20. In Drill URL, enter the URL used for the drill-through.

21. In the Mapping section, map the source columns to the dimensions in the target

For information on adding or modifying import formats, see Adding Import Formats.
For information on adding import expressions, see Adding Import Expressions.
22. Click Save.

23. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Location.

24. Define a location to indicate where to load the data.

Each location includes an import format, data load rules, and data load mappings.
For more information, see Defining Locations.
25. Click Save.
26. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Mapping.

27. Create any data load mappings.

For more information, see Data Load Mapping.

28. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.

29. Create a data load rule.

For more information about creating a data load rule, see Defining Data Load Rules to
Extract Data.
30. Apply any source filters.

Chapter 3
Loading Data from the Oracle ERP Cloud

Any source filters associated with the data source are created automatically during
the integration. You can select any specific criteria on the Source Filters tab to filter
the results that are loaded.
Depending on the Oracle HCM Cloud metadata category, the following source
filters apply:
• Effective Date—Select the date on which you want the trees to be effective.
• Legislative Data Group—Legislative data groups are a means of partitioning
payroll and related data. At least one legislative data group is required for
each country where the enterprise operates. Each legislative data group is
associated with one or more payroll statutory units.
• Tree Code— Tree code for hierarchy in Oracle HCM Cloud (for objects with
hierarchy, for example: Org, Position)
• Tree Version—Tree Version for hierarchy in Oracle HCM Cloud
• Changes Only—Controls the extract mode. Valid options are N or Y.
The following table describes the different extract modes, their lookup values
and descriptions:

Mode Lookup Value Description

N All attributes Includes all data in the
extract. A full extract is
run which produces the
full data output at that
point of time. The
archived data is utilized
as a baseline.
Y Changed attributes Compares this extract
run with the previous
extract runs and by
comparing against the
baseline (to identify the
incremental data),
displays the data that has
changed only.

31. Execute the data load rule.

This step pushes the data from the metadata application into Data Management,
maps the data and then shows the results in the workbench. If mapping succeeds
without errors, the data is loaded to the target application.
For more information about executing a rule, see Running Data Load Rules.

Loading Data from the Oracle ERP Cloud

You can pull a subset of data from the Oracle ERP cloud using Data Management as
the integration mechanism without connecting directly to Fusion sources. Using this
feature, you can import from data sources such as Oracle Financials or Supply Chain.
To do this, you use an data source adapter-based framework that queries data from BI
report as a data source. BI Reports extracts EPR Cloud data directly from the Fusion
database tables.. Any kind of record of record in the Oracle ERP cloud can be
included in or considered as the basis of the query. When the system brings over the

Chapter 3
Loading Data from the Oracle ERP Cloud

downloaded file into Data Integration, the data and metadata can be subsequently mapped
and loaded to the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud.
You can use either be pre-packaged queries or customize BI reports to define your own
report parameters for extracting the data from the Oracle ERP Cloud.

Process Description for Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Using Prepackaged

Data Management ships with prepackaged queries that leverage seeded data extracts
provided by Oracle ERP Cloud as data sources.
For more information about Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher, see Oracle Business
Intelligence Publisher
These are the steps for loading data from the Oracle ERP Cloud using the prepackaged
queries shipped with Data Management:
1. An Oracle ERP Cloud integration requires that you have the privileges or user role and
data access to all ERP. For more information, see Security Role Requirements for Oracle
ERP Cloud Integrations .
2. Register the source system for the source system type Oracle ERP Cloud and specify
your user credentials.
This step includes specifying the connection details and testing the connection.
For more information, see Configuring a Source Connection for an Oracle ERP Cloud
Source System
3. Register a target application as an Oracle ERP Cloud data source application type and
save it.
The source columns are populated automatically from the uploaded file extract.
See Creating an Oracle ERP Cloud Data Source.
4. Provide any input values in the rule or integration options in Application Filters.

Define any necessary filters to limit the amount of data returned by the BI
Publisher extract. Filters ensure the best load performance.

5. Set up the integration mapping between the Oracle ERP Cloud data source and the
target application by building an import format.
See Working with Import Formats.
6. Define the location used to associate the import format.
See Defining Locations.
7. Define data mapping to map the members from the source to target.
See Creating Member Mappings.
8. Define the data load rule and specify and source and target options.
See Defining Data Load Rule Details.

Chapter 3
Loading Data from the Oracle ERP Cloud

9. Execute the integration.

See Running Data Load Rules.

Configuring a Source Connection for an Oracle ERP Cloud Source

To begin integrating an Oracle ERP Cloud source system with the Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud, you first create and register the source system with
the type "Oracle Financial Cloud".
To add a source system:
1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Source System.
2. In Source System, click Add.
3. Enter the source system details:
a. In Source System Name, enter the source system name.
Enter the Oracle General Ledger name to use for the file, such as "ERP
b. In Source System Description, enter a description of the source system.
c. In Source System Type, select Oracle ERP Cloud.
d. Leave the Fusion Budgetary Control field unchecked.

4. Click Configure Source Connection.

The Configure Source Connection screen is used to configure the connection to
the Oracle ERP Cloud.
The source connection configuration is used to store the Oracle ERP cloud user
name and password. It also stores the WSDL connection for the Oracle ERP
Cloud user name and password.
5. In User Name, enter the Oracle ERP Cloud user name.
Enter the name of the Oracle ERP Cloud user who launches the process requests
to send information between EPM Cloud and the Oracle ERP Cloud. This user
must have an assigned Oracle General Ledger job role such as "Financial
Analyst," "General Accountant," or "General Accounting Manager."

Web services require that you use your native user name and password
and not your single sign-on user name and password.

6. In Password, enter the Oracle ERP Cloud password.

You must update this password anytime you change your Oracle ERP Cloud

Chapter 3
Loading Data from the Oracle ERP Cloud

7. In Fusion Web Services URL, enter the server information for the Fusion web service.
For example, enter
For customers using release 19.01 and earlier of the Oracle ERP Cloud, use the old
WSDL to make the connection and then specify the URL in the following format:
For customers that implement after 19.01, simply copy and paste the server to the URL.
8. Click Test Connection.
9. Click Configure.
The confirmation "Source system [source system name] configuration has been updated
successfully" is displayed.
10. Click Save.

Creating an Oracle ERP Cloud Data Source

Target applications enable Data Management to store the structure of the Oracle ERP Cloud
data source and the target applications that can be integrated with it. In this way, you can
map the source and target applications and specify import criteria.
This section describes registering an Oracle ERP Cloud data source from the prepackaged
queries shipped with Data Management.
1. Select the Setup tab, and then under Register, select Target Application.
2. In Target Application, in the summary grid, click Add, and then select Data Source.
3. From the Select Source screen, select an Oracle ERP Cloud data source.
Available Oracle ERP Cloud data sources shipped with Data Management include:
• Oracle ERP Cloud (Payables Transactions)
• Oracle ERP Cloud (Receivable Transactions)
• Oracle ERP Cloud (Trial Balance - Average)
• Oracle ERP Cloud (Trial Balance)
The Application Name is populated automatically with the name of the prepackaged
query that you selected.
4. In Prefix, specify a prefix to make the application name unique.
The prefix is concatenated with the file name to form a unique application name. For
example, if you want to name an application with the same name as an existing one, you
can assign your initials as the prefix.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Save.

Applying Application Filters to an Oracle ERP Cloud Data Source

All the application filters are predefined when you select any of the prepackaged queries to
the Oracle ERP cloud sources. However, you can provide input values in the rule or
integration options.

Chapter 3
Loading Data from the Oracle ERP Cloud

You can select dynamic filters to define as report parameters from the Oracle ERP
cloud data source when the actual parameter value needs to be defined at the data
load rule or application level.
An example of a dynamic filter is "Currency Type" where you can select either:
Entered, Statistical, or Total.
You can specify a single filter condition or multiple filters conditions, and additionally
specify the exact values that you want returned.
In some cases, you can change a static parameter value in the Report parameter list
by replacing it with a parameter value enclosed within $$ notations. This type of filter
applies to the Ledger ID and Period parameters.
For example, in the image below, the static parameter value argument1
= $LEDGER_NAME$ has been added to the Report Parameter List as a parameter:

On the Edit Application Filter screen, a display name has been entered for the
parameter. This is the name as it is shown in the rule or integration options.

In data load rules, this is how the parameter shows on the Source Options screen:

Chapter 3
Loading Data from the Oracle ERP Cloud

Two predefined parameters, $START_PERIODKEY$ and $END_PERIODKEY$, can be used

to select specific periods using a data format from the POV. For information on using these
two parameters, see Selecting Period Report Parameters from the Oracle ERP Cloud.
To add a filter for the Oracle ERP cloud data source.
1. In Data Management, select the Setup tab, and then under Register, select Target
2. Select the Oracle ERP Cloud data source and click the Application Filters tab.
3. In the Source System Name, specify the name of the Oracle ERP Cloud source system.
For example, type ERP Cloud.
4. Select any parameters from the list of available report parameter to pass to the Source
Option tab when the data load rule is run.
For example, to set the Canceled Invoices Only option to "No," select No in the
parameter field for Canceled Invoice Only.
5. Optional: Select any Ledger ID or any Periods report parameters to pass.
You can replace a static parameter value in the parameter list for the Ledger ID or Period
by replacing the value enclosed within the $$ notation with your own selected parameter.
In the following example, you can change the "ACCOUNTING PERIOD NAME" by
selecting the actual period using the $START_PERIODKEY[MMM-YY]$ format. In this
example, the accounting period has been changed to APR-17.

For more information, see Selecting Period Report Parameters from the Oracle ERP
6. To edit any display options for any dynamic report parameter, on the Application Filters
tab, click Edit.
7. On the Edit Application Filters screen, click Add.
8. From the Name field, select the name of the parameter.
9. In Display Prompt, enter the name of the display prompt for the filter on the Source
Options tab in Data Management or Edit Integration page in Data Integration.
10. In Display Order, specify the display order of the filter on the Source Options or Edit
Integration page.

Chapter 3
Loading Data from the Oracle ERP Cloud

If this field is blank, the custom filter cannot be displayed, and the default value is
used as the filter value.
For example, enter 99 to show the filter in the 99th position sequence or position in
a list of filters. Display orders are listed from lowest to highest.
11. In Display Level, select display level of the parameter (application and/or rule) to
indicate the level at which the filter is displayed.
12. In Validation Type, select None.

13. Click OK.

14. Click Save.

Selecting Period Report Parameters from the Oracle ERP Cloud

When importing data from the Oracle ERP Cloud, you can select the period from
which to pull the data by specifying a date (using a date specific format) in
the $START_PERIODKEY$ and $END_PERIODKEY$ notations.
Valid values for date format include:
• dd: Day of the Month, which uses the day of year instead of the day of the month
• MM or MMM: Month
• yy or yyyy: Year
In the following example, the From Entered Date and To Entered Data are specified in
the format: (yyyy-MM-dd). To import data from January 1, 2017 to January 31, 2017,
you enter 2017-01-01 as the report parameter in the From Entered Date field and
2017-01-31 as the report parameter in the To Entered Data field.

If you want to specify a single-period load, select the $START_PERIODKEY$ notation

to indicate the period key from which the data load rule is run. The data is imported for
the period specified in the $START_PERIODKEY$ notation. Source period mappings
are not needed for single-period loads.
In the following example, you can change the "ACCOUNTING PERIOD NAME" by
selecting the actual period using the $START_PERIODKEY[MM-yy]$ format.

Chapter 3
Loading Data from the Oracle ERP Cloud

When you a run multi-period load, data is imported for the range and must be specified in the
START_PERIODKEY and END_PERIODKEY parameter list. In order for the system to load
the data into the right periods, source period mappings must exactly match the Year and
Period columns in the data extract.
Multi-period imports are available if the report accepts a period as a range. If the report
accepts only the period name (START_PERIODKEY parameter), no multi-period imports are

Process Description for Integrating Oracle ERP Cloud Data Using a

Custom Query
You can fetch data from the Oracle ERP using a custom query and load it into Oracle
Enterprise Performance Management Cloud. The custom query is run against any report
from Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher that creates a CSV formatted data file and then
load the data to the EPM Cloud. In this case, Data Management executes the report to
extract the data and loads it to EPM Cloud.
These are the steps for loading data from the Oracle ERP Cloud into EPM Cloud using
Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher data extracts using a custom query.
Data Management integration.
1. An Oracle ERP Cloud integration requires that you have privileges or user role and data
access to all ERP ledgers to be integrated. For more information, see .
2. Navigate to the Oracle ERP Cloud and execute an BI Publisher report by clicking
Schedule New Process.

Chapter 3
Loading Data from the Oracle ERP Cloud

3. From the Search and Select page, in Name, select a report or extract, and click
You can select any BI Publisher report just as long as it produces an output file in
a CSV format file. Not all reports in Fusion produce a CSV format file.

For example, enter Trial to search for a Trial Balance Report.

4. From Process Details, select the parameters for the extract or report, and click

Chapter 3
Loading Data from the Oracle ERP Cloud

In the following example, "Ledger" is Vision Operations and "Amount type" is YTD or
Be sure to specify the Accounting Period. The Accounting Period is the parameter that
will be set up in Data Management so that the report can be reused.

The integration to Oracle ERP Cloud will fail unless the selected extract on the
Oracle ERP Cloud side has one or more bind parameters passed from the EPM
Cloud. The bind parameter is a placeholder for actual values in the SQL
statement. Bind parameters must be enclosed in tilde (~~) characters. For
example, to use "Period" as a bind parameter specify: ~PERIOD~. The name
must exactly match the name specified in the SQL query.
To do this, create a bind parameter directly in the report, which is not
referenced in the Data Model query. In Data Management, specify a random
string such as "ABC" in the "Report Parameter List" that will be passed to the
bind parameter you created in the report definition.

Chapter 3
Loading Data from the Oracle ERP Cloud

When the report has been generated, the Output section shows the results of the

5. Click Republish, and then from the report output page, click csv.
6. Select the CSV output file, right click it, and then select Open.

Chapter 3
Loading Data from the Oracle ERP Cloud

7. Save the report locally in your file system.

Rename the downloaded output file as Appname.csv where Appnam is the intended
application name for the "Data Source" application in Data Management, which
represents the BI Publisher extract.
8. Navigate to Data Management, select the Setup tab, and then under Register, select
Target Application.
9. In Target Application, in the summary grid, click Add, and then select Data Source.
10. From the Select Source screen, select Oracle ERP Cloud (Custom).

Chapter 3
Loading Data from the Oracle ERP Cloud

11. From the Select screen, navigate to the folder where you saved the CSV file,
select it and click OK.

The report is saved as the target application and the Application Name is
populated automatically.
12. In Prefix, specify a prefix to make the application name unique.

The prefix is concatenated with the file name to form a unique application name.
For example, if you want to name an application with the same name as an
existing one, you can assign your initials as the prefix.
13. Click OK.

14. Click Save.

Data Management registers the application and returns all the columns in
Dimension Details.
15. Click Application Filters.

16. In Source System Name, specify the name of the Oracle Financial source
For example, if the name of your source system is "ERP Cloud," specify ERP

Chapter 3
Loading Data from the Oracle ERP Cloud

You can use an Oracle ERP Cloud or GL source system name or define a new one.
For more information, see Configuring a Source Connection for an Oracle ERP Cloud
Source System.
17. In Report Name, specify the path and name of the report in the Oracle ERP Cloud.
Steps 17 - 23 show you how to get the report name from Oracle ERP Cloud. If you
already have the report path and name, enter the information in the Report name field (in
Data Management) and skip to step 24.

18. Navigate to Oracle ERP Cloud, find the report, and select Reports and Analytics to
retrieve the parameter information.

19. Click Browse Catalog.

20. Locate and select the extract or report.

21. Click More and then Properties.

Chapter 3
Loading Data from the Oracle ERP Cloud

22. In the Custom Properties section, scroll down to the path field.

23. Copy the path (and name) and paste it to the Report Name field when registering
the target application in Data Management.
24. Return to Data Management and in the Report Parameter list, specify the report
parameters of the custom query.
Make sure you specify a random string such as "ABC" in the "Report Parameter
List" that will be passed to the bind parameter you created in the report definition.
If you create a report with a query that doesn’t have bind parameters passed from
the EPM Cloud, the process will fail on the Oracle ERP Cloud side.
Steps 24 - 25 explain how to get the report parameters from the BI Publisher
extract and then populate the Report Parameter List field with them in Data

Chapter 3
Loading Data from the Oracle ERP Cloud

25. Navigate to Oracle ERP Cloud, and from the Overview page, select the report and click
This step enables you to view and capture the report parameters defined in the BI
Publisher extract or report.

A list of report parameters is generated.

26. Copy the report parameters shown in the Warnings window.

27. Navigate to Data Management and paste the report parameter list from the Warnings
window into the Report Parameter List of your custom query.
The image below shows the report parameter pasted into the Report Parameter List

Chapter 3
Loading Data from the Oracle ERP Cloud

28. Set up the integration mapping between the Oracle ERP Cloud data source and
the target application by building an import format.
See Working with Import Formats.
29. Define the location used to associate the import format.

See Defining Locations.

30. Define data mapping to map the members from the source to target.

See Creating Member Mappings.

31. Define the data load rule and specify and source and target options.

See Defining Data Load Rule Details.

32. Execute the data load rule in Data Management or run the integration in Data
See Running Data Load Rules

Security Role Requirements for Oracle ERP Cloud Integrations

Oracle General Ledger Security role requirements for Oracle ERP Cloud integrations
with the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud include:
• Integration User Privileges
• Integration User Predefined Roles
• Integration User Custom Roles
• Allowlist
For more information about Oracle ERP Cloud security role requirements, see Oracle
ERP Cloud Securing ERP.

Integration User Privileges

The required "Integration User" privileges in the Oracle ERP Cloud used for the Oracle
General Ledger and Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud integration

Privilege Description
GL_RUN_TRIAL_BALANCE_REPORT_PRIV Import data from the Oracle General
Ledger to the EPM Cloud.
GL_ENTER_BUDGET_AMOUNTS_FOR_FINA Write-back data from EPM Cloud to the
NCIAL_REPORTING_PRIV Oracle General Ledger.
RATION_PRIV integration

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

Integration User Predefined Roles

When importing data, you can assign one of the following pre-defined roles to the integration
• General Accountant
• Journal Management
• Period Close Management
When importing and writing back data, you can assign the "General Accountant" pre-defined
roles to the integration user.

Integration User Custom Roles

You can use a Custom Role to the integration use and then assign the following privileges:
When importing data, you can assign one of the following custom roles to the integration user

Privilege Description
GL_RUN_TRIAL_BALANCE_REPORT_PRIV Import data from the Oracle General Ledger to
the Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management Cloud.
ION_PRIV integration

When importing data, you can assign one of the following custom roles to the integration user

Privilege Description
GL_RUN_TRIAL_BALANCE_REPORT_PRIV Import data from the Oracle General Ledger to
the EPM Cloud.
GL_ENTER_BUDGET_AMOUNTS_FOR_FINANCI Write-back data from EPM Cloud to the Oracle
ION_PRIV integration

If you have enabled IP Allowlist in the Oracle ERP Cloud, then add the Oracle EPM Cloud IP
addresses to the list.
Refer to IP Allowlist for Web Service Calls Initiated by Oracle Cloud Applications (Doc
ID 1903739.1) for details.

Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

This section describes how to integrate data from the Account Reconciliation.

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

Integrating BAI and SWIFT MT940 Format Bank File Transactions and
As an integration mechanism, Data Management provides an adapter-based
framework that enables Account Reconciliation customers to:
• add a Bank file as a source system (identified with an application type "Data
• associate either a BAI format bank file (which uses a Bank Administration Institute
file format) or a SWIFT MT940 format bank file (which uses a SWIFT MT940 file
format) with the Bank File source system, and then stage transactions to be
loaded to an Account Reconciliation target application.
Specific Data Management functions, such adding locations and member
mappings, are handled using the standard Data Management workflow process.
The loading of the data is also executed in Data Management.
• associate either a BAI format bank file (which uses a Bank Administration Institute
file format) or a SWIFT MT940 format bank file (which uses a SWIFTMT940 file
format) with the Bank File source system, and then stage balances to be loaded to
an Account Reconciliation target application. Balances are end of day bank
balances either posted once a month or on a daily basis.
Specific Data Management functions, such adding locations and member
mappings, are handled using the standard Data Management workflow process.
The loading of the data is also executed in Data Management.
• add a target application for each Transaction Matching data source as needed,
and then map the dimensions from a file-based source system (including a BAI file
or SWIFTMT940 file) to the Transaction Matching target application in the import
format. In this way a customer can easily import data from any source system by
way of a file format and push it to a Transaction Matching target application.
Specific Data Management functions, such adding locations and member
mappings, are handled using the standard Data Management workflow process.
When creating a target application for Transaction Matching, in the Import Format,
select Amount field from the target application instead of Data to load data

Integrating BAI Format Bank File or SWIFT MT940 Format Bank File
When loading bank file data, you create a data source associated with the bank file
source system. Data Management converts the BAI and SWIFT MT940 file formats
to .CSV formats.
The source application for BAI Format Bank File Transactions has the following pre-
defined constant columns and headers:
• Account
• Amount
• Transaction Type
• Currency

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

• Transaction Date
• Bank Reference
• Customer Reference
• Bank Text
The source application for a Swift MT940 Format Bank File Transactions file has the following
pre-defined constant columns and headers:
• Transaction Reference Number
• Account
• Statement Number
• Statement Date
• Transaction Date
• Amount
• Transaction Type
• Customer Ref
• Bank Ref
• Bank Text
• Additional Info1
• Additional Info2
• Additional Info3
The source application for a BAI Format Bank File Balance file has the following pre-defined
constant columns and headers:
• Closing Balance
• Currency (the account currency is extracted first. If it is unavailable, the group currency is
extracted. In most cases, the account currency and the group currency are identical.)
• Transaction Type
• Currency
• Statement Date
• Account
The source application for a Swift MT940 Format Bank File Transactions has the following
pre-defined constant columns and headers:
• Closing Balance
• Currency
• Transaction Type
• Currency
• Statement Date
• Account
To add a BAI Format Bank File or SWIFT MT940 Format Bank File Transactions source

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

1. From the Home age, click (Navigator icon) and then from the Integration
category, select Data Management.
2. Select the Setup tab, and then under Register, select Target Application.
3. In Target Application, in the summary grid, click Add, and then select Data
4. From Source System, select Bank file.
5. From Application Name, select an application name from the list of values.
Available types of application include:
• BAI Format Bank File Transactions
• SWIFT MT940 Format Bank File Transactions

For a BAI Format Bank File Transactions file, the available application names are
a combination of match types and a data source name on that match type in
Transaction Matching. For example, in Transaction Matching, the match type
INTERCO has two data sources AP and AR. This results in two target application
names in the available list; INTERCO:AP and INTERCO:AR.

The Data Management connection to the BAI source file fails under the
following circumstances:
• The match type is changed in Transaction Matching.
• The data source ID changes.
• The data source attribute ID changes, or is added and removed.
In this case, you need to recreate the application (including the entire
target application, import format, location, mapping and data load rule in
Data Management.

For a SWIFT MT940 file, select SWIFT MT940 Format Bank File Transactions.
6. In Prefix, specify a prefix to make the source system name unique.
Use a prefix when the source system name you want to add is based on an
existing source system name. The prefix is joined to the existing name. For
example, if you want to name a Bank file application the same name as the
existing one, you might assign your initials as the prefix.

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

7. Click OK.
8. To add or modify dimensions in the Bank file source system, select the Dimension
Details tab.
The dimension details for a Bank file application are shown below:

9. Select the Target Dimension Class or click to select the Target Dimension Class
for each dimension that is not defined in the application.
The dimension class is a property that is defined by the dimension type.
10. Set up the integration mapping between Bank file source system and the Account
Reconciliation target application by building an import format.
See Working with Import Formats.
11. Define the location used to associate the import format.

See Defining Locations.

12. Create category mapping to map currency buckets.

See Defining Category Mappings.

Category mappings are not relevant for Transaction Matching, but they are
required in Data Management.

13. Define data mapping to map the members from the source to target.

All transaction matching files require the Reconciliation Id dimension to be
mapped to the corresponding Transaction Matching Profile.

See Creating Member Mappings.

14. In Data Load Workbench, test and validate the data by executing the data load rule to
ensure that the data load rule is running properly, and your data looks correct. Data
Management transforms the data and stages it for Account Reconciliation to use.
See Using the Data Load Workbench.

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

When you execute a data load rule, the Point of View requires Location, Period,
and Category to be selected; however, Transaction Matching does not use the
Period and Category when processing the transactions. Only the correct Location
is required to be selected.

Integrating BAI Format Bank File or SWIFT MT940 Balances

When loading Bank file data, you create a data source associated with a Bank file
source system. Data Management converts the BAI and SWIFT MT940 file formats
to .CSV formats.
The source application for a BAI Format Bank File Balance has the following pre-
defined constant columns and headers:
• Closing Balance
• Currency
• Transaction Type
• Currency
• Statement Date
• Account
The source application for a Swift MT940 Format Bank File Balances has the following
pre-defined constant columns and headers:
• Closing Balance
• Currency
• Transaction Type
• Currency
• Statement Date
• Account

BAI codes 100-399 are for bank credits (positive numbers) and 400-699 are
for bank debits (negative numbers).
For Bank specific BAI codes which are greater than 699, Data Management
will treat them as bank credits (positive numbers) by default. If you need any
specific code in this range to be treated as bank debit (negative number),
then you can use SQL Mapping (see Creating Mapping Scripts) to update
the Amount as a negative number as in the following example.


Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

To add a BAI Format Bank File or SWIFT MT940 Format Bank File Balances source system:
1. Save the BAI Format Bank File or SWIFT MT940 Format Bank File Balances files as
CSV format file.
2. Upload the files using the file browser when registering the target application.
The following shows a BAI Format Bank File Balances file:

The following shows a SWIFT MT940 Format Bank File Balances file:

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

3. From the Home age, click (Navigator icon) and then from the Integration
category, select Data Management.
4. Select the Setup tab, and then under Register, select Target Application.
5. In Target Application, in the summary grid, click Add, and then select Data
6. From Source System, select Bank file.
7. From Application Name, select an application name from the list of values.
Available types of applications include:
• BAI Format Bank File Balances
• SWIFT MT940 Format Bank File Balances

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

For a BAI Format Bank File Balances file, the available application names are a
combination of match types and a data source name on that match type in Transaction
Matching. For example, in Transaction Matching, the match type INTERCO has two data
sources AP and AR. This results in two target application names in the available list;

The Data Management connection to the BAI source file fails under the
following circumstances:
• The match type is changed in Transaction Matching.
• The data source ID changes.
• The data source attribute ID changes, or is added and removed.
In this case, you need to recreate the application (including the entire target
application, import format, location, mapping and data load rule in Data

For SWIFT MT940 file, select SWIFT MT940 Format Bank File Balances.
8. In Prefix, specify a prefix to make the source system name unique.
Use a prefix when the source system name you want to add is based on an existing
source system name. The prefix is joined to the existing name. For example, if you want
to name a Bank file application the same name as the existing one, you might assign
your initials as the prefix.
9. Click OK.
10. To add or modify dimensions in the BAI Format Bank File Balances file source system,
select the Dimension Details tab.
The dimension details for a BAI Format Bank File Balances file application are shown

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

The dimension details for a SWIFT MT940 Format Bank File Balances application
are shown below:

11. Select the Target Dimension Class or click to select the Target Dimension
Class for each dimension that is not defined in the application.
The dimension class is a property that is defined by the dimension type.
12. Select the Setup tab, and then under Integration Setup, select Import Format.

13. Set up the integration mapping between BAI Format Bank File Balances source
system and the Account Reconciliation target application by building an import
See Working with Import Formats.
An example of the import format for a BAI Format Bank File Balances application
is shown below:

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

An example of the import format for a SWIFT MT940 Format Bank File Balances
application is shown below:

14. Select the Setup tab, and then under Integration Setup, select Location.

15. Define the location used to associate the import format.

See Defining Locations.

16. Select the Workflow tab, and then under Data Load, select Data Load Mapping.

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

17. Map the account numbers in the file to the appropriate Reconciliation names.

All transaction matching files require the Reconciliation Id dimension to
be mapped to the corresponding Transaction Matching Profile.

18. Map the source type dimension needs Source type * to the hard coded "source
system" or "source sub-ledger" Target value.

See Creating Member Mappings.

19. Select the Workflow tab, and then under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.

20. Create a data load rule for the location and specify the period and category.

the data rule "BAIRule" is created and the BAI Format Bank Balances file format is
imported to the location "Loc_BAIFormat." The period is specified as "feb-20" and
category is specified as "Functional."

21. Go to Account Reconciliation home page.

22. Click Application, then Configuration, and then Data Load.

23. Create two rules for both import format executions as shown below.

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

24. Execute the data load rule by selecting Application and then Period.

25. Click to go to the action menu and then click Import Data.

26. Click +, then from New Data Load Execution, select Use saved data load, and select
the data load created in the previous step.

27. Click OK to execute the data load rule.

Balances are loaded to the reconciliation defined in the Data Load Mapping for the Profile
dimension as shown below. Bank balances are typically loaded to the Subsystem, but
can also be loaded to the Source System if needed.

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

Adding a Transaction Matching Target Application

Any file, including a Bank file, can easily be exported to a Transaction Matching target
application. In this case, you create a local application, which uses a Transaction
Matching data source as the application type, and then you select the application
To add a Transaction Matching target application:

1. From the Home page, click (Navigator icon) and then from the Integration
category, select Data Management.
2. Select the Setup tab, and then under Register, select Target Application.
3. In Target Application, in the summary grid, click Add, and then from Type, select
4. From Select Application, and then from the Type drop-down, select Transaction
Matching Data Sources.
5. In Application Name, enter the target application name for the Transaction
Matching data source.
6. In Prefix, optionally specify a prefix to make the application name unique.
The prefix supports up to a maximum of 10 chars max. The combination of the
reconciliation type and transaction matching data source name is auto generated.
For example, if the bank file import is for a Transaction Matching data source
named "BOA" and the reconciliation type text id is "BAI_LOAD_RT," you might add
the prefix "TM_" followed by "BAI_LOAD_RT" and then "BANK." In this case, the
application name would be "TM_ BAI_LOAD_RT:BANK."
In another example, if this a MT940 bank file import is for a transaction data
source named "SWIFT_MT940_MT" and the reconciliation type text id is "BANK",
then the target application name would start with a prefix (such as DEMO_),
followed by "SWIFT_MT940_MT", and then "BANK". In this case, the name is
7. Click OK.

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

8. Select the Dimension Detail tab.

When you a Transaction Matching target application, the dimension details of the
application are populated automatically on the Dimension Detail tab.

9. Select the Target Dimension Class or click to select the target dimension class for
each dimension that is not defined in the application.
The dimension class is a property that is defined by the dimension type.

10. Set up the source and target mapping between the source system and the Transaction
Matching target application by building an import format.
See Working with Import Formats.
The following shows the import format for a Bank file.

The following shows the import format for a MT940 file.

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

11. Define the location used to associate the import format.

See Defining Locations.

12. Create category mappings to map currency buckets.

For information on Account Reconciliation currency buckets, see Defining

Currency in the Setting Up and Configuring Account Reconciliation .
13. Define the data load mapping to map the members from the source to target.

The SWIFT MT940 import format requires that you map the Reconciliation Id
dimension to the corresponding Transaction Matching reconciliations. You can
map other dimensions as needed.
See Creating Member Mappings.
14. In the Data Load Workbench, test and validate the data by executing the data load
rule to ensure that the data load rule is running properly, and your data looks
correct. Data Management transforms the data and stages it for Account
Reconciliation to use.
See Using the Data Load Workbench.

Aggregating Transaction Matching Data

Data Management enables users to aggregate transactions for Transaction Matching.
For example, using this aggregation option, you can load transactions at a detail credit
card swipe level and roll them up to a summary total per location per day total for
To set the Aggregation option:

1. From the Home page, click (Navigator icon) and then from the Integration
category, select Data Management.
2. Select the Setup tab, and then under Register, select Target Application.
3. Add a new Transaction Matching target application or select an exiting one.
For information on adding a Transaction Matching target application, see Adding a
Transaction Matching Target Application.
4. Select the Dimension Detail tab.

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

When you select a Transaction Matching target application, the dimension details of the
application are populated automatically on the Dimension Detail tab.
Include only those dimensions that you want to aggregate when mappings dimensions.
For example, if you want to roll up only the merchant number, bank reference, credit card
type, or transaction date, include only these corresponding dimensions in your mappings.

5. Select the Target Dimension Class or click to select the target dimension class for
each dimension that is not defined in the application.
The dimension class is a property that is defined by the dimension type.
6. Click Save.
7. Select the Application Options tab.

8. From Aggregation, click , and select Y to aggregate imported transactions.

To leave imported transaction unaggregated, select N.
The default aggregation setting is N.

You can also enable the aggregation option by selecting Data Load Rule, then Target
Options, then Aggregation and then Y (for yes).

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

The Aggregate option chosen on the Data Load Rule overrides the option chosen
in the Application Options.
9. Click Save.
10. Set up the source and target mapping between the source system and the
Transaction Matching target application by building an import format.
See Working with Import Formats.
11. Define the location used to associate the import format.

See Defining Locations.

12. Create category mappings to map currency buckets.

For information on Account Reconciliation currency buckets, see Defining

Currency in the Setting Up and Configuring Account Reconciliation .
13. Define the data load mapping to map the members from the source to target.
The SWIFT MT940 import format requires that you map the Reconciliation Id
dimension to the corresponding Transaction Matching reconciliations. You can
map other dimensions as needed.
See Creating Member Mappings.
14. In the Data Load Workbench, test and validate the data by executing the data load
rule to ensure that the data load rule is running properly, and your data looks
correct. Data Management transforms the data and stages it for Account
Reconciliation to use.
The following example shows how the data imported from source a Bank BAI file
will be aggregated in Account Reconciliation. Here you can see that the second
and third row, and sixth, seventh and eleventh rows are similar to each and will be
aggregated. In this example, thirteen row are in the imported data.

15. To view the Transaction Matching with the aggregated imported data, from the
Accounts Reconciliation home page, click Matching.
16. Click the Account Id to which the source accounts were mapped.

17. Click the Unmatched Transactions icon ( )

In the example from step 15, ten transactions are loaded here when aggregation is

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

If the aggregation option is disabled, a total of thirteen transactions are loaded:

Loading Reconciliation Compliance Transactions

As an integration mechanism, Data Management enables Account Reconciliation customers
to load Reconciliation Compliance Transactions into reconciliations. You can pull transactions
directly from the Oracle ERP Cloud to the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management
Cloud including:
• Balance Explanations
• Source System Adjustments
• Subsystem Adjustments
• Variance Explanations

Loading Reconcilation Compliance Transactions Process Description

At a high level, this is how you load Reconciliation Compliance Transactions to Account
Reconciliation using Data Management.

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

As a best practice recommendation while loading transactions throughData
Management, do not replicate your General Ledger or Subledgers in Account
Reconciliation. Loading activity from your ERP is not a best practice for
period end reconciliations. If you need to load more than a 100 transactions;
then as an implementer, you need to ask more questions to better
understand the customer's requirements. For a reviewer, a large number of
transactions for period-end reconciliation would be difficult to review. Use
cases with higher volumes of transactions are candidates for Transaction
Matching and not Reconciliation Compliance.

To set up the load for Reconciliation Compliance Transactions in Data Management.

1. Create a local target application for Reconciliation Compliance Transactions.
See Adding a Reconciliation Compliance Transactions Application.
2. Map Reconciliation Compliance Transactions attributes to dimensions.
See Mapping Reconciliation Compliance Transactions Attributes to Dimensions.
3. Create the import format for the Reconciliation Compliance Transactions.
See Creating an Import Format for Reconciliation Compliance Transactions.
4. Create the location to associate with the import format.
See Defining the Location.
5. Define the period for the Reconciliation Compliance Transactions.
See Defining a Period for Reconciliation Compliance Transactions.
6. As a requirement in Data Management, create a data load mapping to pair
intersections of data from the source to the target during the data load.
Data load mappings are not used with Reconciliation Compliance Transactions.
See Creating a Data Load Mapping for Reconciliation Compliance Transactions.
7. Run the data load rule.
See Running the Data Load Rule for Reconciliation Compliance Transactions.
8. In Account Reconciliation, prepare the reconciliation.
For more information, see Importing Data Using Data Management.

Adding a Reconciliation Compliance Transactions Application

Here you create a local application, which uses a Reconciliation Compliance
Transactions data source as the application type, and then you select the application
To add a Reconciliation Compliance Transactions target application:

1. From the Home page, click (Navigator icon) and then from the Integration
category, select Data Management.
2. Select the Setup tab, and then under Register, select Target Application.

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

3. In Target Application, in the summary grid, click Add, and then select Local.
4. From Select Application page, and then from the Type drop-down, select
Reconciliaton Compliance Transactions.

5. From Application Name, select the transaction type.

Application Name is a drop-down list with the following transaction types:
• Balance Explanations
• Source System Adjustments
• Subsystem Adjustments
• Variance Explanations
6. In Prefix, optionally specify a prefix to make the application name unique.
The prefix is concatenated with the application name to form a unique application name.
For example, if you want to name an application with the same name as an existing one,
you can assign your initials as the prefix.
7. Click OK.

Mapping Reconciliation Compliance Transactions Attributes to Dimensions

When you map a Reconciliation Compliance Transactions target application, the dimension
details of the application are populated automatically in Dimension Details.

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

Dimension names must match exactly with attribute names in Account Reconciliation.
If the dimension is for a standard attribute, its name should be exactly as specified
here and should not be changed.
By default "Profile" is mapped to the "Account" (Reconciliation Account ID) target
dimension class and "Period" is mapped to the "Period" target dimension class.
The following dimensions are assigned to the Attribute target dimension class and are
mapped to the ATTR1 to ATTR4 columns respectively. If mappings rules are needed
for these dimensions, change them to Lookup dimension types and map them to UD
(user-defined) columns. Attribute dimensions can have no mapping rules.

Table 3-3 Default List of Dimensions

Dimension Name Target Dimension Class DB Table Column

Short Description Attribute ATTR1
Long Description Attribute ATTR2
Transaction Date Attribute ATTR3
Close Date Attribute ATTR4

For more information about Lookup dimensions, see Adding Lookup Dimensions.
The following are standard dimensions and the names should not be changed.
Dimensions for unused currency buckets can be deleted.

Table 3-4 Standard Dimension Details

Dimension Name Target Dimension Class DB Table Column

Amount (Entered) Attribute ATTR5
Currency (Entered) Attribute ATTR6
Amount (Functional) Attribute ATTR7
Currency (Functional) Attribute ATTR8
Amount (Reporting) Attribute ATTR9
Currency (Reporting) Attribute ATTR10

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

Other standard dimensions are shown below. These can either be Lookup or attribute
dimensions. Because Reconciliation Compliance Transactions allow the same custom
attributes to be assigned to the transaction itself and its action plan, the system differentiates
between custom attributes for the transaction and custom attributes for the action plan. In this
case, the system prefixes Action Plan at the beginning of dimension names for action plan

Table 3-5 Other Standard Dimensions

Dimension Name Target Dimension Class DB Table Column

Child Account ID—The child LOOKUP or Attribute Select any UD columns or
account ID for child ATTR columns.
transactions of a summary
<sub-segment name>—Sub- LOOKUP or Attribute Select any UD columns or
segments for transactions of a ATTR columns.
group reconciliation. The
dimension name should
match the sub-segment name
in Account Reconciliation, for
example, Store, Entity.
Amortization LOOKUP or Attribute Select any UD columns or
ATTR columns.
Amortization Method LOOKUP or Attribute Select any UD columns or
ATTR columns.
Amortization Half Month LOOKUP or Attribute Select any UD columns or
Convention ATTR columns.
Amortization Periods LOOKUP or Attribute Select any UD columns or
ATTR columns.
Amortization Start Period LOOKUP or Attribute Select any UD columns or
ATTR columns.
Amortization End Date LOOKUP or Attribute Select any UD columns or
ATTR columns.
Amortization Original LOOKUP or Attribute Select any UD columns or
Amount<index> ATTR columns.
Action Plan LOOKUP or Attribute Select any UD columns or
ATTR columns.
Action Plan Closed LOOKUP or Attribute Select any UD columns or
ATTR columns.
Action Plan Close Date LOOKUP or Attribute Select any UD columns or
ATTR columns.

To define dimension details for a reconciliation compliance transactions:

1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Target Application.
2. In the Target Application summary grid, select the Reconciliation Compliance
Transactions target application.
3. Select the Dimension Details tab.

4. Select the Target Dimension Class or click , select the Target Dimension Class for
each dimension that you need to change, and then specify the target dimension class
from the drop-down.

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

5. Click Save.

Creating an Import Format for Reconciliation Compliance Transactions

Set up the integration mapping between source and the Reconciliation Compliance
Transactions target application by building an import format. The import format
describes the source structure, and it is executed during the source import step.
To create an import format for the Reconciliation Compliance Transactions application:
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.
2. In the Import Format summary task bar, select Add.
In the upper grid of the Import Formats page, a row is added.

3. In Name, enter a user-defined identifier for the import format.

You cannot modify the value in this field after a mapping has been created for this
import format.
4. In Description, enter a description of the import format.
5. In Source, select the source system.
If the source system is a file-based, specify the file name. For more information,
see Defining Import Formats for File-Based Mappings.
6. If the source system is file-based, from File Type, select Delimited Data - All
Data Type.
See Setting the Import Format Data Types.
7. If the file type is "delimited," in the File Delimiter field, select a type of delimiter.
Available delimiter symbols:
• comma (,)
• exclamation (!)
• semicolon (;)
• colon (:)
• pipe (|)
• tab
• tilde (~)

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

8. In Target, select the Transactions target system.

9. In the Mapping section, map any dimensions.
10. Click Save.
To define import formats for file-based mappings, see Defining Import Formats for File-
Based Mappings.

Defining the Location

Define the location used to associate the import format associated with the Reconciliation
Compliance Transactions target application.
To define the location:
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Location.
2. On the Location page, click Add.
3. From the Details pane, and then Name, enter the name of the location.
4. From Import Format, select the import format to associate with the location.
When you select the import format, the source and target values are populated

5. Click Save.

Defining a Period for Reconciliation Compliance Transactions

Account Reconciliation transactions must be loaded to one period. To do this, use global
mappings to map various periods to one period.
To define a global mapping period for Reconciliation Compliance Transactions:
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Period Mapping.
2. Select the Global Mapping tab.
3. Click Add.
4. Select the Period Key.

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

The Reconciliation Compliance Transactions load uses the Period Key and Prior
Period Key defined in Data Management.

5. Select the Prior Period Key.

6. Complete the following:
a. Period Name; for example, July 2018
b. Target Period Month; for example, August
c. Target Period Year
d. Target Period Day
e. Year Target
7. Click Save.

Creating a Data Load Mapping for Reconciliation Compliance Transactions

As a requirement in Data Management, create a data load mapping to pair
intersections of data from the source to the target during the data load.
A data load mapping is not used with Reconciliation Compliance. However, a data load
mapping is required for the "Data" dimension so that the system can create target
To create a data load mapping:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Mapping.
2. On the Data Load Mapping page, select the Location.
3. From the Dimension drop-down, select Data.
4. Select the Explicit tab.
5. Click Add.
6. In Source Value, enter * (asterisk).
An asterisk (*) represents the source value.
7. In Target Value, enter a reference to the type of transaction type.
For example, you might enter BEX to identify the mapping as "Balance

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

8. Click Save.

Running the Data Load Rule for Reconciliation Compliance Transactions

When you execute a data load rule in Data Management that has a Reconciliation
Compliance Transactions target application, Data Management imports data from the source
and stages it. Then Data Management exports the data to Account Reconciliation by
generating a .CSV file with the same format as the Account Reconciliation pre-mapped
transactions import file and submits a job to Account Reconciliation for import. Transactions
previously loaded from Data Management are overwritten.
To load data to a Reconciliation Compliance Transactions target application:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.
2. On the Data Load Rule page, and then Location, select the location assoicated with the
import format that you want to load.
3. Click Add.
4. In Name, enter the name of the data load rule.
5. In Import Format, select the import format associated with the Reconciliation
Compliance Transaction target application.
6. If the source system is file based, on the Source Options tab, in File Name, select the
data file name that contains the data you are loading.
When the file name is provided, then data must be entered for a single period on the
Rules Execution window.
To navigate to a file located in a directory, click Select, and then choose a file on the
Select page. You can also select Upload on the Select page, and navigate to a file on
the Select a file to upload page.
7. Click Save.

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

8. Click Execute.
9. On the Execute Rule page, complete the following options:
a. Select Import from Source.
Data Management imports the data from the source system, performs the
necessary transformations, and exports the data to the Data Management
staging table.
b. Select Export to Target.
Select this option after you have reviewed the data in the staging table and
you want to export it to the target application.
c. From Start Period and End Period, select the period defined for
Reconciliation Compliance Transactions.
d. Click Run.

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

10. In Account Reconciliation, prepare the reconciliation.

Loading Exported Journal Entries

In Transaction Matching, you can export adjustments or transactions as dual sided journal
entries that can then be imported into your ERP system. Using Data Management, you can
create a data source associated with an Accounts Reconciliation journal adjustments source
system, and then load the entries to a custom target application. When the entries are
exported in the Data Load Rule, all adjustments and transaction that have an open status and
match any applied filter criteria are exported.
To load exported journals entries:
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Period Mapping.
2. Select the Application Mapping tab.
3. In Target Application, select Account Reconciliation Manager.
4. Click Add.
5. Select the Period Key.
6. Enter the following:
a. Target Period Month

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

b. Target Period Quarter

c. Target Period Year
d. Target Period Day
e. Year Target
7. Select the Setup tab, and then under Register, select Target Application.
8. In Target Application, in the summary grid, click Add, and then select Data
9. From Source System, select Account Reconciliations Journal Adjustments.
10. In Application Name, select the data source application name for the Accounts
Reconciliation Journal Adjustment application.

11. In Prefix, optionally specify a prefix to make the application name unique.

The prefix supports up to a maximum of ten characters.

12. Click OK.

13. Select the Dimension Detail tab.

When you add an Account Reconciliation Journal Adjustment data source, the
dimensions in application are populated automatically on the Dimension Detail tab.
These dimensions correspond to the Transaction Matching journal entry column
names in Account Reconciliation as shown below.

14. Map all dimension names in the Dimension Names column with the value
Generic in the Target Dimension Class column and click Save.
15. Create the target application by clicking Add and then Local.

16. On the Select Application screen, from Type, select Custom Application.

17. Click OK.

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

18. In the Application Details section, in the Name field, specify the name of the custom
19. Select the Dimension Details tab.

20. Click Add.

21. In Dimension Name, enter the name of the Account dimension, and then specify
Account in the Target Dimension Class. and Data Table Column Name fields.
When you specify Account in the Target Dimension Class. the value Account prefills
automatically in the Data Table Column Name field.
This step enables you to create dimensions not defined in the target application. You
must create an "Account" dimension name and associate it with an "Account" target
dimension class, which is a property defined by the dimension type. You also associate it
with an "Account" data table column name, which identifies the table column name of the
column in the staging table. These definitions are required by Data Management but not
the Account Reconciliation.
You do not need to create an "Amount" dimension because it defaults on the Import
Mapping screen.
You can create other dimension names, such as UD1 through UD20 or "Entity" as

22. Click Save.

23. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.

24. In Details and then in Name, specify the name of the import format.

25. In Source and Target, select the source and target for the journal adjustments.

26. In the Mapping section, map the Accounts Reconciliation Journal Adjustment source
columns and the custom target application columns.
For more information, see Working with Import Formats.
27. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Location.

28. Define the location associated with the import format.

For more information, see Defining Locations.

29. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Mapping.

30. Define the data load mapping to map the members from the source to target.

Do not add mappings for the Data dimension.

For more information, see: Creating Member Mappings.
31. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.
32. Specify the location.

A location is the level at which a data load is executed in Data Management. Any import
format associated with the location is populated automatically in the Import Format field.

Chapter 3
Integrating Account Reconciliation Data

If multiple import formats have been associated with the location, you can browse
for them.
33. Select the Source Filters tab, and complete any parameters based on the
transaction matching type.
Available parameters:
• Type—Specify the type of reconciliation.
Available types:
– Transactions
– Adjustments
• Match Type—Specify the match type ID such as "Clearing."
Match Types determine how the transaction matching process works for the
accounts using that match type. They determine the structure of the data to be
matched, as well as the rules used for matching. Additionally, match types are
used to export adjustments back to an ERP system as journal entries in a text
• Data Source—Specify the data source when the transaction matching
transaction type is "Transactions."
Leave this field blank when the transaction matching transaction type is
Names for the data sources that appear in Data Management are actually
sourced from the Transaction Matching data sources. The convention used in
the drop-down is Match Type Name: Data Source Name.
For example, application choices might include:
– InterCo3:AR
– InterCo3:AP1 3
– Bank BAI:BAI_Bank_File
– Bank BAI:GL
• Filter—If you choose Type as the Transaction, specify the filter name for
The filters is defined in data source configuration in Account Reconciliation as
shown below:
If you choose Type as Adjustment, specify the filter value in JSON format.
You can select specific transaction types and/or the accounting date while
exporting the journal for Adjustments
For example, you can select all transaction types except transaction types of tax
until month end.
To specify the filter for Adjustments, use the Filter field to select the following:

Chapter 3
Integrating EPM Planning Projects and Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management (Project Management)

• (Adjustment) Type—Specify the adjustment type available for the match type
selected in the previous step. You can specify one or more values. If you don't select
a value, the default used is All.
• Adjustment Date—Specify the operand and date values (using the Date Picker to
select the dates). The operands available for filtering are: EQUALS, BEFORE,
The date format must be YYYY-MM-DD. If you use EQUALS, BEFORE, and AFTER
operands, use the JSON format: accountingDate and then specify the accounting
date. If you select a BETWEEN operand, use the JSON format:
– fromAccountingDate for the "from" Accounting Date
– toAccountingDate for the "to" Accounting Date
Here are some sample JSON formats:

{"adjustmentTypes" : ["Invoice Dispute","Coding Error"],"operator" :

"BETWEEN", "fromAccountingDate" : "2022-02-01", "toAccountingDate" :

{"adjustmentTypes" : ["Invoice Dispute","Coding Error"],"operator" :

"EQUALS", "accountingDate" : "2022-02-01"}

{"operator" : "AFTER", "accountingDate" : "2022-02-01"}

{"adjustmentTypes" : ["Invoice Dispute","Coding Error"]}

34. In Data Load Workbench, test and validate the data by executing the data load rule to
ensure that the data load rule is running properly, and your data looks correct. Data
Management transforms the data and stages it for Account Reconciliation to use.
See Using the Data Load Workbench.
For information on running the data load rule using EPMAUTOMATE, see the rundatarule
topic in the Working with EPM Automate for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management
Cloud .

Integrating EPM Planning Projects and Oracle Fusion Cloud

Project Management (Project Management)
You can integrate the EPM Planning Projects module (Projects) and Oracle Fusion Cloud
Project Management (Project Management) to perform organizational planning and
budgeting and to execute projects. Develop your strategic corporate plan and budget using
EPM Planning Projects and execute and collect costs for approved projects using Project
Management. Actual costs are then included in budget analysis, forecasting, and re-planning
using EPM Planning Projects.
With this two-way integration, you typically use EPM Planning Projects to develop new
projects, create project budgets, and do overall project planning. Then, use Project
Management to capture actuals. Bring in the actuals to EPM Planning Projects for budget
variance analysis.

Chapter 3
Integrating EPM Planning Projects and Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management (Project Management)

With this integration, the same Indirect and Capital projects are visible in both EPM
Planning Projects and Project Management depending on the cadence of the
synchronization. The capabilities include:
• Transfer projects and budgets created in EPM Planning Projects to Project
Management. The strategic budget is created in Project Management as a
baseline budget at the resource class level.
• Use the budget approval validation to validate the detailed budgets created by
project managers vs. the strategic budgets created in EPM Planning Projects
• Transfer actual cost amounts from Project Management to EPM Planning Projects
at the resource class level.
• Transfer re-planned budgets from EPM Planning Projects to Project Management
at the resource class level.
You use Data Management and Data Integration to drive the integration of data
between EPM Planning Projects and Project Management. Data Management and
Data Integration provide an out of box solution that enables EPM Planning Projects
customers to apply predefined mappings from the Project Management data model to
target dimensions. You can also customize and extend these integrations, for example,
by applying other mappings as needed to meet your business requirements.
For more information see Integrating EPM Planning Projects and Project

Integration Tasks
Related Topics
• Working with Import Formats
• Defining Locations
• Defining Period Mappings
• Defining Category Mappings
• Loading Data
• Data Load, Synchronization and Write Back
• Logic Accounts
• Check Rules

Working with Import Formats

Import formats defines the layout of source including:
• which fields (columns) are extracted from the source system and how the data is stored
in the Data Management staging table.
• the data format and mapping information for columns in the Planning source system and
target applications for a source adapter-based integration.
• mapping between the source system segments or chartfields and the dimensions (used
in the metadata load and data load process).
• mapping between the EPM dimensions and the source system segments or chartfields
(used in the write-back process).
• mapping information for source adapter-based integrations
• mapping information between source and target EPM dimensions for data
The following screen shot shows a portion of the Vision_account.txt. In the import format, you
define the location of these columns and map them to dimensions in the target application.

Import formats are created for a single accounting entity. However; if you are importing data
from multiple accounting entities that have the same Chart of Accounts, define one import

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

format using a representative accounting entity, and then use it for importing data for
all accounting entities with the same Chart of Accounts.

Defining the Import Format

Use the Import Format summary section to view, add, and delete import format
summary information.

Viewing Import Format Information

Table 4-1 Import Format View Options and Descriptions

View Option Description

Customizes views. Options include:
• Columns-Select the columns to display in
the data grid including:
– Show All
– Name
– Source System
– Target Application
• Reorder Columns-Use to change the
order of the columns. When you select this
option, the Reorder Columns screen is
displayed. You can select a column, and
then use the scroll buttons on the right to
change the column order.
• Detach/Attach-Detaches columns from
the data grid. Detached columns are
displayed in their own window. To return to
the default view, select View, and then
click Attach or click Close.
• Query by Example-Use to toggle the filter
row. You can use the filter row to enter text
to filter the rows that are displayed for a
specific column. To clear a filter, remove
the text to filter by in the text box, and then
the click [Enter]. All text is case sensitive.

Adding Import Formats

You work with import formats on the Import Format screen, which consists of three
• Import Format Summary—Displays common information relevant to the source
and target applications.
• Import Format Detail—Enables you to add and maintain import format information.
• Import Format Mappings—Enables you to add and maintain import format
mapping information.
To add an import format for a file-based data load system:
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.
2. In the Import Format summary task bar, select Add.

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

In the upper grid of the Import Formats screen, a row is added.

3. In Name, enter a user-defined identifier for the import format.
You cannot modify the value in this field after a mapping has been created for this import
4. In Description, enter a description of the import format.
5. In Source, select File for the source system.
6. From File Type, select the format of the file.
• Fixed - Numeric Data
See Defining Import Formats for File-Based Mappings.
• Delimited - Numeric Data
See Defining Import Formats for File-Based Mappings.
• Multi Column - Numeric Data
See Loading Multi-Column Numeric Data.
• Delimited Data - All Data Type
See Setting the Import Format Data Types.
• Fixed Data - All Data Type
See Setting the Import Format Data Types.
• Multi Column - All Data Type
7. If the file type is "delimited," in the File Delimiter field, select a type of delimiter.
Available delimiter symbols:
• comma (,)
• exclamation (!)
• semicolon (;)
• colon (:)
• pipe (|)
• tab
• tilde (~)
8. In Target, select the target system.
9. In Drill URL, enter the URL used for the drill-through.

To display the Drill URL editor, click .

10. In the Mapping section, map any dimensions.

11. Click Save.

To define import formats for file-based mappings, see Defining Import Formats for File-
Based Mappings.

Import Formats and Data Load Rules

Depending on the source and target types that you select in import formats, several types of
data load rules can be created.

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

Table 4-2 Data Load Rule

Source System Target System

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) EPM (Enterprise Performance Management)

Table 4-3 Write-Back Rule

Target System Source System


Table 4-4 Data Synchronization

Source System Target System


Deleting an Import Format

To delete an import format:
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.
2. In Import Format, from the Import Format summary grid, select the import
format, and then click Delete.
3. In Delete Import Format, click OK.

Querying by Example
You can filter the import formats in the Import Format summary section using the
Query by Example feature. To filter by Import Format Name, ensure that the filter row
is displayed above the column headers.
To query by example:
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.

2. In Import Format, on the Import Format task bar, select .

A blank row is displayed above the column headers.
3. Enter text to filter the rows that are displayed.

Adding Import Expressions

Data Management provides a set of powerful import expressions that enable it to read
and parse virtually any trial balance file into the Data Management database. You
enter advanced expressions in the Expression column of the field. Import expressions
operate on the value read from the import file.
To add an import format expression:
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

2. In Import Format, from the Import Format Mapping grid, select the file-based source
3. In Expression, specify the import expression.
4. Optional: You can also specify the expression type and value on the Add Expression

a. Click .
b. In Add Expression, under Expression Type, select the expression type.
The number and types of expressions available depend on the field that is being
modified (for example, Account or Account Description).
c. In Expression Value, enter the value to accompany the expression and click OK.
5. In Import Format Mapping, click OK.

Import Expression Types

Expressions supported by Data Management:
• Nonstandard Numeric Sign Conventions
• Converting from European to U.S. Notation
• Padding Fields with Leading Fills
• Padding Fields with Trailing Fills
• Multiplying by Whole-Number and Decimal Factors
• Disabling Zero Suppression

Nonstandard Numeric Sign Conventions

The Sign expression is used to manage nonstandard numeric sign conventions. Data
Management interprets numbers with leading and trailing minus signs and numbers within
parentheses as negative numbers. You can also use other leading and trailing characters to
indicate negative numbers. To define custom signs, use expressions that follow this form:
Sign=[Positive String],[Negative String].

For example, if positive numbers are followed by DR (1,000.00DR), and negative numbers
are followed by CR (1,000.00CR), the expression is Sign=DR,CR.

Numbers within <> are also treated as negative. For example, if you specify (100.00) and
<100.00> both are treated as negative numbers.
If positive numbers are unsigned (1,000.00), and negative numbers are followed by CR
(1,000.00CR), the expression is Sign=,CR.

Displaying Debit and Credit Columns

The DRCRSplit expression is used to parse split numeric columns . By default, Data
Management assumes that numeric values in Amount fields are debits. However, you can
position debit values on the left and credit values on the right.

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

Table 4-5 DRCRSplit expression example

Account Number Description Debit Credit

1000-000-00 Cash-Operating 68,603.91
1010-000-00 Cash-FANB-AP 177,216.16

DRCRSplit, which enables Data Management to interpret left-right positioning and to

assign the correct sign, follows the format DRCRSplit=Mid Point of the DR and CR

When the file is imported, credit amounts are assigned negative signs (and thus are
interpreted as positive), and debit amounts are unchanged (and thus are interpreted
as negative).

Converting from European to U.S. Notation

The Fill=EuroToUS expression is used with the Amount field to trigger a number
format conversion from a (.,) to a (,.) format.

Padding Fields with Leading Fills

The FillL=LeadingFill expression is used to fill fields with leading characters. Text
values that are shorter than the specified fill expression are padded, as directed by the
fill expression.

Padding Fields with Trailing Fills

The Fill=TrailingFill expression is used to fill fields with trailing characters. Text
values that are shorter than the specified fill expression are padded, as directed by the
fill expression. For example, if the account number is 103950- and the expression
Fill=000000000 is used, the account number after import is 103950-000. Another
example is an account number of 243150 with the expression Fill=111111111. The
account number after import is 243150111.

Multiplying by Whole-Number and Decimal Factors

The Factor=Value expression is used to factor source-file amounts by user-defined
values. This type of expression enables you to scale file data by any numeric factor.
Using this expression, you can double or halve data. The Factor=Value is expressed
as Factor=Value, where the value is the user-defined whole or decimal number by
which to multiply your data. The import expression is entered in the Expression field
for the ‘Amount’ source column.

Disabling Zero Suppression

The NZP expression is used to disable zero suppression during the data-load process.
By default, Data Management bypasses accounts in the trial balance that have zero
balances. In certain circumstances, you may want to load all accounts, to ensure that
values that should be zero are replaced. You enter: NZP in the Expression column of
the Amount field to disable zero suppression.

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

Stacking Import Expressions

One field can use multiple import expressions. To stack expressions, separate the
expressions with a semicolon. Consider the order in which the layered expressions are
For example, to stack the import expression for the General Ledger Amount column, enter
the expression:;Fill=0000000.

Processing Order
For all fields except the Amount field, Data Management processes stacked expressions by
Fill or FillL order:
For the Amount field, Data Management processes stacked expressions in the following
1. DRCRSplit
2. Fill=EuroToUS
3. Sign
4. Scale
5. NZP

Defining Import Formats for File-Based Mappings

When the source is a file-based data load, you define the settings and the import format
mapping definition, which determines which fields (columns) are extracted from the source
system and how data is stored in the staging table.
For detailed information about working with import formats, see Working with Import Formats.
For information about working with all data types data loads in import formats, see All Data
Types Data Load Process Description.
You can add a mapping row to the import format definition based on the following options:
• Skip
• Currency
• Attribute
• Description
• Dimension Row

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

Table 4-6 Import format definition options

Import Definition Option Description

Skip The skip option is used to indicate rows in the
input file that should be skipped. For example,
rows with no data, negative numbers, or for
specific accounts. The specification for a skip
row is defined in the same way as that for a
data row, and the system looks for the exact
textual match for text entered in the expression
field in the indicated location in the input file.
The system automatically skips rows in the
input file that have "spaces" and "non-numeric"
characters in the amount location, so a skip
specification is only needed when non-amount
data is present in a row of the input file in the
same location as the amount. For example, the
input file may contain a label named "date."
Add an entry for a skip row to indicate the
starting column of the text "date," the length of
the text, and the exact text to match.
The Skip row option is available for both fixed
and delimited file types.

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

Table 4-6 (Cont.) Import format definition options

Import Definition Option Description

Attribute The TDATASEG table includes 40 attribute
columns to which you can import values from
the selected input file. You can provide the
location of the attribute in the input file by
specifying the starting location and length, or
plug the value during processing by entering
the value for the attribute in the expression
field. If the value for the attribute is entered in
the expression field, then a starting location
and length are not needed.
The attribute fields are generally used to help
compose a drill-through URL or for history or
documentation needs. You may want to
populate the attribute field to support
searching and filtering in the Data Load
Each attribute column can accept up to 300

If you integrate
an Financial
and Closeor
source with an
explicit period
mapping type,
the system
stores Tax
Reporting the
mapping year
mapping period
the ATTR2
column and year
in ATTR3
columns. For this
reason when
importing data
from Financial
and Close,
attribute columns
ATTR2 and
ATTR3 should
not be used for
any other

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

Table 4-6 (Cont.) Import format definition options

Import Definition Option Description

Similarly when
you map a
source attribute
to any target
dimension, the
creates another
map for mapping
the Movement to
the ATTR1

Description The TDATASEG table includes two description

columns, and you can load these columns in
the same way as the attribute columns. You
can specify the location in the input row that
contains a description or specify an explicit
value by entering it in the expression field in
the mapping table.
Currency Data Management supports the ability to load
data that is of a currency different from the
default currency of the selected location. This
option enables you to specify the location in
the input line that specifies the currency for the
related amount field. For the file import format,
specify a currency on each row of data, or
make sure that a currency is specified in the
location that uses the selected import format.

You may
encounter issues
with loading data
if the currency is
not specified

Dimension Data Management supports multiple entries

for a dimension in the import format when the
dimension specification is spread between
multiple locations on the same line. This
feature enables you to concatenate fields for
file-based data. To use this option, select the
dimension, start and end positions, and the

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

To define an import format for numeric data files with a fixed length:

For information about defining import formats for fixed length all data type data files,
see Setting the Import Format Data Types.

1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.

2. In Import Format, from the Import Format summary grid, select the file.
3. In the Import Format Detail grid, select the type of row to add from the Add drop-down.
Available options:
• Skip Row
• Currency Row
• Attribute Row
• Description Row
• Dimension Row
4. In Start, specify where on the file the column starts.
5. In Length, enter the length of the column.
6. In Expression, enter the expression that overwrites the contents of the column.
When entering a constant, enter a starting position and length. Use a start position of "1"
and a length of "1."
See Adding Import Expressions.
7. Click Save.
To define an import format for delimited numeric data files:

For information about defining import formats for delimited all data type data files,
see Setting the Import Format Data Types.

1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.

2. In Import Format, from the Import Format summary grid, select a file.
3. In the Data Load Mappings section, click Add, and select the type or row to add.
Available options are:
• Currency Row
• Attribute Row
• Description Row
• Dimension Row

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

4. In Field Number, enter the field to import.

The Expression field ignores the Field Number value when you provide a column
expression for a multiple period data load.
5. In the Expression field, enter the expression that overwrites the contents of the
See Adding Import Expressions.
6. Click Save.

Concatenating Source Dimensions for a File-Based Source

Concatenate file-based dimensions as the source of target application dimensions.
Concatenation facilitates a simple set of data load mappings with an unlimited number
of fields that can be concatenated.
To concatenate a file-based source dimension:
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.
2. In the Import Format summary task bar, select the import format of the file.
Source columns for both fixed and file delimited files can be concatenated.
3. In Data Load Mapping, click Add.
4. Select Dimension Row, and then specify the target dimension.
5. In Source Column, select the first source column to concatenate.
6. In Field Number, enter the field number from the file to import (defaults to the field
number from the file when text is selected).
7. In Data Load Mapping, click Add.
8. Select Dimension Row, and then specify the same target dimension as in step 4.
9. In Source Column, select the second source column to concatenate.
10. Repeat steps 5-6 for each source column to add to the concatenation.

11. To use a concatenation character between source columns:

a. Click Add, and then specify the target dimension.

b. In Source Column field, enter a name to identify the concatenation character.
For example, enter: Delimited.
c. In Field Number, enter: 1 or greater.
Do not enter: 0 when specifying the field number for the concatenation
character column
d. In Expression field, enter the concatenation character used to separate
concatenated source columns.
For example, enter a , (comma) or a . (period).
12. Click Save.

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

Using the Import Format Builder

When the source system is a file-based data load, use the Import Format Builder feature to
map source fields graphically to target dimension members instead of typing the starting
position and the field length. This feature is available for both fixed and delimited files.

The Import Format Builder does not support tab delimited files.

To assign an import format using the Import Format Builder:

1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.
2. In the Import Format summary grid, select a file-based source system.
3. In the Import Format Mapping detail grid, click Build Format.
4. In Select file to Load, locate and choose the file to import, and then click OK.
In addition to selecting a file to load, you can:
• Create a new folder under the inbox directory.
• Delete a file.
• Download a file
• Upload a file
The file contents are shown on the Import Format Builder screen.

5. Select the text to import.

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

6. In Assign selected text as Source Dimension Name, select N to specify the

source dimension name on the Enter Dimension Mapping Detail screen.
Select Y to use the selected text as the source dimension name and to use the
one-to-one mapping between the source dimension and target dimension
7. To change dimension mappings details, click Assign Dimension.
You must add or change dimension details if you selected N in Assign selected
text as Source Dimension Name.

8. On Enter Dimension Mapping Details, from Source Dimension Name, specify

the name of source dimension to which to assign the selected text.
9. In Select Target Dimension, select the target dimension to which to map the
source dimension.
10. In Selection Field Number, specify the field number from the file to import
(defaults to the field number from the file when text is selected).
11. Click OK.

When you assign or change source dimension information, the information is

shown in the Add New Mapping summary grid.

All Data Types Data Loads

Using the all data type load method, you can load data files that support the following
data types to Planning:
• numbers
• text
• Smartlists
• Date
Additionally, you can load data files that include multiple balance columns for a
selected calendar period.

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

The All Data Type with Security loads only to the currency specified in the import.

The All Data Type load method is not supported for Profitability and Cost

All Data Types Data Load Process Description

At a high level, when working with the all data types load method, note the following:
1. In the Target Application feature, on the Application Options tab, select the either the All
data types with auto-increment of line item or the all data types with security load
2. In the Import Format option, select the file type for the All Data Type load method.
3. For multi-column types only in the Data Load Rule, assign any driver dimension
member(s) for multiple column data types. The driver dimension is the member into
which data is loaded. The driver dimension is only applicable to a multiple column type,
not delimited or fixed. If no header record or member expressions are assigned, you can
select the members from the Member Selector screen in the import format or the data
load rule.
4. In the Data Load Workbench, verify the values of the data type in the Data Column.
The Data Load Workbench displays the Data Column instead of the Amount Column.
a. Use the Import from Source feature to import the data from the source system,
perform the necessary transformation, such as import, map, and validate the data.
b. Validate the source data.
c. Export the data to the Planning application.
For more information about how data is loaded in Planning, see the Outline Load Utility in
Administering Planning .

Setting the All Data Types Load Method

You can select the method to use when loading metadata and data for Account, Period, Year,
Scenario, Version, Currency, Entity, user-defined dimensions, attributes, UDAs, exchange
rates, Smart Lists, and planning unit hierarchies.

To load numeric data, use the Numeric Data Only load method.

1. Select the Setup tab, and then under Register, select Target Application.
2. In Target Application, in the Target Application summary grid, click Add, and then
select either Local or Cloud.

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

Available options are Cloud (for a Cloud deployment) or Local (for an on-premise
3. In Target Application under Application Options, from the Load Method drop-
down, select all data types with security.

Available load method descriptions:

• All data types with auto-increment of line item.
This method requires that you define the data and driver dimensions, and
unique identifiers for the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud
application. You define data load and driver dimension in the Data Dimension
for Auto-Increment Line Item field and Driver Dimension for Auto-Increment
Line Item field on the Target Options tab in the Data Load Rule.
• Numeric—Loads numeric data only. Planning data security is not enforced in
this method.
• all data types with security— Loads Numeric, Text, Smartlist, Date data types.
If the Planning administrator loads data, Planning data security is not
enforced. If a Planning non-administrator user loads data, then Planning data
security is enforced.
The data is loaded in chunks of 500K cells.
4. From the Date Format drop-down, specify the format of the date data:
5. Click Save.

Loading Incremental Data using the LINEITEM Flag to an EPM Cloud Application
You can include line item detail using a LINEITEM flag in the data load file to perform
incremental data loads for a child of the data load dimension based on unique driver
dimension identifiers to an Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud
application. This load method specifies that data should be overwritten if a row with the
specified unique identifiers already exists on the form. If the row does not exist, data is
entered as long as enough child members exist under the data load dimension parent
For example, you can load employee earnings detail from the following sample source
data file to a target EPM Cloud application.

Emp,Job,Pay Type,Amount

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

"Molinari,Sara",Sales Manager,Bonus_Pay,22000
"Matthew,Peter",Sales Associate,Bonus_Pay,5000

The target Planning application is shown below:

When using the LINEITEM syntax, the data file may contain records having identical
dimensions except driver member values.
In the following data file, records have the same dimensions but differ on the value of the
acct_date column (a driver member). This requires you to identify driver member(s) which
make the data record unique (that is, the. acct_date column for the example.

Entity,Employee,Version,asl_EmployeeType,acct_date,acct_text,SSTax Rate1
<LINEITEM("ParentMember")>,No Employee,Baseline,Regular,1-1-2001,Text1,0.4
<LINEITEM("ParentMember")>,No Employee,Baseline,Regular,1-1-2002,Text2,0.4
<LINEITEM("ParentMember")>,No Employee,Baseline,Regular,1-1-2003,Text3,0.5

To support the above use case, create a LOOKUP dimension and map driver member
column to it in the Import Format option. The name of the dimension must start with
LineItemKey. For example, create a LOOKUP dimension named LineItemKey and assign
any Data Column Name (such as UD8). In the Import Format option, map LineItemKey
dimension to 5th column (acct_date) in the data file and use the LIKE (* to *) data mapping.
You may also use other types of data mappings to populate the look up dimension. If needed,
create more LOOKUP dimensions to uniquely identify data records. The rest of the setup is
To use this feature, you need to perform steps both in Planning and Data Management.
1. Launch Planning.
2. From the Data Load Settings screen, select the Data Load Dimension and Driver
In Planning, Earning1 and Earning2, are members of the Account dimensions. The
various Earnings Types are loaded to the No Property member of the Property
dimension, and the Earning value is loaded to the OWP_Value of the Property

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

For more information about the Data Load Settings screen, see Oracle Hyperion
Planning Administrator's Guide .
3. Launch Data Management, then select Setup, and then select Import Format.
4. From the Import Format Mapping grid, select the data source column.
5. In Expression, add an import expression for the data driver.
For example, add the import format expression: Driver=Property;member="No

For more information about adding drivers Data Management, see Adding an
Import Expression for a Data Driver and Assigning Driver Dimension Members.
6. From Workflow, select Data Load Mapping.
In Data Load Mapping, you identify how source dimensionality translates to the
target dimensionality. As shown below for a "Like" mapping, the Earning source
value (represented by the asterisk) is loaded to OWP_Total Earnings of the
Account dimension.

7. From Workflow, select Data Load Rule.

8. Select the Target Options tab.
9. From the Load Method drop-down, select All data types with auto-increment of
line item.

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

10. In Data Dimension for Auto-Increment Line Item, select the data dimension that
matches the data dimension you specified in Planning.
In this example, the data dimension is Account.
11. In Driver Dimension for Auto-Increment Line Item, select the driver dimension that
matches the driver dimension you specified in Planning.
In this example, the driver dimension is Property.

Setting the Import Format Data Types

When loading data, specify the type of data for the import format:
• Delimited–Numeric data
• Fixed–Numeric data
• Multi-Column–Numeric Data
• Delimited–All Data Type
• Fixed–All Data Type
• Multi Column–All Data Type
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.
2. In the Import Format summary task bar, select Add.
In the upper grid of the Import Formats screen, a row is added.
3. In Name, enter a user-defined identifier for the import format.
You cannot modify the value in this field after a mapping has been created for this import
4. In Source, select the source system.
5. In Target, select the target system.
6. In Description, enter a description of the import format.
7. In Import Format, in File Type, select the type of non-numeric data file.
Options include:
• Fixed - Numeric Data
See Defining Import Formats for File-Based Mappings.
• Delimited - Numeric Data
See Defining Import Formats for File-Based Mappings.

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

• Multi Column - Numeric Data

See Loading Multi-Column Numeric Data.
• Delimited - All Data Type
See Setting the Import Format Data Types.
• Fixed - All Data Type
See Setting the Import Format Data Types.
• Multi Column - All Data Type
8. If the file type is delimited, in the File Delimiter field, select the type of delimiter:
• comma (,)
• exclamation (!)
• semi-colon (;)
• colon (:)
• pipe (|)
• tab
• tilde (~)
9. In Drill URL, enter the URL used for the drill-through.
10. In the Mapping section, map any dimensions.

11. Add the import format expressions.

12. Click Save.

Setting the Import Format for Multi-Column Data Types

You can load data from multiple columns using a combination of column expressions
and driver expressions as shown below:
• A Column expression is used to specify the columns to import. You can import a
contiguous set of columns or a non-contiguous set of columns.
You specify contiguous columns by using starting and ending columns. For
example, 5,10 indicate columns 5 through 10.
You specify non-contiguous columns by using column1 | column2 | column3. For
example, 5|7|10 indicates import columns 5, 7 and 10.
• A driver expression can be used to specify the dimension and target value for
each column. The driver dimension is the member into which data is loaded. You
can have one driver dimension per load, but multiple members can be defined for
the driver dimension. The driver dimension is only applicable to the multi-column
The member assignment in the data rule is similar to the multi-period assignment.
You can assign the driver member in the header record, import format (member
expression), or data rule. If you don't specify a header record or member
expression in the import format, you can select the member(s) in the data load
For more information, see Adding an Import Expression for a Data Driver and
Assigning Driver Dimension Members.

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

• For the multi-column type, you can use a header, multi-row header, or no header
specified in the import format. These are the different formats:

In the import format you must have a column definition for the driver dimension
defined in the data field. If your driver is "Account," then your import format
must include a source column and field or start and end period for the account
dimension. This must be a valid field in the file, or a valid start and end position
in the file. This is not referenced by the process, but it must be valid for the
process to execute.

– For a file with a header record, use the format Driver=<Dimension Name>;
Header=<Row Number>; Column=<Column Numbers>.
For example, when the import format definition
Driver=Account;HeaderRow=1;Column=2,4 is applied to the following sample data


This tells the system that row 1 is the header, and data starts in row 2. In column 2,
the entity is the first value, and then the next three columns are the values for
– For a file with multiple row headers (driver members don’t line up with the data
column), you can use a modified header expression. For example, when you export
data from Essbase as in the following data file, the data column header is a new row
and does not line up data.
"Period","Consolidation","Data Source","Currency","Intercompany","Entity","Movement","Multi-GAAP","Product","Scenario","Years","View","Account"
"FCCS_Sales","FCCS_Cost of Sales"
"Jan","FCCS_Entity Input","FCCS_Data Input","Entity Currency","FCCS_No Intercompany","01","FCCS_No Movement","FCCS_Local
"Jan","FCCS_Entity Input","FCCS_Data Input","Parent Currency","FCCS_No Intercompany","01","FCCS_No Movement","FCCS_Local

With a multi row header, you identify header row that contains the driver information
to the system. When the header row is specified as Header=2,1, this means that the
header starts at row 2, and the driver members start at column 1.
In another example, say your second header is A,B,C,D and columns are 10 to 13 for
these values. If you set column expression to 10|12,13, then the B member and its
values (at column 11) are skipped.
– To load multiple columns without a header record in the data file, use the import
format definition Driver = <Dimension Name>; Member = <List of Members>;
Column=<Column Numbers>. Use this method when to skip a source column in the
source record.
For example, when the import format definition Driver=Account;member=ACCT1,
ACCT2, ACCT3;Column=2,4; is applied to the following data file:


Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

you tell the system to include entity as the first value, and then for the next
three columns to use driver dimension members values from ACCOUNT;
• For data source application types, you assign the driver dimension, but the system
assigns row 1 as the header. You can load multiple columns by selecting the
columns from the Add Import Format Mapping Expression screen.

Adding an Import Expression for a Data Driver

To add an import expression for non-numeric data:
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.
2. In Import Format, from the Import Format Mapping grid, select the data source
3. In Expression, specify the import expression.
4. Optional: You can also specify the expression type and value in the Add
Expression field.

a. Click .
b. From the Expression Type drop-down, select Driver.

c. In Add Import Format Mapping Expression when entering a driver, enter the
values for the expression and click OK.

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

In Dimension, select the dimension to which the expression applies.

In Member(s), select the dimension members. You can also browse and select
members on the Member Selector screen.

In Header row, select the header row of the file for the expression.
In Column(s), specify the data columns in the expression. To use a range of DATA
columns, specify columns using a comma (,). To use non-contiguous DATA columns,
specify columns using the pipe (|) delimiter.
d. Click OK.
In the following example, the "Project Element" is the driver member of the first
header row, and includes contiguous rows "2,3", and non-contiguous rows "5,7".

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

Assigning Driver Dimension Members

A driver dimension member can be assigned in the data rule (as well as the header
record or import format (member expression)). This tab is only displayed in the data
load rule when the members are not specified in the import format, or if the header row
is not specified in the import format.
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.
2. In the Data Load summary area, click Add to add a new date load rule, or change
the location name from the POV bar, and select the data load rule.
For information on adding a data load rule, see Defining Data Load Rule Details
for a File-Based Source System.
3. Select the Target Member tab.
You see this tab only when the driver dimension members are not defined in the
import format.
The columns to which you can select driver dimension members are available for

4. In the Value field, enter the name of the driver dimension member to use in the
header record or member expression.
5. Optional: To search on driver dimension members, click the Search button and
navigate to the driver dimension on the Member Selection screen.

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

6. Click Save.

Loading Multi-Column Numeric Data

Data Management enables you to load data for multiple dimension members of a selected
dimension in a single row of data. The definition of the members to load can be included in a
header record in the load file, or in the import format definition.
The data file can be a:
• text data file with multi-columns of numeric data with no headers to contiguous periods by
executing a data load rule with start and end periods.

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

• text data file with multiple columns of numeric data to a period or any other
dimension as a column header by specifying the:
– column header in the data file
– column header member list in the import format
– column header member in the data rule
• Excel data file with multiple columns of numeric data to a period as a column
header. The Excel file may or may not contain a header.
To load multi-column numeric data:
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.
2. In the Import Format summary task bar, select Add.
In the upper grid of the Import Formats screen, a row is added.
3. In Name, enter a user-defined identifier for the import format.
You cannot modify the value in this field after a mapping has been created for this
import format.
4. In Description, enter a description of the import format.
5. In Source, select File for the source.
6. From File Type drop-down, select Multi Column - Numeric Data as the format of
the file.
7. From the File Delimiter drop-down, select a type of delimiter.
Available delimiter symbols:
• comma (,)
• exclamation (!)
• semicolon (;)
• colon (:)
• pipe (|)
• tab
• tilde (~)
8. In Target, select EPM and select any EPM application as a target.
9. Optional: In Drill URL, enter the URL used for the drill-through.

10. In the Mapping section, select the Amount dimensions and click .
11. From the Expression Type drop-down, select Column=start,end.

12. In Expression value, specify the columns to import.

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

You can import a contiguous set of columns or a non-contiguous set of columns. To use a
range of Amount (data) columns, specify columns using a comma (,). To use non-
contiguous amount columns, specify columns using the pipe (|) delimiter.
You specify contiguous columns by using starting and ending columns. For example,
5,10 indicates columns 5 through 10.
You specify non-contiguous columns by using column1 | column2 | column3. For
example, 5|7|10 indicates import columns 5, 7, and 10.

13. Optional: Specify any drivers and header rows of the file for the expression.

14. Click OK.

15. Click Save.

To load a text data file with multiple columns of numeric data to a period:
1. Complete steps 1-12 in the To load multi-column numeric data.
2. From the Expression Type drop-down, select Driver.
3. On the Add Import Format Mapping Expression, in Dimension, leave the default
driver dimension Period.
4. In Period(s), select the period driver dimension member to load and click OK.
Specify the period using quotes. For example, you might enter: "Dec-9".
If you do not specify a period driver member dimension on the Add Import Format
Mapping Expression, you can specify period members in the data load rule. See steps

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

5. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.
6. On the Data Load Rule screen, select the POV to use for the data load rule.
7. Add or select the data load rule to use for the multi-column numeric data load.
8. In Import Format, select the import format set up for the multi-column numeric
9. Optional: From the Source Options tab, specify any source options.
10. Select the Column Headers tab, and specify the start date and end date of the
numeric columns.
You are prompted to add the start and end dates on the Column Headers tab
• a text data file has no header in the header record of the data file, in the import
format, or data rule.
• you are using an Excel file in all cases. If header information is specified in the
Excel file, only periods that fall within the start and end period range are

11. Save and execute the data load rule.

Using Workflow Modes

By default, the data load process in Data Management is designed with a well-defined
process flow that provides a full audit of the data load process and the ability to drill
down and view data in Workbench. However, a full data flow may contribute to lengthy

Chapter 4
Working with Import Formats

processing times due to archiving of data for audit purposes. Workflow mode options provide
scalable solutions when processing large volumes of data, or when an audit is not required,
and performance is a key requirement.
The three workflow mode options are:
• Full
• Full (no archive)
• Simple
The Full option is the default flow for loading data. Data is loaded in the standard way
between the staging tables, data can be viewed in Workbench, and drill down is supported.
The Full (no archive) option loads data in the same manner as the full mode, but data is
deleted from the staging tables at the end of the data load process. Data can be viewed in
the Workbench only after the import step. No drill down is available with the full (no archive)
mode. This method is useful when you want to review and validate the data during load
process but auditing or drill down is not a requirement. This method does not provide
performance improvement but limits space usage since data is not persisted for future
The Simple option limits data movement between the staging tables. No drill down is
available, and the data cannot be viewed in the Workbench. This method provides
performance improvement and is useful when you do not require auditing or drill down.

You can use import expression mapping or traditional dimension mapping for any of
the Workflow modes.

If you use the Simple Workflow mode to load data (see Using Workflow Modes and
you run a check rule with target intersections, then include a check entity group
(see Creating Check Entity Groups). Otherwise the check rule fails. In addition,
other than the Full workflow mode, no check reports are not available after the
export step has completed.

Selecting the Workflow Mode

The Workflow Mode option is only available at the target application option level. The option
to select the mode is not available at the data rule level. If you want to use full and simple
workflow modes for the same application but for different data sets, then register the same
application multiple times and then select the different workflow modes.
To select the Workflow mode:
1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Target Application.
2. In the Target Application summary grid, select the target application.

Chapter 4
Defining Locations

3. After defining the application details in Application Detail, select the Application
Options tab.
4. From Workflow, select the mode option and click Save.

Defining Locations
A location is the level at which a data load is executed in Data Management. You
define locations to specify where to load the data. Additionally, Locations enable you to
use the same import format for more than one target application where the
dimensionality of the target applications is the same.
The Location feature also enables you to specify free form text or a value using the
integration option feature. Text or values entered for a location can be used with your
Data Management scripts.

You can create duplicate locations with the same source system and
application combination.

To create, edit, and delete import locations:

1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Location.
2. In Location, click Add.
3. From Location Details, in Name, enter the location name.
4. From Import Format, enter the import format.
The import format describes the source file structure, and it is executed during the
source file import step. Data Management supports file-based imports for those
users who do not have direct connections to their source data but do have source
data residing in a text file. A corresponding import format must exist before it can
be used with a location.
• The source system is automatically populated based on the import format.
• The Source field displays the source application based on the import format.

You can also click and select an import format.

For more information about import formats, see Defining Import Formats for File-
Based Mappings.
5. In Target Application, specify the target application associated with this location.

You can also click to search for a target application.

6. In Functional Currency, specify the currency of the location.

Chapter 4
Defining Locations

For Financial Consolidation and Close and Tax Reporting customers: To load
data to actual currency rather than entity currency when the currency is fixed,
set the currency in the Functional Currency field in the Location option. You can
also add a Currency row in the import format and map it. See Defining the
Import Format.
Financial Consolidation and Close can also specify Parent Input, Contribution
Input, and Translated Currency Input in this field to create and post journals to
different currencies other than the entity currency.

7. In Parent Location, enter the parent assigned to the location.

Parent mappings are used to share mappings with other locations. Enter mappings at the
parent location, and the related locations can use the same mappings. Multiple locations
can share a parent. This feature is useful when multiple locations use one chart of
accounts. Changes to a child or parent mapping table apply to all child and parent
8. Optional for an Financial Consolidation and Close consolidation dimension: In
Consolidation Value, you can load the consolidation dimension associated with the
FCCS_Entity Input entity, or if you are using a multi-currency application, you can load
different override rates or amounts to different source members.
The Consolidation dimension allows you to report on details used to perform the various
stages of the consolidation process including:
• FCCS_Entity Input—Amount represents the input for base entities. By way of
journals, it is also available to be added for parent entities.
• FCCS_Amount Override—Used for amount override loads.
• FCCS_Rate Override - Used for exchange rates loads.
By default, the consolidation dimension value is associated with the FCCS_Entity Input
A selected data load can load to one consolidation dimension value at a time.

Chapter 4
Defining Locations

For Tax Reporting applications, a rates cube does not have a
consolidation dimension. For this reason, leave this field blank so that
you can load exchange rates for Tax Reporting applications.

9. Optional: In Logic Account Group, specify the logic account group to assign to
the location.
A logic group contains one or more logic accounts that are generated after a
source file is loaded. Logic accounts are calculated accounts that are derived from
the source data.
The list of values for a logic group is automatically filtered based on the Target
Application under which it was created.

Chapter 4
Defining Period Mappings

10. Optional: In Check Entity Group, specify the check entity group to assign to the
When a check entities group is assigned to the location, the check report runs for all
entities that are defined in the group. If no check entities group is assigned to the
location, the check report runs for each entity that was loaded to the target system. Data
Management check reports retrieve values directly from the target system, Data
Management source data, or Data Management converted data.
The list of values for a check entity group is automatically filtered based on the Target
Application under which it was created.
11. Optional: In Check Rule Group, specify the check rule group to assign to the location.

System administrators use check rules to enforce data integrity. A set of check rules is
created within a check rule group, and the check rule group is assigned to a location.
Then, after data is loaded to the target system, a check report is generated.
The list of values for a check rule group is automatically filtered based on the Target
Application under which it was created.
12. Click Save.

13. Optional: Perform these tasks:

• To edit an existing location, select the location to modify, and then make changes as
necessary. Then, click Save.
• To delete a location, click Delete.
When a location is deleted, the location is removed from all other Data Management
screens, such as Data Load.

To filter by the location name, ensure that the filter row is displayed above the
column headers. (Click to toggle the filter row.) Then, enter the text to filter.

To specify free form text or values for use with scripts:

1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Location.
2. In the Location Detail, click the Integration Option tab.
3. From Integration Option, in Integration Option 1-4, specify the free form text or value,
and then click OK.
The information is accessible from the Integration Option fields in the Location table.

Defining Period Mappings

You can use various kinds of calendars (for example, monthly, weekly, or daily) based on your
business and statutory requirements. In your Oracle Enterprise Performance Management
Cloud application, you can also use different calendars, based on your application
requirements (for example, different levels of periods). Because Data Management extracts
the ERP source system data to the target EPM application, it establishes the mapping
relationship by defining a period mapping between the source system periods and the target
EPM Cloud application periods.

Chapter 4
Defining Period Mappings

Before you can define data rules, define the period mappings. Period mappings define
the mapping between Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) calendars and the EPM
application year or periods. You can define period mappings in three ways:
• Global Mapping—You define a global mapping in cases where you do not have
many target applications getting data from multiple source systems with different
types of source calendars. Use a global mapping to ensure that various periods
are accommodated in the individual mapping. As a first step, define a global
• Application Mapping—If you have multiple target applications, getting data from
various source systems with complex period types, you can create application
mappings in addition to global mappings. When you define an application
mapping, you can modify the Target Period Month as necessary.
• Source Mapping—Specifies source period mapping for adapter-based

Source mappings are also used to set up Oracle General Ledger
adjustment periods. For more information, see Processing Oracle
General Ledger Adjustment Periods.

Global Mapping—Sample Monthly Period Mapping

The following table shows how a monthly calendar from a source maps to monthly
periods in a target application.

You should define global mapping at the most granular level. For example, if
you have a monthly calendar and a weekly calendar, define your global
mapping at the lowest level of granularity. In this case, the period keys are at
the week level and you map weeks to months. You can create application
mappings for the higher-level periods.

Table 4-7 Sample Monthly Period Mapping

Period Key Prior Period Period Target Target Target Target Year Target
Key Name Period Period Period Year Period Day
Month Quarter
Jan 1 2010 Dec 1 2009 January 1, Jan Q1 FY10
Feb 1 2010 Jan 1 2010 February 1, Feb Q1 FY10
Mar 1 2010 Feb 1 2010 March 1, Mar Q1 FY10
April 1 2010 March 1 April 1, 2010 Apr Q2 FY10
May 1 2010 April 1 2010 May 1, 2010 May Q2 FY10

Chapter 4
Defining Period Mappings

Global Mapping—Sample Weekly Period Mapping

The following table shows how a weekly calendar from an Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) source system maps to monthly periods in the EPM application.

Table 4-8 Sample Weekly Period Mapping

Period Key Prior Period Period Target Target Target Target Year Target
Key Name Period Period Period Year Period Day
Month Quarter
Jan 26 2009 Jan 19 2009 January 26, Jan Q1 FY09
Feb 2 2009 Jan 26 2009 February 2, Feb Q1 FY09
Feb 9 2009 Feb 2 2009 February 9, Feb Q1 FY09
Feb 16 2009 Feb 9 2009 February 16, Feb Q1 FY09

Application Mapping—Sample Target Application Sourcing from a Monthly Calendar

The following table shows a sample where the target application is sourcing from a monthly
calendar. This mapping is performed on the Application Mapping tab.

Table 4-9 Sample Application Mapping—Target Application #1 with a Monthly Calendar Source

Period Key Target Period Target Period Target Period Target Period Year Target
Month Quarter Year Day
Jan 1 2009 Jan Q1 FY09
Feb 1 2009 Feb Q1 FY09
Mar 1 2009 Mar Q1 FY09

Application Mapping—Sample Target Application #2 Sourcing from a Weekly Calendar

The following table shows a sample where the target application is derived from a weekly
calendar. This mapping is performed on the Application Mapping tab.

Table 4-10 Sample Application Mapping—Target Application #2 with a Weekly Calendar Source

Period Key Target Period Target Period Target Period Target Period Year Target
Month Quarter Year Day
Jan 26 2009 Jan Q1 FY09
Feb 2 2009 Feb Q1 FY09
Feb 9 2009 Feb Q1 FY09
Feb 16 2009 Feb Q1 FY09

Chapter 4
Defining Period Mappings

To avoid double counting on Income Statement accounts, be sure not to
define a mapping where the adjustment period of one year goes into the
period of the next fiscal year.

Global Mappings
You can define one global mapping to map various periods to the individual mapping.
To define a global mapping:
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Period Mapping.
2. Select the Global Mapping tab.
3. Click Add.
4. Select the Period Key.
5. Select the Prior Period Key.
6. Enter the following:
a. Period Name; for example, August 2005.
b. Target Period Month; for example, August.
c. Target Period Quarter
d. Target Period Year
e. Target Period Day
f. Year Target

7. Click Save.

Application Mappings
You can define application mappings in cases where you want to define a special
period mapping for a specific target application. The mappings that you create here
apply to an individual target application.
To create period mappings for an application:
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Period Mapping.
2. Select the Application Mapping tab.
3. In Target Application, select the target application.
4. Click Add.
5. Select the Period Key.
6. Enter the following:
a. Target Period Month
b. Target Period Quarter

Chapter 4
Defining Period Mappings

c. Target Period Year

d. Target Period Day
e. Year Target
7. Click Save.

Source Mappings
Source mappings include explicit and adjustment period mappings. You can create explicit
period mappings to ensure that the Data Management periods map correctly to the source
system calendar periods. An adjustment period mapping is used only when you select the
Include Adjustment Periods option when creating the data load rule.
The Source Mapping tab consists of two areas:
• Master—Selects the source system and mapping type.
• Grid—Defines the period mapping. The mapping can be defined only for periods defined
on the Global Mapping. New Data Management periods cannot be created on this tab.

In Data Rules, you can choose between Default period mapping and Explicit Period
mapping. If you choose Period mapping, then source periods are mapped based on
the period key and previous period.

To create source mappings:

1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Period Mapping.
2. Select the Source Mapping tab.
3. In Source System, select the source system.
4. In Mapping Type, select Explicit.
5. Click Add.
6. Enter the source system Period Name, and then click OK.

Period names cannot include spaces if used in a batch script.

7. Enter the source system Period Key, and then click OK.
8. Enter the source system Calendar, and then click OK.
9. Enter the source system GL Period, and then click OK.
The GL Period Number is prefilled based on the Period Name.
10. Enter the source system GL Name, and then click OK.

11. Optional: Enter a description for the mapping.

12. Click Save.

Chapter 4
Defining Period Mappings

To create source period mappings:

1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Period Mapping.
2. In Period Mapping, select the Source Mapping tab.
3. In Source System, select the source system.
4. Click Add.

5. Click to select the source system Period Key, and then click OK.

6. Click to select the source system Calendar, and then click OK.

7. Click to select the source system Adjustment Period, and then click OK.
8. Optional: Enter a description for the mapping.
9. Click Save.
1. Select Source Mapping.
2. In Source System, select the source system.
3. Click Add.
4. In Mapping Type, select Budget.
5. In Period Name, specify the period name.

You can also click to search for the period name.

Period names cannot include spaces if used in a batch script.

6. Enter the source system Calendar, and then click OK.

You can also click to search for the calendar name.

7. Enter the source system GL Period, and then click OK. You can also or click
to search for and select the General Ledger period name.
The GL Period Number is prefilled automatically based on the Period Name.
8. Optional: Enter a description for the mapping.
9. Click Save.

To delete a mapping, select the mapping, and then click Delete.

Chapter 4
Defining Category Mappings

Defining Category Mappings

You define category mappings for categorizing and mapping source system data to a target
Scenario dimension member. For example, in a Planning application, the same source
system data is stored using the Scenario dimension member "Current". In Data Management,
you can create category mapping for the scenario dimension member. Ensure that the target
category value specified does exist in Planning under the Scenario Dimension.

Global Mappings
You can define one global mapping to map various Scenario dimensions to the individual
The global category mapping lets you define mappings that cross multiple applications. For
example, you may have a case where a source category of an actual maps to a target of an
actual in most cases. But you may have a case where you have a target application where
the actual maps to current. In this case, it provides the ability to override the global mapping
on an application basis.

Avoid using special characters in names or spaces if you plan to use batch scripts.
Some characters may cause issues when run from a command line.

To define a global category mapping:

1. On the Setup tab, and then under Integration Setup, select Category Mapping.
2. Select Global Mapping.
3. Click Add.
A blank entry row is displayed.
4. In Category, enter the name of the category.
5. In Description, enter a description of the category.
6. In Frequency, select the frequency of the category.
The category indicates the frequency defined in the period mapping, for example, Daily,
Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly.
7. Enter the target category.
For example, the target category is the Scenario dimension in the Planning application.
8. Click Save.
9. Optional: Perform these tasks:
• To edit a mapping, select the mapping, make changes as necessary, and then click
• To delete a mapping, click Delete.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

Application Mappings
Unlike global mappings, application mappings can be defined for a target application.
To define application category mappings:
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Category Mapping.
2. In Category Mappings, select the Application Mapping tab.
3. From Target Application, select the target application.
4. Click Add.
A blank entry row is displayed.
5. Select the category.

6. Enter the target category or click to search for a target category.

7. Click Save.
8. Optional: Perform these tasks:
• To edit a mapping, select the mapping, and then make changes as necessary.
Then, click Save.
• To delete a mapping, click Delete.

Loading Data
Data Management is a solution that allows business analysts to develop standardized
financial data management processes and validate data from any source system—all
while reducing costs and complexity. Data Management puts the finance user in total
control of the integration process to define source data, create mapping rules to
translate data into the required target format, and to execute and manage the periodic
data loading process.

Creating Member Mappings

You use member mappings to identify how source dimensionality translates to target
dimensionality based on source values. Member mappings are referenced during the
data load, enabling Data Management to determine how to dimensionalize the data
that is loaded to the target application. They define relationships between source
members and target dimension members within a single dimension. You must create a
member mapping for each target dimension.
The five types of member mappings:
• Explicit—The source value is matched exactly and replaced with the target value.
• Between—The range of source values is replaced with a single target value.
• In—Enables a list of non-sequential source values to be mapped to one target
• Multi-Dimension—Enables you to define member mapping based on multiple
source column values.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

• Like—The string in the source value is matched and replaced with the target value.
The following table is an example of a member mapping, where three segment members,
Cash-101, Cash-102, and Cash-103 map to one EPM member Cash.

Table 4-11 How Segment Members Map to EPM Members

Segment/Chartfield Member EPM Member

Cash-101 Cash
Cash-102 Cash
Cash-103 Cash
Expense-1 Expense
Expense-2 Expense

You can use special characters for the source values. See Using Special Characters in the
Source Value Expression for Like Mappings and Using Special Characters in the Target Value

Target values for multi-dimensional mapping must be an explicit member name.
Wildcard or special characters are not supported

To define member mappings:

1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Mapping.
2. In Data Load Mapping, select the Location.
3. Select the Dimension.
4. Choose the type of mapping by selecting the Explicit tab, Between tab, Multi-Dimension
tab, or Like tab.
Type options:
• Explicit—The source value is matched exactly and replaced with the target value.
For example, source value "ABC" is replaced with target value "123." See Creating
Mappings Using the Explicit Method.
• Between—The range of source values is replaced with a single target value. For
example, a range from "001" to "010" is replaced as one value: "999". See Creating
Mappings Using the Between Method.
• In—In mappings enable a list of non-sequential source values to be mapped to one
target value. In this case, multiple values are mapped to one value within one rule,
eliminating the need to create multiple rules (as is required for an Explicit map). For
example, you could have source accounts 1503, 1510, and 1515 map to the target
account 15000010.
• Multi-dimension—For the specified combination of multiple source values a target
value is assigned.
For example, if the source value combination is Entity-001,002 Department-ABC,
XYZ Account-1222, 1333, then the target value assigned for Account Dimension is

Chapter 4
Loading Data

• Like—The string in the source value is matched and replaced with the target
value. For example, the source value "Department" is replaced with the target
value "Cost CenterA". See Creating Mappings Using the Like Method.
When processing the source values for transformations, multiple mappings may
apply to a specific source value. The order of precedence is Explicit, Between, In,
Multi-Dimension, and Like. Within Between and Like types, mappings can overlap.
The rule name determines precedence within a mapping type. Rules are
processed in alphabetical order of the rule name within a mapping type. Numbers
may also be used to help with ordering. For example, if numbering by tens or one
hundred, insert new rules between existing ones. For example, if rules are
numbered 10, 20, and 30, add a rule that starts with 25 so that you do not need to
rename other rules.

Avoid using special characters in names or spaces if you plan to use
batch scripts. Some characters may cause issues when run from a
command line.

Creating Mappings Using the Explicit Method

Explicit mappings enable you to enter a source value to be matched exactly and
replaced with a target value. Use an explicit mapping to explicitly map the members
from the source to a target application. For example, you can map Account1 to the
Account100 in your target application. This enables you to explicitly define how to
dimensionalize the data file that is loaded into the target application.
To create an Explicit mapping:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Mapping.
2. From Dimensions, select the dimension name.
3. Select the Explicit tab.
4. Click Add.

5. Enter the Source Value or click to select a value.

See Using Special Characters in the Source Value Expression for Like Mappings.
6. Optional: Enter a description for the mapping.

7. Enter the Target Value or click to select a member.

See Using Special Characters in the Target Value Expression.
8. To reverse the sign of the target account specified, select Change Sign.
9. In Description, specify a description of the mapping.
10. Select Apply to Rule to apply the mapping only to the specific data rule in the
For other data rules in the location the mappings are not applied.
By default, mappings specified at a location are applicable to all data rules in a

Chapter 4
Loading Data

11. Click Save.

Creating Mappings Using the In Method

In mappings enable a list of non-sequential source accounts to be mapped to one target
account. In this case, multiple accounts are mapped to one account within one rule,
eliminating the need to create multiple rules (as is required for an Explicit map).
To create an In mapping:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Mapping.
2. In Data Load Mapping, click Add.
A blank row is added.
3. From Dimensions, select the dimension name.
4. Enter source values in the Source Value range.

5. Enter the Target Value or click to select a member.

6. To reverse the sign of the target account specified, select Change Sign.
7. Enter the Rule Name.
8. Enter a description of the In mapping in the Description.
9. Select Apply to Rule to apply the mapping only to a specific data rule in the location.
For other data rules in the location the mappings are not applied.
By default, mappings specified at a location apply to all data rules in a location.
10. Click Save.

Creating Mappings Using the Between Method

Between mappings enable you to enter a range of source values, separated with a comma.
The range of source values is replaced with a single target value. Use a Between mapping to
consolidate several accounts from your ledger to a single account in the plan.
To create a Between mapping:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Mapping.
2. From Dimensions, select the dimension name.
3. Select the Between tab.
4. Click Add.
5. Enter source values in the Source Value range.
Separate source values with a comma, for example, specify 100,199. Between mappings
do not support special characters, such as an asterisk.

6. Enter the Target Value or click to select a member.

The target value is the dimension member name. See Using Special Characters in the
Target Value Expression.
7. To reverse the sign of the target account specified, select Change Sign.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

8. Enter the Rule Name.

9. In Description, enter a description for the mapping.
10. Select Apply to Rule to apply the mapping only to the specific data rule in the
For other data rules in the location the mappings are not applied.
By default, mappings specified at a location apply to all data rules in a location.
11. Click Save.

Creating Mappings Using the Multi-Dimension Method

Multi-dimension mapping enables you to define member mapping based on multiple
source column values. This functionality provides you with the ability to load data into
dimensions unavailable in the target application. For example, the mapping for
Account dimension can be based on source values of Entity, Product, and Project.
Multi-dimension mappings derive the target values based on the combination of
source values. In addition, Lookup dimensions can be added to Target Application
registration. These dimensions contain source dimensions that do not exist in the
target application. They provide even more flexibility in creating multi-dimension filters.
It is a way to facilitate conditional data loading.

When using multi-dimensional mapping, the source needs to be less than or
equal to 75 characters.

To create mappings using multiple dimensions:

1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Mapping.
2. From Dimensions, select the dimension name.
3. Select the Multi-Dimension tab.
4. In Multi Dimension, click Edit.
5. In Rule Name, enter the name of the rule.
6. In Target Value, specify the target dimension member.

You can also click to select a target value.

The target values for multi-dimensional mapping must be an explicit member
name. Wildcard or special characters are not supported
7. To reverse the sign of the source account value, select Change Sign.
8. In Description, enter a description of the mapping.
9. Click Add to create blank rows for specifying mapping conditions.
10. In Dimension, select the dimension to add.

11. In Condition, select the method for mapping values.

Available conditions:

Chapter 4
Loading Data

• Explicit
• Between
• Like
• In
12. In Value, specify the dimension member name.

13. Repeat steps 9-12 to specify multiple conditions.

14. Select Apply to Rule to apply the mapping only to a specific data rule in the location.

For other data rules in the location the mappings are not applied.
By default, mappings specified at a location are applicable to all data rules in a location.
15. Click Save.

Using Special Characters in Multi-Dimensional Mapping

The Source and Target Value expressions can use special characters. These characters
(typically ? and *) can be prefixed or suffixed by one or more characters, which filters the
source value by that prefix or suffix.
Special characters include:
• Asterisk (*)—An asterisk (*) represents the source value. The asterisk (*) can be prefixed
or suffixed by one or more characters, which filters the source value by that prefix or
suffix. The wild card or strips (data load to write back) takes whatever is present in the
source and puts it in the target column, usually adding a prefix. An asterisk (*) represents
the source value. The asterisk (*) can be prefixed or suffixed by one or more characters,
which filters the source value by that prefix or suffix. The wild card takes whatever is
present in the source and puts it in the target column, usually adding a prefix.
• Question Mark (?)—The question mark (?) strips a single character from the source
value. You can use one or more question marks (?) in the expression. You can also use
question marks in combination with other expressions. For example: A?? finds members
that start with A and have any two characters following and selects the members or strips
off the two characters.
For multiple dimensions, the source dimension is the value brought over and the wild card
applies to it alone. The dimensions can be present in a multiple dimensional rule and use wild
cards. The prefix/suffix applies only to the source, which equals the target dimension (the
dimension on which the rule resides).

Creating Mappings Using the Like Method

Like mappings enable you to enter a string in the source value that is matched and replaced
with the target value.
To create a Like mapping:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Mapping.
2. From Dimensions, select the dimension name.
3. Select the Like tab.
4. Click Add.
A blank row is added.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

5. Enter the Source Value string.

6. Select the Target Value or click to select a member.

7. To reverse the sign of the target account specified, select Change Sign.
8. Enter the Rule Name.
9. In Description, enter a description of the Like.
10. Select Apply to Rule to apply the mapping only to a specific data rule in a
For other data rules in the location the mappings are not applied.
By default, mappings specified at a location apply to all data rules in a location.
11. Click Save.

Using Special Characters in the Source Value Expression for Like Mappings
The Source and Target Value expressions can have one or more special characters.
Special characters are supported for Like mappings only.
• Asterisk (*)
An asterisk (*) represents the source value. The asterisk (*) can be prefixed or
suffixed by one or more characters, which filters the source value by that prefix or
suffix. The wild card takes whatever is present in the source and puts it in the
target column, usually adding a prefix.
• Question Mark (?)
The question mark (?) strips a single character from the source value. You can use
one or more question marks (?) in the expression. You can also use question
marks in combination with other expressions. For example, A?? finds members
that start with A and have any two characters following and selects the members
or strips off the two characters.
• <1>, <2>, <3>, <4>, <5>
Processes rows that have concatenated values and extracts the corresponding
value. The source member must use the "_" character as the separator.

<1>, <2>, <3>, <4>, <5> can be used with a question mark (?) but
cannot be used with an asterisk (*).

Processes only rows that contain the blank character (space).
The system only reads the expression where the source member is ‘ ‘ as
<BLANK>. In this case, single quotes surround a single space character. If the
source has NULL, which is shown like,, or as a space surrounded by " " , then
the system does not interpret the NULL as a <BLANK>. Only the ‘<space char>
expression is interpreted.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

The <BLANK> notation may be used in both source and target expressions. If
used in a target expression, it writes a blank space to the target.

Table 4-12 Examples of Expressions Using Special Characters

Special Mapping Type Source Value Target Value Result Notes

* Data Load * 1000 1000 returns In this example,
1000 Data
WXYZ returns
processes all
rows and
overrides the
source value with
a default value of
1000. In this
expression, WXYZ
also returns
1000. Because
you entered an
asterisk for the
source value
replaces any
source value with
the target value of
* Data Load * * 1000 returns In this example,
1000 Data
WXYZ returns
processes all
rows and
replaces the
source value as
* Stripping * A* 101 returns A101 Processes all
source members,
and adds an "A"
as a prefix.
* Stripping *_DUP * 1000_DUP Processes and
returns 1000 strips off only
source values
ending with

Chapter 4
Loading Data

Table 4-12 (Cont.) Examples of Expressions Using Special Characters

Special Mapping Type Source Value Target Value Result Notes

? Stripping ?* * A1000 returns This result
1000 processes only
source values of
B2000 returns
one or more
characters in
Strips off the first
? Stripping *???? * 1000_DUP This result
returns 1000 processes only
source values of
A1000 returns A
four or more
characters in
Strips off the last
4 characters
<1>, <2>, <3>, Data Load <1> * 01_420 returns
<4>, <5> 01
<1>, <2>, <3>, Data Load <2> * 01_420 returns
<4>, <5> 420
<1>, <2>, <3>, Data Load <3> * 01_420_AB_CC1
<4>, <5> _001 returns AB
<1>, <2>, <3>, Stripping ?<1> * A01_420 returns
<4>, <5> 01
<BLANK> Data Load <BLANK> [None] ' ' returns Single quotation
[None] marks are shown
for illustration
'01_ ' returns

Conditional Mapping using a Mapping Script

With conditional mapping, source members are mapped to script expressions rather
than to hard-coded target members. Conditional mappings are valid only for rule-
based mapping (Between, In, and Like). You can activate conditional mapping by
placing #SQL in the Target value column for a SQL script. The row that uses a script
has a target value of #SQL. Then the next row has the <!SCRIPT> delimiter and the
actual script, followed by <!SCRIPT>. Conditional mapping, in conjunction with
dimension processing order, enables a mapping based on the results of dimension
mappings. That is, dimension mappings that have already been processed. See Using
Mapping Scripts.

In Data Management, Jython script is not supported for conditional mapping
(#SCRIPT cannot be used in the Target value column.)

Chapter 4
Loading Data

To apply conditional mapping:

1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Mapping.
2. In Data Load Mapping, click Add.
A blank row is added.
3. From Dimensions, select the dimension name.
4. Select either the Between, In, or Like tab.
5. Enter source values in the Source Value range.
6. In Target Value, enter #SQL.
The pencil icon is enabled.

7. Click the pencil icon.

8. On the Edit Script screen, specify your SQL script.
This sample script uses the SQL Cast statement to conditionally process assigned values
for the target column.

Data Management does not perform an error check or validate the script. You need to
test the script on your data files in a test environment and verify the results.
9. In Rule Name, specify the data load rule to use with the mapping script.
10. Click Save.

Using Mapping Scripts

This section explains how to use mapping scripts in Data Management.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

Creating Mapping Scripts

For Like mappings, you can create mapping scripts to designate conditional mapping.
This type of mapping enables you to specify source members mapped to script
expressions rather than to hard-coded target members. Target values are assigned in
the script value. You activate the mapping script by placing #SQL in the Target value
field for a SQL script. (The row that uses a script has target value of #SQL). Then the
next row has the <!SCRIPT> delimiter and the actual script, followed by <!SCRIPT>.
Mapping scripts, used in conjunction with dimension processing order, enables a
mapping that is based on the results of dimension mappings. That is, dimension
mappings that have already been processed. See Using Mapping Scripts.
To create a mapping script:
1. From the Workflow tab, select Data Load Mapping.
2. Optional: Select the desired location.
3. Select the Like tab.
Mapping scripts are unavailable for "Explicit" and "Multi-dimension" mapping
4. Select the Source Value.
5. In Target Value, enter #SQL to designate a SQL script.
For SQL based mappings, Data Management specifies the special value #SQL to
the "Target Value." For this reason, this field cannot be used to specify a value of
"IGNORE." To flag a row, use either VALID_FLAG = "Y" (row if valid),
VALID_FLAG = "N" (row if invalid), or VALID_FLAG = "I" (row is ignored based on
the user defined criteria).
For example, if you want to map null entries so that they are ignored, specify the
data table column for the dimension and then specify VALID_FLAG = "I." In the
following example UD3 identifies the data table column for the product dimension.

6. In Rule Name, enter the data rule name for the mapping.
7. Click Save.

The Script Editor icon ( ) is enabled.

8. Click the Script Editor icon.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

9. In Edit Script, enter the mapping script, and click OK.

The example below shows how you might specify an SQL script as a target value.

Using Special Characters in the Target Value Expression

You can use only an asterisk (*) in the target expression, and you can prefix or suffix any
number of characters to the asterisk (*) character. When you run the rule, the asterisk (*) is
replaced by the resulting source value (which may or may not have its own source
expression), and is concatenated to any prefix or suffix that you have specified in the target
expression. For example:
Target Value:

1000 = A1000

Target Value:

1000 = 1000_DUP

Format Mask Mapping for Target Values

Data Management supports the ability to specify a format mask for a target member. The
format mask defines the target member based on a combination of the source member
details, and optional user defined text. This functionality is useful when designating the target
member based on some part of the source member, an additional prefix, suffix, or
replacement text for the target.
The format mask is available for the target member specification for all mapping types except
explicit. Common usage of this mapping type falls into three categories: replacing segments
from the source, replacing segments with string operations, and replacing segments with
string operations using a prefix or a suffix.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

#FORMAT Mapping Type Components

The #FORMAT mapping type consists of the following components:

Table 4-13 #Format Mapping Type Components

Component Description
#FORMAT Indicates that a mapping type of FORMAT is
specified in the target member.
<format mask> User defined format mask with the following
characters used to define the format:
• "?"—Include a character from a specific
position in the source member or segment
within a member.
• "#"—Skip or drop a character from the
source when creating the target member.
• "character"—Include the user defined
character on the target "as- is". Used for
prefixing, suffixing or any fixed string or
required character. This can be used in
conjunction with the special format mask
• "*"—Include all characters from the source
segment or source. When "*" is used as
the only format mask character in a
segment, then the entire segment value is
copied from the source.
When "*" is used in conjunction with "#" or
the "?" character, then all remaining and
unused characters are brought over.
"*" is a wildcard character that takes the
remaining characters not specified by "?"
or "#". For example, when the source is
"abcd" and "*" is used, then the target is
"abcd." When the target is "?#*," then the
result is "acd."
If Data Management encounters a "*"
within a segment, then anything specified
after the "*" is ignored other than the
"character" specified on the format.
<segment delimiter> The optional segment delimiter defines the
character that is used to delimit the segments
in the source and target member. For this rule
type, the source and target delimiter must be
the same. When the segment delimiter is not
specified, then the format mask is applied to
the entire member independent of any
segment specification or delimiter.

#FORMAT Mapping Example

The following is an example that uses all options provided by #FORMAT:

Chapter 4
Loading Data

Table 4-14 #Format Mapping Type Example

Source Target Result

12345-6789-012-3456ABC-001 #FORMAT("???-*-GROUP-AA##? 123-6789-GROUP-AA5ABCX-
Explanation: Take the first three
characters of the first segment, take
the entire second segment, replace
the third segment with the text
"GROUP", prefix the fourth segment
with AA, drop the third and fourth
characters, keep the fifth character,
drop the sixth character, keep ABC
and add suffix X, replace the fifth
segment with the text "GROUP".

Replacing Segments
You can use the format of the source member as the definition of the target member, but
replace some of the source segments rather than reuse the values from the source. For
example, you may have a requirement to filter the source by the value of the 4th segment,
replace the 7th segment with an explicit value, and then retain the values of the other
segments as in the following:




Replacing Segments with String Operations

You can perform a string operation on a segment that is being replaced. For example, you
may have a value of 11002293, but when the segments are written, you want to only take the
last four digits, or the first six digits. Examples using the member 11002293:
• Ignore the first two characters and provide the result: 002293. Use #FORMAT("##*").
• Truncate the last three characters provide the result: 11002. Use #FORMAT("?????").
• Ignore the first two and truncate the last three with the result: 002. Use

Replace Segments with String Operations and Using a Prefix or Suffix

You can use the segment value from the source as-is in the corresponding segment in the
target. For example, if the source is A100, you can map the value as the value in the target,
and then map this value as the value in the target. In this case, use a wildcard on the source,
and then specify the explicit value for the segment in the target based on the source.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

If any other string operation is desired, use scripting.

Using the #FORMAT Mapping Type

To use the #FORMAT mapping type:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Mapping.
2. In Dimensions, select the dimension name.
3. Select the Between, In, or Like tab.
4. Click Add.
5. In Source Value, enter the segment to map.
For example, on the Like tab, enter: 12345-6789-012-3456ABC-001 in the Source
Value field.
6. Select the format map for the target member using the #FORMAT(<format mask>,
<segment delimiter>).
For example, enter #FORMAT("???-*-GROUP-AA##?#*X-GROUP","-").
See #FORMAT Mapping Type Components.
7. To reverse the sign of the target account specified, select Change Sign.
8. Enter the Rule Name.
9. In Description, enter a description of the mapping.
10. Select Apply to Rule to apply the mapping only to a specific data rule in a
By default, mappings specified at a location apply to all data rules in a location.
11. Click Save.

The result of applying format map created in steps 5 and 6: 123-6789-GROUP-


Ignoring Member Mappings

You can ignore loading data to a dimension member.
To ignore member mappings:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Mapping.
2. Select a source value, and in Target Value, enter ignore.
For example, assume that a business user does not require extraction of data
relating to Departments 101, 103 and 105. You specify an In mapping with the
source values, 101, 103, and 105, and then for the target value, you specify
ignore. In this way, data relating to Departments 101, 103 and 105 is extracted,
but not written to the application in the Import Format option.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

Importing Member Mappings

You can import member mappings from a selected .CSV and .TXT file, and then you can
create mappings. Import member mappings support merge or replace modes, along with
validate or no validate options for target members.
Importing member mappings can be executed in either online or offline mode.
You can also import mappings from Excel or download an Excel template.
To import member mappings:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Mapping.
2. From the Import drop-down, select one of the following:
• Current Dimension
• All Dimensions
• Import from Excel
• Download Excel Template
The Select file to import screen is displayed.
3. Navigate to the file to import and click OK.
4. Optional: If necessary, click Upload to navigate to the file to import, and then click OK.
The Select Import Mode and Validation screen is displayed.

5. From Import Mode, select the import mode:

• Merge—Overwrites the data in the application with the data in the data load file.
• Replace—Clears values from dimensions in the data load file and replaces it with
values in the existing file. For a Planning application,
For a Planning application, Replace first clears data for the Year, Period, Scenario,
Version, and Entity dimensions that you are loading, and then replaces it with values
in the existing file.
6. From Validate, select to validate the member mappings.
Validate ensures that all data in the imported General Ledger has a corresponding
7. In Execution Mode, select the mode for executing the import:

Chapter 4
Loading Data

• Online—Processes the import immediately.

• Offline—Runs the import in the background.
8. Click OK.
In the member mapping import files, Data Management supports one of the following
characters as column separators:
• ,
• |
• ;
The order of the columns:
• source value
• target value
• rule name
• rule description

If you add a minus sign in front of a target account value, then it is imported
with the "Change Sign" selected.

Table 4-15 Mapping Source Types

Column Mapping
100, Cash, 100, Explicit Mapping Explicit Mapping
100>199, Cash, R2, Between Mapping ">" indicates its BETWEEN mapping.
1*, Cash, R3, Like Mapping "*" indicates its LIKE mapping.
#MULTIDIM ACCOUNT=[4*] AND "#MULTIDIM" indicates a multiple dimension
UD3=[000],Cash,R4,Multi Dimension Mapping mapping. The actual column name used for
the mapping is the Data Table Column Name.
The easiest way to create a multiple dimension
mapping is to create a mapping through the
user interface and then export it to the file. You
can then modify the file by applying additional
10, 20, In Mapping Source values are enclosed with " " and
separated by a comma (,) for the In mapping.
For example, IN 10, 20 is defined as "10,20" in
the source column of the import file.

Downloading an Excel Template (Mapping Template)

In Data Load Mapping using the import feature, you can select and import an Excel
mapping, and specify whether to merge or replace the mappings. Excel mapping
templates with correct formatting are included in the EPM_ORACLE_HOME/products/
FinancialDataQuality/templates directory.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

The mapping template also includes a macro script that pulls Oracle Hyperion Financial
Management dimensions directly from the target application to which you are connecting.
You must upload the Excel template to the Data Management server, and then pick the excel
file as the file to load in the data load rule, or when prompted by the system if the file name is
left blank. The system determines if the file being processed is an Excel file, and then reads
the required formatting to load the file.
When working with a mapping template in Excel:
• Do not have any blank lines in the map template.
• You can insert lines in the template, but you must keep new lines in the designated area.
• Each template supports a single dimension.
To download an Excel template:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Mapping.
2. Select the All Mapping tab.
3. In the Import drop-down, select Download Excel Template.
A Maploader.xls file is downloaded. Copy or save the file to your hard drive.
4. Open the Maploader.xls file.
5. Select the Map tab.
6. Enter the Location in cell B1, Location ID in cell B2, and select the dimension from the
Dimension drop-down in cell B3.
7. Complete the following column fields:
a. In Source, enter the source dimension value.
You can specify wildcards and ranges when entering the source dimension.
• Wildcards for unlimited characters—Use asterisks (*) to denote unlimited
characters. For example, enter 548* or *87.8.
• Wildcards for single character place holders—Use questions marks (?) to denote
single character place holders. For example,
– 548??98
– ??82???
– ??81*
• Range—Use commas (,) to denote ranges (no wildcard characters are allowed).
For example, specify a range as 10000,19999.
(This range evaluates all values from 10000 to 19999 inclusive of both start and
end values.)
In this case, Data Management considers all values from 10000 to 19999 to
include for both start and end values.
• In map—Use commas (,) to separate entries (no wildcard are characters
allowed). You must have at least three entries or the map shows as a between
map. For example, specify an In map as 10,20,30.
• Multi-Dimension map—Use #MULTIDIM to indicate its multidimensional
mapping. Enter the DIMENSION NAME=[VALUE] and the value. The value follows
the logic as wildcard, range, and In map. In the following example the search

Chapter 4
Loading Data

criteria are all accounts starting with 77 and UD1 = 240. For example,
b. In Source Description, enter a description of the source value.
c. In Target, enter the target dimension value.
d. In Change Sign, enter True to change the sign of the Account dimension.
Enter False to keep the sign of the Account dimension. This setting is only
used when mapping the Account dimension.
e. In Data Rule Name, enter the data rule name when the mapping applies to a
specific data rule name.

If you are adding an Explicit mapping, the rule name must equal the
source value.

Importing Excel Mappings

You can import Excel mappings by selecting the Import option and selecting an Excel
To import an Excel mapping:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Mapping.
2. Select the All Mapping tab.
3. In the Import drop-down, select Import from Excel.
4. In Select a file to import, select the Excel file to import, and then click OK.

If you are importing an Excel 2010 or 2016 file that has already been
exported, open the file before importing it. This step launches macros in
the Excel file that are required for the import process.

5. Optional: If necessary, click Upload to navigate to the file to import, and then click
The Select Import Mode and Validation screen is displayed.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

6. From Import Mode, select the import mode:

• Merge—Overwrites the data in the application with the data in the Excel data load
• Replace—Clears values from dimensions in the Excel data load file and replaces it
with values in the existing file.
7. From Validate, select to validate the member mappings.
Ensures that all data in the imported General Ledger has a corresponding mapping.
8. In Execution Mode, select the mode for executing the import:
• Online—Process the import immediately.
• Offline—Runs the import in the background.
9. Click OK.
10. Click OK.

The mapping inherits the default data load rule, and shows the description: "System
Generated Mappings."
If you use Explicit mapping, the data rule name must equal the source value.

Exporting Member Mappings

You can export member mappings to a selected file, or an Excel file.
To export member mappings:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Mapping.
2. Select Export.
3. In the Export drop-down, select a method:
Export options:
• Current Dimension
• All Dimensions
• Export to Excel
4. From the Specify file location for Current Dimension and All Dimensions export
methods, specify the file name in File Name, or navigate to the file to export, and then
click OK.
For the Export to Excel method, mappings are exported to a Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet. Open or save the XLS file as desired.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

When you export to Excel, you cannot re-import in that format.

When the file has been exported, Data Management displays the message: "File
exported successfully."
5. Optional: Click Upload or Download and navigate to the file to export, and then
click OK.

Deleting Member Mappings

You can delete all member mappings or only those mappings for which there is a tab
in which mappings have been added. You can delete all the mappings in the
dimension you are currently on, or just the row.
To delete member mapping from a selected tab:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Mapping.
2. Select the tab from which to delete mappings.
For example, select the Explicit tab to view explicit type mappings.
To view all mappings, select the All Mappings tab.
3. Select the mapping and click Delete Mappings.
To delete multiple mappings, use the Shift key to select multiple mappings.
To delete all mappings, use Ctl+A key.
4. In Are you sure you want to delete the selected data load mapping(s), click
5. Click Save.

To delete all mappings, select "Delete All Mappings."

Restoring Member Mappings

Restoring member mappings deletes mappings made in the current session and
restores mappings based on the point of view.
You can restore member mappings only from the last data load for the POV.
To restore a member mapping:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Mapping.
2. Select Restore Mapping.
3. In Restore Mapping Confirmation, click OK.

Defining Data Load Rules to Extract Data

After you define member mappings for the data load rule, define data load rules for
ledgers or business units in your source system. Data load rules allow you to create an
integration definition that can be reused for each period. They use a point of view

Chapter 4
Loading Data

specified by a user for a period and category. Data load rules are defined for locations that
you have set up and are specific to locations.
You can create multiple data load rules for a target application so that you can import data
from multiple sources into a target application. Use the following high-level process to create
a data load rule:
1. Create the data load rule.
2. Define data load rule details.
3. Execute the data load rule.

Defining Data Load Rule Details

You create and modify data load rules on the Data Load screen. The Data Load Rule screen
window sections:
• Data Rule Summary
• Data Load Details
• Source Filters, which consist of four tabs: Source Options, Target Members (for file-based
data load rules in which a driver is specified), Target Options, and Custom Options)
See Working with Target Options (by location) and Registering Target Applications.
See Creating Custom Options.

Before you create data load rules, ensure that your source system data does not
include special characters in the target application.
Also avoid using special characters in names or spaces if you plan to use batch
scripts. Some of the characters may cause issues when run from a command line.

To define the data load details for a source system:

1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.
2. In the Data Load summary area, click Add.
3. In Details, in Name, enter the data load rule name.
4. Select a Category.
The categories listed are those that you created in the Data Management setup. See
Defining Category Mappings.
5. In Period Mapping Type, select the period mapping type for each data rule.
Valid options:
• Default—The Data Rule uses the Period Key and Prior Period Key defined in Data
Management to determine the Source General Ledger Periods mapped to each Data
Management period included in a Data Rule execution.
• Explicit—The Data Rule uses the Explicit period mappings defined in Data
Management to determine the source General Ledger Periods mapped to each Data
Management Period included in a Data Rule execution. Explicit period mappings

Chapter 4
Loading Data

enable support of additional General Ledger data sources where periods are
not defined by start and end dates.
6. Optional: Enter a description.
7. Select the source options.
8. From Target Plan Type, select the plan type of the target system.
Data Management currently supports data load that have up to six plan types.
Planning can support three custom plan types and up to four Planning Modules
applications (Workforce, Capex, Project, Financials). You can enable any
combination of these applications. When you create an Planning Modules
application and if you create more than two custom plan types, then you cannot
support a data load to all four applications.
9. For Planning and Essbase, select the Source Parameters tab, and specify any
See Defining Source Parameters for Planning and Essbase.
To define source options:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.
2. In Data Load Rule, select a data load rule or click Add.
3. Select the Source Options tab.
4. Optional: If you are working with a multi-column data load, select the Column
Headers tab, and specify the start date and end date of the numeric columns.
See Loading Multi-Column Numeric Data.
5. Optional: To work with target options, select the Target Options tab, and select
any options.
See the following:
a. For Planning application options, see Defining Application Options for
b. For Financial Consolidation and Close, application options, see Defining
Application Options for Financial Consolidation and Close.
6. Optional: You can specify free form text or a value by selecting Custom Options
and specifying the text you want to associate with the data load rule.
See Creating Custom Options.
7. Click Save.

Defining Data Load Rule Details for a File-Based Source System

When defining data load detail for a file-based data load system, load data to a single
period or a range of periods. For a single period, enter the file name in the data rule,
and then run the rule for a single period. To load multiple periods, create a file for each
period, and then append the period name or period key to the file name. When the rule
is executed for a range of periods, the process constructs the file name for each
period, and uploads the appropriate data to the POV.
To define the data load details for a file-based source system:
1. In Name, enter the data load rule name.
2. In Category, select a category.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

The categories listed are those that you created in the Data Management setup, such as
"Actual." See Defining Category Mappings.
3. Optional: In Description, specify a description of the data load rule.
4. Optional: If the target system is a Planning application, from the Target Plan Type drop-
down, select the plan type of the target system.

Data Management currently supports data loads that have up to six plan types. Planning
can support three custom plan types and up to four Planning Modules applications
(Workforce, Capex, Project, Financials). You can enable any combination of these
applications. When you create an Planning Modules application and you create more
than two custom plan types, then you cannot support a data load to all four applications.
If the target system is Financial Consolidation and Close, from the Target Cube drop-
down, select the data load cube type.
Available options:
• Consol
• Rates
5. Optional: In Import Format, if the file type is a multiple period text file (with contiguous
periods, or noncontiguous periods), select the import format to use with the file so you
can override the import format. For example, specify an import format for single and
multiple period data rules, which enables you to load single or multiple period files from
the same location. In this case, the import format selected must have the same target as
the location selected in the POV. If the import format is unspecified, then the import
format from the location is used.
The starting and ending periods selected for the rule determine the specific periods in the
file when loading a multiple period text file.
In the file, when amounts are unavailable for contiguous periods, then you can explicitly
map the respective amount columns to required periods in the data rule in Data Load
Mapping. When you execute the rule, the data is loaded to the periods as specified by
the explicit mapping.
6. Optional: Enter a description.
7. If necessary, select the Source Options and add or change any dimensional data.
8. Click Save.

Defining Source Parameters for Planning and Essbase

In data synchronization, when Planning and Essbase are the source systems, you can
specify additional source parameters.

Financial Consolidation and Close note that Account dimension cannot be
concatenated with other dimensions as part of the import.

To define source options:

1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

2. In Data Load Rule, select a data load rule for a Planning and Essbase source,
and then click Add.
3. Select the Source Parameters tab.
4. (Planning only): In Data Extract Option, select the type of member data to
Members can be extracted depending on how they have been flagged for
calculation. For a member flagged as "stored," calculated data values are stored
with the member in the database after calculation. For a member tagged as
"dynamic calc," the member's data values are calculated upon retrieval.

The former name of Data Extract option was "Extract Dynamic
Calculated Data. "

Available options:
• All Data—Extracts stored values and dynamically calculated values for both
the Dense and Spare dimension.
The All Data option is always shown, but only work in the following cases:
– ASO Reporting applications
– Planning and Planning modules with Hybrid enabled
• Stored and Dynamic Calculated Data—Extracts stored dynamic calculated
values for the Dense dimension only and not Spare dimensions.
• Stored Data Only—Extracts stored data only. Dynamically calculated values
are excluded in this type of extract.

If you set the Extract Dynamic Calculated Data option on the Data
Load Rule screen to "Yes," and a leaf level member’s (Level 0) Data
Storage is set to "Dynamic," then the data is not picked up by the
extraction process. To pick up the data, set the member’s Data Storage
to something besides "Dynamic," to include the value in the selection
from the source application.

5. In Data Precision, specify the number of decimal places displayed in numbers to

be exported.
Data precision refers to numeric data with the emphasis on precision (accuracy).
Depending on the size of a data value and number of decimal positions, some
numeric fields may be written in exponential format; for example, 678123e+008.
You might consider using data precision when data ranges from very large to very
small values. The output files typically are smaller and data values are more
The default value for this option is sixteen.
6. In Data Number of Decimal, specify the maximum number of decimal positions to
be exported.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

Specify a value between 0 and 16. If no value is provided, the number of decimal
positions of the data to be exported is used, up to 16 positions, or a value determined by
Data Precision option if that value is specified.
This parameter is used with an emphasis on legibility; output data is in straight text
format. Regardless of the number of decimal positions in the data, the specified number
is output. Note that it is possible the data can lose accuracy, particularly if the data
ranges are from very large values to very small values, above and below the decimal
By default, sixteen positions for numeric data are supported, including decimal positions.
If both the Data Precision and the Data Number of Decimal options are specified, the
Data Precision option is ignored.
7. Click Save.

Managing Data Load Rules

You can perform the following tasks:
• Edit data load rules—See Editing Data Load Rules.
• Run data load rules—See Running Data Load Rules.
• Delete data load rules—See Deleting Data Load Rules.
• View data load rules before executing them—See Using the Data Load Workbench.
• Schedule data load rules—Scheduling Data Load Rules
• Check the data rule process details—See Viewing Process Details.

Editing Data Load Rules

If the data load rule is not in the process of running, you can modify rule details.
To edit data rules:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.
2. Select the data load rule.
3. Modify any of the data load rule details, as necessary.
4. Click Save.

Running Data Load Rules

Run the data load rule to load updates and push the data into the target application. When
you submit a data load rule, specify the data extract options.
Data Load Rules can be executed by selecting one of the methods below:
• Execute command on the Data Load Rule screen.
• Import Source option in the Data Load Workbench option.
• Executing a batch. See Executing Batches.
When a data load rule is run, Data Management loads the data, and creates a drill region
(optional), which enables users to drill through to the source data.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

In Financial Consolidation and Close for YTD data loads, data is stored in
Periodic view. In this case, the user must select this option so that a "pre-
processing" is done to convert the YTD data from the file to periodic data for
loading purpose.

When you run a data load rule, you have several options:

When a data load rule is run for multiple periods, the export step occurs only
once for all periods.

• Import from Source—Data Management imports the data from the source
system, performs the necessary transformations, and exports the data to the Data
Management staging table.
Select this option only when:
– You are running a data load rule for the first time.
– Your data in the source system changed. For example, if you reviewed the
data in the staging table after the export, and it was necessary to modify data
in the source system.
In many cases, source system data may not change after you import the data from
the source the first time. In this case, it is not necessary to keep importing the data
if it has not changed.
When the source system data has changed, you need to recalculate the data.

Oracle E-Business Suite and source imports require a full refresh of data
load rules. The refresh only needs to be done once per chart of

• Export to Target—Exports the data to the target application.

Select this option after you have reviewed the data in the staging table and you
want to export it to the target application.

Select both options only when the data has changed in the source system
and to export the data directly to the target application.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

Scheduling Data Load Rules

The scheduling jobs feature provides a method to orchestrate the execution times of data
load rules.
To schedule data load rules to run:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.
2. In Data Load, select the data load rule.
3. Click Schedule.
For information on scheduling jobs, see Scheduling Jobs.
To cancel a scheduled job:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.
2. In Data Load, select the data load rule.
3. Click Cancel Schedule.
When you cancel a job from the Data Management user interface using Cancel
Schedule, all instances of a schedule for a rule are cancelled. You cannot selectively
cancel individual schedules for a rule.

Checking the Data Load Rule Status

After you run a data rule, you can check the status on the Process Details page. See Viewing
Process Details.

Deleting Data Load Rules

You can delete data load rules created in Data Management. You cannot delete data load
rules when they are running.
When you delete a rule, all data loaded using the data rule are also deleted.

After you delete data load rules, you can delete a source system. After you execute
a deletion, users cannot drill through to an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

To delete a data load rule:

1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.

2. Enter the Location Name or click to select the location.

3. Select the data load rule.
4. Click Delete.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

Working with Target Options

When working with data load rules, you can specify target Planning application options
specific to a location. For example, using the Target Options feature, you can specify
different data protection values for each location.
To specify integration information:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.
2. From the POV bar, select a location.
3. Select the Target Options tab.
4. Add or modify any options.
See Registering Target Applications.
5. Click Save.

Creating Custom Options

You can specify free form text or a value about a location or data load using the
integration option feature. Text or values entered can be used with your Data
Management scripts.
Additionally, if you use Oracle Data Relationship Management to export dimensions
and hierarchies from ERP systems to Data Relationship Management, or import data
load mapping from Data Relationship Management to Data Management, you can
specify Data Relationship Management import and export profiles.
Data Relationship Management integration is enabled on the Target Application
screen. See Registering Target Applications for more information.
To specify integration information:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.
2. Select the Custom Options tab.
3. In Integration Option 1-4, specify the free form text or value, and click OK.
The information that you specify is accessible from the Integration Option fields of
the Location table.

Using the Data Load Workbench

The Data Load Workbench feature provides a framework to import, view and verify,
and export data from source systems in the Data Management.
Key features of the Workbench include:
• Interactive Load Process with options for Import, Validate, Export, and Check.
• Provision to view Source (All)/Source (Mapped)/Target/Source and Target values
• PTD/YTD Value display for ready reference
• Display options for Valid, Invalid, Ignored, and All Data
• Online and Offline Load process

Chapter 4
Loading Data

• Query option for Historical Loads

• Historical Loads Export to Excel
• Drill back to source from the Workbench
The Data Load Workbench consists of four sections:
• Workflow Grid
• POV Bar—See Using the POV Bar.
• Status
• Data Grid

Workflow Grid
When you select a Workflow step, the following occurs:
Data Management uses fish icons to indicate the status of each step. When a Workflow step
is completed successfully, the fish is orange. If the step is unsuccessful, the fish is gray.

Processing Data

Step 1: Importing Source Data

The Import from Source feature enables the Oracle Data Integrator to import the data from
the source system, performs the necessary transformation, such as import, map and validate
the data. The Import from Source features also enables you to import the source online
(immediate processing) or offline (runs in background).
Select this feature only when:
• Running a data load rule for the first time.
• Data in the source system has changed. For example, if you reviewed the data in the
staging table after the export, and it was necessary to modify data in the source system.
In many cases, source system data may not change after you import the data from the
source the first time. You don't need to keep importing unchanged data.
To import source data:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Workbench.
2. Optional: When you import a source file, Data Management uses the current POV to
determine location, category, and period.
To import another source file, you must change the POV. For information on changing the
POV, see Using the POV Bar.
3. At the top of the screen, click Import.
4. In Execution Mode, select the mode of importing the source.
• online—ODI processes the data in sync mode (immediate processing).
• offline—ODI processes the data in async mode (runs in background).

Click to navigate to the Process Detail page to monitor the ODI job progress.
5. Click OK.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

The Import fish changes to orange.

Step 2: Validating Source Data

Data Management Validation of the source data confirms that all members are
mapped to a valid target system account. If there are any unmapped dimension maps
within the source file, a validation error occurs. Validation compares the dimension
mapping to the source file and identifies unmapped dimensions. The process flow
cannot continue until all dimensions are properly mapped.
To run the validation process:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Workbench.
2. Select Validate.

Validation with No Mapping Errors

When validation is successful, the orange Validate fish is displayed in the header of
the Data Management screen.

Validation with Mapping Errors

Because newly added dimension members may be unmapped, the addition of
dimension members to source systems can produce validation errors. If a dimension
member is unmapped, the Validate fish is grey and a Validation Error screen is
launched in the Workbench, which shows the number of dimension members that are
not mapped (consequently, undefined). You must correct any unmapped dimension
members before running the validation again.

To correct conversion-table errors:

1. In the top region of the Validation screen, highlight a row that requires correction.
2. Correct any unmapped accounts.
In the top region of the Validation Error screen, the unmapped item is inserted into
the Source value, and the bottom region shows all rows with that source value. For
example, if the top region displays a value of Entity dimension with Source Value
01, then the bottom region should show all rows where ENTITY = ‘01.’
3. Click Validate to refresh the validation form.
Source data that passes the validation process can be loaded to the target

Fixing the Mapping Errors

In the Data Load Workbench, you can view mapping errors and fix them instantly when
mapping errors have occurred.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

To fix mapping errors:

1. From Data Load Workbench, select the Validation Errors tab.

2. Select Fix Maps to access the mappings.

3. From the Data Load Mappings screen, fix any errors.

4. Click Validate, and then click Save.

Step 3: Exporting Data to Target Applications

After the source data has passed the validation process, use the Export option to export data
to a target application. Select this option after you have reviewed the data in the data grid and
are sure you want to export it to the target application.
When exporting data for Planning, you can store, add, subtract and override data.
The export of mapping rules to a CSV or Excel format does not include any scripting.
To submit the data load rule:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Workbench.
2. Optional: When you import a source file, Data Management uses the current POV to
determine location, category, and period and conducts the following process: To import
another source file, you must change the POV. See Using the POV Bar.
3. At the top of the screen, click Export.
4. In Execution Mode drop-down, select the mode for exporting the source data to the
target application.
• online—ODI processes the data in sync mode (immediate processing).
• offline—ODI processes the data in async mode (runs in background).

Click to navigate to the Process Detail page to monitor the ODI job progress.
5. Click OK.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

Step 4: Checking the Data

After exporting data to the target system, execute the Check step to display the Check
report for the current POV. If check report data does not exist for the current POV, a
blank page is displayed.
You can select the default report type that is used when Check reports are run. By
default, the Publish Type field on the Reports page is set to the selected report-type
value. Selections for this field are PDF, Excel, Word, Rich Text, and HTML.

When you run and open the check report from the Workbench, it is not saved
to the Data Management folder on the server.

Using the Workbench Data Grid

The data grid includes two tabs in the main grid:
• Load Data/Load POV—Use to import, view and verify and export data from source
• drill through to the source data
• view mapping details
You perform tasks on the data grid by selecting options on the Table Action including:
• Viewing Data
• Formatting Data
• Showing Data
• Opening Loaded Data in Microsoft Excel

Chapter 4
Loading Data

• Querying by Example
• Freezing Data
• Detaching Data
• Wrapping Text

Viewing Data
The View data provides multiple ways to view data including:
Table—Selects the source or target data to display in the grid:
• Source (All)—Shows both mapped and unmapped source dimensions (ENTITY,
• Source (Mapped)—Shows only mapped source dimensions.
• Target—Shows only target dimensions (ENTITYX, ACCOUNTX, UD1X, UD2X,
• Source and Target—Shows both source and target dimensions (ENTITY, ENTITYX,
Columns—Selects the columns to display in the data:
• Show All
• Entity
• Account
• Version
• Product
• Department
• Amount
• Source Amount
Freeze/Unfreeze—Locks a column in place and keeps it visible when you scroll the data grid.
The column heading must be selected to use the freeze option. To unfreeze a column, select
the column and from the shortcut menu, select Unfreeze.
Detach/Attach—Detaches columns from the data grid. Detached columns display in their
own window. To return to the default view, select View, and then click Attach or click Close.
Sort—Use to change the sort order of columns in ascending or descending order. A multiple
level sort (up to three levels and in ascending and descending order) is available by selecting
Sort, and then Advanced. From the Advanced Sort screen, select the primary "sort by"
column, and then the secondary "then by" column, and then the third "then by" column.
The search fields that are displayed in the advanced search options differ depending on what
artifact you are selecting.
Reorder Columns—Use to change the order of the columns. When you select this option,
the Reorder Columns screen is displayed. You can select a column, and then use the scroll
buttons on the right to change the column order.
Query by Example—Use to toggle the filter row. You can use the filter row to enter text to
filter the rows that are displayed for a specific column. You can enter text to filter on, if

Chapter 4
Loading Data

available, for a specific column, and then click Enter. To clear a filter, remove the text
to filter by in the text box, then click Enter. All text you enter is case sensitive.

Formatting Data
You can resize the width of a column by the number pixel characters or a percentage.
You can also wrap text for each cell automatically when text exceeds the column
To resize the width of a column:
1. Select the column to resize.
2. From the table action bar, select Format, and then Resize.
3. In the first Width field, enter the value by which to resize.
You can select a column width from 1 to 1000.
4. In the second Width field, select pixel or percentage as the measure to resize by.
5. Select OK.
To wrap the text of a column:
1. Select the column with the text to wrap.
2. From the table action bar, select Format, and then Wrap.

Showing Data
You can select the type of data to display in the data grid including:
• Valid Data—Data that was mapped properly and is exported to the target
• Invalid Data—One or more dimensions that was not mapped correctly and as a
result, the data is not exported to target.
• Ignored Data—User defined explicit map to ignore a source value when exporting
to target. This type of map is defined in the member mapping by assigning a
special target member with the value of ignore.
• All Data—Shows all valid, invalid and ignored data.
To show a type of data:
1. Select Show.
2. Select from one of the following:
• Valid Data
• Invalid Data
• Ignored Data
• All Data

Drilling Through to Source Data and Viewing Mappings

When data has been displayed in the Data Load Workbench, you can drill through to
the source, view mappings and open the source document.
To drill through to the source mapping:

Chapter 4
Loading Data

1. Select the type of data to display in the data grid.

See Showing Data.
2. In Source Amount column, select an amount.
3. Click the source amount link and select Drill through to source.
To view the source mapping detail:
1. Select the type of data to display in the data grid.
See Showing Data.
2. From the Source Amount column, select an amount.
3. Click the source amount link and select View Mappings.

Opening Loaded Data in Microsoft Excel

When reviewing data in the workbench, users can drill down from the amount to the
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) source system. In the source system the data is
displayed in the granularity with which it was loaded.
You can open loaded data in Microsoft Excel and review how the data is defined.

Exported data from Excel is exported either in a CSV (*.csv) or Excel (*.xls) file
format depending on the "Workbench Export to File Format" setting in System
Settings. The default file format for exports is CSV. For more information, see
Setting System-Level Profiles.

To open loaded data in Microsoft Excel:

Chapter 4
Loading Data

1. From the table action bar, click .

2. Open the loaded data in Microsoft Excel.

Querying by Example
Use the Query by Example feature to filter rows that are displayed for a specific
column. You can enter text to filter on, if available, for a specific column, and then click
Enter. To clear a filter, remove the text to filter by in the text box, then click Enter. All
text you enter is case sensitive.
To query by example:

1. From the table action bar, click to enable the filter row.
The filter row must appear above the columns to use this feature.
2. Enter the text by which to filter the values in the column and click Enter.

When entering text to filter, the text or partial text you enter is case-
sensitive. The case must match exactly. For example, to find all target
applications prefixed with "HR", you cannot enter "Hr" or "hr".

Freezing Data
Use the Freeze feature to lock a column in place and keeps it visible when you scroll
the data grid.
To freeze a column:
1. Select the column to freeze.

2. From the table action bar, click .

To unfreeze a column:
1. Select the frozen column.
2. On the shortcut menu, select Unfreeze.

Detaching Data
Use the Detach feature to detach columns from the data grid. When you detach the
grid, columns display in their own window. To return to the default view, select View,
and then click Attach or click Close.
To detach columns:
1. Select the column to detach.

2. From the table action bar, click .

The data grid is displayed in a separate window.
To reattach columns to the data grid:

Chapter 4
Loading Data

1. Select the column to reattach.

2. From the table action bar, select View, and then Attach.

Wrapping Text
You can wrap text for each cell automatically when text exceeds the column width.
To wrap text for a column:
1. Select the column with the text to wrap.

2. Click .

Viewing Process Details

You use the Process Details page to view a submitted rule status and logs and download a
validation report when cells are rejected during a data load..

Process Detail logs are purged every seven days. If you want to download log, use
EPMAutomate to download the log to a local folder. The command is downloadFile.
For example: epmautomate downloadfile "[FILE_PATH]/FILE_NAME". For more
information, see Working with EPM Automate for Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management Cloud

To view data rule process details:

1. On the Workflow tab, under Monitor, select Process Details.
The Process Details page is displayed, showing processes for all source systems. The
following columns are displayed for each process:
• Process ID—An automatically generated identification number
• Status—Displays a visual indicator for the status of the process. You can rest the
cursor over the icon to view a Screen Tip. Available statuses:

– —Rule Processed Successfully

– —Rule Execution did not complete successfully
• Log—Click Show to display the log file.
• Location—Displays the location name
• Process Name—Type of process
Types of processes include:
• Rule Name—Name of the rule
• Source System—Name of the source system
• Accounting Entity—Name of the source accounting entity
• Target Application—Name of the target application

Chapter 4
Loading Data

• ODI Session Number—The session number in Oracle Data Integrator. You

can use this to look up a session in Oracle Data Integrator.

The ODI Session number is present in Process Details only when
the data is processed during an offline execution.

• Job ID—The Oracle Hyperion EPM Architect job ID

Process By—The user ID who initiated the process
• Reset Status—Resets the status to failed if a process continues to stay in a
running status for a long period of time.
• Link—Shows the log information for the process step. In the case of File
Import, it shows skipped rows, and in the case of export to Planning, it shows
rejected rows and so on.
• Output Link—Download a validation error report that shows data cells
rejected during a data load and the reasons for the rejection. A validation error
report is only available when the Display Validation Failure Reasons option is
set to Yes.
2. Select a process to display the details:
• Status—For each process step, the status is displayed. You can troubleshoot
a problem by viewing at which point the process failed.
• Process Step—Displays the steps in the process.
• Process Start Time—Time that the process step started.
• Process End Time—Time the process step ended.
• Log—If a log is available, you can click Show to display the log contents.
3. Optional: To filter the rows that are displayed, ensure that the filter row appears
above the column headers. (Click to toggle the filter row.) Then, enter the text
to filter.
You can filter by:
• Process ID
• Location
• Rule Name
• Source System
• Accounting Entity
• Target Application

Chapter 4
Loading Data

When entering text to filter, the text or partial text that you enter is case
sensitive. For example, to find all target applications prefixed with "HR", you
cannot enter "Hr" or "hr". For additional information on filtering, see Data
Management User Interface Elements.

Using Excel Trial Balance Files to Import Data

An Excel trial-balance file is an Excel spreadsheet that, through the import screen, is
formatted to one more periods, categories, and locations.

Text Trial Balance Files Versus Excel Trial Balance Files

Text trial-balance files and Excel trial-balance files are similar in two ways: They are both
loaded to the current POV (category and period), and, on the import form, they use the same
Append and Replace options.
Text trial-balance files and Excel trial-balance files differ in one way: text files can use only the
standard import format, but Excel data files do not use any import formats.
When you use an Excel Trail Balance template, the template can contain one or more
periods. When loading multiple periods, create a dummy import format that indicates multiple
periods. If just a single data value is in the Excel file, then you don't need an import format.

Downloading an Excel Trial Balance Template

To download an Excel trial balance template:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Workbench.
2. From the Download Template drop-down, select Trial Balance.
3. From the Open screen, open or save the template and click OK.

Defining Excel Trial Balance Templates

To define an Excel trial-balance template, you define the first row of the named region, which
contains the metadata tags. Other information may be defined outside of the region, but the
system only considers what is within the named region. For example, the template includes a
title and an amount summary. These are outside the named region and are not processed
when loading data.
To load data using a template, the system uses a named range definition to find the
dimensions and the related data. For the trial balance template, the predefined range is
called upsTB, and it can be seen using the "Name Manager" option in Excel.

The following template contains one line of metadata (row 1) and three lines of imported data
(rows 5–7).
Dimension Values and Amount should be populated in the respective columns as per the
Tags defined in row 1. To add additional dimension tags, add columns. Add data by adding

Chapter 4
Loading Data

When adding rows or columns, add them within the named region. Excel updates the
region definition automatically. If you add rows outside of the region, update the region
to include these new rows or columns. When adding dimension columns, add a
dimension tag to specify when the column is an account, entity, intercompany
transaction, amount or user defined (UD) dimension. Note that the entity dimension is
represented by the tag for "Center."

Table 4-16 Data Management dimension tags and the corresponding tags

Data Management Dimension Valid Tags

Account (Required) A, Account, SrcAcctKey
Center (Required) C, Center, SrcCenterKey
Description (Optional) D, Description, SrcAcctDesc
IC Counter Party (Optional) I, IC, ICCoParty
User Defined 1-User Defined 20 (Optional) 1-20, UD1-UD20, UserDefined1-
Amount (Required) V, Amount, SrcAmount

In the template that is provided with Data Management, some of the rows are hidden.
To update the columns and the column tags, you need to unhide these rows. To do
this, select the row above and below the hidden rows, and then update the cell height.
A setting of 12.75 is the standard height for cells, which shows all hidden rows for the
selected range in the sheet. You can re-hide the rows after changes have been made.

Adding a Multiple Period Data Load Using Excel

You may also use the Excel Trial Balance template to load data to multiple periods. To
do this, create a data rule using a multiple period import format. The import format
does not have to contain any detail mappings, only the definition must have a multiple
period. Using the multiple period data rule, you can import the Excel Trial Balance File.
You create a dummy import format and only select the specification for the multiple
periods. To load data for multiple periods, the column header must be in the format
V1:PeriodKey, V2:Periodkey, etc. The period key must be specified in YYYY/MM/DD
format. You do not have to define the source period mapping in the data rule. You also
need to update the range to make sure any additional columns are included in the
range. Below is a sample of an Excel file.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

You only need to include a period key (for example, V1:2016/1/31) with the tag if the
periods are non-contiguous. If the periods are contiguous, then the period keys are
ignored, and the start/end periods selected when running the rule are used to define
the periods.

The Excel template expects an empty row between the tags and the first row of

Importing Excel Mapping

You can import Excel mappings by selecting the Import option and selecting an Excel

The import of mapping rules using an Excel template provides a place to specify a
mapping script.

To import an Excel mapping:

1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Mapping.
2. Select the All Mapping tab.
3. From the Import drop-down, select Import from Excel.
4. From Select a file to import, select the Excel file to import, and then click OK.
5. From Select mode and validation, in Import mode, select the import mode.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

• Merge—Overwrites the data in the application with the data in the Excel data
load file.
• Replace-Clears values from dimensions in the Excel data load file and
replaces them with values in the existing file.
6. Click Validate to validate the mappings.
7. Click OK.
The mapping inherits the default data load rule and shows the description:
"System Generated Mappings."

Loading Multiple Periods for EPM Cloud or File-Based Source

For an Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud or file-based source
system, Data Management supports a "Period" as a column in a data file. If you have
data for multiple periods in a single file, then you can include the year and period on
each row of the data. In Import Formats, you select the source period rows of Year and
Period, so that they are identified as columns in the file, and then map them to the
appropriate dimension in the target system. Then you run the data load rule and select
a range of dates to load. The range of dates can be based on a default or explicit
period mapping type.
For example, in the following sample file, there is multiple period data, "Jan" and "Feb"
in a single data file.


In another example, if you select a Jan-March period range, and the file includes: Jan,
Feb, Mar, and Apr, then Data Management only loads Jan, Feb, and Mar.


Chapter 4
Loading Data

Data Management loads the periods specified on the Execute Rule screen, and ignores rows
in the file that don't match what you selected to load.

Loading Periods as a Column from the Data File

"Period" dimensions are supported as columns in a data file. If you have data for multiple
periods in a single file, then you can include the year and period on each row of the data file
that gets loaded to the target application.
You load a period as a column from a data file by defining the load definition through the
import format, and the data load rule.
To include a period as a column from the data file:
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.
2. In the Import Format summary task bar, select the Financial Consolidation and Close
consolidation application or file.
Typically, this is a single file with multiple periods, such as Year and Period.
3. From the Import Format Detail Mapping grid, select the source column and click Add.

4. Select the period rows to include:

a. To map to a "Year" row, click Source Period Row, and then select Year to map to
the Year dimension in the target application.
b. In Source Column, select the dimension to map to the Year row.
c. In Field Number, enter the field number from the file to import (defaults to the field
number from the file when text is selected.)
d. In Expression, specify the expression to apply to the Year row.
e. To map to a period row, click Add, select Source Period Row, and then select
f. In Field Number, enter the field number from the file to import (defaults to the field
number from the file when text is selected.)
g. In Expression, specify the expression to apply to the Period row.
h. To map to a period number row, click Add, select Source Period Row, and then
select Period Number.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

i. In Field Number, enter the field number from the file to import (defaults to
the field number from the file when text is selected.)
j. In Expression, specify the expression to apply to the Period Number row.
5. Click Save.
6. Specify the parameters of the data load rule, and then execute it.
See Defining Data Load Rules to Extract Data.

Loading Journals to Financial Consolidation and Close

In Data Management, journals enable you to adjust data after it has been entered or
loaded into base level entities. Journals provide an audit trail of changes made in the
application and indicate, which users made adjustments and which accounts, entities,
and time periods are affected.
Data Management supports an explicit load method when loading journals to Financial
Consolidation and Close application. Journals are loaded by defining a data rule with
the type "Journals." Both Excel and text-based journal loads are supported.

Loading Financial Consolidation and Close Journals Process Description

At a high level, journals can be loaded as a regular data file, or as an Excel template.
If you load journals as a data file, you define an import format to import the journal file.
The import format contains additional mappings for the journal label and description
columns. The rest of the source data is imported in the same manner as standard
data. Then you define a data load rule and set the load type to "journal" to import the
data. Text journals can be imported like any other from the data load rule or the
workbench. They can also be imported using a batch process similar to standard data
load processes.
If you use the Excel template to load a journal, then you use an existing location,
create a new data load rule for that location and specify load type of Journal for the
data load rule. You then use the workbench to import the Excel journal template file.
When you open the Excel template, you fill it out, upload it, and then post it.

Working with Journal Loads and Import Formats

When defining the import format for a journal load, you can include the journal label
row and journal description row.
1. On the Setup tab, under Integration Setup, select Import Format.
2. In the Import Format summary task bar, select an Financial Consolidation and
Close consolidation application.
3. From the Import Format Detail Mapping grid, select the source column and click
the Add drop-down.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

4. Select the Journal Label Row, and enter the journal ID from the journal template used
as the journal label when loading to the Financial Consolidation and Close in the
Expression field.
You cannot include the following characters in the journal label:
• period ( . )
• plus sign ( + )
• minus sign ( - )
• asterisk ( * )
• forward slash ( / )
• number sign ( # )
• comma ( , )
• semicolon ( ; )
• at symbol ( @ )
• double quotation mark ( " )
• curly brackets ( { } )
Additionally, you can specify the label; label and group; or no label or group in the
Expression field.
• To specify a label and group, add values in the format
LABEL=<Label>#GROUP=<Group> in the Expression field. For example, you might
• You cannot specify only a group (that is, without a label.)
• If the journal ID field is null, Data Management creates the journal label as
JL<loaded> automatically.
This is the process id. The journal name includes the process id, and you can tie it
back to Data Management if needed.
• For a multiple journal load, you can specify different journal labels in the file import.
5. Click Add and insert the Description Row twice.
6. In the Description 2 row, enter the journal description in the Expression field.
The journal description must be entered in the Description 2 row, so you must add the
description row 2 times, and then you can delete the Description 1 row if not needed.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

7. Optional: Add other import format mappings as needed.

8. Click Save.
After saving the import format, make sure that you associate it with a location. For
more information about creating or working with locations, see Defining Locations.

Working with Journal Loads and the Data Load Rule

Data load rules are defined for the journal load to load journal entries from the Excel-
based or text-based journal file source and push them into the Financial Consolidation
and Close target application.
Journals are loaded by defining a load type of "Journal" in the Load Type field on the
Target Option tab in Data Load Rules.
Optionally, you can specify the status of the journals in the Journal Status field on the
Target Option tab. There are four options available to set the status of the journal in
Financial Consolidation and Close:
• Working
• Submitted
• Approved
• Rejected
For information about creating a data load rule, see Defining Data Load Rules to
Extract Data.
After you create and save the data load rule for the journal load, Data Management
automatically creates a data load mapping for the dimension "Data Source" with the
following mapping values.
• Type: Like
The string in the source value is matched and replaced with the target value.
• Source Value: *
• Target: FCCS_Journal Input
• Rule Name: System Generated Map

Chapter 4
Loading Data

Loading Journals from the Data Load Workbench

When loading journals, use the Data Load Workbench as a framework to import, view and
verify, and export journals.
Journals can be loaded using:
• Excel-based journals. See Loading Journals from a Template.
• Text-based journals. See Loading Text-Based Journals.

Loading Journals from a Template

Data Management enables you to load Financial Consolidation and Close journal entries
using a journal template. These templates are Excel spreadsheets that are formatted for
journal entry, and include the required values for the Financial Consolidation and Close

Processing Journals Templates

The process for processing journals is:
1. Download the template and reformat the template as needed.
See Downloading a Journal Template.
2. Enter required journals in the template.
Defining Journal Templates.
3. Upload the finished template to the desired folder in Data Management.
See Loading Journals.
4. In the Data Load Workbench, click the load journal button and then select the journal
template file from Data Management.
See Loading Journals.
5. Validate the journal file by clicking Check. If the file validates, then it is eligible for
Checking Journals.
6. Click Post to post the journal file to the Financial Consolidation and Close.
See Posting Journals.

Downloading a Journal Template

If you use a journal template to load journal entries, then from the Data Load Workbench you
can select a journal template that has been uploaded to the server. A template is associated
with an existing POV. Once you have completed the required values for the template, you
reload it (post it to the server), create a new data load rule for that POV, and specify a load
type of "Journal" in the data load rule.
To download a Journal template:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Workbench.
2. From the POV, select the POV associated with the journal template to download.
3. In Download Template, select Journal.
Data Management prompts you to open or save the default template.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

The default template is copied, and all the necessary custom dimensions are
added as columns before the Amount column. By default, two custom dimensions
are included in the template.
4. On the Open screen, open or save the template, and then click OK.

Defining Journal Templates

A journal template is a Microsoft® Excel spreadsheet that has been formatted so that
you can enter journal entries. The spreadsheet is tagged with a header consisting of
metadata that instructs Data Management how to interpret the data contained in the
template. Metadata consists of a series of tags that tell Data Management what
column contains the account number or what period in which to load. A named range
is used to tell the system where to look for the header information and the data to load.
For the journal template, the named region is called upsJournal.

Metadata tags are required in a specific tabular format. The metadata row order is
important, but the column order is not. The first five rows (metadata header) of data
must contain the metadata tags for the table of data. The sample journal template
shown contains the metadata header (rows 1–5) and two lines of imported data (rows
6 and 7).

To define the completed template in Excel, you must create a range name that
includes all the metadata and the data value cells. The range name must begin with
the prefix "ups." For example, you can create a range name to define a standard
template and name it [upsStandardJV (A1 to D7)].

Metadata Structure
The metadata header (Row 1-5) instructs Data Management on how to find the
relevant segments of data that it handles in this template. The following Row 1-5 topics
explain how each piece of metadata is used by Data Management.

Row 1 (Journal ID and Location Tag)

The tag in row 1 of the range is used to set the Journal ID and the Data Management
location that the data should be loaded into. The Journal ID must be placed in row 1 of
the Account column. Place the Location tag in row 1 of the Amount column.

Row 2 (Data Management Category Tag)

The tag in row 2 of the range sets the Data Management category into which the
journal loads. The category must be a valid Data Management category. The Data
Management Category tag must be placed in the Amount column.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

Row 3 (Data Management Period Tag)

The tag in row 3 of the range sets the period that the data should be loaded into. The period
must be a valid Data Management period. This tag must be placed in the Amount column.

Row 4 (Load Method Tag)

The tag in row 4 of the range sets the journal load method within Data Management. To
append to an existing journal with the same Journal ID, type the letter A. If a journal exists
with the same Journal ID within the same Data Management point of view, then the new
journal is appended to the previously submitted journal. To replace an existing journal with
the same Journal ID, type the letter R.
If a journal exists with the same journal ID within the same Data Management point of view,
then the new journal replaces the old journal. This tag must be placed in the Amount column.
The table below defines the possible tags. The "AZ" and "RZ" settings work the same as the
"A" and "R" methods except that all zero value amounts are suppressed.

Table 4-17 Journal Load Methods and Corresponding Tags

Method Valid Tags

Append Journal A, Append
Replace Journal (default) R Replace
Append journal - Zero Suppress AZ
Replace journal - Zero Suppress RZ

Row 5 (Dimension Tags)

The tags in row five of the range defines the dimension that the amounts are loaded into. The
table below defines the possible dimension tags.

Table 4-18 Financial Consolidation and Close Dimensions and Corresponding Tags

Data Management Dimension Valid Tags

Account (Required) A, Account, SrcAcctKey
Entity (Required) C, Center, SrcEntityKey
Description (Optional) D, Description, SrcAcctDesc
Movement (Required) 3, Movement
Multi GAAP (Optional) 4, Multi GAAP
Intercompany Party (Optional) I, IC, ICCoParty
Custom 1 (Optional) 1, UD1, UserDefined1
Custom 2 (Optional() 2, UD12, UserDefined2
Amount (Required) V, Amount, SrcAmount

Creating Range Names Within Journal Templates

A range of columns comes predefined in the template, and you can simply fill out the top
section in rows 5-13 and add any necessary columns. Data Management evaluates the
named range to determine the POV, load method, and data to load.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

To create your own journal template, you create a range name that includes all
metadata and data cells, and that begin with the prefix ups. For example, for a
standard template, create the range name [upsStandardJV (B16 to J33].

The following illustration depicts a journal template. Note that in this template, the
metadata are not in rows 1–5, but in rows 16–20. The template has an upsJournal
starting from row 16. Therefore, rows 16–20 are the first five rows in the upsJournal.
Rows 4–14 is a simple interface to assist users with creating the metadata header.
Metadata information is entered here and referenced by the metadata header.
(Enter journal data against the respective columns and by adding more rows within the
range. The easiest thing to do is to add rows to the existing range and just use a single
range, and use the default upsJournal. You add columns to the spreadsheet based on
the dimensionality of the target application.)

The journal template must contain the following dimensions:

• Account—It is the journal account (required).
• Entity—It is the journal entity (required).
• Intercompany— (Optional unless being used by Financial Consolidation and
• Movement—Data changes from period to period (required)
• Multi GAAP—Data changes from period to period (optional)
• Custom1, Custom2 Dimensions—Optional unless used by the target application
• Amount—(required)
• Description—(optional)

Loading Journals
To load a journal:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Workbench.
When you load a journal, Data Management uses the current POV to determine
location, category, and period. To use another POV, select another POV on the
Data Load Workbench.
2. Click Load Journal.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

3. On the Load Journal screen, to browse for a journal file, click Select.

a. Select a journal template to load from the server to which you uploaded one and click
When a journal has been successfully loaded, the Check button is enabled.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

When loading journals to an Financial Consolidation and Close
target from Data Management, consider that Data Management
(Cloud) determines the account types and converts the credits/
debits. All positive numbers are loaded as debits and all negative
numbers are loaded as credits. If you need to designate other credit
or debit signs for your account type, use the change sign feature in
Data Load Mappings or another customized method to handle
credits/debits changes for your journal loads.
When loading journals to an Financial Consolidation and Close
target from the Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management,
Enterprise Edition (onpremise), consider that Data Management
does not determine the account types or select the credits/debits. All
positive numbers are loaded as credits and all negative numbers are
loaded as debits. If you need to designate other credit or debit signs
for your account type, use the change sign feature in Data Load
Mappings or another customized method to handle credits/debits
changes for your journal loads.

b. Optional: To download a journal file, click Download and open or save the
journal file.
c. Optional: To upload a journal file, click Upload, then navigate to the file to
upload, and click OK.
4. Click Check to validate and load the journal.
See Checking Journals.

Checking Journals
Before journals can be posted, they must be checked. This process verifies whether
the POV entered in the Excel file for the journal matches the current POV. It also
ensures that the ups range is valid. If the validation is successful, the Post button is

If the journal import file is not XLS or XLSX, then the check feature is not

To check a journal:
1. Make sure that a successfully loaded journal file is in the File field.
The journal file must be an Excel (.xls) file type.
2. Click Check.
3. Select Online or Offline for the processing method.
Online checking runs immediately, and offline checking runs in the background.

Chapter 4
Loading Data

When a journal is checked, Data Management examines the journal file for all ranges
with names beginning with ups. It then examines and validates the metadata tags found
in each ups range. Data Management does not check metadata segments that include an
invalid range.
When Data Management validates the journal, you get the following message: "The
journal file checked successfully."

Posting Journals
After a journal has been validated (checked) successfully, you can post the journal. Posting a
journal appends or replaces the data displayed in the Import Format screen (as determined
by the load method specified in the journal).
To post the journal:
1. Select the journal.
2. Click Post.
When Data Management posts the journal, you get the following message: "The journal
file loaded successfully."

Loading Text-Based Journals

You can load a text-based journal using the Import Format option. In this case, you map the
source columns for the journal label and description. Text journals can be imported from the
data load rule or workbench. Text-based journals can also be imported using batch process
similar to standard data load process.
For more information on the import format option, see Working with Journal Loads and Import

Service Instance Integrations

Data Management can be used as a primary gateway to move data from one service
instance to another. A service instance is a self-contained unit often containing the web
server and the database application (Planning application).
To use this feature, you open the parent service instance, and then use the target application
option to register a child service instance. In this case, you use the "Cloud" option as the
target application type. Once the child service instance is registered, it can be used as a
source or target application.
This feature enables you to integrate multiple instances of Oracle Fusion Cloud Enterprise
Performance Management deployments into your existing portfolio. You might use the
integration to import data from an existing Oracle Cloud EPM deployment application, or
synchronize data from another Oracle Cloud EPM application. For example, you can add
multiple Planning applications. In addition, this integration includes writing back from one
Oracle Cloud EPM application to another.
Watch this tutorial video to learn more about hybrid deployments.

Tutorial Video

Chapter 4
Loading Data

Setting up Business Process Instance Deployments

The child business process instance (Planning application) is registered with the target
application type and the deployment mode of "Cloud." All other setup definitions, such
as the import format, location, and data rule are defined in the exact same way as any
other EPM application.
To register target application as a business process instance:
1. On the Setup tab, under Register, select Target Application.
2. In Target Application, in the Target Application summary grid, click Add.
3. To register a business process instance (Oracle Fusion Cloud Enterprise
Performance Management deployment), select Cloud and then complete the
following steps on the EPM Cloud Credentials screen:
a. In URL, specify the URL of the business process that you use to log in.
b. In User name, specify the user name for the business process application.
c. In Password, specify the password for the business process application.
d. In Domain, specify the domain name associated with the business process
An identity domain controls the accounts of users who need access to
business process instances. It also controls the features that authorized users
can access. A service instance belongs to an identity domain.

Administrators can update the domain name that is presented to the
user, but Data Management requires the original domain name that
was provided when the customer signed up for the business process
(but not the domain "display" name. Alias domain names cannot be
used when setting up Oracle Enterprise Performance Management
Cloud connections from Data Management and from Financial Data
Quality Management, Enterprise Edition.

4. From Type, specify the type of application, and click OK.

Valid application types:
• Planning
• Essbase
• Consolidation
• Tax Reporting
You can also click Show Applications, and select the application.
5. In Application Name, enter the application name.
6. To register a target application with the same name as an existing target
application, in Prefix, specify a prefix to make the name unique.
The prefix name is joined to the existing target application name. For example, if
you want to name a demo target application the same name as the existing

Chapter 4
Loading Data

"Vision" application, you might assign the Demo prefix to designate the target application
with a unique name. In this case, the Data Management joins the names to form the
name DemoVision.
7. Click OK.

8. Optional: Click Refresh Metadata to synchronize the application metadata from the
target application and display any new dimension.
Once the new dimensions are displayed, navigate to the Import Format option and map
any new dimensions to their source columns.
9. Optional: Click Refresh Members to synchronize members from the target dimension.
This feature enables you to see new members in a dimension for target members in a
10. In Target Application, click Save.

11. Define the dimension details.

12. Select the application options.

Loading Data Between Service Instances

The basic data flow for loading data from one service instance to another is:
1. Register the child business instance as a target application in Data Management.
For information on registering an application, see Setting up Business Process Instance
2. Define the import format to map the source of the business process instance.
For more information, see Working with Import Formats.
3. Define the location, data load mapping, and the data load rule in the exact same manner
using the normal procedures.
See Defining Locations.
See Defining Period Mappings.
See Creating Member Mappings.

Chapter 4
Data Load, Synchronization and Write Back

See Defining Locations and Defining Data Load Rules to Extract Data.

Data Load, Synchronization and Write Back

Related Topics
• Overview
• Synchronizing and Writing Back Data

Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud supports a variety of ways for
importing data from a range of financial data sources, and then transforming and
validating the data:
• Data Loading—Several types of sources are available for data loads:
– file-based applications
– Oracle General Ledger applications from the Oracle Financials Cloud
– Budgetary Control applications from the Oracle ERP Cloud
– Oracle NetSuite Save Search Results data sources
– Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud extracts from the Oracle HCM
• Synchronization—move data between EPM Cloud and ASO Essbase cubes
created by Planning applications. That is, select an EPM application as an
integration source.
• Write back—In the Planning, you can write back budget data to a file-based
source system or Oracle General Ledger application in the Oracle ERP Cloud.
Watch this tutorial video to learn about extracting data from Oracle Planning and
Budgeting Cloud using Data Management.

Tutorial Video

Synchronizing and Writing Back Data

Data rules must be defined to load from an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to an
EPM application, synchronize data between two EPM applications, or write back from
an EPM to an ERP system.
• Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud applications to EPM Cloud
applications (data synchronization)—Moves data between EPM Cloud
applications, for example, copying data from Planning to Essbase ASO cubes
created by Planning.
• EPM Cloud applications to Oracle ERP Cloud applications (write-back)—Moves
data from EPM Cloud applications to Oracle ERP Cloud applications (file-based).

Chapter 4
Data Load, Synchronization and Write Back

Data Synchronization
Data synchronization enables you to synchronize and map data between Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud source to target applications irrespective of the
dimensionality of the application simply by selecting the source and target EPM Cloud
application, and then mapping the data. Given the powerful mapping features already
available, the data can be easily transformed from one application to another application.
For example, use data synchromization to move data from:
• Planning input cubes to reporting cubes,
• Actuals from Financial Consolidation and Close to Planning reporting cube for variance
Tasks enabled by the data synchronization:
• Create and modify synchronizations.
• Select source and target applications.
• Define mappings between sources and targets.
• Push data from Planning to Essbase ASO cubes created by Planning.
• Copy consolidated data from Essbase ASO cubes to Planning for future planning.
• Execute synchronizations.
• View logs of synchronization activities.
At a high level, the steps to synchronize data in Data Management include:

Make sure the EPM applications to be synchronized are registered as target

1. Import Format—Select the source and target Oracle Enterprise Performance

Management System applications.
The dimensional mapping is also defined in the import format. You map the dimensions
that comprise each source and target application so that the synchronization can
recognize all relevant elements.

To make certain that Data Management loads periodic instead of year-to-date
(YTD data), you might have to hard code the "Periodic" Value dimension in the
import format.

2. Location—Create a new location and associate it with the import format.

3. Data Load Rule—Define the source filter parameters.
4. Data Load Mapping—Define the source to target application mappings.

Chapter 4
Data Load, Synchronization and Write Back

5. Execute—When the data rule is executed, data from the source EPM System is
extracted to a file. The data can be imported and processed using the data load
workflow process.
6. Export—Synchronizes the data.

Using Data Load Rules for Synchronization

When synchronizing data, you specify which records (rows) are extracted from the
source EPM Application to the target EPM Application.
Additionally, you can:
• Specify the source filter option to select a dimension, and then enter the filter
criteria for each dimension.
• Browse and select members within a dimension.
• Load data to a single period or a range of periods.
• Add or change any target options for the application.
To define the data load details for a target EPM or Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) system (file-based source system):
1. In Name, enter the data load rule name.
2. In Category, select a category.
The categories listed are those that you created in the Data Management setup,
such as "Actual." See Defining Category Mappings.
3. Optional: Enter a description.
4. In Plan Type, select the plan type.
Data Management supports data loads for up to six plan types (including custom
and Planning applications.)
Data Management currently supports up to six plan types when loading data.
Planning can support three custom plan types and up to four Planning Modules
applications (Workforce, Capex, Project, Financials). You can enable any
combination of these applications. When you create an Planning Modules
application and if you create more than two custom plan types, then you cannot
support a data load to all four applications.
5. In Period Mapping Type, select Default or Explicit.
6. Optional: Add or change any source filter options.
See Defining Source Filters.
7. Optional: Add or change any target options.
See Registering Target Applications.
8. Click Save.

Using Default or Explicit Period Mapping Types

You can run data rules for one period or a range of them. The global or application
period mappings of the target application are used as in the standard data load

Chapter 4
Data Load, Synchronization and Write Back

When specifying a period range, make sure the start and ending periods are within
a single fiscal year. When data ranges cross fiscal years, duplicate data results.

The source periods to be extracted are determined by the period mapping type.
Default Period Mapping
Default period mappings default to the list of source application periods using the application
or global period mappings based on the period key. The list of source periods is added as
Year and Period filters. For example, you can load data loading from Planning to Essbase.
Explicit Period Mapping
The Explicit method for loading data is used when the granularity of the source periods and
target application periods are not the same.

Defining Source Filters

Source filters enable you select a dimension, and then enter filter criteria for each dimension.
You can define source filter options to specify the subset of budget data to extract from your
Planning application and load it to the general ledger.
To define the EPM source filter options:

1. In Source Filters, click .

2. Select the Dimension Name.
3. To assign a filter condition, perform an action:
• Enter a member name or filter condition in the Filter Condition text box.
For example, enter a member name or filter condition using Essbase syntax.
Depending on the dimension, you can select one or more members as a filter
condition used for extracting the budget data. For example, for the Entity dimension,
you may select the following members: E1, E5, and E6. For information on Essbase
syntax, see the Oracle Essbase Database Administrator's Guide.

When an Essbase source dimension shares members across alternate
hierarchies, a Source Filter should be used to eliminate duplicates. For
example, if the Account dimension shares members across parallel
hierarchies headed by parent members Alt_Hier_1 and Alt_Hier_2, use the
following Source Filter function on Account to eliminate duplicates:

• Click to display the Member Select screen and select a member using the
member selector. Then, click OK.
The Member Selector dialog box is displayed. The member selector enables you to view
and select members within a dimension. Expand and collapse members within a
dimension using the [+] and [-].

Chapter 4
Data Load, Synchronization and Write Back

The Selector dialog box has two panes—all members in the dimension on the left
and selections on the right. The left pane, showing all members available in the
dimension, displays the member name and a short description, if available. The
right pane, showing selections, displays the member name and the selection type.
You can use the V button above each pane to change the columns in the member
You can also click Refresh Members to show the latest member list.

Assign filters for dimensions. If you do not assign filters, numbers from
the summary members are also retrieved.

To use the member selector:

a. In the list of available dimensions and members on the left, select a member

and click .

b. To deselect a member from the list of members, click .

c. To add special options for the member, click and select an option.
In the member options, "I" indicates inclusive. For example, "IChildren" adds
all children for the member, including the selected member, and
"IDescendants" adds all the descendants including the selected member. If
you select "Children", the selected member is not included and only its
children are included.
The member is moved to the right and displays the option you selected in the
Selection Type column. For example, "Descendants" displays in the Selection
Type column.


To clear all members from the list of selections, click .

d. Click OK twice to continue defining the source filter details.

The selected member is displayed in Essbase syntax in the Filter Condition field.
4. Click Save.
5. Optional: Change or add any target options.

Executing Data Synchronization

You execute the data synchronization by clicking Execute on the Data Load Rule
screen. When the data load rule is executed, the data is extracted from the Oracle
Enterprise Performance Management System application based on the filter criteria
specified in the data rule. The data extracted is written to a data file. If multiple periods
are specified in the source filter, then the amount columns are written as multiple

Chapter 4
Data Load, Synchronization and Write Back

columns. The data file contains the header record with the list of dimensions in the order in
which they appear in the file. The file is created in the data folder with the name: EPM App

When a data load rule is run for multiple periods, the export step occurs only once
for all periods.

Data Import
The data import process imports the data file created during the extraction process. The
import process evaluates the import format based on the header record in the file and
mapping of the source to target dimension.

Mapping and Export

During the mapping and export, Data Management:
• Imports data from Planning and writes it to the Data Management staging table.
• Applies the necessary transformation in the staging table.
• Exports data from the Data Management staging table to a file-based application.
After a successful execution of the data load rule used to write back data, log in to the
general ledger source system and run the budget import process in the general ledger.

Financial budgeting information often must be compared with and controlled with actuals and
stored in the general ledger system. In Data Management, write-back functionality is
available with the Export step of the data load process. In this way both loading to the
Planning application and write-back to General Ledger are performed in as a single
consistent process.

Writing Back from Planning Applications in Data Management

Data Management supports write-back by enabling you to move data from Planning
applications to a file-based application. In this case, you need to define a custom application
with dimensions that match the General Ledger chart of accounts.

Writing Back from the Planning to the Oracle General Ledger

You can write back data loaded to a general ledger file from the Planning to the Oracle ERP
Cloud using Data Management. See Writing Back to the Oracle ERP Cloud.

Available Source to Target Write-Backs

You define data load rules to write back for Planning source systems.
The target system for a write back must be a file-based application that uses dimensions that
match the General Ledger Chart of Accounts. You can create the file-based application using
the Custom Target Application feature (see Creating a Custom Target Application). When
creating the application, ensure that the Export to File option is "Yes".

Chapter 4
Data Load, Synchronization and Write Back

Other Considerations:
• Data load to write back is supported only for Planning applications, and Planning
applications created from Essbase ASO cubes.
• Data load rules to write back are not supported for EPMA deployed aggregate
storage Essbase cubes.
• Only monetary and statistical amounts can be written back.
• Allocation from a source amount to multiple target amounts is not provided.
• When specifying a period range, make sure the start and ending periods are within
a single fiscal year. When data ranges cross fiscal years, duplicate data results.

Defining Data Load Rules for Write-Back Scenarios to External Sources

You create a data load rules to write back to extract budget data from Planning
application to an ERP source system that uses a file-based source application.
The process at a high level:
1. Data Management imports data from Planning and writes it to a Data Management
staging table.
2. Data Management applies the necessary transformation in the staging table.
3. Data is exported from the Data Management staging table to a file-based
4. After a successful execution of the data load rule to write back, view the results of
the balances transfer from Planning to the file using the Data Load Workbench.
To define data load rules to write back:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.
2. In Name, enter the data load rule name used to write back data.
3. In Category, select a category.
The categories listed are those that you created in the Data Management setup,
such as "Actual." See Defining Category Mappings.
4. Optional: In Description, specify a description of the data load rule used to write
back data.
5. Optional: From the Target Plan Type drop, select the plan type of the target
Data Management supports data loads for up to six plan types (including custom
and Planning applications.)
Data Management currently supports data load that have up to six plan types.
Planning can support three custom plan types and up to four Planning Modules
applications (Workforce, Capex, Project, Financials). You can enable any
combination of these applications. When you create an Planning Modules
application and if you create more than two custom plan types, then you cannot
support data load to all four applications.
6. Optional: In Import Format, if the file type is a multiple period text file (with
contiguous periods, or noncontiguous periods), select the import format to use with
the file, so you can override the import format. For example, specify an import
format for single and multiple period data rules, which enables you to load single

Chapter 4
Data Load, Synchronization and Write Back

or multiple period files from the same location. In this case, the import format selected
must have the same target as the location selected in the POV. If the import format is
unspecified, then the import format from the location is used.
The starting and ending periods selected for the rule determine the specific periods in the
file when loading a multiple period text file.
7. Optional: Enter a description.
8. Optional: Add or change any source filter options.
See Defining Source Filters.
9. Optional: Add or change any target options.
See Defining Application Options for Planning.
10. Define the source and target options.

Defining the Source Filter Option

You can define source filter options to specify the subset of budget data to extract from your
Planning application and load it to the general ledger.
To define the source filter options:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Data Load, select Data Load Rule.
2. From the Data Load Summary, select the data load rule.
3. Select the Source Options tab.

4. In the Source Filters area, click .

5. Select the Dimension Name.
6. To assign a filter condition, perform an action:
• Enter a member name or filter condition in the Filter Condition text box. The selection
syntax is based on the source system.
For example, if Essbase is the source system, enter the member name or filter
condition using Essbase syntax. Depending on the dimension, you can select one or
more members as a filter condition used for extracting the budget data. For example,
for the Entity dimension, you may select the following members: E1, E5, and E6. For
information on Essbase syntax, see the Oracle Essbase Database Administrator's

For any dimensions not included in the source filter, Data Management
includes level zero members. However, it is possible to have an alternate
hierarchy in For Planning applications where a member that is a parent in
the base hierarchy, is also a level 0 member in a shared hierarchy.

• Click to select a member using the member selector, and then click Browse.
The Selector dialog box is displayed. The member selector enables you to view and
select members within a dimension. Expand and collapse members within a dimension
using the [+] and [-].

Chapter 4
Data Load, Synchronization and Write Back

The Selector dialog box has two panes—all members in the dimension on the left
and selections on the right. The left pane, showing all members available in the
dimension, displays the member name and a short description, if available. The
right pane, showing selections, displays the member name and the selection type.
You can use the Menu button above each pane to change the columns in the
member selector.

Assign filters for dimensions. If you do not assign filters, numbers from
the summary members are also retrieved.

To use the member selector:

a. In the list of dimensions and members on the left, select a member, and then

click .

b. To clear a member from the list of members, click .

c. To add special options for the member, click , and then select an option.
In the member options, "I" indicates inclusive. For example, "IChildren" adds
all children for the member, including the selected member. If you select
"Children", the selected member is not included, only its children are included.
The member is moved to the right and displays the option you selected in the
Selection Type column. For example, "Descendants" displays in the Selection
Type column.


To clear all members from the list of selections, click .

d. Click OK twice to continue defining the source filter details.

The member that you selected is displayed in an Essbase syntax in the Filter
Condition field.
7. Click Save.
8. Define the target options.

Running Data Load Rules to Write Back

After you create a data load rule to write back, you must run the data load rule to write
back the data from the Planning application to the general ledger system.
To run a data load rule to write back:
1. From Data Rule Summary, select the data load rule.
2. Click Execute.

Chapter 4
Data Load, Synchronization and Write Back

3. To load data from the source Planning, select Import from Source.
Select this option to review the information in a staging table, before exporting directly to
the target general ledger system.
When you select "Import from Source", Data Management imports the data from the
Planning target application, performs the necessary transformations, and exports the
data to the Data Management staging table.
4. Select Export to Target.

5. Click Run.

Exporting to Target
Use the Export to Target feature to export data to a target application, which is the Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) application. Select this option after you have reviewed the data in
the data grid and need to export it to the target application.
When exporting data for Planning, the following options are available:
• Store Data—Inserts the value from the source or file into the target application, replacing
any value that currently exists.
• Replace Data—Clears data for the Year, Period, Scenario, Version, and Entity
dimensions that you are loading, and then loads the data from the source or file. Note
when you have a year of data in your Planning application but are only loading a single
month, this option clears the entire year before performing the load.
• Add Data—Adds the value from the source or file to the value in the target application.
For example, when you have 100 in the source, and 200 in the target, then the result is
• Subtract Data—Subtracts the value in the source or file from the value in the target
application. For example, when you have 300 in the target, and 100 in the source, then
the result is 200.
To submit the data load rule:
1. From the table action bar, in Data Rule, and choose the data load rule.

2. Click .
3. In Execution Mode, select the mode of exporting to the target.
Execution modes:
• online—ODI processes the data in sync mode (immediate processing).
• offline—ODI processes the data in async mode (runs in background).

Click to navigate to the Process Detail page to monitor the ODI job progress.
4. In Export, select the export method.
Export options:
• Current Dimension
• All Dimensions
• Export to Excel

Chapter 4
Logic Accounts

5. For Current Dimension and All Dimensions export methods, in Select file
location, navigate to the file to export, and then click OK.
For the Export to Excel method, mappings are exported to a Microsoft Excel
6. Click OK.
After you exported data to the target, the status of the export is shown in the
Status field for the data load rule in the Data Load Summary.

Logic Accounts
Related Topics
• Overview of Logic Accounts
• Creating a Logic Group
• Creating Accounts in a Simple Logic Group
• Creating Complex Logic Accounts

Overview of Logic Accounts

Logic accounts are dynamically generated accounts and are used to calculate
supplemental values that are not provided in source files. Logic groups are associated
with a target application. (The logic group list of values is filtered in the location user
interface based on the target application in which it was created.) Like all other source
accounts, logic accounts can be mapped and loaded into target systems. Logic
accounts are used for various functions:
• Statistical loading—Map one source account to multiple target accounts
• Conditional mapping—Map a source account based on its value
• Arithmetic mapping—Perform arithmetic operations on source values

Creating a Logic Group

The first step in creating logic accounts is to create a logic group. The logic group is
then assigned to one or more locations. When a source file or source system is loaded
to a location, logic accounts are generated when the logic group is assigned to a
A logic group must be defined as simple or complex. A simple logic group enables you
to derive logic items only from the source account dimension. A complex logic group
enables you to derive logic items from any combination of dimensions.
To create a logic group:
1. On the Setup tab, under Data Load Setup, select Logic Group.
2. In Target Applications, select the target application for this logic group.
3. In Logic Group, select Add.
A row is added to the grid.
4. In Logic Group Name, enter a unique name.
Optional: In Description, enter a description of the logic group.

Chapter 4
Logic Accounts

5. In Logic Type, select Simple Logic or Complex Logic.

6. Click Save.

Creating Accounts in a Simple Logic Group

Within a simple logic group, you can create individual logic accounts.
To create accounts in a simple logic group:
1. On the Setup tab, under Data Load Setup, select Logic Group.
2. From the Logic Group summary grid, select the logic group.
The logic accounts currently contained in with the selected logic group are listed.
3. From the Logic Items grid, click Add.
4. Provide the requested information.
See Logic Group Fields.

Logic Group Fields

Logic accounts consist of the following fields:
• Item
• Description
• Criteria Type
• Criteria Value
• Operator
• Value/Expression
• Seq
• Export

Specify the name of the logic account using the item field. The logic account that is named in
the item field is displayed in the Workbench grid as the source account. This same account
can be used as a source in a mapping rule. Oracle recommends that you prefix the names of
logic accounts with an "L" or some other character to indicate that an account came from a
source file, or was generated from a logic rule. Logic accounts can only be loaded to a target
application when they are mapped to a target account.

The description that you enter in the Description field is displayed in the Account Description
field in the Workbench.

Criteria Type and Criteria Value

The operator in the Criteria Type field works with the source account that is specified in the
Criteria Value field to determine from which source accounts the logic account is derived. One
logic account can be derived from multiple source accounts.
Valid values for the Type field:

Chapter 4
Logic Accounts

• Between
• Like
• In

Specifying Source Accounts

Between (Criteria Type)—Used when a range of source accounts is specified in the
Criteria Value field. Separate the accounts that specify the range by a comma.

Table 4-19 Between Type field and example of the corresponding Criteria Value
Field values.

Type Field Criteria Value Field

Between 1000,1999

Like (Criteria Type)—Used when the source accounts in the Criteria Value field
contain wildcard characters. Use question marks (?) as placeholders and asterisks (*)
to signify indeterminate numbers of characters.

Table 4-20 Like Type and Examples

Type Field Criteria Value Field

Like 1??0
Like 10*

In (Criteria Type)—Used to include one source account or a list of non-sequential

source accounts.

Table 4-21 In Type and Examples

Type Field Criteria Value Field

In 1000
In 1000,1005,2001

Operator and Value/Expression

NA Operator
NA (no operator)—If NA is specified, the source accounts that are specified in the
Criteria Value field are summed. For example, when the Type = Between and the
Criteria Value = "1100,1200," then Data Management creates one new account
summarizing the values for source accounts that are between 1100 and 1200 for each
entity where the accounts exist in the source file.

Chapter 4
Logic Accounts

Math Operator
Math Operators (+, -, x, /)—If a math operator is selected, then the new logic records has an
amount that equals the original amount is calculated with the specified Value/Expression. For
example, when the operator "x" was selected and 2 is entered in the Value/Expression field,
then the new record has an amount two times the original amount.
Use a numeric operator to perform simple mathematical calculations:
• NA (no operator)
• + (addition)
• - (subtraction)
• X (multiplication)
• / (division)
• Exp (expression operators)
• Function—see Function

In this example, one logic account is created because one Entity had a row meeting the
account criteria.

Expressions and Functions

An expression enables you to perform the following in the Value/Expression field:
• Execute a simple math equation.
• Use a CURVAL parameter to specify the value of a logic account operation. The CURVAL
parameter can be used within expressions, as it can within logic functions, except that,
with expressions, CURVAL must be enclosed in pipes. For example, the CURVAL
expression includes the specification of an account using the notation of |Account| and
the specification of a value using POV details of entity, category, period and account.
Functions enable the use of simple logic with if/else using Jython syntax. Jython commands
can be used in a function and can be more complex than an expression.

Use Expression operators to execute custom logic expressions, which are defined in the
Value/Expression field. Logic expressions, which cannot use variables or If statements, are
simpler than logic functions. Except for |CURVAL|, expressions do not have built-in
parameters. For expressions, you do not need to assign a value to RESULT.

Chapter 4
Logic Accounts

Expressions execute faster than logic functions. You can use the Data Management
Lookup function within expressions, as it is used within logic functions. To write a
custom expression, double-click the Value/Exp field to open the expression editor.
|CURVAL| + |810| + |238|

The function above uses the Data Management Lookup function to add two source
accounts to the value of the logic account. Notice that the CURVAL parameter can be
used within expressions, as it can within logic functions, except that, with expressions,
CURVAL must be enclosed in pipes.
(|CURVAL| + |000,10,09/30/01,810|) * 100

The function above uses the Data Management Lookup function to add a source
account (810) and a source account from a specified center, Data Management
category, and Data Management period to the value of the logic account, and then
multiplies the resulting sum by 100.

Use function operators to execute a custom logic function defined in the Value/
Expression field.
To write a function, select Function from the Operator drop-down list in the Logic Item
line, and then click the edit icon to open the edit window. Logic functions are usually
used for conditional mapping and other complex operations that involve multiple
source accounts. Logic functions enable the use of Jython commands including
variables, if/elif/else statements, numeric functions, and other Jython constructs.
The logic function enables the use of predefined function parameters, and also
requires that you assign a value to the RESULT variable so that a value can be
updated for the newly created logic account. The following function parameters can be
used in a logic function, and these do not require using the "|" notation:

Table 4-22 Function Operators and descriptions

Function Operator Description

CURVAL Source value of the logic account operation
StrLocation Active location name
StrCenter Logic account entity
StrCatKey Active category key, not the name. You need
too lookup the category key in the database to
use this parameter.
StrPerKey Active period
Entity, Category, Period, Account| Lookup notation may be used in a logic
function. This is the same notation provided in
the logic expression.
Skip If "Skip" is assigned to the keyword RESULT,
then the logic account is not created.

You can define function parameters in uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case letters.
However, the keyword RESULT must be in uppercase letters.

Chapter 4
Logic Accounts

Assigning Function Return Values

The result of a Logic Function must be assigned to the keyword RESULT. If a return value is
not assigned to the RESULT keyword, then the logic engine automatically sets the value of
result to zero. This causes the calculation to be skipped and the logic account is not created.
The following function assigns the result of the logic account calculation (using the CURVAL
parameter) to the logic account (RESULT) when the logic account calculation returns a value
greater than zero. If the first condition is not met, then the logic account is not created
because of the keyword "Skip".

if CURVAL > 0:



RESULT = "Skip"

You must use the Jython notation and indentation for the logic function.

The following function only assigns the result of the logic account calculation to the logic
account when "10" is the active Data Management category key.

if StrCatKey == "10":




Chapter 4
Logic Accounts

This function assigns the result of the logic account calculation to the logic account
only when the Criteria Account Entity is "000."

if StrCenter == "000":




This function uses the Data Management Lookup function to add a source account
(810) to the value of the logic account if the current Data Management period is "Dec

if StrPerKey == "12/31/2013":




This function uses the Data Management Lookup function to add another source
account from a different Entity, Data Management category, and Data Management
period to the value of the logic account when the active location is "Texas".

If StrLocation == "Texas":

RESULT = CURVAL + |000,10,09/30/13,810|



To perform calculations and thereby, to derive values for a logic account, you select an
operator, from the Operator field, to work with the Value/Expression value.

Chapter 4
Logic Accounts

This field specifies the order in which the logic accounts are processed. Order specification
enables one logic account to be used by another logic account, provided that the dependent
account is processed first.

A Yes-No switch determines whether a logic account is considered an export account and
therefore is subjected to the conversion table validation process. If the switch is set to Yes,
then you must map the logic account.

Creating Summarized Logic Accounts

By default, a logic account is created for each center in the trial balance. For example, when
the Criteria Value field is 12300, the result is a logic account created for each source center
that is associated with account 12300.
You can create a logic account that summarizes multiple source centers by, in the Criteria
Value field, placing a semicolon after the account name and entering the number that
identifies the number of characters to group by.
For example, when the value in the Criteria Value field is 12300;4, the result is a summarized
account that includes all source centers that have the same first four characters in the source
center name. The source center assigned to account 12300 is the four characters that start at
position 1. In addition, when the value in the Criteria Value field is 12300;3;4, the result is a
summarized account that includes all source centers that have the same three characters in
the source center, starting at position 4. The source center assigned to account 12300 is the
three characters that start at position 4.
To create a logic account that summarizes all source centers by, in the Criteria Value field,
place a semicolon after the account name and enter a text value. This hard-coded text value
becomes the center for the summarized logic account. For example, when the value in the
Criteria Value field is 12300;Dept100, then the result is a summarized account that includes
all source centers. The source center assigned to account 12300 is Dept100.

Creating Complex Logic Accounts

Individual logic items are defined within a complex logic group. Each of the fields for a
complex logic rule operates the same as a simple logic rule except for the Criteria Value and
Include Calc fields. Complex logic accounts enable the user to enter a criteria value that
includes other dimensions besides the account dimension. In addition, you can specify a
"group by" and "group level" to alter how the generated logic accounts are displayed within
the Workbench.

Criteria Value
To enter criteria for each dimension, click the Criteria Value icon to open the criteria form. The
logic item is created only from the source line items that meet the specified criteria for each
dimension. Descriptions of each complex logic criteria field is as follows:

This field enables the selection of any enabled source dimension. You can select each
dimension only once.

Chapter 4
Logic Accounts

Criteria Type
This field works in conjunction with the Source Dimension and Criteria Value fields to
determine from which source values the logic items are derived. Criteria types
available are In, Between, and Like. The Criteria Type determines how the criteria
value is interpreted.

Criteria Value
The criteria type uses this field to determine the members to include in the logic
calculation for any given logic dimension.

Group By
When viewing the derived logic item in the Workbench, the Group By field enables the
logic item to override the displayed member in the appropriate dimensions field. You
can override to group the dimension based on the value entered in the Group By field.
Use this field to hard code the returned member, or append hard-coded values to the
original members by entering a hard-coded member and an asterisk (*) in the Group
By field.
For example, by placing the word "Cash" in the row with account selected for
dimension, the Import form displays "Cash" in the Account field for the logic item. If
you place "L-*" in the Group By field, the import form displays "L-1100" where 1100 is
the original account that passed the logic criteria.
If you enter no value in the Group By field, no grouping occurs for this dimension, and
a separate logic item is created for each unique dimension member.

Group Level
When viewing the logic item in the Workbench, the Group Level field works with the
Group By field to override the displayed member in the appropriate dimensions field.
This field accepts only numeric values.
When you enter a value of 3 in the Group Level field, the left three characters of the
Group By field are returned. If no value is entered in the Group By field, then when you
specify 3 in the Group Level field, first three characters of the original source
dimension member are returned. The logic items displayed on the Import form can be
grouped to the desired level.
For example, when you enter L-* in the Group By field, the logic item displays in the
Import form as "L-1100", where 1100 is the original account that passed. When viewing
the logic item in the Workbench, the Group Level field works with the Group By field to
override the displayed member in the appropriate dimensions field. This field accepts
only numeric values.
+ displays "L-11". If you enter the Group level1 for this row, then the Import form
displays "L-1".

Include Calc
If it meets the logic item criteria, the Include Calc field enables the logic item to include
previously calculated Data Management values in its calculations.

Chapter 4
Logic Accounts

Each logic item has a sequence attached, and the logic items are calculated in this
sequence. If the second, or later, logic item has this field enabled, then any
previously calculated logic items are included, provided they meet the logic criteria.

Complex Logic Example 1: CashTx

Table 4-23 Complex Logic Example 1: CashTx

Dimension Criteria Type Criteria Value Group By Group Level

Account Like 11* Cash 0
Entity Like Tx Texas 0
ICP Between 00,99 ICP 0
UDI In 00,01,02 UD1 0

The first row specifies that any accounts that begin with "11" are included in the calculated
result for "Calc Item: CashTx".
The second row further qualifies the results by specifying that the source record must also
have the entity like "TX."
The third line reduces the results to only those source records that have an ICP value
between 00 and 09.
The last line reduces the results to only those source records that have a Custom 1 (UD1) of
either: 00, 01 or 02. Imported lines that do not meet the listed criteria are excluded from the
calculated results.
In the following table, only one new logic item is derived from multiple source records. Using
the preceding graphic example as the logic criteria, and the first grid that follows as the
source line items, you can see how Data Management derives the value of a single logic
item. Note the Group By field. Each Group By field includes a hard-coded value. Therefore,
for every line that passes the specified criteria, the original imported member is replaced with
the member listed in the Group By field.

Sample Imported Values

Table 4-24 Imported Values Sample

Account Entity ICP UD1 Amount Include or

1150 Tx 07 01 50,401.07 Include
1176 Tx 04 02 10,996.00 Include
1201 Tx 01 00 500.00 Exclude

Chapter 4
Logic Accounts

Sample Imported Account Names

Table 4-25 Sample Imported Account Names

Account Entity ICP UD1 Amount

Cash Texas ICP UD1 50,401.07
Cash Texas ICP UD1 10,996.00

Data Management groups and summarizes the rows that include identical member
combinations and thus creates the following result:

Final Result

Table 4-26 Imported Account Names and Numbers

Account Entity ICP UD1 Amount

Cash Texas ICP UD1 61,397.07

Complex Logic Example 2: CashTx

Table 4-27 Complex Logic Example 2

Dimension Criteria Type Criteria Value Group By Group Level

Account Like 11* Cash 0
Entity Like Tx Texas 0
ICP Between 000,100 * 2
UDI In 00,01,02 UD1-* 0

The first row in the preceding table specifies accounts that begin with "11" are to be
included in the calculated result for "Calc Item: CashTx".
The second row further qualifies the results by specifying that the source record must
also have the entity like "TX".
The third line reduces the results to only those source records that have an ICP value
between 000 and 100.
The last line reduces the results to only those source records that have a Custom 1
(UD1) of either: "00", "01". or "02". Any imported line that does not meet all listed
criteria is excluded from the calculated results.
In the following tables, two logic items are derived from the source records because of
the values entered in the Group By and Group Level fields. Two of the Group By fields
have hard-coded values listed and two have an asterisk. Therefore, for every line that
passes the specified criteria, the original imported members for the Account and Entity
dimensions are replaced with the member listed in the Group By field. The other
dimensions return all, or part of the original members based on the Group Level

Chapter 4
Check Rules

Sample Imported Values

Table 4-28 Sample Imported Account Numbers

Account Entity ICP UD1 Amount Include or

1150 Tx 070 01 50,401.07 Include
1176 Tx 040 02 10,996.00 Include
1121 Tx 045 02 9,050.41 Include
1201 Tx 100 00 500.00 Exclude

Logic Members

Table 4-29 Logic Members Imported Account Names

Account Entity ICP UD1 Amount

Cash Texas 07 UD1-01 50,401.07
Cash Texas 04 UD1-02 10,996.00
Cash Texas 04 UD1-02 9,050.41

Data Management groups and summarizes the rows that include identical member
combinations and thus creates the following result.

Final Result

Table 4-30 Final Result of Imported Account Names and Numbers

Account Entity ICP UD1 Amount

Cash Texas 07 UD1-01 50,401.07
Cash Texas 04 UD1-02 20,046.41

Check Rules
Use check rules to enforce data integrity.

Overview of Check Rules

System administrators use check rules to enforce data integrity. A set of check rules is
created within a check rule group, and the check rule group is assigned to a location. Then,
after data is loaded to the target system, a check report is generated.
If a check entities group is assigned to the location, then check report runs for all entities that
are defined in the group. If no check entities group is assigned to the location, the check
report runs for each entity that was loaded to the target system. Data Management check
reports retrieve values from the target system, Data Management source data, or Data
Management converted data.

Chapter 4
Check Rules

Data Management analyzes the check report and inserts a status entry in the process
monitoring table. The location associated with the report shows a status of True only
when all rules within the check report pass. For rules used only for warning, no rule
logic is assigned.
Check reports run as data is loaded. You can also run the reports manually.

Check rules are not applicable when loading to Accounts Reconciliation

If the Entity dimension has shared hierarchies, then members must be
specified in parent.child format in the check entity group or data load
mappings for check rules to work with Financial Consolidation and Close and
Tax Reporting.

If you use the Simple Workflow mode to load data (see Using Workflow
Modes and you run a check rule with target intersections, then include a
check entity group (see Creating Check Entity Groups). Otherwise the check
rule fails. In addition, other than the Full workflow mode, no check reports are
not available after the export step has completed.

Creating Check Rule Groups

To create check rule groups:
1. On the Setup tab, under Data Load Setup, select Check Rule Group.
2. In the Check Rule Group summary grid, click Add.
A row is added to the top grid.
3. In Check Rule Group Details, enter a name for the group in the Name field.
Optional: In Description, enter a description of the group.
4. Click Save.

Creating Check Rules

Each line of a Check Rule report represents a check rule.
To create check rules:
1. On the Setup tab, under Data Load Setup, select Check Rule Group.

Chapter 4
Check Rules

2. Optional: In Check Rules, select the POV Location, POV Period, or POV Category.
See Using the POV Bar.
3. In the Check Rule Group summary grid, select the check rule group.
4. In the Rule Item details grid, click Add.
A row is added to the grid.
5. In each field, enter check rule information:
• Display Value—See Display Value.
• Description (optional)—See Description.
• Rule Name—See Rule Name.
• Rule Text—See Rule Text.
• Category—See Category.
• Sequence—See Sequence.
• Rule Logic (optional)
6. Click Save.
Example 4-1 Display Value
The Display Value field, which controls how Data Management formats the data rows of
check reports, is used to select target accounts or report format codes. For fields that contain
report format codes, no value lookup is attempted.
Example 4-2 Browse for Target Account
This option, which displays the Search and Select: Target Value screen, enables you to
search and insert a target account (from a list of target-system application accounts) into the
check rules form.
Example 4-3 Select Format Code
This option enables you to enter format codes into the Target Account column.
Format codes determine the display of check reports.

Table 4-31 Format Codes and Corresponding Actions Performed on Check Reports

Format Code Action Performed on Check Reports

#ModeList Sets the report to display the Display Value,
Description, and Amount column values. The
system defaults to #ModeRule if nothing is
#ModeRule (Default) Sets the report to display the Rule Name,
Rule Text, and Amount column values.
The report evaluates each expression of the Rule
Logic column and tests the True or False condition
of each rule. The status of each rule (OK or Error)
is displayed in the report.
#Title Inserts the text of the associated Description field
as a title line on the check report.

Chapter 4
Check Rules

Table 4-31 (Cont.) Format Codes and Corresponding Actions Performed on Check

Format Code Action Performed on Check Reports

#Subtitle Inserts the text of the associated Description field
as a subtitle line on the check report.

Example 4-4 Description

Displayed only for check reports in #ModeList mode, the Description column displays
account descriptions (which may be designated as titles or subtitles).

Out-of-Balance Account

Example 4-5 Rule Name

Displayed only for check reports in #ModeRule mode, the Rule Name column, stores
identifiers for check rules. Rule Name values should be unique and easy to identify.
Example—Rule Name

Out-of-Balance Check

Example 4-6 Rule Text

Displayed only for reports in #ModeRule mode, the Rule Text column defines the logic
behind rules. In check reports, the primary statement for a rule is the text of the Rule
Text field associated with the rule.
Example—Rule Text

This account must be between [+10 and –10].

Example 4-7 Category

In the Category column, select the Data Management category to restrict a check rule
to one Data Management category. The rule is displayed in the check report only when
the Data Management category that is selected in the Category field associated with
the rule is the Data Management category set in the POV. To display the check rule in
the check report regardless of the category set in the POV, you must select All.
Example 4-8 Sequence
Sequence column values (numbers) determine the order in which format codes and
rules are processed. It is good practice to increment sequence numbers by 10—to
provide a range for the insertion of format codes and rules.

Rule Logic
The Rule Logic column is used to create multidimensional lookups and check rule
expressions. Rule Logic columns are processed for reports only in #ModeRule or

Chapter 4
Check Rules

#ModeList mode. After a rule logic is processed for a rule in the check report, Data
Management flags the rule as passing or failing.

Check Rule Condition Expressions

Check rule expressions are used primarily to validate target-system account balances when
performing multidimensional lookups. The expressions return a True or False result.
For example, the following returns true (OK) if Cash (a target account) has a positive
balance, and false (Error) when it does not:
|,,,YTD,<Entity Currency>,,Cash,[ICP None],[None],[None],[None],

In this example, the check rule expression returns true (OK) when the value of Cash (a target
account) plus $1000 is greater or equals the value of AccruedTax (another target account),
and false (Error) when it does not:
|,,,YTD,<Entity Currency>,,Cash,[ICP None],[None],[None],[None],
[None],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,|+1000>=|,,,YTD,<Entity Currency>,,AccruedTax,[ICP None],

Using the Rule Logic Editor to Create Check Rules

The Rule Logic Editor facilitates creation of check rules. It helps you develop rule logic and
enables you to create rules from the Rule Logic Editor. You use the Rule Logic Editor to
modify check rules.

To open the Rule Logic Editor:

Chapter 4
Check Rules

1. On the Setup tab, under Data Load Setup, select Check Rule Group.
2. From Check Rules, in the Check Rule Group summary grid, select a check rule
3. From the Rule Item Details grid, click Add.
A row is added to the grid.
4. In each field, enter check rule information:
• Display Value—See Display Value.
• Description—(optional) See Description.
• Rule Name—See Rule Name.
• Rule Text—See Rule Text.
• Category—See Category.
• Sequence—See Sequence.

5. Click .
The Rule Logic screen includes three tabs:
• Rule Logic Add/Edit
• Rule Logic Add/Edit as Text
• Rule Logic Test Expression

Adding Rule Logic

Use the Rule Logic Add/Edit tab to add each row for the rule logic statement with a list
of member values.
The Rule Logic Add/Edit tab consists of these elements:
• Condition Summary—Provides the logic for the check rule by enabling the
specification of conditional expression that evaluates to "true" or "false."
If the Condition Summary does not contain a condition, it does not show OK or
Error, but it does show an intersection that you can specify.
The Condition Summary and Display Summary options are optional, but if omitted,
they display only 0.00.
• Display Summary—Enables the specification of a multiple-dimensional lookup to
be used as the display value.
The display value is ignored and if the row has no rule logic at all and just a
display value, the row is ignored and the report is terminated. The only value
displayed in the Value column on the report is whatever expression is contained in
the Display Summary. The display summary is optional.
• Add—Adds a row in the summary.
• Delete—Removes a row in the summary.
To add a rule logic statement:
1. On Rule Logic Editor, select the Rule Logic Add/Edit tab.
2. From the Condition or Display summary grid, click Add.

Chapter 4
Check Rules

A blank line is displayed.

3. Enter the rule to test.

When using the equal sign for evaluating amounts, use double equal signs

4. Optional: Click .
5. From Rule Logic in the Intersection Type field, select the intersection type for the
multidimensional lookup.
Available intersection types:
• Source intersection—Values are enclosed by the "~" character.
• Converted source intersection—Values are enclosed by the ' character.
• Target intersection—Values are enclosed by the "|" character.
See Multidimensional Lookup.
6. From Dimension, select the dimension from which to retrieve values.
7. From Member Value, select a value from the dimension.
8. Click Add to Intersection.
The member value is added to the Display area.
9. Click OK.

Rule Logic Intersection

Use the Rule Logic Intersection screen, from which you can select dimensions directly from
the target system, to ensure that required dimensions are entered and ordered correctly.

Chapter 4
Check Rules

Display the Rule Logic Intersection screen by clicking from the Condition
Summary or Display summary grid on the Rule Logic Add/Edit screen.
The Rule Logic Intersection screen enables you to select the type of retrieval format
for the target dimensions.
Data Management uses the intersection type when multidimensional lookups are
selected for a rules logic statement. The multidimensional lookup retrieves account
values from the target system, Data Management source data, target data or Data
Management source converted data. See Multidimensional Lookup.

Chapter 4
Check Rules

Multidimensional Lookup
The multidimensional lookup retrieves account values from the target system, Data
Management source data, or Data Management converted data. You can use
multidimensional lookups in the rule condition and in the display of the rule logic.
Rule Data Sources
Data Management can retrieve data from three sources:
• Target-system data
• Data Management source data
• Data Management converted data
Target System Data
The following format, which begins and ends the rule with the pipe character (|), enables Data
Management to retrieve target-system values for any dimension.
Unless otherwise specified, parameters are optional.

|Scenario, Period, Year, View, Value, Entity, Account (Required), ICP,

Custom1, Custom2,Custom3, Custom4, Custom5, Custom6, Custom7, Custom8,
Custom9, Custom10, Custom11, Custom12, Custom13, Custom14, Custom15,
Custom16, Custom17, Custom18, Custom19, Custom20|

The following examples illustrate ways that target-system values can be retrieved. In each
example, Balance is a target account. For dimensions that are not referenced, you must use
commas as placeholders.
Note the following:
• The Year dimension defaults to the year set in the POV.
• The Currency dimension defaults to 0.
• The View dimension defaults to YTD.
• The Value dimension defaults to <Entity Currency>.
Example 1
Look up the value of Balance for the target period and scenario (category) set in the POV and
for each entity of the Data Management check entity group that is assigned to the location.
The example rule passes the check when the target account is less than $10 and greater
than -10.

|,,,,,Balance,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,| > -10.00 AND

|,,,,,Balance,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,| < 10.00

Example 2
Look up the value of Balance for the specified dimensions.

[None],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,USD| > 0

Example 3

Chapter 4
Check Rules

Look up the value of Balance for the specified dimensions and the previous period.

[None],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,USD| > 0

Example 4
Look up the value of Balance for the target scenario (category) set in the Data
Management POV, the previous target period, and each entity of the Data
Management check entity group that is assigned to the location.
Example 1
The following shows how to use +n and -n to specify a relative offset in the check rule
when the current year dimension is "2015":

-1 result is 2015 - 1 = 2014 (Year - n)

+1 result is 2015 + 1 = 2016 (Year + n)

Example 2
The following shows how to use +n and -n to specify a relative offset in the check rule
when the current period dimension is "January":

-1 result is January - 1 = January

+1 result is January + 1 = February

+12 result is January + 12 = December

Data Management Source Data

The following format, which begins and ends the rule with the tilde character (~),
retrieves values from data that was mapped to a target member, and then loaded into
Data Management.
Unless otherwise specified, parameters are optional. Parameters designated UD# are

~FDMEE Category, FDMEE Period, Year (Field Not Applicable), FDMEE

View, FDMEE Location, Source Entity(Required), Source
Account(Required), Source ICP, Source UD1,Source UD2, Source UD3,
Source UD4, Source UD5, Source UD6, Source UD7,Source UD8, Source UD9,
Source UD10, Source UD11, Source UD12, Source UD13,Source UD14, Source
UD15, Source UD16, Source UD17, Source UD18, Source UD19, Source UD20~

Chapter 4
Check Rules

Data Management Converted Data

The following format, which begins and ends the rule with the grave accent character (`),
retrieves pull values from data that was loaded into Data Management. Unless otherwise
specified, the parameters are optional.

`FDMEE Category, FDMEE Period, Year (Field Not Applicable), FDMEE View,
FDMEE Location, Entity(Required), Account(Required), ICP, Custom1, Custom2,
Custom3, Custom4, Custom5, Custom6, Custom7, Custom8, Custom9, Custom10,
Custom11, Custom12, Custom13, Custom14, Custom15, Custom16, Custom17,
Custom18, Custom19, Custom20`

Math Operators
Math Operators (+, -, *, /)—If you select a math operator, then the check rule has an amount
that equals the original amount calculated with the specified expression. For example, when
you select the operator "*" and enter: 2 in the rule field, then the new record is an amount two
times the original amount. The math operators available in the expressions:
• + (addition)
• - (subtraction)
• * (multiplication)
• / (division)
• abs ()

Check rules accept If/Then/Else statements that enables you to create more complex
conditional tests on the Add/Edit as Text tab. This statement provides a primary path of
execution when the if statement evaluates to "true," and a secondary path of execution
when the if statement evaluates to "false."

Using the If/Then/Else statement, you can use custom-field values within reports as warning
messages and flags.
In the following example, when the Result is between 100 to 1500, the Check Report with
Warning prints "Amount between 100 and 1500." The example references three data
1. 24000050: 1000
2. 24000055: 500
3. 24000060: 10
This calculation for this example is 1000 + 500/10, with the result of 1050.
The script is written using Jython code:

def runVal():

dbVal=abs((|,,,,,BERLIN,24000050,[ICP None],[None],[None],[None],
[None],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,|)+(|,,,,,BERLIN,24000055,[ICP None],[None],[None],

Chapter 4
Check Rules

[None],[None],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,|)/(|,,,,,BERLIN,24000060,[ICP None],






PstrCheckMessage1='Amount < 100.'

elif(dbVal>100 and dbVal<=1500):


PstrCheckMessage1='Amount between 100 and 1500.'

elif(dbVal>1500 and dbVal<=9999):


PstrCheckMessage1='Amount between 1501 and 9999.'



PstrCheckMessage1='Amount greater than 9999!'

return [RESULT,PstrCheckMessage1,msg2,msg3]

Chapter 4
Check Rules

You must include three message parameters with the return statement to write data
to the status table. If you write only a single message, two other message
parameters are required.

The result of running this script is shown in the Check Report with Warnings:

Adding a Rule Logic Statement as Free Form Text

Use the Rule Logic Add/Edit as Text tab to add the rule to test manually as free-form text.
This feature enables you to instruct the system on how to display the actual value from the
check rule logic. It always provides you with a way to cut and paste text rather than entering
text line by line. If you do not specify a display summary, then the report shows a "0" value.
When the Display area is active, all interactions take place in the Display area. For example,
pasting a tree copies all tree members to the Display area. When the Rule area is active, all
interactions take place in the Condition area. Changes made on the Lookup tab are reflected
on the Rule tab in related editors.

To add a rule logic statement:

Chapter 4
Check Rules

1. On the Rule Logic Editor, select the Rule Logic Add/Edit as Text tab.
2. In Rule, enter the rule.
Do not use a semicolon (;) in check rules. The semicolon is a reserved as the
separator between the rule value and the display value.
When using the equal sign for evaluating amounts, use double equal signs (==)
instead of the single equal sign (=). For example, use a – b == 0, and not a - b=0.
3. Click OK.

Testing Check Rule Expressions

You can test a rule in the Test Expression tab of the Rule Logic tab and validate
conditions for a combination of dimensions. When a test check rule is submitted, you
can display errors that were found in the rule being tested.
The Text Expression screen contains the following elements:
• Expression—Area that displays the rule being tested
• Expression After Lookup (Scratch Pad)—Area that displays the results of the
expression being tested. (You can use the area for temporary storage of text and
expressions by selecting text and right-clicking.)
Any expression in this field is removed when you click Test Condition or Test
• Result—Area that displays the results of the test condition (True or False)
• Lookup Errors—Area that displays errors that were found in the expression being
• Select POV—Enables you to select the Check Rule POV.
On the Select Point of View screen, you can select another POV, or select a
specific entity on the Member Selector screen.

The POV can only be set after data was exported to the application for a
specific POV. Then you can enter the POV and run the rule being tested.
The POV entered remains set for the current session. You can navigate
to the workbench and return without having to reset the POV.

• Test Condition and Test Display—Buttons that are used to run, respectively, the
expression in the Condition or Display area on the Rule tab

Chapter 4
Check Rules

To test a rule logic statement:

1. On the Rule Logic Editor, select the Test Expression tab.
2. Click Select POV to select the POV for the rule.
Optionally, you can click the Entity look up and select a member from the Member
Selector screen.
3. Click Test Condition or Test Display to test the condition or display specified on the
other tabs.
If you need to edit an expression, move to the other Rule tabs (Add Edit and Add / Edit as
Text) and change the expression.
4. Click OK.

Running Check Reports for a BSO Essbase Cube

Before running a Check Report for an BSO Essbase cube, make sure that a fully qualified
name is used to differentiate any duplicate members used within dimensions or across
dimensions. To construct a fully qualified name from a duplicate member name, add the fully
qualified name as a rule logic statement on the Rule Logic Add/Edit as Text screen (see
Adding a Rule Logic Statement as Free Form Text). This requirement applies to Profitability
and Cost Management, Financial Consolidation and Close, and Tax Reporting.
Note that a fully qualified member name comprises the duplicate member or alias name and
all ancestors up to and including the dimension name. Each name must be enclosed in
brackets ([ ]) and separated by a period (.). The syntax is as follows:


Chapter 4
Check Rules

For example:

[Market].[East].[State].[New York]

[Market].[East].[City].[New York]

See Oracle® Essbase Database Administrator’s Guide.

Creating Check Entity Groups

A check entity group consists of one or more target-system entities. When a check
report is generated, the entities of the entity groups that are assigned to the report
location are consolidated and displayed in the report. You activate check entity groups
by assigning them to locations. You define the check entities of a check entity group by
entering values in the fields of the check entities form of the Check Entities screen.
The Check Entity Group screen consists of three grids:
• Check Entity Group Summary—Summary area that lists the names of the check
entity group, and enables you to create a new check entity group.
• Check Entity Group Details—Detail area where you can name and describe the
check entity group.
• Entity Details—Detail area where you can add information about the entity.
To add a check entity group:
1. On the Setup tab, under Data Load Setup, select Check Entity Group.
2. On the Check Entity Group grid, click Add.
A blank row is added at the top of the grid.
3. From the Check Entity Group Detail area, enter the check entity group name in the
Name field.
Optional: In the Description field, enter a description of the check entity group.
4. Click Save.
To add an entity detail:
1. In Check Entity Group summary grid, select a check entity group.
2. In Entity details grid, click Add.
Blank options lines are displayed.
3. Complete the following fields:
• Parent
• Entity
• Consolidate
• On Report
• Sequence
4. Click Save.

Chapter 4
Check Rules

Table 4-32 Entity Detail Options and Descriptions

Option Description
Entity Specify the target entity to consolidate and display
in the check report. If the Consolidate option is
selected, the entity is consolidated before it is
displayed in the check report.
Consolidate Select to consolidate an entity before displaying it
in the check report.
Data Management also runs a consolidation after
loading the target system (assuming a check entity
group is assigned to the location). The
consolidated entities are specified in the check
entity group that is assigned to the active location.
Planning—Runs the default calculation specified in
the Calc Script Name.
Essbase—Runs the default calculation specified in
the Calc Script Name depending on the "Check
Entity Calculation Method" property of the target
application. (Note that a calculation script can be
run before or after a check rule is run.)
On Report The option selected in the On Report column
determines whether an entity is displayed in the
check report. If On Report is not selected and
Consolidate is selected, the entity is consolidated
but not displayed.
Sequence Specify the order in which entities are
consolidated and displayed in the check report.
It is good practice to increment the sequence
number by 10, to provide a range for the insertion
of entities.

Batch Processing
Using the Data Management batch processing feature, you can:
• Combine one or more load rules in a batch and execute it at one time.
• Run jobs in a batch in serial or parallel mode.
• Define the parameters of the batch.
• Derive the period parameters based on POV settings.
• Create a "master" batch that includes multiple batches with different parameters.
For example, you can have one batch for data rules run in serial mode, and a second
batch for the data rule run in parallel mode.
• Associate a batch with a batch group for ease of use and security.
• Instruct the batch to submit included jobs in parallel mode and return control.
• Instruct the batch to submit included jobs in parallel mode and return control only when
all jobs are complete.
• When working with metadata batch definitions, you can create a batch that includes data
load rules from different target applications. This is helpful when creating a batch from
which to load data and metadata. (Metadata in this case, is loaded from a flat file.)
You can also create a batch of batches or "master" batch with one batch for metadata
and another batch for data. With this method, you do not need to select a target
application name, but note that you cannot migrate a master batch without one.
For more information, see Working with Metadata Batch Definitions.
Batch processing options are available on the Data Management task pane, or by executing
batch scripts.
If you process batches from the Data Management task pane, use the Batch Definition option
to create a batch, and specify its parameters and tasks included in the batch. See Working
with Batch Definitions. Use the Batch Execution option to execute batches. See Executing

Working with Batch Definitions

A batch definition is used to define the batch jobs and parameters, and the type of rules
included in the batch. A batch can contain one type of rule only. Valid types of rules are:
• data
• batch
• open batch

Chapter 5
Working with Batch Definitions

Only an administrator can create batch definitions.

You can create a batch definition that includes data load rules from a different target
applications. This enables you to use a batch that loads both metadata and data, or to
create a batch of batches with one batch for metadata and another batch for data.
If you want to work with data load rules that have been associated with a metadata
application, Data Management supports the loading of metadata from a flat file. For
more information, see
The Batch Definition features consist of three regions:
• Batch Definition detail—Enables you to add and delete a batch definition. If adding
or modifying a definition, specify the definition name, target application, process
method, return control method, and wait parameters.
• Batch Definition parameters—Enables you to derive period parameters based on
the Import to Source, Export to Target, POV period, and to indicate data extract
parameters. The parameter definition is unavailable for the batch types "batch."
• Batch Definition jobs—Enables you to add and delete jobs in a batch. Based on
the type of batch, specific types of rules are allowed.
To add a batch definition:
1. On the Setup tab, under Batch, select Batch Definition.
2. In the Batch Definition summary section, click Add.
Use the blank Name and Target Application fields in the Batch Definition summary
grid to enter a batch name or target application on which to search.
3. In Batch Definition detail section, select the Definition tab.
4. In Name, specify the name of the batch definition.
The name must contain only alpha, numeric or underscore characters. Do not
enter spaces or any other character.
5. From Target Application, select the name of the target application.
6. From Type, select the type of rule for the definition.
Available types are:
• data
• batch
• open batch
• open batch multi-Period file-based data sources that include starting and
ending periods.
If you are including multiple target applications, make sure the "type" of rule is
consistent by type. For example, a batch of type "batch" cannot include a data
rule. It can include only batches. A batch of type "data" cannot include batches.
The Open Batch type is used only for file-based data sources and does not
contain any batch jobs. When you run this type of batch, the process reads the

Chapter 5
Working with Batch Definitions

files automatically from the openbatch directory and imports them into the appropriate
POV based on the file name. When the open batch is run, the master folder is emptied.
7. From Execution Mode, select the batch process method.
• Serial—Processes files sequentially, requiring that one file complete its process
before the next file starts its process.
• Parallel—Processes files simultaneously.

Files are not grouped by location in parallel mode.

8. For batch processing run in parallel mode, complete the following fields
• Wait for Completion—Select Wait to return control only when the batch has finished
Select No Wait to run the batch in the background. In this case, control is returned
• Timeout—Specify the maximum time the job can run. Data Management waits for
the job to complete before returning control.
The Timeout can be in seconds or minutes. Enter a number followed by a S for
seconds or M for minutes.
9. In Open Batch Directory for an open batch type, specify the folder under
Home\inbox\batches openbatch where the files to be imported are copied. If this field is
blank or null, all files under Home\inbox\batches\openbatch are processed.
10. In File Name Separator for an open batch, select the character to use when separating
the five segments of an open batch file name.
• ~
• @
• ;
• _
11. Select Auto Create Data Rule to create the data rule automatically for file-based data

The Auto Create Data Rule option is available when the rule type is "open

When Data Management assigns the data rule name, it checks whether a data rule with
the name "Location_Category" exists. If this name does not exist, Data Management
creates the data rule using the following file naming conventions:
• Rule Name—Location_Category
• Description—"Auto created data rule"

Chapter 5
Working with Batch Definitions

• Category—Category
• File Name—Null
• Mode—Replace
12. Optional: In the Description field, enter a description of the batch definition.

13. Click Save.

14. Optional: In Batch Group, select the batch group to associate with the batch.

For more information, see Adding a Batch Group.

15. Optional: In Number of Parallel Jobs, specify the maximum number of parallel
processes submitted by a batch at any time.
This option is used in conjunction with the Wait for Completion and Timeout
If Wait for Completion and a time-out period options are set, but the number of
parallel jobs is not, then Data Management waits for all batch jobs to complete and
then returns control.
When the number of parallel jobs count is set, and the Wait for Completion/time-
out modes are enabled, the system submits the specified number of jobs for
processing at one time. If the wait time is reached before all the jobs are complete,
the system exits the batch processing procedure.
The Wait for Completion setting is not for each subset, but for the whole batch. For
example, let's suppose you have 20 jobs where the number of parallel jobs is set
to 4 and the time-out period is 10 M. If only 15 jobs are completed in 10 M, the
system still exits.
If No Wait is specified, the system submits all jobs and returns control submitted
immediately without waiting for any running processes to finish.
16. Click Save.

To add batch definition parameters:

1. On the Setup tab, under Batch, select Batch Definition.
2. In Batch Definition, under Batch Definition Detail, select the Parameter tab.
3. In Parameters, select Import From Source to import the data from the source
system, perform the necessary transformations, and export the data to the Data
Management staging table.
4. Select Export To Target to export the data to the target application.
5. Select POV Period to derive the period parameters based on POV settings.
If the POV period is selected, the period key start and end period fields are
This field is only available for a data load batch.
When setting up a batch, you can choose the POV to drive the period, or enter the
periods explicitly. If you select the POV, it is pulled from the Default POV Period
setting in System/Application, or User settings.
6. Specify dates in the Start Period and End Period to derive period parameters
through which the data is processed.
Use the date format based on the locale settings for your locale. For example, in
the United States, enter the date using the format MM/DD/YY format.

Chapter 5
Working with Batch Definitions

If the Start Period and End Period fields are selected, the POV Period field is disabled.
This field is only available for a data load batch.
7. In the Import Mode drop-down, select the mode to extract data all at once for an entire
period or incrementally during the period.
Options are:
• Append—Existing rows for the POV remain the same, but new rows are appended to
the POV. For example, a first-time load has 100 rows and second load has 50 rows.
In this case, Data Management appends the 50 rows. After this load, the row total for
the POV is 150.
• Replace— Replaces the rows in the POV with the rows in the load file (that is,
replaces the rows in TDATASEG). For example, a first time load has 100 rows, and a
second load has 70 rows. In this case, Data Management first removes the 100 rows,
and loads the 70 rows to TDATASSEG. After this load, the row total for the POV is
For a Planning application, Replace Data clears data for the Year, Period, Scenario,
Version, and Entity dimensions that you are loading, and then loads the data from the
source or file. Note when you have a year of data in your Planning application but are
only loading a single month, this option clears the entire year before performing the
This field is only available for a data load batch.
8. Select Extract Exchange Rate to extract the exchange rate. (This option is not
applicable for file-based source systems).
9. In the Export Mode drop-down, select the mode of exporting data.
For Planning applications, in the Export Mode drop-down, select the mode of exporting
Options are:
• Store Data—Inserts the value from the source or file into the target application,
replacing any value that currently exists.
• Replace Data—Clears data for the Year, Period, Scenario, Version, and Entity
dimensions that you are loading, and then loads the data from the source or file. Note
when you have a year of data in your Planning application but are only loading a
single month, this option clears the entire year before performing the load.
• Add Data—Adds the value from the source or file to the value in the target
application. For example, when you have 100 in the source, and 200 in the target,
then the result is 300.
• Subtract Data—Subtracts the value in the source or file from the value in the target
application. For example, when you have 300 in the target, and 100 in the source,
then the result is 200.
This field is only available for a data load batch.
For Financial Consolidation and Close, the modes of exporting data are:
• Replace—First deletes all values based on the scenario, year, period, entity, and data
source before it submits the load.
• Merge—If data already existed in the application, the system simply adds values from
the load file to the existing data. No existing data is deleted. If data does not exist,
the new data is created.

Chapter 5
Adding a Batch Group

• Accumulate—Accumulate the data in the application with the data in the load
file. For each unique point of view in the data file, the value from the load file is
added to the value in the application.
10. For Essbase or Planning, from the Plan Type drop-down, select the plan type of
the application.
11. Click Save.

To add a batch job:

1. On the Setup tab, under Batch, select Batch Definition.
2. In Batch Definition, under Batch Jobs, click Add.
In Rule Name, specify the rule name associated with the batch job.
You can also select the

to navigate to and select the rule name.

3. In Job Sequence, specify the order in which to sequence the batch.
4. Click Save.

Adding a Batch Group

Batch groups enable you to determine security eligibility when executing batches.
To add a batch group:
1. On the Setup tab, under Batch, select Batch Definition.
2. Select the Batch Group tab.
3. Click Add.
4. In Name, specify the batch group name.
5. Click Save.
6. Optional: Associate a batch with a batch group:
a. Select the Batch tab.
b. From the Batch summary section, select the batch to associate with a batch
c. From the Batch detail section, select the Definition tab.
d. In Batch Group, select the batch group to associate with the batch.
e. Click Save.

Using Open Batches

The open batch functionality is used to read file-based data sources and import them
into the appropriate POV based on the file name. It is a batch definition type that
enables you to automate and schedule the workflow process (such as four fish steps
in the Data Load Workbench: import, validate, export, and check), particularly when
you must process the loading of a large number of external files. Open batches cannot
contain jobs. Additionally, open batches can be scheduled to run periodically.

Chapter 5
Using Open Batches

The high-level process overview of the Open Batches function consists of:
1. In Batch Definition, add a new batch definition with the type of Open Batch.
2. Create an openbatch folder in the application inbox\batches subdirectory where the files
to be imported are copied.
After a batch is processed, a directory is created and all files within the OpenBatch
directory are moved into it. The new directory is assigned a unique batch ID.
3. Select the File Name Separator character.
This character is used to separate the five segments of an open batch file name.
4. Select the Auto Create Data Rule option.
5. Stage the open batch files by copying files to the inbox\batches\openbatch folder using
the name format for batch files.
6. In Batch Execution, process the batch.

Creating Open Batches

To create and process open batch:
1. On the Setup tab, under Batch, select Batch Definition.
2. In the Batch Definition summary section, click Add.
Use the blank Name and Target Application fields in the Batch Definition summary grid to
enter a batch name or target application on which to search.
3. In Batch Definition Detail section, select the Definition tab.
4. In Name, specify the name of the batch definition.
5. From the Target Application drop-down, select the name of the target application.
6. In the Type drop-down, select Open Batch.
7. In the Execution Mode drop-down, select Serial.
The serial execution mode processes files sequentially, requiring that one file complete
its process before the next file starts its process.
8. In Open Batch Directory, specify the folder under inbox\batches\openbatch
subdirectory where the files to be imported are copied. If this field is blank or null, all files
under inbox\batches\openbatch are processed.
9. In File Name Separator, for an open batch type, select the character to use when
separating the five segments of a batch file name.
• ~
• @
• _
• ;
10. Select Auto Create Data Rule to create the data rule automatically for file-based data

Chapter 5
Using Open Batches

When Data Management assigns the data rule name, it checks whether a data
rule with the "Location_Category" name exists. If the name does not exist, Data
Management creates the data rule.
To use predefined data rules that load data based on specific categories, leave
this field blank.
11. Optional: In the Description field, enter a description of the batch definition.

12. Click Save.

13. Stage the file-based data source files by copying them to

inbox\batches\openbatch using one of the following methods:
• Predefined Data Load Rule—To use a predefined data rule that loads data
based on specific categories, leave the Auto Create Data Rule field blank on
the Batch Definition screen and create the data load rule (see Defining Data
Load Rules to Extract Data).
Next, create the open batch file name using the following format:
FileID_RuleName_Period_LoadMethod. The file id is a free-form field that you
can use to control the load order. Batch files load in alphabetic order by file
The load method is defined using two-character code identifying the load
method where the first code represents the append or replace method for the
source load, and second character represents the accumulate or replace
method for the target load.
For the import load method, depending on the source system, available values
– A—Append
– R—Replace Data
– F—Full Refresh
– I—Incremental
– S—Replace by Security
For Planning Modules and Planning, the export modes are:
For Financial Consolidation and Close and Tax Reporting, the export modes
– A—Accumulate
Examples of an open batch file name are:
a_Texas_Actual04_Jan-2004_RR.txt and
• Auto-Created Data Load Rule—To load data to any location category and
have Data Management create the data load rule automatically, create the

Chapter 5
Using Open Batches

open batch file name using the following format:

In this case, Data Management looks for the data rule with the name
"Location_Category". If it does not exist, Data Management creates the data rule
automatically with the name "Location_Category".
14. Optional: Apply any scheduling conditions to the open batch file.

See Scheduling Jobs.

15. On the Workflow tab, under Other, select Batch Execution.

16. In the Batch Execution summary area, select the open batch file, and then click
After an open batch is processed, a directory is created, all files within the openbatch
directory are moved into the new directory, and the new directory is assigned a unique
batch ID.

The Open batch feature is unavailable for the Account Reconciliation Manager.

Creating an Open Batch to Run an Integration with E-Business Suite

You can use Open Batch functionality to run an integration with Oracle E-Business Suite. To
do this, you create an empty file with the POV and the data load rule in the file name, and
then save it to the open batch folder on the server. When you run the open batch process,
Data Management runs the E-Business Suite integration for the specified rule and POV.

Creating Open Batches for Multiple Periods

You can use the open batch functionality to read file-based data sources with multiple periods
and import them into the appropriate POV based on the file name. This feature enables you
to automate the process of loading a large number of files. Open batches for multiple periods
cannot contain jobs. Additionally, open batches for multiple periods can be scheduled to run
Files for an open batch multiple period load are stored in the inbox\batches\openbatchml
The names of multiple period batch files consist of the following segments in the following
• File ID—A free-form field used to control load order. Batch files load in alphabetic order
by file name.
• Location
• Category
• Start Period
• End Period
• Load Method—A two-character item (Character 1 = append or replace, and Character 2
= target append or replace). Valid values are A and R.

Chapter 5
Using Open Batches

Examples of open batch for a multiple period file name:

a_Texas_Actual_ Jan-2004_ Jun-2004_RR.txt (Loc, Cat, Start Period, End

b_TexasDR1_ Jan-2004_ Jun-2004_RR.txt (Data Rule, Start Period, End

To create and process an open batch:

1. On the Setup tab, under Batch, select Batch Definition.
2. In the Batch Definition summary area, click Add.
Use the blank Name and Target Application fields in the Batch Definition summary
grid to enter a batch name or target application on which to search.
3. In the Batch Definition Detail section, select the Definition tab.
4. In Name, specify the name of the batch definition.
5. From Target Application, select the name of the target application.
6. From Type, select Open Batch Multi-Period.
7. In the Execution Mode drop-down, select Serial.
The serial execution mode processes files sequentially, requiring that one file
complete its process before the next file starts to process.
8. In Open Batch Directory, specify the folder under: inbox\batches\openbatchml
subdirectory where the files to be imported are copied. If this field is blank or null,
all files under: inbox\batches\openbatchml are processed.
9. In File Name Separator, for an open batch type, select the character to use when
separating the five segments of a batch file name.
• ~
• @
• ;
• _
10. Select Auto Create Data Rule to create the data rule automatically for file-based
data loads.
When Data Management assigns the data rule name, it checks whether a data
rule with the "Location_Category" name exists. If the name does not exist, Data
Management creates the data rule using the following file name convention:
• Rule Name–Location_Category
• Description–"Auto-created data rule"
• Category–Category
• File Name–Null
• Mode–Replace
To use predefined data rules that load data based on specific categories, leave
this field blank

Chapter 5
Using Open Batches

11. Optional: In the Description field, enter a description of the batch definition.

12. Click Save.

13. Stage the file-based data source files by copying them to inbox\batches\openbatch
using one of the following methods:
• Predefined Data Load Rule—To use a predefined data rule that loads data based on
specific categories, leave the Auto Create Data Rule field blank on the Batch
Definition screen and create the data load rule (see Defining Data Load Rules to
Extract Data).
If you must load to noncontiguous periods in the open batch, create the data rule in
which the source period mappings are defined, and use this option.
Next, create the open batch file name using the following format:
FileID_RuleName_Period_LoadMethod. The file id is a free-form field that you can
use to control the load order. Batch files load in alphabetic order by file name.
The load method is defined using two-character code identifying the load method
where the first code represents the append or replace method for the source load,
and second character represents the accumulate or replace method for the target
For the source load method, available values are:
– A—Append
– R—Replace
For the target load method, available values are:
– A—Accumulate
– R—Replace
Examples of an open batch file name are: a_Texas_Actual04_Jan-2004_RR.txt and
• Auto-Created Data Load Rule—To load data to any location category and have Data
Management create the data load rule automatically, create the open batch file name
using the format: "FileID_Location_Category_Period_LoadMethod".
In this case, Data Management looks for the data rule with the name
"Location_Category". If it does not exist, Data Management creates the data rule
automatically with the name "Location_Category".
An auto-create data rule is only applicable for contiguous period loads. To load to
noncontiguous periods, create the data rule in which the source period mappings are
14. Optional: Apply any scheduling conditions to the open batch file.

See Scheduling Jobs.

15. On the Workflow tab, under Other, select Batch Execution.

16. In the Batch Execution summary area, select an open batch file, and then click
After an open batch is processed, a directory is created and all files within the openbatch
directory are moved to it. The new directory is assigned a unique batch ID.

Chapter 5
Executing Batches

The Open batch feature is unavailable for the Account Reconciliation

Executing Batches
Use the Batch Execution feature to show all batches that you have accessed based on
the batch group assigned. You can also use the Batch Execution feature to select a
batch and execute a rule after parameters passed with the rule have been validated.
Batch Execution shows all batches to which you have access based on the batch
group assigned.

The Batch Execution option is only accessible to a user with a Run
Integration role.

To execute a rule:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Other, select Batch Execution.
2. In the Batch Execution summary area, select a batch name, and then click
3. Optional: You can also schedule a job by clicking Schedule (see Scheduling
Jobs). You can check the status of the batch by clicking Check Status (see
Viewing Process Details).

Scheduling Jobs
The scheduling jobs feature provides a method to orchestrate the execution times of
data load rules.

When you cancel a job from the Data Management user interface using
Cancel Schedule, all instances of a schedule for a rule are cancelled. You
cannot selectively cancel individual schedules for a rule.

Chapter 5
Scheduling Jobs

To schedule a job:
1. From the Batch Execution screen or Data Load Rule screen, select the batch name
(from the Batch Execution or Data Load screen) and click Schedule.
2. In Schedule, select any rule feature specific options.
For example, if you select the Schedule option from the Data Load Rule screen, specify
the Import from Source, Recalculate, Export to Target, and so on options.
3. Specify the type of scheduling and select the associated date and time parameters.
See a.
4. Click OK.

Table 5-1 Schedule Types and Parameters

Schedule Type Data and Time Parameters

Simple Submits the job for execution at a specific day and
time, but does not repeat:
Available options:
• Timezone
• Date
• Hour(s)
• Minute(s)
• Second(s)
• Select (AM/PM)
Hourly Executes at the specified minutes and seconds
after the top of the hour every hour until cancelled.
Available options:
• Timezone
• Minute(s)
• Second(s)
Daily Executes at the same time each day.
Available options:
• Timezone
• Hour(s)
• Minute(s)
• Second(s)
• Select (AM/PM)

Chapter 5
Scheduling Jobs

Table 5-1 (Cont.) Schedule Types and Parameters

Schedule Type Data and Time Parameters

Weekly Executes at the specific time for each day
Available options:
• Timezone
• Monday-Sunday
• Hour(s)
• Minute(s)
• Second(s)
• Select (AM/PM)
Monthly (day of month) Execute at the specific time for the day of the
month selected. Also enables you to select the
"Last Day of Month" or "Day Before End of Month".
Available options:
• Timezone
• Monthly Date
• Hour(s)
• Minute(s)
• Second(s)
• Select (AM/PM)
Monthly (week day) You can select the first, second, third, fourth, fifth,
last, and then the specific day or the week on
which to execute the job.
Available options:
• Day of Month
• Day
• Hour(s)
• Minute(s)
• Second(s)
• Select (AM/PM)

The Timezone option
is unavailable for the
Monthly (week day)
schedule type.

Canceling a Scheduled Job

When you cancel a job from the Data Management user interface using Cancel
Schedule, all instances of a schedule for a rule are cancelled. You cannot selectively
cancel individual schedules for a rule.
To cancel a scheduled job:
1. On the Batch Execution screen, select the batch.

Chapter 5
Scheduling Jobs

2. Click Cancel Schedule.

Data Management Reports
Data Management provides prebuilt reports that capture business-critical operations and
revenue-generating activities within your organization. These reports provide key information
on how data is integrated from the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) source system into
the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud target application.
The Data Management reporting framework enables you to adjust report group assignments,
add or remove reports from report groups and control report security.

Data Management Reports

The standard Data Management report groups are described below. For information on the
subcategories of each report, see Data Management Detail Reports.

Chapter 6
Data Management Reports

Table 6-1 Report Groups and Descriptions

Report Group Description

Audit Reports An audit report displays all transactions for all
locations that comprise the balance of a target
account. The data returned in these reports
depends on the location security assigned to
the user.
The subcategories of the Audit Reports:
• Account Chase
• Account Chase with Wildcards
• Map Monitor for Location
• Map Monitor for User
• Intersection Drill Down

The Map Monitor
reports do not
capture historical
data earlier than
Map Monitor
reports are
enabled only if
the Enable Map
Audit is set to
"Yes" in System

Base Trial Balance Reports The base Trial Balance reports represent
account balance source data in a General
Ledger system. You use a base Trial Balance
report to validate and compare balances as
data is loaded from the source system to the
target applications.
The subcategories of base Trial Balance
• Trial Balance Location, With Targets (Cat,
• Trial Balance Current Location, With
Rules (Cat, Per)
• Trial Balance Current Location, All
Dimensions-Target Entity-Acct (Cat, Per)
• Trial Balance Converted Current Location,
By Target Entity-Acct (Cat, Per)
• Trial Balance Current Location, with
Target Entity-Acct (Cat, Per)
• Trial Balance Current Location, All
Dimension-Targets (Cat, Per)
• Trial Balance Current Location, by Target
Acct (Cat, Per)

Chapter 6
Data Management Reports

Table 6-1 (Cont.) Report Groups and Descriptions

Report Group Description

Check Reports Check reports provide information on the
issues encountered when data load rules are
run. Check reports return target system values
that include aggregation or calculations from
the target system.
The subcategories of Check reports:
• Check Report—Displays the results of the
validation rules for the current location
(pass or fail status).
• Check Report Period Range (Cat, Start
per, End per)—Displays the results of the
validation rules for a category and
selected periods.
• Check Report by Validation Entity
Sequence—Displays the results of the
validation rules for the current location
(pass or fail status); sorted by the
sequence defined in the validation entity
• Check Report with Warnings—Displays
the results of the validation rules for the
current location. Warnings are recorded in
validation rules and shown if warning
criteria are met. This report does not
show rules that passed the validation.
Check Reports are not available in the
Financial Consolidation and Close.
Listing Reports Listing reports summarize metadata and
settings (such as the import format, or check
rule) by the current location.
Listing reports summarize data and settings
(such as the import format, or check rule) by
the current location.
The subcategories of Listing reports:
• Import Format by Location
• Location Listing
Location Analysis Reports Location Analysis reports provide dimension
mapping and system log information by the
current location.
The subcategories of Location Analysis
• Dimension Map for POV (Dimension, Cat,
• Dimension Map (Dimension)

Chapter 6
Working with Report Definitions

Table 6-1 (Cont.) Report Groups and Descriptions

Report Group Description

Process Monitor Reports A Process Monitor report displays, for the
current report, a list of locations and their
positions within the data conversion process.
You can use the process monitor report to
monitor the status of the closing processes.
The report is time-stamped. Therefore, it can
be used to determine to which locations and at
which time data was loaded.
The subcategories of Process Monitor reports:
• Process Monitor (Cat, Per)
• Process Monitor All Categories (Cat, Per)
• Process Status Period Range (Cat, Start
Period, End Period)
Variance Reports A Variance report displays source/trial balance
accounts for one target account, showing over
two periods or categories.
The subcategories of Variance reports:
• Account Chase Variance (Target Account,
Cat1, Per1, Cat2, Per2)
• Trial Balance Variance (Cat1, Per1, Cat2,

Working with Report Definitions

Report definitions are the attributes that determine the content and structure of a
report. Using the Report Definition option, you can:
• review the details of a report definition
• add or remove reports from a report group
• associate a report with a report group.

Adding Report Groups

Report groups enable you to assemble similar types of reports into one category for
ease of use.
To add a report group:
1. On the Setup tab, under Reports, select Report Definition.
2. In Report Definition, select the Report Group tab.
3. In Report Group, click Add.
4. In the blank Name field, enter the title of the report group.
For example, enter "Base Trial Balance Reports."
5. In Sequence, enter a numeric value that identifies the display order of the report
group on the Report Definition screen.

6. Click Save.

Chapter 6
Running Reports

Associating a Report with a Report Group

To add a report definition and associate a report with the report group definition:
1. On the Setup tab, under Reports, select Report Definition.
2. In Report Definition, select the Reports tab.
The Report tab consists of three regions:
• Summary—Lists all report definitions.
• Details—Shows the report name, associated base query definition, report group, and
associated template.
• Parameters—Shows the parameter name and type, display name, sequence,
parameter value, and any query definition used to supply a list of values for a given
report parameter.
3. In the summary grid, click Add.
4. In the detail grid, in Name, enter the name of the report definition.
5. In Group, select the report group name associated with the definition.

To search on a report group, click and choose a report group from the Search and
Select: Group screen.
Report groups are created on the Report Group tab. See Adding Report Groups.
6. Click Save.
To copy a report:
1. On the Setup tab, under Reports, select Report Definition.
2. In Report Definition, in the Report summary grid, select the report.
3. In the Report summary grid, click Copy Current Report.
The copied report is added to the list of reports. The name of the report takes the original
report name appended with "_copy."

Running Reports
To run reports:
1. On the Workflow tab, under Other, select Report Execution.
2. In Report Execution, in Report Groups, select a report group.
3. In Reports, select a report.
To filter the display listing by a report name within a report group, enter the name of the
report in the blank entry line above the Name field and press Enter. For example, to view
only reports beginning with Account, enter Account and press Enter.
To filter the display listing by a base query name within a report group, enter the query
name in the blank entry line above Query.
4. Click Execute.
5. When prompted, enter parameter values on the Generate Report screen.

Chapter 6
Data Management Detail Reports

a. If applicable, modify the Period, Category, and Location values.

b. From the Report Output Format, select the output format.
Available output formats are:
c. From Execution Mode, select the online method of running the report.
The online method processes the report immediately.
d. Click OK.

Data Management Detail Reports

The following reports are available in Data Management.

Audit Reports
An audit report displays all transactions for all locations that compose the balance of a
target account. The data returned in this report depends on the location security
assigned to the user.

Account Chase Wildcard (TargAcct, Per, Cat)

Shows imported accounts for all Data Management locations, subtotaled by Data
Management location, based on an account selection that enables use of wildcards.

Runs for
All Data Management locations

Target account, Period, Category

Account Chase Wildcard

Account Chase WildCard.rtf

Account Chase - Freeform (TargAcct, Per, Cat)

Shows one imported account for all Data Management locations; subtotaled by Data
Management location.

Runs for
All Data Management locations

Chapter 6
Data Management Detail Reports

Target account, Period, Category

Account Chase Freeform

Account Chase Free Form.rtf

Map Monitor for Location

Displays a list of mapping changes, additions, and deletions made for a location based on a
date range. Shows the user name, and the time and date of the change.

The Map Monitor reports do not capture historical data earlier than release
Map Monitor reports are enabled only if the Enable Map Audit is set to "Yes" in
System Settings.

Map Monitor reports includes data load mappings from:

• Data load mapping option
• Text file imports
• Migration imports
• Oracle Data Relationship Management

Runs for
All Data Management locations

Location, Start Date, End Date

Dimension Map Query

Dimension Map for POV.rtf

Map Monitor for User

Displays a list of mapping changes, additions, and deletions made by a user based on a date
range. Report shows the user name, and the time and date of the change.

Chapter 6
Data Management Detail Reports

The Map Monitor reports do not capture historical data earlier than release
Map Monitor reports are enabled only if the Enable Map Audit is set to "Yes"
in System Settings.

Map Monitor reports includes data load mappings from:

• Data load mapping option
• Text file imports
• Migration imports
• Oracle Data Relationship Management

Runs for
All Data Management locations

User name, Start Date, End Date

Dimension Map for POV

Dimension Map for POV.rtf

Intersection Drill Down (Per, Cat)

Shows target accounts and amounts; and includes drill-down list of source accounts
and amounts that are mapped to target accounts.

Runs for
Current Data Management location

Period, Category

Intersection Drill Down Query

Intersection Drill Down.rtf

Chapter 6
Data Management Detail Reports

Check Reports
Check reports provide information on the issues encountered when data load rules are run.
Note that Check reports return target system values that include aggregation or calculations
from the target system.
Note the following when using check reports:
• When the check report is run and opened from the Workbench, it is not saved to the Data
Management folder on the server.
• When you run a data rule, a check rule report is not generated automatically. In this case,
run the data rule before executing the check report.
• If you run the report in offline mode, the report is saved to the outbox on the Data
Management server.
• To run a data rule and report in batch mode, run the data load rule from a BAT file, and
then the report from a BAT file. In this case, you can put each in the same BAT file, or call
each of them from a BAT file.

Check Report
Shows the results of the validation rules for the current location (indicates pass or fail status).

Runs for
Current Data Management location

Period, Location and Category

Check Report

Check Report.rtf

Check Report Period Range (Cat, Start Per, End Per)

Shows the results of the validation rules for selected periods.

Runs for
Current Data Management location

Category, Start Period, End Period

Check Report Within Period Query

Chapter 6
Data Management Detail Reports

Check Report With Period Range.rtf

Check Report With Warnings

Shows the results of the validation rules for the current location (warnings are
recorded in validation rules).

Runs for
Current Data Management location


Check Report With Warning

Check Report With Warning.rtf

Check Report By Validation Entity Seq.

Shows the results of the validation rules for the current location (indicates pass or fail
status); sorted by the sequence defined in the validation entity group.

Runs for
Current Data Management location


Check Report By Validation Entity

Check Report By Validation Entity Sequence.rtf

Base Trial Balance Reports

The Trial Balance reports provide detail on how source data is processed in Data
Management. Typically, the Trial Balance is used to display account balances in the
General ledger system. As data is loaded from the source General Ledger system to
the target EPM application, you can validate and compare the balances loaded with
the source Trial Balance amounts.

Chapter 6
Data Management Detail Reports

TB Current Location, with Targets (Cat, Per)

Shows imported source accounts (departments) and their corresponding accounts (entities).

Runs for
Current Data Management location

Category, Period

Current Trial Balance With Location with Targets

TB Location With Targets.rtf

TB Current Location with Rules (Cat, Per)

Shows imported source accounts (departments) and the mapping entity rule (map wildcard)
in which the accounts are included.

Runs for
Current Data Management location

Category, Period

TB Location With Query

TB Location with Rules.rtf

TB Current Locations, All Dimensions-Targets, by Target Entity-Account (Cat, Per)

Shows all imported records with all dimensions and their respective targets: grouped by
target entity and account.

Runs for
Current Data Management location

Category, Period

Trial Balance Current Location with Targets

Chapter 6
Data Management Detail Reports

TB/(All Dimensions with Targets) by Target Entity Account.rtf

TB Current Locations, All Dimensions-Targets (Cat, Per)

Shows all imported records with all dimensions and their respective targets.

Runs for
Current Data Management location

Category, Period

Trial Balance Location All Dimension.

TB with Transaction Currency.rtf

TB Current Location, by Target Acct (Cat, Per)

Shows imported accounts: subtotaled by target accounts.

Runs for
Current Data Management location

Category, Period

Trial Balance Current Location Sorted By Target Account

TB With Target Account.rtf

TB Current Location, By Target Entity Account (Cat, Per)

Shows all imported records with all dimensions and their respective targets; grouped
by target entity and account.

Runs for
Current Data Management location

Category, Period

Chapter 6
Data Management Detail Reports

Trial Balance Base Transaction Currency

Base Trial Balance (All Dimensions with Targets).rtf

TB Converted Current Location by Target Entity/Account

Shows imported accounts and entities in addition to original and converted accounts:
subtotaled by target entity.

Runs for
Current Data Management location

Category, Period

Trial Balance Converted by Target Entity/Account Query

TB Converted Current Location by Target Entity Account.rtf

Listing Reports
Listing reports summarize data and settings (such as the import format, or check rule) by the
current location.

Import Formats by Location

Displays a list of all import formats; sorted by Data Management location.

Runs for


Import Format By Location

Import Format by Location.rtf

Chapter 6
Data Management Detail Reports

Location Listing
Shows a list of all mapping rules for a selected period, category, or dimension.

Runs for
Current Data Management location

Any Data Management Dimension, Period, Category

Location Listing Query

Location Listing.rtf

Location Analysis
Location Analysis reports provide dimension mapping by the current location.

Dimension Map (Dimension)

Displays a list of all mapping rules for a selected dimension.

Runs for
Current Data Management location

Current Data Management dimension

Dimension Map

Dimension Map.rtf

Dimension Map For POV (Dimension, Cat, Per)

Shows a list of all mapping rules for a selected period, category, or dimension.

Runs for
Current Data Management location

Any Data Management Dimension, Period, Category

Chapter 6
Data Management Detail Reports

Dimension Map for POV

Dimension Map.rtf

Process Monitor Reports

The Process Monitor Reports shows locations and their positions within the data conversion
process. You can use the process monitor report to monitor the status of the closing
processes. The report is time-stamped. Therefore, it can be used to determine to which
locations at which time data was loaded.

Process Monitor (Cat, Per)

Shows all locations and their current status (import, validate, export, load, or check).
(Locations are displayed alphabetically.)

Runs for
All Data Management locations

Category, Period

Process Monitor

Process Monitor.rtf

Process Status Period Range (Cat, Start Per, End Per)

Shows a list of all locations and the current load status of each location for each period of a
period range.

Runs for
All Data Management locations, period range

Category, Start Period, End Period



Chapter 6
Data Management Detail Reports

Process Monitor All Categories (Cat, Per)

Shows a list of all locations and the current load status of every location for every

Runs for
All Data Management categories and locations


Process Monitor All Categories

Process Monitor All Category.rtf

Variance Reports
The Variance reports display source and trial balance accounts for one target account,
showing data over two periods or categories.

Account Chase Variance

Displays source input accounts for one target input account, showing variances over
two periods or categories.

Runs for
All Data Management locations

Target Account, Category 1, Period 1, Category 2, Period 2.

Account Chase Variance

Account Chase Variance.rtf

Trial Balance Variance

Shows source input accounts, subtotaled by target accounts, showing variances over
two periods or categories.

Chapter 6
Data Management Detail Reports

Runs for
Current Data Management location

Category 1, Period 1, Category 2, Period 2

Trial Balance Variance

TB Variance.rtf

System Maintenance Tasks
You can run system processes to maintain and clean up all runtime artifacts, such as the
Process tables, Staging tables or inbox/outbox folders. Often the tables and folders contain
vast amounts of data, which you may no longer need. With the System Maintenance Tasks
feature, you can purge standard tables and folder by scheduling system processes and
executing them.

All applications not assigned to a folder are purged when a single application is
selected for a purge. The default application folder is generic, and the purge script
focuses on the folder in which the selected application resides. In this case if you
want to prevent an application from being purged, save it to an independent folder.

To facilitate the use of the Purge Scripts, Data Management provides the following:
• A set of custom scripts is shipped to the bin/system directory.
The scripts include:
– Delete Integration (
– Maintain Application Folder Export Setup Table Data (
– List Table Rowcount (
– Maintain Application Folder (MaintainApplication
– Maintain Data Table by Location (
– Maintain Data Table by Application (
– Maintain Process Table (
– Maintain Setup Table (
– Purge All Imported Data (
– Upgrade Custom Applications (
• Scripts are registered as system scripts in script registration.
• Script are registered as part of installation with QUERYID = 0 and APPLICATIONID = 0.
• The script group "System" is created and system scripts are assigned to it.
• Script execution displays system scripts when the user has access irrespective of the
target application in the POV.
• The ODI process executes the scripts from the bin/system directory instead of the data/
scripts/custom directory.

Chapter 7
Deleting Integration

Deleting Integration
You can delete an integration including the name, import format, location, mappings
and any data rules created in Data Integration. This option enables you to delete an
entire integration without having to delete individual components.
1. On the Workflow tab, under System Maintenance Tasks, select Delete
2. From the LOV bar, select the location associated with the integration.
3. From the Execute Script screen, and then in Value, enter the name of the
integration to delete and click OK.

Optionally, you can click Schedule to schedule the integration to be deleted. For
information on scheduling jobs, see Scheduling Jobs.

4. Optional: Click to search for the integration.

On the Search Parameter Value, select the integration from the list and click OK.

Chapter 7
List Table Rowcount

From the Execute Screen, click OK.

When the job is executed, the system shows the message: "Custom script execution
initiated with Process ID: XXX". To view the details of the job, see Viewing Process

List Table Rowcount

Use the List Table Rowcount option to show the number of rows in a data table.
This option lists table row counts from the following tables:
To execute the list table row count script:
1. On the Workflow tab, under System Maintenance Tasks, select List Table Rowcount.
2. From the Execute Script screen, click OK.

Export Setup Table Data

Use the Export Setup Table Data option to export the data from the following tables for
debugging purposes:

Chapter 7
Maintain Application Folder

To execute the export setup table data script:
1. On the Workflow tab, under System Maintenance Tasks, select Export Setup
Table Data.
2. From the Execute Script screen, click OK.

Maintain Application Folder

The Maintain Application Folder process purges files from the inbox, outbox, and data
folder directories. Data Management accepts a separate Days to Keep parameter for
each of the folders. If the value is not specified for a specific folder, Data Management
skips the folder.
In addition, Data Management checks the inbox and outbox subdirectories under the
respective folders and deletes any files. In the data subdirectory, Data Management
skips the scripts directory because it holds customer scripts.

Maintain Data Table by Location

Use Maintain Data Table by Location to delete data for a specific location by period or

To delete all locations for an application, use the Maintain Data Tables by
Application option. This option enables you to delete data across all locations
associated with a selected target application. See Maintain Data Table by
Application for more information.

Chapter 7
Maintain Data Table by Application

Maintain Setup Data uses a Mode parameter, which enables you to either preview or delete
invalid data.
The parameters are:
• Location
• Start Period
• End Period
• Category
To maintain the data by location:
1. On the Workflow tab, under System Maintenance Tasks, select Maintain Data Table
by Location.
2. Click Execute.
3. From Execute Script, in Location, select the location from which to delete data.
To delete data from all locations, leave the Location field blank.
4. From Start Period, select the starting period from which to delete data.
5. From End Period, select the ending period from which to delete data.
6. From Category, select the category data to delete.
To delete all category data, leave blank.
7. Click OK.
8. Optional: Click Schedule to schedule the job.
For information on scheduling jobs, see Scheduling Jobs.

Maintain Data Table by Application

The Data Management data tables store archives of exported data for audit and drill down
purposes. These tables can grow over a period of time but you can purge these tables as
needed. The maintenance process deletes the following tables:
The parameters are:
• Target Application
• Category
• Start Period
• End Period

Maintain Process Tables

This process maintains the following execution tables:

Chapter 7
Maintain Setup Data

It accepts the number of days to keep as a parameter.

Maintain Setup Data

Use Maintain Setup Data to view and delete an orphan row or invalid data that cannot
be accessed or deleted from the user interface. This data might include an orphan row
from an import format, location, or data load rule. It can also include a duplicate row, or
a Cloud user id or password defined for a local target application
Maintain Setup Data uses a Mode parameter, which enables you to either preview or
delete invalid data. Preview mode enables you to print the data to be deleted. Delete
mode enables you to delete the data.
To maintain setup data:
1. On the Workflow tab, under System Maintenance Tasks, select Maintain Setup
2. Click Execute.
3. From Execute Script, and then Mode, select either Delete or Preview.
4. Click OK.
If you selected Preview, the invalid data is shown on the Execute Script screen.
If you selected Delete, the message: Custom script executed initiated with
Process ID: XXX is displayed (where XXX is the process id number generated for
job). You can access the log for the deleted records from the Process Details
5. Optional: Click Schedule to schedule the job.
For information on scheduling jobs, see Scheduling Jobs.

Upgrade Custom Applications

Use the Upgrade Custom Applications option to migrate your existing custom target
application to data export to file applications. The migration converts existing file
format from the custom target application to the file formats used in the data export to
file option and retains all the existing setup. When the custom target application has
been converted, you can run same data rule as before. You can run the migration for
one custom application or all.

Chapter 7
Purge All Imported Data

Before using this option, reconcile the differences in the file formats. For example, the header
row in the Data Export to File contains the name of the dimension and not UD1, UD2 etc.
For more information about the Data Export to File option, see Creating a Data Export File.
To upgrade custom applications:
1. On the Workflow tab, under System Maintenance Tasks, select Upgrade Custom
2. Click Execute.
3. From Execute Script, and then in Value, specify the name of the custom target
application to migrate from the LOV.
To migrate all custom applications, in Value, enter All Custom Applications.

4. Optional: To browse custom target applications, click , and from the Search
Parameter Value screen, select the custom target application and click OK.

5. Click OK.
6. Optional: Click Schedule to schedule the job.
For information on scheduling jobs, see Scheduling Jobs.

Purge All Imported Data

Use Purge All Imported Data to clear all imported data from your data tables. This option
enables you to clear data from the system so that you can start over when loading data.
When executed, the Purge All Imported Data deletes the following:
• Mapping audit used for loading
• Audit information about the data load

Chapter 7
Purge All Imported Data

• Process load status

• Process parameters

There is no backup to recover any purged data. It is recommended that you
use extreme caution before executing this process.

After the purge, note the following:

• You cannot view any data in Workbench for any POV
• You cannot drill down from the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud
to Data Management.

Drill regions are not deleted as part of the purge process. If you need to
delete a drill region, then delete it manually.

• You cannot restore maps for the given POV.

All setup data for example application registration, import format, and
mapping are retained and not impacted by the purge process.

To purge all imported data:

1. On the Workflow tab, under System Maintenance Tasks, select Purge All
Imported Data.
2. From the POV bar, and then Location, select the location associated with the data
to be purged.
3. Click Execute.

Chapter 7
Lifecycle (LCM) Snapshots

4. From Execute Script, and then in Confirm Delete All Imported Data, select Y (yes) to
launch a confirmation message before executing a purge.
Otherwise, enter N (No).
5. In Reason, specify the reason for executing the purge.
The reason is shown on the Process Details log.
6. Click OK.
The message: Custom script executed initiated with Process ID: XXX is displayed
(where XXX is the process id number generated for job). You can access the log from the
Process Details page.
7. Optional: Click Schedule to schedule the job.
For information on scheduling jobs, see Scheduling Jobs.

Lifecycle (LCM) Snapshots

Data Management enables you to create an identical copy of an environment, including
individual artifacts, setup data, and Data Management (Workbench) staging table data. Ths

Chapter 7
Lifecycle (LCM) Snapshots

snapshot then can be used to migrate artifacts, setup and data to another
environment. Additionally, Service Administrators can create full backup snapshots of
the environment or incremental backup snapshots of artifacts at any time.
See the following topics about the Snapshot process:
• Importing Snapshots
• Exporting Data to a Snapshot
• Using Lifecycle (LCM) Snapshot Modes

Importing Snapshots
A snapshot data import enables you to restore setup and historical artifacts from one
environment to another. Data Management clears the existing data in the target
environment and then imports the data from the backup files without merging any

You can import a snapshot to the same or older release. You cannot import a
snapshot that is newer than the source version.

Import Snapshot Flow

The following steps describe the import snapshot flow:
1. All data in the target environment is deleted.
2. When the snapshot export job is set to an "All" or an "Incremental All" snapshot
type, the import snapshot process:
a. Purges the /data/snapshots/setup folder.
b. Unzips all contents of the the data folder from the ZIP file to the data folder on
the local network.
c. Imports all data artifacts.
d. Imports Process related tables.
e. Resets sequences.
3. If the snapshot data export job is set to an "Incremental" snapshot type, the import
snapshot process:
a. Does not purge the /data/snapshots/data folder.
b. Unzips all contents of the data folder from the ZIP into a data folder on the
local network.
c. Imports all data artifacts extracted in the current process.
d. Imports Process related tables.
e. Resets sequences.

Chapter 7
Lifecycle (LCM) Snapshots

Executing a Snapshot Import Job

During the snapshot data import process, the system first truncates all the setup and data
artifacts and then imports them. Additionally, database sequences are reset based on the
imported data so that no conflicts occur after the data is restored.
To execute a snapshot import:
1. Upload the snapshot export ZIP to the inbox in Data Management.
To upload the snapshot export ZIP to the inbox in Data Management, use the EPM
Automate uploadFile command.
You can also use the File Browser in Data Integration to upload a file to the Data
Management inbox.
2. On the Workflow tab, under System Maintenance Tasks, select Execute Snapshot
3. In Snapshot File Name, enter the path and file name of the ZIP to be executed.
For example, you might type: inbox/
4. Click Execute.
Only one Execute Snapshot Import job can be executed at a time.

Chapter 7
Lifecycle (LCM) Snapshots

5. Click OK.
The message: Custom script executed initiated with Process ID: 0.
You can access the job log from the Process Details page.

The Process ID for the snapshot import is always " 0" only when the file
is exported in ALL, INCREMENTAL or ALL_INCREMENTAL modes
because each of these three exports contain data artifacts and process
details are part of data tables.
The Process ID is not "0" when only setup data is exported. This is
because setup data doesn’t contain data tables (Process details). In this
case, the next available sequence in the Process ID is used.

6. Optional: Click Schedule to schedule the job.

For information on scheduling jobs, see Scheduling Jobs.

Chapter 7
Lifecycle (LCM) Snapshots

Exporting Data to a Snapshot

Using the snapshot export data option, customers can backup their setup and historical
(staging) data securely. Then using the Execute Snapshot Import option, data can be
imported from one environment to another. The snapshot export includes all setup and data
artifacts loaded to the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud business process.
Snapshot export data is exported to a ZIP output file.

Snapshot Export Setup Artifacts

The following setup artifacts are included in the snapshot export:
• Application
• Source System
• Period Mapping
• Category Mapping
• Logic Group
• Check group
• Integration
– Location
– Import Format (Dimension Maps)
– Data Rule
– Data Load Mapping (Member Maps)
• Batch Definition
• System Setting
• Application Setting
• User Setting
• Security Setting

Snapshot Export Data Artifacts

The following data artifacts are included in the snapshot export:
• Historical (staging) data
• POV Lock data
• Process Detail data

Export Flow for the All Snapshot Type

The following steps describes the export process flow for the "All" snapshot type:
1. Purges the /data/snapshots/setup folder.
2. Exports all setup artifacts to a separate setup folder.
A separate CSV is created for each artifact.

Chapter 7
Lifecycle (LCM) Snapshots

3. Purges the /data/snapshots/data folder.

4. Exports historical artifacts by POV.
Each POV is exported to a separate file.
5. Deletes orphan POVs.
Orphan POVs result from deleted period mappings, category mappings, locations,
or data load rules.
6. Stores snapshot metadata information in a SnapshotParams.json file in the data
The SnapshotParams.json file includes the last exported process id.
7. Archives the setup and data folders into a ZIP file in the outbox/<filename>.zip

If the snapshot type is Setup, then only the setup folder is exported and
included in the ZIP file.

Export Flow for Incremental Snapshot Types

In Incremental mode, Data Management exports only artifacts that were imported
since the last snapshot. Any deleted artifacts are also removed the from the snapshot.
Full setup data is always exported.
When the snapshot type is set to Incremental All, Data Management includes only new
or changed historical artifacts based on the POV since the last snapshot was
exported. It also includes setup artifacts (all old and new POVs) in the output file.
When the snapshot type is set to Incremental, Data Management includes only new or
changed historical artifacts based on the POV since the last snapshot was exported. It
also includes only setup artifacts and new POVs in the output file.
The following steps describes the export process flow for the Incremental and
Incremental All snapshot types:
1. Purges the /data/snapshots/setup folder.
2. Exports all setup artifacts to a separate setup folder.
A separate CSV is created for each table.
3. Does not purge the /data/snapshots/data folder.
The system retains the /data/snapshots/data folder "as is" because this is an
incremental load.
4. Deletes orphan POVs.
Orphan POVs result from deleted period mappings, category mappings, locations,
or data load rules.
5. Stores snapshot metadata information in a SnapshotParams.json file in the data
The SnapshotParams.json file includes the last exported process id.

Chapter 7
Lifecycle (LCM) Snapshots

6. Exports data and metadata of the workflow process status for a location, category, and
7. Deletes the files under an /output folder for any POVs that have been deleted after the
last export.
8. Archives the setup and data folders into a ZIP file in the outbox/<filename>.zip folder.

When the snapshot type is set to INCREMENTAL ALL, all files are included in the /
output folder inside the ZIP.
When the snapshot type is set to INCREMENTAL, only the incremental files
exported in the current process are included in the under /output folder inside the

Executing a Snapshot Export Job

The data export process exports all artifacts from setup and data folders including the ID
columns to a ZIP file. Artifacts are exported by POV and retain the ID of the setup artifact
when data is exported and then imported to the target environment.
The snapshot export options supports: All, All Incremental, Incremental, and Setup export
To execute a snapshot export:
1. On the Workflow tab, under System Maintenance Tasks, select Execute Snapshot
2. Click Execute.

Chapter 7
Lifecycle (LCM) Snapshots

3. In Snapshot Type, select the type of snapshot to export.

Available snapshot types:
• All—Includes all setup and historical artifacts.
• All Incremental—Include only new or changed historical artifacts based on the
POV since the last snapshot was exported and include setup artificats and all
POVs (old and new) in the output file.
• Incremental— Include only new or changed historical data based on the POV
since the last snapshot was exported and include only setup artifacts and new
POVs in the output file.
• Setup—Includes only setup artifacts.
4. In Snapshot File Name, specify the file name of the ZIP with the ZIP extension to
be written to the outbox for the snapshot export.
For example, you might type:
If a file doesn't end with a ZIP extension, Data Management forces a ZIP
extension by appending a .zip suffix at the end of the file name.
5. In Overwrite Output File, specify Yes to overwrite a ZIP that has the same name
as the one you are creating. Otherwise, specify No.

Chapter 7
Lifecycle (LCM) Snapshots

If you specify an existing output file and specify No to overwrite the existing
output file (ZIP), the job fails and the system shows the message: "Rule
Execution did not complete successfully."

6. Click OK.
One Execute Snapshot Exports job can be executed at a time.
The message: Custom script executed initiated with Process ID: XXX is displayed
(where XXX is the process id number generated for the job).
You can access the job log from the Process Details page in Data Management.
You can view the snapshot export ZIP after the snapshot export has completed by
downloading the output ZIP in Process Details.
You can also download the snapshot ZIP using the EPM Automate downloadFile
7. Optional: Click Schedule to schedule the job.

Chapter 7
Lifecycle (LCM) Snapshots

For information on scheduling jobs, see Scheduling Jobs.

Using Lifecycle (LCM) Snapshot Modes

Lifecycle (LCM) snapshot modes enable you to export and import an individual artifact
(baseline snapshot), or a single snapshot of setup data or setup data and all
(Workbench) data. The LCM mode option you choose should depend on what point-in-
time view of your system is needed, how the snapshot is used for development,
testing, or other purposes, and system resources. You can switch the LCM modes at
any time.

You can import a snapshot to the same or older release. You cannot import a
snapshot that is newer than the source version.

Table 7-1 LCM Snapshot Modes

LCM Mode Description

Individual Artifact – Setup Only In this mode, you select the individual
artifacts to migrate such as locations and
mappings. When you import the snapshot
in the target system, the data is merged
with the existing data in the target system.
This mode does not include Workbench
Individual Artifact – Setup Only mode is
the default mode used by the LCM process.
Snapshots of individual artifacts are
exported as XML files contained in a ZIP
file. Snapshot ZIP files are available from
the Snapshots tab in Migration.
Single Snapshot – Setup Only In this mode, when you import the
snapshot in the target system, all the
existing setup data is deleted and the data
from the snapshot is imported.
For a list of setup artifacts, see Snapshot
Export Setup Artifacts.
Setup artifacts are exported to CSV files in
a table format contained in a ZIP file.
Snapshot ZIP files are available from the
Snapshots tab in Migration.
Snapshots run in Single Snapshot – Setup
Only mode are executed faster than
snapshots run in the Individual Artifact –
Setup Only mode and may prevent
database timeout issues.

Chapter 7
Lifecycle (LCM) Snapshots

Table 7-1 (Cont.) LCM Snapshot Modes

LCM Mode Description

Single Snapshot – Setup and Data In this mode, the data in the target system
is completely deleted and data from the
snapshot is imported. The import process
time can take longer depending on the
volume of the Workbench data and may
affect the performance of the LCM backup
depending on the size of the data in the
staging tables.
For a list of setup and data artifacts, see
Snapshot Export Setup Artifacts and
Snapshot Export Data Artifacts.
Before using this mode, create a baseline
individual artifact snaphot.
The system exports setup and all data
(including Workbench) incrementally to
CSV files in a table format contained in a
ZIP file. Snapshot ZIP files are available
from the Snapshots tab in Migration.

To select a LCM mode:

1. Launch Data Management.
2. On the Setup tab, under Configure, select System Settings.
3. On the System Settings page, in Profile Type, select the specific profile File.
4. From the LCM Mode drop-down, select one of the following modes:
• Individual Artifact – Setup Only
• Single Snapshot – Setup Only
• Single Snapshot and Data - Setup and Data
5. Click OK.

TDATASEG Table Reference
The TDATASEG table is used to store the data loaded by the user and any transformations
between the source dimension members and results of the mapping process.

When loading text, the column in TDATASEG it is loaded to DATA, and the mapped
result is loaded to DATAX.

Table A-1 TDATASEG Table Reference

Column Name Definition Description

DATAKEY NUMBER(31,0) NOT NULL System generated unique key for each
ENABLE row of data
ENABLE retrieve location information.
ENABLE to retrieve category information.
retrieve Data Management to EPM period
mapping details.
DATAVIEW VARCHAR2(20 CHAR) DEFAULT Hard coded to YTD for file, and set to
'YTD' NOT NULL ENABLE YTD for balance sheet and PTD for
income statement when pulling data from
an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
CURKEY VARCHAR2(25 CHAR) DEFAULT Currency code of the data.
CALCACCTTYPE NUMBER(6,0) DEFAULT 9 NOT Indicates if row was imported from source
NULL ENABLE or computed by Logic Group:
• 9=Imported
• 5=Calculated and Exported
• 1=Calculated, and Not Exported
CHANGESIGN NUMBER(1,0) DEFAULT 0 NOT Indicates that the sign of the imported
NULL ENABLE amount should be reversed:
• 0=No Change
• 1=Reverse Sign
JOURNALID VARCHAR2(80 CHAR) DEFAULT ID for the Journal. User provided value
AMOUNT NUMBER(38,12) DEFAULT 0 NOT Amount loaded from source
AMOUNTX NUMBER(38, 12) DEFAULT 0 NOT Amount after any transformation rules.
NULL ENABLE This value is loaded to the target
DESC1 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT Description can be imported from file
DESC2 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT Description can be imported from file

Appendix A

Table A-1 (Cont.) TDATASEG Table Reference

Column Name Definition Description

ACCOUNT VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) NOT Account member from source
ACCOUNTX VARCHAR2(2000 CHAR) Account member after mapping rules
DEFAULT processed
ACCOUNTR NUMBER(10,0) DEFAULT 0 NOT Key to Mapping used for this dimension.
NULL ENABLE • 1=Exception
• 3=Between
• 4=Range
ENTITY VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT Entity member from source
ENTITYX VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT Entity member after mapping rules
processed. This value is exported.
ENTITYR NUMBER(10,0) DEFAULT 0 NOT Key to Mapping used for this dimension.
NULL ENABLE • 1=Exception
• 3=Between
• 4=Range
ICPX VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT ICP after mapping rules processed. This
value is exported.
ICPR NUMBER(10,0) DEFAULT 0 NOT Key to mapping used for this dimension.
NULL ENABLE • 1=Exception
• 3=Between
• 4=Range
UD1 VARCHAR2(280 CHAR) DEFAULT UD1 from source
UD1X VARCHAR2(280 CHAR) DEFAULT UD1 after mapping rules processed. This
value is exported.
UD1R VARCHAR2(10, 0 CHAR) Key to mapping used for this dimension.
0 NOT NULL ENABLE • 1=Exception
• 3=Between
• 4=Range
UD2 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD2 from source
UD2X VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD2X from source
UD2R VARCHAR2(10, 0 CHAR) UD2R from source
UD2F VARCHAR2(6, 0 CHAR) DEFAULT UD2F from source
UD3 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD3 from source
UD3X VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD3X from source
UD3R VARCHAR2(10, 0 CHAR) UD3R from source

Appendix A

Table A-1 (Cont.) TDATASEG Table Reference

Column Name Definition Description

UD3F VARCHAR2(6, 0 CHAR) DEFAULT UD3F from source
UD4 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD4 from source
UD4X VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD4X from source
UD4R VARCHAR2(10, 0 CHAR) UD4R from source
UD4F VARCHAR2(6, 0 CHAR) DEFAULT UD4F from source
UD5 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD5 from source
UD5X VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD5X from source
UD5R VARCHAR2(10, 0 CHAR) UD5R from source
UD5F VARCHAR2(6, 0 CHAR) DEFAULT UD5F from source
UD6 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD6 from source
UD6X VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD6X from source
UD6R VARCHAR2(10, 0 CHAR) UD6R from source
UD6F VARCHAR2(6, 0 CHAR) DEFAULT UD6F from source
UD7 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD7 from source
UD7X VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD7X from source
UD7R VARCHAR2(10, 0 CHAR) UD7R from source
UD7F VARCHAR2(6, 0 CHAR) DEFAULT UD7F from source
UD8 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD8 from source
UD8X VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD8X from source
UD8R VARCHAR2(10, 0 CHAR) UD8R from source
UD8F VARCHAR2(6, 0 CHAR) DEFAULT UD8F from source
UD9 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD9 from source
UD9X VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD9X from source
UD9R VARCHAR2(10, 0 CHAR) UD9R from source
UD9F VARCHAR2(6, 0 CHAR) DEFAULT UD9F from source
UD10 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD10 from source
UD10X VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD10X from source

Appendix A

Table A-1 (Cont.) TDATASEG Table Reference

Column Name Definition Description

UD10R VARCHAR2(10, 0 CHAR) UD10R from source
UD10F VARCHAR2(6, 0 CHAR) DEFAULT UD10F from source
UD11 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD11 from source
UD11X VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD11X from source
UD11R VARCHAR2(10, 0 CHAR) UD11R from source
UD11F VARCHAR2(6, 0 CHAR) DEFAULT UD11F from source
UD12 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD12 from source
UD12X VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD12X from source
UD12R VARCHAR2(10, 0 CHAR) UD12R from source
UD12F VARCHAR2(6, 0 CHAR) DEFAULT UD12F from source
UD13 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD13 from source
UD13X VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD13X from source
UD13R VARCHAR2(10, 0 CHAR) UD13R from source
UD13F VARCHAR2(6, 0 CHAR) DEFAULT UD13F from source
UD14 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD14 from source
UD14X VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD14X from source
UD14R VARCHAR2(10, 0 CHAR) UD14R from source
UD14F VARCHAR2(6, 0 CHAR) DEFAULT UD14F from source
UD15 VARCHAR2(80 CHAR) DEFAULT UD15 from source
UD15X VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD15X from source
UD15R VARCHAR2(10, 0 CHAR) UD15R from source
UD15F VARCHAR2(6, 0 CHAR) DEFAULT UD15F from source
UD16 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD16 from source
UD16X VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD16X from source
UD16R VARCHAR2(10, 0 CHAR) UD16R from source
UD16F VARCHAR2(6, 0 CHAR) DEFAULT UD16F from source
UD17 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD17 from source
UD17X VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD1X from source
UD17R VARCHAR2(10, 0 CHAR) UD17R from source
UD17F VARCHAR2(6, 0 CHAR) DEFAULT UD17F from source
UD18 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD18 from source

Appendix A

Table A-1 (Cont.) TDATASEG Table Reference

Column Name Definition Description

UD18X VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD18X from source
UD18R VARCHAR2(10, 0 CHAR) UD18R from source
UD18F VARCHAR2(6, 0 CHAR) DEFAULT UD18F from source
UD19 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD19 from source
UD19X VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD19X from source
UD19R VARCHAR2(10, 0 CHAR) UD19R from source
UD19F VARCHAR2(6, 0 CHAR) DEFAULT UD19F from source
UD20 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD20 from source
UD20X VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT UD20X from source
UD20R VARCHAR2(10, 0 CHAR) UD20R from source
UD20F VARCHAR2(6, 0 CHAR) DEFAULT UD20F from source
ATTR1 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR2 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through

data from
on and
ATTR2 and
should not
be used for
any other

Appendix A

Table A-1 (Cont.) TDATASEG Table Reference

Column Name Definition Description

ATTR3 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through

data from
on and
ATTR2 and
should not
be used for
any other

ATTR4 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT User defined attribute - used as needed

for mapping or drill-through
ATTR5 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR6 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR7 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR8 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR9 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR10 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR11 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR12 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR13 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT Restricted. Used to store the "Logic Item"
if a logic group is assigned to a location.
ATTR14 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) DEFAULT User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR15 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR16 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through

Appendix A

Table A-1 (Cont.) TDATASEG Table Reference

Column Name Definition Description

ATTR17 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR18 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR19 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR20 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR21 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR22 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR23 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR24 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR25 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR26 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR27 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR28 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR29 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR30 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR31 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR32 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR33 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR34 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR35 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR36 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR37 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR38 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR39 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through
ATTR40 VARCHAR2(300 CHAR) User defined attribute - used as needed
for mapping or drill-through

Appendix A

Table A-1 (Cont.) TDATASEG Table Reference

Column Name Definition Description

CODE_COMBINATION_ID VARCHAR2(500 CHAR) Used for integration with Oracle E-
Business Suite.
AMOUNT_YTD NUMBER(29,12) YTD Amount. Used for E-Business Suite,
Peoplesoft, Fusion data sources
AMOUNT_PTD NUMBER(29,12) PTD Amount. Used for E-Business Suite,
Peoplesoft, Fusion data sources
LOADID NUMBER(15,0) Process ID that created or updated this
RULE_ID NUMBER(15,0) Data Rule ID used to create this row. Join
to AIF_BALANCE_RULES for details.
STAT_BALANCE_FLAG VARCHAR2(1 CHAR) Indicates if balance is a statistic:
• Y=Stat
• N=Balance
VALID_FLAG VARCHAR2(1 CHAR) Indicates if row has valid mappings:
• Y=Valid
• N=Not Valid
• I=Ignore

Oracle HCM CloudExtract Definition Field
The following tables list the Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud fields belonging to
each predefined extract definition. These fields are a subset of the data that can be extracted
and loaded into a Oracle Hyperion Workforce Planning or Oracle Strategic Workforce
Planning Cloud application from each extract definition.
• Account Merit Extract Definition Fields
• Assignment Extract Definition Fields
• Component Extract Definition Fields
• Employee Extract Definition Fields
• Entity Extract Definition Fields
• Job Extract Definition Fields
• Location Extract Definition Fields
• Position Extract Definition Fields

Account Merit Extract Definition Fields

The following table shows the Account Merit Extract Definition fields that can be extracted
and loaded to the Oracle Hyperion Workforce Planning or Oracle Strategic Workforce
Planning Cloud application from the extract definition.

Account: Merit Extract Definition Fields

Extract Performance Rating Short Description
Extract Performance Rating Description

Assignment Extract Definition Fields

The following table shows the Assignment Extract Definition fields that can be extracted and
loaded to the Oracle Hyperion Workforce Planning or Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning
Cloud application from the extract definition.

Assignment Extract Definitions Fields

Assignment Bargaining Unit Code
Assignment Bargaining Unit Code Name
Assignment FTE Value
Assignment Full Part Time
Assignment Type
Assignment Salary Amount
Assignment Salary Basis Code

Appendix B
Assignment Extract Definition Fields

Assignment Extract Definitions Fields

Assignment Salary Currency Code
Assignment Organization Code
Assignment Organization Name
Extract Assignment Organization Classification
Person Number
Person Start Date
Person Date of Birth
Person Gender
Person Highest Education Level
Assignment Job Code
Job Family Name
Assignment Grade Code
Assignment Position Code
Assignment Number
Assignment Position Type
Assignment Job Function Code
Person Full Name
Assignment Grade Name
Assignment Job Name
Assignment Location Code
Assignment Location Name
Assignment Employee Category
Assignment Employment Category
Assignment Name
Assignment Position Name
Extract Assignment Effective Start Date
Person Gender Meaning
Person Highest Education Level Meaning
Assignment Grade Type
Assignment Business Unit Name
Assignment Legal Employer Name
Assignment Legislation Code
Assignment Legislation Name
Assignment General Ledger Code Combination Segment1
Assignment General Ledger Code Combination Segment2
Assignment General Ledger Code Combination Segment2
Assignment General Ledger Code Combination Segment3
Assignment General Ledger Code Combination Segment4
Assignment General Ledger Code Combination Segment5
Assignment General Ledger Code Combination Segment6
Organization GL Cost Center - Company
Organization GL Cost Center - Cost Center
Extract Performance Rating Short Description
Extract Performance Rating Description
Benefit Amount

Appendix B
Component Extract Definition Fields

Assignment Extract Definitions Fields

Benefit Type
Plan - Name
Plan Type - Name
Annual Rate Value
Unit of Measure
Option Name

Component Extract Definition Fields

The following table shows the Component Extract Definition fields that can be extracted and
loaded to the Oracle Hyperion Workforce Planning or Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning
Cloud application from the extract definition.

Component Extract Definition Fields

Extract Grade Code
Grade Name
Extract Grade Type

Employee Extract Definition Fields

The following table shows the Employee Extract Definition fields that can be extracted and
loaded to the Oracle Hyperion Workforce Planning or Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning
Cloud application from the extract definition.

Employee Extract Definition Fields

Extract Employee Person Number
Person Full Name
Person Date of Birth
Person Enterprise Hire Date
Person Gender
Person Gender Meaning
Person Highest Education Level
Person Highest Education Level Meaning
Assignment Employee Category
Assignment Employee Category Meaning
Assignment Bargaining Unit Code
Assignment Bargaining Unit Code Name
Person First Name
Person Last Name
Assignment Employment Category
Assignment Employment Category Meaning
Location Code

Appendix B
Entity Extract Definition Fields

Entity Extract Definition Fields

The following table shows the Entity Extract Definition fields that can be extracted and
loaded to the Oracle Hyperion Workforce Planning or Oracle Strategic Workforce
Planning Cloud application from the extract definition.

Entity Extract Definition Fields

Extract Organization Tree Code
Extract Organization Tree Version Name
Extract Organization Tree Distance
Extract Organization Tree Depth
Extract Organization Tree Is Leaf
Extract Organization Tree Code
Extract Organization Tree Name

Job Extract Definition Fields

The following table shows the Job Extract Definition fields that can be extracted and
loaded to the Oracle Hyperion Workforce Planning or Oracle Strategic Workforce
Planning Cloud application from the extract definition.

Job Extract Definition Fields

Extract Job Code
Job Name
Job Family Name
Extract Job Function Code
Extract Job Function Code Meaning

Location Extract Definition Fields

The following table shows the Job Extract Definition fields that can be extracted and
loaded to the Oracle Hyperion Workforce Planning or Oracle Strategic Workforce
Planning Cloud application from the extract definition.

Location Extract Definition Fields

Extract Location Code
Extract Location Name
Extract Location Country
Extract Location Town or City
Extract Location Region1
Extract Location Region2
Extract Location Region3

Appendix B
Position Extract Definition Fields

Position Extract Definition Fields

The following table shows the Position Extract Definition fields that can be extracted and
loaded to the Oracle Hyperion Workforce Planning or Oracle Strategic Workforce Planning
Cloud application from the extract definition.

Position Extract Definition Fields

Extract Position Tree Code
Extract Position Tree Version Name
Extract Position Tree Depth
Extract Position Tree Distance
Extract Position Tree Is leaf
Extract Position Code
Position Name


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