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This chapter explains the methodology which was employed during the study. In

this chapter explains how necessary data and information to address the research design,

the respondents, instrument, data gathering procedure, pre-survey and final survey,

sampling method, data collection and data analysis, and statistical treatment. It also gives

details about the population and sampling techniques used for the research.

Research Design

According to Bhandari (2021) A correlational research design investigates

relationships between variables without the researcher controlling or manipulating any of

them. A correlation reflects the strength and/or direction of the relationship between two

or more variables. The direction of a correlation can be either positive or negative.

The researchers used correlational to conduct this study in order to determine if there is

some sort of relationship between 21st century factors and student’s academic

performance that might have affect them. Correlational research will help us to recognize

how many of those 21st century factors affect the academic performance of the students.

The benefits of this research design are:

• Can measure how many factors.

• Can also be used to determine the relationships between various variable.

• Can be used to support the hypothesis.

Sampling Method

The Research Involves A Simple Random Sampling Method Where The

Researchers Choose Senior High School Students All Strand.Of Sti San Pablo As The

Participants Of The Research According To Lauren Thomas (2020) A simple random

sample is a randomly selected subset of a population. In this sampling method, each

member of the population has an exactly equal chance of being selected.This method is

the most straightforward of all the probability sampling methods, since it only involves a

single random selection and requires little advanced knowledge about the population.

Because it uses randomization, any research performed on this sample should have high

internal and external validity.

Researchers often start with a simple random sample. This allows them to

statistically measure a subset of individuals selected from a larger group or population to

approximate a response from the entire group.This research method has both benefits and

drawbacks. We highlight these pros and cons in this article, along with an overview of

simple random sampling.

All the students in Senior High school are 546 and the researchers conduct a pre

survey and the 95% confidence level and 519 represents the sample.

Respondents to the Study

According to Omachinski, K.(2020).He stated that ,Respondents are those

individuals who complete a survey or interview for the researcher, or who provide data to

be analyzed for the research study. Respondents can be any age, but determined by the

scope of the study, and must agree to informed consent to participate.

This research used a Simple Random Sampling, the selected respondent of this

study are Senior High School Students from STI Collage San Pablo, there are a total of

546 Senior High School Students from Sti Collage San Pablo, and a sample of 519, We

get our Sample by multiplying 546 students and the confidence level of 95%.

Research Instrument

According to Editage Insights, a research instrument is a tool used to obtain,

measure, and analyze data from subjects around the research topic. You need to decide

the instrument to use based on the type of study you are conducting quantitative,

qualitative, or mixed method. Good research instrument aims to the objectives of the

study and to its research question. It is also used to disaprove or prove the hypothesis of

the study, as stated by DiscoverPhDs (2020).

I. Twenty-first Factors II Academic Performance in form

of grades

Critical thinking


Technology Literacy Average grade of the students

Social Skills

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers performed a data gathering exercise to make sure the appropriate

accomplishment of the survey. First, the researchers will create an approval letter from

the adviser, principal, and registrar for their pre-survey. After the researcher got the result

for their pre-survey, they will ask again for the approval to conduct a study. The

researchers will create a questionnaire and ask the expert to validate it. After that, the

researchers will seek for the consent of their respondents in participating in this research.

The researchers will gather and tally the data from the survey for statistical treatment.

Statistical Treatment

The gathered data was tallied, quantified, and it will undergo proper statistical

measures. The study used the mean, population mean, standard deviation, likert scale.

Below is the range and interpretation of the 4-point Likert Scale by the researchers

Point Scale Range Verbal Interpretation

4 3.25-4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.50-3.24 Agree

2 1.75-2.49 Disagree

1 1.00-1.74 Strongly Disagree

The Likert Scale was used to interpret the data given by the respondents. This is

to determine the effects of perceived twenty-first century factors to academic

performance for senior high school students in STI College San Pablo.

Mean. The average or the most common value in a collection of numbers. The

formula applied was:a

= mean

f = frequency of each class

X = mid-interval value of each class

N = total frequency

= sum of the products of mid - interval values and their corresponding frequency

Σx is the sum of the scores

N is the number of respondents

Population Mean. The average of group characteristic. The formula was:

= mean

N = number of items in population

= number of items in population

Standard Deviation. Formula is used to asses the variance correlation.


s is the standard deviation

f is the frequency

x is the score point of the respondents

x1 is the mean

n is the number of respondents

Standard Deviation formula is used to assess the variability of the pretest and

posttest scores. The formula wa


s is the standard deviation

f is the frequency

x is the score point of the respondents

x1 is the mean

n is the number of respondents

T-test for Dependent Samples. The formula is used to assess if the pretest and

post test of the control groups and the pre-test and post-test of the experimental group has

a significant difference. It also identifies if the null hypothesis is supported.

t is the t-test result for dependent samples

X̄1 is the mean of the post test

Σd is the summation of the difference of two samples

Σd² is the summation of the square of the difference of two samples

T-test for Independent Samples. The formula is used to assess whether the two groups

are reliably different from each other. It also identifies if the null hypothesis is supported.

The formula applied is:

t is the t-test result for independent samples

X̄1 is the mean of the first group

X̄2 is the mean of the second group

SS1 is the sum of the squares of the first group

SS2 is the sum of the squares of the second group

N1 is the number of respondents in the first group

N2 is the number of respondents in the second group

Learning Gains Utilized to determine the increase of the percentage of pre-test

and post-test of each group. The formula was:

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