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Science 4

GRADE AND SECTION:___________________________________
DATE: __________________________

I. Direction: Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. Write it on
the blank before the number.

______ 1.It is a large organ that lined with layers of muscles where food is broken
into smaller pieces.
a.Digestion b. stomach c. small intestines d. large intestines
______ 2. It is a process by which food is broken down into nutrients.
a.digestion b. stomach c. small intestines d. large intestines
______ 3. It is about 2.5 cm wide and 7m long coiled tube where food is finally
digestive and absorbed.
a.digestion b. stomach c. small intestines d. large intestines
______ 4. Undigested food particles ( like seeds, tough fruit pulp, and not properly
chewed meat) are passed to the ______ to be passed out the
body during defecation.
a.digestion b. stomach c. small intestines d. large intestines
______ 5. When does the digestion happen?
a.As soon as we start to chew our food.
b.As soon as we cut the meat.
c. As soon as we extract fruit to juice.
d. As soon as we slice the fish.
______ 6. It is caused by not eating on time, too much intake of acidic drinks and
a.ulcer / hyperacidity b. diarrhea c. constipation d.
______ 7. It is a frequent moving of bowel with watery stool.
a.ulcer / hyperacidity b. diarrhea c. constipation d.
______ 8. Difficult elimination of dry and hard stool or feces.
a.ulcer / hyperacidity b. diarrhea c. constipation d.
______ 9. It is inflamation of the appendix caused by irritation from undigested
food that may block.
a.ulcer / hyperacidity b. diarrhea c. constipation d. appendicitis
______ 10. It is caused by bacterial infection from taking contaminated foods and
a.ulcer / hyperacidity b. diarrhea c. constipation d. appendicitis
______ 11. It is bean-shaped paired organs which are about 4 to 5 inches long
and 2 to 3 inches wide.
a. kidney b. heart c. lungs
d. brain
______ 12. Which is not the function of kidney?
a.Remove urea from blood through filtering units called nephron.
b. Keep stable balance of salts and other substances in the blood.
c. Produce hormone that aids the formation of blood cells.
d. Create new cells in our body.
______ 13. It is a hollow muscular organ located between lungs anfd it is protected
bythe ribcage.
a. kidney b. heart c. lungs
d. brain
______ 14. It filters the oxygen that enters our body because it contains a filtering
structure to ensure the heart receives clean oxygen.
a. kidney b. heart c. lungs
d. brain
______ 15. It supports each other to allow distribution of nutrients and oxygen to
all parts of the body and the removal of carbon dioxide as
a waste product in the body.
a. Heart and lungs b. stomach and intestines c. Kidney and heart d.
brain and skeleton

IV. Direction: Write check ( ✓ ) on the blank before the number if the statement
helps to protect the internal organs of the body and cross (x) if not

. ______ 16. Eat balanced diet.

______ 17. Exercise regularly.

______ 18. Avoid taking harmful substances like alcohol, cigarettes and

______ 19. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.

______ 20. Keep your surroundings clean.

Congratulations! You did a great job.

Answer key in Science

1. B 11. A

2. A 12. D

3. C 13. B

4. D 14. C

5. A 15. A

6. A 16. ✓

7. B 17. ✓
8. C 18. ✓

9. D 19. ✓

10. D 20. ✓

Department of Education
Region III- Central Luzon
Schools Division of Bulacan
District of Plaridel
Tabang Highway,Plaridel



Science 4


I. Identify the features of

stomach and the function of S4LT-
IIa-b1 5 1,2,3,4,5 25%
stomach and small intestine
the food digestion

II. Identify the common S4LT-

5 6,7,8,9,10 25%
problems related to digestion IIa-a1

III. Classify the function of S4LT-

2 11,12 10%
kidney to human body IIa-b1

IV. Identify the functions of the S4LT-

3 13,14,15 15%
lungs to the human body IIa-b2
V. Identify ways to protect the S4LT-
5 16,17,18,19,20 25%
internal organs of the body IIa-b2

TOTAL 20 20 100%

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