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School Code of Conduct - Stages and Sanctions

Stage Examples of Behaviour Possible Consequences Communication &

 Chewing Gum, eating seeds  Ask to Put Away the Item(s)
 Electronic Device Visible  Quiet/Verbal Reminder Settle the matter in school
 Littering with individual student
 Playing with Blinds, A/C, Windows
 Playing with sports items in wrong places

 Entering Elevator without permission  Ask where they should be and

 Being in the wrong place at the wrong time send them on their way

 Pushing in Line  Ask them to stop

 Ask them to slow down

 Running in the corridors

 Silly/Unnecessary Noises  Change of Seating

 Interrupting/ Calling out in Class  Non-verbal Signals

 Late to Class, School (<5 minutes)  Name on Board
 Not speaking English  Quiet/Verbal Reminder

 Improper personal presentation  Follow up with misbehaviour the

(makeup/nails/hair/etc) next day
 Not bringing Planner

 Plagiarism for Primary Students  Take away marks or redo

 Incomplete Homework assignment
School Code of Conduct - Stages and Sanctions
 Persistent Stage 0 Behaviour  Quiet Corner – Cool Down Period Communication:
 Affecting Other’s Learning  Cafeteria Duty (1-2 hrs) 1) Send message to Parents
 Forging Parent’s signature  Demerit Points 2) Notify Class Teacher +
 Leaving Class without Permission  Miss Playtime Copy Mr Arvin in Email
 Minor Challenge to Authority  Verbal Reprimand
 Misusage of school/personal computers (i.e.  Student’s Verbal Apology
playing games or watching pornography)
 Rudeness
1) Keep any incident reports
 Harmful or Offensive Remark, Name Calling
or emails that were used to
 Small Business Activities conduct investigations
 No Uniform or Wrong Uniform
 Swearing

 Confiscate Device

 Electronic Device in Use Without Permission

o 1st – 3 school days
o 2nd – 5 school days
o 3rd – 7 school days

 Minor Plagiarism for Secondary Students  Rewrite Assignment with a Lower

 Skipping a Class Mark
 Make up for missed work
 Damaging/Misusing classroom/Other’s
Property  Repair or replace item
 Stealing Less Valuable Object (<RM100)

 Minor Driving Violation  Suspend Driving Privilege

School Code of Conduct - Stages and Sanctions
 Persistent Stage 1 Behaviour Communication:
1) Send message to Parents
 Habitual Truancy  Apology letter via Email
 Persistent Swearing  Cafeteria Duty (2-4 hrs) 2) Follow-up Call within the
 Repeated Refusal to Do Set Task  Send to Reflection Area in week
 Vandalism Staffroom 3) Notify Class Teacher +
 Harming someone  Meet with Parents Copy Mr Arvin in Email
 Throwing Objects with Intent to Harm  Caution Letter
 Continued/ Serious Challenge to Authority
 Leaving School without Permission 1) Send any incident reports
 Stealing food from cafeteria or emails that were used to

 Confiscate Items/merchandise conduct investigations to Mr


 Alcohol/Controlled Substance Possession Arvin

 Big Business Activities  Confiscate Device
 Highly Offensive Remark or web post o 1st – 3 school days
o 2nd – 5 school days
o 3rd – 7 school days

 Cheating on Test or Project  Re-sit for test or redo project with a

Lower Mark

 Inappropriate male/female contact (minor)  Counseling

 Major Driving Violation  Remove Driving Privileges

School Code of Conduct - Stages and Sanctions
 Persistent Stage 2 Behaviour  Have students engaging in these Communication:
 Alcohol/Cigarette/Controlled Substance misbehaviours to write an incident 1) Notify Class Teacher & Mr
Usage report about what happened. Arvin
2) Work with Mr Arvin on
 Bullying
 School may issue a Warning Letter further communication &
 Cheating on Standardized Test
to include the following meeting with parents
 Fighting
 Harming someone severely Documentation:
o Apology letter

 Leaving Campus without Permission 1) Send any incident reports

o Ban on Representing School
 Promiscuity (sexual contact)

in Sports for fixed period of or emails that were used to

 Racial or Religious Persecution time conduct investigations to Mr
 Very serious challenge to authority o Ban on Field Trips for fixed Arvin
 Violating local values and traditions period of time
 Other forms serious harm or violence o Cafeteria Duty (4+ hrs)
 Stealing valuable object o Counseling
o In-School Detentions
o Loss of Playtimes/Sports time

 Persistent Stage 3 Behaviour  Write incident report Communication:

 Criminal Offenses  Warning Letter 1) Notify Class Teacher & Mr

 Malicious Physical Assault on another o Suspension from School for Arvin


student or staff. fixed period of time 2) Work with Mr Arvin on

 Possession of Illegal Drugs o Greater extent of Stage 3 further communication &
 Possession of Weapons Consequences meeting with parents
 Continued Stage 4 Behaviour  Permanent Expulsion from School

1) Send any incident reports


or emails that were used to

conduct investigations to Mr

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