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Kuniamuthur, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India

An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to Anna University,
Accredited by NAAC with “A” Grade & Accredited by NBA (CSE, ECE, IT, MECH, EEE, CIVIL& MCT)


Module 1: DC Circuits and AC Circuits
Mesh and Nodal Analysis

Dr. R. Sumathi
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
2 November 2022 R. SUMATHI / Prof./ Dept of EEE,SKCET
[email protected] 1
C111.1 - Analyze the concepts in AC circuit and DC circuits. [A].

C111.2 - Examine the working principle of single phase transformer. [A].

C111.3 - Realize the fundamental concepts of magnetic circuits. [U].

C111.4 - Understand the working principle of DC and AC machines. [AP].

C111.5 - Interpret the basic devices in Electronics. [U].

2 November 2022 Dr. R. SUMATHI / Prof./ Dept of EEE,SKCET 2

Module I: DC Circuits and AC Circuits 15 Hrs
• DC Circuits - Electrical circuit elements (R, L and C) - Voltage and
Current Sources - Kirchoff’s current and voltage law - analysis of simple
circuits with DC excitation - Mesh and Nodal Analysis.
• AC Circuits - Representation of sinusoidal waveforms, Peak and RMS
values, Phasor representation, Real power, Reactive power, Apparent
power, Power factor. Analysis of single phase AC circuits consisting of R,
L, C, RL and RC. Three phase balanced circuits - Voltage and Current
relations in star and delta connections.

2 November 2022 Dr. R. SUMATHI / Prof./ Dept of EEE,SKCET 3

Module II: Magnetic Circuits and Electrical Machines 15 Hrs
• Magnetic Circuits - Definitions - MMF, Flux, Reluctance, Magnetic Field Intensity, Flux Density,
Fringing, Self and Mutual Inductances, Static machines: BH characteristics, Construction and
working principle of single - phase and three phase transformers. Rotating machines:
Generation of rotating magnetic fields, Construction and working principle of DC machines,
Three-phase induction motor and Synchronous motor.
Module III: Basics of Electronics and Applications 15 Hrs
• Semiconductor - PN junction diode - Zener diode - Rectifier - Half wave, Full wave and Bridge
rectifier - Bipolar Junction Transistor Introduction - Common base, Common emitter and
Common collector configuration - Field Effect Transistor Introduction - Construction and
characteristics of JFETs - MOSFET- Depletion type MOSFET, Enhancement type MOSFET,
Transfer characteristics.

2 November 2022 Dr. R. SUMATHI / Prof./ Dept of EEE,SKCET 4

Text Books & Reference Books
1. Fitzgerald. A.E., Charles Kingsely Jr, Stephen D.Umans, ‘Electric Machinery’, Tata McGraw
Hill, 7th edition 2020.
2. Vincent. Del. Toro, “Electrical Engineering Fundamentals”, Prentice Hall India, 2nd edition,
3. E. Hughes, “Electrical and Electronics Technology”, Pearson, 10th edition, 2011.
4. Donald .A. Neamen, “Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design”, 2nd Edition reprint, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2013.
5. Charles A.Gross, Thaddeus A.Roppel, “Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering”, CRC press,
6. D. C. Kulshreshtha, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, McGraw Hill, Revised 1st edition 2017.
7. Theodore F. Bogart, Jeffery S. Beasley and Guilermo Rico, ‘Electronic Devices and Circuits’,
2 November 2022 Education, 6th edition, 2013.
Dr. R. SUMATHI / Prof./ Dept of EEE,SKCET 5

2 November 2022 Dr. R. SUMATHI / Prof./ Dept of EEE,SKCET 6

Mesh Analysis
• Mesh – loop – closed circuit
• Each mesh will be assigned by a separate current.
• The direction of the current will be clockwise.
• Mesh equations will be written in terms of mesh currents.
• Mesh equations will be obtained by applying KVL.

2 November 2022 Dr. R. SUMATHI / Prof./ Dept of EEE,SKCET 7

• In the circuit find the currents in the various elements using Kirchoff’s
laws. Also find the power delivered by the battery.

Ans : Current in 2Ω resistor = 3A

Current in 6Ω resistor = 2A
Current in 8Ω resistor = 1A
Current in 4Ω resistor = 1A
Power delivered by battery = 54W

2 November 2022 Dr. R. SUMATHI / Prof./ Dept of EEE,SKCET 8

• Determine the voltages in the circuit

Ans :
V1 = -4V
V2 = -6v
V3 = 4V
V4 = -2V

2 November 2022 Dr. R. SUMATHI / Prof./ Dept of EEE,SKCET 9

• Calculate the current supplied by the two batteries in the network shown.

Ans : Current supplied by 125V battery is 5A

Current getting by 90V battery is 1A

2 November 2022 Dr. R. SUMATHI / Prof./ Dept of EEE,SKCET 10

• Find the power supplied to the load. Also find the voltage at the load.

• Ans : Voltage = 20.3125V

• Power = 412.598 W

2 November 2022 Dr. R. SUMATHI / Prof./ Dept of EEE,SKCET 11

• In the circuit the current in the branch OA is zero. Find the value of R and
the current in it.

Ans : 1.2A, 4Ω

2 November 2022 Dr. R. SUMATHI / Prof./ Dept of EEE,SKCET 12

• In the circuit find the current through RL.

• Ans : 10A

2 November 2022 Dr. R. SUMATHI / Prof./ Dept of EEE,SKCET 13

• Solve the mesh and branch currents.

• Ans : 2.86A, 0.521A

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• Determine the power dissipation in the 4Ω resistor of the

• Ans : 23.23 W
2 November 2022 Dr. R. SUMATHI / Prof./ Dept of EEE,SKCET 15
• Use the mesh analysis to determine the three mesh currents in
the circuit.

• Ans : 3A, 2A, 3A

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• Determine the current through the 800Ω.

• Ans : 0.00002A

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• Determine the current supplied by each battery.

• Ans : 2.55A, 0.728A, 1.822A, 4.957A, 3.135A

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2 November 2022 Dr. R. SUMATHI / Prof./ Dept of EEE,SKCET 19

• Node – junction point of two or more elements in the circuit
• KCL will be used to find the unknown parameters.

• Voltage source must be converted into current source.

• Select one node as reference node, with respect to which the

voltages at all other nodes are measured.
• The reference node act as a common or ground for the circuits.

2 November 2022 Dr. R. SUMATHI / Prof./ Dept of EEE,SKCET 20

• Using nodal analysis, determine the current in 20Ω resistor.

• Ans : 0.6 A

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• Using nodal analysis find the current through all the resistor.

• Ans : 4.25 A, 6.38 A, 8.51 A

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• Calculate the current through the 15Ω resistor

• Ans : 2.78 A
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• Find the voltages of the node in the network shown.

• Ans : 6.93 V, 8.6 V

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• Find the voltages of the node in the network shown.

• Ans : 2.57 V, 4.85 V

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• Find V1, V2 and V3 by the nodal method.

• Ans : 66.66 V, 60 V, 68.33 V

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• Determine voltage at each node.

• Ans : 8.03 V, 10.15 V, 3.05 V

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