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Assignment – 1


Research Proposal: Investigating the Mechanisms of Social Contagion in Consumer

Introduction: Social contagion is a phenomenon where behaviors and attitudes spread

through social networks. In the context of consumer behavior, social contagion can influence
what products people buy, how they use them, and what opinions they hold about them. The
goal of this research proposal is to investigate the mechanisms of social contagion in
consumer behavior. The study will aim to explore how social influence affects the decision-
making process of consumers and how it leads to the spread of certain behaviors or
preferences within social networks.

Research Questions:

1. How does social contagion affect consumer behavior?

2. What factors influence the spread of consumer behavior within social networks?
3. To what extent do different types of social connections (e.g. family, friends,
acquaintances) affect consumer behavior contagion?
4. What are the implications of social contagion on marketing and advertising strategies?

Research Design: This study will use a mixed-methods approach, combining both
quantitative and qualitative data. A survey will be designed to measure the extent of social
contagion in consumer behavior. The survey will include questions related to consumer
behavior, social networks, and the influence of others on one's purchasing decisions.

A survey will be distributed online to collect quantitative data on consumer behavior and
social networks. The survey will be designed to measure the following variables:
 Demographic information (age, gender, education, income, etc.)
 Social network characteristics (size, composition, frequency of contact, etc.)
 Consumer behavior (product preferences, brand loyalty, purchase frequency, etc.)
 Attitudes towards consumer behavior (perceived importance, satisfaction, etc.)

Reliability and Validity: To ensure the reliability and validity of the survey, several
measures will be taken. The survey will be pretested with a small sample to identify any
potential issues with the questions. Cronbach's alpha will be calculated to assess the internal
consistency of the survey items. The survey will also be pilot tested with a larger sample to
evaluate its reliability and validity.

Measurement Scale: The Likert scale will be used to measure the level of agreement or
disagreement with the survey questions. The scale will range from strongly disagree to
strongly agree.

Sample Design and Sample Size: The sample will be drawn from the general population of
adults in the United States. The sample will consist of adults (18 years and above) who use
social media platforms. Participants will be recruited through social media ads and email
invitations. The sample size will be determined using a power analysis, assuming a 95%
confidence level and a 5% margin of error. Based on the previous studies, a sample size of
500 participants will be sufficient for this study.


In the second phase, semi-structured interviews will be conducted with a sub-sample of

participants who complete the survey. The interviews will explore in-depth the participants'
experiences and attitudes towards consumer behavior and their social networks. The
interviews will be recorded and transcribed for analysis.

Data Analysis:
Quantitative data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics (means, standard deviations,
frequencies) and inferential statistics (correlation analysis, regression analysis). Qualitative
data will be analyzed using thematic analysis. The triangulation of the data from the survey
and interviews will allow us to draw more robust conclusions about social contagion in
consumer behavior.

Ethical Considerations:

The study will adhere to ethical guidelines set forth by the institutional review board (IRB).
Participants will be informed about the study's purpose, their right to withdraw at any time,
and their confidentiality will be protected.


The proposed study aims to shed light on how social contagion works in a consumer's life.
The mixed-methods approach will provide a more comprehensive understanding of the
phenomenon and allow for the development of effective strategies to influence consumer


Q1. The Mayo Clinic would like to further strengthen their brand image and
equity.Define the management decision problem.

The management decision problem for the Mayo Clinic is how to enhance their brand image
and equity in order to maintain and increase their competitiveness in the healthcare industry
and reach the remaining 16% of the consumers. This problem can be further refined into the
following questions:

i) How can the Mayo Clinic differentiate itself from other healthcare providers in the
minds of consumers and potential patients?
ii) What specific attributes of the Mayo Clinic's services, facilities, and staff
contribute to its unique value proposition?
iii) What strategies can be implemented to increase awareness and understanding of
the Mayo Clinic's brand and its offerings among target audiences?
iv) How can the Mayo Clinic measure the effectiveness of its brand image and equity
efforts, and what metrics should be used to track progress and success?
v) What resources, investments, and partnerships will be necessary to achieve the
desired brand image and equity goals?

By addressing these questions, the Mayo Clinic can develop a comprehensive brand
management plan that aligns with its overall business strategy and goals, and enables it to
maintain and strengthen its position as a leader in the healthcare industry.

Q2. Define the marketing research problem corresponding to the management decision
problem you have defined in previous question.

The marketing research problem corresponding to the management decision problem of

enhancing the Mayo Clinic's brand image and equity is: To identify the key factors that
influence the perception and evaluation of the Mayo Clinic's brand among consumers and
potential patients, and to develop effective strategies to improve the Clinic's brand image and

In order to address this marketing research problem, the following specific research
objectives should be considered:

 To conduct a market analysis to understand the current competitive landscape and

identify key trends and opportunities in the healthcare industry.
 To conduct a brand audit to assess the Mayo Clinic's current brand image and equity,
including its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
 To identify the key drivers of brand perception and evaluation among target
audiences, including current and potential patients, referring physicians, and other
 To develop and test messaging and positioning strategies to improve the Mayo
Clinic's brand image and equity, and assess their effectiveness and impact.
 To develop a comprehensive brand management plan that includes recommendations
for brand identity, messaging, positioning, and communication strategies, as well as
metrics for tracking and measuring success.

By addressing these research objectives, the Mayo Clinic can gain valuable insights into the
factors that drive brand perception and evaluation among its target audiences, and develop
effective strategies to improve its brand image and equity. This will help the Clinic maintain
and strengthen its competitive position in the healthcare industry, and continue to provide
high-quality care to its patients.

Q3. What type of research design should be adopted? Why?

Based on the marketing research problem and objectives, a combination of exploratory and
descriptive research designs should be adopted.

Exploratory research is useful in the early stages of research when little is known about a
problem, and it helps to generate initial insights and hypotheses. In this case, exploratory
research can help the Mayo Clinic to understand the current state of the healthcare industry,
identify key trends and opportunities, and assess the Clinic's strengths and weaknesses in
relation to its competitors.

Descriptive research, on the other hand, is used to describe and measure the characteristics of
a population or phenomenon. In this case, descriptive research can help the Mayo Clinic to
identify the key drivers of brand perception and evaluation among its target audiences, and
develop and test messaging and positioning strategies to improve its brand image and equity.

To achieve these research objectives, the following research methods may be used:

Secondary data analysis to gather information about the healthcare industry and the
competitive landscape.
Focus groups and in-depth interviews to gain qualitative insights into the key drivers of brand
perception and evaluation among target audiences.

Surveys to collect quantitative data on brand perceptions and attitudes, as well as to test
messaging and positioning strategies.

Statistical analysis to identify correlations and relationships between variables, and to

measure the effectiveness of different brand management strategies.

Overall, a combination of exploratory and descriptive research designs will allow the Mayo
Clinic to gain a comprehensive understanding of the factors that influence its brand image
and equity, and develop effective strategies to improve its competitive position in the
healthcare industry.

Q4. Describe the sources of secondary data that would be helpful in determining
consumer preferences in healthcare facilities.

There are several sources of secondary data that could be helpful in determining consumer
preferences in healthcare facilities. These include:

Government sources: The US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services, and other federal and state agencies collect and publish data
on healthcare facilities, including quality of care, patient satisfaction, and other relevant

Professional associations: Organizations such as the American Hospital Association,

American Medical Association, and other industry groups may conduct research and publish
reports on trends and best practices in healthcare facility design, operations, and patient

Trade publications: Magazines, journals, and other publications that cater to the healthcare
industry may feature articles, interviews, and case studies on consumer preferences, facility
design, and other related topics.

Market research firms: Companies such as Nielsen, Kantar, and Ipsos conduct research on
consumer preferences and behavior in a variety of industries, including healthcare. They may
provide access to syndicated reports or custom research studies to help healthcare providers
better understand their target audiences.

Social media and review sites: Online platforms such as Yelp, Healthgrades, and Google
Reviews provide consumer-generated ratings and reviews of healthcare facilities, which can
help providers understand what patients like and dislike about their experiences.

Academic research: Scholars in fields such as healthcare management, marketing, and

consumer behavior may publish research studies on consumer preferences in healthcare
facilities and related topics.

By leveraging these sources of secondary data, healthcare providers can gain valuable
insights into consumer preferences and use this information to inform facility design,
operations, and marketing strategies that better meet the needs of their patients.

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