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• Cut in half and eat straight from the skin. • Dice and used as an addition to muffins.
• Remove the tops and bottoms of the • Use as the base of a chutney or jam. The
kiwifruit thinly slice of the skin and quarter/ natural pectin will help it set.
slice to add to a fruit platter or fruit salad. • Stew and keep in the fridge or freezer to
serve over porridge, cereal or ice-cream.

• Sprinkle over sesame seeds and dried STORAGE
coconut and squeeze over lemon juice.
• Generally, speaking, when a kiwifruit yields
• Use to tenderise meat. Simply slice or to slight pressure, like a peach, it is ready
mash up a green kiwifruit and place it on to eat.
your meat before you cook it.
• If the kiwifruit is firm store at room
temperature to ripen. If you don’t want
the kiwifruit to ripen further, put it in your
refrigerator, it should store for 1–2 weeks.
• Kiwifruit can be peeled, chopped and
• You can cook Kiwifruit but, since the flesh frozen for use in homemade ice cream and
is so soft, add it to the last minute or two of smoothies.
a stir-fry.
• Both green and gold Kiwifruit make really
refreshing summer drinks and additions to
any salad.

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