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HANDNOTES Political theory- deals with the different perspectives and

ideas regarding politics and governance of different

TOPIC 1: POLITICS, GOVERNANCE, and OTHER political philosophers from the ancient times like Aristotle
KEY CONCEPTS to Niccolo Machiavelli, to the time of industrial
Revolution through Karl Marx, and contemporary political
Content Standards: philosophers like Hanna Arendt.
 The learners demonstrate an understanding of politics
and political science, governance, Political ideologies, Political methodology-is more concerned upon the
power, States, nations, and Globalization. application of political concepts into research and policy
making almost similar to applied nature of public
QUESTION: administration (Roskin et al. 2007).
1. How would you describe the situation of politics
and governance in the Philippines? Comparative politics- is about comparing various
political systems and different constitutions among
different countries through time. This type o study is not
Politics- is the set of activities that are new or it was made by Aristotle and Plato during the
associated with making decisions in groups, or golden age of ancient Greece in their influential works,
other forms of power relations among individuals, such as Aristotle’s Politics and Plato’s The Republic, when they
the distribution of resources or status. compared various forms of governments (Roskin et al.
Governance- is defined as the decisions and 2007).
actions of the people who run a school, nation, city or
business. International relations- bear resemblance to comparative
politics; but instead of comparing, it concentrates on
establishing and maintaining relations among countries
DISCUSSION: through time. And by relations, those who are studying
this field attempt on maintaining peaceful and diplomatic
relations among countries (Roskin et al. 2007).
Political science- deals with the study of power in society,
politics, and government. The dynamic character of Law- is another central concept in politics and governance.
human society and the differences in contexts of different Law is basically any written statements that limits or
states have resulted in different views, theories, and guides the behavior of a certain group. Politics, as the art
definitions on the concepts of politics and governance. and science of government, highlights the role of law in
organizing and stabilizing individual interests to prevent
-Having a basic knowledge on political the overlapping individual needs and promote collective
science can be empowering for every citizen, especially in gains in society (Roskin et al. 2007).
a democratic country like the Philippines. There are
various theories in political science, but we only have to
study the concepts in the Philippine context. The knowledge of and politics and governance
therefore is a critical attribute of a citizen belonging to a
-is the academic discipline that deals with
certain state. In ancient Greece, anyone who was
key issues and concepts in politics.
ignorant of the laws and the political processes of the
democratic structure of the politics where every male
Niccolo Machiavelli is widely accepted as the
was expected to participate in decision – making and
father of modern political science because of his
politics. Today, the knowledge of politics and governance
discussion on maintaining power on his books The Price
not only helps in the participation of an individual in the
and Discourses. But even before Machiavelli both Plato
state but it also governance not only helps in the
and Aristotle had already provided broad discussion on
participation of an individual in the state but it also helps
the central concepts in politics such as:
in safeguarding an individual against bad government
practices and abuse.
1. (what and who is morally and
politically right),
2. (source of authority), LET’S SCRUTINIZE
(different types of governments and states), BASIC POLITICAL CONCEPTS
4. (different ideologies in a state),
5. leadership (who should lead in a POLITICS
certain political system). Politics is the way that people living in groups
make decisions. In everyday life, the term "politics" refers
While politics deals with power in society in to the way that countries are governed, and to the ways
generals, governance specifically deals with power in that governments make rules and laws. Politics can also be
government and how this institution exerts power for the seen in other groups, such as in companies, clubs, schools,
benefit of the society. Today the discussion of politics and and churches.
governance in political science has been divided in Is derived from the Greek word polis which
different fields of interests, namely, political theory, means “city-state”, a small independent self-contained
political methodology, comparative politics, international political society. The heart of political science it is the
relations, and law (Roskin et al. 2007) activity of people where they create, preserve and amend
laws under which they live.


Politics is what defines the activities of the
government and of the state. All government officials and
all those working in government are participating in
politics. Focuses in answering the questions:
(What is?) Positive Approach
POLITICS AS PUBLIC AFFAIR Example: “The Department of Education documented
Politics is played by everybody politician or not. more than 1,700 cases of child abuse and bullying in
In politics, Aristotle said that “man by nature is a political school year 2013-2014.”
animal;” this means that it is only within a political
community that human beings can live the good life. Thus, (What should be?) Normative Approach
politics becomes necessary to create a just society. Example: “Bullying and other forms of violence in
schools should be viewed not just a school problem but a
Politics is meant to resolve conflict. In politics,
compromise, conciliation and negotiation become
necessary. It is through these means that issues and 2. BEHAVIORAL APPROACH
problems are being resolved. Thus, politics becomes the Focuses on the study of the individual (voter, leader, party
process of conflict resolution. leader. etc.) particularly the actors of the political system,
their emotion, biases and predispositions. Behaviorists,
POLITICS AS POWER therefore study the political process by looking at how it
Politics happen in all human interaction: within relates or influences the individual’s behavior, motivations,
the family, among friends, among office-mates, etc. personalities or feelings of human actors (Orji, 2009).
Politics can, therefore, be seen a s struggle over scarce 3. RATIONAL CHOICE APPROACH
resources, and power can be seen as the means through Focuses on the study of human behavior, wherein
which struggle is conducted. individuals are motivated by their wants. Their self-
interest or goals which will explain their preferences.
POLITICAL SCIENCE Furthermore, according to this approach, humans act to
Focuses on the theory and practice of government maximize their outcome that is to get the most benefit and
and politics at the local, state, national, and international profit from their actions.
levels. We are dedicated to developing understandings of
institutions, practices, and relations that constitute public GOVERNANCE
life and modes of inquiry that promote citizenship.
The act or process of governing or overseeing the
control and direction of something (such as a country or
THE FIVE REASONS TO STUDY POLITICS an organization). The process of decision-making and the
process by which decisions are implemented.
1. Politics will help you to know your rights. A government’s ability to make and enforce rule
2. Politics clarifies what you yourself believes. and to deliver services, regardless of whether the
3. Politics is a living, breathing subject. government is democratic or not.
4. Politics helps you to understand our nation’s parties.
5. Politics prepares you or adult life. 8 CHARACTERISTICS OF GOOD GOVERNANCE


Active involvement of all affected and interested
1. NORMATIVE VS. POSITIVE APPROACH parties in the decision making

process. (aktibong pakikilahok sa proses ng paggawa nakakatugon sa pangangailangan habang ginagawa ng

ng desisyon.) mahusay ang paggamit sa mapagkukunan.)


Legal frameworks should be fair and enforced Accountable to the public. (pananagutan sa
impartially. (ang mga legal na balangkas ay dapat patas publiko)
at pinapatupad ng walang kinikilingan.)

Free flow of information. (libreng daloy ng
Serve all stakeholders. (paglingkuran ang lahat
ng stakeholders.)

Mediates differing interests. (namamagitan sa
magkakaibang interes)


All its members have opportunities to improve or
maintain their well-being. (ang lahat ng miyembro nito
ay may pagkakataon na mapabuti o mapanatili ang
kanilang kagalingan.)


Produce results that meet needs while making the
best use resources. (gumagawa ng resulta na

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