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Bobe Pena

• Engr. Carlito B. Pena, REE, MMT,AOSHC, PCO, PFSO

• Lito or Bobe
• BSEE – Lyceum of the Philippines – Intramuros
• Master in Management Technology – De La Salle Lipa
• Registered Electrical Engineer
• Accredited Safety Practitioner – Construction &
Industry since 2000 / Accredited OSH Consultant
• 30 years experience in Construction, Petrochem
Facilities, other Industries, 5 years in Middle East
• National Director from 2002-2008, 2016-2019, 2019 -
2021 of ASPPI – Association of Safety Practitioner of the
• PNOC-Alternative Fuels Corporation –
Manager –PNOC Industrial Park; and
Administrator – Energy Supply Base Port
• Part-Time Instructor at DLSL/Inspector of Heavy Eqpt.
• Introduction to COSH
• Safety Terminologies
• OSH Legislation:
a. OSH Standards
b. DO No. 13
c. RA 11058
• Electrical Safety
• Ladder Safety • Scaffolding Safety
• PPE • Excavation Saety
• Industrial Hygiene • Mechanized Equipment
• Fire Safety • Safety Inspection
• First Aid • Accident Investigation
• Emergency Preparedness • Job Hazard Analysis
• Health Program • Safety Programming
• Fall Protection
Benjamin Franklin

Tell me and I forget.

Teach me and I Remember
Involve me and I learn.
Why Safety
Why safety

Profitability – a business must make money
(profit) in order to survive.
Growth – to increase its profit, must expand, go
into other types of business.
Continuity – any interruption or disruption of a
business operation will affect its productivity
and profitability.
Interrupts or disrupts the normal and orderly
progress of any activity and may result in injury
(minor, serious or fatal) to people and/or damage or
destruction of property that result to losses.
Punctured foot
Pointed metal inside his toenail
Electrical burn on hand and arm.
Arm with third degree burn from high-voltage line.
Contact electrical burns. The
knee on the left was energized,
and the knee on the right was
Arcing electrical burns
through the victim’s
shoe and around the
rubber sole.
Employee was setting
down a load of 2x10’s
with a co-worker and got
his big toe caught under
the load when he
dropped it.
Toe crushed by a forklift.
Instrument Tech was calibrating load cells the old fashion
way, when a 200lb mass that was being used to test a cell
from it’s perch and landed on the tech’s foot. The tech
was NOT wearing steel toes at the time of the accident. The
weight fell approximately 4ft.
In this photo you can see
the outline of the weight on
top of the foot
A guy was struck in the
foot by a pallet on a
standup lift. The driver
rounded a corner and
the victim was standing
in the aisleway facing
away when he was
struck. He was wearing
“flip-flops” at the time
of the accident. Injuries
were extensive to the
tendons, and heel bone,
along with a broken
Toe amputation
Nov. 2, 2003 Rig Floor
Running at 130 rpm
 It provides corrective,
preventive and predictive
measures to minimize
 People causes hazardous acts
and conditions.
 Extreme of ages causes
 Safety is a way of life.
It is better to be careful
100 times

than to get killed once.

Mark Twain
Benjamin Franklin

Tell me and I forget.

Teach me and I Remember
Involve me and I learn.
It takes a Minute to write a safety rule
It takes an Hour to hold a safety meeting
It takes a Week to plan a safety program
It takes a Month to put it in practice
It takes a Year to win a safety award
It takes a Lifetime to make a safe worker

But it only takes a Second

To destroy it all in one accident.

1. Those who think they make

things happen.
2. Those who watch things happen
3. Those who wonder what happened
4. Those who did not know that
anything had happened.
5. Those who makes things happen.
Words to Ponder
• “To look is one thing.
• To see what you look at is another
• To understand what you see is another
• To learn from what you understand is
something else.
• But to act on what you learn is all that
really matters.”
Winston Churchill


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