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#DUNGEON23 Helper By Hexed Press

Version 2.2

Why I Wrote This Where is the Dungeon Break Down the Dungeon
Awhile back I put out a video on mega- Located? 1. Divide the dungeon into distinct
dungeons, In that video, I explain that a mega- Complexes— a Complex can consist of any
dungeon is more than a supersized dungeon. † What is the terrain around the Dungeon? number of Spaces.
With the #dungeon23 taking off, I put this † How does the Dungeon fit in (or not)?
together as an aid to help folks on their mega- † What is the nearest settlement to the 2. For each Complex, use the prompts on the
dungeon creation journeys. ‡ Dungeon? † How do the settlement and next page to rough out the overall
Dungeon coexist? † What keeps the denizens concepts that will define the Complex and
of the Dungeon contained? ‡ the Clusters and Spaces within the
Anatomy of a Mega- Complex.
Dungeon What is the Dungeon? 3. As you create Spaces for the #dungeon23
A mega-dungeon consists of a number of † What was the dungeon originally? † Was it a challenge, place them in the Clusters and
Complexes— these might be vertical levels in a (super)natural phenomenon? † A constructed Complexes that you’ve established and use
traditional dungeon design or other discrete creation? † A combination of both? What is it those concepts to shape those Spaces and
locales within which are Clusters of Spaces– now? † How many phases of occupation and the things they contain.
placed rooms, corridors, and other locations construction have their been? † What did each
(for example, the individual barrows in occupier add, remove, and adapt? ‡ 4. Have fun! ‡

The main challenge, in creating a mega- Who Runs the Dungeon?

dungeon, is to maintain interest in the
dungeon as it is played through without † What factions control the dungeon? † What
sacrificing too much of the sense of a single unites them? † What divides them? † What do
place to cause the dungeon to lose coherence. they want? † What obstacles prevent them
We need variety. We need unity. How can we from fulfilling their want? ‡
get there? ‡
Who Opposes the
The Prompts Dungeon?
Use these prompts to focus and refocus your † What factions are in opposition to the
mega-dungeon creation efforts. As with all dungeon? † Why do they oppose it? † To what
things, use these only as long as they are useful ends? † What are the obstacles to their
to you. Good luck! ‡ opposition? ‡
#DUNGEON23 Helper:
Complexes Once established, expectations of motif
meanings can be defied to great effect! (But do
this sparingly!) ‡

What is this Complex? Entrances & Exits? Differentia

† What is this Complex? † What was it used † How is this Complex reached? † Is it Think about a single, unique feature that
for, originally? † What is it used for now? ‡ accessible from outside the dungeon? † What distinguishes this Complex from every other
other Complexes of the dungeon can be Complex in the dungeon, even ones that share
Themes reached from here? ‡ the same theme. This feature is the locus of the
Complex’s structure and activity.
Establishing a theme for the Complex provides
a palette of elements to draw from that will Denizens? † What is it? † Who created it? Does it have
both be distinct from other Complexes with meaning? † Does it have meaning for the
† Who lives here? † Are they members of one Denizens? Are those meanings the same? Is it
different themes and provide a unifying of the dungeon factions? If so, are they in good functional? † If so, does it work? † If so, how
language for all the Complex’s contents. standing? † If not, what is the nature of their does it work? † If it works, what does it require
Anything at all can be a theme. Here is a conflict? † How can that conflict be resolved? to function? † Do the Denizens know the
selection of very broad themes for inspiration: † If not members of a faction, are they aligned function? † Do the Denizens know how it
with one? If not, how do they maintain works? Do the Denizens know how to use it? If
† Life † Death † Magic † Faith † Memory independence? What do they want? What is so, do the Denizens use it (or not) and why? ‡
† Power † Industry † Science ‡ the obstacle to that want? ‡
† What is it made of? How do these materials
relate to the Complex’s theme? † Is it in good Motifs are specific symbols that recur through
About Me
repair, aging, or ruined? † Has it been an Complex. They should relate to the My name is Todd. I talk about and make stuff
patched, updated, or repaired? ‡ Complex’s theme. Establish motifs to define under the imprint, Hexed Press. You can find
relationships between forms and functions. me on YouTube and elsewhere on Social
Sensations Create three to four motifs in the form of: Media. To the extent that I’m known at all, it’s
[type of symbol] indicates [element]. mostly for talking about hexcrawls, wilderness
† What is the Complex’s style of construction? adventures, and other general TTRPG topics.
† What does it look like? † Is there light? † If Examples: † statues with right arms raised If you feel like supporting me, I’ve got a
so, what sources? † What does it smell like? † indicate the presence nearby of secret doors.† Patreon. ‡
Any sounds? Are they natural? † Where do a checkerboard pattern of tile flooring
they come from? † Is the air fresh? If not, is it indicates a trap.† Doors showing eye
dangerous? How does the air taste? † Is there symbols are magically warded.
any water? If so, is it potable? ‡
#DUNGEON23 Helper:
The Outside World The Doom
While there is nothing inherently wrong with
When designing a dungeon, there’s a
tendency to focus only on the dungeon and
The World the dungeon as a static location waiting
patiently to be delved by heroes, much can be
ignore the outside world. However, thinking I like to think of places of power, which gained in terms of tension and excitement by
about the outside world a bit might not only dungeons surely are, as things which exert introducing a doom: a dire consequence of
add some worthwhile context to the dungeon gravity on the world around them: the more allowing the dungeon to fester for too long.
but produce some inspiration as well! ‡ powerful the thing, the stronger the gravity.
Power attracts power, after all. † What doom will happen if the dungeon is left
Comings & Goings Think about how the dungeon has warped
to its own devices? † How long until this
impending doom is unleashed? † Which
† Are the factions in the dungeon self- the space around it, pulled entities knowingly factions are working towards this doom? †
sufficient? † if not, from where are they or unknowingly towards it, and marked the Who is working against it and why? † How can
supplied?† Do they deliver anything in world in which it exists. it be prevented? † What is needed to prevent
return?† Is there commerce with the outside it? † Is the doom aligned to a specific moment
world? † If so, with whom?† If there is trade, † What is the effect of the dungeon on the in time (i.e. celestial event, season, moon
what do they trade and why? ‡ local landscape? † On the flora, fauna? † On phase, etc.)? If so, which moment and why? †
natural, supernatural, and alien monsters? † Who benefits from this doom? † What do they
Does it affect magic of any sort? † If so, in what gain? ‡
The Settlement way? † Do the gods and other divine and
infernal forces have any stakes in the dungeon?
There’s almost always a settlement of some † If so, what are they and do they communicate
sort in fairly close proximity to the dungeon. them to any of their followers? ‡
There are obvious reasons for this: the players
need somewhere to gather, rest, supply, and Resources
get news and rumor of the nearby dungeon;
but you can do more with this place! † Does the dungeon contain any valuable
resources? † If so, what are they and what use
† Each of the factions has an agent in the are they? † To whom are they valuable? † How
settlement– who are they, what are their goals, are they extracted? † What is required to
and how do they communicate with their extract them? † How much are they worth? †
factions? † A handful of residents have their Is there any special requirement needed to
own independent, vested interests in the extract them? Which faction, if any, controls
dungeon or its destruction– who are they, what the resource? ‡
are their goals, and what are the obstacles to
those goals? ‡
#DUNGEON23 Helper: Tone
Choose a Tone Don’t Let Perfect Be the
Before you get to writing, there’s a subject that Complex Tones Within Dungeon Enemy of the Good
is very important that hasn’t been discussed yet Tones
and that is tone. It‘s very easy to get so wrapped up in creating
The tones of Complexes within the dungeon that you resemble an ancient mummy ready for
Tone can mean many different things but, in can vary one another and from the tone of the burial in a lightless vault beneath the earth.
this context, we’re going to confine its dungeon overall. However, this variance Heck, if you’ve made it this far, you’ve read
meaning to the stylistic qualities of the should be in small degrees. through a goodly number of prompts designed
dungeon. This may seem like a trivial to provoke creativity. So what am I saying?
consideration but it is vital. Here is a sample It’s fine for the Twilight Forest to have a
list of some tones: faerie vibe and the Laboratory of the Mad Everything in moderation. Whether it is the
Alchemist to have a steampunk vibe but these prompts in this document or tools, methods,
† Comic † grimdark † faerie † gonzo † gritty † should both fit within the overall tone context and wisdom from other places– everything is
whimsical † fantastical † low magic † of the dungeon, whatever it may be. Play with useful until it’s not. When something crosses
steampunk ‡ the notes but keep it within the movement of the threshold from a thing that moves your
the song, so to speak. ‡ process forward to a thing that is holding you
This is by no means a complete list and each back, it’s time to let that thing go.
one of these can be combined with others to Assemble Your Appendix N
form a practically endless variety. You have a Beginning things is easy. Finishing things is
buffet of choices but, ultimately, you must brutally difficult. The scope of #Dungeon23
Like your voice, your tone should be your only increases the challenge rating for this
choose one, or some combination of several, to own. That doesn’t mean that nothing can be
be the tone for your dungeon. exercise. We all want to make the best thing
gleaned from the work that has come before we can but an imperfect completed project is
yours. Gather inspirational materials, be they infinitely better than a perfect project that is
Deciding on a specific tone and knowing story media or game media, to help you hone
that tone before you begin writing will help never finished.
that voice and tone and let them inspire you.
keep your style consistent throughout the
writing process. When you sense your wheels spinning in
Mood boards can also be powerful tools to place and the choice arises between
collect visual materials for referencing during completing another room or going back to fix
As you delve down into the process of the writing process. There are an abundance of
writing out rooms and other dungeon features, something already written, answer a niggling
digital tools available, such as Google question, amend, append, or arrange work
periodically check against the tone that you’ve Jamboard, which you can populate with all
decided on. If you feel your style waver, already done, choose completion! Make a
manner of things found online. Clip and save note,and schedule an editing pass after you
refocus. A consistent tone contributes as much images, text, or anything else you run across
as any other factor to creating a coherent finish, but finish!
that seems of interest. You never know when it
whole. Given the length of the #Dungeon23 will be just the thing you need to help you vault
challenge, this is no small thing. ‡ Good luck! ‡
over a hurdle. ‡
#DUNGEON23 Helper:
The Hexed Press Alternative
Schedule Overview
The schedule that follows adds a layer of
structure that is missing from the original
#dungeon23 challenge. Some may find that
A Complex a Month
The schedule outlines the creation of a single
Complex over the course of a single month.
Each subsequent month, you can create an
this goes against the spirit of the challenge. My additional Complex and thus, over a year,
The original #Dungeon23 schedule is awfully hope is that those who do not want or need any create a mega-dungeon of twelve Complexes,
ambitious and I fear it may be the undoing of structure can simply ignore this but that it may assuming that you create one for every month.
many a hopeful participant. I’ve seen an have value for those of us who might find it
alternative schedule posted online which I useful. As with all things, use it only as long as This schedule will work as a standalone
think is good but could use some tweaking and it is helpful to your process!‡ month of prompts if you only want to create a
adjusting to fit the prompts and workflow that I single Complex. Hopefully, you’ll find this
am proposing here. With that in mind, I Complexes, Clusters, and Spaces useful outside the context of #dungeon23.‡
present The Hexed Press Alternative
Dungeon23 Schedule! ‡ To make the process of writing out a mega- Final Notes
dungeon less daunting, I’ve broken it down
into some component parts, Follow as much or as little of the daily prompts
Glossary as works for you. One thing that you might
At the atomic level is the Space, which refers notice is that writing is emphasized for the
Space to any physical area such as a hallway, corridor, daily prompts and, only at the end of the
A discrete room, corridor, or other singular room, chamber or any other singular location. month, do I mention mapping.
location. † Example: a burial chamber. ‡
A collection of connected Spaces related There are two reasons: first, my prompts are
Cluster by nature, function, or both, is called a somewhat complex– requiring time and effort
Cluster. A Cluster can contain any number of that might otherwise be split between writing
A collection of Spaces within a Complex that Spaces arranged in any way. and mapping; secondly, I think mapping is
share a common purpose and/or nature. † easier when all the Spaces being mapped are
Example: a chapel. ‡ Finally, a Complex is a collection of already thought out– this way, we get all the
connected and related Clusters. A Spaces first and then fit them together.‡
Complex conventional dungeon is an example of a
Complex. A mega-dungeon is a collection of
A discrete locale consisting of any number of
connected Clusters that share a purpose connected and related Complexes.‡ Jaquaysing Your Clusters
and/or nature. † Example: a temple. ‡
† Embrace all three dimensions. † Consider
unconventional entrances and exits. ‡
#DUNGEON23 Helper:
The Hexed Press Alternative
Schedule Day 4: Clusters — † Briefly describe three
Clusters of Spaces within the
Complex. ‡

Day 5: Denizens — † Who lives here? †

Complex Clusters (Week 2-4)
Describe the three Clusters, and the Spaces
they contain, that comprise this complex,
spending one week per Cluster.
What do they want? † What is an
Complex Set Up obstacle to them? † How do they Day 1: Description — † What is it’s nature
survive here? ‡ or function? † What does it look like,
† What is the Complex called? † Where is it smell like, sound like, taste like? ‡
located?† Who or what built or created it?† Day 6: Factions — † Who is in control? †
Who or what controls it?† What doom will What is their goal? † What is the Day 2-7: Spaces — † What is it’s nature or
happen if the Complex is left to itself or, obstacle to their goal? † Who or what purpose? † Is there an Obstacle,
alternatively, if it is sufficiently disturbed? ‡ stands against them? ‡ Challenge, Treasure here? † If so,
does it relate to a Motif? What other
Example: Field of a Thousand Banners– a Day 7: Entrances & Exits — † Where can you Spaces, Clusters, or external
necropolis dedicated to the dead warriors of go from here? † How? ‡ Complexes does it connect to? ‡
an ancient battle; a small priestly cult serve as
caretakers of the site; the dead interred here Example: Field of a Thousand Banners– † Example: Bannerfold–† description– wide
are at rest but not at peace– they await the necropolis (function) † death, war, grassy expanse capped with small hillocks,
provocation to once again march to war… ‡ remembrance (themes) † motifs– snakes – each height punctuated with a planted iron
protective traps or wards, owls – interred banner pole; it is perpetually buffeted by cold
Complex Basics (Week 1) remains, spiders or webs – false features or winds, regardless of the season; no birds will
traps † megalithic stone dome (feature), perch or rest here other than crows † spaces–
Day 1: Function & Theme— † What is the disorientation (obstacle), wandering undead Houseguard Barrow, a ceremonial tomb for
purpose? † What is the theme? † (challenge) † clusters– Bannerfold, Bone the houseguards of a forgotten lord, curse
How does the theme interact with the Garden, Hall of Champions † denizens– (obstacle, magical, snake motif), Ancient
function? ‡ ravens, ghosts, caretakers † Gravekeepers Wight (challenge, undead) ‡
(faction) guard the site from outsiders and
Day 2: Motifs — † List three Motifs and what keep the dead pacified (doom) † entrances/ End of the Month
they signify. ‡ exits– across the River, through the Wood, or
following the Old Battle Road. ‡ Create a wandering creature list † draw a map
Day 3: Features & Challenges – Describe of all the Clusters and Spaces that comprise
one unique Feature, Obstacle, and the Complex. ‡
Challenge. ‡
#DUNGEON23 Helper:
Adapting for #City23 & Hex23
#Dungeon23 has spawned a couple of related
splinter challenges: #City23 and #Hex23. The
#Hex23 Summary
idea for these related challenges is the same, In the context of a hexmap, a Complex
just applied to different context. #City23
becomes a Region, a large contiguous
geographical area. Within a Region, Clusters † Complex becomes Settlement;
While the tools and schedule outlined on turn into Ranges, contiguous areas that share
previous pages were thought up with some common terrain or environmental traits.
#Dungeon23 in mind, a little bit of tweaking † Clusters become Districts, and;
Spaces transform into individual Hexes.
and reimagining can make them useful for
these other challenges. † Spaces become Blocks.
Prompts: † Regions— what is it called? †
what is the climate? † Are there any interesting #Hex23
#City23 or unique weather patterns here? † What are
the main cultures and populations that exist † Complex becomes Region;
A Complex can become a clear analog for a here? † Ranges— what do the Spaces within
Settlement or, in a mega-city scenario, one of this area have in common? † Are there any † Clusters become Ranges, and;
several large Settlement divisions (something unique features or effects? † If so, are they
akin to the five Burroughs of New York City). natural, magical, extra-planar? † What is one † Spaces become Hexes.
Clusters translate to Districts and Spaces unique feature? Is a creature, a landscape
become Blocks. feature, atmospheric? † Is it natural, magical,
extra-planar?† Spaces— is this Space settled? †
Prompts: † Settlements— what is it known If so, who lives here and how do they live? † If
for? † What reputation does it have? † What is not, what is one interesting thing (a lair, a
it’s foundational myth? † Districts— how landmark, a magic pool, etc.) in this Space? †
wealthy is it? † Does it have a dominant What does it do and how does it work? Is it
building style? † If so, what is it? † How is it related to any environmental phenomena such
traversed: roadways, waterways, or something as the seasons, the phases of the moon, or a
exotic? † What style are they: warrens of cosmic event? ‡
alleys, narrow lanes, wide boulevards? †
Blocks— is it a singular construction or an
amalgam of different constructions? ‡
#DUNGEON23 Helper:
The Hexed Press #World23
#World23 Month 4-6 Create Some
Locations to
Wait, I can hear you say, what!?! That’s Explore
right #World23 is a thing and, no, I didn’t
just invent it now. I read about it on this † Create three Complexes of different types,
blog post. themes, and in different locations on your
hexmap for players to potentially investigate
If this sounds like something you’d like and explore. ‡
to give a go, you’re in luck because the
preceding helpers will work like a charm
with a worldbuilding challenge. Month 7-9 Factions & Political
For #World23, we’re going to reuse the
alternative schedule, each time tweaked, † Create the major factions of your world—
as noted on the preceding page, for the where do they live? † Have they always lived
different elements that make up a world. there? † If not, where did they come from and
Here’s my recommended schedule: how did they get here? † Who are their allies
and enemies? † What parts of the world do
they control? † What are their goals, their
Month 1 Create Your myths, their pride, and their secret shame?
Region What will they do to accomplish their goals? †
Who or what are obstacles to their goals? ‡
† Create the Regions, Ranges, and Hexes
that will comprise the world, or section
thereof, that you’ll be building. ‡ Months 10+ Connections &
Month 2-4 Create Your † Connect everything together— Hexes,
Main Settlements, Complexes, Factions. †. If
Settlements anything doesn’t make sense, tweak it to fit the
world. † Turn Faction goals into plots,
† Create a Settlement that will function as schemes, and actions. † Turn those into
the party’s initial base of operations and potential adventures. † Write up a couple of
then create two more and place them on plot hooks for each of these adventures. ‡
your hexmap where appropriate. ‡

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