Let's Begin U5

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Unit 5  Animals

Let ’s Talk
Student Book Let’s Begin, pages 38-39

What your child learned in class

Conversation: Here you are

Thank you.

Listen and Do Verbs: jump, skip

Home study activity

Sing Here You Are. Thank You. with your child. Take turns singing both parts.
Practice the conversation. When you offer some fruit, a snack, some milk, or some
ice cream to your child, say Here you are. Have your child respond with Thank you.
Switch roles and have your child offer some fruit or tea to you and say Here you are.

Exercise with your child. Skip and jump together and say the words as you do
the actions.

Extra practice
Workbook pages 38-39

Student Audio CD Tracks 47-49

Your child can Write a message to your child:

I did it! o ffer something to someone
saying Here you are.
express thanks Thank you.

s ing Here You Are. Thank


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L e t ’s Le a r n
Student Book Let’s Begin, pages 40-41

What your child learned in class

Conversation: Let’s count the cats.

1 cat, 2 cats

Animals: dog, cat, bird, dogs, cats, birds

Home study activity

Sing the Let’s Count the Animals song with your child. Look at a picture book about
animals or visit a pet store with your child. Say to your child Let’s count the (cats). Help
your child find the cats in the picture and count them. Then have your child count the
other animals in the picture. Switch roles and have your child suggest that you count
the animals, saying Let’s count the (dogs).

Extra practice
Workbook pages 40-41

Student Audio CD Tracks 50-51

Your child can Write a message to your child:

I did it! identify animals that are pets.

s uggest that someone count


s ing Let’s Count the


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Le t’s Lear n More
Student Book Let’s Begin, pages 42-43

What your child learned in class

Conversation: How many cows?


More animals: cow, rabbit, duck, cows, rabbits, ducks

Home study activity

Sing the How Many Ducks? song with your child. Have your child look in magazines,
books, or on the Internet for pictures of a barnyard full of animals. Look at the picture
together and ask your child How many (cows)? Your child will answer (8).

Take turns telling each other to draw various numbers of animals. Say Draw (2 ducks).
Your child will draw two ducks. Use other animals, such as dogs, cats, rabbits,
and birds.

Extra practice
Workbook pages 42-43

Student Audio CD Tracks 52-53

Your child can Write a message to your child:

I did it! ask How many (cows)?

answer with numbers

s ing the How Many

Ducks? song

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Let ’s Read
Student Book Let’s Begin, pages 44-45 Phonics
What your child learned in class
Phonics: Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp
Key words: moon, monkey, nest, net, octopus, ostrich,
panda, popcorn

Home study activity

Have your child practice saying the letters (Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp) and beginning sounds
with you. Ask your child to sing The Alphabet Song along with the audio. Have your
child draw pictures of the phonics words and write the first letter of the word under each
picture. Point to each picture and say the words with your child, helping your child to
listen carefully to the sound of the first letter. Listen to The MNOP Chant and chant
it together.

Extra practice
Workbook pages 44-45

Student Audio CD Tracks 54-57

Your child can Write a message to your child:

I did it! sing The Alphabet Song.

identify the first letters of words.

say The MNOP Chant.

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