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Functional Routines

for Adolescents & Adults™ – Home

by Beverly Plass

S Ages
 listening comprehension  grammar  12 through 22
 expressive language  narrative language/story retelling Grades
 7 and up
Evidence-Based Practice
According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Roles and Responsibilities of Speech-Language Pathologists Serving
Persons with Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities [Guidelines] (, 2005) and
the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (, 2004), Functional Routines for
Adolescents & Adults supports:
 Enhancement of communication skills for functional routines in a natural setting

 Communication at home, work, school, and in the community

 Independent living and vocational skills, community participation, and student interest in leisure and recreational activities

Additional research supports the following therapy principles:

 Use of story retelling or narrative-based language intervention (Blank et al., 1997; Franke, (n.d.); Franke & Durbin, 2006;
Hayward & Schneider, 2000; Schneider & Dibé, 2005)
 Embedding language goals in the context of a story (Swanson et al., 2005)
 Use of picture support to increase the mean length of utterance (Miles et al., 2006)
 Use of modeling, imitation, prompts, and fading (Kouri, 2005; Rogers-Warren & Warren, 1980; Wolery et al., 1992)
 Use of verbal routine contexts and expansions (Yoder et al., 1995)
Functional Routines for Adolescents & Adults: Home incorporates these principles and is based on expert professional practice.

Copyright © 2008 LinguiSystems, Inc.

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800-776-4332 Web: ISBN 13: 978-0-7606-0789-3
Blank, M., McKirdy, L., & Payne, P. (1997). Teaching Tales. HELP Associates. Retrieved June 15, 2007, from

Franke, L. (n.d.). What did you do at school today? Strategies for teaching story retelling and personal narratives to children with complicated language problems.
Retrieved May 30, 2007, from

Franke, L., & Durbin, C. (2006, November 4). Narrative intervention for children with complicated language impairment. ASHA [Convention]. Miami, FL.

Hayward, D., & Schnieder, P. (2000). Effectiveness of teaching story grammar knowledge to pre-school children with language impairment: An exploratory
study. Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 16(3), 255-284.

Kouri, T.A. (2005). Lexical training through modeling and elicitation procedures with late talkers who have specific language impairment and developmental
delays. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 48(1), 157-171.

Miles, S., Chapman, R., & Sindberg, H. (2006). Sampling context affects MLU in adolescents with Down syndrome. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing
Research, 49, 325-337.

Rogers-Warren, A., & Warren, S.F. (1980). Mands for verbalization: Facilitating the display of newly trained language in children. Behavior Modification,
4(3), 361-382.

Schneider, P., & Dibé, R.V. (2005). Story presentation effects on children’s retell content. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 14, 52-60.

Swanson, L.A., Fey, M.E., Mills, C.E., & Hood, L.S. (2005). Use of narrative-based language intervention with children who have specific language impairment.
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 14, 131-43.

Wolery, M., Ault, M.J., & Doyle, P.M. (1992). Teaching students with moderate and severe disabilities: Use of response prompting strategies. White Plains, NY:

Yoder, P.J., Spruytenburg, H., Edwards, A., & Davies, B. (1995). Effect of verbal routine contexts and expansions on gains in the mean length of utterance in
children with developmental delays. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 26, 21-32.

Illustrations by Margaret Warner

Functional Routines for Adolescents & Adults: Home 2 Copyright © 2008 LinguiSystems, Inc.
1 2

3 4
Cleaning the Bathroom
Functional Routines for Adolescents & Adults: Home 6 Copyright © 2008 LinguiSystems, Inc.
1 2

3 4
Cleaning the Bedroom
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3 4
Cleaning the Kitchen
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3 4
Getting Dressed
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3 4
Grooming – Brushing Teeth
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3 4
Grooming – Nail Care
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3 4
Grooming – Taking a Shower
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3 4
Grooming – Washing Hair
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3 4
Laundry – Washing Clothes
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3 4
Laundry – Putting Away Clothes
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3 4
Preparing Breakfast – Frozen Waffles
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3 4
Preparing Breakfast – Pancakes
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3 4
Preparing Breakfast – Scrambled Eggs
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3 4
Preparing Lunch – Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich
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3 4
Preparing Lunch – Quesadilla
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3 4
Preparing Lunch – Deli-Meat Sandwich
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3 4
Preparing Lunch – Soup
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3 4
Preparing Snack – Popcorn
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3 4
Preparing Snack – Smoothie
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3 4
Preparing Dinner – Chicken Nuggets
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3 4
Preparing Dinner – Frozen Pizza
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3 4
Preparing Dinner – Salad
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3 4
Setting the Table
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3 4
Washing Dishes in the Dishwasher
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3 4
Washing Dishes in the Sink
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