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Release Notes


Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 2
System Requirements ................................................................................................................. 3
Third Party Applications ............................................................................................................. 4
International Trade Compliance .................................................................................................. 5
Installation .................................................................................................................................. 7
Licensing ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Database Upgrade (SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2005 Express, and Oracle) ........................ 9
Enhancements and New Functionality ....................................................................................... 10
Fixed Problems ........................................................................................................................... 18
Known Problems ......................................................................................................................... 26
Contacting Support ..................................................................................................................... 29

WELLPLAN 5000.1 Release Notes May 2008

Landmark WELLPLAN 5000.1 Release Notes

This document contains important information and last minute changes related to
WELLPLAN software version 5000.1 that is not documented elsewhere. The WELLPLAN
software is included in the Engineer’s DesktopTM software version 5000.1 release, which provides
major new functionality in support of the Drilling and Completions software using the shared
EDMTM data model.

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Landmark WELLPLAN 5000.1 Release Notes

System Requirements
For details, refer to the ‘System Requirements’ section of the Engineer’s DesktopTM 5000.1
Drilling Summary Level Release Notes.

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Landmark WELLPLAN 5000.1 Release Notes

Third Party Applications

Landmark uses various third-party applications in the development of its software.

Landmark acknowledges that certain third party code has been bundled with, or embedded in,
Landmark’s software. The licensors of this third party code, and the terms and conditions of their
respective licenses, may be found at the following location:


Refer to the Engineer’s DesktopTM 5000.1 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes to view a table
describing a complete list of the third-party applications that are in Engineer’s Desktop Release

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Landmark WELLPLAN 5000.1 Release Notes

International Trade Compliance

This application is manufactured or designed using U.S. origin technology and is therefore subject
to the export control laws of the United States. Any use or further disposition of such items is
subject to U.S. law. Exports from the United States and any re-export thereafter may require a
formal export license authorization from the government. If there are doubts about the
requirements of the applicable law, it is recommended that the buyer obtain qualified legal advice.
These items cannot be used in the design, production, use, or storage of chemical, biological, or
nuclear weapons, or missiles of any kind.

The ECCNs provided in Release Notes represent Landmark Graphics' opinion of the correct
classification for the product today (based on the original software and/or original hardware).
Classifications are subject to change. If you have any questions or need assistance please contact
us at [email protected]

Under the U.S. Export Administration Regulations (EAR), the U.S. Government assigns your
organization or client, as exporter/importer of record, responsibility for determining the correct
authorization for the item at the time of export/import. Restrictions may apply to shipments based
on the products, the customer, or the country of destination, and an export license may be required
by the Department of Commerce prior to shipment. The U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security
provides a website to assist you with determining the need for a license and with information
regarding where to obtain help.

The URL is:

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Landmark WELLPLAN 5000.1 Release Notes


CCATS (Commodity Classification Automated Tracking System) - the tracking number assigned
by the U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) to products formally reviewed and classified by
the government. The CCATS provides information concerning export/re-export authorizations,
available exceptions, and conditions.

ECCN - Export Control Classification Number - The ECCN is an alpha-numeric code, e.g., 3A001,
that describes a particular item or type of item, and shows the controls placed on that item. The
CCL (Commerce Control List) is divided into ten broad categories, and each category is further
subdivided into five product groups.

The CCL is available on the EAR Website at

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Landmark WELLPLAN 5000.1 Release Notes

Refer to the “Installation” section of the Engineer’s DesktopTM 5000.1 Drilling Summary Level
Release Notes.


• EDTTM 5000.1 is a new product. If you are currently using an EDMTM database version that is 2003.14 -
5000.0.0, you must install 5000.1, then upgrade your database using the new Multi-Version Database
Upgrade Utility (EDMPatchDB.exe).

• EDT 5000.1 can co-exist with previous versions of EDT on the same machine. However, LAM 5000 will not
co-exist with previous versions of LAM (FLEXlm license server) on the same machine. Previous versions of
LAM must be uninstalled before you install the 5000.1 release. To run EDT 5000.1 and a previous version
of the EDT applications on the same machine, you must point one or both versions of EDT to a LAM server
located on a remote machine, since only one version of LAM can run locally.

Refer to the EDT Drilling Installation Guide for complete details.

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Landmark WELLPLAN 5000.1 Release Notes

There have been significant changes to licensing for the 5000.1 release. For details, refer to the
Licensing section of the Engineer’s Desktop 5000.1 Drilling Summary Level Release Notes.

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Landmark WELLPLAN 5000.1 Release Notes

Database Upgrade (SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2005

Express, and Oracle)
Refer to the “Upgrading the Database” section of the Engineer’s Desktop 5000.1 Drilling Summary
Level Release Notes for information on upgrading your EDM database to the 5000.1 version.

You must upgrade your existing EDM database(s) BEFORE using


You must upgrade versions of your database(s) created with earlier versions of the
software before running the 5000.1 software.

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Landmark WELLPLAN 5000.1 Release Notes

Enhancements and New Functionality

The following enhancements were added to the WELLPLAN software version 5000.1 release.


• OptiCem enhancements:
— Update version to 6.1.4
— Enhance Animation when mud cake is present
— Recommend back pressure if float equipment fails
— Mud Erodibility calculations enhanced when compressible or synthetic fluids are
present in the wellbore


• WELLPLAN TDA includes a stretch calculation in its Summary Loads table which shows
stretch solely due to mechanical forces (weight/drag). WELLPLAN stretch calculations have
been enhanced to include stretch due to thermal expansion of materials in order to predict more
realistic stretch. This will yield a true calculation of the difference between drillers depth and
wireline depth (compensated).
• Options for entering Friction Factors in Torque Drag have been simplified. If data from a
previous version utilized User-Defined or Calibrated coefficients of friction, these coefficients
will automatically be input into the Hole Section Editor.
• Geothermal Gradient dialog was added


• Mud Pits added to Hydraulics Circulating System. This functionality provides the option to
calculate the flowing fluid temperature from the mud pit to the drillstring at the surface using
the mud tank geometry and environmental conditions such as wind speed, ambient
• Maximum Pump Power, Maximum Allowable Pump Rate, and Standpipe Pressure were added
to applicable Hydraulics modes for reference
• Minimum flowrate to clean hole added to Pressure Loss plot as a line of interest for quick

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• Optimize trip speed option was removed from Surge/Swab Operations Data. It is now possible
to use the Optimized Trip Schedule to view results for entire open hole.
• Surge/Swab Optimized Trip Schedule plot is enhanced to show Maximum and Minimum Trip
• All the Transient Response Plots are grouped together
• Plots are enhanced to allow usage of MD/TVD, and EMW/PSI toggles, and legends now
display trip speeds

Well Control

• Well Control: Kill Sheet quick view results are enhanced to show the Kill Mud Weight Details,
with and without Trip Margin
• Well Control Plots are enhanced to show the Casing Burst and BOP Pressure Ratings

Stuck Pipe

• Stuck pipe calculations were enhanced to show the Jar positioning


• Overgauge field was removed from BHA modules. Use Volume Excess in the Hole Section
Editor to define the amount of washout.

Real Time

• Real Time hydraulics calculations were enhanced to support Mud Temperature Effects and
Back Pressure
• Real Time Plots were enhanced to configure the actual scatter data

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• All reports have been organized to display tables in logical order and are sequentially numbered
• All reports were updated to accommodate new changes, address outstanding defects, and
improve format

General Engineering

• Convert Depth/EMW is updated with maximum pore pressure and minimum fracture pressure
for engineering analysis
• PSI/EMW and MD/TVD toggles support across all of the engineering plots and tables (within
the application, and Wallplots)
• Right-click copy to clipboard support for all the grid data
• Geothermal Gradient Plot added to Geothermal Gradient dialog
• WELLPLAN status messages are Case-specific and color-coded to denote Errors, Warnings,
and Information
• Bit Specifications dialog is enhanced with Bi-Center bit parameters
• Simplified the design of the Hole Section Editor.
— The number of hole section types was simplified to Riser, Casing, and Open Hole. If a
Case created with an earlier version is opened using the 5000.1 version, any non-
supported components will be treated as casings.
— Excess % is now used to represent an overgauge hole.
— A number of columns can be hidden by checking the Additional Columns box on the Hole
Section Editor.

• Maximum Allowable Pump Rate added to Circulating System

• Enhanced the design of the Fluid Editor by presenting a Simplified Fluid Editor for Solid
Mechanics modules, and an Advanced Fluid Editor for Fluid Mechanics modules
• A ‘Close All’ option was added to the File Menu, allowing the user to close several open Cases
at the same time.
• Disable icons for modules that are not licensed
• Now supports negative string components in the String Editor
• Various engineering bug fixes were done

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Landmark WELLPLAN 5000.1 Release Notes

For 2003.21, the following enhancements have been made for WELLPLAN:


• MD toolbar button was added to toggle the depth axis between measured and true vertical depth
on plots, reports, schematics, and wallplots.

• EMW toolbar button was added to toggle the pressure/EMW axis between pressure units and
equivalent mud weight.

• Default wallplots were added to reports.

• Tool tips for flow regimes were added to all full string schematics when using Hydraulics,
Pump Rate Fixed module.

• The full string schematic displays the effective hole diameter for casing when using the Surge

Common Well Explorer

• Added Virtual Folders to the Well Explorer tree. These folders allow users to organize data
items in a customized hierarchy.

• Integrated WITSML v. 1.2 support to allow the creation of OpenWire 2003.0.8 pipelines from
the Well Explorer tree to load data into the EDM database directly from a remote WITSML
server. Pipelines can be created from COMPASS Surveys or WELLPLAN Cases.

• Formations added to the Associated Data Viewer to allow formations to be copied between

• OpenWire 2003.0.8 can be launched directly from the Well Explorer with a right-click menu
command at the Database level

• New assemblies have been added to the Associated Data Viewer with copy/paste functionality
to Prototype and Planned Designs only: Casing and Tubing assemblies

Torque Drag Analysis Module

• New Friction Calibration drag chart allows for graphical calibration of friction factors.
Calibrated friction factors can be averaged for casing and open hole sections for all selected
operations and then copied to Hole Section Editor for use in analysis.

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Hydraulics Module

• The order of the available analysis modes (using the Mode drop-down list) was reordered to
represent engineering analysis practices.

• The Optimization Planning and Graphical Analysis modes were combined into one mode titled
Optimization Planning.

• The Well Site Optimization mode was moved to the Notebook module.

• The Bed Height plot was added to the Transport Analysis Data dialog in the Hole Cleaning -
Parametric mode. This plot is still available on the View menu.

• Break Gel and ECD chart were moved to a separate dialog. A new plot, Pressure to Break Gel
(Pressure: Pump Rate Fixed) was added. The pressure to break the gel strength at various times
can be determined using the Pressure-ECD Chart (Pressure: Pump Rate Fixed).

• Back pressure can be included in the analysis using the Pressure: Pump Rate Fixed Analysis
Mode and the Pressure: Pump Rate Range Analysis Mode and Hydraulics Real-Time.

OptiCem- Cementing Module

• The Centralizer Placement view was updated to include tripping in speed and RPM.

• The OptiCem-Cementing Module has been updated to the Halliburton OptiCem version 6.0.1.

• Reverse circulation (pumping cement and spacers directly down the annulus) can now be

• A new animation plot (Density Animation) displays the density in the annulus and the casing
anytime during the job for both conventional and reverse circulation cement jobs.

• The Fluid Position Animation plot was enhanced to display fluid positions for reverse
circulation cement jobs.

• Multiple lines from the pump to the rig floor can now be included in the analysis.

• Surfactant and stabilizer fields were added to the Foam Schedule. (These fields were previously
only on the Foam Data dialog.)

• The Status Message have been enhanced to recommend back pressures during wait on cement
(WOC) to avoid U-Tubing.

Surge Module

• The Surface Results plots were separated into individual plots for standpipe pressure and block

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speed. (Formally, these plots were dual axis plots.)

• The Transient Results plots were separated into individual plots for moving pipe depth and bit
velocity. (Formally, these plots were dual axis plots.)

• Rigid centralizers can now be included in Surge analysis.

Critical Speed Analysis Module

• The Boundary Conditions and Mesh Zone dialogs were combined into one dialog (CSA Setup).

• Flow rate can be included in the analysis.

Bottom Hole Assembly Analysis Module

• Flow rate can be included in the analysis.

Notebook Module

• The Well Site Optimization mode was moved to the Notebook module.

Real Time Module

• Mnemonics were moved from the Company level to the Wellbore level.

• OpenWire pipelines can be created directly from the Well Explorer.

• There is an option to correct log curves for datum.

• The Real-Time View application can be launched directly from the Associated Data Viewer
for a WELLPLAN case.

• Using Real-Time View, actual and planned log data can be compared. Refer to the Real-Time
View online help for more information.

Wallplot Composer

• All existing wallplots were updated to account for database changes

• All applicable wallplots can use the MD and EMW toolbar buttons

• All system workspaces were updated.

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General Changes

• Tables will not be displayed on the reports when the associated analysis option is not
included in the analysis.
• Reports now contain several new sections, including: Customer Information, Well
Information, and General and Offshore Case information.
• String components and connectors are now displayed in one table.
• The Drill String Nozzles table now reports the percentage of diverted flow for split flow
• The Hole Section table now reports shoe depth, tapering of the string, drift, and linear
• Formatting issues, such as unnecessary parenthesis and column headings for tables
spanning two pages, have been resolved.
• Applicable schematics and plots are now included in reports.

Hydraulics Pressure/ECD Report (Pressure Pump Rate Fixed mode)

• Pore and fracture pressure data have been combined into one table.
• A new table titled “Hydraulics Drag Chart Summary Table” has been added.


• Catalog Editor now supports the copy/paste feature.

• The display of the catalogs in the Well Explorer was organized according to catalog type. There
are now three categories of catalogs, including: Drilling Tools, Completion Tools, and
Wellhead Equipment.

• A Core Barrel Drilling Tool catalog was added.

• Several new Completion Tool catalogs were added, including catalogs for:

— Blocks
— Casing, Liner, and Completion Accessories
— Conventional Pumps
— Electric Submersible Pumps
— Hydraulic Lift Pumps
— Instruments
— Intelligent Well Tools

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— Mandrels
— Packers
— Polished Bore Receptacles
— Progressing Cavity Pumps
— Pump Rods
— Sand Control Screens
— Sub-Surface Safety Valves
— Umbilicals
— Wellbore Equipment
• Wellhead Equipment catalogs were added, including catalogs for:

— Hangers
— Wellhead Components

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Landmark WELLPLAN 5000.1 Release Notes

Fixed Problems
The following problems were either fixed or have work-arounds for the 5000.1 release.


726666 WELLPLAN Schematic does not show correct depths with custom unit set.
728769 The Status Message Toolbar can become greyed out when selecting a Swab Surge
(Steady State) Wall Plot Composer data box without entering any input data. To re-
activate the Status Message Toolbar, close and re-open WELLPLAN.
743759 The String Editor will now set the top component(s) length to zero if the string depth
is less than the hole section depth.
747532 The toggle MD and EMW toolbars buttons will remove all frozen lines from a plot.
(A curve is “frozen” by right-clicking on the curve and selecting Freeze Line.)
749011 When creating a design and case from OpenWells, it is not possible to select pore
pressure or fracture gradient data.
751479 It is possible to create multiple fluids with the same name.
751851 Custom base fluid name and compressibility data is not imported with the fluid
library (*.lib.xml).
752214 Convergence angle/location should be exposed in the Well Explorer for engineering
752443 When a Case is created, the first row (0 for MD, Inc, and Azi) of the wellpath should
not be editable.
752437 In a Citrix environment, an incorrect parameter error is thrown, and the operation is
aborted when importing a Caliper log from the local drive.
753796 Remove Tau0 from yield point description.
764205 Default file name of Library export file is not intuitive to users.
768007 Software crashes when using undereamer and checking diverter through component
percentage different than 75%.
772371 Crash when importing a workstring from a library after DEX import.
772539 The Well Explorer displays Russian characters as question marks.
773975 Bit TFA does not change when Jet nozzle row is deleted.
779899 Tab name is not correct when tab order is changed.
782311 Custom labels and descriptions entered using Russian characters in the Data
Dictionary are displayed as question marks.

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Torque Drag

757751 For Tripping In operation (Using SOD's) drag chart torque does not match with that
of Normal analysis for Rigid Centralizers.
773646 Torque Drag Analysis Tortuosity Magnitude now allows 10 rows.
774165 WELLPLAN will only take into account buoyancy effects when the first survey point
is defined at MSL as MD=0
774345 Abnormal program termination when focus is on the STF column in TDA Load
Summary and then the F2 key is clicked.
775739 The tension limit line in the effective tension plot in T&D module has a limit of 2000
777588 Bucking lines are not displayed on the Effective Tension plots.
781701 Torque results for Drag Chart analysis using standoff devices may change slightly as
a result of modified calculation.


732200 MD Calculation Interval was increased to 500 rows/ intervals.

773542 In the Hydraulics module, the ECD and circulating pressure calculations were not
performed correctly when an undereamer was in the string.
780488 For some data sets, the Transport Analysis Data dialog is validating against the wrong

Well Control

772593 Kick calculation model showing wrong depth for pore pressure and fracture lines of
778074 Well Control Influx Volume results may change because volume interval calculation
increments are now based on barrels.


730213 Stand frequency scaling improved in trip schedule when there is no variance over trip
731477 When using the Surge Module, there is an abnormal software termination if one of
the moving pipe depths is close to the additional Depth of Interest.
744572 SrgGraphUI error is thrown on activating Surge module or report the very first time
on a new database. Workaround: Close and re-open the case.

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753423 When using the Surge module, if the Depth of Interest equals the Shoe Depth, the
Depth of Interest will be increased five (5) feet and calculations will proceed. A
warning message will also be displayed in the Status Messages area.
768337 Swab/Surge results are not calculated when an undereamer is included in the string.
772322 Inaccurate results when viewing plots using EMW when the units class for pressure
is changed to psig.
782255 Accuracy improved for Optimized Trip Speed using oil based muds.


748745 In OptiCem, the Quality Surface plot is missing data for some data sets.
748754 Displaying an animation plot on top of another animation plot that has been fully
played may take a significant amount of time.
749373 If you no longer have the centralizer that was used when the centralizer data was
transferred to the standoff devices (for Torque Drag Analysis), a warning is
784003 For some data sets using synthetic mud, the circulating pressure is over-predicted on
the Circulating Pressure and Density plot when using the erodibility option.

Stuck Pipe

769620 Display the Stuck position (below or above the jar centerline) as quick view in the
analysis results.

Real Time

750232 Mnemonics defined are not transferred via xml files for the Real Time cases.
778578 Real Time ECD at TD and the standpipe pressure results do not match the results from
the Hydraulics module.
782345 The calculated ECD at TD using the Real Time Module does not match the ECD
calculated using the Hydraulics Module (Pump Rate Fixed).


730691 On rare occasions, data may not display on a report launched for a non-active module.
Workaround: Activate module, trigger calculations, and then relaunch reports
relevant to the module.

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730942 Foam flag added to fluid rheology data block in report for Generalized Herschel-
Bulkley fluids to indicate when fluid is foamed.
739399 Random abnormal terminations when launching the reports the first time resolved.
740616 Occasionally, it takes a long while to launch the Pressure losses report the very first
time. Workaround: Launching the report second time does not take as long.

The following problems were either fixed or have workarounds for the 2003.21 release.


628399 Add Manufacture and Model number to string specification screen and catalogs.
628407 The Symbol Manager can be used to create, edit, and map symbols to components.
725531 The drift diameter is not included in some casing catalogs.
729016 It is possible to use the same name for two tabs if you rename the tabs by double-
clicking on the tab name in the main WELLPLAN window. Using View > Tabs will
require unique tab names.
729036 When using Citrix, editing tubular properties displays an warning message for all
users in current WELLPLAN Citrix session.
730398 If you want to delete a custom centralizer catalog that contains a centralizer in use by
an open case, close the case before deleting the catalog.
731261 For historical files (*.xml and upgraded databases), the first rheology temperature
will be assigned as the reference fluid on the Fluid Editor. Review the rheology data
in the Fluid Editor to ensure the reference fluid is selected as intended.
731568 WELLPLAN will abnormally terminate if a user-defined workspace is applied twice.
731864 The pore and fracture pressure at the mud line does not account for the air gap.
732306 If the datum is negative, the Temperature plot will not be displayed correctly.
733373 When using the BHA Data Entry Schematic, the component type symbol is not
retained when cancelling out of the catalog selector.
738772 WELLPLAN disorganizes the Fann data after user inputs the Fann data in decreasing
740640 The bit sub is not available on the String Editor when using an Oracle database.
740721 Copy/paste functionality is not working as expected in catalogs.
741496 The active unit system should be displayed at the project level.
743488 Creating cases from casing design includes non-casing cases.

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743765 Java Exception warning when creating a WELLPLAN case from a StressCheck
casing design.
746645 WELLPLAN stops responding when importing a specific xml file created in version
2003.16.0 when importing to version 2003.16.1.
750148 Cannot change the mud density units to specific gravity for an API based custom unit
set, or to ppg from an SI based unit set.
750527 When the mud weight is changed using the Fluid Editor, it will not be updated in the
Wall Plot Composer.

Torque Drag

742541 Pressing F1 to access the online help for the True Tension Plot (Torque Drag
Analysis) accessed the incorrect help topic.
746849 Tripping out load case is not accurate with centralizers on casing string.
748119 Backreaming results not updating when changing friction factors when all loads were
selected on the Mode Data dialog.


719155 Unwarranted cuttings loading status message in Hydraulics.

728093 Lines of interest outside of the specified chart data range may be displayed on the
Hydraulics Depth vs. Pressure and ECD Chart. Workaround: Manually re-scale the X
or Y axis.
728296 Occasionally the Annulus Information table will not display results when the analysis
includes mud temperature effects (i.e. the Include Mud Temperature Effects box is
checked on the Rates dialog).
732080 When multiple cases with different unit systems are open concurrently, the depth
scale on the Operational plot may not be updated correctly.
733103 A crash may occur when the Enter key is pressed if the Hole Cleaning Operational or
Parametric plots are active.
733803 Unable to work with the Circulating Pump dialog if a (Hydraulics) pie chart is in the
active view.
752276 The cuttings loading option does not effect the Hydraulics drag chart analysis results.
This was introduced in 2003.16.1.
752297 When using the Hydraulics Pump Rate Fixed analysis, the tool joint option does not
affect the results displayed in the Hydraulics drag chart or the Annulus ECD plot. This
issue was introduced in 2003.16.1.

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Well Control

731118 Occasionally WELLPLAN will abnormally terminate when the Kick Tolerance
report is launched the first time.


731540 Surge results may not converge when using rigid centralizers.
731689 Overbalance condition displays inaccurate results in Trip Schedule instead of
displaying an appropriate message.
738600 Occasionally the Surge calculations may fail when using job data containing
cementing stages.
741055 Surge results are not updated for multiple temperature rheology when mud
temperature effect is selected on a specific data set.
750697 The Surge Swab Optimized Trip Schedule has been enhanced to honor pore and
fracture gradient data consistently.


730467 Foam data is not imported when an OTC file is imported into an Oracle database.
732217 Display both pore pressure and fracture gradient on circulating plots when lines of
interest are selected for display.
732908 Additional forces and diameters entered in custom centralizer catalog are not getting
passed along to the stand-off devices.

Bottom Hole Assembly

729178 The default drill and record interval for the Bottom Hole Assembly Module created
for an instant case are invalid.
730884 When using the Parametric analysis mode in the Bottom Hole Assembly module, a
message indicating a non-converged solution will appear when switching between the
predicted plots (View > Plots > Predicted Plot > any plot).
731606 A crash may occur when the Dynamics option is selected in BHA Analysis for an
instant case.

Stuck Pipe

750917 In the Stuck Pipe module, the Down Set Force for a jar has been added back to the
Analysis dialog for the Jar Analysis mode.

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Real Time

739370 Unable to migrate real time data from previous versions to 2003.21.0.

The following problems were fixed for the 2003.16.1.6 patch.

743919 Fishing Tool Section Type causes Meta Data Error and crash WELLPLAN
2003.16.1.0 when selected in the String Editor.
764887 User Defined Templates created in Stress Check 2003.16.1.4 are showing in
WELLPLAN as User Defined Workspaces.
765189 Unit system for Mud weight on the Fluid Editor doesn't get updated when user
changes to any other units system.

The following problems were fixed for the 2003.16.1.5 patch.

761670 Crash every time torque point chart is accessed in drag chart mode
761888 Min WOB Chart in Drag Chart mode shows bad results at the surface
761926 Torque calculations for "Rotation Off Bottom" operation in top down analysis mode
are not correct

The following problems were fixed for the 2003.16.1.4 patch.

733103 Crash with character return (Enter), if HC-Opr and HC-Parametric bed height plots
are present in the active
743765 Java Exception warning when creating a WELLPLAN case from a Stress Check
casing design.
748119 Backreaming results not updating when changing friction factors when all loads were
selected on the Mode Data dialog.
750697 Surge trip schedule and optimization results are not honoring pore and fracture
gradient constraints.
751686 Changing the String depth for Jar Analysis in Stuck pipe causes WELLPLAN to
752276 Hydraulics drag chart analysis only works when no cuttings loading are applied
752297 ECD and Annular pressure loss calculations do not seem to be being affected by tool
756038 WELLPLAN online help for Centralizer placement and centralizer catalogs needs to
be updated for Centralizer types, relative drag & friction and performing a Torque
Drag analysis after centralizer placement analysis.

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757751 For Tripping In operation drag chart torque does not match with that of Normal
analysis for a case using SOD’s.
757777 WELLPLAN can not check out more than 3 licenses simultaneously using redundant
licensing servers.
758160 Minimum hook load vs Air Column plot on Flotation optimization
758259 Update online help for cuttings loading usage in Hydraulics.
758278 SOD devices when used with single row of running force do not get affected due to
change in hole diameter.
760049 Surge - Optimization with flow rate problem observed in the transient results -
problem cascaded to trip schedule also.

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Landmark WELLPLAN 5000.1 Release Notes

Known Problems
The following are known problems for the WELLPLAN 5000.1 release:


769678 VAM catalogs are not up to date with vendor's list.

776472 Duplicates in Casing/Tubing catalog (Halliburton Redbook Casing) due to Body ID
not being added to list of catalog.
778580 Hole Sections incorrectly populated in WELLPLAN with Create Cases from Casing
Design feature when BHA length is designed greater than Casing length in Profile.
780699 Wall Plots tabs can only be deleted from the bottom of the list in Tab Manager.
782086 The kick off depth is not refreshed correctly in wellbore properties unless
WELLPLAN is closed and reopened.
783590 Radio buttons on the Mud Pits dialog are occasionally disabled when user does not
tab out of last focused field.

Torque Drag

782260 Torque Drag centralizer placement calculation uses the 1/1 frequency per joint
making the Torque Drag calculation override the spacing from centralizer placement.


782603 Hydraulics ECD vs Depth and SPP vs Depth in Drag Chart results do not match when
changing the base type from Synthetic to water and back to Synthetic.
785348 & 785350 Occasionally the Pressure Loss plot (if present in active view) changes to a
plot without grids or crashes when rheology model is changed from Bingham Plastic
to Herschel Bulkley or Generalized Herschel Bulkley model and only 2 Fann data
points are defined. Workaround: Define three (3) Fann data readings, which are
needed for Herschel Bulkley and Generalized Herschel Bulkley Rheology models,
before changing the rheology model.

Well Control

730584 Map pore pressure data from kick analysis report to a new row in kick case created
from OpenWells in WELLPLAN.
782613 Mud Pits are shown in Well Control module, even though they are not used in this

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Landmark WELLPLAN 5000.1 Release Notes


781978 Reciprocation Mode calculation is not based on the acceleration and deceleration
783985 Occasionally a com object error occurs the first time Surge results are calculated.


775970 Importing and saving some OptiCem (OTC) file via CITRIX ICA interface causes
abnormal software termination.


780657 MD/TVD and EMW/PSI toggle buttons will not have any effect on the tables in the
782256 Occasionally reports may take long time to generate. This usually happens on larger
782470 WELLPLAN reports exported to Microsoft Word are now 40% larger in size than in
the previous releases.

The following are known problems from pre-5000.1 WELLPLAN releases:


724002 Redundant information is stored Change History Updates.

729854 When a DEX file (*.dxd) is imported into an existing case, the rheological properties
for non-Bingham Plastic fluids will not be imported into the case.
746102 Schematics - Not to Scale do not display correctly when swapping unit system from
API to SI.
751016 When importing an xml file exported at the Case level, the import message does not
indicate what design the case will be imported to.
763115 Unable to add a new value for Manufacturer in Catalog Editor in Japanese locale
764917 DEX from WELLPLAN does not include strings
772539 WELLPLAN doesn't work properly with Oracle database in Russian locale
776214 String Editor - Component/Item Description field does not support CTRL-V (Copy/

WELLPLAN 5000.1 Release Notes Page 27 of 36 May 2008

Landmark WELLPLAN 5000.1 Release Notes

Torque Drag

756112 Rotating On Bottom plot on Torque Graph affected by selecting Slide Drilling whilst
using stiff string model.


748750 When using the OptiCem 3D Density plot, the 3D box disappears from the plot if the
plot walls are moved for the measured depth axis.
753113 In OptiCem, the animation video controls do not automatically refresh when the
simulator is started in the animation. If another tab is accessed, and then the tab with
the animation is accessed, or if another plot is accessed first, the video controls will
be visible.

Real Time

776869 Pasting into the Actual Loads table re-calculates all results for each row pasted when
results are in the active views.


774586 Issue printing reports in PDF format with Ricoh print drivers

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Landmark WELLPLAN 5000.1 Release Notes

Contacting Support
Landmark operates Technical Assistance Centers (TACs) in Australia, the United Kingdom, and
the United States. Additional support is also provided through local support offices around the
world. Local support office information is listed below. If problems cannot be resolved at the
district level, our escalation team is called to resolve your incidents quickly.

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Landmark WELLPLAN 5000.1 Release Notes

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3D Drill View, 3D Drill View KM, 3DFS, 3D Surveillance, 3DView, Active Field Surveillance, Active Reservoir Surveillance, ADC, Advanced
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Landmark WELLPLAN 5000.1 Release Notes

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