Performance Level: Points Earned

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Very Needs
Excellent (4 Satisfactory (2 No Attempt (0 Points
Satisfactory (3 Improvement (1
pts.) pts.) pt) Earned
pts) pt)

Uses tools Uses tools and Uses tools and Uses tools and No attempt
and equipment equipment equipment
1. Use of tools equipment correctly and correctly and incorrectly and
and equipment correctly and confidently but les less confidently
confidently most of the confidently most of the time
at all times times sometimes
Manifests Manifests clear Manifests Manifests loss No attempt
very clear understanding of understanding understanding of
understandin the step-by-step of the step-by- the step-by-step
g of the step- procedure step procedure procedure seeking
by-step but sometimes clarification most
2. Application procedure seeks of the time
of procedures clarification
Works as a Works as a Works as a Works as a group No attempt
group with group with ease group with ease but with
ease and and confidence and confidence assistance from
confidence at most of the time sometimes others most of the
all time time
Observes Observes safety Observes safely Most of the time No attempt
safety precautions precautions not observing
3. Safety work precautions most of the time sometimes safety precautions
habits at all time

Product is Product is Product is less Product is not No attempt

very attractive and attractive and attractive and not
attractive and enticing to less enticing to enticing to
very enticing appetite appetite appetite
4. Product
to appetite Ingredients are Ingredients are Ingredients are
Ingredients well-cooked overcooked No overcooked
are cooked
very well
Work Work completed Work completed Work completed No attempt
completed within allotted (mins./hours/da (mins./hours/days
5. Time ahead of time ys) beyond ) beyond
management time


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