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KSE Academy® Use of English Part 2 - B2 First

Can You Get a Food Allergy From a Blood Transfusion?

In a very rare case, an eight-year-old boy has developed an allergy (1)_________ fish and nuts —
foods that he used to be fine with— a er receiving a blood transfusion (2)_________ treatment
for a type of brain cancer. The case study was published in the Canadian Medical Association
Journal this week.
Weeks (3)_________ the transfusion, the boy began experiencing severe anaphylaxis within
minutes of eating salmon, and then again a er eating a chocolate peanut butter cup, Live
Science reports. Blood and skin prick tests revealed (4)_________ he was (at least temporarily)
allergic to nuts and fish. 
When people with food allergies donate blood products like plasma or platelets, they might end
(5)_________ transferring a protein called immunoglobulin E (IgE), an antibody that reacts
against allergens. (6)_________ can stay in the blood products even a er a month of storage,
and when it meets up with specific allergens, it causes the body’s immune cells to release
histamine and similar chemicals to stir up an allergic reaction. 
But people with allergies aren’t really screened or barred from donating blood in Canada or in
the U.S. For (7)_________ thing, multiple events must come together for a recipient to develop a
new allergy this way, Scientific American explains: The donor must have high levels of IgE
antibodies, a substantial amount of blood product must be received, and the recipient must
(8)_________ exposed to the specific allergen the antibodies react against within a tight window
frame of a few months.
"It is very unusual to identify someone (9)_________ experienced passive transfer of allergy
from blood products," says Julia Upton of the Hospital for Sick Children (known as SickKids) in a
news release. While rare, it can still (10)_________ in anaphylactic reactions to foods that were
happily consumed (or at least tolerated) (11)_________ triggering any reactions in the past. The
symptoms—which can range from sudden fatigue to throat discomfort and facial swelling—
should be treated immediately. 
Upton adds: "Importantly, this condition has an excellent prognosis and typically resolves within
a few months." Blood tests revealed how the boy's IgE levels to salmon and peanut were
undetectable about five months (12)_________, Live Science reports. And by the half-year mark,
his parents (13)_________ able to gradually reintroduce nuts and fish back into his diet.



KSE Academy® Use of English Part 2 - B2 First

1. to
2. during / as
3. a er
4. that
5. up
6. This / It
7. one
8. be
9. who
10. result
11. without
12. later
13. were

Author of original material (text, audio, video, etc.): Janet Fang
Platform: I Fucking Love Science (
Direct link to source:
Adapted by: KSE Academy®

KSE Academy® is responsible solely for the adaptation of the original text, and for the creation of
the activities. This material is meant to be used for non-commercial purposes only, and the
original source/author of the text should always be acknowledged.

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